• Published 14th Aug 2020
  • 12,680 Views, 965 Comments

Queen Of The Wasteland - Jest

Twilight awakens to find that she is no longer an alicorn, nor a pony for that matter. Rather she has become the fearsome queen of the wasteland.

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Come Fly With Me Part 6

Janey took a moment to orient herself, and after a bit of flipping through her pip-boy, she had found what she was looking for. With a direction in mind, the human set off, making her way through a bit of rough terrain before reaching a much larger road. Clearly a highway, it was only slightly less damaged the smaller one they had left behind though not by much. There was at least enough concrete left for caravans, as Twilight detected the unpleasant aroma of brahmin dung.

“You’re going to be wishing for more of that smell pretty soon,” Janey remarked with a dry chuckle.

Twilight doubted it but said nothing.

Together they proceeded on down the highway, their passage marked by the drifting clouds. Large enough to keep the worst of the desert heat at bay, they were a pleasant alternative to the usually empty sky that Twilight had gotten used to. That small joy vanished as they neared Novac, and a plethora of off-ramps connecting it to the main highway.

The sun beat down on them unopposed, prompting Janey to produce a hat from her bag. Twilight had no such luck, as her repeated brushes with fire had left her nude once more. She didn't mind though, as her new body rather enjoyed the sun's rays, even when they were rather intense.

“Over there, we’ll take a right at the toxic waste dump,” Janey remarked, pointing east.

Twilight nodded, and they set out into the hilly lowlands, with Janey out front, gun in hand. Though she had her weapon ready, it was clear that the courier wasn't expecting much in the way of trouble. Her assumption proved true as a band of fiends spotted them only to turn tail and run before Janey could even get them in range.

The ragtag group of raiders numbered only three strong, with only one of them even having a gun. This wouldn't be too difficult if their target was a caravan, but against a deathclaw, and a seasoned wastelander they were out of their element. So they ran, disappearing back into the hills so quickly that Janey could barely even level her revolver before they were gone.

“Cowards,” Janey remarked.

Smart. Twilight thought, the deathclaw silently commending the humans and hoping that this brush would death would help them change their life for the better.

She doubted it though.

After that there were no enemies to be crossed, no raiders to slay, or wildlife to scare off, only the empty wasteland. Then Twilight smelled it, the scent of chemicals fermenting in the open air, the slight breeze carrying it to her nostrils.

“Ha, there it is,” Janey exclaimed. “Don't worry, we won't be getting any closer.”

Twilight was thankful for that, as the distant pile of spilled barrels was pungent enough and it was only just barely visible. Sure enough, they turned right, going around the toxic waste site before reaching the road once more. Shortly after they saw what had likely been a fair-sized structure of some kind though it had been bombed to the point of being unrecognizable.

“Used to be a power plant and nuclear storage site,” Janey explained. “Thus all the rads.”

The courier then popped a rad-X and pulled a gas mask over her face.

“Let's make this quick. Keep an eye out for a bright yellow-looking corpse lying around,” Janey remarked.

Before they could begin their search in earnest, however, a shriek could be heard echoing from further up the road. Emerging from around a dead brahmin came a small horde of golden geckos, their size ranging from as big as a child to nearly reaching Twilight's chin. Evidently, these critters didn't mind the radiation, though Twilight had a feeling it may have done a number to their minds, given how suicidally aggressive they were.

“I’ll take down as many as I can then you charge while I reload,” Janey ordered.

Twilight readied herself, widening her stance and spreading her claws wide.

Beside her, Janey knelt down, aimed her revolver, and squeezed off three shots in rapid succession. A taller gecko took two slugs to the chest before dropping, followed by a smaller gecko taking another and dying instantly. The last three either went wide, or grazed another of the smaller geckos, leaving two big ones, and one small one left.

The sound of brass hitting the ground signaled the time to charge, and Twilight did just that. With her arms wide, she hit the largest gecko with a powerful double swipe that eviscerated the creature. The remaining two critters hit the deathclaw, but the smaller one barely left a mark while his larger brother only managed to leave behind bruises.

With a shove, Twilight created some distance between them and was about to deliver the killing swipe when she heard the bang of a gun. Glancing over her shoulder, she noticed that Janey had taken down one of the three new geckos that had been trying to flank them. The deathclaw earned herself a long scratch across her chest for being distracted, as well as a new set of bruises on her upper leg.

Trusting in her companion, Twilight scratched the larger gecko once, then again in rapid succession. The first swipe did little, though the second opened up a deep wound in its throat. Though it was bleeding everywhere the gecko mustered one final tackle, head-butting Twilight in the midsection.

The blow was surprisingly fierce but the animal had spent the last of its life in the attack and lay still on the ground. Its lone remaining ally was dealt with by a swift boot to the chest, the critter going flying and hitting a rock with a wet thump. Twilight then turned her attention back to her friend, the deathclaw ready to render what aid was required.

Janey had no need for such a thing though, the courier standing over the corpses of the animals while reloading her revolver. With the cylinder clicking back into place, the courier looked around, coming to the same realization Twilight had. She then gestured further down the road, encouraging Twilight to continue their search.

Which Twilight was all too happy to oblige, her thirst for violence utterly sated by the hyper-aggressive geckos. This moment of calm didn't last long though, as they only got a dozen metres before they heard the scamper of feet. Turning to the source revealed that another wave of the golden creatures was advancing from the west.

They numbered only two, however, and Janey dropped them both with three well-placed shots. With their bodies cooling on the road, the duo continued deeper into the site, with Twilight taking point. The deathclaw could smell that there were more geckos, but it seemed even the dumb beasts could tell that the courier and her companion meant business.

Twilight and Janey were about to head down the road dividing the area into two equal halves when Twilight detected a new smell. It was almost like a ghoul, but not quite, and more important it was coming from somewhere nearby. Holding up a hand, Twilight pointed in the direction, with Janey nodding and gesturing for the deathclaw to lead on.

Twilight did just that, stepping up and following her nose to the source of the strange aroma. It wasn't far from Clark Field site where she located a human clad in a bright yellow suit laying in a small sheltered crater. Away from the view of the geckos, he was undisturbed, the body lying inert in a shallow pool of water.

“Good, we found him,” Janey muttered, her voice muffled by the gas mask. “Grab the goop and let's get going.”

Twilight rolled her eyes and first laid down, resting her head against the body’s chest.

“Give it up. He's been out here for over twenty-four hours. No way hes-” Janey’s tirade was interrupted when Twilight raised a claw, silencing her.

There was a heartbeat, though faint it ignited hope in the deathclaw. So she scooped up the man, and cradled him in her arms, ignoring the jar, and other personal effects lying on the ground nearby. Janey grabbed those things, though Twilight didn't see this as she was already running back toward the dinosaur in the distance.

Using Dinky the Dinosaur as her landmark, Twilight took off at a sprint, quickly leaving Janey in the dust. Twilight didn't care, however, as she had someone to save and she knew just where to take him. Within a few short minutes, she was back in town, the confused citizens parting for the deathclaw’s hasty arrival.

In no time at all Twilight had reached Ada Straus’ tent.

“Woah, what's going on here?” Ada asked, the woman pushing her straw hat further up on her brow. “This that Mr. Radical guy that came through here not too long ago?”

Twilight nodded vigorously.

“Considering you’re bringing him to me and not a ditch, this means he's alive and probably got radiation poisoning,” Ada muttered.

Again Twilight nodded.

“Well, let's check out what we’re dealing with,” Ada murmured.

Twilight watched as the doctor peeled the radiation helmet off the unconscious man only to wince. The smell was profound, with the poor guy’s flesh half melted from the extreme state of his radiation poisoning. Worse still, he seemed to be in pain, his lip curled as if he were biting back a wave of agony.

“Dammit. He’s turning into a ghoul,” Ada exclaimed.

The nearest guard immediately grabbed his gun, but Twilight growled dangerously, prompting him to put it back in its holster. Twilight pointed to the man, and then to Ada, ordering the doctor to get to work.

“Alright, it's your buck though and I can't promise anything,” Ada remarked. “I am not an expert on people, never mind ghouls.”

Twilight ignored her, and looked around, her gaze seeking out a familiar rough-skinned individual. Spotting him sitting at a stall, drink in hand, Twilight ran over to Harland.

“What, what do you want?” he barked, voice partially slurred.

Twilight pointed back towards Ada’s tent.

“What? Someone’s hurt well they’re in the right place then,” Harland muttered.

The ghoul then tried to turn back around, but Twilight picked him up and simply brought him over to the healer’s tent. Harland kicked and tried to wriggle free but few things could escape a deathclaw’s grasp and a tipsy ghoul was not one of them.

“What are you, oh goddamn,” Harland muttered after being roughly dropped in front of the unconscious man. “The poor bastard’s gonna turn into a ghoul.”

“I think Princess here is trying to get you to help ensure he survives the process,” Ada explained.

Twilight nodded.

“Well shit, that's not really my call,” Harland muttered.

Before Twilight could ask what he meant, the figure shook suddenly before his eyes shot open.

“Oh god it hurts, it hurts!” he screamed, voice cracked and broken. “It's like something’s eating my insides.”

“He ain't even gotten to the bad part yet,” Harland whispered.

“What happened where am I?” he asked, pausing to wince in pain.

“You’re getting treatment in Novac and it seems as though you are turning into a ghoul,” Ada explained.

Twilight noted that Janey had arrived, the out of breath courier standing at the edge of the small group. A quick search located a bent medical plate, which Twilight used to hastily tap out what she wanted to say.

“I’ll cover all the costs, just save this man,” Twilight declared.

“No, don't,” Mr. Radical interrupted. “I don't want to live if it means being in this much pain!”

“The pain won't last much longer. Though it never really goes away,” Harland added.

You are not helping. Twilight thought to herself.

“Best put a bullet in him now before he goes feral on us,” Janey added.

“He will not go feral, he will not kill himself, and you all will help him,” Twilight declared as forcibly as she could muster. “Think about your prospecting, won't being a ghoul help your career as Mr. Radical?”

“I guess, augh,” groaned the man.

“I’ll pay you both whatever it takes, just hold on, and don't give up. Think about it, your name would be way cooler if you were a ghoul,” Twilight encouraged.

“Jeese I must be more delirious than I thought,” muttered Mr. Radical. “Cus that talking deathclaw is making a lot of sense.”

“If he wants to stick it out I’ll give him a fighting chance, but there are no promises when it comes to ghoulization,” Haraland explained. “Everyone reacts differently, and it will take a few days before I know for sure his mind won't go.”

“You have a friend looking after you and loved ones waiting for you Mr. Radical. Please hold on,” Twilight exclaimed.

“Fine, just give me some goddamn pain meds or something,” muttered the man.

Twilight smiled and took a step back.

“Administering anesthesia,” Ada declared.

Twilight turned to Janey and extended a hand.

“Yeah yeah here's your half of the loot from the Repcon site,” Janey muttered, handing over a bundle of caps.

Twilight dumped them in a surprised Harland’s hands.

“What, you didn't have to do that,” Harland murmured.

Twilight gently pushed Harland’s hand away when he tried to give them back.

“Goddamnit fine. I’ll make sure he makes it out, and that Doc here gets paid,” Harland irritably exclaimed.

Twilight smiled and nodded.

“Alright everyone that isn't helping get out. I’ve never done this before and I need space,” Ada proclaimed.

Twilight and Janey took a good few steps back, leaving the doctor, and her new ghoul assistant to work. They were quickly obscured by the tent flap being pulled down, leaving one of the guards to stand wearily outside. Nearby, a rather curious and slightly irritated wasteland doctor looked on, jealousy clear on their face.

“I don't think I’ll ever understand you,” Jeny muttered.

Twilight chuckled. “I take that as a mark of honor.”

“One day that kindness of yours will come back to bite you in the ass you know,” Janey pointed out.

“Maybe, or maybe I will continue to bring out the best in people,” Twilight retorted.

“Look, you may be big, and you may be strong, but there is nothing the Mojave abhors more than kindness,” Janey explained tiredly. “It's antithetical to this damn place I tell ya.”

Twilight snorted.

“Whatever, let's just go get this stuff back to that moron cultist so we can end this chapter and move on to New Vegas proper,” Janey declared.

Twilight glanced back to the medical tent, though not for long. The words of Harland were still present in her mind. There wasn't anything for her to do, and in fact, her presence would likely only complicate matters.

So she left, following Janey as she walked back in the direction of the Repcon facility. They barely made it a few meters before there was a sudden bang followed by a scream and what sounded like the slamming of a door.

“That sounded like it was coming from Dinky,” Janey exclaimed.

Twilight's eyes went wide. Jimmy!

Author's Note:

Done as part of a gift for all your amazing support during this time of need. Thank you all.

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