• Published 14th Aug 2020
  • 12,761 Views, 966 Comments

Queen Of The Wasteland - Jest

Twilight awakens to find that she is no longer an alicorn, nor a pony for that matter. Rather she has become the fearsome queen of the wasteland.

  • ...

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Pressing Matters Pt1

Twilight rolled over, the deathclaw desperately fighting the urge to rise from the mess of unpleasant smelling mattresses. It may not have been the most restful sleep of her life, but her dreams were of home, so it was a great comfort that she wished to return to. Pressing her snout against the lone pillow she had been left, Twilight attempted to bring back those pleasant images she had just left.

Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, and all the rest of her friends were waiting for her in that realm which lies just beyond the waking world. Yet she couldn't return to it, not with the unpleasant aroma of rotten wood, and dust which now filled her nostrils. The deathclaw tried to ignore the smell but it was simply impossible to pretend as though it wasn't there.

Especially now that she was becoming acutely aware of her surroundings, including all the dirt, grime, and debris which clung to her scaly body. Her clawed hands were ineffective at cleaning herself, and Twilight doubted that there was a body of water she could use. At least not one hopelessly irradiated and quite possibly filled with some manner of mutated monster.

Twilight sighed, and rolled onto her back, eyes opening to stare up at the only partially intact ceiling. Most of it was damaged by water, time, and simple disuse, but someone had made an attempt to clean it semi recently. It made Twilight realize that like every other settlement this one was built on the decaying bones of the one that had stood there previously

It was a dark thought, and one that Twilight quickly banished by shaking her head and sitting up.

Glancing to her right, Twilight tried to listen for the distinct sound of breathing, but heard nothing. Picking herself up off the ground, Twilight trundled over to the bathroom suite, and peaked between the cracks. Though the bed had obviously been slept in recently, there was no one currently in it, meaning Janey had already left.

A sudden spike of panic shot through the deathclaw, and she worried that the human had ditched her in the middle of the night. An idea which wasn't actually that panic inducing now that Twilight really thought about it. Regardless, it wasn't a productive train of thought, and Twilight quickly put her mind back to the task at hand.

Walking over to the exit, Twilight pushed her way into the hall and wandered back towards the casino floor. Twilight rounded the corner and was about to sweep her gaze across the crowd of people that had gathered in the structure. Only to be stopped when a terrified looking settler suddenly screamed.

“Holy shit its a fucking deathclaw! Someone shoot it!” the man shouted.

Twilight sighed heavily, and started trying to work out the necessary charades she would need to enact to apologize when she was once more interrupted.

“That's the princess you idiot,” replied a passing casino worker, who slapped the first male across the back of the head. “You know, the one that was mentioned in that big talk Nash had with the whole town this morning?”

The first man winced, and pushed his motorcycle helmet back up his head. “You mean that's what that whole thing was about? I didn't catch a word of what he said. I mean who holds a big meeting at five a.m anyway?”

“That's when the reporter showed up ya dummy. Or did you not notice the big metal man in the crowd?” asked the second man.

The other settler shrugged. “I was tired, okay?”

Twilight nodded politely to the second man, who repeated the gesture.

“Sorry bout that. Say do you want somethin to eat? I just got this but my appetite is suddenly gone,” murmured the man in the motorcycle helmet.

Twilight looked down to the rat on a stick he was holding, and though her stomach turned at the sight, she couldn't deny her hunger. Extending her hand, Twilight allowed the male to place it in her grip before he quickly fled the scene, heading straight to the bathroom.

Now no longer distracted by a terrified human, Twilight idly munched on her breakfast as she observed her surroundings. From the level of natural light that flowed in through the doors to the casino, Twilight assumed it was nearly noon. A surprise given that the deathclaw had always been a bit of an early riser, though she had been through quite the ordeal.

Pausing her inspection, Twilight turned her attention down to her own body, running a clawed hand across her form. Though there were a few new scars, and several spots that still felt sore, all of her open wounds had closed. The burns had healed, and the odd scale that had been damaged now had a new, slightly brighter one sitting in its place. Twilight prodded the recently replaced scale curiously, noting that it was quite a bit more purple then the others.

Twilight shrugged off that bit of strangeness relatively quickly, and took another bite of rat as she looked back at the room.

The first thing she noticed was that there were few people around, and most were either eating, or were cleaning. The sight reminded Twilight of a potluck supper she had attended at the Ponyville community center. Both places had a sense of community, and comradery that made Twilight’s heart swell with pride.

Sure things might not have gone perfectly, but she had helped save these good, and honest people. An achievement that she could be proud of, and one that she hoped would have a difference on this out of the way town.

“Fuck,” cursed a familiar voice. “Why has noone cleaned this goddamn thing out?”

Twilight turned to find that behind one of the slot machines knelt Janey, her head stuck in the midsection of a certain inactive protectron. Chewing the last of her meal, Twilight discarded the stick in a nearby garbage can before walking over to the occupied human.

“Just a second,” barked Janey. “I’m almost done upgrading this stupid thing.”

Twilight waited patiently as her companion continued to dig around in the robot until she had accomplished all she hoped to. At which point she pulled back her head, scowled, and slammed the access hatch closed with a violent slap of her hand.

“That is the last time I work on one of these goddamn walking antiques,” Janey muttered as she cleaned her grease-covered hands. “I hope you had a better morning than I.”

Twilight nodded slowly, and gestured questioningly at the machine.

Janey snorted. “The law enforcement sub routines require additional power to function properly for an extended period. Which is why I needed to wake up early in order to rewire a good section of this stupid thing. Using up all the good scrap I’d collected.”

Twilight rolled her eyes as Janey continued to complain.

“It didn't help matters that half of the goddamn parts on this thing were fused together by rust, or dust,” Janey muttered. “At least I didn't have to replace the fusion battery. I probably would have demanded a maintenance fee for that.”

Twilight snorted, and shot Janey a glare that said ‘are you quite done’.

“Yeah yeah,” Janey replied, flicking a switch on the protectron and causing it to slowly turn back on. “I’ll stop bitchin 'once we hit the road again. We’ve spent way too long at this place and I’m eager to get back on the right track.”

For once Twilight agreed, and she extended a hand invitingly towards the exit.

Together the pair wound their way around the small crowd and towards where Johnson Nash and Beagle stood waiting for them. Both seemed well rested, and on Beagle’s chest sat a finely polished star with the word sheriff scratched onto it. As they approached the others, Twilight could hear the distinct metallic thunk as the robot followed after them.

“So you’re off then are ya?” Johnson offered, arms crossed over his chest.

Twilight nodded.

“Eeyup,” Janey added. “We got a long, and winding road ahead of us. One that is made even longer by having to deal with a bunch of dead weight, but what's done is done.”

“It shouldn't take long to deal with the ex-raiders,” Twilight tapped out.

“I’d offer you a hand watching the prisoners, but I’m gonna have my hands full around here for a while,” Beagle exclaimed with a shrug.

“It's fine,” Janey bitterly muttered. “I’m sure we won't have to deal with more wildlife, or an attack by raiders while on the way.”

Twilight sighed, and ran a hand down her face. It's one thing to be angry, it's another to jinx the entire thing on purpose!

“Well if ya find yourself in a spot of trouble don't hesitate to come on back this way,” Nash exclaimed in an obvious attempt to change the mood of the room. “We should have the rest of the town up and running in a day’s time. Hopefully, anyway.”

“I’m sure the traders will roll through right quick once they hear that were open for business,” Beagle confidently declared.

“Let's hope so. This place could sure use the caps,” Janey remarked, glancing back at the room.

“Right, well. We’ve taken enough of your time already. Best of luck out there,” Johnson Nash exclaimed.

“Thanks Nash. For the help, and explainin the whole debacle with the chip,” Janey offered.

The older man nodded. “You got it, and hey. If you ever want your old job back just say so. I’m sure business will be boomin once they hear my runners can survive a bullet to the skull.”

“Ha. Well at least this one anyway,” Janey replied, rapping a knuckle against the side of her head.

“Oh and before ya go, I wanna say thank you as well,” Beagle added, staring up at Twilight. “Yer little talk there really stirred somethin in me and I pray to god that I can live up to the expectation y'all have set out for me.”

Twilight nodded, and leaned down, tapping out her response on the ground. “Don't worry about it too much. Just follow your heart, and I’m sure you’ll do just fine.”

Beagle stepped to the side. “Well said, best of luck on your trav-”

The man was interrupted when the door to the casino was kicked open, and a woman wearing the ratty fatigues of an ncr soldier strode inside, pistol drawn. She wasn't alone however, as a pair of men wielding rifles walked in a moment later, flanking the woman.

“Now listen up. This is our casino…. Now?” she muttered, her voice falling as soon as she noticed the deathclaw standing a few feet away.

Her gaze then swung over the half dozen other armed humans who stood next to the towering death lizard. All bravado immediately fled her features, and her pistol fell limp in her grip, jaw hanging open in shock.

“Now I may not be able to hear as good as I used to, but did you just say this was your casino?” Johnson Nash exclaimed.

“Cus its actually a community coop owned by the town of Primm,” Beagle added, his hand resting on the butt of his revolver. “And I don't think the folk around here would much appreciate a sudden change in leadership.”

“Trespassers detected. Orders, pardner?” beeped Primm Slim.

“Just hold on a sec there Slim,” Beagle cautioned.

“You chose a real bad time to show up around here,” Janey exclaimed. “Say, princess. Are you feelin hungry by chance?”

Twilight took one look at the clearly shit scared soldiers and then her fellows before shaking her head.

Janey chuckled. “Strike that. You showed up at a real good time. Otherwise you’d be deathclaw food by now.”

“We didn't… there were raiders…” the soldier muttered, her barret falling down her forehead. “This place was supposed to be undefended.”

“Primm’s got a sheriff, and a princess,” Beagle replied, nodding to Twilight.

“Shit. Look, we ain't lookin for trouble, honest,” the woman continued, raising her hands over her head. “We’re just real hungry is all.”

“Yeah sure. So do you wanna line em up outside and put em down one by one or what?” Janey offered.

Twilight sighed, and was ready to reprimand her companion, only for Beagle to beat her to the punch.

“Well it seems like the only crime this bunch is guilty of is tresspassin, and that ain't enough to earn a shallow grave. At least not around here,” declared the sheriff. “What do you think princess?”

“Hold on. Why is the NCR trying to take over the casino?” Twilight inquired.

“We aren't NCR. Not anymore at least,” muttered the woman, who stuffed her pistol into the front of her pants. “Put 'em away boys. We ain't shootin our way out of this one.”

Her companions hastily followed her order, slinging their rifles over their back and remaining silent.

“Their deserters,” Janey whispered. “Probably took off the second they heard the legion comin.”

“It ain't that simple, civ,” barked the woman. “The legion ain't just another bunch of raiders. They are fucked up psychos who’ve got twice our number and three times the sadism. Ain't no point in throwing our lives away fightin a foe who would crucify most of us, and rape the rest.”

“So you’d just turn into raiders yourself then?” Janey retorted, sneering at the three former soldiers.

“Were just tryin to put as many miles between us and New Vegas as possible. Not one of us wants to be here, wearin an NCR uniform when the legion crosses the river,” retorted the woman.

Twilight extended a hand, cutting off Janey’s angry retort before it could be uttered. “When did you dessert?”

The woman wilted visibly. “Bout three days ago. Why?”

Janey snorted. “You lost all your money in Vegas didn't you?”

“Not all of it!” shouted the balding, slightly portly male that stood to the woman’s right.

“Shut up Steve. You aren't helping,” whispered the other ex soldier.

“So we lost most of our caps at the tables. So what?” exclaimed the leader of the small group. “Our point still stands.”

Twilight turned to Johnson Nash. “How long does it take for the NCR to declare their soldiers missing in action?”

“Few hours, I’d think. Why?” Nash replied.

Twilight nodded, and glanced back at the trio. “No matter how long you think you’re going to live with the NCR, your life expectancy drops considerably the second you become raiders. Do you still think that going awol is a good idea?”

The woman frowned, her hands balling into fists. “Dammit you’re right. But what the hell are we going to do now?”

“Pfft, not this again. I’m going to go grab a road beer. Call me when the princess has finished wasting her time on another group of losers,” Janey barked, the woman unlatching her pip boy and tossing it at Twilight before walking away.

Twilight ignored the comment, her attention once more turning back on Johnson Nash. “With the problems the NCR has been having. Do you really think they’d turn away three healthy recruits that were only missing for a few days?”

“You don't mean to send these three back, do ya?” Beagle asked.

“I don't know if I wanna go back,” muttered the woman. “But it sure would beat going back to sleeping in that burnt out car on the side of the highway.”

“At least you got a seat,” muttered one of the men.

“Shut it Steve,” retorted the taller of the two.

“They have to be suffering from a shortage on personnel, right?” Twilight pressed.

“Probably. Plus if you tell em they just got drunk and wandered off the strip I bet they wouldn't even look into any potential reports of raiding on their part,” Nash offered.

“Well shit. This wasn't how I thought today would turn out,” muttered the woman.

“It's a good thing though right?” Twilight asked.

The ex soldier nodded, scratching her cheek. “I guess so. What do you boys think?”

“So long as I don't end up shot for deserting, or locked up for the rest of my days I don't really care,” remarked the taller male.

“And I wouldn't mind that second one. At least then we’d get three square meals a day,” added the other.

“Well I guess that settles it,” exclaimed the woman, extending a hand. “The name’s Layla by the way. Sorry for causing you folks any trouble.”

“Not a problem,” Beagle replied, accepting the handshake. “And it was no trouble at all.”

“If Steve told me I’d get talked back into joining the army by a deathclaw I probably would have searched him for jet. Yet here I am. Ain't the wasteland wild?” she continued, shaking her head.

“I mean. I got some if you want,” Steve muttered.

Only to receive a hand upside the back of his head. “Shut it. They don't need to know that.”

“Right, well. I suppose we should get moving then,” Layla remarked.

Twilight quickly extended a hand, stopping the three before they could leave. “Why don't you join us? We were about to head over to the outpost anyway.”

Layla glanced at her fellows before shrugging. “I guess so. Not sure why you want our company though. It's not like you need directions.”

Janey returned with an open beer in her right hand, the courier swiftly retrieving her pipboy. “Thats cus we got a whole bunch a prisoners to escort.”

“Prisoners? Wait. You guys dealt with that big gang that was around here?” Layla exclaimed in shock. “I figured they fucked off after gettin bored.”

“Nope,” Janey exclaimed, pausing to belch. “Princess here saved their souls, now were off to sell em to the NCR.”

“Helpin out would probably seal the deal on us joining back up,” Steve remarked.

“That it would,” exclaimed the nameless ex soldier. “Count us in.”

“We’ll be right behind you,” Layla declared.

“Great. Just who I wanted to watch my back. A bunch of cowards,” Janey groaned, and brushed past the trio. “Just try not to piss yourself the second we see a rad scorprian.”

Twilight winced, and shrugged her shoulders apologetically.

“What a bitch,” Steve muttered.

“No kiddin,” added the other male.

“Well it seems as though you got this situation in hand. Best of luck to ya princess. Come on Slim, let's get back to patrolling. I don't want another surprise like this,” Beagle declared.

“Acknowledged, pardner,” replied the robot.

Twilight extended a hand towards the door.

Layla sighed. “Let's get this over with.”

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