• Member Since 15th May, 2018
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This is great. I’m going to get a good grade in horsefic, something that is both normal to want and possible to achieve,


Twilight finds a mysterious object in the Everfree Forest

Chapters (6)
Comments ( 30 )

Well that's the first flag raised. :applejackunsure:

Also kudos for not making this a one shot. I don't see multi-chapter horror stories as often as I'd like to (which is part of the reason I started writing them myself).

Hey... Something about this about this dont settle right... Imma watch this

Ohhh... slow-burn thriller/horror!

Pretty good. Love the cover art. Looking forward to more.

Man, that is one ominous Game Boy.

Okay, now we're getting somewhere. I was almost right about what the object was, and the theme of the story seems not to be any tangible horror, but rather fear itself, entwined with the morbid curiosity and dread born of the unexplained.

Ah, as usual you're picking up exactly what I'm putting down... I'm hesitant to say more, since I don't want to end up giving away my own ending! I will say fear and paranoia is absolutely a central theme. I will also say there are some more tangible things worth being afraid of; fear must come from somewhere, after all.


the theme of the story seems not to be any tangible horror, but rather fear itself


I will say fear and paranoia is absolutely a central theme.

FDR: Nothing to fear but Fear Itself
Blackpest: Y̦̗̪o̤̱̰̬̰u͓͙̯͖̼̜͡ ̳̦r̡͈͙a̫̪͕n͈̪̜̝g͇̬̝̘͎̩?̼̪

That is a pretty nasty set of symptoms there. Reminds me of a combination of Bourges' obsessive, mind enslaving Zahir and the rotting, crumbling decay caused by tin pest

This is going to sound totally sarcastic but I genuinely love it when people link me to stuff in the comments :twilightblush: it's cool to know that what I'm writing is concrete enough to become a small part of that literary canon in a reader's mind

I would tell you what I had in mind when I came up with this story... but, again, I'm wary of giving myself away so soon! Rest assured, I'll be ready to chat when it's all wrapped up :twilightsmile:

Is this a crossover? And shouldn't the title be Blackpest?


You always do this! Come onto my fics and ask questions which demonstrate that you haven't read a word of the fic itself.

If it was a crossover, it would be tagged as "crossover".

If the title was meant to be capitalized, it would be capitalized.

Have you ever read even one word I've written? Including descriptions? I'm not your personal butler, here to help you find the perfect fanfiction. I'm also not here to answer questions with obvious answers.

I'm done with you, dude. Have fun being blocked.

Woah. Okay, so. Having this be set right after the Royal Wedding makes perfect sense, as that's the time when Twilight would be at her most paranoid, justifiably so. Though that doesn't make it healthy. Meanwhile, it seems Blackpest, despite being shaped like a SNES cart, is actually an AR game for unicorns! Hopefully, the titular 'pests' aren't overlaid atop real creatures...

Yeah, that guy's not the best, lol.

A video game that took over your senses.

I can just imagine the BBFC/ESRB rating certificate:

Suitable only for persons of 15 years and over.

  • Cartoon violence
  • Comic Mischief
  • Y̱'Ḁ͇I̙̼̙'̷N͕̟G̘͚̣'̟͚͝ͅNG͟A͓̜̟H̯̤,
    F'̟͕A͘I ̙̻T̀HROD̼̗OG͡
  • Fantasy Violence
  • Mature Humour
  • Strong Language

He does this a lot to -everyone- that he comes across for some reason.

Good lord does he ever. I've seen him on so many fictions, user pages, and groups asking drop-dead obvious questions that make you go ???

I told him last time (when he began requesting specific fetish content on a teen-rated story with no prompting) that I'd block him if he posted something like this again. Hope it was worth it lol

No, Twilight. Blackpest is playing you.

Beat the game!

Nonono Twilight! If a creepy memetic hazard "game" compels you to play or otherwise interact with it, do not play by its rules! Make your own rules. I am sure a gamer pony like Button would have the items and knowledge (and interest) to help out. Failing that, borrowing some third year mages from Celestia's School would love the challenge to decompile (and hack) cartridge . You could even call in some favours with Celestia and have her offer them extra credit or whatnot for the effort.

the odd, jaunty theme music would kick in-- the sort of thing that echoes eerily from a broken-down carnival ride, yet twice as processed and mechanical.

The Carny by Nick Cave comes to mind.

To avoid any sort of cursed-object situation, I began a comprehensive analysis of the behavior I knew I could trust.
It was all I could think about.

It was all-consuming.

Oops! That is not looking good. Definitely going to need outside perspective, because once it has compromised your judgement, it is game over and you will not even realise it.

<Rarity's conversations>

Definitely feels like Zahir territory here. All her thoughts and perceptions are steadily turning and spiralling inwards, like light circling a black hole.

"It's not broken," I blurted out. "I'm playing it."

oohhh. This should be interesting. Hopefully with more ponies in the know, Twilight can have a measure of safety if things go pear-shaped? Perhaps Rainbow can assist if there is a two pony multiplayer version and Rarity can be a shepherd with an outside, uncontaminated perspective?
(Ha ha. Who I am I kidding? All three of them are in trouble now I imagine!)

Rarity turned a corner and marched into the kitchen. "Rainbow Dash!" Her shrill voice was punctuated by the sharp sound of a dropped plate. "I thought I told you to leave!"

Rainbow choked on whatever baked good she'd been shoveling into her mouth. "You said a minute alone!" she shot back, likely spraying crumbs everywhere. "I smelled cookies!"

I'm with Rainbow. If someone says they need a minute, that usually means you leave the room, not the house.

Again, seems I was close. I can see why this game would be a problem, being a means of encouraging unicorns to start mind-raping their innocent neighbors.

This going to be good

You really ARE an idiot...

Player 2 and Player 3 have joined the game?


I can see why this game would be a problem, being a means of encouraging unicorns to start mind-raping their innocent neighbors.

This is going to end with Twilight taking an icepick to her ear canal isn't it?

This seems amazing

When will the next chapter be up?

But-- yes, there it was. Those grey cartridges, with the stickers on the front! The Legend of Gelda , Super Mareio Sisters … Just like the one in my desk in every way, only the one I had was missing the colorful label.

That first name has some very unfortunate implications.

I admit, if the story ended here in this chapter, it would have been an almost marvelous expectation twist. The creepypasta game? No, the true thing was Twilight's PTSD from her friends not believing her. No magical curses here, just your average, everyday anxiety in a world without prozac that alone can be scary enough!

“But you haven’t even played it?!” Rainbow Dash threw her head back and let out an enormous cry of exasperation. “I can’t believe you guys! Finding a secret video game in the woods is the sort of thing that’s supposed to happen to me!”

This line though, this made me laugh so hard. I love Rainbow's introduction into the story and the very hearty double boot to the ass flank she gives to Twilight to get on with it after Twilight has been spending weeks nursing her inner hamster-on-a-wheel-of-worry

There's just no way anypony could have known I'd be in the right place at the right time, let alone that I'd pick up and activate the object properly.

Well, it’s a good thing Twilight doesn’t have any easily tracked habits, like taking a walk on the same day each week, at the same time, with the same route and…
Uh oh :twilightoops:

I’ll go ahead and say that this story is straight-out riveting. Shame it’s on hiatus, it feels like a horror gold mine.

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