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This is great. I’m going to get a good grade in horsefic, something that is both normal to want and possible to achieve,


Retired Ex-Princess Luna has joined the Wonderbolts to stave off her boredom. Rainbow Dash isn't exactly thrilled to have her aboard.

This fic is a gift for the wonderful, amazing Zontan. Love ya, buddy <3

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 31 )

Not really sure what to make of this one, to be honest. Both of them sort of seem to be distracting themselves from their respective issues with random activities instead of actually opening up.

Is there a sequel in the works after this?

Because it feels like their is a little bit more that Luna is hiding from dash

No, this is a stand-alone story. It's for a friend of mine who needed a pick-me-up - just an upbeat fic starring two of his faves!

God this ruled so much. I fuckin loved Rainbow's reactions to Luna being here and your take on this eager, giddy Luna looking for a new thrill is so good. Their dynamic is so rich and full as well. This was fantastic!

Ah got it

But still very interesting premise

Sweet. Seeing Dash living the dream, watching Luna fumble her way through the process of joining a prestigious sports organization...

Just great fun all around. If this is what all your stories are like, than I need to see more of them.

I'm pretty sure the intention is to say that even as you age you can still accomplish new things and find new passions. To me that seemed to be how they resolved their issues--Rainbow realized that Luna's perspective on retirement was more fun than feeling sorry for herself about getting old and being less good at flying, and Luna learned from Rainbow that it was alright for her to pace herself in her attempt to find new things to do with herself.

Gold star on the analysis!! That's exactly what I was going for with this piece. RD and Luna both have had or will have their talents and purposes taken from them (Luna because she has ceded the throne, RD bc athletics is something you sort of inherently age out of eventually). While it certainly isn't unique to these characters (AJ and Celestia come to mind as similarly aging out of their careers, and even Rarity may find that her work becomes very difficult with age), they both have a habit of um. Brute forcing things.

I'm glad you saw what I was trying to get at with this friendship :) a lot of it I at least attempted to reinforce with symbolism - particularly their breakfast orders at the diner - but it seems I may have gone too subtle in some places, or perhaps this story just needed some more space to breathe. Good lessons for the next fic!

I for one thought the subtlety and symbolism was very enjoyable. I noticed what you were going for in the breakfast orders, the way you lined up their ages (older in years but younger in spirit) and their interactions with the waitress (her finding Rainbow a familiar non-presence and Luna an exciting new part of the environment, prompted by Rainbow's cynical non-interaction with her and Luna's active joy at humoring her antics). Each part made the story more resonant and the message more compelling.

R/e Rarity aging out of her career and finding something new to do with her life, Rarity In Slumberland does just that in a very multidimensional way.

When it speaks, subtlety is loud.

Excellent job on this. I definitely appreciate the more subdued intentionality contrasting the inherent potential bombastic dynamic we might have expected out of these two.

“I’ve had an eternity and I will have an eternity. I always knew that there was an expiration date on my time managing the moon, after all.”

Ok. I get it. At the end of the day FiM is a kid's show which means there are things it could never talk about, at least not directly. But looking sheer number of stories written over the years about immortality in this fandom, it just blows my mind to think that the show never did ANYTHING with the concept. But hey, I guess that's what fanfiction is for.

Well this lightly touched on my thanatophobia, but still very good! Love Luna and Dash's friendship

This is beautiful. And very deep. Deeper than I can analyze. Let me just point a few sentences/paragraphs I really loved.

Rainbow waited, perhaps longer than she should have, for Luna to elaborate. A precise time, an exact location, a reason. Any reason. Even a bad one. Even a dumb one.

She was getting old.

Maybe she was already old.

It was hard to tell. Or maybe hard to admit. Rainbow wasn't sure which.

She just looked down into her cup of coffee, which thankfully did not reflect her face.

It had seen her through a lot of good days. But, then again, it had seen her through a lot of bad ones. Some of these breakfasts had been delicious, unparalleled—but, then again, some of them had been inedible. Even more had been nothing at all. Just okay. Just another okay omelet in a long line of okay omelets.

Both mares stabbed a piece of syrup-soaked biscuit, lifted their forks, and tapped them together.

Now she was… a pony. Running laps.

And may I jut say, your Luna is so cute! Running laps to improve her form, inviting Dash over for breakfast, fumbling with her hooves, dipping her biscuits in maple syrup. It’s all so adorable and I love it!

All in all, good work, mushroompone. To ’Heartstrings’ this goes! Oh, and congrats on the Feature.

As someone who's recently started he's nearly thirty and isn't quite sure how to feel about that. . . . Dashie's emotions in this fic are really close to home for me. I'm not that old, yet, but I still understand that feeling of looking up and realizing that you aren't twenty anymore.

This was a great fic, and I look forward to seeing more from you in the future!

I feel like it hits more deeply when looking at Luna who can't get old. Must suck to look at someone whose been around since before you were born and is still in as tip top shape as ever.

Also I'm pretty sure Rainbow and the girls were probably in their 40s or 50s by the time we see them at the end of the series.

Agreed, really. And, yeah, my headcanon timeline puts them in their mid to late twenties in S9, and the epilogue, assuming a twenty year time jump, would put them in their late forties, early fifties, so, yeah.

Always hated the fact the last episode confirmed Twilight is effectively immortal or atleast has eternal youth while the rest of her friends are gonna grow old and die. Getting old sucks enough but know you'll be leaving a friend behind to suffer by themselves probably makes it impossible to rest peacefully.

Plus it makes even less sense since Starlight casually turned herself and Sunburst into foals just for a game, so coming up with a youth restoring potion or spell should've been easy.

“I think you and I could be good friends, Rainbow Dash,” Luna said. “And we can talk about the Wonderbolts if you wish, but I’m sure we can find other common ground. We talk about the Wonderbolts nearly every day now!”

Aww Luna really wanted to hang out

"Totally. Totally." Rainbow nodded emphatically, though she could feel the act getting away from her. "I mean, sure, it was kinda weird when you signed up for the Academy, but… well, you’re cool. Who wouldn’t want a cool pony like you around?”

I mean rainbow is not wrong Luna is pretty awesome to hang out sure she can be a little out there but she's still awesome

Well this is a pretty nice story and seeing Luna actually doing something and apparently she wants to be the Wonderbolt which that's pretty cool but apparently rainbow is a little bit iffy about her and she's been kind of awkward with her as well but somehow when they got to the restaurant Luna really want to blend in with other ponies since she's retired and she really wants to hang out with Rainbow Dash which that's pretty cool and she admitted it is pretty nice to hang out I do like the interaction with each other and this is a pretty awesome story keep up the good work

I mean that's kind of life most of the time isn't it

Btw I adore the little bit about trainees learning how to do the sonic boom. Hope that Rainbow someday realizes she did that

I've always looked at Starlight's spell as an illusion, rather than reality.

And, I liked the ending, because I like a note of tragedy in my tales.

Nah we already saw in Season 2 Age Spells were possible and Twilight stated Unicorns of the highest class, which Starlight is most certainly one of, could perform them and Starlight was effectively able to more or less create/perfect a Time Travel spell that even Starswirl couldn't nail down and she did that essentially for a pet project.

Plus she created a spell for removing Cutie Marks, effectively robbing a pony of their own unique, special talents, which is frankly way more insane and difficult then simply changing a pony's age.

Just saying give Starlight a little time and she could come up with something.

Comment posted by True Edge deleted Sep 23rd, 2022

Let me rephrase . . .

Where does that end?

Because Twilight's friends have family and friends of their own, and they won't want to outlive them.

And they have family and friends of their own that they won't want to outlive.

So, when does it end?

When everypony is immortal? You don't mess with things like that.

This was very cute! Aging is weird, not aging would also be weird, life in general is weird.

Rainbow slid one curious hoof into the nearest patch of shade, testing it like bathwater.
It would be so easy…
“Oh! Captain!” Gasping. Weak from the effort. “Captain! Wait!”

:rainbowderp:: "That was almost like darkness and shadows are second nature to her..."

“You don’t have to call me Captain, Princess.”
Luna scoffed. “Well, you don’t have to call me Princess, Captain,” she replied, her voice thin with all the panting.

:rainbowkiss:: "...Fair enough."

Rainbow looked up and forced a tired smile. “Heh. Wait ‘til you try energy drinks.”

:twilightoops:: "You madmare!"
:facehoof:: "What had you done?!"

Rainbow scoffed and rolled her eyes. “Sure. ‘Would’. As if I’m not calling her twenty times a day for emotional support.”

I wonder who of them is supporting who.

Good story!
I enjoyed reading it.

I'll also leave this weird/cute pictures here:

Speaking as a fifty-four year old grey muzzle, I can say that aging gets increasingly tedious. I nap every Sunday, when time allows. I sleep a lot more often as well. These are two things I never did in my thirties.
This story touches on stuff like that with grace.

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