• Published 22nd Oct 2020
  • 2,914 Views, 65 Comments

Realms of Magic: The Realm of the Gryphons - TheEighthDayofNight

An elf, Kathranis Shadowsong, is transported to the realm of Equus by wild magic. This story follows his explorations of the different races and civilizations a new world has to offer.

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Chapter 7

When Kathranis awoke again, beams of sunlight had replaced the moonlight in streaming through the windows opposite his bed. Letting out a yawn, Kathranis spotted Secil already napping in one of the pools of sunlight, the cat seemingly happy as he rested with his head on his paws. Before Kathranis could begin to sit up and analyze his surroundings better in the morning light, the pair of oaken doors at the end of the ward opened, revealing Aquila, and Huron.

The she-gryphon’s face immediately lit up, and she flapped forward.

“He’s awake!”

Faster than he could track, the gryphon appeared at his bed side, and before he could say anything, she sat him up in a bone crushing hug. Kathranis found his face buried in the fur around Aquila’s neck, and she purred as she hugged him.

“Oh this is perfect,” she cooed. “I was so worried when we saw the explosion, but then Zefuris led me away, and we didn’t know what happened.”

She pulled back from the hug and sat on the edge of his bed. Her emerald eyes twinkled, smiling at him just as much as her beak was.

“But you survived! Zefuris told me that you single-handedly fought off dozens of humans. Is that true?”

Kathranis finally managed to restart his brain, and he smiled.

“Perhaps over the course of the battle, but not all at once.”

He motioned to Huron.

“And had my brother not come in with my other brethren, it would not have mattered how well I fought. It was hardly a victory I won alone.”

Aquila sighed and drooped slightly.

“Ah. The truth is always less impressive than the legends.”

Her grin made a return and she winked.

“But most people don’t need to know that. Especially not tonight.”

Kathranis tilted his head.

“Tonight? What’s tonight?”

“The celebration for Prince Valan’s noble savior of course,” Aquila said with a giggle. “You should hear the rumors about the castle these days.”

“They speak of a seven-foot-tall elf, with six arms that wield eight blades,” Huron said, crouching beside Aquila. “He apparently spits fire, and conjures arrows from the sky to smite his enemies. He cannot be injured, and does not know the meaning of the word fear!”

Kathranis put a scowl on his face.

“That sounds like one of those silly songs you write brother. Complete nonsense all of it.”

Huron matched his expression and crossed his arms.

“Perhaps, but not all of us are so lucky as to be given their songs magically, now are we?”

The two glared at each other for a moment, then they smiled together. Huron held the back of Kathranis’ neck, while Kathranis did the same in return. They gently butted foreheads, closing their eyes as they sat in silence, merely basking in the other’s presence.

“I’m so glad I found you,” Kathranis whispered. “I held tight hope, but there was always a bit of doubt that I had lost you forever.”

Huron chuckled and pulled away.

“The same could be said for you brother. What took you so long to find us?”

Kathranis tilted his head in question.

“What do you mean? I only arrived here a few days ago, not counting my unexpected rest. I found Princess Aquila before I could fall into Reverie the first night. She and her brother were kind enough to escort me here, before we got ambushed.”

He looked to the gryphon.

“Secil told me I had been out for a few days, was it longer?”

She seemed to shrink before his eyes.

“No, he told the truth… but I haven’t been wholly honest with you.”

She fidgeted, staring at her hands. Kathranis spared a glance toward Huron, then looked back to Aquila.

“Princess, I’m not going to be angry if that is what you’re afraid of. Unless Huron has something tragic to tell me about our kin, then all is well. Today should be a day of celebration.”

Aquila sighed and met his gaze.

“I’m sorry Shadowsong, but… I may have known about your kin, but I said nothing.”

Kathranis frowned slightly.

“How so? You all seemed to determine I was a human when we first met. If you knew of elves, why did you act so surprised when I spoke of them?”

“I didn’t know of elves,” Aquila protested. “And I didn’t know I was lying, I swear it!” She sighed again and looked away. “But we had heard rumor of an off-shoot of humans living in the woods away from the rest of them. When you spoke of staying in the cave, I should have been smart enough to make the connection, but I didn’t and instead forced you on a journey that you didn’t need to come on. I diverted your path, and for that, I apologize. I would understand if you wanted to forsake my offer for friendship because of this.”

Kathranis stared at the fidgeting gryphon for a moment, then threw his head back as he let out a loud laugh. Aquila blushed slightly, and she looked to Huron, who only grinned and shook his head.

“What’s so funny?”

“D-did you really believe that I would be angry at you for something so trivial?” Kathranis said, “You forgot a bit of hearsay, and suddenly you’ve told me a great lie?”

The elf motioned to his brother.

“Your “lie” caused me to find my kin anyway! What have I to be angry about?”

Aquila blushed harder as he continued to laugh, and when he didn’t stop, she slugged his arm.

“Fine, I’ve got nothing to be sorry about,” she squawked. “Now quit laughing or I break the other leg!”

Kathranis continued to chuckle as he rubbed his arm.

“Apologies Princess, it’s just quite funny. I wouldn’t be a very good Blademaster if I threw away potential friends over a simple misunderstanding.”

Huron’s grin diminished slightly.

“Ah, that… brings about some unfortunate news then brother.”

Kathranis looked questioningly to the elder elf, who stared at his feet.

“What’s wrong Huron?”

The elf sighed and sat on the bed next to Kathranis’.

“I think it best we start the story at the beginning. You say you have been in this realm for a few days? Well, our troop has been here for just shy of a month, and… we had to make decisions without you.”

The last of Kathranis’ mirth died away, and he wriggled himself to an upright position. Aquila, sensing the sudden change of mood, got to her feet.

“I’ll go see about your crutches. Huron, tell the guard when you two are ready to leave.”

Huron grunted in acknowledgement, continuing to stare at the floor until Aquila left the healing ward. Kathranis watched his brother carefully for a few long moments, and when he didn’t speak, Kathranis poked at him.

“Well?” he asked. “Please tell me you are worrying over something as trivial as Princess Aquila was.”

Huron sighed and rubbed the back of his head.

“I think this is best ripped off like a bandage.”

He rolled up the sleeve on his left arm and Kathranis blinked in surprise at the very basic spell tattoo he saw. He looked to his own arm to find the very same tattoo, still as pronounced as the day he had received it. Kathranis looked up to Huron’s face to find the elf near to tears. Kathranis smiled lightly and reached for his brother’s wrist.

“Huron, it’s alright, you didn’t…”

“I should have known!” the elf spat. “I should have waited!”

He forced his sleeve down and looked away.

“I gave you a measly two weeks to turn up, then took it upon myself to put it to a vote. It wasn’t unanimous then, and it still isn’t. Some of our elves wanted to wait, but I thought it best to move on in the greater interest, and in doing so I wrote off not only my little brother, but my Blademaster. I usurped your power, and I used Fordred to begin making my claim legitimate.”

Kathranis winced as he tried to sit up further.

“Huron, it’s alright, I don’t mind at all!”

“That isn’t the point,” Huron said, turning back around. Tears streaked down his cheeks. “I thought you were dead,” he whispered, “and then I spat on your memory by stealing away your position. It’s shameful, and it’s wrong.”

He stared at his arm.

“I should take the limb as punishment, but fortunately, I have enough honor left to realize that deciding my punishment is your privilege.”

He got on his knees, and, looking down, offered Kathranis his arm.

“Do with me as you see fit brother. I have no words of protest, only those of regret.”

Kathranis did his best not to sigh with exasperation. To him, the display was overdramatic and frankly, very silly. He would never sacrifice a single member of his elvish troupe, especially not over a little misunderstanding. But to Huron and some of the other older elves? It would be spitting on the memory of their people to even suggest such. It was yet another reason Kathranis had been so confused when the Archmage had chosen him to be Blademaster, but that was the past, and he had duties to uphold, no matter his personal thoughts.

Kathranis clasped his brother’s forearm, causing him to look up. He met Huron’s teary eyes with a smile.

“I forgive you brother, you made a decision you thought was right, and ultimately, you never came even close to usurping me.”

He nodded toward Huron’s arm.

“That is the only tattoo you have gotten so far, yes?”

Huron nodded slowly.

“Yes. Fordred has to learn all the spells first, and it’s taken him some time.”

“Then we have nothing to worry about brother,” Kathranis said. “Your punishment is thus; you will not refer to me as anything other than Blademaster for the next three days. That will make it clear to everyone who is still in charge, alright?”

A smile flickered on Huron’s face and he nodded.

“Of course Blademaster. I respect your judgement and accept my punishment.”

Kathranis gave a short nod and motioned for the elf to rise.

“Well, since it’s been a month brother, what has happened in my absence? Hopefully no deaths?”

Huron got to his feet, and a dark scowl appeared on his face. Before he could speak, Aquila poked her head in the room, non-verbally asking permission. Kathranis smiled and waved her on.

“Come Princess, I am fairly certain you have the run of the place; this being your home and such.”

Aquila gave a little flap as she moved across the room, a pair of crutches in her hands. Kathranis noted a lithe white-feathered form follow her in, but he decided instead to follow the cheery looking princess.

“That may be,” she said, “but you’re the special guest here. Dad would kill me if I barged in on you and somehow offended you.”

Kathranis chuckled.

“I think it is nigh impossible to offend me Princess. I have quite the toughened skin.”

His smile dimmed slightly as he looked toward Huron’s scowl, which for some reason was directed at Aquila.

“I must have a hard heart when it comes to my position,” he finished. “Now, I had asked about deaths?”

Huron nodded slowly.

“There was one. Erran. She got caught in the open pursuing game and guards of gryphon nature ran her down and ripped her apart.”

Aquila stood tall in the face of the angry elf.

“They must have had good reason, likely she attacked them, and then-“

“They even continued when she threw down her bow and tried to surrender,” Huron spat. “And before you ask, I was the one who witnessed it. They gave no mercy, it is why I gave none in return.”

Aquila’s beak clacked shut and she looked toward Kathranis.

“I’m sure we can talk about… such matters later. Dad wants you cleaned up and presentable.”

The gryphon behind her stepped forward, loudly clearing her throat.

“What Princess Aquila meant to say is that King Terran formally extends his humblest invitation to attend a celebration and feast in your honor Master Shadowsong. We are to escort you to your new quarters so that you may have the opportunity to clean and take stock of your belongings, as well as check in on your companions.”

She glared at Aquila.

“Right Princess?”

The gryphon scoffed.

“That’s essentially what I said. Shadowsong and I are already friends anyways, we don’t need that diplomatic pomp.”

She grinned and looked to Kathranis, who shrugged and smiled at the armored gryphon.

“I do prefer frank speech to diplomatic talk.” He laughed. “Better to cross swords than words, I always say!”

The armored gryphon sighed aloud, while Secil sighed in Kathranis’ mind.

‘I don’t even know why I try.’

“I don’t even know why I try.”

While Kathranis chuckled, Aquila nudged the gryphon.

“Come on D, lighten up! This isn’t some prissy pony or stuck up dragon! This is Shadowsong! If we threw a pair of wings at him, he’d basically be a gryphon!”

Aquila threw an arm around the armored gryphon’s shoulder and smiled at Kathranis.

“Shadowsong, meet Dranidal, my bestfriend, bodyguard, and etiquette tutor.”

The armored gryphon offered a hand to Kathranis.

“Dranidal Brightwing, Master Shadowsong, at your service.”

Kathranis clasped her forearm and grinned.

“Kathranis Shadowsong.”

He nodded toward Aquila.

“If she’s like this all the time, I can’t believe you teach her anything.”

Dranidal smiled as Aquila squawked in indignation.

“She is stubborn, but she has a wise head on her shoulders. Decision making comes easy to my Princess,” she set a small glower over the gryphon, “but the finer points of etiquette elude her.”

Aquila huffed and crossed her arms, looking away.

“Well perhaps I was mistaken. I apparently have no friends here, only critics.”

Secil let out a pitiful meow, and Kathranis regarded the cat with an exasperated look as he over-exaggerated his limp. Aquila smiled at the cat and scooped him up, hugging him gently while she scratched his head.

“Make that one friend.” She shot a playful glare at Kathranis. “At least he has manners.”

The elf rolled his eyes and looked to Dranidal.

“We, of course, accept the king’s offer. Am I to be the only elf in attendance?”

The gryphon shook her head.

“That is left to your discretion, but if you would allow me to, I would recommend you bring your second and third with you.”

Kathranis gave a side-long glance to Huron.

“Unless you protest, you’re still my second, and Fordred is still my third.”

Huron gave him a slight bow.

“Of course Blademaster. Shall I go alert him to prepare for a social gathering?”

“That won’t be necessary Huron,” Dranidal said. “My orders, upon your acceptance, were to assist Princess Aquila in making sure you were prepared. We will both personally escort you to your temporary quarters, where my sister awaits with bathing supplies and your cleaned equipment and clothing.”

Huron frowned and scanned the armored gryphon up and down.

“Have we met?”

Dranidal smiled innocently at him.

“If you’re asking how I know your name, it is because I am good at my job. I wouldn’t be a very good bodyguard to Princess Aquila if I didn’t know every little detail about potential threats.”

Huron sputtered.

“I’m not a threat!”

Aquila giggled and set Secil down.

“I think we all know that’s not true. Dad always says there are two types of people, those who are threats, and those who are inactive threats. You fall into the latter category,”

“Currently,” Dranidal finished. “It’s my job to make sure you never become active.”

She looked to Kathranis.

“And as a note, since you mentioned your enjoyment of frankness, you are being watched, always. No matter how hard you try, no matter what magics you use, nothing will stop that. King Terran has ruled his kingdom well for nearly a century, and he has done that by staying informed on everyone, friend and enemy alike. I hope it does not offend you or turn you away, but you are being, and will continue being watched. Likely permanently.”

“Even if we left?” Kathranis asked.

Dranidal nodded silently. Aquila rolled her eyes and moved to Kathranis’ bedside with the crutches.

“I wouldn’t worry Shadowsong, Dad keeps tabs on me too,” she nodded toward Dranidal. “She’s been spying on me since I was seven.”

She offered Kathranis a hand, which he accepted. Together they managed to rotate his legs out of the bed.

“Seems a bit young for a spy,” he said as Aquila offered him the crutches.

Dranidal shrugged.

“It pays to be good early in life.”

Kathranis gritted his teeth, and with a gentle push from Huron, and Aquila checking his balance, he managed to stand up on the crutches. Secil frowned as a wave of pain flowed between them.

‘Perhaps you should ask Lady Sylvanus for more healing magic, she seemed most generous before.’

Kathranis frowned as he found his balance and took a first hesitant step.

‘I have taken too much from her already,’ he replied. ‘I’ll be fine.’

Stamping down the pain from his mending leg, Kathranis flashed a smile at Aquila.

“So Princess, I believe you were escorting me to a bath?”

She giggled and threw an arm around his shoulders.

“Indeed Shadowsong. I think it’s quite obvious to all that you reek.”

Dranidal sighed and shook her head, falling in just behind Aquila, while Huron took up the rear.

The gryphons led them through many winding sonte hallways and past dozens of wood and steel doorways. With his mind distracted by pain, they passed in a blur, and after a while, Kathranis stopped trying to map them. He briefly wondered if they were intentionally being confused, but dismissed it. He already considered Aquila a friend, she wouldn’t….

‘Quit thinking like yourself,’ Secil growled. ‘Blademaster Shadowsong needs to be suspicious. I like Aquila as well, but she could be our enemy.’

Kathranis frowned back at the limping cat.

‘She had every opportunity to harm us.’

‘Before she knew you had warriors at your side,’ Secil countered. ‘and before she knew you were an elite warrior yourself. Even if her intentions are true, we’re dealing with a lot more than one gryphon now. Buck up cub, you have to be a little less friendly.’

Kathranis suppressed a sigh and continued limping forward. He felt the hand shift from his shoulders to around his waist, and he looked to his side to find brilliant green eyes shining back. Aquila flashed a smile, and Kathranis returned it. He would be watchful alright, but not of Aquila. Not heavily at least.

Kathranis was tired by the time they arrived at the elvish quarters. He was definitely more accustomed to his new crutches, but his leg hurt, and he was tired, more so than he thought he would be. He attempted to maintain a steely demeanor, but no amount of focus could erase the sweat soaking his tunic, nor his heavy breaths. Aquila kept a firm grip on him, making sure his balance remained, and a glance back found Huron cradling Secil, who was panting softly.

Dranidal opened the door for them, and limping forward, Kathranis beheld most of his brethren. Their armor laid out in various states of cleanliness and repair on over a dozen beds. A very were in Reverie, but most were crowded around a table where Fordred and Riven were playing a card game. The larger elf’s brow was furrowed in furious concentration, staring hard at the cards. He was mirrored by Fordred, who would occasionally glance up at his opponent. A single bead of sweat trickled down his forehead, and Kathranis heard a light gulp from him.

Riven growled and set down a card.

“Lanthandar’s light banishes your zombie horde. That frees the way for my footman to attack your lich.”

He sat back in his chair and crossed his arms. Fordred continued staring at the cards for a long moment, then he smiled.

“You’re getting better Riven, but you still use brute force instead of thinking about what lies in wait.”

He flipped a card and grinned.

“My lich was holding the Amulet of Raise Dead. My zombies return and attack your footman’s back.”

He removed the card and sat back in his chair.

“And that kills your last warrior, I win.”

A series of loud groans and mild cheers filled the room as coin began changing hands. Huron chuckled and set Secil on a bed, then slipped through the crowd of elves, none of which seemed to notice their leader standing in their midst. Fordred stuck an open palm out to Riven.

“Come on, pay up. You wanted double or nothing, and you lost.”

Huron crouched beside Riven and whispered in his ear as he reached down to his belt. The large elf’s dark eyes flicked up to Kathranis, and he grunted loudly.

“Blademaster Shadowsong is here.”

The room fell instantly quiet as the elves all stopped and turned to look at the injured elf. Fordred’s jaw dropped, erasing his smug look as he stared at Kathranis. The tattooed elf grinned and gave them all a nod.

“Hello friends, I’m glad to see that most of your survived to-…”

With the sound of a clattering chair, and then scattering cards, Fordred leaped the table and across the room to hug Kathranis tightly. He let out a slight grunt of pain as Fordred squeezed him, closing his eyes and grinning as he hugged away. Aquila slipped away with Dranidal, leaving Kathranis to be supported by the small wizard,

“It’s so good to see you awake Blademaster,” he gushed. “We were so worried when we heard of your wounding!”

He pulled back and rubbed at his eyes as his goofy smile remained wide. Kathranis smiled at him and snorted.

“Come now Fordred, you act like you haven’t seen me in a century.”

The elf chuckled.

“Well you certainly smell like it’s been that long since you had a bath. Did you roll in dwarf shit on your way here?”

Kathranis blinked in shock at his words, and he looked to Huron.

“D-did he just make a crass joke without a stutter?”

The elder elf smiled.

“And came up with it all by himself. A month may not be long to elves Blademaster, but little Fordred has done some growing since you vanished.”

The wizard flushed slightly and coughed into a fist.

“Ahem, well,” he started. “I just wanted to learn more skills so that Blademaster Shadowsong didn’t have to look after me as much, that’s all.”

Kathranis snorted.

“More like you had no books to bury your nose in, so you were forced to socialize.”

The elves all chuckled, and Fordred flushed further.

“That… may be true,” he admitted.

Kathranis limped forward and clapped him on the shoulder.

“Well I think it did you good. If it makes you feel any better, I believe I still have your books.”

Fordred’s eyes lit up, but before he could ask where, Aquila answered the question.

“They’re back here,” the gryphon called across the room. The elves moved to the sides of the room, allowing Kathranis to see her wave. He limped forward, nudging Fordred with his elbow as he moved.

“You’re my third Fordred. Time to take a bath; we’ve got a party to attend.”

The wizard smiled and fell in step beside Kathranis, while Huron brought up their rear. His elves were cheerful as he passed through, though he could tell they were disappointed that he was leaving so soon. He gave them smiles and kind words of assurance that not only would he return, but that they would have their own celebration of a kind.

He approached the doors and limped inside to find Aquila, Dranidal, and a third gryphon that looked identical to the latter, save for her larger build, all dressed in the outfits of human maids. The trio each stood in front of a doorway that led to a filled tub of hot water. Huron raised an eyebrow, while Fordred blushed slightly. Kathranis merely blinked in mild confusion.

“What’s all this?”

Aquila chuckled, while Dranidal smiled and gave a slight bow.

“Your bathes are ready Master Shadowsong. As we said before, we are under orders to see you properly cleaned, and the best way to do that is to conduct the bathes ourselves.”

The third gryphon’s eyes lit up as she looked Fordred up and down.

“I call the small one. He looks like he could be fun, if you catch my drift”

Fordred flushed heavier, looking far more like Kathranis remembered him. Easily embarrassed, a bit nervous and twitchy. Kathranis continued looking confused as his eyes met Aquila’s. The princess giggled again.

“Deyenidal is my other bodyguard, and she’s one of my fighting coaches. She’s Dranidal’s sister, and yes, she’s openly hitting on your friend.”

She swatted the larger gryphon, who didn’t even seem to register the hit as she continued ogling Fordred. The wizard continued blushing and looking anywhere but her eyes, causing her beak to break out into a grin. Aquila chuckled and rolled her eyes.

“I swear you horny featherhead; you don’t even know his name.”

Deyenidal chuckled.

“I know everything I need to.”

She crossed her arms and looked to Kathranis.

“But we’re ready to go when you are Master Shadowsong. Lose the clothes, we’ve already got fresh ones.”

Dranidal sighed and rubbed her forehead.

“You are the reason Princess Aquila can’t focus on her lessons.”

Clearing her throat and standing up straight, she flashed a smile at Kathranis.

“If you would disrobe Master Shadowsong, we could be started with your cleansing. My sister and I are experts in all forms of gryphon bathing and preening techniques, and we have passed our lessons to Princess Aquila as well. Trust me when I say you are in capable hands.”

Kathranis smiled lightly, trying not to look flustered as he thought of a way to deny the “gift”.

“While my brothers and I appreciate the offer…”

“No,” Huron said. “We are more than capable of bathing ourselves. Years on the road hasn’t dulled our memories of proper hygiene yet.”

“Yes,” Kathranis said, “that.”

Deyenidal raised an eyebrow, while Dranidal’s smile faded slightly. Aquila giggled anyway.

“I’m afraid you don’t have much of a choice in the matter. It’s custom, and Dad would flay my tail if I disregarded proper diplomatic custom.”

“You can tell him that we aren’t offended, and that we gave you explicit permission to ignore it,” Kathranis said, spreading his hands. “Now if you three kind ladies would simply leave us to bathe.”

Aquila snorted and flicked Deyenidal with her wing. The large gryphon snorted and stepped forward.

“Master Shadowsong, I say this with a great deal of respect, ‘cause I saw what you can get up to,” she stood in front of him and cracked her knuckles. “I’ve been trained since I could walk to kick the shit out of anything my King and Princess command me to. Don’t make me beat up a cripple over a bath.”

Kathranis could feel a tad of force behind the threat, but he also knew that it was merely bluster. If he showed up to a party in his honor covered in bruises, there would be questions, and he was under no obligations to lie. He grinned and met her eyes.

“I think this cripple could make it difficult for you.”

Her bluff called, she diminished slightly, but her eyes flicked to Fordred, then back to Kathranis.

“Please? I can make it worth the little one’s time.”

Huron sucked in air, and his reluctance turned to acceptance in an instant. A fresh opportunity for Fordred’s first courting, a right of passage for all elves, one that he had failed to accomplish, largely because there were no elves left available. If someone was willing to engage him, and especially given that that person was from a new nation Kathranis was considering allying with… It was a good opportunity.

Kathranis cast a glance to Fordred, who was sneaking glances up at the Amazonian gryphon. He looked nervous enough to shake all the way to the Nine Hells and back, but he definitely had some interest hidden in his thin body. Kathranis let out a slight sigh and met Deyenidal’s eyes.

“You’d better help him out of his shell the rest of the way.”

Her eyes lit up and she purred as she grabbed Fordred by the collar of his well-worn robes. She dragged him back to her door, then slammed it closed behind them. Aquila sighed and rolled her eyes again.

“I should have seen it coming. She’s always had a thing for the smaller males.”

Dranidal moved forward next, and she offered Huron a slight bow.

“If you will follow me.”

The elder elf cast a glance to Kathranis, flicking his eyes down. Kathranis glanced down to find lightning fast handcant.

Separated for information. Keep wary.

He mentally sighed at his brother’s suspicions, but he canted back an ok signal. The door closed behind his brother, leaving Kathranis alone with Aquila. He looked to the gryphoness, only to find her scooping him off his feet. His crutches fell to the wayside as she carried the elf to his bath. He gave her a light glare.

“I’m not helpless you know.”

Aquila chuckled and closed the door behind them with her foot.

“Maybe, but Dad always says to disarm your allies so you can see their true colors. What’s more disarming than to be carried around by a princess who’s about to bathe you?”

She sighed as she sat him down in a chair, where she helped him remove his breaches, then his tunic.

“Unfortunately, we can’t have a fun bath. This is strictly business.”

Kathranis tilted his head in confusion as she began wrapping a cloth bag over his cast.

“A “fun bath”?”

“A trip to the royal bathhouse?” she said, questioning as if he knew what she was talking about, tilting her head slightly. “I usually have it to myself and my guards, but occasionally I host a noble or two.”

When she noticed Kathranis’ continuing look of confusion, she clicked her tongue.

“Might need to get you a tutor Shadowsong. You’re being thrown into high society tonight, and while it’s a bit tamer on the politicking, you’re going to have to be quick on your feet. There’s a lot of stuff about gryphon society you don’t know, and well, the bath can only last so long.”

She flashed him a grin as she offered a hand.

“So Shadowsong, what do you want to know first?”