• Published 22nd Oct 2020
  • 2,908 Views, 65 Comments

Realms of Magic: The Realm of the Gryphons - TheEighthDayofNight

An elf, Kathranis Shadowsong, is transported to the realm of Equus by wild magic. This story follows his explorations of the different races and civilizations a new world has to offer.

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Chapter 24

Kathranis stood with arms crossed in the balcony overlooking an alter. Secil reclined at his feet, while Luieustriel and Riven sat on a bench behind him along with tone other of his number, one the twins Morriel; Soheiel. Her brother was below with the rest of his kin.

Leaning against a column, he felt… off as he watched his white-clad kin prepare for the ceremony with the help of one of Harmony’s priests. Fordred had been in private talks with the priests of Harmony for days, and had just yesterday been speaking with Queen Scylla to arrange his conversion ceremony. While he’d been busy planning raids and… speaking with Aquila, the wizard had been hard at work preparing to, quote; “receive Harmony’s light.”

He should have been happy. Fordred had been ecstatic when he had woken their barracks with a charge and a cry. The young elf had seemed so vibrant, so confident, Kathranis had been happy. It was a big day for the elf, one with clear thought, public thought.

Kathranis’ fingers tapped his arm as his eyes flicked toward the blue alicorn who was guiding the elves to their places. All happiness he had felt for his friend had vanished when he realized that it wouldn’t be just his conversion. She had followed the happy wizard into their room with an armload of white robes, and with a tail that had confused and angered him. Huron had also been carrying a bundle of robes, quickly giving them out to their sleepy kin. Even now Kathranis felt a brief burning sensation as he watched his brother move with Luna, standing at her side as if he was a lost puppy. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes, trying to calm himself.

Something that helped was the knowledge that the pair of apparent evangelists had been distinctly lacking a trio of robes, something Huron had even made a joke about.

“Lady Sylvanus would feed my heart to Secil if I even dared ask if you want one,” he had laughed.

Though small, the joke had been a comfort. It was the only reason he was still attending the ceremony in fact. Fordred’s conversion made sense, he had sat down, discussed it with the length. Days of talk had occurred with Harmony’s priests. For Huron and the rest of the Selunites…

He felt warm feathers and fur embrace him as his gryphoness suitor made herself known. Kathranis merely rested in her warmth for a long moment before he opened his eyes and let out a sigh, leaning so that his head rested in Aquila’s feathers. The gryphoness let out a squeak of happiness and her wing opened, dragging him to rest on her shoulder. She gave him a peck on the cheek, then rested her head atop his as they watched the attendees start to trickle into the room while the white-clad elves got settled in their places.

“Is something wrong Shadowsong? Is being in Harmony’s temple too much?”

He could hear concern in her voice, and it brought a smile to his face. He hooked a thumb around the band holding his leaf charm around his neck. He was wearing the holy symbol openly now. He wasn’t going to convince anyone of his goddess’ might if he was hiding his belief.

“Lady Sylvanus hasn’t felt the need to send a reminder yet, Princess. I am just…” He sighed and rubbed at his forehead, then let the hand drop, staring down into the heart of the chapel, his eyes focused squarely on where, not only Forded, but all of his elves sat in their robes of white, happy smiles on their faces as they talked quietly with one another. Only three were with him and Aquila in the balcony, the rest of his kin accepting Fordred’s invitation to join his new faith, and that concerned him. Soheiel, for her part, looked miserable as she peered over the balcony, watching her brother intently. Kathranis made a note to comfort the poor elf. “I am worried,” he finally said. “I shouldn’t be, this should be a joyous day, and yet…”

He shook his head and looked to his hands for comfort.

“It’s nothing. Just selfishness, or foolishness, I know not which.”

Aquila’s larger, taloned hand immediately closed over his, while her other framed his chin, gently forcing him to meet her eyes. She smiled and stroked her cheek.

“Shadowsong, talk to me. I like you because of your honesty, don’t start hiding your feelings now.”

He snorted, but couldn’t help match her smile. Her emerald eyes demanded no less from him.

“It’s too sudden,” he said. “Fordred, it was quick, but I witnessed it, I understand his reasoning. He was never all that close with Lady Mystra, so a spiritual change to a motherly, welcoming goddess like Harmony… It is swift and perhaps rash, but I can understand his choices.”

He once again looked toward the rest of his kin, his eyes falling squarely on Huron’s shoulders.

“Not one of my elves has given any indication that they have had a similar experience. In fact, had Huron not respected Soheiel’s wishes, I would have called off this ceremony entirely, and damn the consequences.”

Glancing at the elf, he noticed a wince, and the beginnings of tears. He nudged his way free of Aquila’s grasp and moved over to the elf, sitting beside her and offering his hand, which she quickly accepted, her eyes still focused below, slowly filling with tears. Kathranis leaned forward and brushed the hair from her face, tucking it behind her ear.

“Are you alright?” he asked softly.

She stared for a moment more before finally looking to him, smiling and nodding, the tears threatening to spill over.

“Apologies, Blademaster.” She bowed her head. “I… it is a happy day for everyone, it really is! I just…” She looked below again, her eyes on her brother, who at that moment was staring up, a lonely look on his face as he met her gaze. “I wish Aranhad was here with me. We talked half the day away about this. He isn’t confident in what the others are saying, but he visited a temple yesterday and felt Harmony’s light…” She choked up, her hand covering her mouth as she turned away.

Kathranis waited, his thumb rubbing her slender hand gently. A moment later, Soheiel buried her face in his shoulder, weeping openly as she clung to him. Luieustriel moved to join him, but he flashed quickly in handcant.

Not yet.

Luieustriel bowed her head, but stood, ready to move. Kathranis gave her an appreciative nod before turning his attention back to the elf maiden weeping in his arms. He rubbed her back and rested his head over on top of hers.

“Shhh, it’s alright. He is still your brother, they are all still our family and friends. They are merely starting on a new journey in this new home of ours.”

“I know!” Soheiel cried. “And I should be happy, but he’s my twin. We’ve done everything together. W-we played in the same fields, found Selune together, and even enrolled in the fighting academy together. He was there when my first love died! I held him when he lost his son…” Her blue eyes shined as she stared up at him, tears streaking down her pale face. “We’ve only had each other for years. I… I was prepared for him starting a new family, maybe even leaving our band of elves for Evermeet, but leaving our faith? W-we… I…” She shook her head, choking up with tears. “Our bond with our Lady would bear us through a million miles, but now he turns away from her light? I…”

As she shivered, Kathranis noticed her hand clutching at a silvery pendant. He let out a sigh and hugged her tight.

“Would you like to join him?” he whispered, feeling his heart ache at the suggestion. If it would help her find happiness, however, he had to offer it. He was Blademaster first. “It will not take much effort, and he looks like he would be glad to wait a week, even months to officially join Harmony’s faith. For you, I’m sure he would leap at the chance.”

Soheiel sniffled and shook her head.

“I can’t,” she croaked. “I love Lady Selune. I know it feels different now, like our prayers aren’t being answered, but I can’t simply abandon my love for her. She holds my heart, just as Lady Sylvanus holds yours. I… I love my brother, I…” She whimpers and shakes her head again. “I just can’t… Lady Selune is all I have left. I can’t…”

She started to weep again, and Luieustriel quickly moved to sit beside her, offering her another embrace.

“Shh, it’ll be alright.” Soheiel’s grasping arms left Kathranis’ shoulders and shifted to Luieustriel’s as she continued to weep. “We are still your family, and if ever you feel a new calling, we all will support you. Aranhad included.” She giggled as Kathranis stood. “He’s probably going to be driving suitors off with a stick within the next few days, just you wait. Do you think Harmony is going to cure that bullheadedness of his?”

Soheiel whispered her reply, but her tears dried just slightly, and Luieustriel continued, her words lost in their softness as Kathranis moved to stand beside Aquila again. The gryphoness gently wiped the tears from his armor, her eyes focused on the crying elf.

“I… I should fetch a priestess,” Aquila whispered. “I know she feels attached, but Harmony-”

“No,” Kathranis cut in, his tone quiet and firm. “I said it once and I will say it as many times as I need to. My elves will find their own way to Harmony, or I will see us to the forests to live alone.” He glanced back at Soheiel, glad he hadn’t attempted to offer Sylvanus’ love either. She didn’t need some religious bout being fought over her while she was all but grieving the loss of her twin brother. “She has made her choice, and we shall all respect it. At least she has explained her justifications to me.”

His eyes shifted below, and he felt another touch of anger flit across his chest as he watched Princess Luna. She had taken a seat next to Huron, and as he watched, her hand drifted to rest over his brother’s. The pair exchanged a glance, and Kathranis was sure he saw a shared blush.

If this is over a bout of romantic fervor I will castrate him,’ Kathranis mentally growled.

He bit his tongue, holding back a yelp as claws slipped beneath his trousers and bit at his leg.

‘Calm yourself cub,’ Secil snarled in reply. ‘You do not get to make a judgment like that. You are Blademaster. If you object to his, or any of their involvements in this ceremony, then be a man and say so. Otherwise, feel gladness that Huron and the others have found joy, much as you have.’

Kathranis glowered at the railing, sufficiently chastised by his familiar. Though the words burned him… the cat was right. He could end the ceremony with a word. His elves would follow his word, even if they despised him for it. Fordred would certainly be heartbroken, but he’d obey, if only for long enough to demand that he explain himself. That was perhaps the thing he hated the most. He had been left out, had been surprised by his own brother making such a significant change. He imagined he’d be near to Soheiel’s state if he wasn’t so angry at not being informed.

He took another deep breath, then felt a taloned hand over his. The other turned his chin so that his eyes met Aquila’s. Her expression bled concern as she leaned in closer.

“Are you alright?” she asked.

Kathranis sighed, glancing again toward Soheiel.

“I am a poor Blademaster,” he grumbled. “I am fit for roaming the wilds and sword-fighting, not… this. There are so many great changes, and at every turn I am a step behind, focused on the wrong thing, letting my people down at each turn.” He bowed his head, shaming replacing the burning anger in his chest. “I wonder if I should not simply leave and let Huron take over. He is to shortly have a connection to Harmony, which puts him in line with most of my people, as well as all of yours, especially your mother…” His shoulders slumped. “By the gods, he’d probably even make a better suitor for you. He was the better swordsmen for the longest time, has better patience, remains a ladies-man-”

“Shadowsong, I will cut out your tongue if you say one more word,” Aquila growled.

Her claws poked at his throat, demanding his eyes raise, this time to meet a gaze of pure fury. Her beak curled in a snarl as she spoke in a quiet growl.

“I did not chose to court you because you were politically convenient. I have denied dozens that would be better for the crown than you.” Her eyes glowed for a moment, then her claws retracted and she stroked his cheek. “And I can’t speak for your people on a personal level, but you have done a marvelous job at keeping them safe in a new world. My mother may not like you much, but my father does, as does my brother, and both of my keepers. That is not such a small thing, and I would like you to stop doubting their opinions of you.”

Kathranis felt a ghost of a smile flicker across his lips.

“And you, my Princess? Is this wretched little failure of an elf still worth your time?”

Aquila snorted, and the rest of her anger gradually cooled.

“Jokes won’t save you this time. I don’t want to hear this talk again, not unless you are completely serious about such things and need convincing to stay.” She placed his forehead against his, and Kathranis could practically feel some of his worry evaporate as he closed his eyes, pressing back against the gryphoness. “Do not say these things idly, my elf. Come to me if they ever have serious merit, but do not say them again otherwise. I won’t tolerate it.”

Kathranis sighed and nodded.

“Alright,” he whispered in reply. “But I must do better. Our time together may suffer for that.”

“Then it suffers, we have time enough.”

Kathranis smiled, and his hands wrapped around her. Aquila purred and helped, pulling him into her feathery embrace.

“Better. Now let’s watch. The ceremony is about to start, and frankly, I believe Mother is waiting on us.”

Kathranis glanced over the balcony to find the queen of gryphons glaring his way. She was dressed in similar white robes as his kin, but also bore a crown that shined in the sunshine slowly creeping through the massive stained glass window behind the pedestal. Gold was draped around her neck and wrists as well, each marked with another rainbow colored gem. Scylla’s glare quickly softened as he relaxed against the wall again, much of his inner turmoil calmed for the moment. She flared her wings, and the chattering in the chapel quieted as her voice boomed out in greeting.

“Welcome to the Fifthsday celebration! I am pleased to see so many familiar faces here, and so many new! As you have no doubt heard, we shall be showing our new friends in Harmony’s love today, and I welcome any who have not yet welcomed Her light to come and join us! There is always room in Her embrace!”

“Harmony’s love is all!” came a cheerful reply from the crowd. Kathranis glanced at Aquila as she whispered the words as well. She smiled nervously his way when she noticed his gaze, and he smiled back, waving his hand, as if to say; ‘don’t hide’. She relaxed and gave him a peck on the cheek before resuming her watch.

Scylla nodded, beaming.

“Indeed, Harmony’s love is all, and I am glad to welcome our new friends to her love. We shall begin with welcoming my personal friend Fordred!” She bowed her head to the elvish wizard, who rose, his blush visible from the balcony. “And once we have welcomed all of our new friends, we shall hold our traditional Fifthsday service, and a feast!”

A cheer went up among the crowd, and Aquila leaned over again.

“The feast will be fun Shadowsong. We should dance, we never did get to dance at your victory ball.”

Kathranis blushed and gently elbowed the gryphoness, earning him a giggle.

“Quiet harpy, you’ll ruin the moment.”

“With any luck,” she chirped.

Fordred moved forward, and a vaguely familiar gryphon stepped out from behind Scylla to stand at his side. The gryphon queen smiled at the pair of them before clasping her hands before her.

“Master Fordred, Lord Grayfeather. I welcome you both to Harmony’s hall.”

The pair both bowed their heads.

“Thank you, Priestess,” they answered together, their voices strong.

Kathranis felt his fingers drift instinctively toward his holy symbol, clutching the leaf tight.

“You’re sure my presence isn’t sacrilege?” he whispered.

“I can think of no better way to contact Harmony than to be here, and you still haven’t had time to speak with Lord Grayfeather yourself,” Aquila whispered. “If you need to leave, let me know, but try to endure. I think it will be worth it.”

Kathranis nodded, taking a deep breath as the ceremony continued.

“Master Fordred,” Scylla continued, looking toward the elf. “You have come to recognize Harmony as your goddess? You have felt her light in your heart? Feel her love for you?”

Fordred smiled and nodded.

“I have, Priestess. I feel her love and wish to spread her light to every dark corner of the world.”

Scylla leaned forward and kissed his forehead, then looked to Grayfeather.

“Priest Grayfeather, you have spoken with Fordred. Is he a friend? Does his heart hold Her light, as yours does?”

Grayfeather’s wing extended, wrapping around Fordred’s shoulders.

“His heart is full, Priestess. She loves him as her own son, even though he is not from our world. Harmony fills him with her light, and wishes to spread her love through him. Of this, I would stake my life on.”

Scylla nodded, then smiled at Fordred before looking to the crowd, raising her wings.

“Then we welcome Fordred into Her love! All rise, as I bless our new brother with Her light!”

The sun was shining bright through the stained glass now, and a single prismatic beam focused on the center of the alter. While Grayfeather moved to his original position, Scylla guided Fordred to the spot, beckoning him to kneel. As soon as her hand left his shoulder, the rainbow light seemed to spread throughout the chapel. A collective gasp rose from the crowd as Fordred channeled the divine light, and Kathranis braced himself to run with his fellow Sylvanites.

Aquila let out a gasp of delight as the light touched her, and looking at her, Kathranis was amazed. Her already incredible beauty was somehow enhanced. Her feathers shined with the prismatic light, as did her eyes. She looked toward him, and her eyes widened.

“S-Shadowsong? D-did something happen to Lady Sylvanus?”

He tilted his head in confusion, then looked down, his eyebrows raising. His clothes were bathed in the same light, the rainbow colors curling in and out, all across his body. Glancing toward his followers, he found them looking similarly astounded. Riven looked toward Kathranis in open confusion.

“Blademaster? Are we… I feel a call, but I can resist without trouble.”

Kathranis’ eyes flicked to Luieustriel and Soheiel, who similarly nodded.

“I feel an invitation Blademaster,” Soheiel whispered. “I… I fear what will happen if I turn Harmony away. Will she hate me? Will… is this my only chance?”

Kathranis glanced at Aquila who shook her head, her beak flapping as she shrugged.

“She shouldn’t?” Aquila offered. “It isn’t her way to hold grudges for life.”

Kathranis looked toward Fordred, who stood with arms outstretched, eagerly soaking in the light. He then looked toward his holy symbol, which glowed with emerald light. He glanced at Secil, who gave a cat-like smile and nodded, reading his thoughts. Kathranis took a breath and looked to his elves.

“I… will attempt contact. Lady Sylvanus will protect me. If I fail…” he took another breath, his heart racing as if he’d been fighting for days. He didn’t want to say the words, but if he came back preaching for Harmony… “Make your own choices. You are each strong enough to determine where your heart belongs. Pray to the Lady that I am of similar strength.”

He fell into a cross-legged position and held his holy symbol tight. Closing his eyes, Kathranis focused on the light surrounding him, grabbing hold of its invitation.

He let out a gasp as he opened his eyes, finding himself in an empty chapel. He sat cross-legged at Fordred’s place on the alter, the light focused squarely on him. It was just as warm and loving as before, and had he been a panther like Secil, he imagined he would have purred. His hand still held his holy symbol, however, and he felt his goddess’ love. Warm fur and feathers embraced his back, and strong arms lifted him.

“Hello my friend,” a heavenly voice muttered. “I… I am glad…”

Kathranis turned as he listened to a goddess stutter. His smile was warm as he stared up at her, found himself staring at Aquila, simply… taller. Harmony looked confused, and she stepped away, her motions surprising him with their inclusion of fear. She was afraid? Of some little nothing like him?

“Not nothing!” she barked, her headfeathers becoming red. “I love each of my children, and I would love you!” Yellow consumed her headfeathers next as tears filled her eyes. “Why won’t you accept my love? Please, please my friend, I will beg if that is whats necessary, please do not turn away from my love again.”

Kathranis raised his hand, an earnest smile on his face.

“I don’t want to, Lady Harmony! Your love is warm, all encompassing! I would happily welcome it into my heart, I just can’t abandon my current love for it. Please, let me call my goddess, Lady Sylvanus! She merely wants to speak, to be your friend, much as I would love to be!”

Her feathers curled through all the colors of the rainbow, and a hopeful look briefly crossed her beak, before fear once again reigned supreme, and she stepped back again.

“H-he said the same! He lied to me, t-tried to kill me!”

Her hand waved and the light vanished, plunging Kathranis into blackness.


He opened his eyes to find the prismatic absent on his body. Looking up, Aquila was still alight with colors, but his fellow Sylvanites were not. He bowed his head, the weight of failure crushing his chest.

“She threw me out,” he whispered. “I…. I was there, and she… she said ‘no’.”

He looked up at Aquila, tears in his eyes.

“I… I doomed my goddess. By the gods I just killed Lady Sylvanus.” He looked to Riven and Luieustriel. “I-I’m so sorry. Our goddess will die with us.”


As Fordred stood happily with Lord Grayfeather beside him, Scylla watched with some confusion as Luna stepped up beside Huron. The pair were smiling, just as bright as Fordred had been, however, so she recovered, unable to shake a deep-seated wrongness she suddenly felt. Ruffling her feathers, she folded her hands.

“Princess Luna, I must express some surprise. I was under the impression it was members of my flock who led these members of Shadowsong's band to Harmony’s light.”

She detected a hint of smugness as Luna smiled brightly, her wings spread wide.

“It matters not how we came, Priestess. We are here nonetheless.”

Scylla blinked, then nodded.

“Indeed.” She looked to Huron, who perked up. “Master Huron, you have come to recognize Harmony as your goddess? You have felt her light in your heart? Feel her love for you?”

She noticed his eyes flick toward Luna for the barest hint of a second before he replied.

“I have, Priestess. I have felt her love and wish to see it fill every heart, to blanket every day and every night.”

Scylla again looked at Luna. These weren’t the normal phrases, didn’t carry the same meanings. The alicorn looked proudly at the elf beside her, then back to Scylla, her eyes filled with eager light. Scylla met that eagerness with a smile. She was being ridiculous. It was likely a minute change made by the Equestrians in recent years. It had been some time since she’d visit the castle of the pair of pony sisters. She leaned forward and kissed Huron’s forehead.

“Princess Luna, you have spoken with Huron. Is he a friend? Does his heart hold Her light, as yours does?”

The blue alicorn nodded, and her smile seemed sharp as it shined.

“He does. Huron’s heart holds the truest light of Harmony, of that we have no doubt.”

Scylla’s wings twitched again, but she nodded, calling out to the congregation.

“Then we welcome Huron into Her love! All rise, as I bless our new brother with Her light!

The elf stepped forward, and Scylla felt her confidence return as he moved just the same. A bare touch of hesitation, only natural as he kneeled. Once he was in the light of Harmony, however, all was… Scylla felt the light weaken, just slightly. Though she disguised it as part of the ceremony, she turned and looked toward the balcony, where she knew Shadowsong and his ‘followers’ were seated. With the light of Harmony flowing through her, she could easily detect discordant forces, and there in the balcony, she found an astounding level of grief. Momentarily she felt rage. How dare the elf shame his kin for welcoming Harmony’s light? He would go so far as to grieve them as if dead because they accepted the love of Harmony? But as renewed light flowing through her, she felt a confusion, and it was coming from her goddess.

Huron rose, much as Fordred had, and Scylla smiled at him, embracing him in a hug. The elf happily returned it before moving toward Luna, giving her the same. While the chapel cheered, Huron moved next to Fordred, while Luna remained in place, motioning for the next elf. Scylla felt yet more confusion.

“You… have welcomed them all?” she asked.

Luna beamed.

“Indeed, Priestess. We have spoken at length. If you are ready?”

Scylla looked again to the balcony, then inward, suddenly filled with confusion and un-surity. Swallowing she nodded and smiled. Something was wrong, but she was a priestess and a queen. She would endure and sort out everything in private. Perhaps Terran might even offer some of his unique insights. All would be well then. First she had a duty to welcome the elves to the light of Harmony.

“Of course,” she said, bowing her head to Luna. “You do Harmony a great service. Let us continue.”

Comments ( 4 )

Do any of the devils appear in this story?

Don't make me brush you, Eight.

I don't think any followed. So Harmony at least doesn't have to deal with them, only greedy gods trying to trick her and making her fear any new ally.

After reading this far I'm still under the belief that other Elves( as well as the other races) from the old world ended up in Equestria/new world. They're just ended up scattered around in different locations around the globe than our group here, doing their best to survive in this new world.

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