• Member Since 19th Jun, 2012
  • offline last seen Saturday


Reader. Writer. No ‘rithmatic.


My name is Joseph Phillips. One night I was outside in a blizzard when I was caught in a flash of light from my neighbor’s house. When I woke up I was in the frozen north of Equestria.

And I was an ice-dinosaur Pokémon.

Now I have to survive the endless winter and the creatures of this frozen land until the Crystal Empire returns while trying to figure my new self out.

It doesn’t help that I’m trying to protect Sunburst on some expedition out here.

This story takes place in the same universe as Symphonicdysonince’s story, Equestrian Eeveelution. While you don't need to have read that to be able to follow this, I would still recommend at least reading the first two chapters, as there's information in those that won't be in this. Plus, it's just a really good story.

Chapters (4)
Comments ( 57 )

Congratulations! I had the same idea to do a spin-off in the frozen north, but alas, I was too hesitant to ask in time. Either way this looks good so far, looking forward to seeing what you will do with it.

That or the sun in this world is a fickle bitch.

Princess Celestia felt vaguely insulted, but didn’t know why. She presumed it had something to do with Blueblood.


Glad I caught this! I'm working on a Eeveeverse group now, would you like me to add this in?

You can still write your story, you don't even need to worry about being cannon to each other. Way I see it, is that every story's cannon candidacy is up to the readers anyways. Write what you want to.

It’s fine, I have found myself too busy to write currently, and likely will be for a long time.

I think the problem comes when there is clashing stories, they can’t both be canon. Like, if you wrote about Yomega saving spike but didn’t want me there, and I wanted to be saving Spike, mine would automatically be non-canon. If I were in the background, like the Absol one, or elsewhere at the time, then I would be “optional” canon, and if they worked together like you and Fire and Steel did, then it would be canon for certain.

That all said, I’m sure we would be able to work around one another, or even together on storylines if you would like.

Happy to see another story in the Eeveeverse! Best of luck with your writing- this story seems very promising!

i like it and the pokemon he turned into

Interesting... Very interesting.

This looks pretty good! I like how Sunburst is trying old summon rituals. Sounds like something I'd do, to be honest.

I enjoyed this chapter. The notification came right as I woke up and I only now finished reading the newest addition.
Good to see this story growing!

A good start. Very nice touch on the sun joke.


This is quite possibly the funniest thing I've read in some time.

I wouldn't say that i love this story yet as it's far too early to say. But, what i can say is that this story show much potential, and i'd say that the quality is no par with what i've read of the Eeveeverse (that being EE and Fire and Steel)

That said. I can say that i'm liking where this story has gone so far, and i'm looking forward to where it will go.

I like how you characterised the protagonist, showing his joys as well as his struggles. All too often, the protagonists of these sorts of fanfics feel bland.

Also, I’ve only read the first few chapters of Equestrian Eeveelution, so what are summons and how are they different from regular humans-turned-Pokémon?

In the Eeveeverse, the humans-turned-Pokémon are Displaced. They speak English among themselves and other races hear Pokespeak. Summons are legitimate Pokémon (though the ponies don’t know that, they think they’re magical constructs, similar to elementals or golems) and speak Japanese among themselves.

Thanks. I knew about the Japanese part because of the group description, but not the legitimate Pokémon part.

I was initially uninterested in Equestrian Eeveelution and its side-stories because they seemed like self-insert fanfics, but this is surprisingly good! Amaura is a Pokémon I like that I don’t see very often, and it like the idea of its aurora-sails changing colour based on its emotions. I also like the friendly banter between the members of the outpost.

The premise of the Eeveeverse reminds me of Looking Through the Pokeball, which was also about humans from the real world turning into Pokémon in Equestria. In practise, though, I think the Eeveeverse has the same appeal of A New World, A New Way - you can have characters from anywhere in Equestria meet any Pokémon, and you can have them cope with transformation - but since there’s less of it, you don’t have to worry about contradicting someone else’s story, and it’s more flexible because the Pokémon don’t all appear at once.

Crystal Ponies. Quite a number of them actually, and all as monochromatic and frozen as the world around them. Some of them were actually in the air, having jumped or been thrown before time just sort of...stopped for them.


Frankly, I think that more, quicker, shorter chapters would work better so that there is a fairly constant stream of crumbs, rather than a slice every now and then.

I don't know. Sounds ok to me. Long or short. Just as long as you are having fun with it.

As Bright Spark trotted away, Parsnip heard him mutter “I wonder if there’s any alcohol in the supply cabinet.”

Knowing it wasn’t meant for him to hear, Parsnip called out anyway, “It’s meant to be used medicinally!”


My kind of guy:rainbowlaugh:

When does this take place? Because the Crystal Empire seems to have been recently freed from slavery and Equestrian Eeveelution began in 2016, but Pinkie knows the yaks.

When is it explained in Equestrian Eeveelution where humans-turned-Pokémon come from? And did Pokémon live in this world in ancient times, like Looking Through the Pokeball except it actually goes somewhere?

In order: this chapter is set between Season 2 Episode 10 and Season 2 Episode 11. The timeline is currently intact. Pinkie knows A Yak who lives in Equestria. Pinkie knows “everyone in Equestria” because she’s Pinkie Pie. Unless she doesn’t. Chapter one and two of EE. Yes and no.

Fire and Steel better explains the lore in the chapter History Lesson, but the short and dirty version is that Equestria and Pokémon happen in the same universe, just in different parts of it.

I read the first two chapters of Equestrian Eeveelution, and I don't remember that being explained... I'll re-read it.

Fire and Steel is another fanfic I avoided because it seemed like Displaced, so I was surprised to see that My Little Pony was actually important.

I'm going to vote for longer chapters, I hate reading short chapters.

Make chapter length whatever "Feels" right to you. Longer or shorter shouldn't matter as long as the story cuts or begins at a place that feels natural. Of course, there is such a thing as chapters being "TOO long", but that's generally only a problem when you start getting into the 10+K word range...

Ponies on the edge defending against the outside, ponies in the middle broken free from their chains, ponies at the center still fighting against something on the inside. “Sombra was outside with Celestia and Luna… didn’t he do this by himself? What were you fighting? And what is that feeling?”

Why do I feel like Sombra summoned a Darkrai?

And opening into the void is what happens when you succesfully summon something extinct.

This is good so far. Hope to see more in the not too distant future. I personally like longer chapters, but I'm the sort of person that likes 20k+ chapters, which most folks seem turned away/intimidated by. Write what feels right to you.

Who or WHAT keeps saying "MINE" ?

Why don't the ponies at the base know what an aurora is?

Also, I'm confused. I thought former humans weren't summoned? What's the chapter of Equestrian Eeveelution that explains summoning?

Sombra. Most likely.
But I am puzzled as to who the "voice of reason/restraint" is. Wasn't Sombra called "mad king"? I would assume that it might be the remnants of his sanity. But that could be completely wrong. Could also be a projection of Discord. That way the voice refers to others as toys sounds a lot like a more malicous Discord.

Weren't the pokemon a very recent development caused by Discord in order to create more caos? And didn't he do that after being sealed in stone around the time of Lunas return? I thought the apperance of the Poniville pack was the first of them in that "universe".

Because there’s only one thing that makes an aurora in the show, and it’s been gone a thousand years.

As for the rest of it, I’m going to edit authors note and put a thing in there. It’s not going to answer your question but will tell you what Im planning to do to fix and explain things in the story.

Definitely more of a what.
once upon a time, maybe.

None of the transformed people in the Eeveeverse fics were summoned nor were they a species the ponies knew of. This is the only Eeveeverse fic where the main character is both a species the ponies know about and know how to summon.

The sane voice could also be a summoned Pokemon.

Well whatever the shadow hand is, it's either Darkrai or one of those messed up Marshadow...

Flatterer. You’re aiming too high though. Plenty of things have shadowy hands, or can make them.

“...Guys? You need to see this.”

"You beeter take a look at this," cliche; +1 sin.

What?! No! Mine! First! Minemineminemine-

Doesnt change the fact Marshadow are generally little homicidal imps.

Gonna need more of this.

I’m working on it, don’t worry.

please see Fire and Steel chapter 'History Lesson', a great deal is explained in it about the lore of this 'Verse

This was a awesomely interesting beginning I can't wait to see where this goes.

“Moving on to the actual spell, several conditions are described beyond the spell itself, namely the time of day as the “long night,” which would be any time between the autumnal and vernal equinoxes and the presence of the ‘nighttime rainbow’.”

Well, now I know poor Sunburst is about to fail, because in the context of this story, those are clearly references to polar winter and aurora. He’s making the same mistake of putting his own interpretation onto the words as he translates that he just pooh-poohed a thousand years of summoners for. :rainbowlaugh:

I love this guards POV and the guards there awesome this was a blast to read.

This was a awesomely heart pumping chapter.

This was wild heart pumping warm up chapter.

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