• Published 25th Aug 2012
  • 27,588 Views, 528 Comments

Damn it, Twilight, I love you! - Sam Cole

Rarity tries to tell Twilight of her feelings, hi-jinks ensue

  • ...

Epilogue: The Posh Connection

Epilogue: The Posh Connection

When all was said and done, it had taken six months to finish the repairs in Canterlot. There were adventures for the ponies of Ponyville, true. Love lives bloomed, and hearts were broken. Sweetie finally confessed how she felt about Spike one day, on a dare, only to be shot down. His logic was irrefutable, that they were like family now, with Twilight and Rarity so close, that anything between them was just plain weird. Rainbow and Pinkie also began dating, roughly four months back, but never said anything till two weeks ago. Pinkie still denied that she was in love and not just fooling around, but it was a step in the right direction. Fluttershy and Big Mac were even making progress, though it took three months before the pair was brave enough to kiss.

So now the family of the Golden Oaks library was in Posh, just in time for the happy couple’s first Hearts and Hooves Day together, and they were loving it. But the big day was tomorrow, and right now it was lunch time. Spike was having trouble with these late meals the Posh loved so much. Rarity loved it, and Twilight was so busy with the magnificence of the city she barely noticed any meals.

“Wow, nice outfit Rarity,” Spike smiled as she entered the room.

“Aww, thank you Spikey-Wikey,” Rarity smiled.

“I always loved that beret and sweater. You look amazing honey,” Twilight giggled as she kissed Rarity on the cheek, heading towards the door. Rarity knew her marefriend well enough to know when the mare was trying to hide something.

“Darling, leave it,” Rarity chided with a roll of her eyes. “I speak Fancy. You don’t need the book.”

“What? But what if I want to learn about the city’s history? Or about some art? Or find the library?” Twilight groaned.

“Then I shall ask,” Rarity retorted. “Now, I saw this lovely little bakery this morning when we got in. Shall we go?”

“Yes, I’m starving,” Spike joked as he leapt onto Twilight’s back.

“Bonjour,” The owner and master confectioner greeted the pair of unicorns and baby dragon. A rather strange owner for being from a pony city, this griffon really stood out. “I am-”

“Gustave Le Grand!” Twilight beamed. “It’s great to see you again!”

“Ah, Ze Lady Twilight, and Miss Rarity, it’s a pleasure. Come come, sit,” Gustave directed as the pair took walked towards a booth in the corner. “Ah, why sit inside? It’s such a lovely day out. Come, my little girl will show you to your table,” Gustave smiled. “Zoe! Please help our friends to a table outside.”

“Oui, papa!” A small griffon smiled, poking her head out from the kitchen. She was lighter in plumage than Gustave, with pretty amber and copper eyes.

“Oh hello,” Spike muttered under his breath, brushing back his spines.

“Oh my,” Rarity chuckled. “Twilight, I think our little dragon is growing up.”

“Don’t say that, it makes me feel old,” Twilight giggled. With the dragon seeing hearts again, he was lead out to a small table out front with his family. After a few minutes, Gustave was outside taking their orders and dropping off a plate of croissants. Spike wasted no time in picking one up and acting as if it were a mustache. Rarity could barely contain her giggles as she watched. Well that, and listening to Twilight try to order in Fancy was pretty funny as well. How does a pony so smart struggle so much with such a simple language? But the small griffon’s eyes were on the dragon, as her chuckle made Spike freeze in horror.

“You are most silly, Monsieur Dragon,” Zoe chuckled, unseen at the foot of the table. “You make me laugh.”

“I... Ah...Hehe, um...” Spike muttered, blushing despite his scally nature.

“Oh Spike, you are too cute,” Rarity giggled. “Monsieur? I think our little dragon would benefit from a guide closer to his own age. Would Zoe like to show him around?”

“Permettez-moi, papa?” Zoe asked, bright eyed and bouncing a bit.

“Oui,” Gustave smiled, and his little girl cheered, grabbing Spike’s claw in her own.

“Rarity, we can’t leave Spike with some stranger,” Twilight panicked, wrapping her forelegs around the young dragon’s shoulders.

“Darling, he eats gemstones, swims in lava, and breaths fire. What on Equis could possibly happen to him?”

“I don’t know. He could break his little arm. Or catch a cold. Or- or something bad,” Twilight managed weakly, but Rarity had a point the lavender mare could not ignore. “Okay, Spike, if you want, you can-”

“Thanks Twilight,” Spike smiled and bolted before she even finished. But he didn’t get far, before his stomach rumbled loud enough to be heard from half way down the street, making him and Zoe stop dead in their tracks.

“Oh my...” Twilight gasped as she looked at the city of Posh from the top of the Eiffoal tower, twinkling in the night below her and Rarity. “It’s so beautiful.”

“Very,” Rarity nodded, nuzzling Twilight. “The city looks nice too.”

“You’re so cheesy,” Twilight laughed, turning to Rarity, and kissing her for the first time on top of the world.

“I love you Twinkle.”

“I love you too Rares. Here, to us,” Twilight smiled, giving her love a glass of champagne they had snuck up there. It was the most wild and rebellious thing Twilight had done since she had stayed up two hours past lights out, reading.

“To us, my love. Thank you darling, for everything.” Rarity smiled, sipping her drink and cuddling with the mare that meant more to her than this city even. More than fashion, more than anything.

“Rarity,” Twilight sighed, “This night has been perfect.”

“That’s how I feel, every night with you.”

Twilight giggled, and hugged the white mare tight, never wanting to let go, lest she wake up from this glorious dream. But this was real life, and eventually they had to return to their hotel suite, to find Spike snoring softly on the couch as he waited for them. Rarity glanced at the clock on the wall, and giggled as she and Twilight climbed into bed.

“Happy Hearts and Hooves Day, my love.”

“Happy Hearts and Hooves Day to you too, Rarity. I love you,” Twilight smiled as she snuggled up close to Rarity, and drifted blissfully to sleep.

“Twilight,” Spike asked, poking his slumbering friend. “Come on, breakfast is ready.”

“Five more minutes,” Twilight groaned, pulling the pillow over her head.

“Shuddup,” Rarity grunted from her slumber, and pulled Twilight in close. “This is my Twinkle.” They would have gone back to sleep, had a polite cough not roused them slightly.

“Madam,” Gustave smiled.

“I thought you said breakfast was ready,” Twilight fussed as she sat up, looking from the griffon to the dragon.

“It is,” Spike smiled. “I never said I made it.”

Twilight stuck out her tongue, and said she and Rarity would be out in a few minutes, after they cleaned up a little. After ten minutes, with Twilight pushing Rarity along to leave her mane as it lay, the pair walked out to find the baker and daughter sitting around, laughing at Spike’s stories.

“Monsieur Spike, you are too funny,” Zoe giggled, blushing like a school filly.

“Ah, Miss Rarity, I was hoping to speak to you,” Gustave smiled as Rarity stepped out. “I had an excellent time yesterday with the young Monsieur Spike, as did my little Zoe. I know from him that this is your first Hearts and Hooves Day together, no?”

“It is, Monsieur Le Grand,” Rarity smiled. “Are you asking what I think you’re asking?”

“If you would like, Spike may come with me today. I could always use the extra help at the bakery on this most lovely of days, and give you two time to... enjoy the day. Besides, my little Zoe seems to have a, what you say, crush,” Gustave teased his daughter.

“Papa!” Zoe blushed harder, and shrank behind her wing.

“Spike, does that sound good?” Twilight asked. Spike’s look made it clear that asking was truly a formality.

“Monsieur, I’m happy that Spike is happy,” Rarity smiled.

“Thanks Rarity! I’ll make you girls something really tasty,” Spike beamed as he and the two griffons got up and headed out, leaving the two unicorns to their very romantic breakfast.

Halfway through their breakfast, a knock begged for attention, and Twilight went to the door. To her surprise, it was a post pony, and he had a very peculiar package, one from Fluttershy. Twilight took it, and raced over to Rarity.

“Is this what I think it is?” Twilight beamed as she tore into the packaging.

“How should I know?” Rarity laughed. But soon, Twilight’s eyes lit up as she found the note within, along with the first edition of Fluttershy’s new novel, Learning Curve.

“Ah! It’s here! We can read it! Finally!” Twilight rejoiced, bouncing onto the bed and patting the area next to her for Rarity to join. Rarity took her time, a small way to tease Twilight, and very effective. The white unicorn slid into place and floated the note in front of Twilight, making her pause to read it first.

Dear Twilight. I can’t thank you enough for what you did for me and Big Mac. He gives me the courage to do this, and I owe this all too you. Thank you. I thought you two deserved the very first edition of the book, and have been planning this surprise with Rarity for a month now. I know how badly you wanted to read it, and Rarity has been super nice in waiting till she could share it with you. You two are such an inspiration, and I hope my story lives up to your love. Happy Hearts and Hooves Day, love ‘Butter Shine’ Fluttershy.

“I thought the timing of this trip was a bit conspicuous,” Twilight giggled finishing the note. “Well...”

“Oh I’m not here to stop you mi amour. Dive right in,” Rarity laughed. This should be good, Rarity mentally squealed, bubbling over with excitement.

“Rarity?” Twilight asked about two chapters in, just as the book just getting to the juicy part.

“Yes mi amour?” Rarity asked, with a nervous smile on her face. Good heavens, what did Fluttershy write!? This is just porn! Well written, extremely graphic porn! Not even Twilight could misinterpret this information!

“Are they... making love?” Twilight asked, referring to the characters in the book.

“Yes, Darling. They are,” Rarity managed. She had never been this nervous, explaining the finer points of mare-mare relations. I should be talking to a professional, not letting a trashy romance novel fill her in.

“Is this what everypony thinks we’re doing?” Twilight asked, setting down the book. Oh goddess, she put down a book. I’m in so much trouble.

“Yes,” Rarity finally managed.

“Oh,” Twilight nodded. “This is so captivating. Fluttershy is a great writer.” Twilight smiled. Damn it Twilight! You got me all worked up over nothing! “So,” Twilight asked, looking around nonchalant, “I must admit, I am a bit eager to explore this. Are you?”

“Darling, I can exp- What?”

“It sounds amazing, and it seems like such a true expression of love. Can we?”

“Darling... I- I don’t know what to say,” Rarity stammered. “Yes, if you are willing, I would love too.”

“Great!” Twilight beamed. “Which one of us gets the riding crop?”

“What?” Rarity asked, thrown off kilter by that request. She pulled over the book and skimmed it, her ears drooping as she saw what Twilight had read, and what she now though adult relations were all about. Oh Damn It Fluttershy!

Author's Note:

The story of Twilight learning to date and love is finished, but this world is far from done. Does Applejack ever find love? Or at least a date she doesn't hate... What about the other couples? What did we miss between Fluttershy and Big Mac? Or Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie for that matter. Or the gang's first Hearths Warming Day? Happy holidays everyone, see you again real soon.

Comments ( 89 )

It's... Over? :fluttercry:
Lols were had, d'aaawwwwws were had, WTFs were had. Fine job, sir. :moustache:

1835264 There were indeed a hearty number of WTFs had. :moustache:

Poor Sweetie, but hey, cute Griffon girl for Spike instead. Now there's an idea!:twilightsmile:


I'm with you there dude. I would like to see where that pairing goes.

This may be over but it left for many avenues to be ventured. I would like to see more of Spike and Applejack.

Yay! Time for Twi and Rarity to break out the corsets and ball gags.

:yay::yay::yay::yay::yay::yay: FTW
the end made me :rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh:

Three words..I loved it! And an optional 4th word..D'AWWWWW!!!

1835725 Actually, besides the fan concept that Blueblood is weak, there is no canon source. Blue there is actually related to the Princesses, on their mother's side. Why shouldn't he be strong? Also, Celestia and Luna have a mother?

Oh goddess, she put down a book. I’m in so much trouble.

xD She has a point, if you can get Twilight to put down a book without prying it from her, you dun fucked.

So sad that this story is over, it was a great read.

1835782 Blueblood is but a unicorn, almost certainly related to the princesses by marriage rather than blood. There's nothing special about him other than the size of his inheritance.

Shining Armor, on the other hand, is the blood relative of Twilight Sparkle, who is confirmed to be the most powerful unicorn that ever lived. His magic has been shown to do incredible things, and his power is formidable at worst and we-have-no-idea at best (he protected the entire city of Canterlot alone, and that's just his defensive capabilities) He has been trusted by Princess Celestia to lead the royal fucking guard. To say that he would wipe the floor with Blueblood would be akin to saying that the pope thinks god is a pretty cool guy.

1836068 Not quite. According to Blueblood's ponywiki page, he is a blood relative on the mother's side, what ever that means. It could mean he is just a simple unicorn, and I misread that info, or it could mean just the opposite. Why not take the path less traveled?
Conversely, we see Shining is great with defensive magic, that's his cutie mark for crying out loud. But we see no clue that he has any skill with offensive magic. Every time he has had to fight in the show (like against a freaking shadow) he lost. To a shadow. We know Sombra was gaining power then, but we have no base figures for him at the time.
Twilight is magically gifted, true, but nothing has ever been said to show Shining is just as strong, or even shares in that power. For all we know, it's tied to Twilight alone, a concept I previously explored in a different fic.
Don't get me wrong though, I love that so many people are looking at this critically, bringing forth all of these ideas and arguments. I love it. Thank you for pointing out my flaws that I may learn and get better. Peace out, and Happy holidays.

In this case literally.

As sweet as this chapter (heck, this whole story) is, I have one big problem here at the end.
Rarity speaks fluent Fancy.
Gustave and Zoe speak fluent Fancy.
It's spelled "Monsieur".

Other than that, have a fc03.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2011/344/d/4/luna_clop_by_mihaaaa-d4ipt8o.gif

“I always loved that beret and sweater.

So do I! Beatnik Rarity is my favorite canon Rarity.

It was the most wild and rebellious thing Twilight had done since she had stayed up two hours past lights out, reading.


“Yes, Darling. they are,”


And the promise of more to come...

1836277 Thanks, Google translator failed me there, will fix right now.

Why the seeming build up to pairing Spike and Sweeite Belle if you were just going to shoot it down in the epilogue?

Get the riding crop......oh Celestia....that won't end well....

I hesitate to retread part of my comment last chapter, but I just want to reiterate one point. Shining is a trained guardsman. Blueblood is, by all accounts, a spoiled brat. Doesn't matter how much power you have, a kid with a chainsaw would get his ass beat by someone with formal training and loads of experience. :moustache:

With that out of the way, I would like to say that this chapter is everything the other chapter wasn't, and it wraps up the story very well. :twilightsmile: I find it amusing (and perhaps a bit worrisome) that Twi is so eager to begin a physical relationship in that particular manner. :twilightoops: Mwuhahahaha :yay:

Umm, that was not soft core porn. Remember Rarity mentioned it being very graphic:ajbemused:.

Pretty sure softcore porn doesn't include a riding crop.:pinkiehappy:

1837786 Thank you. And I do admit to one thing: The fight between Blueblood and Shining was solely for a new style of comedy for me, and my own head canon firing away. You wanna bad mouth it, by all means, I'll join you on the roof in singing its stupidity to the world mi amigo. Happy holidays.

Lol, I see what you did there.

I'll just leave this here...


I always feel bad when I criticize, especially when I leave a criticism that long behind, which is why I don't open my word hole very often. (Well, except to say something inane. :pinkiehappy: I do that a LOT.) I have a bad tendency to say things the wrong way. So, thanks for not banishing me to the moon. :twilightsmile: (It wouldn't have done any good anyway, I am in self imposed lunar exile after mistaking Skywriter for Blueshift.)

I would like to see a fic with this Zoe character and Spike. Even if it is just a one shot, what was in this epilogue was enough to make me interested.

What did FLuttershy write?

The "l" shoudn't be capitalised. I coloured the part in red


in singing it's stupidity.

That was in your last comment:twilightsheepish:

1842004 Seriously? While I appreciate the help to better myself, you corrected a comment? Also, are you sure it wasn't Red?

We're gonna get a blog about the sequel, right? Please tell me there's a sequel!!!

1842363 Oh you actually fixed it! There's a spelling mistake in the second sentence (3rd word) and a capitalisation mistake in your 3rd sentence (2nd word) :twilightsheepish: That's why I'm an Oberführer in the GN! This comment and the part in the previous one that told you about the mistake in your comment weren't to be taken seriously.

It can't be over!
This... Is the end?

But really, this has been an awesome story.
The first one I read, might I add.
I'd just like to say thank you for writing such a damn fine story. Without which I probably wouldn't have gotten into the who fan fiction deal.
Love you Sam!

1836801 Sorry, I'm bad at replying to these things. The lead up was the original idea, true, but I realized that would be really really weird if they were to actually date. Also, gotta keep you on your toes, right?

There should be a secondary epilogue that explains the after effects of the *ending*

Lol. Hey didnt Rarity say no bdsm?

1850817 Let me see if I can answer both at once. First, My god-daughter's name is pronounced 'Shey-bon.' At least that's the best I can phonetically spell it online... Also to the later one, Rarity said no s&m, but Twilight never did :raritydespair::twilightblush:

Can't wait for the rest.:pinkiehappy:

Fabulous ending! :heart: I'll be following you!

Well, that was a wild ride :pinkiehappy: . Had a ton of fun reading this (into the wee hours of the morning, no less). And would you look at that, it seems the subject that Rarity's been dancing around on eggshells has finally been brought up... and is about to be acted upon. Hope she teaches Twilight that making love doesn't always require kinky props though :facehoof: .
Thanks for the fun story! Now, if you'll excuse me, it's about time I passed out :eeyup: .

Finally got to reading this. I have to say, as a fic that most people interpreted as a one-shot at first, this thing has gone much farther than expected. You have my shipping faith.

This has been sitting unread IN MY TABS for almost a month and a half...BY HARMONY WHY DID I NOT READ IT SOONER???? :pinkiegasp::pinkiegasp::pinkiegasp::pinkiegasp::twilightangry2::twilightangry2:

for this piece of awesome, sir, a watch, favorite, and moustache will be yours :moustache:
also, any sequel MUST include more Zoe, i love it SO much :pinkiehappy::rainbowlaugh::twilightsmile::raritywink::yay::eeyup:

Which one of us gets the riding crop?

Ohohoho. OHOHOHO. :raritywink:

I get the ridi g crop (troll face)

I keep reading Zoe with Madame le Flour's voice.

Otherwise, great story! I really enjoyed it. Plus, the grammar nazi in my head didn't go off at all!

...Well, not enough to ruin the story.

Love it, the whole story start to finish.

Well written, well read, well done :twilightsmile:

I still love you :twilightsheepish:

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