• Published 25th Aug 2012
  • 27,574 Views, 528 Comments

Damn it, Twilight, I love you! - Sam Cole

Rarity tries to tell Twilight of her feelings, hi-jinks ensue

  • ...

Just Have Faith

Hey everyone, Sam here with the long overdue third installment of Damn It, Twilight, I Love You! Coming up, two characters have a conversation in a second language in story, though all you'll see is green text. That is just to show that they are not speaking English (Equestrian) at the moment.
Also, to all Military Bronies, I was proud to stand beside you, and salute you in your continued efforts. So welcome the first works form the veteran Sam Cole. Peace out.

Just Have Faith

“Out! Get out! I don't even know who you are!” Rarity cried, throwing down her quill. “And same goes to you big mane! Yeah, you!” Rarity shouted, her anger and rage boiling over. Twilight took her love’s hoof into her own, and got her to calm down enough to sit.

But poor Rarity was to the breaking point. How, how could all of her friends, neighbors, and family take advantage of her like this?! She was close to tears, and the next one through the door almost broke her. She couldn’t see them over the table, but the defined sound of a biped gave it away regardless, Spike had come in to take his turn now. The dragon hopped into the seat, and frowned at the two mares, his little arms crossed over his chest.

“Spike,” Twilight sighed, feeling Rarity’s exhaustion for herself, “How can we help you?”

“Long day?” The dragon asked.

“Too long,” The mare’s replied together.

“I understand. But there is something I need,” Spike said, looking to the unicorn he felt owed him something. “I’m really hungry Twilight. When are you coming home to make dinner?”

“Oh my Celestia! I’m so sorry!” Twilight cried, crossing the table and hugging her friend. “Come on Spike, I’ll make you whatever dinner you want.”

“Thanks,” Spike blushed. “I hate to ask like this, but you were gone all day, and I was getting really hungry...”

“Of course,” Rarity cooed, hugging the dragon as well. “How thoughtless of us to leave you like that, all day! Oh you poor baby.”

“I’m 15...” Spike interjected.

“Baby dragon,” Rarity said squeezing the dragon tight, stopping any more arguments.

“So Rarity, would you like to join us for dinner?” Twilight asked, setting Spike down finally.

“I would love too... Oh damn! Pinkie!” Rarity said, stamping her hoof.

“Huh?” Spike and Twilight asked.

“Twilight, Pinkie had wanted to have us over for dinner, remember?”

“Oh, that’s right! Oh, I can’t believe I forgot about that,” Twilight groaned. She’s cute when she’s pouting, Rarity giggled to herself.

“Well then, I say it’s high time we went and saw her, no?” Rarity asked, heading to shoo away the ungrateful inhabitants. “I’ll invite Sweetie Belle as well.”

“Let me. I know how badly you want to fix your mane,” Twilight said after closing up her notebook, their tracking system for the requests pouring in. Rarity was in no mood to argue that fact and let Twilight handle the houseguests. After seeing out everypony, and setting up an appointment roster, the student went back to the study, to see Sweetie Belle pouring over the favors notes.

“Sweetie?” Twilight asked, getting her attention. “Want to come to dinner with us? We're going to meet Pinkie Pie.”

“Yeah, that sounds like fun. What’s all of this?” Sweetie asked bouncing over.

“Oh, little things ponies are asking of your sister. She has a lot of favors to repay,” Twilight sighed, more to herself than anyone. “I can’t believe how much trouble I was for her. She really loves me.”

“Yep,” Sweetie chirped. “Lots. So when is Rarity going to repay those favors?”

“As soon as she can I imagine. That notebook is filled with the ones she has to do already.”

“That’s a lot...” Sweetie said, crestfallen. “So she won’t have any free time for like a month...” Had Twilight been privileged to the inner workings of Sweetie’s mind, she would have seen the wheels turning already, but Twilight was more concerned with why Spike was shocked almost white, as the pair of unicorns walked briskly out of the study.

“Oh... Heya Sweets...” Spike muttered.

“S-spike...” Sweetie managed, her expression mirroring the dragon’s.

“Ah, all ready to go?” Rarity asked kindly, stepping into the room with purpose renewed.

“You bet,” Twilight smiled, nudging Sweetie forward gently. “Come on kids.”

“I’m not that hungry,” Spike and Sweetie said together, looking to their specific family.

“You’re going,” The kind yet forceful reply, as only Rarity could say it. “Now, please.”

“Sis, you remember tha-” Sweetie began, til Rarity’s sapphire eyes were upon her.

“Dearest sister, I really think you should join us,” Rarity said through her teeth.

“I don’t have a choice, do I?”

“Not really,” Rarity smiled, “At the very least, you owe Poor Spikey Wikey an apology.”

“What?! But he drugged me!” Sweetie cried, making Spike recoil.

“I didn’t mean to Sweets, honest. It was all a big mistake. I’m sorry it happened to you,” Spike offered, stepping close enough to offer a claw bump.

“I’m sorry,” Sweetie managed, “For falling for your stupid love potion tricks!”

Rarity rolled her eyes, mentally throwing in the towel for now. Her sister would not make this easy on her. But then again, the greater the love story, the harder the work. Twilight had taught her that, the hard way.

“Rarity, come on, we need to get going. You know how Pinkie is with punctuality,” Twilight chided as she and the kids moved to the door, snapping Rarity out of her matchmaker dreams. The white fashionista would just have to let this one go... Nope. Rarity puzzled over the situation the entire walk, and even as she took her seat in Sugarcube Corner.

“Soooo,” Pinkie asked, grinning ear to ear as she took her seat, “doing well?” A general murmur of yes came back as Pinkie served up the first plate of her eggplant parmesan. “Yay! I love happy friends.”

“I’m happy to see you so happy Pinkie,” Twilight giggled.

“I bet she was happy last night,” Rarity whispered, making Twilight giggle and Pinkie glare.

“Ha ha, Rarity. I got my just desserts for that prank,” Pinkie said with a smile.

“No you didn’t. You stopped paying attention to yourself when you said ‘just desserts,’” Rarity retorted.

“Yepperoni! Mmm, I can already taste it too...” Pinkie lulled, drooling slightly at the thought of the new marzipan mascarpone meringue madness she was working on with the Cakes, and that she had a small batch to sample. So dinner, as well as dessert, came and went without incident. Which resulted in a pleased Rarity, who reveled in the flavor she had stolen that fateful night on the train. One would think the memories of that would taint the flavor of the cake for her, but they obviously have never gotten to enjoy the MMMM, in all it’s glory as Rarity had. She regretted nothing. But it was what came after that shocked the fashion mare.

“Rarity,” Pinkie asked when the white mare walked into the kitchen carrying the dishes, “Can I ask you something?”

“What is it Darling? You know you can ask me anything,” Rarity said, walking over and starting to wash alongside her bounce prone friend.

“You don’t- don’t think less of me for what happened today, do you?”

“Oh darling, no. Of course not,” Rarity reassured the poor girl.


“Yes, you were under that damn potion’s-” Rarity began.

“Oh no no no no. Not that, silly. I mean the plan to slip you the love potion so you and Twilight could, you know,” Pinkie said with a devilish grin.

“Oh,” Rarity said flatly. “No, I don’t.” Of course I do. “It was all in fun and games.” Just like you drinking the bloody mix. “I understand.” If you ever try that again, a night time romp with Rainbow Dash will be the least of your worries.

“Oh thank you Rarity!” Pinkie sighed, “I was kind of worried.”

“Ha ha, yes. Just please, let me handle my own love life,” Rarity asked.

“Like you’re trying to handle Spike And Sweetie Belle’s?” Pinkie asked, passing the casserole dish over to Rarity.

“How did you-”

“Oh please, I ship them too,” Pinkie smiled. Rarity had no idea what that meant, and was happy not knowing.

“I was just entertaining the thought,” Rarity commented, “But really I think the little guy just needs some time. I doubt he would have helped you if he wasn’t a tad resentful.”

Pinkie only shrugged, as the tell tale sound of breaking china rang out. Twilight walked in with the last of the remaining dishes, happy to report that Sweetie Belle would not be getting her cutie mark for waitressing, and that she owed Pinkie a few plates.

“Wow, really?” Fluttershy asked, eyes wide.

“Yeah,” Twilight confirmed, floating a slice of bread over and taking a small bite.

“186 favors. All called in at once,” Rarity groaned.

“If it would help, we can do this at a later time.” Fluttershy offered. Whether she wanted the reprieve for them or her, it was hard to tell.

“No no, now is good,” Rarity dismissed, smiling.

“Mmhmm. I can’t believe I get to be the frame work for a character in a novel,” Twilight squealed. She lost control of her excitement whenever she talked about it.

“Well, okay then... Rarity, how would you describe dating Twilight?”

“Mmm, bliss, but with it’s moments,” The white mare lamented.


“You know how I had to win her over,” Rarity smiled, reaching over and playing with Twilight's mane.

“Oh, I see. Twilight, how do you like dating?” Fluttershy said as she scrawled notes with her wings, a very odd talent yet mesmerizing to watch.

“Well, in all honesty, I truely enjoy the emotional bonding aspect of it, and I really enjoy the physical and psychological effects and benefits. But I wish I had a better knowledge base heading into this,” Twilight sighed, taking another bite.

“Well, I don’t know anypony as smart as you Twilight. You’ll figure it out in no time,” Fluttershy smiled. “So Rarity, would you say it’s different to kiss a mare than a stallion, if it’s okay for me to ask?”

“It’s quite alright. And yes, I believe so. But then again, I never felt as strongly for any colt I kissed. I guess it depends more on who the pony is rather than what they are,” Rarity said daintily, taking a sip of tea.

“Mmm, so earth pony, pegasi, unicorn? It doesn’t matter as long as you love them?”

“Quite right,” Rarity replied, letting Fluttershy write again as she nodded and frowned, making small sounds of concentration.

“Well, okay, so how did you two fall in love?” Fluttershy asked. Rarity told her friend the story she had just told the princess not long ago, and again Twilight sat by happily, soaking up every word.

“I remember that day,” Fluttershy smiled, then frowned as she dwelled on it. “I wanted to tell you to stop talking about Twilight, actually.”

“Sorry,” Rarity smiled. “Why didn’t you?” When Fluttershy just looked at the white mare, her eyebrows lifted, and Rarity got the message. It was Fluttershy, she wouldn’t have said anything, ever.

“So Twilight, same question,” Fluttershy said as she looked back to her note pad.

“Well... it was two days ago,” Twilight said, blushing. “As Rarity laid out the plan for the night. I realized just how much she cared she cares me, how much we have in common, and how much I wanted to make her as happy as she made me.”

“Wait, you didn’t love Rarity when you started dating?” Fluttershy asked, tearing her eyes away from the paper.

“Not as I do now. I would have said it, but I didn’t really understand what love was then,” Twilight informed.

“Too true,” Rarity said as the dinner timer rang out, and she rose to get the food out of the oven. “I’ll get it darling, you keep writing.”

“Thanks,” Fluttershy commented with a chuckle. “You know, I always thought you had to be in love to start dating.”

“I don’t believe so. I think just an expressed desire to learn more about the pony on a more intimate level would be the best place to start. I had no concept of dating though, or intrapersonal relationships, so my situation would vary from yours, and maybe even your characters,” Twilight said as she looked around, feeling something was off. As if a pony she knew was getting into trouble. It was likely, actually, but still...

“So you’re saying they just need to want to explore the possibility?”

“Mmhmm,” Twilight happily nodded.

“I don’t think that will work...” Fluttershy fussed.

“Why not? It’s your story,” Rarity asked from Fluttershy’s kitchen.

“Because, while that’s more along the lines of truth, it makes for really bad story telling,” Fluttershy sighed, shaking her head. “No pony wants to hear about the lavish mare turning her friend to fillyfooling because they were curious. That only works in clop stories.”

“Oh...” Twilight blushed, she had never looked at it that way.

“It could work, with two very well established characters, but I have to start fresh,” Fluttershy said, making another note. “Hmm, do you think Rarity would be the Art history professor or the Victory Era history?”

“Art?” Twilight guessed as Rarity trotted back in with the wonderful smelling quiche in her magic.

Twilight and Rarity laid together on the small love seat in Rarity’s studio, gently napping. It had been a long week to get to this point, and even though 4 pages of favors had vanished, the pair was still pulling almost full time shifts to knock them out. So in this now rare downtime, they took the chance to catch up on their rest.

A gentle feeling though, a slight bit of pressure, awoke Rarity. She purred as she felt the warmth on her ear, as Twilight gently nibbled on the tip of Rarity’s sensitive extremity in her sleep. She was just gracing it with her lips, but it still felt absolutely amazing.

“Mmm,” Rarity let slip, turning her head slightly to let Twilight get a better angle. “Oh,” Rarity gasped as Twilight unconsciously brushed the tip with her teeth, enough to tease the white mare. Twilight had uncovered Rarity’s erogenous zone by accident: her ears, and Rarity was loving it. She reached up and started batting her other ear, lost in the bliss. Twilight flicked the ear with her tongue once, and Rarity almost cried out in unadulterated euphoria.

I should really stop her. It’s wrong of me to elicit such pleasure from her, while she sleeps. But then again what kind of marefriend would I be if I woke her up? No no, she deserves her rest! And I will just have to endure this- oh, oh right there Twilight, yes, Rarity reasoned. It was a little sad that she could be given such pleasure from such a simple act, but sometimes, that’s just how it works. And maybe later, Twilight will let me, mmmm, repay the favor...

Rarity was close to losing control, just as the door burst open, and Twilight awoke with a jaw clenching start. “I-” The intruder yelled.

“GAHHHH!” Rarity screamed as Twilight accidentally bit her ear. Rather hard too, from the sound of things.

“- Photo Finish have arrived!” Photo continued, undeterred. “I have come to zee Mizz Rarity’s latest verks! Come come, I haven’t all day!”

“Rarity, are you okay?!” Twilight panicked, not caring about the intruder, whom was now taking in the situation.

“I’ll be fine, darling,” Rarity said, rubbing her poor ear.

“I’m so sorry,” Twilight said, leaning in and kissing the ear lightly. Normally, Rarity would have loved the cute display. But right now, that was the mouth that hurt her ear in the first place.

“Oh ho ho, I did not know du vere... entertaining, Mizz Rarity,” Photo chuckled, grinning largely.

“It was just a little-” Rarity began.

“Ach, it’s nothing. I too find one’s company to be a great... stress relief,” Photo smiled, eyeing Twilight. “Hello, Lady Tvilight.”

“Hello again Miss Finish,” Twilight blushed.

“Don’t worry, I understand,” Photo whispered to Twilight, and winked. Or at least it seemed she had, she never took of the sun glasses, so it was up in the air.

“So, my ah, my new works, yes?” Rarity asked, slipping off the couch. “Hmm, Oh, yes, right this way. Twilight, could you please go fetch the dress I made for you? I’ll show Miss Finish the draft designs while you go.” Twilight nodded, and departed, after giving Rarity an awkward peck, sensing that something had happened while she was asleep.

Why was Rarity’s ear in my mouth? Twilight asked herself as she trotted the two blocks to the library, and still pondered the question on the way back. Well, that explains the dream I was having about nibbling on a marshmallow...

“I zee, I zee!” Photo could be heard exclaiming as Twilight reached the door, “I must zee zis dress!”

Thinking quickly, Twilight magically affixed the dress, and took a second to check the fit. She strode in, “What, this little thing?”

“AH! Zat dress is fantastisch!” Photo exclaimed. Rarity looked over, a smile gracing her lips as she looked upon the lovely mare. “You must simply bring zis dress to Canterlot! My colleagues vill simply love it! Tomorrow, yes?”

“I, wha- your colleagues- In Canterlot,” Rarity giggled, bouncing slightly.

“Yes. Please, ve vould be honored to have du as vell, Lady Tvilight,” Photo said with a bow. Canterlot ponies took her position very seriously.

“Thank you, I look forward to it,” Twilight smiled.

“Good, good. Please, don’t let my intrusion stop you two,” Photo smiled, as Rarity and Twilight blushed. “Now, I go!”

The train ride was quiet, the two mares falling asleep as exhaustion swept over the pair. But as the train ground to a halt in the royal city, the white mare was quick to recover, her excitement almost tangible.

“Ah! I can’t believe I get to put on a fashion show for the Canterlot elite! Ah!”

“Mmm, quiet down, please,” Twilight groaned. “I was enjoying my dream.”

“And I was enjoying yours yesterday,” Rarity teased as they departed the train and headed into the city, Rarity floating along the dress.

“My dream?” Twilight asked, “The one where I was eating a marshmallow?”

“Mmm, well, til you bit me, it was... rather enjoyable,” Rarity smiled, making Twilight blush.

“You, you liked that?”

“Mmmhmm,” Rarity purred, nuzzling Twilight as they walked. “I always loved ponies playing with my ears.”

“Really?” Twilight asked, grinning. “Interesting.”

With a fair amount of giggling, the pair reached Photo’s studio, and happily made their way inside. The happy couple was quite stunned though, seeing the place so, so...

“Rarity, are we in the right place?” Twilight asked, looking into the nearly empty studio.

“I hope so... Ah, Miss Finish,” Rarity called, crossing the room. “Um, I thought I was to put on a show for you and your colleagues?”

“Du are, for my board of Directors. Now come, come, let’s get zat magnificent dress on ze model!” Photo exclaimed.

“Model? Oh no no no, that dress is made just for my darling Twilight,” Rarity informed.

“Ach, I understand. Ve can alter it,” Photo nodded, pulling Rarity along.

“No, I mean I made this dress for Twilight,” Rarity resisted. “I will not let any pony wear it besides her!”

“Rarity, I understand. Tvilight, is royalty. But I’m sure zhe vill understand,” Photo countered. “I get it, you and her have a little something else going on, but zis is business.”

“A little something,” Rarity snorted, “How dare you? I love her!”

“Love!” Photo recoiled as if the word was flame, “No no no! Zis is career suicide!”

“How?!” Twilight asked, full of vigor, as she and another guest took an interest in the developing scene.

“Love clouds ze mind! Now Rarity’s art vill surely suffer!” Photo cried.

“You were just fine with us yesterday,” Twilight snorted.

“I thought you two were just having a little roll in ze hay! How vas I to know you two vere anything more!”

“Wait, you knew that Rarity was dating a member of the court and royal family?” One stallion asked, pulling out a pen and paper.

“Yes, we’ve been dating a little over a week now,” Rarity snorted. “Sorry, I’m just rather, wound up. Whom are you, misure?”

“Calpain of Equestria Daily,” The stallion smiled. “About a week you said?”

“What, just over,” Rarity absentmindedly said, “And it was my love for Twilight that inspired me to make this dress!”

“I thought it was a collection? You said...” Twilight questioned.

“It was one of my attempts to woo you,” Rarity said rolling her eyes.

“Oh, this is gold,” Calpain smiled.

“Sir, I trust that if this story you’re writing sees print, a certain Celestial body will want to have words with you,” Rarity shot to the reporter. He decided that this was a fine time to scrap the side story and write about what he came there for, a boring old fashion review.

“Ach! Du insult a royal family!” Photo yelled, fear striking her.

“What? No, she knows how hard I had to work to get her to notice my advances,” Rarity said. “Besides, I’m more interested in working. Would it please this little group if Twilight were to mod-”

“Ach! No!” Photo screamed. “No, she will dissuade the critique!”

“What now?” Rarity asked.

Twilight sighed, “She means my presence on stage will affect how the item is appraised. This whole line is now royal, after all, since I hold the only official piece.”

“Yes, vhich means by Equestrian law, you may only zell zis line to members of the royal court,” Photo explained. “It’s an exclusive for the court, and now cannot be tainted. The same goes for du.”

“I’m sorry Rarity,” Twilight said from behind the fuming white mare, “I forgot that law. It never really came up when I was just a student. But now that Shining and Cadence are...”

“It’s alright darling. So then, if I can’t showcase the Nile collection, how about-”

“No no, I’m sorry,” A pony Rarity knew, but whose name slipped her mind, interrupted, “There is no way we can take you onto our label now. Your name is worth too much.”


“Your line is an exclusive to the court. We can’t handle you on our label, it will drive down every other designer’s name.”

“I’m sorry, who are you?” Twilight asked the intruding pony.

“So sorry my lady, I’m Vance Van Vendington,” He said. That’s his name! “I’m, just like my compatriots here, am one of the board members of Photo Finish’s studio. We seven ponies decide what is fashion.”

“So if you turn down Rarity...” Twilight mulled over. “Rarity, let the model wear my dress. I can’t let you throw away your best chance to become a fashion star.”

Rarity would be lying if she said she wasn’t tempted. This was it, her golden opportunity, one that if she walked away from, she would never be able to recover from. Oh well, twas a silly dream.

“I thank you all, but this dress, while it did not win Twilight’s heart like I had hoped, is still special. It’s the first dress I made for her in a love deeper than my friendship. I’m sorry,” Rarity offered to the two board members, “But I will not turn my back on Twilight.”

“I hate to zee du choose zis path, Mizz Rarity, but if zat is vhat du vant...” Photo struggled. She really didn’t want to do this, the dress was amazing. But taking it, or Rarity, upon their label could bankrupt their whole line, and she had a business to run. “I vish du za best in your future endeavas.”

“The nerve!” Rarity shouted as she and Twilight walked down the Canterlot streets.

“What?” Twilight asked, having to walk rather fast to keep up with the enraged mare.

“‘Wish you the best in your future endeavors,’” Rarity quoted. “That is the greatest insult of the higher class!” She barked, nearly spitting the words.

“Whoa, whoa, calm down,” Twilight chided, grabbing Rarity's shoulder, spinning the mare to face her. She wasted no time, and swept her loving white marefriend into a hug. “Forget them, we’re in Canterlot, with free time. Let’s do something you want to do.”

“Twilight,” Rarity managed, her anger giving way nearly to tears. “Yes, I know what we can do. There’s a family I have been meaning to see.”

“Who would that be?” Twilight asked, a little perplexed.

“You’ll see,” Rarity smiled as she wiped her moist eyes and began to lead Twilight to their destination. That plan failed though, and Rarity's surprise was rather ruined when she finally caved and asked Twilight for directions to the House of the Family Star.

“Mommy! Daddy!” Twilight cried out, hugging her folks as they answered the door.

“There’s my little filly!” Night said, “And the very welcome Miss Rarity.”

“Hello again, dear,” Twilight Velvet said, hugging Rarity and then Twilight, “And a special hello to my Twinkle! Oh it’s so good to see you!”

“To what do we owe this little surprise?” Night asked as he took Rarity's packaged dress, and set it down.

“We were in town for a little fashion show, but...” Twilight began.

“I messed it up,” Rarity admitted, “I made a dress specifically for Twilight, and stood by the decision that it was made for her alone.”

Night looked confused, then it seemed as if the light came on. “Oh, those damn ‘Articles of Nobility’ laws. Well, what does this mean Miss Rarity?”

“Please, call me Rarity, I think we can be a tad informal, considering,” Rarity said, looking to Twilight and blushing.

“We know, Twilight wrote us. And I’m so happy,” Twilight Velvet sang. “My baby’s finally dating! My baby’s finally dating!”

“He he, yeah,” Night smiled, “At least we don’t have to worry about our baby getting knocked up.”

“Daddy!” Really, Rarity thought, her’s too? That joke is getting old.

“Hahaha I couldn’t resist!” Night laughed in his infections laugh. “But anyways,” He said turning much more directed, “You avoided my question, Rarity.”

“Yes, I suppose I had,” Rarity replied with a heavy sigh. “I have no idea. My line can, by Equestrian law, only be sold to families of the court. But I don’t have nearly the time or resources to attempt such an ordeal.”

“Well, I think you have time,” Night corrected, leading the mares in his life to the study. “The Canterlot fashion monopoly, I mean designers, will make sure you can’t sell with them. You’ll upset the supply and demand for their business.”

“Yes, I was afraid of that,” Rarity nodded. “But that will not weigh me down. I shall rise above their pettiness, their crude insults hidden behind good intentions. Neigh! I will show them all,” Rarity said, standing tall, a new fire in her eyes.

“Hmm, with what money?” Night asked, popping the metaphorical bubble.


“That’s what I thought,” Night chuckled, walking over to his desk. “Take this,” He said pulling out a slip of parchment, and writing a quick address on it. “He’s a Family friend, and he might just be interested in launching a new fashion line.” The way he said it, you could hear the capital F. This pony was a very important somepony. Rarity graciously accepted the slip, and read it over, her eyes going wide, a smile tugging at her lips.

“Fancy Pants!” She exclaimed. “I know the fellow well. If I had possessed any such idea that he was interested in a fashion line, I would have proposed the idea to him long ago.”

“Well, look at you,” Twilight Velvet chuckled, “She’s already got the big important friends dear. But drop our name still, it will help clear up any... hesitation.”

“I thank you, Mrs. Star.”

“Oh stop that,” Twilight Velvet chided, “Just call me Mom.”

“M-mom...” Rarity blushed. It was awkward, calling the mother of a prince and a Lady of the royal court Mom, but so was calling her marefriend’s mother Mom in the first place. Twilight Velvet pulled Rarity aside to discuss the dress itself, while Night took to talking with his daughter.

“Hey Daddy,” Twilight blushed. It was even more awkward having to formally come out to your parents in a surprise visit, and act like nothing was different.

“Twinkle,” Night smiled, taking up a cushion with his daughter to chat. “I wanted to talk to you, about Rarity.”

“Oh?” Twilight asked.

Twilight, you’re royalty now. You were always meant to be, since you became the Princess’s private protege. And there are some ponies that may try to take advantage of that,” Night said in his second language, Zebric.

I know.. Wait, you don’t think Rarity would?

I hope not, I truely hope. But I want you to be vigilant.

Father,” Twilight snorted, not caring for the implications against her friend and love.

I know, you’re upset hearing this. But I cannot rule it out either. Please, just don’t let love cloud your better judgement, okay?

I know, Father,” Twilight sighed.

She... she doesn’t ask you to do... those sort of things, does she?” Night asked, running the full concerned father gambit.

Like what?” Twilight asked.

You know, adult things?” Night blushed, trying not to think of his baby girl being ready for that.

Oh, well we already do those things,” Twilight shrugged, “It’s no big deal.

“What?!” Night shouted in Equestrian.


“Let me guess, he just asked about our physical relationship?” Rarity called, not batting an eye. “Mister Night, I love your daughter, and am going as slow as she needs. I have done nothing to persuade her.”

“I... Thank you, Rarity,” Night controlled his voice. “How did you know what we were talking about?”

“You’re not the first to worry about that, sir.”

Continuing in Zebric once more, he got to the point. “Then what adult things do you do, Twinkle?

Well, we’ve kissed. And cuddle a lot. Oh, and we like to drink wine at night,” Twilight smiled, remembering the night by the fire.

That’s... that’s it?

Yep,” Twilight smiled her cutest smile.

Honey,” Night called over, “We never gave Twinkle the talk, did we?

No,” Twilight Velvet said in very rusty Zebric, lacking Night’s daily need or Twilight’s knack for learning. “She started to correct our biology lesson, so we gave up.

I always knew that would come back to bite me...” Night moaned. “Well,” He said in Equestrian again, “Who wants lunch?”

As the love birds, Twilight and Rarity, boarded the train to Ponyville, lethargic after the day's excitement and good food, one question burned up the white mare.

“Darling, what language where you and your family speaking earlier?”

“Hmm,” Twilight said, being pulled from her thoughts, “Oh, right. We were speaking Zebric.”

“My word. I had no idea you were so fluent in another language,” Rarity gasped.

“Well, I learned because of my dad’s job. He’s the professor of Anthropology at The Canterlot School for Gifted Unicorns. That’s how I got my initial tryout for the school actually,” Twilight explained, wiggling into a comfortable spot next to Rarity.

“My word. Do you use it still?” Rarity asked. “I imagine you do, to be so fluent.”

“Yes, I do. Zecora and I speak in Zebric all the time. Sharing that bond of language is the reason we’re such close friends.”

“Ah, I’m a little jealous,” Rarity joked. “I wonder, does she still speak only in rhymes?”

“No, she doesn’t. And don’t be, I’m more prone to text book style speech, while Zecora uses a lot of slang,” Twilight smiled.

“Hmm, I can see that.” Rarity said.

“The funny thing is Shining, though,” Twilight sleepily said, resting her head on Rarity’s shoulder. “He can’t speak a word of Zebric.”

“Pfft, really?” Rarity giggled, only to look over and see the lavender mare had fallen asleep laying in the sun that was flitting through the window. “Mmm, sleep well, my love.”

Twilight sighed, and Rarity assumed she was already well into a dream. But the lavender mare was still awake, just thinking. She means it Daddy, she has to.

The next day started rough, with Rarity working around the clock almost. She was doing favors again, from the odd job of watching Mr. Breezy’s shop for a few hours, to drafting a new addition to Cloudchaser’s home. So when she had free time that afternoon, she spent it as any mare would. In the spa.

“Thank you for meeting with me Fluttershy,” Rarity commented as the pair trotted back, bee lining it to the hot tub.

“Not a problem,” Fluttershy smiled. “Where’s Twilight?”

“Work,” Rarity replied, short and effective. “Besides, this was always our special deal.”

“True,” Fluttershy blushed. “Oh, I have a rough draft of the start of my novel back home, if you want to give it a read?”

“That sounds wonderful,” Rarity commented, slowly lowering herself into the hot water. “Ah ah ah, oh mmmm,” Rarity purred as the initial shock wore off and the heat washed over her.

“Oh, oh ah,” Fluttershy yelped, doing a small rising and lowering bit, and finally setting down to her shoulders. She reached over and grabbed the scented candles, and started lighting them.

“So Rarity, has Twilight made any moves towards... you know...” Fluttershy asked, blushing madly.

“No- well not really...”

“What is it?” Fluttershy asked, knowing the white unicorn well.

“Well, don’t tell her I told you this, but the other day, she was sleeping next to me, and she started nibbling on my ear,” Rarity smiled, blushing oh so easily.

“Your ears?” Fluttershy giggled.


“I never thought of you as an ears kind of pony,” Fluttershy said. “I just assumed you would be much more... direct and commanding. Like wearing one of those sleek black suits.”

“Darling, a true lady would never do such things,” Rarity said, holding her snout high. “Besides, latex and I are mortal enemies. Do you have any idea what it does to your pores?”

Fluttershy blushed, and began to stammer. “I think I need to re work your character a little then...”

“Oh you didn’t,” Rarity playfully scoffed. “A clop story?! Really?”

“Shush,” Fluttershy begged, sinking low into the tub. “Not really. Just a love story with a very tiny, insignificant amount of clop...”

“How much?”

“I- I hint at it,” Fluttershy squeaked. For her, that was probably as bad as reading that Fifty Sheds of Grey novel.

“Oh, I have got to read this,” Rarity smiled, taunting her friend just a tad.

“Oh, but please, don’t tell Twilight,” Fluttershy managed.

“Darling, why wouldn’t I? This concerns her as well,” Rarity mused.

“Well, I kind of hinted that she’s …” Fluttershy mumbled, too low for even an owl to hear.

“That she is what, darling?” Rarity asked. She knew not to push too hard or light, not with Fluttershy.

“That she’s a... snob.”

“Oh Darling,” Rarity sighed, “Is she just one to start or throughout?”

“Throughout,” Fluttershy squeaked.

“Ah. Well, I think it will be okay. But just to be safe, I’ll read it first, okay?”

“Thanks Rarity,” Fluttershy smiled. “I hope everything goes well.”

The two conversed more, covering the ever important topics, like what Rarity had to say about Photo Finish, or a new band out of Las Pegasus that Fluttershy would just love. All in all, it was very nice.

“Damn it, damn it, damn it, damn it!” Twilight cried, pacing around her library.

“Twilight, what’s wrong?” Spike asked, rushing in, his head full of images of the last Twilight freak out. All those poor, asymmetrical cupcakes.

“Spike, I tried to shut it out, but what if Daddy is right?”


“About Rarity?”


“Spike, weren’t you paying attention?” Twilight growled.

“I just...”

“Never mind,” Twilight interrupted. “I need you too-”

“Now wait!” Spike yelled, stopping Twilight in her tracks. “What is going on?”

“Spike, Rarity made me a dress, and dedicated the line to me,” Twilight explained as if it was obvious.

“That’s great, she really cares about you,” Spike smiled.

“No! Now she can’t sell the whole line because of that!”


“And my dad suggested maybe she did that on purpose to make some bits! Spike, what if she did? What if Rarity’s been using me to get ahead in the fashion world? What if-” Twilight rattled on til Spike grabbed her snout, holding it like a sandwich.

“Twilight, listen. Rarity broke my heart. She poured herself out to me. Her soul, to me. Do you get where I’m going with this?” Spike asked, his voice cold and unyielding. “She loves you. And I will not let you break her heart now just because you got a bit worked up!”

Twilight’s ears dropped, and the poor mare sighed, rather awkwardly with her mouth held shut. “Mmmphunhmphhum.”

“Umm...” Spike said, sheepishly letting go of Twilight.

“Thank you, Spike. I- I really owe you one.”

“It’s okay, Twilight.”

“Spike?” The lavender mare asked, meeting Spike’s gaze. “How did you get so smart about love?”

“It’s a gift,” The ego prone dragon smiled, puffing out his chest.

“Spike, I’m going over to Rarity’s. I need to speak with her,” Twilight said moving to the door. “Please, stay here. This is an adult matter.”

The bell chimed, as a lavender mare strode in. Head low, her ears laying flat, her tail dragging. Spike’s words buzzed around her mind, along with her fathers. There was only one way to settle this now, a test of faith.

“Twilight!” Rarity called, seeing the mare out of the corner of her eye, shutting her new book. But as she took the mare in, her expression changed. “Darling, what is it?”

“Rarity, I have something to tell you.”

“Whatever would that be, my love?”

Twilight sighed. I pray I’m wrong. This test will tell me the truth. “I can’t stand the thought of you throwing away your career, Rarity.”

“What do you mean?” Rarity asked, perplexed.

“I want you to be able to sell the dress. I’ve thought long and hard about this. And now, I have officially quit my studies, and renounced my title.”

“Twilight! How could you!?” Rarity gasped. The words hurt, more than Twilight could ever bare. Her father was right. The white mare grabbed Twilight shoulders and looked her dead in the eyes. Here it comes. Rarity’s- “I may be an ignorant welp with my future, but you are much too brilliant to throw away yours! I will not stand idly by and let you rob yourself of your life’s passion!” - Not Using Me!

“Where is my quill?! I need a quill. Twilight, check that drawer there!” Rarity ordered, throwing her shop into a mess searching for the writing tool.


“Maybe we can still make the train!” Rarity said grabbing a bit purse. “Come, we’ll ask her in pony!”


“What time is it? No time to waste! Buck it, we’ll walk!” Rarity shouted, running to the door.

“RARITY!!!” The yell worked, making the white mare stop in her tracks.

“Yes, my love?” Rarity sheepishly asked.

“Calm down. I didn’t quit my studies. I was testing you,” Twilight said, placing her hooves gently on Rarity’s shoulders.

“Darling- I- I get it,” Rarity conceded.

“You do?” Twilight asked, genuinely confused.

“You were worried about how seriously I took our future, with me doing so much damage to my own yesterday,” Rarity smiled.

“Oh! Oh, no. Ummm...” Twilight blushed. “I was following my father’s advice. He doubted your love, and wanted me to be sure. He thought you might try to use me, to get to the royal class.”

“Really?” Rarity asked, surprised. “I thought I made a great impression on him.”

“Eh, you know dads and their baby fillies,” Twilight giggled. “I’m glad he’s wrong.”

“Me too,” Rarity giggled as she leaned in and kissed the mare. “Or should I say Istihsan?”

“What?” Twilight laughed. “Look at you, trying to learn Zebric!”

“I just thought I sounded like fun,” Rarity smiled.

“Well, I will teach you then,” Twilight said. “Besides, you’re a bit off.”


“You just said ‘agreement,’” Twilight giggled.

“Not bad for just picking up the book today,” Rarity retorted.

“Here, let me teach my my favorite words,” Twilight said, leaning in to whisper. “أحبك.”

“What does that mean?” Rarity asked.

“I love you.”

Rarity didn’t need any words for what followed, as she kissed the unicorn holding her with soft, tender kisses. Not sloppy, not showy, but real. The kind only those in love know. The world be damned, the future would take care of itself. This night was for making sweet memories and hell of early mornings. These two did not disappoint.

“Mmmph,” Rarity groaned as the sun washed in and illuminated her face. Normally she wore a sleep mask, but she was a tad preoccupied last night.

“Shut up, I’m trying to sleep,” Twilight groaned.

“Darling, please tell me we didn’t-”

“We did,” Twilight groaned, not wanting to hear that list of sins again.

“I can’t believe I let myself do that,” Rarity groaned, rolling over to face Twilight.

“I begged you too,” Twilight smiled. “And besides, you enjoyed it.”

“That, my love, is entirely beside the point,” Rarity giggled, then groaned. “But still, no more. I don’t think my body can take it again.”

“I don’t feel as good as I thought I would,” Twilight pouted, then giggled.

Their bliss was interrupted by a shout from downstairs as a certain filly made a horrible discovery. “Hey! Who Ate My Ice Cream!?”

“Window?” Twilight mouthed, their crime of last night exposed to the world. Two and a half quarts beyond the filly’s private stock, were consumed in their fun, along with all the whipped cream, the cherries, a few bananas, and all of Rarity’s wine.

“Window,” Rarity confirmed, nodding to the escape route. The pair quickly, and not very stealthily, exited the house by these means, and proceeded to run, giggling all the way to the market to buy forgiveness ice cream and some aspirin.

“Hmm,” Rarity groaned while she worked. “I think it needs more...”

Twilight twisted her head, trying to see the dress Rarity was working on better, and could find no fault. “It looks amazing to me.”

“Mmm, thank you, mi amour. But it lacks that... that panache that yours captures so well.”

“I dunno” Twilight shrugged, “Maybe it’s that this one is for just some faceless pony right now. While mine was made with love.” Twilight said as the bell for the shop jingled.

“Why hello there Miss Rarity,” The friendliest voice in Canterlot called. “And Lady Twilight, so good to see you again!”

“Mm, hello Fancy Pants, dear,” Rarity said walking over and hugging the stallion. “So glad you could come all the way down to Ponyville.”

“I would not miss this for the world, my dear,” He smiled, walking briskly into the studio, and examining the dress. He sighed, and muttered to himself, making Rarity very nervous.

“Bully, what was I thinking, coming here,” Fancy Pants sighed, and Rarity almost popped a blood vessel, “I don’t know anything about fashion. I am afraid I need to call in an expert.” He said, turning to Rarity with a grin.

“Oh you’re a riot,” Rarity played it off, “But if you’re asking me, I truly doubt this dress is even worth selling. It’s a little long in the train, too much give around the shoulders, and the neckline is much too low.”

“So you would say...”

“Neigh,” Rarity laughed. “It is not even fit for the marenequin.”

“Then I do believe I shall be seeing you in Canterlot, Miss Rarity,” Fancy Pants smiled.

“I’m sorry, what?” Twilight and Rarity asked.

“Your work is exquisite, my dear, and the simple fact that you hate this line meant only for her tells tales about you,” Fancy Pants explained. “I will not back you for the ‘Nile Collection,’ but a new line, specifically for royalty. And this one, this true Nile dress, I do believe you have made sure this will be forever hers alone.”

“Thank you, Fancy Pants,” Rarity sniffed. “I- I’m so...”

“You’re a lot calmer than I thought you would be,” Fancy Pants teased. Rarity cracked, a grin a mile wide spreading across her lips as she flopped down on the floor, twitching slightly.

“My word!” Fancy Pants cried.

“It’s okay, she does this from time to time. Pinkie calls it a fashiongasm, whatever that means,” Twilight smiled.

“...Good Celestia, you really don’t know, do you?” Fancy Pants asked, looking to her. “Have you never...”

“Never what?”

Changing speeds so quickly that even Rainbow Dash would be impressed, “Nothing my Lady. Please, give my regards to Miss Rarity when she awakens. Tell her I believe she is a saint.”

Fluttershy sat at her desk, head in her hooves, as she mentally ganged up on herself.

Why, why does everything I try to write keep turning into that! Fluttershy anguished silently. She threw open her desk drawer, and pulled out her copies of her first three books, the very ones that made her pen name famous across Equestria. She groaned, reading the titles, and threw them down on the desk with a loud thump The words Fifty Sheds of Grey burned into her eyes. Stupid clop fiction!

Fluttershy grabbed her latest writings, and started to read them, trying to find where she went wrong and it just turned into clop fodder. After ten minutes, Fluttershy realized she was smiling ear to ear, and sitting on the edge of her seat. Ah, she thought, There’s the problem. I need to start dating... Fluttershy admitted, hoping a little affection in life would cure her of this lust, this loneliness, this lack of... Love... Oh, my goodness.

With days of hard work, and much help from Twilight and Fluttershy’s ‘Freaky knowledge of sewing,’ Rarity had a new line, prepped and ready to show off tonight in the Canterlot Royal Hall. This new line, the Skywalker Collection, was the first official royal line exclusive, funded by Sir Fancy Pants Esquire the Third, and designed by Carousel Boutique.

“Bravo Rarity,” Fancy Pants smiled.

“I love it,” Fluer De Lis said, bowing politely. “It makes me feel like I can fly.”

“Thank you,” Rarity smiled, bowing. “It was inspired by a flight spell Twilight once cast on me. I named it after L. Skywalker, the first pegasi to fly around the globe nonstop.”

“Mmm, I simply love it,” Fluer sang, spinning in circles.

Everypony who is anypony was present, and in force, once the show opened proper. All of Equestria’s nobles made a show, wanting to be among the first to get their hooves on this once in a lifetime fashion. The band played, the waiters served, and the guest mingled. Twilight stood next to her marefriend, stunning in her Nile dress. All in all, this was going to be the second greatest night of Rarity’s life, taking a backseat only to when she and Twilight became more than friends.

Forty eight minutes later, seven mares and one stallion sat in the Canterlot castle dungeons, all but one in hoofirons.

“Well...” Rarity chuckled, “That went well.”

Who is this mystery mare? For that matter, who’s the stallion? And just who would dare to throw our dear ponies in jail? The answers... Right now.

Octavia, Shining Armor, and Prince Blueblood.