• Member Since 14th Jul, 2013
  • offline last seen 6 hours ago

Nameless Narrator

Reading order/list is on the profile page or here.


This story is a sequel to Halls of the Changeling King


Updates: Weekly-ish.

The boss and his little hive are back one final time, sticking their chitinous noses where they don't belong on complete accident. Now they'll have to deal with an organization of specialists responsible for purging darkness that would make paladins hide under their beds - Order of the Silver Sun.

Two years after them finding home in the dwarven underground city of Brauheim, a unique opportunity presents itself, the opportunity to make their case and intentions clear to the surface world. Can the group of changelings who previously made enemies in the highest places prove that all they want is peace and...

...okay, to eat love, punch bad guys, and in some cases toy with the minds of ponies.

Let's take a step back. Can the boss finally prove to everyone that all HE wants for his hive is safety and peace?

Chapters (21)
Comments ( 332 )

That was surprising fast continuation

Yisssss... I approve!
Boss be like "mmhhmm... titties..." *snore*

had a thought... boss is the king of his hive. and one is his (second in command, mate, egg sack...) wound't that make her his queen? i also find it amusing that while boss is no push over, if one chose to turn on him, he would undoubtedly lose... but as it stands one's loyalty to him is so strong that with but a word from him she can become indomitable and near unstoppable... this could make the prospect of fighting the boss terrifying. not because of what he himself can do... but what he can do with those he commands... he is a terrifying commander...

*edit* ...had to go back though and replace all the eights with ones....

Love the stories about these buggos

Damn it, I didn't notice that the hive mind speech marks for bold/italic didn't copy from google docs for some reason. That must have made some bits confusing. I'll fix it soon(TM).
Heh, it felt too long to me.
Well, by now you know the style. Some danger, some cuteness, completely anatomically wrong assets and breastets, and a dark shadow hanging over everything. Simple. This time with added Silver Sun members (or next time, to be precise).
Changelings in general, or boss' new hive? Well, it doesn't matter in the end, really. Let's get on with the buggery!


From our perspective, yes. From changeling power structure, there can be only one (and it's not Christopher Lambert or Sean Connery). From their mind-melding, she's technically more the king himself than his queen. Confusing already? Good.

he is a terrifying commander

That has been the point since the complete beginning, hence the first book is called "Exercise in Management".

...had to go back though and replace all the eights with ones....

Don't worry, I had to re-read that thing three times and found that I still called Comfort One, Gem Four, and One Eight.

Looooove it! CAn't wait for more!!!!

Well,that was quick.
Good buggery all around.
Afro 👍

It'll take a while. I'll try different chapter size and update frequency. Having less exposure on the main page will likely kill the reader growth, but at this point it's whatever.

That was a great chapter to read over the weekend. You've got me revved up to read this threequel!

Welcome back. We'll see how that goes.

That was...different. I don't know if it is the right kind of different or not and I will at least need 300k more words to figure that out, but on the offchance: Do those guys have their own storry one silly bug could read?

Yeah, I'm either going to bury the good reputation of my changeling stories with this, or expand it to join the Trinity War/Imbalanced universe properly. As for stories that's useful to read, they are the Silver Sun ones, particularly Shine. None will be strictly necessary to know, though, although some references and motivations/relationships might be lost on you.
Dawn of the Silver Sun
(DSS is part of the Trinity War, and is heavily connected to Scream, Vigil, and the ending of Halls of the Changeling King)
Shine of the Silver Sun
(SSS is a standalone story following after the end of DSS, presenting the formation of the new Silver Sun team - Anvil, Astray, Bubbles, and Connie as the leader.)
Well, it is about changelings. I'll add other characters when I have time to pixel them.

And now you have send me down a rabbit hole! Now I have to read EVERYTHING *dramatic background lightning*

*grabs 'Imbalanced' and huddels arround his coffeemaker*

I admire your courage. :rainbowdetermined2:
Still, the whole thing isn't easy to read. Silver Sun stories are from a different point of view and can be read on their own.

I have no clue who these people are, and that bothers me some.
Is Boss okay?

Is three supposed to be this tiny? He looked about head smaller than boss,now looks right about half his height?
And you forgot zebro.

Boss is absolutely okay and on the way to Canterlot.
These "people" are members of the Order of the Silver Sun, an organization responsible for dealing with the most dangerous magical and divine threats. (Lore-wise, they are heavily connected to the ending of the previous book, and it was fine without them being mentioned in any detail.)
The new sizes are a lot more accurate. In the previous covers I didn't do any size changes and tried to fit everything into the same pixel frame, which resulted in the small changelings being a lot taller than that they really are. And I decided to keep it as Schrodinger's zebro (it's not there, but we know in the story it is) because I wasn't able to make anything that wouldn't look completely atrocious.

Huh,wonder if Cryo is making it to the cover. She is an absolute unit.

well... with the return of people we have met before.... I do believe great and terrible thing lay in wait for our intrepid heroes...

bossling got that knowing smirk like he knows that three just asked you to do something and you cant tell three no....so you're going to do it.

on a side note. if these are closer to the actual sizes then three is just slightly larger then the cmc as depicted in the show. i wonder if anyone is going to ask about the small, weird, glowing, nigh indestructible changeling or if they are just going to be defeated by the near lethal levels of cuteness exuding from him.

i still like the "wheres eleven" idea. should have one siting on top of bosses head. that would be cute

:rainbowhuh:wait a minute:rainbowderp: one of the elevens. not 'one' the changeling. she should be sitting on bosses back! riding him like the bug-horse he is!:yay:

Three is baseline changeling size, who are little smaller than ponies. Boss is as big as Chrysalis or Celestia at this point, or nearly so. I'll review the sizes once I have more characters ready.

“Hard to summon demons in your parents’ apartment, I suppose,” answers a calm and a rather jovial male voice, “I can just picture it. Hey, son, I hope you’re not jacking off in your room! No dad, I’m just- PARGON PARGON VITAE AM YOM TAR! Hey, son, why do I smell sulfur? NO REASON!”

If this is the reference I think it is, it's too bad that using the Tome of Eternal Darkness usually ends up with the user dying, since otherwise bossling's hive could really find some use for this protection spell.

It's actually a reference to both Eternal Darkness and Arx Fatalis, mostly because I forgot the ED runes after Pargon :D Am yom tar is either light or magic missile in AF if I recall correctly.

I am up to 'Thawing a Frozen Heart' and can't figure out for my life if you have become a better or just a nicer author!
Damn did you beat that poor colt! A lot. Like a lot a lot a lot. Boss has it easy in comparison :D

I can't comment on the better, that's really up to you, but Blaze kinda was me. I wasn't exactly a fan of myself. Hell, I'm not even now 6 years later, but I'm still here, and that's counts. At this point, Imbalanced comments tell a darker tale of me and some of my first readers than the story itself.

So I guess I became more at peace with myself.

*puts a very big 'sorry I was insensible' cake in front of Nameless*

No reason to apologize, but thank you for the concern. It was a long time ago, and things are a little bit better in some ways. :twilightsmile:

Not exactly on topic with this chapter, but has King come up with an actual name for himself yet? If he still hasn't by the time he reaches Canterlot, maybe when he's asked to introduce himself, he can passive-agressively suggest that he maybe could take the name of the only other changeling king in history, y'know, Wistful II? It would be interesting to see how Princess Celestia would react to getting that thrown in her face in front of all the other world leaders.

Don't worry, I've got a plan! :pinkiecrazy:
We discussed ideas for the name few blog posts back, and nothing really fit, so... I came up with something really dumb. And yes, that Wistful idea came to my mind as well, but that ruler had his time, and Boss has his.

Now that is a cliffhanger if i ever saw one.

Behold! The great and powerful booty! Gaze onto it and rejoice! Let the booty raise your spirits!

Behold the booty!
Praise the booty!
Worship the booty!
See the booty, taste the booty!

Well, to be continued

Sadly, this time we didn't get featured by chapter three. It's all dooooooooooomed!
Ha Haaaaa! :pinkiehappy: The cliffiest of hangers.

The great and powerful booty!

Trixie? Where?
( ; ) booty ( , ) booty ( y ) booty
I know, we need to figure out what happens to Two and Cryo's ad campaign :pinkiegasp:

Assassination attempt 1: killer water
Hopefully poor eleven doesn't build up a lifelong aversion to water from that event. In any case, the tourism seems to have gone pretty well for them. Without even trying they've managed to start making a name for themselves.
Of course, with two mysterious premonitions happening to two different people, who knows what could happen.

- 11 went swimming afterwards almost immediately. With help, of course.
- I think that more than for themselves, they made a name for Blue Skies' shop.
- Hopefully those aren't Deadly Premonitions, or the plot would get rather silly.

whelp... boss bug is now armed with the two most powerful weapons in his arsenal. i can see it now. "you have two options here... ether you comply and make three happy... or i let one have her way with you.... your choice."

The era of nuclear weapons is over. The era of Three is at hand!

I keep forgetting Eight is One now and I'm really confused a lot.
Other then that great job with this.

Happens to me all the time as well as One/Comfort and Four/Gem.
Let's hope I can keep the quality at least similar.

Oof... that poor zebra...

I burst out laughing at several points during this chapter. Then my mother walks in and demands to know what's so funny... still laughing even as I type this.

Cryo just seems like a giant teddy bear.

I wonder how close to making a puddle chrysi's new one was during the whole exchange...

- serves him right, trying to pull that stuff on a changeling.
- hey, have her laugh with you :derpytongue2:
- a giant, somewhat cuddly teddy bear of mysteryyyyyy. Yak magnet.
- Depends on whether or not she realized that Chrysalis didn't react not because she was trying to play it cool, but because One really was just that much out of their ability to react.

Not Ivan Ivanov Ivanovitch?

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