• Published 19th Jul 2019
  • 2,006 Views, 332 Comments

Changelings in Silver Sunlight - Nameless Narrator

One little drone creatively survived the invasion of Canterlot by not being there. He gathered friends, and managed to save the world without anyone knowing. Now, he's the king of a new hive, and it's time for him and his family to walk in the light.

  • ...

14: The End

Star Trail fires a bolt of energy which misses me by a hair, and hits the shadow using my moment of distraction to attack. It’s that, more than the ripped sky, shattered crystal spire, or the broken castle which draws me back to reality. If even Star Trail considers this such a threat that he’s actively helping, then we need to end this.

Two short love blades grow from my forelegs as I duck from under shadow One’s swing, and slash upwards. A burning emerald scar appears on the shadow’s surface. More than the visible effect, the fact that the shadow backs away to avoid another attack is the clear sign that my attacks are working.

Without the energy drain, the unfairness of the fight switches completely, and I’m slowly but surely pushing the faliling creature back. Few moments later, a golden blast evaporates the upper half of the shadow, and Star Trail passes by in his slow limp, giving me only a short glance accompanied with a frown.

I have so many questions, and yet I can’t ask any, because the sound isn’t working. On the other hole, there is only one answer, which is that One and Cryo still need help, so I run to them.

I jump at One’s shadow from behind, only because she’s closer than Cryo, and punch it’s skull in. Coupled with the damage One has already caused, the shadow falls on the ground and starts melting.

“NO, DON’T TOUCH IT!” One’s mental scream finally reaches my mind and turns into a confused, “Uhh what?”

I point behind me with the message-

“Don’t kill him immediately, he’s helping.”

-and run to Cryo.

“What the actual fu- oh screw diplomacy! Why the actual fuck is STAR TRAIL helping us? I ripped his heart out few days ago.”

“That’s the first thing I’m going to ask after we get rid of the thing above us… somehow,” I reply, slashing at One’s shadow fighting Cryo.

As One joins the fight, I begin feeling a third Crystal Heart nearby. One is the real thing in Cryo’s mouth, obviously. One is Three hanging on for dear life on One’s back. And the final one…

Walking in front of a rank of unicorns led by Shining Armor, a line of Elevens, Cryo’s new spawn, and Six riding on Gem’s back, is princess Cadance, glowing pink to my eyes.

Cryo stomps the final shadow against the street, leaving a small crater of shattered crystal, and spits out the real Crystal Heart at me.

I smirk, give the crystal to Three, and point at Cadance.

“There’s an amplifier we can use.”

Three buzzes over to the approaching princess as Contradiction’s tentacles fight the massive creature. How she still isn’t dead of exhaustion I will never know, but I suspect pure desperation. Even we changelings are at the end of our rope in this situation, but she’s still fighting against a force that would crush all of us at once.

The unicorns behind Cadance point their horns at Three, but Cadance’s pink telekinetic grip helps him land on her back, making them three into a totem of pure love.

Three’s eyes flash, and love of proportions never seen before flares up around us. Ponies probably can’t feel it, but for all of us it’s… it’s… I can’t describe it.

Then I hear Contradiction scream, and feel the shockwave as her horn explodes from the raw power and she flies away, unconscious or dead even before she hits the ground. The tentacles disappear instantly, and the shaped darkness of the colossus lunges forward, reaching its blunt arm towards us as its spread ribs grab the edges of the rift, and push.

The colossus aims its eyeless stare on the only remaining threat - Cromach.

The griffon is straining, green lightning constantly coursing from his forelegs to the rift obviously being the only remaining obstacle between the colossus and our reality. Two and Seven might be helping a tiny bit, but their interference is only adding seconds to our time.

There’s movement behind Cromach as the pink aura emanating from Cadance, Three, and the Crystal Heart reaches him. I’m not sure if anyone else can see it, but the pink mist forms a shape that could be an alicorn if I squint enough, and it wraps one wing around Cromach’s back.

Funny, I never thought I could read lips, much less a beak and from behind, but for a moment I’m absolutely certain that Cromach said:

“I will wait no matter how long it takes. There is no force in the universe that will stop me.”

And at least at this point in time, I will help.

Drawing on the love aura everywhere around, I let out a beam of crackling power straight into the rift. It blasts the colossus, making it reel backwards. And as seconds pass, I can see more and more beams from all around converging towards the rift. Pink from Cadance, blue from Shining Armor, gold from Star Trail, a battery of red lasers from the north with one added green beam from Five. Who doesn’t know how to help by closing the rift itself is just adding raw energy to push the colossus further away.

And finally, one little stubby horn lights up too. Three’s horn lets out a green shockwave of pure love which blinds us all. And when the brilliant light fades…

...the sky is clear, the colossus is gone, and I can finally feel gentle breeze against my chitin again.

“We won,” I whisper, and laugh as I realize I can hear myself, “It’s over.”


“EVERYONE LOOKS AWESOME NOW!” Three yells inside the hive mind with unrestrained joy.

Even as the love aura slowly withdraws, the crystal guards are glowing as if made of stained glass, pink light is swirling around Cadance like a see-through gown, and changelings…

I look at my hooves, which are now mossy green, and shake my head with some added weight. Antlers, really? Give me a good simple horn any day over these.

“No amount of blood on my hooves can make this look cool,” comments One, “I was hoping we stopped this last time.”

...we are all in shades of green, from lime to mossy dark. All but Cryo, who is bright blue.

“AAAAH, MY EYES HURT FROM LOOKING AT MY OWN REFLECTION!” screams the queen currently running backwards in an attempt to possible escape her own body, “UNBEARD ME NOW!”

I wonder if… yep, Cryo’s changelings as well as Eleven’s main body are blue too.

Last but not least, Three is golden and watching everything around with the amazed expression of someone whose all dreams came true at once.

“Boss, I’m looking as if Three chewed me up and then spat me out,” I hear Five, “Please tell me I’m not the only one.”

“Nope,” is all I can say.

“Then I’m heading home with the mechs. Last thing we need is for ponies to see us in full force.”

“Where did you get those anyway? Did dwarves discover some intact cache while I was gone?”

“Not exactly,” Five chuckles, “I’ll explain everything when we’re home and safe.”

“We might have some celebrating ahead of us. I wish you’d stay here with us.”

“Boss, you know I’m the shadow that works for the good of the hive. I don’t need praise, and I do what’s necessary.”

“You’re an amazing changeling, Five. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.”

“I know. I’ll shoot anyone who says that.”

Unicorn medics rush past me towards Contradiction with Cromach leaning over her.

There’s only one thing left before we head home.

Nevermind, two things, but I’m trying to avoid the big one.

With a moment of focus, I shapeshift back into what a real changeling should look like. All my lings do the same, and after some help from Two even Cryo returns to her preferred form. Only Three remains all gold as he hops off of Cadance’s back, puts the Crystal Heart on the ground, and runs to me.

“I liked it more when you were all sparkly. Now it’s just me...”

For once, I know exactly what to say.

“No cupholders, Three.”

He freezes mid bounce, his eyes go wide as he looks at his forelegs with the sudden expression of utter heresy happening, and then quickly transforms into his old self.

“This is going to need some fine tuning,” he mumbles, his tone making me sure that we haven’t seen the last of gold Three.

As my changelings gather around, there’s the final thing to deal with, and here’s where I have no idea how to even start.

Star Trail is sitting on a piece of non-shattered crystal floor, his face completely expressionless, simply content with breathing.

One, baring her fangs, approaches first, and cracks her neck. If I don’t stop her, she’ll kill him.

I realize that I don’t want to stop her. This needs to end.

Before One can stomp Star Trail into paste, she looks down at Three who runs between her legs, stops in front of the undead ex-paladin…

...and hugs him.

Star Trail leans back a little as the small legs wrap around his barrel, but otherwise doesn’t move.

“Thank you for saving the boss from the baddies,” mumbles Three.

“I killed you...” he says, clearly stumped more than all of us put together.

“And now I’m even better than before. I glow!” replies Three as if it was a perfectly acceptable answer. In his head, it probably is.

Star Trail closes his eyes. After a while he shakes his head, and pushes Three away. Not forcefully, at least.

He looks up at me.

“I destroyed Arcane Hex for good, but there is only one way this can end completely. Finish this. I can’t come back anymore.”

My thoughs slip to Gem, and to the life she had to end. I surprise myself when I say:

“You aren’t dead yet. You can help fix what you caused.”

Star Trail chuckles.

“No, changeling, I want to finally see Puff again. That’s all. If you have more mercy than I would ever show to you or your kind, end this.”

“Come on!” Three waves his foreleg to get Star Trail’s attention, “Miss Fury told us Puff’s story, and I’m sure that he wouldn’t want to see you like-”

Star Trail pats Three’s head.

“Most of all, Puff wouldn’t want to see me like this in the first place. Besides,” he taps his chest, “this is the only thing I regret. Turning into an undead and threatening my princess and my country,” he pauses, “No, this and hurting you. I’m sorry, little guy, I mean it. You and you alone deserve my apology.”

I look at Cromach who joins us after Crystal Guard medics have put Contradiction on a stretcher and carried her off.

“Don’t look at me. My job was Arcane Hex, this choice is only yours. Of course, if zombie McEvil here isn’t lying.”

In my head, I hear One who can’t keep quiet anymore.

“Even if you spare him, his change of heart might be temporary and he can turn back if you refuse his request. Kill him, and you’ll show kindness to a broken pony as well as protect your hive.”

From my last experience fighting him, I know how these crafted undead bodies work.

“Any last words?” I ask as green flame erupts from my hoof.

“Tell Bright Star he was right in the end.”

I nod and stab him, shattering the power crystal in place of his heart. Not even Gem complains this time.

“...thank… y...” he whispers and dies for the final time.


Nights are never silent in Manehattan, and this one is no different, not even inside the Silver Sun headquarters.

Flying by window after window while invisible, I finally find one through which I can see a white griffon sleeping with his head on the desk. Shifting my hoof to claws for better manipulation, I open the window and silently fly inside. Cromach doesn’t even twitch as I approach.

I lean over him, open my mouth, and prepare to bite him.

Presumably, at this point, One, Comfort, Two, and Gem are doing the same to Astray, Anvil, Bubbles, and Contradiction all over the mansion.

Our goal isn’t to harm anyone, but we need to protect Brauheim. All we want is to erase their memories of the city, dwarves, and any technology they saw including any questions they might have about the squad of mechs Five brought to stop the shadow colossus.

Before I close my mouth around Cromach’s neck, I find something wedged in it, keeping it open.

It’s a pen.

A pen previously held in Cromach’s talons.

The griffon is looking at me, smirking, and flicks my nose. How fast is he?

“Beardy, beardy, beardy...” I don’t see him move, but in an instant filled with green lightning he’s standing on the other side of the desk, “Let me guess. Trying to erase any evidence of the living Silversmith presence in the north before my guys could write anything down or analyze what they saw. Now, I assume Connie, Astray, and Bubbles are the targets, and maybe Anvil for good measure since she was part of the team even if she never saw your little city.”

He’s got me against the wall, so I stay silent.

“Now, I think I know you well enough, so you can’t have known that you have picked the least protected target in this mansion.”

I immediately try to mentally contact the others, and don’t get any answer. I can feel their hive links, and there’s no threat coming from anyone as if everything was going according to plan.

“Knock knock...” I hear an unknown voice inside my head.

“Who’s there?” is the best answer I can muster.

Quiet laughter inside my head accompanied by real knocking on the door are my answer.

A white unicorn mare with purple mane enters, leading Comfort by a set of burning chains connecting her legs to the mare’s horn.

Next is Gem walking in, thankfully unharmed, followed by an older, brownish-black griffon who slaps her butt and sticks his tongue out as she looks backwards and just sighs. No, it’s a changeling transformed into a griffon.

Two follows, eyes blankly staring ahead as if someone else was controlling her. Speaking of whom…

...a changeling queen with amethyst eyes, mane, and secondary plating smirks at me.

“I believe this little scoundrel is yours,” her voice resonates through my head.

Infiltrator queen. Damn. That’s why my mind is an open book to her.

Shadowstep, the loyalist. The faint echoes of ancient memories in my head identify the queen. One of the same group of Chrysalis’ generals as Cryo is from.

Finally, One enters, head hung low, and I grit my teeth. Her chitin is cracked and scarred. She’s missing a tooth, and her right eye is bloodshot.

“Even you, One?” I mentally facehoof.

“I’m not seeing you doing better...” she grumbles, “And be careful, because that guy behind me could wipe the floor with us all at once. I’m not kidding.”

What enteres behind One is not a changeling. He’s something pretending to be a changeling. The fact that on the surface he looks like an overgrown batpony doesn’t mean anything to me.

“Did you have to be so rough with miss One here, Cross?” Cromach snickers.

“I overestimated her a little after her first show of force. My mistake,” says the ‘batpony’ calmly.

He… overestimated... One? What’s going on here?

“So, Beardy,” Cromach turns towards me. That bastard knows that I’m not going to run and leave my changelings here, “I believe we were talking about a Silversmith city.”

I scowl. To my growing irritation, his grin only grows.

“We will protect those who gave us sanctuary when we needed. Chrysalis thinks that no matter what happened, she’s our queen. She’s wrong. However, no matter what happened, I am the king of the dwarves, and they want to remain secret.”

“Unfortunately for you, it’s not in your power to make me forget these ‘dwarves’, and I certainly don’t intend to. The others beyond the Silver Sun… don’t need to know,” Cromach sits down on top of his desk. I growl at him, and his expression finally turns serious, “You have surrounded yourself with the best, many of whom have grown under your command beyond even their wildest dreams. The problem for you is that I was much luckier in doing the same, so I’m going to presume you are smart enough not to try doing anything like this again.”

I’ll believe that only after a lobotomy.

“So what now, Cromach?” I ask. He wouldn’t be like this if he didn’t want anything.

To my surprise, he sighs, and gives me a look that makes him seem centuries older than his early thirties.

“I am going to use you, king beard. You are going to provide me with working Silversmith technology, and in turn I will share our knowledge about divinity. Maybe I might even allow your One to practice with Cross here on occasion. She could use a real opponent. Now, the technology you will provide me with will be used solely for Silver Sun, and maybe fragments of it to trade for new inventions of the griffon Black Ops.”

“And what if I say no? How can you trust me?” I ask.

“There is something about you I really like. You are a good pony. Even what you did tonight was out of duty to your tiny friends. What my order, and be sure it is an order and not a request… what my order is that you take on a little bigger mantle of not protecting just one small underground city, but the whole world.”

“What do you mean?”

“That you know next to nothing about the darkest threats to this reality, and me simply talking about them wouldn’t make you truly understand. What we faced in the Crystal Empire was only a drop in the sea. You need to understand for yourself, and once you do, you will never be the same sane changeling. You and the dwarves or Silversmiths or whatever they are will help me protect everything and in turn I will make sure all mentions of them are considered only conspiracy theories. ‘No’ is not an answer. Your duty will be over when I reach my goal,“ he snaps his talons. Two gets released from the amethyst queen’s control, the magic chains binding Comfort disappear, Gem simply looks at me, and One growls, “You are dismissed.”

“Protection isn’t a goal, Cromach, it’s a process. It’s never over, trust me,” I say, “So what is this goal you are talking about?”

He grabs the bronze statuette of an alicorn standing on his deck, and twirls it in his talons.

“Excellent question, beardy.”

Author's Note:

And now we know where Cromach got his technology from over the next 200 years to make Silver Sun the powerhouse it is in "New Age" and "Legacy of Light" until, well, the poor buggos are forced to take part in the end times (and totally not cause it).

Comments ( 55 )

Well damn. I didn't realize you have a whole other series connected to this one. Time to crack open a can of black coffee.

"Toally not cause it" -> THIS TIME!

what what what and two area in one world?


pleas sear moor?

My stories have fairly low following, so replying to comments is pretty easy. Now, thinking up something relevant to say is the hard part. I mean, if I had one of those crazy stories with thousands of upvotes and stuff, I guess I wouldn't be able to deal with everyone too, As things stand now, a lot of more complicated and involved comments get into the story in some way, because I'm always writing along, not just uploading something I'Ve finished already. That's how the whole DOOM chapter got in, and there are tons of small events throughout most of the stories. As for inspiration, is this a really bad time to say that I don't have anything planned after I finish Legacy of Light? I'm not leaning away from ponies or anything, because I'm not a real writer, I'm just sort of dry. Even the final chapters here feel to me as just describing, not writing anything with life.
Everything I've written is set in the same world, although the story directly causing this trilogy in a way is Hard to Find the Right Words. The massive Imbalanced storyline is the main one, to which I tried to tie this story using Silver Sun and Cromach's mission. Hell, even the Twisted and Scream from Halls of the changeling king were just echoes of the main storyline events. It's a depressing fantasy story in essence, and it's extremely difficult to read, which is why Legacy of Light (the final story) has like 20 ppl reading it overall.
One day, Three will hug someone so hard it will cause a big bang.
I genuinely don't mean to be rude, but I have no clue what the first part meant. As for more, I don't have any plans for a sequel. I had few ideas, but none made any sense even from a pure silly fun point of view. For now, I'll be finishing Legacy of Light, and that's all.

I first joined with your exercise in management when it was still in progress and I didn’t know much about your other stories which I kinda regret but I am glad I did read them know alougth I know gem is still alive in legacy of light but what happened to the other changlings

“No cupholders, Three.”

Any car... er, changeling without cupholders is not worth looking at. Although, Thorax's antlers could hypothetically work as cupholders...

So far, there were One, Two, Boss, I think Seven, and Gem in Legacy, so it's alright.
Only with straws leading down like those beer can hats.

Ooh, YES! someone needs to make a picture of that.

Cannot say for others but i'm waiting for Legast of Light to be finished as i cannot bring myself to read an unfinished stories. That gnawing hunger for continuation and pain of not knowing if it will be finished. I've seen too many pieces that lay abandoned.
And story is great and i'm invested in it so you cannot let me down if you finish it in any way. If it is not the Game of thrones 9 season, the horror.

Well, I do believe there will be a dragon involved.
Aaaand I haven't seen a single episode of GoT, so I have no idea what made people so pissy about the ending, I just know that it broke the internet for a while :moustache:

No, I get it wasn't Harmony. But thing from the void with tentacles? Sounds familiar.

Yeah, I might be overdoing it with those.

“I will wait no matter how long it takes. There is no force in the universe that will stop me.”

Waaaaait a minute... You don't want to say they summoned Blaze... somehow...


“EVERYONE LOOKS AWESOME NOW!” Three yells inside the hive mind with unrestrained joy.

Oh no... You did this. You did this to all of them. You're monster.

followed by an older, brownish-black griffon

Wasn't he used white color?

When you're reading, you getting that there connections to other fics. I'm surprised that you didn't get this in Halls of the Changeling King.
But yeah, changelings line was my first from NA too.

As for inspiration, is this a really bad time to say that I don't have anything planned after I finish Legacy of Light?

Just reminder - you still have some unfinished fic. ... You didn't finish them while I wasn't cheking, aren't you?

I'm not leaning away from ponies or anything, because I'm not a real writer, I'm just sort of dry.

Nah, don't say this. You're pretty good writer, and it's interesting to read your's. And you're surelly better writer than me.

I had few ideas, but none made any sense even from a pure silly fun point of view. For now, I'll be finishing Legacy of Light, and that's all.

Well, you have pretty big your own universe. I'm pretty sure you can make something in it. I mean, if you want some, of course.

as i cannot bring myself to read an unfinished stories.

Well, NA at least still working on them. But, it's good thing you can't. I mean... well, I don't know why the hell I'm starting to read stories even if I checked they didn't update for too long and it usually means they was abandoned forever.

Aaaand I haven't seen a single episode of GoT, so I have no idea what made people so pissy about the ending, I just know that it broke the internet for a while

I wathed only 2 seasons.


Waaaaait a minute... You don't want to say they summoned Blaze... somehow...

Cough cough, Imbalanced: New Age.

Oh no... You did this. You did this to all of them. You're monster.

Truly despicable, I agree.

Wasn't he used white color?

Antares? I'm not sure, but let's keep it as that he as a changeling tries different looks from time to time.

Just reminder - you still have some unfinished fic. ... You didn't finish them while I wasn't cheking, aren't you?

Yeah, I'm focusing on "Legacy of Light". "Rumors, Bits, and Pieces", I think is a dead story(that's what I get for trying to do a comment-driven one) and I don't have the energy to keep going with it anyway. As for "To The Skies!"... I don't know, not planning anything now.


Cough cough, Imbalanced: New Age.

But he's appearing waay later... And as chosen heir of alicorn of death he supposed to appear anyway, isn't he?
You don't want say it was... I need to re-read those one day...

Oh come on.. It can't end like this.

I'm pretty sure the story did what it was supposed to, and tied the loose ends it had to. Cromach's path to making Silver Sun the powerhouse it turns into over the next 200+ years is set, Brauheim is safe from visitors, the void rift was closed, and Star Trail as well as Arcane Hex got their due.

Nope, I don't think I missed anything.

Those points might be right, but it feels entirely like a loss. While I followed the mian story sporadically, I really enjoyed the changeling side story and followed it a lot more firmly and had a lot of a higher opinion of the cast, so it is absolutely subjective favorism.

But I really dislike that after all the struggle, all their trials to be save and left alone, to do the right thing and honor their friends, Boss Beard and his family are now nothing more than helpless pawns, used for a greater good they have no personal relation to, by people just so much out of their weightclass. Especially that last scene of them all just getting utterly ruined while they tried to do what was right by the dwarves, it hurt.

And I am aware that they are not the protagonists of the overarching thing but.. It left me very hollow. I don't say it was a badly written ending, not at all. Just really not one i wished onto the group.


I really enjoyed the changeling side story and followed it a lot more firmly and had a lot of a higher opinion of the cast, so it is absolutely subjective favorism.

Don't worry about that. That's like 99% of people reading this.

And I am aware that they are not the protagonists of the overarching thing but.. It left me very hollow. I don't say it was a badly written ending, not at all. Just really not one i wished onto the group

I once read an excellent thought which goes something like this: "Sometimes you lose even if you do everything right. That's not your failure, that's life."
But yeah, I absolutely get it. You won't find an all-good forever after ending in any of my stories, though, I think.

The power difference in the end can feel overwhelming, but if you think about it, it makes absolute sense. While the lovebugs had three major adventures in the span of seven years, Cromach and Blaze had incomparably more under their belt. The good hint was dealing with the single Vigil in the end of "Halls" while Silver Sun broke the entire cult and stopped Harmony's coming.

Once more, I never complained about senelessness or inconsistencies. As stated, it is well crafted and is solid and sound in it's own world. Just a personal preference. And I never expected a full happy ending, that is unrealistic for this kind of story, none of them are perfect ends, but maybe something more reclused.

Still, I do not say the ending is bad. It just left a bitter taste in my mouth, for personal reason. Objectively it is a very in tune end. So kudos to that!

I'm glad you stuck with it until the end.)

“No cupholders, Three.”

He freezes mid bounce, his eyes go wide as he looks at his forelegs with the sudden expression of utter heresy happening, and then quickly transforms into his old self.

Three probably feels so betrayed by himself.

It is a terrible, terrible feature of the lovebug form.

Comment posted by Atuhor Name deleted Aug 5th, 2020

Yes, totally not at all like the two prequels...
And like every single story in the Imbalanced branch preceding this.
Here's your dark tag and maybe I should add a trigger warning, a warm blanket, or something that would spoil the story from the beginning. That's a perfectly grand reason to downvote a story.

Comment posted by Atuhor Name deleted Aug 5th, 2020

Don't worry about that.
I don't even know why it got to me so much. I mean, maybe I just have a different standard for downvotes and tagging but if you stuck around until the end without anything to say other than "The ending doesn't reflect a comedy tag" then something must have kept you coming back and reading, If you said "The humor in this entire story isn't funny and that's why it doesn't warrant the comedy tag" I would be absolutely fine with that. Or basically anything constructive I could take away about the overall story, but not liking it because this? To me it feels like a comment that says "It's Wednesday, I didn't wake up right. Here's a downvote."
Now, maybe if the reason was that you were curious and wanted to read through this just to catch errors and see how not to write something, then that would be alright too.
Nevermind, I'm ranting. You're right, it's not a comedy, it's adventure with some funny bits that don't warrant the driving tag, I removed it, and added dark because it fits.
EDIT: On you pathetic pile of vomit. Going back after those comments and downvoting ALL stories. Epic, epic.

I wouldn't worry about it too much, you're talking to a coward who has disabled both rating and commenting for their own stories because /by their own admission/ they can't handle it, thereby denoting themselves as both a coward and a hypocrite. Not to mention of course deleting all their comments on here after the fact to hide what was said. Personally as a massive fan of gallows humor i would consider the comedy tag to still fit (and the sheer inclusion of Three at all would merit it in my book but hey that's a separate reason) after all dark and comedy aren't mutually exclusive. Your stories were wonderful and the only thing i don't like is that this series is over. I gave you an upvote on all of them purely because reading your stories were hours well spent for me, 's how i've always used my upvotes and will continue to do so.

Thank you, that's an incredibly generous opinion. Still, I did overreact a bit.
As for Three and the northern hive, their story continues in One Hug Bug, although that's the final story of the Imbalanced storyline following up the destruction of the universe in Legacy of Light so it's a lot more grim.

Decent story, a bit too much shooty and stabby and too little talking and scheming in my mind though.

It is a bit heavy on action, definitely. It expects a person to know both the Northern hive storyline as well as the Silver Sun for the full details and context, which is my fault/choice with its own consequences.
I'm glad you at least had some fun.

Interesting end, I'm betting the dwarves won't be happy.

Happy or not, the raw power and talent Order of the Silver Sun managed to gather is too nuts to deal with by force. On the other hand, it's not as if Cromach is just holding the Northern hive by the neck and making them do something wrong.

I started reading They're EVERYWHERE a while ago before coming to read this particular series. I haven't read any of your other fics yet, but your changeling lore is cool as hell. Everything from the hivemind things to the ranking just fits perfectly for them as far as I'm concerned. Will likely read again.

Thank you.
However, if you're here for changeling fics, I think you've read all there is if you're done with this story.
"Hard to find the right words", "Management", "Changeling King", "Silver Sunlight", "EVERYWHERE!"

One Hug Bug is less about changeling lore and more about the end of the Imbalanced storyline so yeah. Congratulations :twilightsmile:

Well, that sucks. A lot. Boss's hive were good guys, and now they're under the talon of Cromach. It's going to be hard even to enjoy the cute buggy story now. Though I'll probably get over it by the time it updates again. I just have to make sure not to read the future stories.

It's tough to respond to this without seeming defensive, which isn't my goal. I feel as if you misunderstood the implications of the ending, mainly due to your dislike of Cromach (albeit I like it that I managed to invoke a strong emotion, even one that I didn't particularly intend to). Especially due to the small circumstance of him being a pre-30 griffon with way too many unbelievable experiences and responsibilities. However, that is because I know his entire story and I'm not sure if you read the Imbalanced storyline up to the point of Silver Sun and further, and it doesn't change how he can feel in the span of a single story, especially when it's not entirely centered on him.
No matter, though, I'm glad you stuck through this storyline to the end.

As for Boss' changelings - this is their chronologically final story. Their existence and influence has faint implications for the ones set in the future, but nothing major. I had them be a major player in the final final and totally final story, but I had to scrap that one because I just couldn't continue with it and I had some really grating mistakes with it. Instead, now it's back to the invasion and drone time. I'm kind of hoping that G5 will prove interesting and inspiring regarding the greater lore but so far definitely not.

I read Cromach's introductory story, where it turns out he's willing to betray his friends at the drop of a hat for personal gain. I enjoyed the first two Boss stories, as you probably know, but it was clear I'd have to read the two Order stories to understand this one. So I skipped a bunch of Blazing stuff, and never did find out what happened between them and Choking before you unceremoniously offed her for the moment (as if she's not coming back as Lust, come on). But I did see that Cromach is a selfish, nihilistic, immature jerk who blames everyone else for his own failures and uses that as an excuse to make everyone else suffer, thus causing more failures which he again blames his favorite scapegoat for while everyone else's loved ones die.

There's so much I love here but also reading some of it makes me so furious. It's not healthy for me. And yeah, I hate Cromach, Contradiction, Choking, and to a lesser extent, Comfort. (You might be a better writer if you could ditch the Madonna/whore complex; there are more ways to be female than being either a perfect innocent or a raging slut that makes sex into torture.) I should go through your other characters and see if I just hate the letter C--no, wait, Two's mom is cool. Not 10/8/1, her real mom. Can't think of her name, I'm up late.

Since I'm up late and rambling, I'll put this observation here: there are two bits of dialogue somewhere in the story where a character gives numbered reasons for something, and it's hilariously confusing until you figure out they're not giving orders out. "One, you're doing this. Two, you need such and such." Wait, was One even here? And isn't Two the one talking? Help!

But yeah, it casts a bit of a damper on the vacation thing to realize it's in the past, and, for example, any of Chrysalis's high ranks mentioned is probably getting slaughtered here. Not to mention poor Ten. I'm really surprised, btw, that you let Nine, who was a dead soul in Tartarus, get killed in a multiplayer Doom parody sequence and didn't have him respawn in some hilariously inconvenient way.

- That's an interesting take on him. Not a view I intended to show, at least not to that extent, but a neat development nonetheless.
- I suck at writing women. Being an antisocial weirdo with zero exposure would do that to, and I'm being generous here, a person.
- So, recently I've started getting character naming ideas from my grocery receipts. The price section...
- Ten went exactly the way he would want to!

Crushed between Celestia's thighs? I don't remember that, I may have to go back and check.

That's two series I've read by you that I could not put down.
Just to much fun. And hearing such harsh language from three of all lings was a shock but a hilarious one.

Everything is just a tutorial for the Nightmare Mode which is Blazing Light's storyline. :derpytongue2:

So many characters I can't keep track of them all. Love your lings btw.

You mean the Silversmiths that are all but extinct, and their technology is almost gone, those Silversmiths? :derpyderp2:

I wanna read this but this is the third sequel damn.

Bring it on

To make it even more frustrating, to fully understand this you'd want to read Dawn of the Silver Sun from the Imbalanced storyline and everything before it, Shine of the Silver Sun for some context, and the 1st and 2nd story of Lovebugs before this.

i am in thawing hearts rn

i hope this is better than my fanart tries to be

Without reading Exercise In Management and Halls of the Mountain King, it won't be.

It's been almost 4 years since this chapter. I'm sorry, but I have no idea.

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