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"You're so vanilla!" "You're like the Fairy Bread of Australia!" Anonpencil - 2019


When Princess Luna awakens, she finds herself in an unknown land, trapped in the body of a filly. With her connection to her moon gone, along with most of her magic. She finds herself in one confusing situation after another.

So she opts to travel with a local, a human by the name of Red. Together, they travel the land in serach of answers. Luna to her reason for being here, Red for his purpose in life. And together, they may just discover ancient mysteries, dark secrets and more about themselves than they thought possible.

And why does everyone keep calling her Woona!?!

Coverart lovingly suppied by Snowdustdragon AKA, my lovely wife~

Edit: Featured on the first day! Thanks a lot everyone~

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 106 )

Luna was rather upset when she found out Celestia outlawed the gladiator arenas a few centuries after her exile.

That's believable, though I would love to see Luna try to make those come back in Equestria.

“A Dak/Psychic type eh?” Red glanced up. “That’s quite a mix. Not a lot of weaknesses there.”

Found an error for you there.

Not a bad start.

Not a bad start. I'll see where this goes.

Strong opening :D
:rainbowlaugh: I hope she didn't mind them checking her temperature
:pinkiecrazy: eew
:facehoof: damnit, Rainbow

This is adorable. I love it

My only complaint is that Luna didn’t snuggle the heck out of the Eevee upon seeing it... they are adorable as heck! Also loving the story so far. Is this Red a different one from the Kanto Champion we know? Like was he named after the Champion by his mother for certain reasons?

Hehe. I like it! You have my attention.. Tracking.

Honestly I'm excited to see Luna evolve (if she can, I really hope so!) I'd also hope she'd be a 3 stage evolution, turning into her normal self that we see in the show at stage 2 and maybe even nightmaremoon as the 3rd stage. Lastly, this might be a stupid question, but luna is currently bare correct? She doesn't have any of her regula? Its probably obvious to some but my brain wants to connect the picture of Woona to the story, so idk. Sorry :fluttercry:

Love this.
Its pretty interesting and amusing.
Well done.

Very interesting indeed... Oh Woona, -No, not sorry- you have no idea what you're in for...

You actually did it! Absolute mad lad

It's a dog thing of her own size. Not to mention that she from Equestria, and therefore the bar for "totally adorable" is set higher.

She's totes adorbs, though :yay:

"You Pokémon partner up with humans to fight gladiatorial matches for honor and glory?” That.. actually sounded awesome! Luna was rather upset when she found out Celestia outlawed the gladiator arenas a few centuries after her exile.

That's Luna alright. I wonder if she'll end up evolving, and if it'll be her adult form. Maybe a teenage one? Or who knows it's a three-step thing and she'll end up absolutely majestic and overdesigned? :pinkiecrazy:

But what really matters is... Moar when?

Hoo boy. Luna discovering she can cut loose and only KO opponents... that's gonna be good.

I never thought of Chansey as being furry. Huh.

Why would Luna assume that Red is cutie mark age when ponies know they’re the only race that has them? Unless it’s just an expression.

Basic: Woona
Stage 1: Luna
Stage 2: Princess Luna
Mega: Nightmare Moon

"Hmm ? What's this ? A crossover with pokemon ? meeeh... Well it does have Luna, I'll just give it a try to-"

“Oi, you wanna go luv! Comeon! l’ll shag ye mum!!”

More, give me more !

So, halfway through reading this chapter, I had to stop and immediately make sure it was on my Tracker, put up a Like and Favourite the story.

This story perfectly encapsulated everything I ever wanted to read in a Pokemon fanfic but could never quite find something matching to my tastes in the plethora of Pokemon fanfics out there. The dialogue, character interaction, the jokes, the pacing...all of it made this such a wonderful piece of writing to read through. I'm legitimately jealous of how good your writing is.


Wow, this is actually really interesting. I'll definitely be following this story. I'm excited to see how Luna interacts with the Pokemon world and how it interacts with her.

Didn't you already have a pokemon crossover going?

Sorry, shouldn't complain. Good pokemon crossovers are distressingly few and far between, so I'm not gonna gripe about another one.

The part with the rattata had me almost waking everyone up from laughing. I guess thats my fault for reading fanfics at 2 am, but you might want to consider a comedy tag :pinkiehappy:

Ye that could work with the first evolution being like weakened Luna from episode 1 after she got blasted by the elements, then the second evoltion full powered Luna with wavy mane and her regalia.

So how long until Luna figures out that, as a Psychic type, she could conceivably use telepathy to communicate with Red? I can't imagine that will take too long; Luna's main concern seems to be the language barrier first, figure out the rest once that hurdle is overcome.

Like other reviews have said, the tone of this fic, these characters, is spot-on. You have the right mix of enjoyment with plot, characters who don't appear to be static, and a setting that many may be familiar with but will seem new through the eyes of one unaccustomed to it, or any other, modern word. I eagerly look forward to more.

I've sent you a private message with a bunch of corrections, as if I posted them here it would be quite a large comment.

If you'd like me to edit further, let me know and we can work it out.

Edit: I thought the story style seemed familiar, I also read Changelings: Gotta Love 'em All!

So far, its already a complete riot. I can't wait to see more! :pinkiehappy:

Somehow I'm getting the feeling that if or perhaps when Luna meets a legendary pokemon, things will get very interesting.

Overall a very interesting story so far. My curiousity is piqued.

This shows a lot of promise. I look forward on reading more.

Also, who's the artist of the art?

Now this is a great treat. I'm a big fan of your Changeling's gotta love them all story, so i'm eager to see where this crossover goes.

“WOONA!” the tiny pony shouted and flared her tiny wings. It seemed to be attempting to be threatening but, it was really kind of adorable.

Muhahaha :pinkiecrazy:

No matter, if they assumed her to be one of these ‘Pokémon’ creatures, she’d assume them to be human. So there!

That's fair :moustache:

“Okay so… let me get this straight,” Luna said as she and the Eevee sat outside the lab, looking over a bed of flowers. “You Pokémon partner up with humans to fight gladiatorial matches for honor and glory?” That.. actually sounded awesome! Luna was rather upset when she found out Celestia outlawed the gladiator arenas a few centuries after her exile.

That's to bad, as long as the matches don't go on until death they should work as a way to deal with stress and grudges, work as entertainment, a source income for many ponies (or others) as well as train soldiers for actual combat... which the Royal Guard really needs :applejackunsure:

“....Okay, so that's a no to Pokéballs then?” Red blinked, looking at his empty palm.

Ya think :trixieshiftright:

“Catching new Pokémon just got a looooot harder,” Red sighed as he resumed his trek.

As a wise red stallion many times said :eeyup:

Not only did he have a Pokémon that nobody knew anything about, but she didn’t seem to listen much to him either.

Well she's got an ego the size of the moon :trollestia:

Luna harrumphed. “I has't v'ry little in the way of weaknesses. Thee wouldst doth well to rememb'r yond human colt.” She gave his head a light bap with her hoof. “Now come, thine Princess hungers!”

I'm imagining her pointing her hoof forward and slightly upwards in a dramatic fashion... it it's adorable :moustache:

A mare had to have her priorities straight after all.

Natrually :ajsmug:

This was fun and I would love to see more :twilightsmile:

Since NMM isn’t permanent, it’d likely be a Mega evolution.
I’m imagining she’d need a moonstone to reach her final evolution to “restore her connection” to the moon or some such. Moonlight and Moonblast are both fairy-type moves, but Hypnosis and Dream Eater fit the psychic typing...

I’m being honest, I read a lot of Pokemon/MLP fanfics, but I never found one in which the characters don’t act like idiots, like statistic background characters, or with the good old Pokemon Anime feeling.

That story is, until now, the very opposite. Good interactions between Luna, sorry, Woona and the other Pokemon, same for the humans. And it all doesn’t feel off. Nice start, have a fav.

Though what sold it for me the most is that your Pokemon have unique personalities, so it seems. The Rattata was hilarious. When she acts like that around “pesky rodents”, what will she do when facing bug Pokemon? Poor things.

The little rat Pokémon blinked and bared his fangs again. “Oi, you wanna go luv! Comeon! l’ll shag ye mum!!”

Pretty sure this cockney bastard of a rattatatta is trying to shag above his league :rainbowlaugh:

Perhaps when Luna evolves she'll be able to use her powers to communicate clearly as some others (Darkrai, Zoroark) have been shown to

Comment posted by thefroggyninja deleted May 8th, 2019

Luna was panicking. Her head kind of hurt and she found herself in some kind of black abyss. She couldn’t sense anything and it very much reminded her of her prior imprisonment. She started to hyperventilate as she glanced rapidly around.

While I understand the narrative purpose of this, there is Word of God that the inside of a Pokeball is pretty swanky. Though I guess it might be configured to each type of Pokemon and it defaulted to the black void since she's unknown.

I'm curious how much she'll be able to learn from his next Pokemon. It'll be a wild one so it probably won't know as much about humans as the trained ones but it should at least be useful, especially since it won't be time limited like the others. Do Pokemon know that it sounds like they're saying their species name when they talk?

Finally, a fimfic where the pony is treated as a pokemon.

“Oi, you wanna go luv! Comeon! l’ll shag ye mum!!”

Well... I wasn’t expecting that.

“Okay so… let me get this straight—You Pokémon partner up with humans to fight gladiatorial matches for honor and glory?”

That sounds about right.

Very well written and just... hilarious.

squeee i want a Woona ''pokemon''

i hope more chapters come soon.

Interesting premise, good start, I am definitely tracking this.

Great start. Looking forward to more.

Interesting, so either the transfer process induced amnesia or someone's playing a bad joke. Or something more malicious. But, no sense speculating while there is no power at the moment to attempt a return!
Wonder if she'll have the same "only knows four moves" limitation? Perhaps not, since you can't smack opponents have enough to force them to run in the manner Luna did.
Look alive, Woona! You're going to learn a lot!
Keep going, ;)

Aw, I liked the previous cover art a lot better. This new one is not truthful to Luna's characterization in the story - she vehemently hates her Pokeball, and in the art she seems to want to play with it instead. But that's a minor quibble and won't change my anticipation for a new chapter soon.

I actually knew nothing about Pokémon but I’ll follow the story anyway

Aww...! the Dak type showed prom ise

Viewtiful Done, Want MOAR-T

Dang... the original cover was cuter in my opinion.

This is definitely not the first fic to do that, not by a longshot.

9612032 9612378

I also didn't have permission from the artist to use that last image either. Whereas this was was actually hand painted for me. I wasn't about to turn it down.

This one shows promise. Can't wait for how Woona can break the game's already easy difficulty even more so. Well except the 2 player mode in which you could double team EVERYTHING.

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