• Published 15th Feb 2019
  • 2,520 Views, 97 Comments

Equestrian Titan - Codex92

After running away from a broken heart and self-conscious thoughts over his appearance, Beast Boy ends up going through a mysterious portal as he escaped his old life and appeared in Canterlot High to begin a new one.

  • ...

A New Hero in Town

"...so be cautious on the highway if your commuting to the city today. Now, onto today's top story if you missed it this morning." A week had passed after taking care of the slingtails at Camp Everfree. Garfield overheard the news report from one of the student's phones as he walked down the hall to reach the cafeteria for lunch. "For the past few weeks, Canterlot City has been faced with some pretty mysterious creatures not of this region, or even this world. Witnesses have seen a group of teenage girls handle these dangerous beings, these girls enrolled at Canterlot High, where reports of even more mysterious events had occurred in the last couple years. But there appears to be someone else helping them, or perhaps, something?

"Just a week ago, more dangerous creatures had been sited in the mountain range near Camp Everfree. A video released by three young girls who caught sight of these creatures went viral, and views had skyrocketed upon being uploaded, reaching millions of views in a matter of days." The live report transitioned from the reporter to the video footage Scootaloo got from the tree with the battle against the slingtails, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, and Twilight Sparkle fighting them off, along with the reporter's main focus of his news story: the green shapeshifter turning into several different animals to fight them off. "There has been a sighting of this mysterious, shapeshifting being, changing into many different animals, but with different shades of green for their skin and fur. There were pictures of such a creature like this earlier on social media when another disaster struck Canterlot High with more enchanted monsters, which was a perfect representation of a saber-toothed tiger from the ice age."

There was a picture that took up the screen, showing the green saber-tooth with the girls and the timberwolves. It cut back to the video, where the cloud of dust cleared away after a slingtail was smacked out, revealing the green T-rex letting out a roar, the audio from the video playing, where everyone can also hear Scootaloo behind the camera squeal and laugh in awe.

"It seems as though this shapeshifter appears to turn into any kind of animal, including those that have become extinct several millions of years ago," the reporter continued. "What's shocking is what happens near the end, where we see just what this creature truly is."

It cuts back to the near end of the video, where the giant T-rex shapeshifts into a human being, his face concealed behind his mask and wore black and purple. "Do you have a name?" Fluttershy asked in the recording.

"Call me...Beast Boy," the young hero answered, the video ending with Beast Boy turning into a peregrine falcon and flew off.

"This young man who goes by the name Beast Boy; just who is this supernatural superhero? Where did this heroic vigilante come from? And will he show up again in more times of crisis with the otherworldly creatures?" The student's phone vibrated, cutting out the website showing the live news channel's report as a text window popped up.

"Man, I wonder who this Beast Boy guy is," they said while checking their texts. "Turning into any kind of animal sounds so awesome."

Garfield couldn't help but grin at the comment his superhero persona was given. He continued on his way to the cafeteria, hearing his fellow classmates discussing Beast Boy and what else the shapeshifter could turn into. Once he reached the massive dining hall, he spotted Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo with other students around their grade crowding them, basking in their "fame" with the video they posted. Eventually, their five minutes of fame will fade, and everyone's main focus would be on Beast Boy if he shows up to save the day. Granted, this would be a little nerve-wracking having to switch between two different personas without arousing suspicions, but he did miss being praised as a hero since he arrived here.

"Yeah, we were really there," Scootaloo gloated. "It was dangerous, but I was brave enough to get up close to those lizards. I call them slingtails, because they like to throw rocks with their tails."

"And she's lettin' this get way too over her head," Apple Bloom uttered to Sweetie Belle.

"Should we not mention our video was on the news earlier this morning?" Sweetie asked. "About that hero, Beast Boy?"

"Ah still can't believe the creature's actually a person with real superpowers," Apple Bloom said.

"So mysterious and brave," Sweetie Belle sighed dreamily. "Saving damsels like us in distress."

Garfiled chuckled and shook his head. "Already getting admirers, and one of them has to be a third of the troublesome trio." He got his lunch and sat down at a table, trying to keep his own ego in check so he didn't get careless and be found out as his hero persona. The girls met up with him after getting their lunches. "Looks like word spreads pretty fast around here if anything exciting kicks up."

"Ah really can't believe Scootaloo posted that video," Applejack grumbled. "That internet fame's gonna get to their heads, and they'll probably try to pursue that Beast Boy fella."

"Thank goodness he's been around helping us," Rarity added. "Sweetie Belle is definitely grounded for not telling our parents where she went and for almost getting herself killed, but I'm glad Beast Boy showed up and rescued the girls in time."

"Don't forget about Fluttershy the first time he showed up," Rainbow said. "He's certainly got a way with saving helpless girls in the nick of time."

"I wish we figured out just who he is," Sunset said, tapping her food with her plastic fork while pondering who their mystery hero was. "Changelings transform in a veil of green flames or aura, and the only way magic can be used in this world so far is our gems, the Dazzlings' gems, or normal items becoming enchanted with Equestrian magic leaking through the portals that appear. So, even if he was a changeling, I don't think it's possible for him to do so if he was here as a human."

"Should I try building another spectrometer and use it to see if there's any magical energy he uses to shapeshift?" Twilight asked. Her suggestion made the other girls freeze in shock, all eyes turning to her with disbelief. Realizing why they were staring at her like that, Twilight giggled timidly. "W-Well, I won't let it absorb magic and contain it like last time. It'll act just like a radar..."

"I think we'll find out why without another technological disaster, Twilight," Sunset said.

Garfield rolled his eyes, finding it amusing to hear them talk about how his powers worked as he took a sip of his soda. "Or, what if Beast Boy was a mutant, who was bitten by a radioactive monkey in a jungle somewhere, changing his DNA to become any sort of animal he wants!?" Pinkie theorized, making the Titan grunt and choke on his drink.

He sputtered and coughed, catching the girls' attention as he struggled to breathe. "You alright there, Garf?" Rainbow asked.

Once he caught his breath, he let out another cough. "Y-Yeah," he assured, his voice raspy his his soda stinging his throat. "W-Wrong pipe."

Fluttershy rubbed Garfield's back while he tried not to show just how closely accurate Pinkie's guess was, having no idea if they really are random or she knows far more than she does. "I doubt a 'radioactive monkey' would be able to survive radiation poisoning and live long enough to bite someone in a delirious rampage," Twilight stated. "Besides, radiation can cause very severe harm to any living creature: organ failure, brittle bone structure, or instantaneous death. Any of that DNA transference from anything made by science, alien technology, or even radiation is just made up, especially in superhero comics or movies."

"But there are superheros who get powers from magic," Rainbow corrected, showing off her magic gem. "We have magic, and we're heroes."

"Ah don't think what we have counts, Rainbow Dash," Applejack said.

"What about your theory that Beast Boy was supposed to be a blob, Pinkie?" Fluttershy asked.

"Well, that was before he showed his true form," Pinkie stated. "I bet he could really turn into a blob! With big googly eyes and a derpy smile!"

Garfield sighed in exasperation, shaking his head, taking a break from drinking his beverage before Pinkie shocked him with figuring out how he was born. "She's too much for me. Starfire would really get along with her."

"Who's Starfire?" Fluttershy asked.

"One of my friends back home," Garfield said. "She's just as kooky as Pinkie, but not that crazy. You can kind of say she's an alien, even though she's been hanging with me and my old friends for a few years, yet she still doesn't know how a microwave works." That got Fluttershy to giggle as she imagined Garfield's friend trying to figure out how to use a microwave. "I think you'd all like my other friends, too. The one I mentioned before who sounded like Twilight, her name's Raven, and she's a really big bookworm. There's also Robin, a pretty serious guy, but he's pretty cool and does some pretty sick martial arts moves. And there's-" Garfield paused, figuring out how to describe Cyborg. He knew his best friend was once shunned by his appearance with his roboticized body and got used to it as he's seen as a hero, but he didn't know how the girls would handle knowing someone like Cyborg is able to exist. "...Well, he goes by Stone, but we call him Cyborg since he likes messing with technology and robotic stuff. He's also my very best friend, and he's just as much a total gamer like me!"

"Maybe we can find a way to bring them here from Jump City to meet them," Sunset suggested.

"Heheh...Well, they all have pretty busy lives," Garfield said nervously. "Good luck trying to get them to come down with their busy schedules."

"If you can find a way to contact them and plan something for summer vacation, having them visit for a couple weeks and show them around Canterlot City," Twilight said. "And I'll even schedule times for the best date for their arrival and departure, tours, hanging out, and so on."

"Of course the egghead would do that," Rainbow teased, making the four-eyed teen glare at the athlete in annoyance.

"...That would be...fun," Garfield uttered, but he knew it was impossible trying to bring them here from another world if the portals are connected to Equestria.

The next few weeks were highly uneventful, which was a shame for Garfield, wanting to avoid doing a lot of homework from his classes. At least there weren't any random portals bringing in more species of creatures for him to deal with for now. There was also the harvest he helped Applejack and her family out with, gathering apples and bringing baskets of them to the barn. With the last of the trees cleared and every single ripe apple picked and stored away to be sold later, Garfield joined the Apple family to celebrate a successful harvest this year.

"Ya did pretty good out here with us, Garfield," Applejack said, both teens taking a breather on the porch with some glasses of apple juice. Winona napped at Garfield's feet, giving her a few pats when he felt her sidle closer to him in her sleep. "Wouldn't have been able to get through the season this year without your help."

"Even though I looked like I wasn't fit for farm work?" Garfield asked.

"Sure surprised us. Too bad it doesn't look like ya grew much muscle; you're still thinner than a branch on a tree." Garfield frowned, rolling up his sleeves and flexed his biceps.

"I have some muscle!" he argued while Applejack snickered at her teasing.

"Ah'm just messin' with ya," Applejack assured, but Garfield still held his scowl from the jab at his masculinity. "Well, with the harvest all done this year, Ah think mah family and Ah can handle everythin' else for the rest of the year."

Garfield stopped himself from taking another sip of his juice, saving himself from choking, but he didn't like how Applejack worded that statement. "...So...does that mean...I'm gonna be laid off?" he asked nervously.

"Now don't go thinkin' we're gonna fire ya because harvest season's over," Applejack corrected. "Next year, we'll give ya a call for help if we need it, but we don't need extra hands for some of the minor stuff we can easily do around the farm."

"Oh...so, I get paid leave?" Garfield asked hopefully.

"Not a chance," the farmer chided, nudging Garfield's arm. "But, if you wanna do some more work, Ah think Ah know the perfect place."

"Really?" he asked curiously. "Where?"

Fluttershy hummed a little tune as she tended to her animal friends in the shelter. Her own pet rabbit, Angel, tapped his foot impatiently, wanting his owner's attention, but she was too busy dealing with the sheltered pets than the spoiled bunny. She was interrupted from her work from the sound of the front door opening, the tinkling bell alerting her to visitors coming in.

"Fluttershy, y'all back there!?" Applejack called out.

She walked out to the reception area, surprised to see Applejack and Garfield. "Hi, you two. How's the harvest?" Fluttershy asked.

"All done until next year's," Applejack said. "But, since Garfield's gonna be on call until then for the next big harvest, Ah figured y'all could use an extra hand with the animals here at the shelter, what with how much of an animal whisperer he is like you."

"I should have guessed," Garfield mumbled.

"Oh. Do you want to work here, Garfield?" Fluttershy asked curiously.

"If there's enough room for me, I'll give it a shot," he said.

"And he can have me, Granny, or mah brother as a reference since he did such a good job with the livestock, and even figured out what got Winona all sick that day," Applejack added.

"I could use a working buddy who knows a lot about animals like I do...Let me just find an application and I'll give it to the owner after Garfield fills it out. Then, if the interview goes well, we could work the same shifts..." Fluttershy's cheeks began turning pink when she mentioned worked the same hours with Garfield. "...T-That is, if you want to..."

"As long as I don't exhaust myself lifting heavy stuff," he said, grabbing a pen from the reception desk. "Where's that application?"

A couple days after filling out his application to work at the shelter and getting an interview set up, the owner hired him after evaluating his responses and, at Fluttershy's behest, gave him the same hours she had for her shift. Fluttershy could easily handle the animals on her own, but they thought she could use a bit more human company to help build her social skills more. And the owner was a bit surprised seeing just how easily Garfield can handle animals, even with prior experience with the animals on the Apples' farm.

Fluttershy showed Garfield around on his first day, where everything else aside from the pet food was, and what else they do to properly care for the animals up for adoption. He was even introduced to her pet rabbit, Angel, but Garfield could clearly see he's not much of an angel as his name implied. Fluttershy asked Garfield to look after him for a bit while she groomed a few dogs in need of a haircut, and he learned the hard way how needy this little bunny was as his first test from Fluttershy. He tried feeding Angel a carrot, but the fussy rabbit kept smacking it away, along with any rabbit food or even crispy lettuce. And grooming him was also a pain, especially when it came to fluffing his tail. Garfield swore this rabbit was smarter than he seemed, always smirking as he was pampered like a spoiled prince. As much as he wanted to scare the living daylights out of Angel by turning into a fox and threatening to eat him for dinner, this rabbit was smarter than he seemed and would probably tell on Fluttershy about his shapeshifting powers. All he could do was just bend to his will and resist the urge to punt the annoying cute fluffball out the door.

With the days that passed as the two worked together, they got to learn some more about each other. If there was a critter acting up, Fluttershy would play her tambourine and calm them down with the jingling sounds from her instrument. Garfield was a bit shocked to see that she got a bit too into her playing, which activated her Equestrian magic and grew pony ears, a pair of pegasus wings on her back, and her long pink hair grew longer and looked like a tail. He did learn that the girls playing music released their magic and "ponied up" as they called it, but seeing the transformation in person was astounding to him. Music can definitely soothe the savage beast, along with a kindhearted girl who knows what they need to be comfortable.

One day, after school, Garfield and Fluttershy were busy cleaning up the shelter after taking care of the pets there today. Garfield swept the floors, humming and whistling a song he used to hear back in his world while he worked. Fluttershy brought her pet rabbit again, trying to be naughty as he hopped up onto the counter. He heard the snickering bunny near a box of treats for the dogs, turning to see Angel about ready to kick it over and dirty the floor.

"Hey, don't you dare do it, you little rodent," Garfield warned. Angel reared his foot back to kick the box over the edge of the counter, but Garfield ran toward him, quickly snatching him and holding the squirming rabbit in his arms. "You might get away with this at home, but not here while I'm working here as part of my job to keep it clean." Angel bit his hand, making the teen yell in pain and drop the fussy rabbit and fled. "What is wrong with that rabbit? Does Fluttershy spoil him rotten every day?"

Ignoring the freely roaming rabbit, Garfield went back to cleaning. He heard something fall with a thunk a while later, the sound of some kind of liquid flowing out of a bottle. It was one of the bottles of shampoo used to clean the pets when they get dirty, and the culprit was none other than Angel, who stuck his tongue out at Garfield and hopped away smugly. He let out a frustrated groan, needing to talk with the troublesome bunny one-on-one to see what his deal was with him. Just as he was about to get a mop to clean up the liquid soap, Fluttershy walked in, carrying a box of pet toys for the shelter animals to play with.

"How about after we tidy up, we play with the critters?" Fluttershy suggested, not paying attention to where she was stepping.

"Whoa! Careful, Fluttershy!" Garfield warned.

As she stepped in the small puddle, her foot slipped, letting out a startled yelp as she fell, tossing the box as toys flew up in the air. Garfield ran up to her right as she walked over Angel's mess, quickly catching Fluttershy before she landed on her back. He breathed a sigh of relief and helped her back up, only to step on a squeak toy underneath them, losing his own footing as he stumbled, making himself fall over with Fluttershy right behind him with a squeak. Both of them crashed to the ground, Garfield grunting in pain from the fall on the hard surface and Fluttershy landing on top of him.

"Oh my. I'm sorry," Fluttershy apologized. After recovering from the slip-up, she got up on her knees, hovering over Garfield as he groaned in discomfort. When he opened them, they both stared at each other awkwardly, Fluttershy feeling her heart skip slightly while looking into Garfield's emerald green eyes. Her cheeks began turning a shade of pink, flustered not only by hurting him while she nearly slipped, but also by being this up close to a boy who tried to help her from falling. She quickly stood up, her blush deepened to a bright red, stammering nervously as she looked away from him. "S-S-Sorry!"

"Ugh...No biggie," Garfield groaned as he sat up. He eyed the troublesome rodent, who was busy laughing his fluffy tail off after witnessing the hilarious pratfall his owner and new pampering slave had. "Your little bunny rabbit was the one who made us trip, knocking over that bottle of shampoo while I was trying to clean up in here." She looked at Angel, still laughing, making her sigh at her misbehaving pet's antics. "Does he despise everyone?"

"W-Well, Angel's not really...much trouble to take care of," Fluttershy mumbled. She looked down at the mess on the floor, avoiding Garfield's gaze as she carefully stepped around the scattered toys and spilled soap. "...I-I'm...gonna get the mop."

She carefully rushed to the supply closet, confusing Garfield with her vague answer. He let out a sigh, left to picking up the toys by himself, some of them needing to be washed so none of the pets tasted soap on what could be one of their favorite toys. After placing the toys back in the box and moving the now almost completely drained bottle of shampoo up on the counter, he turned to leer at the mischievous rabbit.

"You and I are gonna have some serious words, you little demon," Garfield said, but Angel blew a raspberry at him and hopped off, feeling satisfied with his annoyance quota.

"So, he came to your rescue, but he ended up slipping and you fell on top of him?" Rainbow asked with a laugh, the girls gathered at Sugarcube Corner as they heard from Fluttershy about what happened with Garfield that day at the shelter.

"It was...a little embarrassing," Fluttershy murmured, her cheeks bright red, even still after mentioning the awkward situation the other day. "I...kinda avoided him after that..."

Rarity had a knowing grin on her face as she read Fluttershy's facial expressions throughout her story. "Is it because...you're starting to grow a crush on Mr. Logan?" she asked, making the animal lover squeak in surprise at the claim, her blush burning even hotter. "Oh my goodness, you have a crush on Garfield!"

"I-I do?" Fluttershy asked timidly.

"Oh, it is so obvious, darling!" Rarity said. "You two are pretty close since he met you."

"Yeah, you both like animals, know a lot about them, can understand them better than anyone else, and you're both vegetarians!" Pinkie listed.

"Garfield probably can't understand critters as well as Fluttershy, but he sure does know what's wrong with them," Applejack said. "If you're busy, Ah'll let him see Winona if she gets sick again."

"So, are you gonna ask him out?" Sunset asked curiously. Fluttershy mumbled shyly, twiddling her fingers with her hair veiling her face. "Or, if you're too nervous, we ask him if he likes you and set you two up on a date."

"O-Oh, I-I don't know," Fluttershy uttered.

"I say we find him and ask him if he likes you right now," Rainbow suggested, making Fluttershy flinch, unsure about being upfront with Garfield so easily. The girls left after finishing their shakes, then headed out to find where Garfield was. "I wish Garf had a phone so we knew where he was at now."

"He should have enough at this point for a cheap one," Twilight pondered, running through the math of his paychecks from working with the Apples and the shelter the last couple weeks.

"Maybe we can chip in and get him one as a gift!" Pinkie suggested. "That way we can tell him through text what he missed out on, and Fluttershy can privately have a conversation with him if they start going out!"

The girls giggled as they teased Fluttershy some more. While searching for Garfield around stores they expected he would be at, they heard a commotion over in the alley between a couple stores.

"Hey, man, get off of her!" a young woman shouted while another screamed, both voices sounding familiar to the group of seven.

"Hey, wasn't that Vinyl Scratch?" Rainbow asked. Looking down the alley they heard the yelling from, they found a man veiling his face with a ski mask harassing the dubstep DJ they knew in school, white skinned with two-toned electric blue hair, and her more sophisticated, orchestraic friend, Octavia, grey-skinned with long black hair. The guy shoved Vinyl off of him while trying to defend Octavia, sending her falling on her back while trying to take something in Octavia's purse. "What's going on!?"

"A robbery!" Pinkie exclaimed, alerting the bandit and frustrating him with more witnesses catching him in the act.

"You just gotta make my day a whole lot harder!" he exclaimed angrily. He tugged the purse out of Octacia's hand, nearly ripping the strap off, and right as Rainbow and Applejack rushed the thief, he turned around and pulled out a handgun concealed under his black jacket. "Try anything and I'll kill you all right where you stand!"

Applejack and Rainbow froze, all the girls staring at the deadly firearm in fear. The threatening gaze through his mask's eye holes and a slight wave of his gun silently commanded all his hostages to get away from the street and get himself caught. The girls did so, keeping their hands up, not willing to risk getting shot. Twilight could have used her magic to swipe the gun away with her magic, but this was far more terrifying than some random beast from Equestria; she can't stop a speeding bullet going over 2500 feet per second compared to a wolf made of bark that only moved a slight fraction of that bullet.

"You won't get away with this," Rainbow grumbled, but the robber shoved the athlete toward Octavia, pushing the girls deeper down the alley.

"Try me, little girl," the man threatened. "Empty your pockets and put them down at your feet. Not letting you try to call the cops on me." After they were gathered, the girls slowly took out everything in their pockets and placed them on the ground in front of them: phones, wallets, keys, and from Pinkie, several bags of candy. The robber looked at the sugar-crazed party goer, who only giggled sheepishly in response. He then noticed the necklaces on some of the girls, interested in the price something that rare would fetch on the black market. "Hand over those necklaces."

"W-What? Y-You can't take these!" Sunset exclaimed, quickly shutting her mouth as the barrel of the robber's gun was pointed at her.

"That wasn't a suggestion," he warned. "Hand them over. Now." Sunset gulped, terrified being at the end of the firearm, only seeing these kinds of weapons in action movies, and those were fake to make the firefight scenes look realistic. She did as she was told, along with the others who were wearing theirs. Luckily, Rainbow's magic gem was in her wristband, and she wasn't planning on having her friends lose their Equestrian magic. Once he had six of the seven special gems placed in his hand, he held them up and examined them. "These things better be real expensive gems, or we're gonna have some problems."

"Oh, we've got a problem, alright," Rainbow muttered under her breath.

Taking a risky move, she activated her gem and rushed at the robber with blinding speed. Before he knew what happened, Rainbow tackled the man, knocking the wind out of him as he hit the ground, shocking her friends with her brash move as she tried to get the gun out of the robber's hand, the other accidentally flinging the necklaces out of the alley. He caught his breath, letting out a grunt as he grabbed Rainbow's wrist, twisting it painfully to get her to stop going for his gun. She yelled in pain, then grunted as he kneed her in the side, falling to her side as she clutched her side in pain.

"Rainbow!" the girls shouted, but they couldn't help her when the robber quickly got up, forcefully picked Rainbow up on her feet by her hair, then while keeping her in a headlock, aimed the gun at her temple.

"Don't any of you move!" he shouted aggressively, forcing them to step back, some of the teens in tears as they dreaded to see their friend die. "I don't know how you moved that fast, but what you did was pretty stupid, girl. I didn't want to get any blood on my hands, but since you're so disobedient, I just might resort to killing you if it'll get the message to your friends not to get on my bad side."

"P-Please don't kill her," Fluttershy pleaded, trembling fearfully.

"J-Just take everything we have and l-let us go," Octavia added.

"How can I trust you won't rat me out to the police if I just up and leave?" he questioned rhetorically. The girls all looked at each other, feeling absolutely helpless, even Rainbow as she stopped struggling. "Exactly. Once I'm far enough away, one of you girls are gonna call the cops once I'm far enough away. I'm not going to jail. No one's gonna save you."

"I guess these comics in this world aren't all that bad," Garfield said to himself as he left the comic book shop, buying himself a couple issues of some comics he took an interest in. "Useful reading material if there's nothing to do at the shelter...or maybe sneaking something to read in the middle of a boring class." He chuckled sadistically at the thought of getting away with hiding his comic behind a school book, looking interested while the teacher paid no attention to him. While walking down the sidewalk, wondering where else he could spend his alone time, he winced when he felt something hit his side. Looking at the thrown object, he raised a brow, kneeling down to stare at a few familiar necklaces. "Huh?...Aren't these...?"

He heard a grunt come from across the road, along with several girls crying out in shock. After hearing them calling out Rainbow Dash's name, thanks to his enhanced senses, he growled, clutching the necklaces and quickly ran into a nearby alley to privately change into his superhero persona. Once he was suited up and his mask was on, he turned into a falcon, flew up over the buildings, and found the girls being held hostage by a robber, Rainbow held in a headlock with a gun pointed to her head.

"I'm not going to jail," the robber said to his hostages, Beast Boy swooping down behind him, changing into another animal. "No one's gonna save you." Tapping the dangerous man's shoulder, he quickly turned around, his startled shock turning to confusion when he saw a green-furred kangaroo staring at him. "...What in the world?"

Rainbow knew who this marsupial was from its green fur and blank eyes, letting out a small laugh, irritating the robber. "Told ya your weren't gonna get away with this."

Growling, the man ignored the brash athlete's comment, pushing her back toward her friends while focusing the ill-looking kangaroo that escaped the city zoo. "What is with this thing's eyes?" he asked himself, the roo tilting its head curiously. "Eh. Go on...Shoo. Go back to...wherever you came from," he said, waving his hand at it to try to get it away. The kangaroo smacked his hand away, getting annoyed by the random wild animal, then pointed the gun at its head. "I think it's not feeling well. Better put it out of its misery." Quicker than her could react, Beast Boy smacked the robber's gun hard out of his hand, thankfully not discharging as it clattered to the ground. "Agh! You stupid-"

He tried to punch the shapeshifter, but Beast Boy ducked and weaved, teasingly holding his paws up in a boxer pose, bouncing slightly on his stronger legs. He gave swift jabs to the robber's face, chest, and abdomen, frustrating the robber in the most comical way possible. The robber yelled and tried to charge the marsupial, but Beast Boy leaned back on his tail, giving him a hard kick to the gut, pushing him in the air while knocking his own air out from his lungs. The shapeshifting hero started juggling the bandit, spinning him around with both feet, getting him dizzy while kicking him up in the air. One last kick sent the dangerous criminal flying into the wall, letting out a grunt, then slid to the ground with a pained groan.

Shaking his head, the robber noticed his gun nearby, but just as he reached out for it, he grunted when a black boot stepped down on his hand, the other kicking the firearm away from him. "Robbery, attacking high schoolers, and attempted murder with a deadly weapon." The masked man looked up, confused seeing a young, costumed teen boy standing over him, swearing he was attacked by a wild kangroo earlier. "I think you're gonna be seeing a lot of time in jail, buddy."

"W-Wha...?" he uttered. "W-Where's that...dumb animal?"

Beast Boy stepped off the man's hand, grabbed the collar of his jacket, then hoisted him up against the wall, slamming his back into it hard. "Right in front of you," he growled. "You're lucky I messed with you as a kangaroo. Or would you rather be mauled by a bear instead?" Giving the criminal a scare, Beast Boy turned into a grizzly bear, looming over the man as he looked up in terror at the dark green bear, letting out a roar right in his face. Several seconds of silence passed before the robber let out a frightened groan, passing out in fear with his head and limbs slumped down. Beast Boy dropped the man, turning back to normal, letting out a snide grunt in satisfaction before turning to address the nine victims. "Anyone hurt?" Quicker than he could react, Pinkie rushed her savior with a squeal and caught him in a bone-crushing hug, his eyes nearly popping out of his mask as he gasped for air. "Besides...me!"

"You saved us!" Pinkie praised, waving the helpless hero around, turning his bones into jelly as he was flailed around while in her powerful grip.

"Couldn't have picked a better time?" Rainbow questioned, rubbing her neck, definitely going to be feeling some bruises later.

Pinkie finally let go of the animal shapeshifter, making him collapse to the ground with a groan before being helped back up by her. "At least no one got seriously hurt, thank goodness," Rarity said. "But next time someone has, oh, I don't know, A GUN, can you just do as he says before he decides to shoot it!?"

"Let's just be glad it didn't get any worse," Sunset said, shuddering slightly, imagining how quick or agonizing it would have been getting shot would be. "Thank you, Beast Boy."

"Don't mention it." As the girls gathered back their belongings and Octavia called the police to have the robber and attempted murderer sent to prison, Beast Boy pulled out the magical necklaces the unconscious robber took from the girls. "I think these belong to the six of you. They were on the other side of the road while I was flying around and heard the commotion."

"Oh, thank goodness!" Rarity squealed, eagerly taking her necklace back while Sunset, Applejack, Twilight, Fluttershy, and Pinkie took theirs back. "Saving our lives and giving back what was stolen or lost. My hero."

She leaned toward Beast Boy and planted a smooch on his cheek. He was glad he was wearing a mask, otherwise they would have seen his green cheeks turn red with a heavy blush. He cleared his throat to compose himself, shifting his gaze while humbling accepting Rarity's gratitude, despite how awkward it was being kissed by one of his new friends.

"A-All in a day's work, miss," Beast Boy simply said, trying to keep his voice from cracking.

"Wait, before you leave as your signature falcon," Pinkie interjected before the hero turned to leave. "-...Can you turn into a few more animals for me?" she begged. Beast Boy stifled a sigh and kept himself from rolling his eyes, but he nodded, accepting the odd request for saving her and her friends' lives. "Yippie! Do...a monkey!" He did so, turning into a green chimpanzee. "Now a pony! A platypus! Opossum! Dolphin! A gerbil!" He went in order of Pinkie's requests, showing them, along with Vinyl and Octavia's transformations into green-skinned animals with blank white eyes. "Aaaaaaand...an alligator! With no teeth!" Beast Boy squeaked awkwardly, unsure if he can do a toothless alligator, but he complied to the best of his abilities, turning into the dangerous swamp dwelling reptile, but still bore the rows of razor sharp teeth as he hissed and showed his maw. "Whoa...Even the alligator's all green like the rest of his animal forms!"

A collective groan rang out in the alley, even Beast Boy let out an exasperated grumble at the oddest statement Pinkie's ever made. "Pinkie, alligators are reptiles; their natural skin is already green."

"Oh. Right!" After entertaining Pinkie enough, Beast Boy turned into a falcon and flew off, watching police cars roll up and take unconscious, scared silly robber away, just in case he woke up and tried pulling a fast one.

He flew back to the alley where he changed back to Garfield, making sure no one saw his falcon form swoop down in the alley. He managed to get a glimpse of the robber, now awake, completely hysterical while trying to tell the officers he was attacked by a teenager who turned into animals, and got beaten up by a kangaroo, but the cops weren't buying his story, one car hauling him to jail while the other police duo made sure the girls were ok, both physically and mentally. After double checking to make sure they were unharmed and suggesting calling their parents to pick them up, the other officers left to continue their rounds. Garfield crossed the road, making sure to watch for any cars, meeting up with the girls.

"Hey, what just happened?" he asked curiously. "I just saw the police cars while walking down the road."

"...We were almost robbed," Applejack said. "And Rainbow, gettin' a bit too hot-headed, almost got herself shot tryin' to fight back against a normal person. With a gun."

"Oh, jeez." Garfield cringed, pretending he had no idea, but he was lucky he was there in the nick of time. "So, did the cops save you?"

"It was actually that Beast Boy kid we saw in that video," Vinyl said. "And we saw him turn into just about everything. Kinda funny when that guy was juggled by him as a kangaroo, but not after..." The DJ paused, swallowing the lump in her throat, Garfield clearly seeing all the girls still shaken up by something in their world that was far worse than a dangerous creature from another one. After recovering from her daze, she grabbed her headphones and placed them over her ears. "I-I gotta get my mind off what happened. I'm gonna blast some beats, go home, and lie down."

"I'll tag along," Octavia said, surprising her friend, who was the polar opposite in enjoying certain genres of music. "I really don't want to be alone after...that..."

Vinyl nodded in agreement, the two friends heading off to the DJ's home and try to forget about today. Garfield walked his friends back home, knowing they were going to need a bit of time to recover from such a terrifying event. After taking Applejack, Twilight, Pinkie, Rarity, and Sunset back to where they lived, he escorted Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash to Fluttershy's address.

"Hey, Rainbows!" Rainbow winced, recognizing the voice it came from before letting out an irritated groan. At the address where Fluttershy lived, lounging on the porch was a teal-skinned person, wearing something from the seventies that seemed far worse than the first outfit choice Garfield found in the school his first day here, which only made it worse with his dirty blonde hair in a man-bun. He strutted his way toward them, Rainbow letting out another annoyed groan, looking away from his flirtatious gaze. "Fancy seeing you around."

"Zephyr, not now," Rainbow growled. "I'm not in the mood for any of your advances, which are NEVER going to work."

"Oh, so this is that Zephyr you mentioned in your roommate notice," Garfield uttered.

"Ah, I see. My good looks and charm are enough to make your heart pitter-patter," Zephyr said, clearly oblivious to Rainbow dismissing his stubborn flirting.

"Zephyr, stop," Fluttershy said bitterly, surprising Garfield hearing her sounded irritated for the first time since meeting her.

"Aww, come on, Flutters, you can't deny the connection I have with Rainbows," Zephyr said, then eyed Garfield. "...Unless that kid's seeing her, which, I doubt he stands much of a chance compared to-"

"GO INSIDE, ZEPHYR BREEZE!!!!!" Fluttershy shouted, startling him, Garfield, and Rainbow with her outburst. Zephyr grimaced, then slowly backed away before turning about and running inside. Fluttershy breathed heavily, turning back to face Rainbow and Garfield, who both blinked in stunned silence. Garfield could still see she was shaken up about earlier, Zephyr Breeze's annoyance hitting a nerve with her after mentioning him and Rainbow dating. "...S-Sorry...M-My brother's...kind of a pain sometimes."

"...He's your brother?" Garfield asked. He put the pieces together after Rainbow mentioned him as his best friend's brother, and Fluttershy was her best friend out of the other girls. "...Well, that's...interesting. And he apparently really has a thing for you, huh, Rainbow Dash?"

"Don't remind me," Rainbow grumbled. "I just wanna run for the hills anytime I see him and his dumb face. He thinks I'm playing 'hard-to-get', but he's too stupid to realize I don't like him."

"I see..." Garfield turned to Fluttershy, who seemed conflicted, holding herself while deep in thought. He gently placed his hand on her shoulder, startling her and snapping her out of her head. "Hey, it's alright, Fluttershy," he assured. "Just go inside, take a cold shower, and do something to distract yourself, like beat up your brother for being a nuisance." That got her to smile a little, even though she wouldn't go as far as hit her brother, being far too nice to harm anyone. "If you need someone to talk to, I'll hear you girls out."

"O-Ok," Fluttershy murmured, hiding behind her hair as she concealed the light blush on her cheeks.

"Speaking of talking, we were trying to find you earlier to know if you can get a cell phone right now," Rainbow said.

"Uhh...I think I can get a cheap one," Garfield said. He reached into his pocket and pulled out his wallet, seeing how much he had on him. "Yeah, I've been saving enough, I think, even with the 'outrageous' rent you have me pay."

"Hey, it's not THAT expensive," Rainbow argued, despite Garfield's teasing chuckles. "Well, if you can get one today, you can get our numbers so we don't have to figure out where you are in town if you're by yourself."

"Ok, I'll head back before the shops close and see if I can get a decent one," Garfield said. "You good going back home by yourself, though?"

"Super speed, dude," Rainbow said, showing off her gem. "I can get back home in ten seconds flat."

"I'll see you back home, then," Garfield said. Before he left, he surprised Fluttershy with a hug, her face turning beet red in surprise with a stifled squeal, feeling him gently pat her back in reassurance. "You're gonna be ok, Fluttershy. I know it was pretty scary what you and the girls went through, but if you need an ear to talk to, I got two ready and waiting."

Fluttershy looked at Rainbow Dash, who wore a cheeky smirk as she watched her reaction. Garfield let go of Fluttershy, keeping her head low with her hair covering the heavy blush on her face as the teen ran off with a wave back to town to get himself a phone.

"Well, that seems to prove how much of a soft spot he has for you," Rainbow snickered. "You're gonna ask him out, right?"

"I-I-I d-don't k-know," Fluttershy stammered, her hands playing with her long bangs timidly as she glanced back at Garfield.

"Either you ask him, or he's gonna, or I'll back you up as your wingwoman and convince him to go out with you on a date," Rainbow said. Fluttershy mumbled something, but Rainbow took it as a maybe and gently smacked her friend's back playfully with a giggle. "Sounds like a plan. But, for now, I'm gonna head home and see how Tank's doing. Later, Flutters."

Rainbow dashed away with her superspeed, heading back home and leaving Fluttershy to herself, her heart pounding in her chest from the caring embrace Garfield gave her. "...O-Oh...my..."