• Published 15th Feb 2019
  • 2,520 Views, 97 Comments

Equestrian Titan - Codex92

After running away from a broken heart and self-conscious thoughts over his appearance, Beast Boy ends up going through a mysterious portal as he escaped his old life and appeared in Canterlot High to begin a new one.

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A nice, quiet, relaxing day in Jump City, the coastal city home to a group of crime-fighting teens with incredible powers and skills who save the day from all sorts of villains: the Teen Titans. It had taken a few weeks for the group of five to get used to the new changes in the city since their return recruiting new Titans around the world in case of any other disasters that could befall another continent or the world itself: new stores replacing their old favorite hangouts, more skyscrapers for living space or more office oriented businesses, and more people moving to Jump City, whether as tourists or new faces planning to stay permanently. As awful as it was to lose their favorite places, they had to embrace the new changes and look toward the future.

Beast Boy, however, is unable to move forward, but not from the city's new change in economy and citizens. Mere weeks ago, he thought he spotted someone he thought was considered gone after her brave sacrifice some time ago and chased after her. That person, or former Titan, was Terra, a young girl with the power to control the earth. At first, she was unable to control her overwhelming power, running away when she feared her strength, only to come back with full control while under the wing of a mastermind of a villain the Titans have ever faced in their young lives: Slade. The cynical man had once tried to force Robin, the Teen Titans' leader, to join his side as his apprentice, and had done the same to Terra, who was desperate to keep her powers under control when she met him. But Beast Boy convinced her not to follow him, that there was still some good in her despite the bad things she did to him and his friends when Slade and Terra took over the city. She fought back and redeemed herself, but while unleashing her powers against the villainous masked mercenary, she activated an underground volcano underneath the city, which would have engulfed and destroyed the whole city. Sacrificing herself by unleashing every ounce of her earthly power to contain the eruption, she saved the city, but trapped herself in stone, her imprisoned state a memorial to her as a true Titan, and a close friend to Beast Boy.

Unfortunately, meeting her again was not as joyful as he thought when he tried to find the blonde-haired heroine. Finding no sign of her statue under the city, a sign of hope for the animal shape-shifter that Terra was back, Beast Boy found her enrolled at a school, but she had no memory of him, the Titans, Slade, or her powers. He tried desperately to jog her memory, even when his other friends found it hard to believe Terra was really back, that desperation causing them to drift further apart, especially after throwing mud at her to try reminding her she can move the earth, only to get splatted in the face and grow cross with him. Their final encounter ended in heart break when Terra, or if it really was the Terra he thought he knew, tells Beast Boy things change, but he couldn't accept it no matter how badly the truth hurt. After trying to hand her his communicator so they could stay in contact in case she ever got in trouble, she turned it down and went about the rest of her school day, leaving Beast Boy behind as the realization finally kicked in after so many attempts to get his friend, and crush, back since her return.

Inside the Titans Tower, an obvious base of operations out on an island not too far from the city shaped in the letter "T", the group of young superheroes were spending the day relaxing, seeing how there were no villains causing any trouble today. In the huge lounge room, they were all gathered doing their own thing: Raven was busy reading her favorite novels, Robin and Starfire were making snacks for everyone for movie night tonight, and on the wide sofa were Beast Boy and Cyborg playing a fighting game. Unfortunately, Beast Boy wasn't feeling competitive as he barely moved his character while Cyborg went all out with different combos.

"K.O.!" the announcer in the game announced as Beast Boy's character's health was fully depleted, letting out a painful cry in defeat as it echoed through the speakers.

"Ha ha! Perfect victory yet again!" Cyborg gloated. He looked at his competitive buddy, his cocky smirk fading when he saw Beast Boy was barely paying any attention to what was on the screen, his thumbs rarely pressing the buttons on his controller. "Yo, B.B., were you even trying, man?"

"...Good game," Beast Boy mumbled, putting the controller down on the couch and slumped in his seat.

That gave the half-man, half-robot hero his answer, having a gut feeling he knew what's gotten his gaming rival down in the dumps. The other three titans had noticed Beast Boy's behavior changed a few weeks back, right after they had taken care of the mysterious monster that was able to meld with any surface, giving its body the similar thickness to whatever it touched. They thankfully stopped it with Beast Boy coming to save the day, though it was a bit overkill when he turned into a T-rex, chomped it, and slammed its body repeatedly until it could no longer fight.

"Still upset about Terra," Robin said.

"I cannot believe Terra is free, but she does not remember any of us," Starfire said. "Not even Beast Boy..."

"I don't even know how it was possible, even after we tried to figure out how she managed to free herself if no one else did," Raven said. "At least Beast Boy wasn't crazy when we all saw her when we went out for pizza the other day."

"Enrolled in a school, and she didn't recognize us as she passed," Robin said. "She definitely avoided us when she saw Beast Boy...Speaking of avoiding, Beast Boy wasn't just hiding from Terra back there. Any time someone else walked by and saw us, he looked like he wanted to sink into his seat and hide."

Starfire gasped, getting an idea. Rummaging through the freezer, she pulled out a big tub of neapolitan ice cream, then floated over to the depressed shape-shifter.

"I heard that if someone is upset and feel like the world is at an end, they gorge themselves on the frozen cream of cows until they cannot consume anymore, replacing that hole with ice cold dairy produce!" Starfire opened the tub of mixed ice cream, then placed it in Beast Boy's lap, who wasn't even bothered by the cold plastic container. Beast Boy's eyes trailed down to the ice cream, but he shook his head, not in the mood for any. "No? But that always works on the movies with the romance."

"Well, it was a good try, but I'll gladly scarf that down to fill the hole in my stomach," Cyborg said, reaching out and snatching the ice cream, getting up from his seat to get a spoon to dig in.

Starfire hated seeing any of her friends fight or get upset over something as serious as Beast Boy's dilemma. Even seeing them hurting themselves from something traumatic or stressful upset her, like when Robin obsessed over Slade when he was killed after being tossed in the lava by Terra. She had one other idea she hoped would work, but she wanted to see Beast Boy smile and be his goofy self again.

"Beast Boy, it has been quite some time since I have been given...'the face'," Starfire teased, making Robin tense up out of jealousy.

"The what?" the boy wonder questioned.

"It is impossible for me to resist 'the face', even when I am down in the metaphorical dumps like Raven," Starfire continued, making Raven grumble at the comment. "Come on, Beast Boy. You know you want to do it."

She gently poked Beast Boy's arm, her eyes begging him to transform into a cute kitten and melt her heart at the adorable animal with big eyes. Sadly, he didn't want any affection unless it came from the Terra he lost forever.

"I'm not in the mood," Beast Boy finally said after a long moment of silence, shocking Starfire.

The depressed hero stood up and slumped off to his room, his fellow Titans and close friends watching him leave in despair. "He...didn't want to do 'the face'," Starfire uttered, Beast Boy's despair far worse than she thought.

"I think he still needs some time alone to get over this," Raven said. "He'll be his old self again and annoy us with his shenanigans."

"Let's find some good, hilarious comedy movies for tonight," Cyborg suggested. "That should cheer him up in a heartbeat."

As much as Raven didn't like comedies, if something can get Beast Boy's mind off of Terra, she would endure it for his sake. Evening began to set in, but while the rest of the Titans were ready to watch the movies they rented from the new video store, Beast Boy moped in his room, hunched over on his bed with his hands covering his face. His mind raced, memories of his time with Terra kept flowing, depressing him even further when seeing the amnesiac girl out in the city when the gang went out. Not only that, but while he was in the city, he swore he heard people's voices talking about him, or he imagined he did and his loss began to affect his self-esteem, thinking everyone was talking behind his back about his green skin, pointy ears, and his animal transformations. Cyborg stands out more than he does, but no one bats an eye at his robotic limbs, or even Starfire or Raven when they fly around. He never let anyone's comments of his appearance bother him as a kid when he gained these mutant powers, but in his depression, it began to hurt as he felt alienated more so than the literal alien girl in the group.

Having made his decision, Beast Boy wrote a sad goodbye letter to his friends, leaving it on his desk, along with his communicator. "I'm sorry, guys," he uttered to himself, feeling tears begin to well up in his eyes. He didn't want to leave his friends, but he can't take being around Jump City if he ends up seeing Terra out in the streets. "I can't stay here anymore..."

Rubbing his arm against his face to dry up his tears, Beast Boy headed toward his bedroom window, opened it, then dove out, turning into a peregrine falcon and flying out and away from Titans Tower and Jump City. Even as he flew, tears still kept shedding, blinding his view as he shook his head to try to shake them away. Not paying attention to where he was going, he didn't notice a mysterious portal begin to open up in his flight trajectory. When Beast Boy did finally notice, he was too late to veer away from it, letting out a startled screech in his avian form as he helplessly flew into the sparking, purple portal, closing up behind him and leaving no trace of him.

Canterlot High School: a building where many students partake in all sorts of academic courses suited to their liking, while also honing the spirit of being a Canterlot Wondercolt and making several new friends while getting a higher education. This school is also known as a central point of magical mishaps and dangerous creatures from an alternate version of their world called Equestria, which was a world filled with colorful talking ponies, many of which resemble everyone in this world as a pony; from the colors of their skin, to their hair color, personality, and even signature marks found on their clothing that ponies bear on their flanks called cutie marks, which were images that showed a pony's true talent. Since the former bully of Canterlot High, Sunset Shimmer, tried to use the Element of Magic she stole from a pony princess named Twilight Sparkle from Equestria, who was formerly a pony herself before running away into this world, things have never been the same for this generation of students and staff with new thrills, and even new magical powers none of which the humans knew would be possible outside of fiction.

Late in the night at said school, a young girl was busy with a little project she had in mind after a few events began leading to some troubling situations involving Equestrian magic. Her name was Twilight Sparkle, not the pony princess, but her human counterpart in this world who was once enrolled in Canterlot High's rival school, Crystal Prep, only to transfer to this one after the Friendship Games, where she also got involved in some of Equestria's magic after trying to figure out what it was when her seismograph fluctuated after the Sirens attacked CHS during the Battle of the Bands. Her skin was purple, like her counterpart's fur color, her darker purple hair with a pink streak down the middle tied up in a ponytail, and she wore a blue and white striped blouse with a purple skirt with pink and white stars spread out around it. The only difference between the two Twilights were the pair of big-rimmed glasses the human Twilight wears, sometimes being called Sci-Twi by her group of friends.

Twilight was typing away at her laptop in one of the science labs in the school, even though it was supposed to be closed this late at night. She was at least given permission by the principal if she wanted to continue studying, and with the main topic being the strange magical occurrences that fluctuated more recently after unleashing the magic she stole from her friends and used by force by Principal Cinch, her former principal at Crystal Prep, trying to keep it under control was a top priority to her and her new friends. Her laptop was connected by a USB cord to a little device she built, only a simple circular metal board with a section on the outer edge able to scan specific items on top of it, there were four square prongs that circled the central part of the device, and it was as light as her own laptop to carry around. While busy working, her canine companion, Spike, padded his way over to her, leaping up into her lap and startling the teen. The little pup had purple fur with green ears, a tuft of green fur on his head.

"So, are you going to make this lab your new home away from home?" Spike asked jokingly.

"Is it that late already?" Twilight asked. She then looked out the window, surprised to see it was night time, and the time on her laptop on the bottom right of her screen read 9:30 PM. "Heheh. I didn't even realize how late it was. But, the good news it that I'm almost done."

"And what exactly is it you're done with?" Spike asked as he turned around in his master's lap, staring at the screen with puzzled interest.

"After that little incident with Juniper Montage, the magic that came from that mirror had to have come from a leak between our world and Equestria's," Twilight explained. "If there could be other leaks of magical energy elsewhere, we need to keep them controlled. And this is going to help us do that."

"It's not going to steal and contain magic like the last one, is it?" Spike asked worriedly.

"Thankfully, no. This is much different. It's a portable magic portal, but I'm going to start off small in case it accidentally pulls in something dangerous from Equestria," Twilight said, patting the worried puppy on the head. "If I can figure out how the portals work, we could use our magic we got from Camp Everfree to fix the seams in the tears between our worlds." Grabbing Spike and gently putting him down on the floor, Twilight reached over to her backpack, pulling out Sunset's old journal that was used to communicate with Princess Twilight in Equestria. "But for it to properly work, we'll need a catalyst to connect the portal between both worlds, and I'm taking Princess Twilight's idea when connecting the portal and using Sunset's old book."

"Is Sunset ok with you borrowing it?" Spike asked.

"All the pages were filled up and she's got a new one," Twilight reasoned. "Besides, it'll have some use besides gathering dust in her locker. Now, I just need to put this here..." She placed the book on the scanner, then turned to her laptop and typed away, activating her device as it hummed to life. "And now...let's see if this test run is successful."

With one press on the Enter key, the scanning module's laser light ran over the entire book, then after a few seconds, the center of the board sparked as the magical energy flowed from the book and into the device. The electric sparks soon began to turn purple, a swirling vortex slowly appearing as it grew into the contained field of the prongs. Twilight grinned as it worked while Spike stared in awe, almost similar to the portals he jumped through chasing after a jackalope, where he got his ability to speak after passing through the magic Twilight stole from Fluttershy. The portal finally stopped its growth, big enough to let something like a hawk or falcon fly through.

"Wow. It worked," Spike said. Before Twilight could cheer, the device began to sputter, magical energy sparking dangerously as the program on Twilight's laptop began flashing a warning signal, which meant something went horribly wrong. "Uhh, what's happening!?"

"I-I don't know, but I probably jinxed my expectations!" Twilight said. She tried to shut down her portal, but no matter what she did, she kept getting errors with each command she typed in. "I can't shut it down!"

The portal began to warp slightly, startling Twilight as they could see something begin to come hurtling through the unstable magical entrance. She dove out of her seat and ducked to the floor, holding Spike as the object, living or non, was flung straight out, crashing through the window at what could have been deadly speeds. Needing to disable her portal manually, Twilight quickly got on her knees, staying low and grabbed the book, pulling it away from the scanner, dispelling the flowing magic enchanting it and making the portal disappear. Once her portal whirred into silence, the duo sighed in relief.

"Well, that didn't work," Spike stated, knowing something bad would have happened with all the different test runs his master did with her other works. While Twilight checked on her laptop, thankfully unharmed as her program had settled down along with her portable magic portal, Spike looked at the broken window with a wince at the sizable hole made by whatever came out. "Oh boy. I don't think Principal Celestia is gonna like seeing this in the morning."

Twilight looked over her shoulder, only to groan worriedly at the mess and broken window. "I'm gonna be in so much trouble," she uttered. Slowly approaching the window, she looked outside for any sign of a magical creature that came through. "I don't know where it landed, but I hope it was just a rock...or whatever creature it was is friendly and didn't get too badly hurt?"

"It was big enough to break through the window," Spike said.

"I'll alert the others if they see anything odd at school tomorrow," Twilight said, pulling out her phone and texting her friends, warning them about her invention bringing in something from Equestria by complete accident. "After getting flung at that speed, whatever it was might be unconscious and badly cut from breaking through the glass. And I'm gonna explain to Principal Celestia and Vice-Principal Luna what happened to the window and hopefully not get suspended for destroying school property."

"They can replace the window, unlike that horse statue you destroyed at the Friendship Games." Twilight winced, letting out a sigh after being reminded of her magically corrupted state. "Oh. Sorry. Forgot you were still sore about that."

"At least it wasn't as bad as the collateral damage Sunset dealt when the same thing happened to her," Twilight said. "Let's head home and get some rest, Spike."

Closing her laptop, Twilight placed it and Sunset's old book in her backpack, then took the portable portal and carried it under her arm. Spike followed after her as she made sure the doors were locked, then headed back home to get some rest for school tomorrow, Twilight mentally making a note to herself to work on whatever kinks happened to her entire project. While they headed into town to their home, outside of the lab room's window in the bushes, a green peregrine falcon laid on the ground, letting out a pained squawk. It soon shifted into a human, Beast Boy letting out a groan as he squinted his eyes open, only to pass out from the pain and disorienting sensation after flying through the mysterious portal.