• Published 8th Dec 2018
  • 9,692 Views, 163 Comments

Anon-a-Miss: A Wrinkle in Time (Rewrite) - Guardian Amy

After Sunset Shimmer commits suicide due to Anon-a-Miss, her friends embark on a wild journey.

  • ...


It was raining, the sky was dark, and everyone looked at the grave with teary eyes.

Here Lies, Sunset Shimmer

Just looking at it was enough to make everyone weep. Applejack was holding her hat close to her chest as tears dripped from her chin. Rarity's mascara was dripping from her chin also as she covered her mouth in shock. Pinkie was also depressed as her usually puffy and springy hair was flat and dark, as well as her pink skin. Fluttershy was crying her eyes out as Dash put a comforting hand on her shoulder as the athlete herself refused to look at the grave.

"I can't believe we did that." sobbed Rarity.

"Ah can't believe we didn't trust her, and all because we looked at her sins in the' past." Applejack said sadly.

"This is all your fault Applejack," said Dash coldly.

"We're all to blame Rainbow." said Applejack.

"Well, may I remind you that you convinced us that Sunset was the one who posted those photos."

"And may Ah remind you that you convinced us that she was going to be expelled at the assembly. You were screamin' like a chimpanzee back in the hallways."

"Uh. How can you be so selfish Rarity." Pinkie Pie spat.

"Said the person who made her miserable." Rarity spat back.

Soon, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Rarity, and Pinkie were shouting at and blaming each other.


Everyone quiet down as they looked at the shouter in disbelief. It was Fluttershy.

"Just listen to yourselves. This is the reason that Sunset killed herself: we just jump to conclusions. Applejack, you've told yourself and other people a lie. Pinkie, you've made Sunset miserable. Rarity, you were thinking about yourself and how you felt instead of Sunset and how she felt. Dash, you've betrayed and abandoned Sunset. And... and..." Fluttershy began to cry, "I've- been so cruel." Fluttershy collapsed to her knees as the others teared up.

"Yer right!" said Applejack tearfully

"We're no good meanies." sobbed Pinkie.

"We're plain hypocrites." cried Rarity.

"Twilight was right, we aren't worthy of the magic of friendship. We're no better than the sirens."

The girls all cried and said how sorry they were to Sunset as they walked away from the grave and to their homes.

"I'm so sorry Sunset. I love you," said Fluttershy quietly.

Fast Forward to Christmas Morning...

Apple Bloom tiredly dragged herself out of bed. She didn't get a lot of sleep since she was expelled from school. She got dressed and walked downstairs where her grandmother, Granny Smith, was waiting.

"Mornin', Apple Bloom," said Granny sternly.

"G'mornin' Granny," said Apple Bloom.

"Y'know that was goin' ta be punished fer Anon-a-Miss."

"Yes," replied Bloom.

"Come here," said Granny, motioning her granddaughter to sit on the couch with her, and Bloom did.

"Y'know what you've done was wrong. Right?"

AB nodded.

"Apple Bloom you are so lucky that the cops didn't arrest you, or you'd have yer butt in jail. Believe me, yer better off expelled than arrested, no one at yer school is forgiving as Ah am."

"Ah know granny," said Bloom as she got off the couch.

"Uh-uh," said Granny stopping her, "don't think yer being off the hook. Come 'ere"

Apple Bloom approached with caution, but GS grabbed her by the ear.

"First off, yer grounded get th' next year, and you'll be using a flip phone fer tha time bein'. Secondly, Ya'll be doin' all the chores and housework yerself for a year. And until ya go tah college, yer banned from using the internet unless it's fer school work. Even then, you'll be supervised. Understand?"

"Yes, Granny."

"Good. Now go to yer room an' stay there; yer chores start tomorrow."

Bloom looked down and dejectedly walked to her room.

"Bloom, can Ah talk tah ya fer a second?" said a voice that sounded a lot like Applejack.

Bloom looks at her sister motioning her to go to her bedroom. AB walked in and AJ closed the door behind them.

"What that hell were ya thinkin' Apple Bloom?"

Apple Bloom flinched, Applejack would never curse at anyone, especially at her sister.

"Ah did it because I was jealous that you were spendin' more time with Sunset than me." The first tears began rolling down her cheeks as she continued, "Ah'm sorry. Ah just wanted you to stay away from Sunset. Ah never wanted Sunset tah kill herself."

Apple Bloom broke down as AJ rolled her eyes.

"Then why didn't you just tell me? You know Ah'd listen." Applejack said with the angriest and hurt expression she ever had.

"Ah thought you wouldn't." Apple Bloom croaked.

"Apple Bloom." said Applejack said, "Do you even know what you did? It one thing to be jealous, but what ya did was a completely different story. Not only did ya posted people's most embarrassing secret, but you've also committed a crime. And yer damn lucky ya weren't arrested by the police and charged with manslaughter; otherwise, you'd be in real trouble with them."

Apple Bloom calmed down a bit as she knew everything her sister said was right.

"Applejack Ah'm sorry Ah-"

"It's a little too early for apologies sis. Ah do have tah share blame Apple Bloom, and Ah'm sorry Ah made you feel left out. But what you did, Ah can't forgive you for that yet. From now on, Ah just can't trust you."

Apple Bloom looked down in sheer guilt.

Sweetie Belle woke up a little later feeling the same way Bloom did.

"Sweetie Belle, come down here please."

Sweetie Belle looked down in sadness for a few moments, then walked downstairs trying her hardest not to cry. There were her parents, Cookie Crumbles and Hondo Flanks sitting on the couch.

"Sit down Sweetie Belle." Said Hondo with a scowl, pointing at a chair in front of the couch. Sweetie Belle wiped her eyes and obeyed.

"Sweetie Belle," said Cookie sternly, "you know what you did was inexcusable and that you'll be punished."

Sweetie Belle sharply nodded her head.

"But first, Merry Christmas."

Hondo handed Sweetie a small rectangle box with pale yellow gift wrapping held together with a red ribbon.

Sweetie Belle was confused but unwrapped the present. Inside, was a black flip phone.

"You're probably wondering why you're getting a flip phone. Well, it'll be your new phone from now on, your phone is our until next Christmas. And also, you're grounded and banned from using the internet for a year." Cookie said disappointed.

"You won't believe how lucky you are that the police didn't arrest you. Or you'd be spending Christmas in jail." Hondo stated. "Now, go to your room. Your grounding starts today."

Sweetie Belle couldn't believe she was grounded on Christmas, but then again, she deserved it. This was the lightest punishment she could get. With a heavy heart, she walked upstairs, as she was she bumped into her sister who just came out of the bathroom. Her face had no makeup, so it figured she was constantly washing it.

"R-rarity," said Sweetie Belle, catching her sister's attention. "Are you okay?"

Rarity glared at her sister with gritted teeth.


Sweetie Belle stepped back in fear as Rarity began to cry again.

"Rarity I'm sorry..." croaked Sweetie Belle, trying not to cry herself, "I didn't mean-"

"Enough," said Rarity, trying to stay calm, "I just can't be near you anymore."


"Enough, I just can't look at you the same way anymore. Goodbye."

Rarity walked to her room and slammed the door in Sweetie's face.

"Rarity..." said Sweetie Belle as she tried to open the door but quickly found out that the door was locked. She pounded her hands on the door. "Rarity, please, I'm sorry." Tears flowed out of her eyes as she slammed her hands on the door. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry."

Rarity just ignored her sister; she didn't want anything to do with her anymore. But Sweetie Belle didn't, she wanted to make amends with her sister. And this went on for hours, but eventually, Sweetie Belle gave up and headed to her room. She laid on her bed and cried herself to sleep.

"I'm so sorry...." She whimpered.

"And until we can trust you can use the Internet responsibly," said Rainbow Dash's mother and Scootaloo's guardian, Windy Whistles, "you're banned from using it."

"And you'll be using a flip phone until further notice," said Bow Hothoof

Scootaloo nodded and headed to her room upstairs.

"SCOOTALOO!" shouted a voice, making her jump. She turned around and saw a furious Rainbow Dash. Rainbow stomped towards the young teen. Scootaloo took a step back but her back met the wall.

"What the fuck!" Dash screamed. "I can't believe it was you who stolen everyone's secrets. You little bitch!"

"D-dash!" stammered Scootaloo, "I didn't mean-"

"You did! You did! You meant to spread secrets. You meant for a civil war to start at the school. You meant to hurt Sunset! Just tell me! What did Sunset ever do to you to make you do this to her!? And don't think being jealous is an excuse!"

Scootaloo looked down in shame and guilt as she didn't know how to answer.

"Answer the question!" growled Rainbow as she grabbed her ex-honorary-sister by the shirt collar.

"Dash stop!"

"Why should I!? You pushed Sunset to suicide!"

"So did you!"

Rainbow Dash stops and lets go of Scootaloo, tears glossing her eyes.

I hope I never see you again she-demon!

That line Rainbow said that day echoed through her mind and she began to sob. Scootaloo, though she was still terrified, felt pity for Dash.

"Dash are you okay?" she said trying to give Rainbow a hug. Dash violently shoved Scootaloo down to the ground.

"Stay away from me! I hate you!" Dash screamed as she ran to her room to cry. She slammed the door behind her and screamed into her pillow.

Scootaloo, on the other hand, decided not to approach Dash. She felt like an asshole.

Author's Note:

Sorry this took me so long to write this chapter. And if you're wondering how the CMC will get education, I'll explain it in the future chapters.