• Published 8th Dec 2018
  • 9,717 Views, 163 Comments

Anon-a-Miss: A Wrinkle in Time (Rewrite) - Guardian Amy

After Sunset Shimmer commits suicide due to Anon-a-Miss, her friends embark on a wild journey.

  • ...

The Assembly

Author's Note:

Hello everybody and Happy New Year. Before you read this, I wanna assure you that no one is out of character.

The Rainbooms excitedly headed to the gym. They all thought that 'Anon-a-Miss' was going to confess and get expelled, but they're about to learn the dark truth.

"Finally," said Applejack, "Sunset finally gittin' what she deserves!"

"I know AJ," Dash said smugly, "it'll be so nice to get that she-demon off our backs."

"Um, guys." whispered Fluttershy, "maybe-"

"Maybe I can throw a 'Sunset Shimmer's expelled party'" said Pinkie, grinning.

"um, maybe this is-"

"Ooo, I'll have to design wonderful dresses for all of us."

"G-guys," whispered Fluttershy, "how do we know."

"Don't worry Fluttershy," said Dash nudging her elbow, "that bully would no longer be a problem to you."

Fluttershy sighed as everyone sat down. Two minutes later, the two principals, officer Armour, and Twilight were on the stage. Applejack, Rarity, Dash, and Pinkie grinned, knowing that Sunset could be in big trouble.

"Hello everyone," said Principal Celestia, "I have some news about Sunset Shimmer."

"Is she going to be expelled?" said Dash hopefully.

"No.," said Luna firmly.

"What?" said Pinkie.

"Ya can't be serious," said AJ, "Sunset deserved to be expelled after what she did ta us."

"She's been a bully to us for three years," said Dash, "seriously Twi, you should have taken her back to Equestria so that bitch wouldn't be a problem to us anymore."

"She dumped expired chocolate pudding on me when I ran against her from 'Princess of the Spring Fling'," said Rarity.

All the girls (except Fluttershy who just looked at her feet silently,) just got up from their seats and argued at why Sunset isn't getting expelled.


"What?" said Rainbow, confused.

"Huh?" said Pinkie.

"What do ya mean?" said Applejack.

"I don't understand," said Rarity.

"I think Twilight should explain this," said Celestia as she passed the mic to Twi.

"Thank you," said Twilight in the calmest voice she could muster, "it all started last night..."

Equestria last night...

Twilight Sparkle had just finished cleaning her throne room and walked over to the journal of where she and Sunset had the conversation. She flipped to the page just as it buzzed and there was a small flash. Maybe Sunset and her friends sorted everything out and things are back to normal, but she wanted to check to make sure. But as she read it, it was the complete opposite.

'Dear Princess Twilight, this is Rainbow Dash. You probably know that Sunshit Sunset convinced you that she wasn't Anon-a-Miss. But that's a lie, she's trying to corrupt us so we can be apart of her army and take over the school again, and she's not giving up without a fight; but neither will we. Please come so we can pony up and kill that demon bitch.'

Twilight couldn't believe the message. Where Sunset Shimmer? She needed to protect her. She needs to go to the human world so she can sort things out. So she used her magic to get a piece of paper and quill and wrote down:

'I'm going to Canterlot High to fix a few things. I'll be back as soon as I can.


"A little short," she mused, "but it'll have to do."

She jumped through the portal.

The now human princess fell through the portal and shivered. She realized that the portal didn't give her anything warm to wear, but that wasn't on her mind, Twilight needed to find Sunset.

She ran to town shouting Sunset's name. Suddenly, she found footprints that looks a lot like Sunset's and a few frozen teardrops. She decided to follow them. Soon she found herself in front of an apartment, she was guessing it was Sunset's since the door was wide open. She walked inside.

"Sunset?" she called out, "Sunset Shimmer?"

She heard no reply.

"Sunset, it's me Twilight. Everything's gonna be okay. I'm here!"

Still no reply, Twilight was growing more concerned by the minute. She searched around the house calling her name to no avail. She was in front of the bathroom door, and in an opened crack there was a small view of Sunset.

"SUNSET!" she shouted swinging the door open. But immediately regretted it, Sunset was naked in the bathtub and had a huge cut in her left arm. The water was a deep shade of red and smells like blood.

"S-sunset," Twilight tried moving Sunset's head to wake her up to no avail. But when she saw a knife in the bloodied water, the princess felt sick to her stomach as she opens the toilet and threw up inside.

"H-help!" she screamed hysterically, "Somepony help! Anypony!" She ran out the front door like an insane person would and screamed for help. Luckily, a passing police car saw her and came to help.

"Oh. My. God."

"What the fuck."

"Call an ambulance."

Officer Green Glow grabbed his cellphone while his partner, Black Night, did an investigation. But by the time the ambulance arrived, Sunset was already dead, and Black Night concluded that she had killed herself. Suddenly there was a buzzed from Sunset's leather jacket, they pulled out her phone and saw a notification on it.

'We're Anon-a-Miss!' it read.

They opened it and saw a video where the CMC explained everything. Twilight was in too much shock as she couldn't believe what was happening: Sunset had killed herself because of Anon-a-Miss.

"No," she growled, "because of her friends. How? How could you do this?" Twilight grounded her teeth and clenched her fists.

"Those girls have some explaining to do..."

"And that's what happened."

The CMC who was watching behind the curtain were crying, they didn't want this to happen. The Rainbooms, on the other hand, were stunned by what they just heard.

"This can't be true," said AppleJack, nervously.

"This is some kind of joke. Right?" said Pinkie with a nervous grin.

Suddenly there was a picture that made everyone gasp. It was blurred for obvious reasons, but they can already tell what it was by the red and yellow colours.

It was Sunset's body.

"Oh. My," said Rarity, covering her mouth in shock.

"I-I can't believe this," said Fluttershy with tears swelling in her eyes.

"We'd pushed her to suicide," said Pinkie as her hair deflated and turned dark and dull.

Officer Armour walked to the stage.

"Fortunately, we've found the suspects whose been behind this."

He looked at the CMC signalling them to come in front of the stage. The crowd booed as their sisters stared in disbelief.

"We're Anon-a-Miss." they all said.

Officer Armour opened a laptop and went to MyStable.

"Delete the account. Now," he commanded.

The girls looked at each other and then obeyed. They signed in to Anon-a-Miss while the screen behind them showed everything. Apple Bloom went to settings and clicked the delete button.

Do you want to delete this account 'Anon-a-Miss'?

Yes or No

It read.

Apple Bloom sighed and clicked yes. The account was closed permanently.

"Now that's out of the way," said Celestia, "you three as you already know are expelled from this school. And as for the rest of you, due to the number of students and including teachers taking part in the bullying; no one will be punished. Instead, we'll leave you with this: No more electronics of any kind are allowed on school grounds. All school computers are banned from any websites that are not school-approved. All after-school and extracurricular activities are cancelled indefinitely. And from now on, if anyone goes into any form of bullying or physically assaults someone on school grounds will immediately be suspended or expelled. Absolutely no exceptions!"




The enraged crowd threw whatever they can get their hands on, Erasers, pencils, books, crumpled up papers, even a full backpack, at them. But the angriest were their sisters, screaming at the top of their lungs.

"Enough," said Luna sternly, "unless you want a month of detention to go with that."

That shut everybody up.

"Now without any arguments," said Celestia, "you three, go clean out your lockers. The rest of you, back to class."

"But not you five," said Twilight angrily, pointing at the Rainbooms, "Meet me outside the school."