• Member Since 9th Feb, 2017
  • offline last seen 49 minutes ago


I am a self proclaimed horror and dark fantasy fic writer. You want darkness, death, and despair? You've come to the right place. Also an eternal Twilight Sparkle and avid Lovecraft fan.

Comments ( 370 )

So happy to see this sequel, the first one generated so many possibilities in my head.
I'm a sucker for Dark Twilight stories! :yay:
Edit: I love the idea of the dual mentors, the potential has me pretty excited!

Dark Twilight is quite lovely indeed... Especially Researcher Twilight XD


Here's hoping this Twilight will be just as wonderfully FUN <3

Though... Shining Armor adopted by Celestia..... am i the only one that feels like his relationship with Cadence is gonna be a bit odd because of this? XD anyways... Looking forward to more! especially looking forward to see how Twilight's development is gonna be :3

I've noticed that researcher Twilight generally leads to Dark Twilight in most stories. :twilightblush:
One good thing about Cadence is her ambiguous origin. This should leave some room for interpretation of her relationship with Shining, as we never really know how they met or how Cadence ascended.

Ohhhh, this is going to be FUN!!!!! Shining Armor gets to be a hero and all it took was for his baby sister to become a necromantic Lich. Ohhhh, the delicious irony of it, that the one
He most wanted to protect is the one he may have to destroy. Muhhahahahahahahaha!!!!! Dadgar and Momlestia too? Might we have potential shipping? After all once you once you have dead It's all you want in your bed. Muhhahahahahahahahaha!!!!!

Hopefully Cadance will be able to heal poor Shiny's broken heart. But god, when Twi returns... I wonder what will happen with Luna's return...?

Actually, according the IDW comics, they knew each other due to the fact that they went to the same high school, and they like each other even then. :twilightoops:

Huh.. Cool, I didn't know that.
I've only read a few of the comics, and it was awhile back. :twilightsheepish:
Was her Alicorn-ness addressed at all?

No, not in the comics I read, but there's an origin story for Cadence out there somewhere, though I don't know if it was part of the comics or not. Something about how she was born a pegasus and became an alicorn by defeating some sort of witch or something by destroying her amulet I think? I can't remember that well.

good work 10/10
something i am really want to know how much powerfull you will put celestia level really?:moustache:
twilight its most powerfull i am already know:facehoof:

>Grogar "adopting" Twilight
>Celestia adopting Shining

I schmell some conflict ahead

I also love the terms "Dadgar" and "Momlestia"
Momlestia just sounds a bit too close like Molestia :derpytongue2:

Can’t wait to see Grogar teaching lil’ Twi dark magic in a “Let the hate flow through you” kind of way.

I like it! This has so many possibilities.

''Momlestia just sounds a bit too close like Molestia :derpytongue2:''

.... And this is supposed to be a bad thing..? Molestia can be such a fun character to read about XD though i guess yeah... most of the time the writers do her just a tad bit TOO molesty.....

Yay a sequel, so far so good keep it up.

the Goddess of the Sun, Sol Invictus, Lady Amaterasu.

please don't make Celestia every god of the sun from every story you can think of...

Nothing... save to look after the lone colt that had been left behind in the horrible aftermath.

yes, it's kind of dickish but I feel the need to point this out.
shining armor won't be the only pony left behind, with hundreds dead, plenty of foals with suddenly be parentless, and if you go the route that shining armour has no grandparents to look after him, the same could be said for about 20% of the ponies who died, please at least mention that others foals have lost their parents, you can't say hundreds died and then say only one is without a home, it makes it so painfully obvious why she cares about shining armour and none of the others, you could come up with something better. like, say, she spent days trying to find homes for all the fillies and colts without parents, and at the end of the day, took in shining, knowing his sister was the one that got them all killed, she would need to console him, give him a purpose even, thus why he becomes a royal guard

never mind i feel like a cunt now, you already had that all planned out...shit......sorry for the rant

while i might sound like a dick (as i refuse to censor my previous comments, i won't hide my failure) i do genuinely like this story and can't wait to see more

I used multiple names for Celestia in this instance for emphasis only, and most likely won't bring them up again either way.

On the subject of Shining being the only colt, I meant that in regards to his family specifically, but that one's on me for not making that a bit more clear I suppose. :twilightsheepish:

Still though, I do make an effort to cover my bases when I write, even if I don't always succeed.

I'm glad you're enjoying the story though. :pinkiesmile:

Rather than focus solely on Twilight and Grogar, I've opted to make this a Dadgar and Momlestia fic.

A brother groomed to be the savior of Equestria, and her sister groomed to be its downfall.

I don't usually like Dark Twilight stories, but this looks like it's gonna be more than just that, so I'm in.

The room Celestia found Shining in... it used to be Twilight's room, right?

Actually yes. I had meant to make an allusion to that but I completely forgot. Good catch. :trixieshiftright:

Good start. I think this will give me the drive to actually finish the next chapter of Moon and Magic. Look forward to how this turns out.

Cadence was adopted as Celestia's niece so shining in this continuity would probably meet her sooner than in the comics and would know that she isn't related to Celestia so I don't see a problem.
That was a chapter book and the wiki description is
Cadence, who tells her life story, how as a baby pegasus she was found in the woods by Earth ponies, who took her to their village. When she grew up she reversed a love-stealing spell cast by a pony called Prismia. Prismia wore a magic-enhancing necklace that amplified her evil and jealousy, but when Cadance confronted her, the necklace amplified Cadance's love. Once Prismia changed her horrible ways, Cadence was surrounded by magical energy and transported to a strange place where she met Celestia, who adopted her as her royal niece.

Side note: I am actually a little worried about this, it's a great story and you update most of your stories somewhat regularly but you are starting a lot of stories and I think that would be a bad thing if you want to finish any of them.
If anything necromancy seems to be more about a lack of emotions, think about the necromancers throughout fiction most seem to be dead inside(unintentional pun) instead of rage-filled, which is interesting considering how that conflicts with most types of dark magic.

Brilliant start to what promises to be a awesome story.:pinkiehappy: I'm so happy that your continuing from where a Necromancer's Boon left off.

I can't wait to see what kinda of paths/destinies await Twilight and Shining Armor, one in darkness the other in light. I also look forward to seeing what kinda of ponies each will grow into.

Hmm i'm curious while I can pretty much guess Shining Armor will eventually gain friends, though it might take a while. I have to wonder if Twilight will also eventually find friends or at least close allies, as a member of the dark forces against Equestria?

The whole Celestia adopting the orphan Shining Armor was a very nice touch. If Sunset is still her student and hasn't escaped through the mirror, or hasn't become her student yet. Than I wonder how she and Shining Armor will get along with each other.

i think the thing is necromancy is a very logic based magic, and adding emotion is like adding a chemical to a mixture, it ruins the whole thing half the time

True, though it is interesting usually dark magic is portrayed as being about tapping into your dark emotions while death is usually portrayed as the lack of emotions, it makes necromancy a paradox in its very design which is what I find most interesting.

people put Necromancy in with the dark magic because it has death magic in it, but it is not a dark art, it is a forbidden art, there is a difference, it is forbidden for obvious reasons, you can fuck up and kill yourself with your own undead. you can summon a massive army and become a tyrant, and death is considered sacred by most, so using the corpses of others is considered forbidden, but the magic itself is not dark or anything like that, it is a simple magic, it is the art of bringing the dead back, if you mix necromancy with soul magic you can essentially resurrect people, but that is not pure necromancy, it is a mix, and killing people with spells that then turn them into undead is also not pure necromancy, it is a mix of necromancy and death magic, no, necromancy is a simple magic of bring a enchanting a corpse to be held together by your magic, and turn them into a golem bound to your will, it is a cheaper way of making golems, that is all necromancy is, on it's own anyway. you can craft a golem with materials and enchant it with many different spells to make it a golem, but the cheap easy way is to use a corpse, which has everything it needs, and enchant it to be powered by your magic, the part about making it semi autonomous is lost on me, i'm not sure if it's a partial resurrection of the brain, or if it's a enchantment to give it a sense of directing and commands as a base structure

but yes in it's purest form necromancy is the magic of making golems out of corpses, the zombie plague is a mix of other magic, lichdom is a mix of other magic, a lot of necromancy people connect to dark arts is a mix of necromancy and other magic,

From what I've read, necromancy at it's core was raising the dead in order to divine the future. I've heard a lot about divination regarding necromancy, but nothing about golems.

Then again, I've found that many people have their own ideas about how various types of magic work and what constitutes various branches of magic, whether these idea is widespread or not.

Either way, I'm basing my own interpretation off of a pre-existing model I've already made from one of my other stories. I had already created a somewhat in-depth magic system and I plan to continue using that as a basis for any stories that I do in the future that have a heavy emphasis on magic use.

And yes, in my model, Necromancy is largely considered Dark Magic, but at the same I also acknowledge that many types of magic also can't truly be properly defined and categorized, as one branch of magic can—and often does—overlap with another when it comes to certain spells.

Well defining Necromancy purely by raising corpse-golems is rather limiting isn't it? After all, you can make golems out of literally anything. and I do mean anything. Personally I would define Necromancy as the body of study encompassing thaumic energy drawn from death, interaction with and manipulation of spirits, the business and doings of the unliving, and certain realms of the afterlife.

As to making a corpse autonomous, there are three basic options. (warning, images contain dead people. viewers consider yourselves notified.)

Firstly, simply jam a cadaver full of raw necrotic energy and a simple animation spell. It will sense and seek the nearest life energy it can find and try to extinguish it. In other words, feral undead or ghouls.

Second, take a cadaver, (preferably of good quality) and implant a series of basic orders and directions into it along with the animation. "If thus, do thus. if like so, then do this." These are the usual bone and flesh golems used by competent necromancers.

The third, and chanciest, method is to bind a spirit to the cadaver and instruct it. This allows for complex problem solving and learning, but can also lead to willfulness and rebellion. Be sure you know who you're animating your servants with. Needless to say, this category also extends to lich-kind and the unquiet dead.



ok several things
1) I don't think the part about killing yourself and summoning an army has anything to do with why it's forbidden you could do that with pretty much any powerful magic. Though I agree with the life being sacred thing that is probably the reason.

2) How is soul magic not necromancy the soul is part of the dead if anything it should be a huge part of necromancy, in fact, necromancy seems to be an umbrella term for any magic involving the dead, so resurrection, soul control, and controlling dead bodies should all count as necromancy.

mind giving me a list of your magic system? or a explanation of it?

but a lot of the magic you mentioned requires the understanding of soul magic, but one could say necromancy itself IS a mix of magic, it is a mix of golemancy, soul magic, death magic, and many more

perhaps that is why emotion cannot have a place in your heart when your using necromancy, it is a mix of so many different magics, any emotion in one would of set the balance, leading one magic into dominate the others, thus ruining the spell

well soul magic could be used for thing not relating to necromancy, such as curing someone of a soul curse, it can also be used fro sealing a soul in a gem, and using that soul as a power force, and while some would say that it is. it has no real relation to what necromancy is, the art of controlling all things death, there are other soul magics that i can't really think of but i'm sure SOMEONE could think of them, my point is while soul magic is a part of necromancy, it is NOT necromancy itself, it is it's own branch of magic

It might take a bit, as the explanations are kind of spread throughout the story, and it's a long story. The system itself and how ponies use magic isn't anything too complicated, but I'll try to compile what I have and PM you at some point in the future.

You could make it into a blog for anyone who wants to know, a good title could even be "my personal magic system"

I would definitely count sealing a soul in a gem as necromancy the soul is part of a dead person though I guess messing with a still living soul would be different like how if you force fuse two beings together it isn't necromancy but if you fuse dead bodies into a flesh golem it is necromancy.
The reason I went into this spiel is because the way you mentioned soul magic made it out to be completely different with no overlap also if anything I wouldn't count true resurrection as necromancy I would count that as a healing spell with a bit of necromancy put in to get the soul, a full necromantic resurrection would be a revenant where the body is undead but the mind and soul is the same as before they died.

Now who told you that there's no place for emotion in Necromancy? True, the rune crafting doesn't care, (if you're using runes), but putting emotion behind the intent can greatly empower the casting.

Whether fidelity and valor for an ancestor calling,

or black Hatred for a Revenant,

emotion always affects magic. The trick is to understand how to use it.

As to the school being a mix of styles and attunements, well of course, nothing is developed in a vacuum, a wise mage always learns from his peers. After a while it becomes difficult to tell what school of magic is being used sometimes.

I think we need to differentiate between fundamental forces, and schools of practice. For instance, would each of you consider soul magic a school of magic, or a motive force of the universe? fictionally speaking of course.

what do you consider the difference because fire sounds like both but for the record, I would count it as a school of magic, souls are essentially balls of magic that hold memories like an ethereal version of a brain so I doubt they would count as a fundamental force.

I’m already hyped for the reunion 13 chapters away (Truuust me I won’t change that number in the future to seem magically correct) and loving this so far. Keep being awesome author.

I suppose you have a point, and one could say most magic is a mix of two types or more, and each branch, in reality, has very few spells that are purely part of that branch and not a mix

magic is a very complicated matter

not sure what you mean by a fundamental force


Well to differentiate, by "force" I refer to the essential nature of magic as it relates to various aspects of the world. Frequencies if you will, different kinds of magical energy exhibiting different characteristics and interacting with each other in different ways.

This contrasts with schools which I would define as the methods, styles and doctrines used by magic users to interact with these arcane energies. These vary wildly on a societal, regional, racial, and dimensional level. For instance, a Pegasus cloud sculptor would interact with air magic quite differently from a griffon shaman. And neither of them resemble the instinctive nature of Dragonlord Kolaghan's brood.


well by that definition I'd say soul magic is a school of magic, as it changes based on what society uses it, but then again i don't know much about soul magic, just enough to add it to my argument

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