• Member Since 9th Feb, 2017
  • offline last seen 6 hours ago


I am a self proclaimed horror and dark fantasy fic writer. You want darkness, death, and despair? You've come to the right place. Also an eternal Twilight Sparkle and avid Lovecraft fan.

Comments ( 77 )

I'm looking forward to what our virus ponies do this time.

2 groups of virus ponies, the equestrian resistance, and flashbacks. Is there going to be 4 different story lines this time?

I still may or may not do the flashbacks, but there will be (has to be, really) multiple character and event focuses throughout the story.

Well then, let's see what happens :moustache:

Oh heck yeah it continues! XD

Unfortunately I don't have the time right now to read :/

But it's something to look forward to later ^^

I'm in the same boat.

Oh am I so glad this is back. All the wonders of overpowered ponies that really aren’t ponies anymore comes back in full force! I can’t wait for more lore too. We got our action and intrigue in the first two books now we get our wonderful world space that ,with perspective and some damn good writing, could go a good ways in several interesting directions. Now, I must say that I feverishly and excitedly wait for the continuation of a rather infectious tale. Badumtish

Six ponies against the world? Ain't no sunshine no matter where they end up.

Huh, I should read these stories again, shouldn't I? Well, here we go then, time to see what happened while I didn't read pretty much anything

I have a question. Are the Main six really the main six or are they some sort of slime monster that ate them gained their memories in the process and now think they're them?

That's a good question. I'll leave it to you to ponder for the time being. :trixieshiftright:

Well, I'm caught up now, let's see where this goes

Oh good timing. I'm already almost done with the next chapter. Should be out by Monday.

Great to see this adventure continuing :rainbowdetermined2:

First of all, 3,666 words, is nice
2nd... well, let us venture forth into darker depths

What a nice chapter. Can’t wait to get back to our friends in Griffonia and furthermore where this plot with Shimmering Sand goes... he feels too realized to be a one off character methinks.

Anyways, I accept the awkward pacing knowing full well we’re getting any pacing at all! Thanks for doing all this hard work!

Hmm interesting backstory there.

That side track of that poor gryphons story was nice. If we get stuck on only our protagonists the world feels faux and only our heroes real. Small tangents easily make the world feel physical and spread small veins across a tapestry in the mind scape to form a wholistic idea of the world. Also it’s fun! I can’t wait for our thrilling continuation with our two lovely trios.

"Welp... I guess that answers that question..."

Indeed it does :moustache:

I'm 99% sure that yes they are because that's twillights theory has been hinted at multiple times and is the story of the first prototype game aswell .

This story is mighty good

I like how Twilight is handling things. Playing Killing Floor 2 gives me the same smile.

This may seem out of place, seeing that I'm about to gush in the third installment, rather late honestly, but...

I would enjoy the shit out of this series in visual form! Be it as a game, movie, or even as a comic book; this is downright cinematic! I love it to bits! All of it! True character portrayal and realistic & dynamic character development alongside an equally as amazing, well thought out custom plot that'd fit snugly in the PROTOTYPE universe. This is easily one of the best gaming crossover stories on this site, for sure. Everytime I read a fresh chapter I leave happier and more than ready for the next piece. You're doing PROTOTYPE proud.

Back to this here chapter. I fully believe there's going to be more infected, or our friendly viral griffon, in the facility now and waiting for them. They're in for another fight if they're detected, and with that dome up it'll be much harder to make a break for it. On the plus side, clean-up means most things hidden are going to be put out in the open for maintenance and what have you. They're bound to find something that'll help them make sense of what they are and what's going on!

Man, i'm still wondering when they'll come to the realisation that they aren't even who they are.

Dash was right, they all died. But, they never came back. Spoiler warning, but in the game, you don't play as Alex Mercer, in fact you play as blacklight who's taken on the personality of Mercer. What this means is, is that they're literally viral forms which took on the memories, personality, and other characteristics of the mane 6, and aren't actually them. They can't go back to their old selves, because their old selves are who they are right now. So, I look forward to them coming to this revelation, or at least Twilight.

I still don't get the whole picture. Did Luna really lead the rebellion against Celestia? Since I only saw Chrysalis impersonated her on Sombra's side.

The real Luna never led a rebellion with Sombra. The only rebellion that happened by Luna happened before she was first sealed in the moon over a thousand years ago. In other words, it was always Chrysalis since the start of the story and the real Luna's fate is unknown as of right now.

Interesting bit there, I'm certain that she's imprisoned somewhere.

Okay, so my understanding was not so far off. The only unsolved mystery would be when Chrysalis had time to replace Luna and planned all these. Because I don't believe she can control the moon like the real Luna does.

Hmmm.... should the name Cloudy Dawn be familiar to us? I'm almost thinking how Celestia is normally portrayed as a pink-maned unicorn.

Good chapter though. Happy to see this still updating!

Epilogue of the first book.

That's what the world knows, yes. It was really Luna, as far as they know.


That answers that, thank you!

Does that bar maid have a certain knight cutie mark? Cause if that is who I think it is, this is truly a strange world.

Oh hello Tia.


How many chapters long will this story be?

"It was Philomena who delivered the letter to me," Dawn replied with the barest hint of a smile returning to her face, "we can trust that it's true. Or that it came from a trusted source at the very least."

I am curious who are these two? There should not be that many that know Celestia's pet by name or even recognize it.

Definitely glad to see this sequel return, always loved this series and I'm liking the direction it's taken with the time shift as well!

Dawn is Celestia, Crescent is apparently a former Night Guard Captain.
I genuinely can't remember the last time I saw a sunny-named OC that wasn't Celestia in disguise.

Same I am Glad This is Back Two

Good chapter is it time to party

Well now I was behind on chapters but I feel sorry for the griff that lost his job but I feel even more sorry for the granddaughter dragged into a bad situation

Seems like Celly is going to meet some of her missing friends soon enough.

*gives evil grin* Things are starting to get... interesting.

A meet up. Succinct yet truly damning. Not to mention the newest event. Where do we go next? What chaos and catastrophe awaits us? Only one way to know, onwards!

By the Moon this is a great story. Looking forward to the next update. *looks at screen forlornly*

One of the most well done crossovers on Fimfiction, guaranteed. I can't wait for this to pick back up!

when is the next chapter?
cmon dont leave us hanging!

is it possible for me to know when the next chapter is?

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