• Published 15th May 2018
  • 4,815 Views, 253 Comments

Flash Sentry, Defender of the Peace S3 - Banshee531

After what could be considered his toughest battle yet, Flash and friends return from the Crystal Empire with another victory. However, as they return to Ponyville, they'll soon find that more fun, adventure, and greater threats are on the horizon

  • ...

Magic Mystery Cure

A week had passed since the Royal Knights had returned home along with Ponyville's newest defender. Despite everypony hearing about how he had helped them, Lightning's presence in the town was still causing some friction with its residents. A lot of them had been at the Fantasia Festival, thus forced into the Battle of Canterlot before getting zapped by the Thunder Tomb. Forgiveness was going to be difficult for the unicorn, and it didn't help that he wasn't the biggest social butterfly.

Currently, Flash, Springer, Iron and Lightning were in their usual forest training ground. Today was the day the group would be getting back into the swing of things, as the bandages they had been wearing had finally been removed thanks to approval of the local doctor yesterday. Now, they were about to begin their first bout of training with Lightning, who had agreed to act as an opponent. This was also to help the defenders figure out Lightning's fighting ability, having only been able to see snippets of it in his fight with Doom while they were pinned to the ground. That and to see if Lightning could fight well beside the three.

"Alright...here we go." Flash commented as he swung Lightbringer around, "You ready to do this thing?"

Lightning smirked as he dropped his saddlebag on the ground, "Are you?"

"Oh, we're ready," Springer replied before transforming into his battle form. After a week of daily practice, which he was mainly able to do since he didn't need to be wrapped up in bandages for a week thanks to his healing aura, he could now hold this form for about ten minutes. Unfortunately, this form would only last that long if he didn't do any attacks.

"Watch yourself spark plug," Iron told him as he pointed Piecemaker at the unicorn. "We're not the same ponies you fought at the Canterlot Cathedral."

"I already knew that. Don't forget, I watched you all fight the Doom Quartet and I got a good look at your skills. However..." his horn flashed as his saddlebag magically opened, several identical knives soon levitating out of the sack. They were all exactly the same as the one he had used in Omniara, each one having his Cutie Mark engraved on it. "I'm not the same pony you fought before either." His horn then flared, the knives flinging across the field, yet not landing anywhere near the defenders. As they did this, he yelled, "GET READY!"

The trio took defensives stances as Iron asked, "What's he up too?"

"Let's find out!" Flash roared before shooting towards Lightning, Lightbringer in hoof. "Flash Cutter!" He launched a slash at the unicorn, but Lightning simply smiled before tossing the last knife in his possession straight up. Barely a second after that, he disappeared in a flash of light.

"He disappeared?" Iron yelped as he starting darting his eyes around, "Where'd he go?!"

"No. He just teleported. I can sense his aura....there!" Springer replied as he pointed at a tree, soon seeing Lightning standing on one of the forest's tree branches. One of the knives was embedded in that branch, but he wasn't there for long as another flash of light consumed him, this time teleporting him right above Flash.

"Gotcha..." he whispered as he tossed the dagger upward as his horn sparked, "Static Spear!" A bolt of lightning flew towards Flash, only for Springer to hop in front of the bolt, deflecting the shot with a Bone Breaker swing.

"Whoa!" Flash yelped as he leapt backwards, Springer following his motion as Flash turned to his partner, "That was close. Thanks buddy."

As Lightning began to fall to the ground, Iron charged at where he would land. "Iron Saber!" He swung the blade at Lightning, who saw it coming and smirked before dropping the knife out of his grasp and vanishing.

He reappeared several meters away next to another knife as his horn once again sparked. "Plasma Anchor." The electrical stream shot out and hit Iron in the chest, allowing Lightning to spin his body off the ground. The earth pony let out a yell of surprise, only to feel his body be flung towards Flash and Springer.

Flash saw Lightning coming and took to the sky while Springer tried to catch Iron, only for his form to suddenly disappear. "Oh crap!" the jakhowl yelled before the pony slammed into him, pinning him to the ground a second later.

While this happened, Flash entered Theta Mode as he stared back at Lightning. Barely a second later, Lightning disappeared. But as he did this, Flash quickly changed his vision's direction, only to see Lightning appear beside him. The defender effortlessly raised his sword at this, blocking a punch to the head as he commented, "I see...I get it now."

"You finally caught on?" Lightning smirked, only to leap away before Flash could counter him.

"I'm a fast learner," Flash replied as he pointed his blade at the unicorn. "That spell your using is letting teleport yourself to your knives, isn't it? And with this many of them, you can pop up anywhere."

"Got it in one," Lightning said before disappearing again. Flash blinked at this, his eyes now constantly looking the battlefield over. As he did this, flashes of light covered the ground, all showing glimpses of the unicorn. Growling at the sight, Flash could feel Theta Mode straining to keep up, only to turn and block another punch at the last second. "Nice." Lightning commented as he disappeared again, "Let's see you do that again."

"This is getting annoying..." Flash replied as he blocked another sudden blow. "Stop that!"

Off to the side, Iron had recovered and got up off of Springer. The two picked themselves up in time to watch as Flash and Lightning continued their duel, Lightning teleporting all over while Flash was on the defensive. The pegasus had now started firing off Flash Cutters, but was still unable to strike the teleporting pony.

Eventually, Lightning picked up two of his knives before tossing them at either side of Flash. The apprentice knight knew Lightning would appear at one of them, which made an idea pop into his head. Flash quickly spun around like a top, firing light energy from his blade, all of it forming a ring around him. But as he did this, he soon felt nothing get hit. "Huh? What is-"

"Peekaboo!" Flash looked up and saw a lightning ball coming straight for him.


The field was filled with dust as Lightning teleported off to the side. The unicorn chuckled at the sight as he said, "I think I win." With that, the dust settled and showed a crater with one Flash Sentry tasting dirt.

From out of that crater, a single orange hoof could be seen raising a white flag. "Yeah, I give."

Lightning smirked before turning to Iron and Springer, to two raising both paws and front legs. "We give."

Lightning laughed as he started warping around again, collecting his knives and returning them to the saddlebag. "Too bad I didn't have all these back in Omniara. I only had enough time to make one before you guys showed up." he commented as he put the last dagger inside the sack. "If I had this many with me, I would have creamed that old stallion."

"Yeah," Flash agreed as he pulled himself out of the ditch. "I don't know who gave you that spell, but I really hate them."

"Well, I hope I get to see them again. I mean, they're the reason I got to the island in the first place, and I need to thank them for making life so much easier." With that, he disappeared in a flash of light. Seconds later he returned, carrying a big bag of chips. "There we go."

Iron raised an eyebrow at this. "Did you just-"

"Warp to Wild's house and grab a snack, then warp back here? Yes, yes I did."

"I want that power," Springer complained as he pointed at the bag.

"Well, master electrical magic and maybe you can mutt," Lightning told him as he opened the bag. "Ahhh...finally! I can finally have some junk food after all this time on the road."

Flash reached into his saddlebag and pulled out an apple, which he started munching on. "So, how exactly does that spell work? Its probably best to know its limitations."

As Iron and Springer pulled out their own breakfasts, Lightning let out a yawn before explaining, "Eh, its nothing much. Its just a type convenient teleportation spell."

"Twilight's told me about those before." Flash added as he took another bite, "Something about visualization making it very hard for most unicorns."

"She's not wrong." Lightning replied as he pulled out one of the daggers, "The problem with teleportation spells is the location process, which you need to perfectly visualize where you wanna go. But...thanks to this spell, it gives me a mark, so I just need to visualize it and think of the location its in."

Springer snapped his paw as he said, "So since all the knives are identical, its easy for you to visualize it?"

"Exactly that mutt." Lightning replied as another chip went in his mouth, "Makes it so convenient since its a electric spell. All I need is to have the mark be conductive and tied to me specifically."

"Is that why you have your cutie mark on all of them?" Flash asked, getting a nod in response. "Huh. I bet Twilight would be interested in looking that spell over."

Before Lightning could reply, a new voice called out, "Flash!" The group turned to see Scootaloo rushing into the training field on her scooter, a look of pure worry on her face.

"Hey Scoots! What's up sis?"

Scootaloo came to a panting stop, her wings now killing her due to how fast she was going. "I was on my way to school when I found something really weird! You need to see it!"

"What?" Iron asked as he finished his meal.

Scootaloo opened her mouth, only to close is as she turned around, "I uh...I honestly can't really explain it. You've just gotta come see it for yourself." With that, she spun her scooter around as well and zipped off. The three stallions and jakhowl shared a look before rushing after her. Soon enough, the four of them were at the edge between the forest and Ponyville. As soon as they were there, Scootaloo pointed up at the sky, all of them now seeing several storm clouds flying wildly over the town, all of them dropping rain, snow and thunder bolts that came dangerous close to the buildings.

Flash and Springer both raised an eyebrow at this as Flash commented, "What the heck?!"

Meanwhile, Iron and Lightning shared a glance at each other before looking down at Scootaloo. "What are we supposed to be looking at?" Iron asked, confusing the others.

"What are you talking about?" Scootaloo replied before pointing at the sky. "Does that look normal to you?"

"Yes." Iron and Lightning replied in unison.

"Come again?"

"The weather around here is always like that," Iron commented as he turned to Lightning, "Right?"

"Yeah. Well, at least it has been since I got here," Lightning added with a long grumble. "Honestly, why don't they fire that mare? I mean come on, she always tries to make the clouds look nice without thinking about where they're actually needed."

"Are we talking about the same pony here?" Springer asked while scratching the side of his head. "Rainbow always does the weather perfectly."

"Rainbow?" Iron and Lightning asked in confusion. "What's she got to do with weather control?"

"She's to busy running that nightmare she calls a nursery for animals..." Iron hissed as he rubbed his face in anger. "Seriously, I don't sleep some nights because she can't get those things under control."

"What the heck are you talking about?!" Flash yelped, only to get two glares in return.

That is, till Iron let out a sigh. "Whatever. I'm gonna go see if I can't grab a few extra Zs. Here's hoping she can get them to shut up for twenty minutes." With that, he walked off.

Lightning did the same. "I'm supposed to meet up with Script and the others. What time's the next patrol?"

"Just...this afternoon," Flash replied as he blinked at the sight of Lightning walking off. "Yeah...this is officially weird."

Scootaloo turned to Flash. "What's going on?"

"I don't know sis, but I'm gonna find out." Flash added as the trio ran into town. As they did this, Flash then said, "By the looks of things, I'd say a unicorn is causing this. Be on the lookout for any unicorn acting strangely."

"Sounds good." Springer replied, only for his ears to pick up something that made him look in one direction. He poked Flash's leg. "Does singing a full song and dance number count?"

Flash turned to him, his ears also picking up on the sound and following it to see Twilight skipping down the road. Like Springer said, she appeared to be singing with several other Ponyville citizens backing her up. "Around here, not really. I guess she's just in a good mood."

"She won't be for long," Scootaloo replied before pointing up at what Twilight was about to step under.

"And I know for absolute certain," Twilight went on without noticing. "That everything is certainly-"


"BLUAGH!" Twilight yelped as she was suddenly completely drenched by the rain that had been magically squeezed out of the cloud above her. The unicorn frowned before calling out, "Rainbow Dash!" She looked up at the sky as Flash and the others walked up to her. "That's not funny!"

"Terribly sorry, darling." They all turned to see Rarity standing on a bridge, her horn glowing as she manipulated the clouds flying above her. "I'm afraid I'm...I'm not good with the thundery ones."

"Looks like we found the cause of the weird weather," Flash commented as he tilted his head at the mare. "Now the question is, why are you doing this Rarity?"

"Doing what Flash?" Rarity asked before turning around. Doing so exposed her flank, allowing Flash and everypony else to get a glimpse of her cutie mark...which was now a cloud with a rainbow-colored lightning bolt coming out of it.

Everypony gasped at the sight, "Something tells me everything is not going to be fine," Twilight responded in horror before rushing over to Rarity. "What are you doing?" She then pointed at her flank. "What happened to your cutie mark?"

"Whatever do you mean, Twilight?" Rarity asked, not taking her eye off her work. They then stared back up, only to see Rarity positioning the many different clouds in the sky into an array of patterns and shapes. "I'm simply doing what I've done since the day it first appeared." The final square shaped cloud was placed, giving the sky a checker board look as the many different weathers assaulted Ponyville. "Does my sky look fabulous or what?"

It was in this moment that the ponies of Ponyville stepped up to them, not a single happy look in the crowd. "Oh, this'll be fun," Flash said sarcastically as a barrage of complaints followed.

"Too last season?" Rarity asked in fear as she was surrounded, the ponies shoving Twilight and the others further and further away.

"Where is Rainbow Dash?" Twilight asked as she looked around. "Why isn't she handling this?" Rarity didn't seem to hear her over the cries and complaints of the others.

"I got this," Flash said before taking to the sky. He then raised Lightbringer and unleashed a burst of light, grabbing everypony's attention. Once everypony quieted down, they looked up at Flash. "Alright everypony! Please vacate the area, now!"

"But the weather!" a stallion moaned.

"We'll handle it! Everypony, scatter!" The ponies all complained back, but did as they were told.

Rarity sighed in relief, "thank you darling."

As Flash landed, Twilight and the others gathered around. "You can thank me by telling me what the heck is going on. Where's Rainbow?"

"Rainbow?" Rarity asked before thinking for a moment, "I guess she's at her cottage." She then pointed in a direction close to the forest, which everypony knew only housed one cottage.

"But that's Fluttershy's house."

Rarity raised an eyebrow at this. "What are you talking about? Fluttershy lives with the Cakes, in Sugarcube Corner."

"But that's where Pinkie lives," Springer replied as he scratched his head in confusion.

"Pinkie lives on the apple farm, though I guess you need actual apples to call it an apple farm."

The lot of them all shared a look of pure confusion as Flash did a large gulp, fearing the next response as he asked, "Where's Applejack?"

They all watched as Rarity rolled her eyes. "Probably in her boutique, making those awful dresses of hers. I'm telling you, I could make better dresses. Now if you excuse me dearies, I should really get back to work. I need to figure out a way to get these clouds in an assortment that I won't get yelled at for...." With that, she walked off as she continued to inspect the sky.

Scootaloo turned to the others. "What the heck is going on?"

"I think we've asked that like five times now." Springer responded, only to get a smack on the head from Flash.

"I don't know...I'm so confused." Twilight moaned as she turned to Flash, "Any ideas?"

Flash titled his head as he rubbed his chin. "Not sure. You don't think its something like...changelings maybe?"

"No," Springer interrupted with a shake of the head, "I checked her aura. That's Rarity, but it seemed a little...off."

"So what do we do?"

"We need to check on the others," Twilight explained as she tapped her hoof in frustration. "Let's grab Spike and head to Fluttershy's cottage."

"You mean Rainbow's Cottage," Flash corrected her, "Since for some reason, she apparently lives there now."

"Not if I can help it," Twilight replied as she motioned them to follow her.

Soon enough, the group found Spike sleeping in the rain. The little dragon wasn't happy about being awakened, but came along as they headed to Rainbow's. Spike also seemed to be the only other being in Ponyville aside from Flash, Twilight, Scootaloo and Springer who was unaffected by whatever strange memory alteration magic was causing this. It was here on the path that Spike yawned and stretched, "I still don't know what you had to wake me up for. I love sleeping in the rain."

"It's not about the weather Spike," Twilight told him as she glared back at the dragon. "Rarity had Rainbow Dash's cutie mark and said this was Rainbow Dash's cottage!"

It was here that they finally arrived outside the cottage as Scootaloo pointed up the road, "Hey look." They then all saw Iron walking towards them, bags under his eyes and an unhappy scowl on his lips.

"You okay there?" Flash asked as Iron started to pass them. "I thought you said you were gonna take a nap."

Iron let out a low hiss. "I tried, but those stupid animals woke me up again. I seriously need to talk to Skybreaker about re-stationing me."

"What about Fluttershy?" Twilight asked him, only to get a confused glare back from Iron.

"What about her? I don't see why some pony I barely know has to do with me being located somewhere else." he huffed as he walked off, leaving everyone stunned at his response.

"He doesn't remember that?!" Twilight whispered in shock. "Oh no..."

"This is going from bad to worse," Springer commented with a long gulp.

"Then let's get to the bottom of this," Flash replied before stepping up to the cottage's door and knocking.

A moment later, the door cracked opened and Rainbow's head popped out. "Hey guys." Just by the look on her face, everypony could tell she was obviously miserable and exhausted. Her usual flare was gone.

"You look awful," Scootaloo told her idol.

"I know," Rainbow moaned as the frown on her face continued to grow. It was this that made the others worried, as they knew the regular Rainbow Dash would have taken offense to such words. They knew she would immediately deny it or try to act cool, but instead, she just frowned at them.

Twilight shook her head at this, "Rainbow Dash! Why is Rarity doing your job?!" Before Rainbow could ask what she was talking about, a loud crashing sound could be heard from inside. The pegasi then shot back into the cottage as Twilight and the others tried to walk in, Twilight commenting, "And what in Equestria is going on in...here."

The place was a disaster zone, with many of the normal calm and friendly animals rampaging. Rainbow was rushing all over the place trying to corral the critters, only for no results. Instead, the animals continued to ignore her, all of them yelling and destroying everything in sight.

"This is insane." Flash said as he watched the scene unfold. But as he did this, the inbuilt music makers that seemed to exist in all of Equestria's citizens started playing a tune. It seemed Rainbow was going to answer them in song.

(Rainbow Dash)
These animals don't listen, no, not one little bit.
They run around out of control and throw their hissy fits.
It's up to me to stop them, 'cause plainly you can see.
It's got to be my destiny, and it's what my cutie mark is telling me.

In this moment, Rainbow's flank was revealed and they saw that it just like Rarity. Her cutie mark was now three butterflies instead of the usual rainbow storm cloud. The family of five all shared a horrified look, knowing who they were going to have to locate next and left Rainbow in her misery.

Remembering what Rarity had told them, the group headed to Sugarcube Corner. There, they found a large group of ponies watching some kind of show, but none of them were laughing or having any fun at all. It was obvious why though, as the group entered the place and found the entertainment was now Fluttershy.

"This is just gonna get crazier, isn't it?" Flash commented, getting a nod from his sister and jakhowl partner. "Yup. I figured as much."

Despite not being petrified at being watched, the pegasi's many attempts to get the crowd to laugh were coming up short as Fluttershy began to sing.

I try to keep them laughing, put a smile upon their face.
But no matter what I try, it seems a bit of a disgrace.
I have to entertain them, it's there for all to see.
It's got to be my destiny, and it's what my cutie mark is telling me.

As Fluttershy's disastrous show ended, she turned to show her flank was now sporting three party balloons. The sight made them all sigh, knowing they needed to find Pinkie.

Once again, the group headed out, making their way to Sweet Apple Acres this time. When they arrived, they found the entire place was barren. The trees were all either dead or dying, the fields brown and lifeless while the buildings were a wreck. Among the disaster was a certain party pony, who didn't look a bit happy as she pulled a cart of chickens along the ground. Her hair was also flat, something that only happened when Pinkie was sad or depressed.

(Pinkie Pie)
I don't care much for pickin' fruit and plowin' fields ain't such a hoot.
No matter what I try, I cannot fix this busted water chute!
I've got so many chores to do, it's no fun being me.
But it has to be my destiny, 'cause it's what my cutie mark is telling me.

Pinkie then tried to buck some apples out of a tree, only to get the result of several painful looking bumps to the head. It was here they spotted the three apple shaped markings on her flank. Seeing this, Twilight told them to stop as her horn sparked. Her magic soon created a small magical window, which showed the inside of the Carousal Boutique, where Applejack was busy making dresses.

One look was all it took to show that Rarity was not kidding earlier. The clothes she had made looked like the kind you would see on a homeless pony, mismatched patches and loose strings on every single one.

Lookie here at what I made, I think that it's a dress.
I know it doesn't look like much, I'm under some distress.
Could y'all give me a hand here and help me fix this mess?
My destiny is not pretty, but it's what my cutie mark is tellin' me.

As Applejack put the finishing touches onto her...'creations', her flank came into view and showed three blue diamonds. Twilight then created four more windows, each one showing one of their friends. They first focused on Rarity, as she tried to control the clouds that were swirling above her head. Once again, she created a checker boarded sky, only for snow, rain, lightning and harsh sunlight to cover different parts of the town.

I'm in love with weather patterns, but the others have concerns.
For I just gave them frostbite over top of their sunburns.
I have to keep on trying, for everyone can see.

(Rarity and Rainbow Dash)
It's got to be.

It's got to be.

(Pinkie Pie)
My destiny.

My destiny.

(Rarity, Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy)
And it's what my cutie mark.

(Pinkie Pie and Applejack)
It's what my cutie mark.

Yes, it's what my cutie mark is telling me!

As the song came to an end, Twilight dispelled the windows while Flash just blinked at the closing sight. That is, till he spoke up, "Okay, what the heck is going on?!" He then turned to glare at Twilight. "What did you do?!"

Twilight turned to him in shock. "What makes you think I had anything to do with this?!"

"Well...I don't know! Why aren't we affected by this crazy stuff that's happening?!" Flash replied as he swung one hoof around in slight anger, "I'm sorry Twilight, but I don't know any other ponies who could possibly cause this! You know, except the princesses or Discord, and I'm pretty sure its not him because it would probably be way worse! Especially to me since he hates me!"

Twilight frowned at this, ready to yell at the defender. But before she could speak, Springer got between them. "Cool it. We don't know what could have caused this, but we need to find out. And to do that, we need to keep stay calm."

"He's right," Spike added as he nudged Twilight. "Okay Twilight? You and Flash need to calm down."

"But...what do we do to solve this?" Scootaloo asked next. "I still don't get what's happening."

"Same here sis." Flash admitted as he rubbed his chin in thought, "Hmmm....I have no ideas." Flash then turned to Twilight, "Think we should contact Princess Celestia? I mean, whatever this is, its gotta be some kind of crazy powerful magic."

Hearing this statement made the unicorn freeze in place, her brain suddenly ticking as a million jigsaw pieces started to fly through her mind, all of them falling into place. "Oh no..."

They all turned to her, seeing the look of pure fear on her face as Flash asked, "You figure something out?" The defender didn't get an answer, as the unicorn quickly went into a sprint, running towards the library. "Twilight?"

Soon enough, Twilight arrived at their library home and ripped open the door. "This is bad," she said as she paced on the spot. "This is very, very bad."

"Then explain," Flash replied as he and the others walked inside.

"Yeah!" Spike added while crossing his claws, "What's going on? Why is this happening!?"

Twilight moved over to the case where the Elements of Harmony had been stored since Discord's redemption, looking them over with a horrified expression on her face. Flash stepped up next to her and looked them over, realizing what had her shocked. Almost all the Elements were different colors. The Elements of Magic and Courage were the same, but the Element of Loyalty was now pink, the Element of Laughter was green, the Element of Honesty was purple, the Element of Kindness was blue and the Element of Generosity was red.

"Oookay. That's weird." Flash turned to his best friend, "Twilight?"

The unicorn sighed before moving over to a table, picking up a book none of them had ever seen before. "Last night, I got a special delivery from the princess."

The group all blinked at this, not remembering her mentioning this yesterday. Springer raised his paw at this. "Uhh...where were we?"

"Spike was taking his seven hour bubble bath, Flash was helping Scootaloo do her homework, which I still don't get how he would know that stuff, and you were reading comics. Anyways, the letter said the book contained an unfinished spell written by Starswirl the Bearded and she said she wanted me to try and finish it. I cast the spell so I could find out what it was, but nothing seemed to happen." In that moment, she turned back to the Elements. "But now I know something did happen! The spell has changed the Elements of Harmony, and that's why our friends' cutie marks are now all wrong!"

"But why aren't you two affected?" Scootaloo asked next.

"Well, since I was the caster, it means my Element wasn't targeted. As for Flash..." Twilight turned to the pegasus with a slight glum face. "This isn't the first time magic hasn't affected you. I'm guessing being linked to the Element means it must share that same immunity....that or something I don't know."

"But why does everypony else seem to act like this is normal?" Springer asked as he pointed to the front door.

"The spell must rewrite reality and memory to match the changes it made. That's why the farm looks so withered and how everypony is suddenly living in different houses."

It was here that the other four all shared glances, confusion still consuming them as Spike turned back to Twilight, "I don't get it. Why do we remember?"

Twilight rubbed her chin in thought at that. "If the spell that changed everypony's memories was fired from this building, it's likely being inside it protected you from the effects." She then blinked at Flash, "Granted, that could also be the explanation as for why you're immune Flash."

"Okay...that's a bit concerning, but I'm also thinking we should ignore that part for a bit Twilight." Flash commented as he pointed at the book, "We know what's going on now Twilight, so let's fix this before any irreversible damage is done."

Spike nodded in agreement, "Yeah! Just cast a counter-spell to switch them back."

Twilight just gave them a glum look as she flipped through the book, "That's just it, there's no counter-spell! I don't know if there is one because the spell was never finished in the first place!"

This made the rest frown as well before Spike suddenly snapped his claws. "Hey, I know! Why don't you just use that memory spell you used to fix everypony when Discord was here?"

Twilight shook her head. "It's not their memories Spike, its their true selves that have been altered!"

"What about Zecora's cure for the cutie pox?" Springer suggested before being handed the book.

"That won't work either." Twilight immediately replied as she gripped and shook her head in frustration, "Augh! I messed up everything and there's no solution to fix it!"

Spike sighed at this, "Well...maybe it won't be so bad. Maybe our friends will grow to like their new lives."

Twilight's eyes filled with tears at this suggestion. "No Spike. They're not who they're meant to be anymore. Their destinies are now changed, and it's all my fault!"

Twilight then headed upstairs as Flash watched her go, not sure what to say. The defender once again heard music ringing in his ears after this. Not wanting to be part of the sad song that was probably about to happen, he walked outside with Springer and Scootaloo following. Scootaloo zipped off, wanting to see how her friends lives were now in this new reality. Springer could also sense that Flash wanted to be alone, so also went off and left the pegasus to wonder the streets.

Flash took the skies and began to patrol the town, taking his usual route out of simple habit. As he traversed the village, he saw just how different this new Ponyville was. Gone was the bright, lively, crazy little town he had fallen in love with. Now, it seemed to have some kind of gray aura to it, with none of the ponies living their looking at all happy. It reminded him of when Discord got a hold of his friends, only it now gripped the town.

"What am I gonna do?" Flash asked as he landed on a nearby roof and looked around. "The whole place is a mess now."

"Hey!" A pony yelled out from the window of the house he sat on, "get off my roof!"

"Oh...sorry." Flash replied before getting off. "I didn't mean to-"

"Get lost!" The pony interrupted before slamming the window shut.

Flash sighed as he flew off, finding himself in view of a certain house that he knew to well. Outside that house was a large cart, which several unicorns were beginning to pack. "What the?" He asked before flying down, "Lightning, what's going on?"

"We're helping Wild pack his things," Lightning replied as he put another case on the cart.

"I don't know what I was thinking moving here," Wild added, his tongue surprisingly in his mouth for once. "This place is duller than a brick wall."

"Brick wall, brick wall." his puppets repeated.

Flash was about to ask him about Pinkie, but then remembered Iron's reply to that question. "So...you're just leaving?"

"Yeah, I am." Wild replied as he motioned his puppets to grab another piece of furniture.

"Why should it matter to you?" Script asked next with a raised eyebrow. "Lightning said he might leave as well."

"What?!" Flash turned to the unicorn.

"No offense, but this place isn't what you made it out to be. I think I'll head to Manehatten or Fillydelphia, I have some contacts there that should help me get by."

Flash tried to think up a way to stop this. "But...it's just...well."

"It doesn't concern you," Gorgenia told him next as she walked past him and put another case on the cart. "Now if you'll excuse us, we have some work to do."

Flash sighed before nodding and once again flying off. Eventually, he found himself atop a hill where he could overlook the entire town. "Ponyville….my home."

It was here that he thought back to all the adventures he had had since coming to the town, all the lessons he and his friends had learned. He remembered the fights he had fought to keep the place safe, his first meeting with Springer, him finding his sister here. And as he kept looking through those memories in his head, an orange light suddenly surrounded his body. But he didn't notice this as the memories continued to flow.

Then, a long steady breath escaped his mouth as he said, "I won't let it end this way." He got up, a look of pure determination in his eyes. "I'll find a way to fix this, no matter what." With that, he leapt into the air and shot back to the library.

As soon as he got there, he flung the door open and jumped inside. "Twilight, we need to-" His speech came too a halt when he spotted Twilight magicking the Elements into their travel case. "What are you doing?" His question was met with his helmet being shoved on his head before a magic aura encased him, dragging him outside. Feeling this sensation, he started to try and use his hooves to escape Twilight's magic as he yelped, "Hey! Twilight! Answer me! What are you doing?!"

"I'm fixing my mistake. I know how to get the others back to normal." Twilight admitted as she walked out the door, Spike following with the Element case.

This made Flash shine a huge grin. "Now you're talking! So what's the plan? Are we going to do some reverse magic thing? Maybe do some kind of anti-element mumbo jumbo or do a friendship rainbow beam?!" Flash's smile grew even wider, "How can I help?"

"You don't do anything except wear that helmet while I explain on the way to our friends." She then gave him a slight glare, "And that means no action or fighting. Leave it to me."

"What?! But I wanna help!" Flash cried as he tried to move again, "Stupid anti-magic light thing that sometimes happens! Why aren't you working right now?!"

"You'll be fine. Listen Flash, we need to show the others who they truly are, and that means we need to be with them and nothing else." Twilight explained as her magic stopped, causing him to finally land and start walking beside the unicorn. "We need to support them and show each one their true selves."

"Alright, I think I get where you're going...but we've gotta hurry. Wild and Lightning are planning on leaving, and who knows what else is gonna happen if we don't put things right."

"Of course. Now, we need to-" Twilight said before suddenly coming to a stop with a gasp. It was here that both her and Flash saw Fluttershy dragging a saddlebag along the ground while heading towards a hot air balloon. "Oh no..."

"Fluttershy, wait!" Flash yelled as they ran up to her, the pegasi soon turning to them with a sad look on her face.

"Oh...hey Twilight, Flash."

"Where are you going?!" Twilight asked as she pointed to the balloon.

"I'm moving back to Cloudsdale. I don't know what's wrong, but I can't seem to make anypony laugh." She then pulled out a whoopee cushion and squeezed it, unleashing the slow farting sound.

Flash tried to force a laugh, only to get a glare from Twilight, "Sorry."

Twilight turned back to Fluttershy and put her hoof on her shoulder, "Fluttershy….I'm not trying to stop you, but before you go, I was wondering if you might be willing to help Rainbow Dash. She's really struggling with her animals."

Confusion covered Fluttershy's face at this, twiddling her hooves in concern as she said. "But...I don't really know anything about animals."

"But you do know something about Rainbow Dash," Twilight replied with a big smile.

Fluttershy tilted her head slightly before saying, "I...know that she's a true friend, and I'll do anything I can to help her."

"Atta girl!" Flash told her next as he patted her other shoulder, "Now come on. The way things are going, I wouldn't be surprised if we find her tied up in a pot about to be eaten by those things."

One transition/foreshadowing to the cottage later...

"I was kidding!" Flash yelled as he saw Rainbow tied up inside a pot, several animals dancing around it like a tribe of barbarians.

"Help! I'm trapped!" Rainbow screamed, only for a nearby bear to unleash a roar, terrifying the pegasus.

Fluttershy turned to Twilight. "Hurry, Twilight! Can't you do some sort of spell to get her out?"

Twilight shook her head at this. "No. Fluttershy, you're the only one who can help." She then pointed at Rainbow, "Rainbow Dash needs you Fluttershy!"

Fluttershy still looked terrified, but nodded before stepping inside. Seeing the look of horror on her face, Flash gulped as he said, "Let's hope you're right about this, or else those animals will be getting dessert."

"Um....hello? Little...woodland creatures?" the mare started, only to immediately catch the animals' attention, causing them to turn to her. "I know that you're all very upset and feel like giving Rainbow Dash a hard time, but we'd all really appreciate it if you'd calm down and, um, maybe...rest for a bit?" As she spoke, more and more animals stopped their rampage and turned to her, anger leaving their faces.

"Sweet Celestia it's working," Flash said in disbelief. "That was fast."

Fluttershy saw the animals gather around her, quickly making her look around and see a bowl of vegetables on a counter. "Oh! Uh...look! Here's some nice, juicy leaves for you to munch on." She placed the bowl on the ground, allowing the rabbits to dig in before getting some nuts and placing them in front of the mice and squirrels. "And some crunchy, munchy acorns too." She then moved over to the animals surrounding the cauldron that Rainbow was in. "Uh, wouldn't you like to take a break and have a little snack?"

The animals all shared a look at one another before shrugging, all soon moving over to the others and started eating. Fluttershy let out a sigh of relief as she watched the animals all enjoy their meal. "Aww, look at that. I guess you were all just cranky because you were hungry." A familiar white rabbit then turned towards her before leaping into the air. Fluttershy caught him as he gave her a hug, followed by the rest of the animals. "Oh, you are very welcome little friends." Suddenly, the bear grabbed her and pulled her into a hug, kissing her forehead as he did.

"I think this is it. She's about to realize it." Twilight commented as she watched the sight. "Please let this work..."

"Come on," Flash begged as he fiddled with his hooves.

As Fluttershy was surrounded by the animals, a strange feeling washed over her. This was followed by a pink aura that surrounded her body. "Goodness, it's like I can understand them!" Twilight took the moment to open the case Spike was holding and pulled out the Element of Kindness and levitated over to Fluttershy as she continued to speak, "I...I feel strange, like...like this is what I'm meant to do! Like this is who I am!" She flew out of the bear's arms as Twilight placed the Element around her neck. "My DESTINY!" As soon as she said those words, the Element of Kindness exploded with light. Everypony shielded their eyes until the light died down, and when it did, everypony saw Fluttershy had fallen to the floor. She opened her eyes and blinked as her friends rushed over to her. "Wha... what happened?"

No pony answered her, instead all focusing on the image printed on her flank. "Fluttershy, look!" Twilight cheered, "Your cutie mark!" Fluttershy looked and saw that three bright pink butterflies had replaced the balloons.

"YES!" Flash hoof pumped as Twilight bounced around the yellow mare.

"It worked! It worked!" She pulled Fluttershy into a hug. "Oh, I'm so happy you're back to normal." She then pulled away and gave Fluttershy a serious glare, "Now, we need your help."

Once again, the inbuilt music maker began to generate a tune. Twilight began to sing, Flash and Fluttershy joining in a few seconds later.

A true, true friend helps a friend in need.
A friend will be there to help them see.

(Twilight, Flash and Fluttershy)
A true, true friend helps a friend in need.
To see the light that shines from a true, true friend.

"Um, hello?" They all turned back to Rainbow, "Friend that needs help is trapped inside a cooking pot! Remember?!" They all laughed before beginning to free her from the cauldron and ropes as Twilight began to explain.

Rarity needs your help.
She's trying hard, doing what she can.

They then took Rainbow to where Rarity was, the weather still a mess and everypony miserable because of it. Fluttershy put her hoof on Rainbow as she started to tell her what she needed to do as Flash flew up and demonstrated how to bust a cloud.

Would you try, just give it a chance.
You might find that you'll start to understand.

Rainbow flew up to a cloud and did what she saw Flash do, tapping a cloud and make it fade out. It was here that something inside Rainbow seemed to click. At the same time, Rarity looked at the ground in shame, not even caring that her mane was getting soaked. But as she did this, the clouds above her suddenly disappeared. She looked up and saw Rainbow flying all over the place, destroying the clouds as she allowed the sun to shine down on the town.

Deciding to have a little fun, Rainbow started doing tricks and spins, loving every second of it as the music continued.

(Twilight, Flash, and Fluttershy)
A true, true friend helps a friend in need.
A friend will be there to help you see.
A true, true friend helps a friend in need.
To see the light that shines from a true, true friend.

Rainbow panted in exhaustion, wiping her brow as a red glow radiated off of her. In that second, her Element was placed around her neck and a blinding light flashed. When it faded, everypony saw Rainbow on the ground, her cutie mark restored. "Uh, what just happened? The pegasus asked.

"We'll explain later," Flash told her as he patted her shoulder. "Trust me, its a long story."

Twilight nodded at this. "But right now, we need your help. Applejack's trying to make dresses."

Rainbow's eyes went wide before smirking. "Say no more!" She and everypony else turned to Rarity, who just gave them a look of confusion. They quickly took her to the boutique, showing off all the horrible clothes Applejack had made.

Applejack needs your help.
She's trying hard, doing what she can.
Would you try, just give it a chance.
You might find that you'll start to understand.

Rarity continued to look around, remembering what she had said earlier that day. It was here that something just clicked in her brain, and she started gathering fabrics that went together, Applejack amazed as she watched the unicorn get to work.

(Twilight, Flash, Fluttershy, and Rainbow Dash)
A true, true friend helps a friend in need.
A friend will be there to help them see.
A true, true friend helps a friend in need.
To see the light that shines from a true, true friend.

Soon enough, the horrible dresses were replaced by beautiful masterpieces. Rarity smiled at her work as a purple aura shined off her and Twilight placed her Element around her neck. In a brilliant flash of light, Rarity collapsed against the desk and when the light faded, her flank showed three blue diamonds.

Rarity picked herself up, holding her head. "Oh my, what a terrible dream I had." She then spotted one of the Applejack pieces that had yet to be removed from the building. "Or maybe I'm still having it."

Twilight then tapped Rarity's shoulder, getting her attention, "Rarity, Pinkie Pie is about to lose the apple farm. We need Applejack's help!"

"Lose the apple farm?" Rarity asked in slight shock, only to switch into a look of determination. "Well, we can't let that happen, now can we?" With that, she walked over to Applejack and grabbed her hoof.

Pinkie Pie is in trouble.
We need to get there by her side.
We can try to do what we can now.
For together we can be her guide.

They took Applejack to Sweet Apple Acres, the earth pony almost having a heart attack at the state of her family's home. Instantly, something clicked and she rushed off into the farm. At the same time, Pinkie was having trouble with fixing a water shoot, only for Applejack to appear next to her and push it into proper place. Over the next few hours, Pinkie watched as Applejack did everything she was unable to.

The rest of the Apple family came to help as well, they and the rest of the mane seven fixing up the farm and collecting the apples from the remaining live trees. With Applejack's skill and earth pony magic, the orchard soon returned to its former glory.

(Twilight, Flash, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, and Rarity)
A true, true friend helps a friend in need.
A friend will be there to help them see.
A true, true friend helps a friend in need.
To see the light that shines from a true, true friend.

Applejack trotted in front of the main barn with her family, a green light beginning to shine off of her. Twilight took this moment to place the Element of Honesty around her neck, the contact causing a massive surge of light. When it faded, Applejack was prancing around, showing off her true cutie mark. "Yee-haw! Now that's more like it!" She turned to the others, "what's next?"

"The townsponies are furious," Twilight replied before pointing at the last altered pony. "We need the old Pinkie Pie back."

Applejack nodded and tipped her hat. "I'm on it. I know just the thing." She grabbed Pinkie and placed her on her back, trotting back towards town as she sang:

The townsponies need you.
They've been sad for a while.
They march around, face a-frown.
And never seem to smile.

Pinkie saw all the ponies in town, their faces showing nothing but sadness or anger. Seeing this made Pinkie sad, wanting to do something to help. At the same time, Flash spotted Wild putting the last pieces of luggage into his cart. He flew over and grabbed him, pushing him towards Pinkie as Applejack placed her Element around her neck along with a pair of comedy glasses.

And if you feel like helpin, we'd appreciate a lot.
If you'd get up there and spread some cheer.
From here to Canterlot.

She pushed the pink earth pony up towards the crowd, Pinkie stumbling onto a nearby fountain as a blue aura surrounded her. In a flash of light, Pinkie was restored to normal with her cutie mark and puffy pink mane. "Come on ponies!" she cried out in joy. "I wanna see you smile!"

The rest of the town looked towards her, Wild in particular as something clicked within them all. It was as if all the misery and angry suddenly vanished, replaced with happiness and joy. They then expressed this joy as they all cried one word. "PINKIE!"

Soon enough, the entire town was singing along and celebrating. Springer, Scootaloo, Iron, Lightning and everypony else gathered in the town square as the seven ponies they had all come to respect hugged each other.

A true, true friend helps a friend in need.
A friend will be there to help them see.
A true, true friend helps a friend in need.
To see the light! (To see the light!).
That shines! (That shines!)
From a true, true friend!

The Elements all shined a brilliant light, the radiance soon washing over the land and reversing the effects of the magic spell. As this happened, Twilight let out a gasp. "Wait a second...that's it! I understand now! I know how to fix the spell!" With that she rushed off, her friends all following after her.

And as the sun began to set, Twilight arrived at the library. Once inside, she picked up the book and opened it before grabbing a quill. As the others arrived, they heard Twilight speak as she wrote. "From all of us together, together we're friends. With the marks of our destinies made one, there is magic without end!"

As soon as she placed the book down, the magic inside the Elements began to radiate. Suddenly, it sent out a pulse of magic that pushed the ponies around her back. Then before anypony could ask what had happened, the six remaining Elements unleashed a blast of magic that flew right at Twilight. Everypony cried out as the magic began to swirl around the unicorn. Twilight looked around in shock, only to shine a small smile as the magic consumed her. "Twilight!" She heard Flash cry, but it was too late.


A new, shining blinding light filled the library, lasting only a second before disappearing. Once the light was gone, everypony opened their eyes. "What happened?!" Fluttershy asked before Pinkie let out a loud gasp.

They all knew why. In the center of the room where Twilight had been standing was now nothing but a burn mark and smoke. Everypony began to panic, asking what the heck had happened. The only one silent was Flash, whose mind went completely blank at the sight of the burn mark. "Twilight?" was all he could whisper.

But before anypony could do anything else, Flash rushed outside and look around the now night bathed streets. "TWILIGHT!" he screamed out at the night, the rest of the group doing the same. They all called out, praying that Twilight had merely been teleported away. "Twilight...please. PLEASE COME BACK TWILIGHT!"

Then it happened.

From out of nowhere, the moonlit night was illuminated by a familiar brilliant purple flash. "What the heck?!" Flash yelped as they all looked up, trying to see what it was. And as the light dulled, they then saw an image that reminded the group of Twilight's cutie mark now shining in the sky. Slowly, the image floated towards the ground and landed right in front of them, and as soon as it hit the ground, it began to take the shape of a pony they all knew.

"Twilight?" Applejack asked as the last of the light faded, "Is that...is that you?"

Twilight stood in the middle of the group with her eyes closed, a long sigh following as she stood there. Then, as if on cue, she did something none of them were expecting. From out of her sides, a pair of purple wings shot out and unfurled themselves, causing everypony to gasp.

Applejack was the first to recover, stepping up to the new alicorn. "I...I've never seen anything like it!"

Rainbow laughed as she flew up to Twilight, grabbing one of her new appendages. "Twilight's got wings! AWESOME!" She then hugged Twilight, "A new flying buddy!"

"Why you've become an Alicorn!" Rarity exclaimed as she walked up and start to touch Twilight's wings. "I didn't even know that was possible."

"ALICORN PARTY!" Pinkie screamed as she swung from a rope, balloons and confetti appearing out of nowhere behind her.

Fluttershy put a hoof over her mouth in awe, "Wow...you look just like a princess!"

"That's because she is a princess," said a new voice. They turned to it, only to see Princess Celestia land and grace them with a giant smile.

"Hold on a second!" Pinkie yelled before pulling a glass out of nowhere, drinking it then spitting it out in surprise. "What did you just say?! Did you just say what I think you said?!"

Celestia just nodded at this. "I did. Twilight is now a princess."

The rest of the group went wide-eyed at this, Flash's jaw now sinking to the ground as Celestia walked past the ponies. And as she did this, Twilight showed an expression of pure confusion and shock as she gasped, "A...a princess? Me?" She then felt a hoof on her shoulder, making her look up into her mentor's calming gaze.

"Since you've come to Ponyville, you've displayed the charity, compassion, devotion, integrity, optimism, bravery and of course, the leadership of a true princess."

Twilight looked a little scared by this revelation. "But...does this mean I won't be your student anymore?"

"Not in the same way as before. I'll still be here to help and guide you, but we're all your students now, too." With that, she bowed to her former student. "You are an inspiration to us all, Twilight." The rest of the group all copied Celestia, all bowing before the new member royalty.

All but one.

Flash had not said a word since seeing Twilight reappear, the shock of his best friend's ascension completely frying his brain. Twilight turned to him, a look of worry upon her face. "Flash? Are you okay?" her questions got no response, making her lips quiver as she then asked, "Um...say something Flash! Please!"

Flash's shocked expression instantly disappeared, replaced with a joyous smile. "Congratulations, Princess Twilight." He then bowed as well, "nopony deserves this more than you."

Twilight's face shined a brilliant smile, her eyes filling with tears as she rushed over and pulled Flash into a hug. Flash quickly hugged back, happiness now filling them all as their friends all came together and group-hugged the duo.

And once Twilight and her friends pulled away, the new princess turned to Celestia. "So...what do I do now? Is there a book about being a princess I should read?

Celestia giggled at this. "There will be time for all of that later."

The next day...

Nervous was the definition of Flash's mood as stood there inside Canterlot Castle. The room was the same exact one that Cadance and Shining had gotten married in, and speaking of those two, Cadance was up on the main stage along with Celestia and Luna. The three were wearing fancy royal-styled dresses while Shining was standing around the edge along with many guards, all in full uniform/armor.

Flash was standing by the rest of his friends, dressed in the same clothes he wore for the wedding. Springer was wearing a tuxedo fitted for a jakhowl, which Rarity had on hoof for some reason, and was pulling at the collar as his fur didn't care for the black-colored suit. The rest of the room was filled with ponies from Canterlot and Ponyville, like Trixie, Moondancer, Twilight's parents and many more. The only one not there was Lightning, though this was for obvious reasons, while Iron stood by the rest of the guards.

Celestia's voice broke him out of his observations, making him turn to her. "We are gathered here today in celebration of a momentous occasion. My most faithful student Twilight Sparkle, has done many extraordinary things since she started living in Ponyville." The ruler turned to give a smile to her sister. "She even helped reunite me with my sister, Princess Luna. But today, Twilight Sparkle did something truly extraordinary. She created new magic, proving without a doubt that she is ready to be crowned Equestria's newest princess. Fillies and gentlecolts, may I present for the very first time, Princess Twilight Sparkle!"

In that moment, the doors of the hall opened and the mare of the hour stepped inside. She was followed by identical white earth pony mares, all of them carrying banners with her cutie mark. Behind them were the Royal Knights Grand, Skybreaker, First, Heather, Ruby and Tidal. The mares began to sing as Twilight stepped up to the stage. Everypony watched as they started to sing, Spike stepping up to them while carrying a cushion with Twilight's Element crown atop it. The crown was then picked up by Celestia's magic before being lifted into the air and then placed onto Twilight's head.

Equestria's newest alicorn princess smiled as she looked back at her friends, all of them giving her supportive smiles back along joyous laughter. She then turned towards her new subjects as her Element shined like a star. A round of applause filled the room after this as the six knights stepped in front of her and bowed as well. Twilight then gave a look of that showed she was unsure on how to react to this, but luckily, the knights stood back up and she was led out towards a balcony overlooking the courtyard. Said courtyard was filled to the brim with the ponies of Equestria, all waiting to get a look at their newest princess.

Twilight's friends followed her out, but as Flash started to go with them, he felt a hoof tug his shoulder. He turned to the pony grabbing him, only to see Grand, "Grand? What's up?"

"I know this probably isn't the best time, but we need to talk about your new duties."

"New duties?"

Grand nodded. "As Equestria's newest princess, that puts Twilight in danger. The guards we train aren't just for show, you know. As an apprentice knight, your fighting skills are above that of a run of the mill guard. As such, Celestia and I both agreed that you will be Twilight's first personal guard."

Flash blinked at this, the logic slowly turning through his brain as he asked, "Okay...though uh, will this change my regular duties?"

"It doesn't really. You'll still be defender of the peace in Ponyville, but in times of trouble, your sole focus must be Twilight." the old stallion shined a small smile next as he continued, "In fact, I'm glad Lightning will be joining you in Ponyville, so you don't have to worry about the defenders being understaffed. From now on, you must keep Twilight safe no matter what the cost."

Flash smiled back and nodded. "I'd do that anyway. But since I know you'll want me to say it," He gave his mentor a full salute. "I swear I won't let any harm come to her."

Grand chuckled at the sight before the two stepped out onto the balcony, listening as Twilight finished her speech. "Today, I consider myself the luckiest pony in Equestria. Thank you my friends. Thank you, everypony!" The crowd cheered as everypony stepped back inside where Cadance and Shining were waiting for Twilight.

"Twilight!" Shining cheered before pulling her into a hug, "I'm so proud of you!"

"Thanks BBBFF." Twilight replied before pulling away, her eyebrow soon raising as she looked at her brother's face, "Wait...are you...crying?"

"Of course not," he wiped his eyes. "Its...its liquid pride. Totally different thing."

"Right..." Flash joked in a sarcastic tone.

Shining threw a playful frown at Flash before pointing at him. "Better keep my kid sister safe, or else." He then winked at Flash, soon getting a nod in return.

"Don't worry. I'll keep her in one piece."

"Yeah, sure you will." Twilight replied as she rolled her eyes at his statement, "But whose gonna stitch you back together, mister reckless?" Everypony laughed at this as the friends gathered around Twilight.

"Way to go, Princess!" Applejack cheered.

Pinkie Pie leapt up and hovered in the air as she cried out. "Best coronation day EVER!

"We love you Twilight," Fluttershy told her before they once again hugged.

Twilight Sparkle began to produce her own liquid pride as she hugged back. "I love you too, all of you!"

Twilight was then led out to the courtyard again, where a carriage was waiting to take her out to meet her new subjects. As it pulled out, she began to sing once again.

(Twilight Sparkle)
Life in Equestria shimmers
Life in Equestria shines
And I know for absolute certain.

She leapt out of the carriage and trotted in line with her friends who began to sing as well.

(Mane Seven with crowd in brackets)
That everything, (that everything)
Yes, everything, (yes, everything)
Yes, everything is certainly fine.
It’s fine.

Yes, Equestria had entered a brand new era. With a fourth princess on the throne, new protectors growing stronger every day, and the Magic of Friendship there when it was needed. It seems the future was in good hooves.

"Yes! Everything’s going to be just fine!"

<The End>

Author's Note:

And thus we bring this season to a close. Man, this one just flew by. Well, we know what's coming next time. The event that first introduced Flash to the world, Flash Sentry Chronicles: EQG

Comments ( 17 )

I have to be honest, I am happy that Twilight had her moment with her solving the problem, her completing the spell, and her coronation, but the existence of the seventh element really throws the narrative off, Yeah, I've always had a problem with the existence of the Element of Courage as an Element of Harmony, the existence of it in your Power Ranger series worked because in it Flash is part of his own team and didn't come off as an add-on to the Mane-6.

That being said, it was a fitting end to season 3.

Another great story completed! I liked a lot of the chapters in this one and I look forward to the first EG story!

That spell you is letting teleport yourself to your knives, isn't it? And with this many of them, you can pop up anywhere.

Put “use” after the first “you” and then put “you” after “letting”.

If I this many with me, I would have creamed that old stallion.

Put “had” before “this”.

Wow. Great way to end season. I liked how you had memories be altered as well. It was close Wilde and Iron almost left.

Great job here. You did well with these series. I can’t wait to see as Flash, Twi, Spike, and maybe Springer go to The human world and what challenges they encounter there.

Examples being the other knights, Soarin and Lightning.

The Elements of Magic and Courage were the same, but the Element of Loyalty was now pink, the Element of Laughter was orange, the Element of Honesty was purple, the Element of Kindness was blue and the Element of Generosity was red.

I thought that the Element of Honesty was green in this universe. Since the Element of Laughter changed colors with Honesty, shouldn't it be green?

There isn't much to say about this chapter. It's kind of mostly the same as the actual episode. Although, Springer's confusion about the musical numbers was hilarious.:rainbowlaugh:

Excellent chapter and story
Before it’s too late

I'm surprised you say that considering the 'Magic Duel' chapter in this story.

Hasn’t said it to her, doesn’t count.
That what I think

I meant more on the side of Twilight in that chapter.

Oh... one moment

Ok, definitely see your point.
In that case, replace twilight with flash then.

Another great end to another great season! Can’t wait to see them off in EQG and how you’ll make that work, I’m definitely looking forward to that and the rest of the seasons to come! Keep up the great work! :pinkiehappy:


Between work and the other stuff I've committed to watching, I'm not sure I'm going to be able to find the time.

Makes sense. It is ridiculously long, but the anime is based on a manga which significantly shorter (yet still long). I do recommend giving it a try if you ever find the time.

As for this story, Great ending! It was pretty much the entire episode just in a written format with a few extra scenes, but considering how important it is for the future of the story, I understand why it was included.
Once again, good job, I look forward to reading more.

They all knew why. In the center of the room where Twilight had been standing was now nothing but a burn mark and smoke. Everypony began to panic, asking what the heck had happened. The only one silent was Flash, whose mind went completely blank at the sight of the burn mark. "Twilight?" was all he could whisper.

What's funny is that the burn was shaped like Twilight's cutie mark.


Thank you, both of you

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