• Published 15th May 2018
  • 4,837 Views, 253 Comments

Flash Sentry, Defender of the Peace S3 - Banshee531

After what could be considered his toughest battle yet, Flash and friends return from the Crystal Empire with another victory. However, as they return to Ponyville, they'll soon find that more fun, adventure, and greater threats are on the horizon

  • ...

Sleepless in Ponyville

Today's story opens in the main square of Ponyville one peaceful Saturday morning.

There were no dangerous monsters, psychopathic ponies or any other kind of threat that would put the population on edge. Instead, everypony was simply enjoying their lives, doing their day to day activities without a care in the world. This included one particular little orange pegasus filly named Scootaloo. This filly was racing through the square on her scooter, her tiny wings propelling her at speeds so fast, she was nothing but a blur to most. She shot past Bon Bon, zipped between two other ponies, and as she sped towards Granny Smith, the old pony raised her back so Scootaloo could jump off her scooter so it went under the old mare and the filly went over.

Landing back on her scooter, the little filly looked around for her next best trick, ready to keep doing stunts. It was here that she noticed something right infront of her, an upturned fruit and vegetable cart. Instead of slowing down or trying to avoid it, Scootaloo smirked as shot up the side of the cart, temporarily taking to the skies.

"WHOO-HOO!" She joyfully cried as she shot through the air. It was here that she noticed a slurping sound, causing her to turn and see Rainbow Dash flying right by her. The pegasus mare was flying with her back to the ground, sipping a drink as she passed by.

"Nice moves kid."

"Nice moves?!" Scootaloo gasped as she somehow pulled her scooter to a complete halt in midair. "Rainbow Dash thinks I've got-"


That was the sound of one joyful filly landing into one of Sweet Apple Acre's hay bales, not noticing that she should have looked ahead due to the distraction that was one Rainbow Dash. At the same time, one of the grazing cows had been eating from the hay. As the bovine tried to take another bite, it suddenly found a piece of purple hay in its mouth. This turned out to be Scootaloo's tail, who's head then shot out of the hay. "Nice moves!" the filly yelled, only to feel the tug of her tail in the cow's mouth, which it let go of before mooing at her. The filly rubbed her tail as she looked back at the cow. "Sorry."

She soon pulled herself and the scooter out of the hay bale and made her way to the Cutie Mark Crusader's club house. There, she found Applebloom and Sweetie Belle playing a game of horseshoe checkers, and began to tell them about what had just happened.

"And then, all of a sudden, I'M AIRBORNE!" She leapt into the air, her tiny wings keeping her afloat for about two seconds. "And Rainbow Dash looked over and was like, 'nice moves, kid.'"

"Wow..." Applebloom said in a low tone.

"She really said that?" Sweetie asked, tilting her head.

Scootaloo nodded as she placed her hoof around the fillies' necks. "I mean, it's like she practically told me she wanted to take me under her wing, teach me everything she knows, and become like my big sister!"

Applebloom and Sweetie shared an unconvinced look. They both doubted that was what Rainbow had been implying when she made that complement, but they also didn't want to dash their friend's hopes to nothing.

"I dunno about all that," Applebloom told her, shaking her head. "I mean, it was a really nice compliment and all, but..."

Scootaloo sighed, slumping down into the wood beneath her. "I know, I know. But all that stuff I said could happen, right?"

The two looked at each other with frowns before Applebloom then asked, "But Scoots...what do you even need a big sister for anyway? You've already got a brother that's almost equal to, if not cooler than Rainbow Dash."

"Yeah I know," Scootaloo replied, folding her hooves as she looked away. "I love Flash. He's an awesome big brother, but...I don't know. I don't think I wanna be...like him. Not that he's not cool...I'm just not somepony that is..."

"Yah don't wanna be a knight?" Applebloom completed for her.

Scootaloo nodded. "Yeah."

Sweetie especially frowned at this. "But you wanna be like Rainbow Dash?"

"Of course!" They watched as Scootaloo laid on her back and looked up at the ceiling with a huge grin. "I remember the day I first met her."

Several years ago...

A nine year old Scootaloo was laying on a hill of grass, tears pouring down her eyes as she stared up at the cloudless sky. As she looked at the bland blue wonder, memories to today's doctor appointment kept flowing through her mind. The filly began to whimper as she continued to remember.

A little earlier...

"Sorry kid, it ain't gonna happen."

Scootaloo's whole body became ridged as the doctor's words flowed through her head. "What?!"

"Excuse me," Ms. Blossom said to the doctor with worry on her face. "What do you mean, it isn't going to happen?"

The doctor pointed to an X-ray of Scootaloo's wings. "I'm saying her wings aren't going to grow any more, so it's likely she'll never be able to fly on her own."

Ms. Blossom's hoof went to her mouth as she gasped, her eyes turning to Scootaloo. As for the filly, her eyes began to water, "Why?"

The doctor let out a long sigh as he flipped through the papers on his clipboard. "Most likely, its a genetic defect. Either it was passed down in your family, or one of your close relatives wasn't a pegasus. Do you know if anypony you're related to is an earth pony or unicorn?"

"I...I don't know."

"We don't know who her parents are," Ms. Blossom explained as she put her hoof on Scootaloo's shoulder. "She was left on my doorstep as a foal."

"I see." the doctor replied as he put the clipboard down. "I'm sorry, but there's nothing we can do. Her wings might start growing again when's she gets older, similar to a growth spurt. However, if they don't start growing by the time she's nineteen, it's likely she'll never be able to fly." The doctor then turned back to the filly and started to ask, "That being said, I would like to-"

But it was too late. The filly was gone, as Scootaloo couldn't take another word, and leapt out of her chair before running out of the office.

The Semi-Present...

And now, Scootaloo was laying on that hill, staring up at the sky that she now knew that she would never get to touch with her own hoof. Once again, her eyes began to fill with tears, soon closing as they rolled down her cheeks. The sounds of crying could heard for several minutes, only to be reduced to sniffles.

It was in this moment that she reopened her eyes, as she felt something block the sun from hitting her face.

"What's up kid?"

Scootaloo's eyes blinked as she stared upward at the figure blocking the sun. It was a pegasus mare with blue fur and a mane that seemed to have every color of the rainbow. The mare looked down at her in confusion. "You look like somepony ruined an awesome stunt you were about to pull. You okay?"

Scootaloo raised an eyebrow at her, obviously not understanding what she talking about.

The mare rolled her eyes. "I said, you look upset. So...what's up? What's wrong kid?"

Scootaloo wasn't sure why, but for some reason, she felt compelled to tell her. "I'm never gonna get to fly."

The mare looked at her in confusion. "What?! Why'd you say that?!"

"I was told I couldn't."

The mare's eyes narrowed, anger already shining on their face. "By who?! Some bully?!"

"A doctor. He said my wings aren't gonna grow anymore." She whimpered as she turned around, showing the mare her tiny wings. "I'll never get to fly."

"Pfft! Are you serious?!" The mare yelled as she landed by the filly, leaning down till her muzzle was almost in Scootaloo's. "You're gonna take the advice of some egghead like that?! He doesn't know a thing!" The mare then tapped Scootaloo's chest with her hoof. "Listen kid, if you really wanna fly, then you gotta try. That's all there is to it."

Scootaloo slowly sat up and stared at the mare. "What do you mean?"

"I'm saying you that shouldn't listen to what anypony else tells you, because the only one who decides your future is you. If you want to fly, then you'll find a way to fly."

Scootaloo's eyes slowly got bigger as the mare told her this. "You really think so?"

The mare nodded. "Sure, anything's possible if you really want it." She turned away from her and flexed her wings, ready to take off.

"Wait!" Scootaloo yelled as she fully stood up. "Who are you?! I haven't seen you around before."

The mare smirked back at her. "The name's Rainbow Dash, future member of the Wonderbolts. I just moved here from Cloudsdale." With that, she shot into the air, spinning into the sky as Scootaloo's eyes widened in amazement as the mare disappeared into the blue wonder.

The True Present...

Scootaloo stared out at the same sky she had watched Rainbow disappear into that same day. "Ever since that day, I've dreamed of being just like her. When she said that, it felt like a dream that was a little bit closer." She moved closer to the window, her eyes spotting Rainbow in the distance moving several clouds around. "I just need to find a way to spend some time with her. Y'know, so she can see more of my awesomeness."

"Well..." Applebloom tapped her chin in thought, "Applejack and I are supposed to be campin' up at Winsome Falls this weekend. Maybe I could get my sis to invite Rainbow Dash, and then you could come too."

Scootaloo's eyes and smile tripled in size at hearing that. "Really!?"

Applebloom nodded, only to hear a moan of disappointment as she turned to a pouting Sweetie. "I wanna go too."

Applebloom rolled her eyes at this. "Well, duh! Of course you can come too Sweetie Belle!"

Sweetie's pout instantly turned to a grin. "Really?! Then I'll get Rarity to come too! Rarity loves camping!"

"Awesome!" Scootaloo cheered, hopping in place.

Applebloom then raised a hoof to get her attention. "Um, one thing. What if Flash decides he wants to come? He'll likely want to spend tons of time with you too, won't he?"

Scootaloo frowned at this. That was true, which made her think about how she could get around him not coming without hurting his feelings. With that, the three left the clubhouse to make plans with their siblings.

A little later...

"Sorry sis, can't make it." Flash replied in a deadpan tone as he half-ate a carrot.

"Really?!" Scootaloo let out in a slight joyful tone, but she tried to make it sound like surprise, "Errr...why?"

They were in the kitchen of the Golden Oaks Library with Flash, he and the rest of its occupants having something to eat before the defender and Springer headed out for their evening patrol. Twilight had just placed a plate of food in front of them, the males soon beginning to scarf it down. With Flash's mouth now occupied, Twilight sat down and explained for him. "Iron's been called out of town by his mentor, so Flash is on cover duty."

Flash nodded as he finally swallowed. "Yeah. Sorry sis, but I have to do my job." Flash then got up and took his plate to kitchen without a second thought.

Scootaloo blinked at the sight, turning to Twilight. "That's alright," she said while trying to mask her relief. "Work's important. Any of you wanna come?" She wasn't that worried about them coming, as she had a feeling they would probably be stuck doing something else.

Twilight shook her head. "Sorry, but Princess Celestia just sent me a bunch of reading material. It's gonna take the whole weekend to get through them...though she's been giving me a lot of stuff to read recently."

Scootaloo turned to Spike. "That'll leaves your weekend open, right?"

The drake also shook his head. "Sorry, but Mac and I already made plans. It's guys night." Everyone smirked at hearing this, knowing what the little dragon meant by guy's night.

Scootaloo turned to Springer, the little jakhowl frowning. "I wish I could come, but Flash'll probably need me this weekend."

"No." Flash immediately said as he reentered the room. He gave his partner a small pat on the head. "You've done enough covering for me as well. Go have fun."


"Go Springer. I'll be fine." Flash flatly replied, turning around and began heading to his room. The others blinked at the sight, surprised at how lifeless Flash's responses were.

"Is...is he okay?" Scootaloo asked while pointing to her leaving brother. "He's been...really distant lately. I mean, he still acts like the nice defender of the town, but lately, he's been a bit more...serious. Well, except for his birthday a few days ago."

Twilight let out a long huff, "I don't know. He gets like this every now and then. Granted, I haven't seen him like this since we lived in Canterlot...though it made sense back then."

"What do you mean?"

Twilight dragged her hoof over her face as she replied, "Let's just say...it was back in the days with Lightning Blitz. I'll just leave it at that."

"Ah." Scootaloo remarked before looking at the door to Flash's room. "So...what's wrong with him now? And why was he totally different back on his birthday?"

"He's always happy on his birthday." Twilight said with a slight giggle, "I've never seen a birthday where he isn't, and I've been to all of his birthday parties." Twilight got up and patted the orange's filly head. "Don't worry about it. He'll be fine."


Twilight gave her a wink, "Trust me, it'll be fine." The unicorn mare then walked over and patted Springer on the back, "And he'll be joining you on the camping trip."

"I will?" Springer squeaked out, surprised that Twilight wasn't asking help over Flash.

Twilight nodded. "Yes. And this time, you should be able to go on a camping trip that doesn't end with you jumping off a cliff in the middle of a snowstorm."

Springer shined a grin before turning to Scootaloo with a nod. "Great! Alright, I'm in."

"Yay!" Scootaloo cheered before beginning to eat her meal. Looks like her weekend with Rainbow Dash was gonna be exactly how she wanted it.

Friday evening...

Scootaloo, Applebloom and Springer were now walking down the path towards on the far side of Sweet Apple Acres. The trio were each wearing the saddlebags, or backpack in Springer's case, which were jam packed full of the thing's they would need on the trip. (That and a series of comics that Springer had secretly stashed away from Flash, just in case he got bored on the camping trip) With all of this in mind, they arrived at where Applejack had told them to meet, with the earth pony mare standing there with her own saddlebag.

"You packed bug spray?" Applejack asked once they reached her.

"Yup!" Applebloom replied while somehow shooting the item in question out before it fell back into the bag. "You got the canteen?"

"Yup!" Applejack replied, mimicking what Applebloom had done before turning away. "Looks like we're all set then."

"Almost anyway," Springer said as he pointed at the path they just took. The rest turned to see what he meant, only to all sigh at the sight he was pointing at. Strolling up the path was what could only be described as a small mountain made out of suitcases, all towering on top of a cart. Standing in front of the cart was Rarity, dressed in a pink summer dress along with a yellow head scarf that had her cutie mark printed on it. Yellow pumps adored her hooves and pink sunglasses covered her eyes.

Rarity spotted them and smiled with a wave. "Hey everypony!" she began speed up her trot, revealing a previously blocked from view Sweetie Belle. It turned out, Sweetie was the one dragging the overloaded cart, working up quite a sweat as she did so.

Applejack stared up at the suitcase monstrosity and raised an eyebrow at the mare, "Gee Rarity, did you remember to pack?"

Rarity turned back to Applejack while magicking her shades over her horn. "Oh, well, let's see who gets the last laugh when you're absolutely desperate to curl your lashes, and you realise you didn't bring your eyelash curler." She put her glasses back over her eyes eyes before walking off, leaving a highly flummoxed Applejack.

Springer chuckled at the sight before leaning over to Sweetie. "Just say the word and I'll take over for you."

Sweetie smiled at the jakhowl. "Thanks."

Applejack then clapped her hooves. "Alright everypony, looks like we're all set now."

Scootaloo, who had been staring at the skies for any sign of the rainbow maned pegasus, turned to her in worry. "But what about Rainbow Dash? Isn't Rainbow Dash coming?"

"Course she is sugarcube," Applejack assured her with a pat on the head. "She's gonna meet us up at our first campsite."


Applejack nodded before setting off, leading the pack. "Alright y'all, let's move 'em out!"

With that, the group of six began their trek through the woods. Springer and the younger ponies enjoyed the sights of nature, occasionally seeing the distant sight of Ponyville through the trees while Applejack stayed at the front to make sure they didn't get lost. The only one appearing to not have any fun was Rarity, who would ask the same question every five minutes.

"Oh, are we there yet?"

Applejack turned to give her an annoyed look. "The last thousand times you asked that, the answer was no." She then smirked. "But this time, its actually yes." She pointed to a clearing with a stream to the right, along with a blue blur zipping around the trees. "There's Rainbow Dash up there right now."

Everypony watched as Rainbow shot towards a line of trees, kicking them while somehow cutting the middle of their trunks so they flew right out, falling onto their stumps. She took the pieces she kicked out and flew them towards them, placing them on the ground to be used as seats. Everypony then watched as she shot into the lake, emerging a second later with wet rocks that she placed on the ground to be a fire break. In ten seconds flat, she had created their campsite.

"Wow..." Scootaloo gasped in amazement, only to look away as she put a on serious face. "Alright Scootaloo, just play it cool." She turned back to the pegasus and did a slight gulp. "Hey Rai–" She didn't get to say anything else, as in that moment, she tripped over one of the chairs and went rolling towards the lake. The orange ball then rolled right over the bank and hit curved tree before flying up and crashing into the ground with a thud.

Springer chuckled at the sight. "I'd give that landing an eight point five."

Scootaloo rubbed her head, fighting back the tears of pain as she got back up, her mind repeatedly telling her to 'keep cool'. "Hey Rainbow Dash...What's up?"

Rainbow, obviously seeing she was holding back from crying out in pain, just shrugged before turning to the others. "What took you guys so long?"

Applejack, after putting her pack on the ground, turned to Rarity. "Well, some of us didn't pack as light as the others, so we were slowed down a bit."

Rainbow saw the packs Sweetie was pulling and let out a snort. "No kidding. Did you bring your whole store with you Rarity?"

Rarity's eyes narrowed at the stunt pony, "Oh shut up and get the camp set up already."

With that, the group began to set up camp, everypony getting out their tents and starting to set them up. The only one who didn't bring a tent was Springer, who had instead brought a hammock so he could sleep under the stars. Flash had taught him how to set one up before Iron had started patrolling town, as it was sometimes used as a napping spot before patrols. (Iron didn't approve of the hammock, so Flash and Springer had to stash it back home)

"Need any help?" Scootaloo asked Rainbow as she watched the mare spread out all the pieces that she would need.

Rainbow shook her head. "No thanks. I've got it covered." With that, she started spinning around the equipment, a mini-tornado forming. After a few seconds, she stopped, only for the tornado to fade and reveal a fully built tent.


Rainbow smirked, obviously enjoying the praise. "I know, right?"

Springer was the next one to finish his sleeping arrangements, finally finding to trees strong and close enough to hold him hammock. Applejack and Applebloom soon fished their tent, while Rainbow sat next to Scootaloo.

"Looks like you'll be sharing a tent with me, huh?"

Once again, Scootaloo had to mask her excitement. "Heh...yeah. If that's okay with you and everything."

Rainbow smirked and ruffled her mane. "Sure. Long as you don't snore." She turned to give her a look. "You don't snore, do you?"

"Nope!" Scootaloo replied while shaking her head rapidly, "No way. Not me. Never snored a day or haha, night in my life."

In that moment, Springer walked by to grab his backpack while mumbling under his breath. "No, she just talks in her sleep." Scootaloo instantly panicked, but fortunately, it seemed like Rainbow didn't hear him.

"Then you and I are gonna get along just fine," she said to the filly, a big grin on her face.

Scootaloo sighed in relief, only to then give Springer the stink eye. The jakhowl was now eating a candy bar, (Sugar-free, of course) and saw Scootaloo's glare. "What?" He asked with his mouth full.

Before Scootaloo could answer, a loud popping sound caught everypony's attention. They all looked towards the source, seeing it was actually Rarity's tent. Said tent seemed to be an inflated from out of a box, growing until it was the size of a small house with two stories.

"You have got to be kidding me..." Rainbow grumbled, resisting the urge to facehoof.

"Rarity does understand the concept of roughing it, right?" Springer asked as he turned to the others in disbelief.

"Ah doubt it," Applejack added before pulling out a canteen of water.

In that moment, Rarity stepped out onto the second story balcony. "Sweetie Belle, do be a dear and see if you can find some fresh flowers for my bedside vase." She held out a vase and dropped it, the vase bouncing off the opening of the tent before landing on Sweetie's back.

As they watched the filly step into the woods, Rainbow turned to Scootaloo. "Hey Scootaloo," the way she was talking made it obvious she was trying to mimic Rarity. "Do be a sweetheart and see if you can gather some firewood."

Scootaloo, Springer and Applebloom all laughed at the sight, only for Rainbow to return to her normal way of speaking. "Seriously though, can you get us some wood for the fire?"

"Of course," Scootaloo saluted before shooting off into the woods.

One hour later...

The camp was now fully setup, everypony now enjoying themselves. Rarity was sitting on a large sofa, while Springer and the younger ponies were sitting on the logs as the jakhowl tried to open a bag of marshmallows. Applejack was working to light the sticks that Scootaloo had found, using a bow drill to do so.

After a another minutes of lifeless sparks, Applebloom looked up to the jakhowl still fiddling with the marshmallows. "Hey Springer, can't we just use your Aura Blast to light this?"

Springer looked up from his work to stare at her, giving her a bizarre look. "My Aura Blasts don't make things catch fire,"

"They don't? Why not?"

The jakhowl gave her a look of pure deadpan. "They're balls of concentrated aura. Aura, does not set things on fire."

"Oh..." Applebloom said, blinking. "Ah don't get it."

Springer rolled his eyes at the young pony's naivety, so Applejack hopped down and started the fire for the fillies. She then returned to her seat as Rainbow flew around the fire. "Okay everypony, get comfortable," she told them with a huge, mischievous grin. At this moment, Sweetie exited her tent while carrying a cup of tea for Rarity. "Cause I'm about to tell you the best story you've ever heard."

"Ooooohhhh..." Scootaloo gasped as she leapt off the log, "is it about the time when Rarity had wings, and then they got ruined and you saved her from plummeting to her doom?"

Springer laughed at this as Rarity blushed and Rainbow smirked. "Okay, maybe it's the second best story you've ever heard. But probably still the scariest." She slowly flew over the three fillies, trying her best to sound and act intimidating. "You like scary stories, right?"

Applebloom and Sweetie both showed they were a little scared, but Scootaloo looked completely fine. Emphasis on the word looked, as an obvious chill went down her spine.

"Mm-hmm," she replied with a slow nod, Springer blinking at her as his aura told him that she was lying.

Rainbow shined a creepy grin as she started flying above the fire, the light of the flames illuminating her. "It all happened on a night just like this one, in a forest, just like this."

Springer smirked as he put a marshmallow on a stick over the fire, "That's oddly convenient."

"You wanna tell the story furball?!" Rainbow barked back, glaring at the jakhowl.

Springer waved his paw at her before gulping down the marshmallow. "Sorry. Please continue your convenient scary story."

Rainbow rolled her eyes as she started her story. Springer had to admit it was a pretty gripping story, especially with how she changed her voice to match the character or sound she wanted to make. If Springer had not already fought monsters and dangerous criminals, he might have actually been scared. He then looked over and saw all three members of the Cutie Mark Crusaders were shaking in fear.

Then, the story was reached it terrifying climax, Rainbow now flying just over all three fillies. "And then, The Olden Pony asked-" She started mimicking an older pony, which reminded Springer of Granny Smith. "Who's got my rusty horseshoe?"

This made the Crusader's shaking to intensify as they huddled together. "Not me..." Sweetie squeaked.

"YOU DO!" Rainbow cried as she vanished, only to appear behind the trio. Applebloom and Sweetie Belle immediately screamed, rushing over to their big sisters for comfort. Rainbow laughed at the sight while Scootaloo tried to once again act like she was not afraid.

She coughed to try and mask the scream. "Something in my throat. I wasn't scared at all, heh heh...good story."

Rainbow smirked as she ruffled her mane again. "Knew you wouldn't be scared." She flew around the camp before landing on top of Rarity's tent. "The way you jumped that cart the other day, you're like me...fearless. Guess it must run in the family."

"Yeah...of course." Scootaloo squeaked as she leaned back on a log, only to lose her balance and fell backwards. She quickly recovered and looked back up at Rainbow. "Element of Courage's little sister here, can't let anything scare me." In that moment she heard an owl's hooting, making her flinch. Springer rolled his eyes at this, still not understanding why Scootaloo was lying since he could sense she was scared.

"Don't worry," Rarity told Sweetie as she pulled her closer to her. "Rarity's here to keep you safe and sound."

In that moment, Applejack let out a long yawn. "Think its about time for me to hit the straw." She turned around, revealing a shaking Applebloom clinging to her side. Applejack turned to her scared sister and gave her a reassuring smile. "Don't you worry, little sis. There's no Olden Pony in our tent."

As Rarity, Sweetie, Applebloom and Applejack entered their tents, Scootaloo was still a little shaken up over the story. Again, she tried to hide it. "Ha, that sure was funny, wasn't it? Heh heh...how they were all afraid of The Olden Pony? Heh, but not me, ha!"

"That's because you're tough kiddo," Rainbow said as she picked up a bucket and filled it in the stream. "Just like I was when I was your age." Scootaloo smiled at her compliment, but that smile quickly vanished as Rainbow emptied the bucket onto the fire to put it out. Scootaloo let out a shocked cry as she was enveloped by the darkness.

"I'm hitting the sack," the blue pegasus told her with a long yawn. "Come in whenever you feel like it." With that, she stepped into the tent, leaving Springer and Scootaloo alone.

"So," Springer asked as he jumped up onto his hammock and got comfortable, "wanna tell me what that was all about?"

"I don't know what you mean." Scootaloo lied, her whole body shaking like a leaf.

Springer rolled his eyes as he leaned over on the hammock. "You're afraid Scootaloo, I can sense it. But you keep acting like you're not. Why?"

"Afraid?" Scootaloo sounded offended, shaking her head as she replied, "I'm not afraid of anything! My brother's the Element of Courage!" She puffed up her chest. "I don't get scared."

"You do realize I can tell if you're lying, right?" Springer deadpanned before closing his eyes, reopening them as they shined blue with aura. "My aura can tell Scootaloo."

"Oh yeah? Well I say you're wrong!" Scootaloo barked back, puffing her chest again. "I'm not scared and I'm not lying! I'm going to bed."

"Ooookay." Springer replied, turning off the aura in his eyes as he laid back in the hammock. "But you shouldn't lie like that."

"I'm not lying. I'm the sister of the Element of Courage! I'm not scared!"

Springer turned over as he closed his eyes again. "You obviously don't understand what courage is."

"What was that?!"

"Never mind. Sorry I said that." Springer replied as raised his paw up and waved weakly. "Night Scootaloo."

"Err...night. Sorry I yelled at you."

"Its cool."

"Thanks..." Scootaloo stepped into the tent, soon seeing that Rainbow was already asleep. Scootaloo got into her sleeping bag and tried to get to sleep, but as she did, she couldn't stop hearing the sounds coming from outside. "It's nothing." She whispered to herself. "And even if it is, I'm not scared." With that, she shut her eyes and forced herself to sleep.

One hour later...

Springer was sleeping soundly that night, the wind gently rocking his hammock. He was having a dream involving marshmallows, which was mainly because he couldn't stop thinking about how good they were over the earlier fire. His mouth opened up, drool starting to form in his mouth. "Mmmm...so tasty. Its-" His ears suddenly sparked up, a negative aura filling his body. "What the heck?!" He cried as he jolted up, the aura coming in much clearer. It was fear.

He leapt out of his hammock and followed the fear, arriving outside Rainbow and Scootaloo's tent. It was then that he heard the sound of somepony moaning.

"No...get away." said a voice inside the tent. Springer stepped inside, soon seeing Scootaloo rocking back and forth in a cold sweat.

Springer leaned down and started shaking the filly. "Scoots! Scootaloo, wake up."

"NO!" Scootaloo cried, shooting up to a sitting position and making Springer stagger backwards before landing on his butt.

"Ow," he said while rubbing his behind before looking at her. "Are you okay? I sensed a giant amount of fear and heard you moaning."

Scootaloo wanted to reply, only to turn her head and see a still sleeping Rainbow. She looked back at Springer, a determined look on her face. "I'm fine, don't worry about it." She laid back down and tried to cover herself back up. "Go back to bed Springer."

The jakhowl tried to respond, only to let out a sigh. He turned around and began to leave the tent, "There's nothing wrong with feeling scared, you know. It shows you're alive." With that, he exited the tent, leaving a still scared Scootaloo alone with her thoughts.

"I'm not scared." she told herself, remembering what Rainbow had said her earlier. "I'm...fearless." But once again, the sounds coming from the surrounding woods entered her head and made her heart race.

The Next Morning...

As Springer finished untying his hammock and folding it back into his backpack, he looked over at Rainbow and Scootaloo's tent. He watched as Rainbow left, followed by Scootaloo. The filly had blood shot eyes, easily showing that she didn't sleep a wink last night. Springer sighed at the sight, knowing that even if he said something, Scootaloo would deny it. With that, the group were all packed up and continuing their trek to Winsome Falls.

Scootaloo, who had been helping Rarity and Sweetie repack their cart, had fallen asleep with nopony but Springer noticing. The jakhowl chose not to mention this, as he thought she needed to rest. As such, he agreed to help Sweetie pull it. Unfortunately, today was the day that Rarity had decided that walking was too much stress for her. As such, she chose to sit on her sofa while Springer and Sweetie pushed it up the hill.

"I figured...I was gonna...get to relax.......on this trip," Springer moaned as he and Sweetie both pushed and pulled. "This is...more work than...Flash usually has me doing."

As Rarity relaxed on her sofa, drops of water plopped onto her head. She got up, horror on her face. "Am I sweating?! I think I'm sweating!" She looked around and saw that it was Sweetie and Springer who were the ones sweating, said sweat landing on her head. "Oh. Uh...but it's absolutely worth it to get to spend time with my little sister." She patted the younger unicorn's head before looking back at her cart. "It's just that this cart feels like its getting heavier all the time!"

"We could leave it behind if you wanted," Springer said dryly, getting a horrified look from Rarity.

"Are you insane?! We can't just leave all this stuff behind! I mean, how would we survive without it?"

"The same way ponies survived before they invented to mane dryer and eyelash curler," Springer replied sarcastically.

Rarity rolled her eyes. "Well! We'll just have to bare the weight."

"What's this we?" Springer moaned as he gave her the stink eye.

Before Rarity could reply, Applejack called back to them. "If ya'll done jibber jabbin, ya'll wanna get your rears in gear?! If we don't get a move on, it'll be dark before we get to the campsite!"

"DARK?!" They heard Scootaloo cry out from behind the cart. A second later, the little filly scooted past them all. "I'll just ride ahead and make sure the path is clear!" She passed by Rainbow. "We don't wanna be out here after dark, right?

Rainbow shrugged her shoulders. "Doesn't bother me."

Once again trying to act cool, Scootaloo whispered to her. "Well y'know," she pointed to Applebloom and Sweetie Belle. "It's for the scaredy-ponies, heh heh."

Rainbow fell for it and nodded, with Scootaloo zipping into the bushes and out of sight. Springer let out another moan from pushing Rarity's stuff before asking Rainbow, "You sure letting her go off on her own's a good idea?"

"Why?" Rainbow asked with an oblivious look.

"Well...you know. Large forest, lots of animals...could be dangerous?"

Applejack smiled at his concern. "As long as she sticks to the path, she'll be fine."

Springer gave them a coy frown. "Fine, you be the ones to tell Flash that his sister got hurt because you let her out of your sight. I can't wait to see that conversation."

He watched as the three older mares imagined what would happen if they told the guy who had beaten a Scorpentine and stood his ground against several powerful enemies, that his little sister had gotten hurt on their watch. Now Rarity, along with Rainbow and Applejack, were sweating as the three soon starting rushing up the path.

"Scootaloo darling!"

"Make sure you stay in sight sugarcube!"

"Get back here!"

Springer and the girls laughed at this, making sure they kept up with the three. Or at least as much as they could do, especially since Rarity's luggage was almost too much for both Springer and Sweetie Belle. After a few minutes, they didn't find Scootaloo immediately, making the older ponies grow nervous until they heard the sound of something loud in a nearby bush off the path. Walking over to the sound, they saw Scootaloo asleep on a bush.

The filly suddenly woke up, looking startled as she glanced round at them. "Um...don't come this way!" She leapt up onto the path. "Take the path! It's, heh, way better than going through the bushes."

Applejack gave her a deadpan look. "Yeah, we already knew that. That's why we're using it."

"Right...sorry." Scootaloo squeaked as she hopped back onto her scooter. "I'll just uh....stay with the group for now."

A few minutes later, Scootaloo found herself in the back of the pack with Applejack. The farmer could tell something was going on with Scootaloo, considering how tired she looked. In that moment, Applejack accidently stepped on a twig, snapping sound instantly making Scootaloo's ears stand straight up.

"AHH!" She cried as she leapt up so high that she actually ended up grabbing a cloud. The cloud was not strong enough to hold her weight, causing it to break. She then hit the ground with a thud, creating a hole in the dirt.

Applejack looked inside the hole. "You're more nervous than a worm in an apple on cider making day. What gives, Scootaloo?"

"Nothing!" Scootaloo barked back as her head shot out of the hole. "Just thought I heard something! I'm okay!"


That was the sound of an owl, causing her to cry out again, her scooter quickly ripping up a trench through the ground. Applejack moved over to her as the scooter stopped and the filly started to wobble back and forth. "You sure you're okay sugarcube? You seem a little...jumpy."

Scootaloo let out a nervous chuckle as she gripped her scooter. "Just getting my exercise! You know how important it is to stretch out those hindquarters every so often."

"But yer on yer scooter."

Sweat began to pour down her face. "Um....I'm gonna help Springer and Sweetie!" She bolted over to them, quickly hopping off her scooter as she squeaked out to the two. "Uh....need some help?"

Sweetie just nodded while Springer gave her a deadpan stare before saying, "Sure. Just stay awake, okay?"

"Okay!" she squeaked, her hooves now pushing the cart. "I'll help because that's what friends are for!"

Springer just shook his head at this, but going anyways. Unfortunately, thanks to a few more delays, mainly caused by Rarity, the group didn't arrive at their location until the sun and moon had swapped places. Seeing this, Applejack then announced, "No need for tents tonight, y'all. We'll just take shelter in that cave up ahead."

Those words almost gave Scootaloo a heart attack, causing her eyes to go wide. She looked past the group and saw that she had not misheard the farmer. Applejack was pointing to a large cave that was so dark that she couldn't see the back.

"Alright!" Rainbow cheered as she flew to the cave mouth. "A deep, dark cave! Perfect for the story I've got for tonight." She flew down to Scootaloo. "All we need is a campfire, and we're good to go."

Once again, Scootaloo began to panic at the thought of going into the deep dark woods alone. Any rational pony would tell her no, but seeing Rainbow's expecting face made her gulp. "Uh, of course," she turned and headed towards the woods. "I'll be right back with lots of firewood from the deep...dark...not-scary-at-all forest!"

"Thanks," Rainbow said as she watched the filly go.

Springer, once again sensing the fear in her, followed after her while calling back to the others. "I'll keep an eye on her."

The two soon began their trek into the woods. But as they did, Scootaloo's imagination was already playing tricks on her. Her eyes widened as she saw a valley of glowing eyes around her, shadows covering the around her. That is, till a certain jakhowl tapped her shoulder, causing her to turn around. "Springer?"

"Want me to do it?" Springer asked, concern all over his face.

Scootaloo frowned at him. "Oh, now you want to help. What, you think I can't do it?"

"I know you can do it," Springer replied as he crossed his paws. "But I want you to know if you can do it. You're scared Scootaloo, and you need-"

Scootaloo frowned at this, wanting to show she was fearless. "I can do it! I can get all the wood we need!" She then began to hop around, tearing off little branches from the trees. A few minutes later, she had a small mess of twigs, barely enough for a fire.

"Seriously?" Springer asked dryly. "Scootaloo, that's not-"

Scootaloo glared at him before turning to the branches. "Its enough! I'm going back!"

With that, she took them back to the cave, her whole body shaking in pure fear. As she got closer she could hear Applejack complaining, "Bbbbrrr! Hoo-wee! It's colder than a timberwolf's toenail. Where are those two already?"

Scootaloo then entered the cave and dumped the sticks in the fire pit, her whole body shaking like a leaf. The sight made Rainbow raise an eyebrow, "That's it?"

Scootaloo was about to make an excuse, only for her ears to hear a new sound behind her. It was Springer, who was carrying a giant load of timber. "Here's the rest of it."

"Oh! That's more like it Springer!" Rainbow cheered, quickly taking some of the wood off of the jakhowl. "Now we can get a real fire going. Help me out Applejack."

As Applejack and Rainbow started the fire, Scootaloo pulled Springer off to the side. "How'd you-"

"Used an Aura Blast to break some branches off the trees, then used my Steel Paw to cut them up."


They moved over to Rainbow and sat down next to her, as the mare began to speak. "Now where was I? Oh yeah, the scary part." She let out a comically evil laugh, causing Springer, Applebloom and Rarity to smile.

"Hey," Scootaloo interrupted, "I have an idea. How about I tell tonight's story?" She gave Rainbow a pleading look, making the mare sigh.

"Alright, just make sure it's a horrible one."

Scootaloo nodded as Rarity and Applejack pulled their sisters closer. She began to story. "There once was a really really nice pony who lived in a bright and sunny land, where there are rainbows every day, and lots and lots of happy friends, and–" She did not get to continue, as Rainbow placed her hoof over her mouth.

"No offence, but it's not a real campfire story unless somepony's shaking." She jumped off the log and got next to the fire, the flames illuminating her as she began her story. "I've been told that these very woods are haunted." Springer looked over at Scootaloo and saw her gulp as Rainbow continued. "By the headless horse." All the young ponies were suddenly very scared, two of the three retreating more into their sister's hug. "It gallops only at night-"

Applejack chose this moment to interrupt. "If it doesn't have a head, then how in tarnation does this pony know where it's goin'?

Rainbow frowned at her. "It's headless, not brainless." She disappeared before her head slowly emerged from behind the Apple's log. "looking for little lost ponies–"

"So where's it's brain?"

Rainbow once again glared at Applejack, groaning as she jumped out from behind the log and leapt onto a large rock. There, she continued her story while Applejack wisely keeping her mouth shut and again, Springer felt like if he had not already faced worse, he would have been scared.

Finally, Rainbow's story grew close to its end. "And they were never heard from, ever again."

Sweetie and Applebloom shook in fear as Sweetie asked. "Never?"

Rainbow shook her head. "Never."

In that moment, the fire crackled, scaring the two fillies as they started crying out...only to start laughing. Springer also laughed at the story, only to then turn to see Scootaloo behind the log he was sitting on, still shaking like a leaf. "You okay?"

"I'm fine," she lied.

Rarity patted her sister's head. "Don't worry. You'll be safe with me tonight."

Hearing those words made Scootaloo realise something horrible, causing her to leap out from behind the log. "It's not time for bed yet, is it?"

"Fraid so Scootaloo," Applejack told her.

"But...we haven't even sung any campfire songs yet."

Sweetie was suddenly right next to her. "You don't have to ask me twice." She hopped onto the rock, knocking Rainbow off as she took a deep breath and-


"Augh!" Springer cried as he tried to block his ears from the horribly out of tune song. "What is that?!"

"Be nice," Rarity told him.

For the next half hour, the group was bombarded by Sweetie's off key singing. The only one who seemed to not be in pain from the sound was Scootaloo, who bobbed her head to the song the whole time. Eventually, thank Celestia, Sweetie hit the end of the song.

"TAKE ONE DOWN, PASS IT AROUND, YOU'VE GOT ZERO BUCKETS OF OATS ON THE WALLLLLLLLLL!" As soon as she finished singing, she was instantly asleep on the rock. Rarity's magic lifted her sister up into the cave, as she and the rest of the group headed inside and said their good nights.

"How about just one more song?" Scootaloo asked them, but got no reply. "Anyone?"

"Mind if I sleep in your tent?" Springer asked Rarity. "There's nowhere to hang my hammock in this cave."

"Of course darling," Rarity replied as she, her sister and the jakhowl went in.

"How about a dance contest?" Scootaloo asked as she rushed over to Rainbow. "I know you love to cut a rug, so how 'bout we mess up a cave floor?" She did not even wait for the answer before starting to talk again. "I have a brilliant idea! Hide and seek! Who's with me?" She turned to Applebloom, who yawned in response.

"Maybe tomorrow." That was all the filly said before face planting into her sleeping bag, instantly falling asleep.

Scootaloo moaned in disappointment, which did not go unnoticed. "Seems like you don't really wanna go to sleep tonight," Applejack commented as she rubbed her eyes. "Is there some reason why?"

"Pfft!" was Scootaloo's response. "Of course not! I just love camping and hanging out with Rainbow Dash so much that I don't wanna waste a single minute with sleep!" She let out a loud yawn, then laughed. "Silly sleep..."

Rainbow, who was putting earplugs in her ears, turned to her. "That's cool and all Scoots, but this pony needs her shut-eye and she needs it now!" With that, she turned over and went to sleep, Applejack doing the same.

Scootaloo now saw that she was the only pony awake, making her let out a long moan. "This is so unfair," she once again yawned as she slowly felt her eyelids grow heavy. "I'm falling asleep..." She shut her eyes once, twice, and on the third time, they stayed closed. When Scootaloo's eyes opened again, she found that she was no longer in the cave. Instead, she was walking through a much creeper version of the forest, with the ground now a haunting red and the trees a nightmarish black. Even her hoofsteps sounded spooky, causing her to stop walking.

However, the spooky footsteps kept up, making her look down at her hooves in confusion. It was then that the hoofsteps got louder and louder, as if whatever was making them was getting closer. Scootaloo's whole body shivered, making her restart her trot. But as she did, the hoofsteps got faster, causing her to pick up the pace until she was running. But no matter how fast she moved, the hoofsteps just got louder and louder.

Scootaloo was straight up panicking now, her breath growing hard. "If The Headless Horse catches me, I'm never gonna be heard from again! AND I WANNA BE HEARD FROM! AAAAHHHHH!!!" She was in such a state that she didn't notice the large drop-off she eventually ran off, causing her to go rolling down the hill like a ball. "AAAAHHHH!!! SOMEPONY HELP ME!!!"

She moaned as she hit the ground. Here, she slowly looked back up at the hill, only for her eyes to widen. There on the top, bathed in shadows, was a single horse with no head. Scootaloo's panic began to increase as she tried to crawl away, her body to scared to do anything else as the headless horse leapt down towards her. Eventually, she felt her back touch something, preventing her from moving any further away.

Capable of doing nothing else, Scootaloo shut her eyes and let out a single scared cry. "IT'S ALL OVER!"

"A warm welcome to you, Scootaloo."

Scootaloo's eyes shot open at the sound of the gentle, familiar voice. She looked over at the headless horse, only to see a bright light hit it from behind and destroy it. Standing behind where it had been was a pony, with wings and a horn. Scootaloo only knew of three ponies it could be and just as she had expected, the pony stepped into the light and revealed themselves.

"Princess Luna?" Scootaloo slowly walked over to the black alicorn. "But I...I thought you were...I thought you were the headless horse."

Luna smiled down at the filly, a smile that seemingly made her fears disappear. "You were mistaken, but I hope not disappointed."

Scootaloo nodded rapidly. "You are so, so much better than The Headless Horse. But what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be in Canterlot?"

"I am the princess of the night," Luna replied as she put her hoof to her chest. "Thus, it is my duty to come into your dreams. I would have thought your brother would have told you this, considering his own experiences with my powers."

"Oh yeah...I remember him telling me that." Scootaloo said as she scratched her chin, only for another thought to pop into her head. "Wait...does that mean this is just a dream? But it feels so real." She reached out her hoof, only to feel the wind.

Luna nodded, chuckling at her response. "I assure you, you are asleep. But when you awake, the thing that frightens you most will still exist."

Scootaloo looked down, embarrassment all over her face. "I'm...I'm not scared of anything. I'm fearless."

Luna gave her a knowing look. "So your actions just now were what then?"

Scootaloo couldn't deny it, considering Luna had seen everything. "Okay! Okay...I was scared. I'm a wimp." She lamented, staring at the ground. It was then that she felt a hoof on her shoulder, making her look up at Luna.

The Princess of the Night gave her a reassuring look. "Do not be ashamed that you felt fear Scootaloo. It is only natural."

"But my brother's the Element of Courage," Scootaloo replied, her lip quivering. "How can I feel fear when he doesn't?"

Luna chuckled at the question. "Let me ask you, have you ever known Applebloom to lie?"

Scootaloo thought for a moment, rubbing her chin before nodding. "Yeah....I think I've seen her lie."

"And has Sweetie Belle ever acted greedy?"


Luna nodded as she stepped away. "Just because you share blood with a pony, does not mean that the two of you are the same. Besides, what makes you think your brother is fearless?"

Scootaloo gave her an odd look. "Element of Courage. Kind of obvious."

"Except courage is not having no fear," Luna told her as she put her hoof on Scootaloo's shoulder again. "Tell me, if you were ever in danger, how do you think Flash would feel?"

This made Scootaloo really think, trying to gauge how Flash would react if he saw her in danger. It was then she realized that he would be scared if he could not save her in time, making her realise what Luna was getting at. The alicorn nodded as she saw the realisation in her eyes. "Courage is not the absence of fear, but acting in spite of that fear. Fear is nothing to be ashamed of, for it helps us gauge danger and risk. Anypony who tells you that they have no fear, is either lying or too stupid to realise why they should be scared."

Scootaloo laughed at that, only to frown again. "Now Rainbow will never want to take me under her wing. She'll only want to have somepony just like her. She...doesn't want a wimp like me."

Luna gave her a reassuring smile. "You and Miss Dash are more alike than you think. You are both very loyal, caring and more than anything...share the same fear."

Scootaloo looked up at her in shock. "Rainbow's scared of something?"

Luna nodded again. "Remember what I said about ponies who say they have no fear?" Scootaloo nodded in response, still surprised at this. "You both share the fear of failure. You fear failing her, while she fears failing everypony around her. Hopefully, this is a fear you two can work together to both overcome."

"Do I have to?"

Luna nodded a final time. "You must face your fears, or they will only grow and the nightmares will continue."

In that moment, a strong breeze picked up and began to push Luna away. Scootaloo was waking up. And as the princess was blown further away, she called out to Scootaloo. "Face your fears!"

"Princess Luna!" Scootaloo cried as she sat up with a jolt. She looked around and saw she was back in the cave, making her sigh in relief. "It was just a dream." But before she could relax, she suddenly remembered her dream and where she was. "But the headless horse isn't," she got up and looked around as she rushed out of the cave. "Rainbow Dash said it lives here, in these very woods!" Before she could even try and calm herself down, a loud whining sound began to echo through the cave. "It's the wicked whinny of The Headless Horse!"

Flight response in full effect, Scootaloo grabbed her scooter, put her helmet on and began to beat her wings to make her zip out of the cave. She quickly rode into the woods, completely forgetting her previous fear of the place. "So..." she said to herself, "it's a horse without a head...which means it doesn't have a mouth...and if it doesn't have a mouth, then... it's not a horse-eat-pony kind of horse...but still...it's a horse, WITHOUT A HEAD!"

Much like in her dream, she was so focused on getting away from what was behind her, that she was not focusing on what was in front of her. As such, she was not prepared for the large rock she drove over, causing her to lose control of her scooter. "Whoa!" She cried as she tried to regain control, only to run into a bush and be thrown off. She rolled along the ground, unable to stop as she found herself heading towards a cliff. Said cliff was actually a raging river, which she would soon be swimming in if she didn't stop herself.

She soon hi it the edge, rolling over it but managing to grab onto a cliff hanging tree. Using all her strength to stop from falling in, she looked down at the raging waters bellow before looking back up. "Hello?! Anypony out there?!" She once again shivered. "Anypony except The Headless Horse." But the headless horse was the least of her worries, as her weight combined with its own was too much for the branch to handle. Bit by bit, it slowly creaked until finally-


"AAAHHHHH!" She fell, landing in the stream with a great splash. Before she knew it, she was being dragging down by the raging water, only to see a waterfall in the distance. And with one final cry, she went over the falls.

Second passed, but no splash of a body hitting the water bellow. Instead, a blue streak shot up into the sky.

"I gotcha!" Rainbow cried as she flew up and away from the falls, Scootaloo in her hooves.

The little filly looked up at her and smiled, quickly hugging her. "Rainbow Dash! Is that you?! Thank you, thank you! Thank you so much!"

Rainbow flew her down to the edge of the river and put her down, a look of anger and worry on her face. "What were you doing out here in the middle of the night!? Do you have any idea what Flash would have done to me if he found out that I let this happen?!"

Scootaloo's eyes filled with tears, threatening to break free as she tried to hide them from her idol. But in that moment, she remembered her talk with Luna, about facing her fears. She slowly turned back to Rainbow, who was still waiting for an answer.

In one deep breath, she started. "I'm so, so sorry, Rainbow Dash! I just wanted you to hang out with me and see how cool I was so you'd take me under your wing, teach me everything you know, and become like my big sister!" To say Rainbow was shock at this was an understatement as Scootaloo continued. "But then you started telling those spooky stories and I got scared!" Her voice started to break as her fears came barreling out. "I thought I heard The Headless Horse so I ran out here by myself, and...sniffle...well, I guess you know the rest" She sat down and took off her helmet, knowing her dreams of being Rainbow's prodigy would now remain just that.

Rainbow slowly processed what Scootaloo had just told her, only to give her a caring smile. "Hey," she sat down next to her, putting her wing around the filly. "I'm gonna tell you something, but if you ever tell anypony else...I'm gonna deny it. First time I heard those stories," she gave one final look around before turning back to her, "I was scared too."

Scootaloo's eyes went wide as she looked up at her. "You were?"

Rainbow nodded. "Sure. I mean, I got over it because I realized pretty quick that if there was such thing as a Headless Horse...I could totally take it on." Scootaloo held back a giggle, happy to know that her being scared made her more like Rainbow then less. "So..." Rainbow went on, "you're looking for somepony to take you under their wing, huh?"

Scootaloo nodded rapidly. "I know I've got Flash, but-"

"I get it," Rainbow told her with a big grin. "But you know, you didn't need to try and impress me to get me to think of you as a sister."

Scootaloo gave her a look of both confusion and surprise. "Why?"

Rainbow laughed, slapping the filly's back. "Because I already thought of you as a sister, the same way I think of Flash as a brother."


Rainbow covered her ears, but nodded anyways. "Sure. You remember what Flash said when he told us how he beat Lightning, about everypony being his family?"


"Well...after that, I decided I wanted to see others like that, and I don't think I'm the only one. So ever since that day, I've always considered my friends to be part of my family." She ruffled the filly's mane. "That includes you kid. If you want me to teach you how to be as awesome as me, all you had to do was ask." Scootaloo's tears returned, only this time they were ones of joy as she threw her hooves around the older pegasus's neck. "As long as you don't go falling into any more rivers in the middle of the night."

Scootaloo giggled as she pulled away. "It's a deal. Also, if you wouldn't mind-"

"Keeping this whole thing a secret from Flash?" Rainbow guessed, getting a nod from Scootaloo. "Sure, though we might wanna get back before Springer wakes up. He'd definitely tell Flash."

The two laughed at this, the laughter lasting all the way back to the cave.

The Next Morning...

The rest of Scootaloo's night was nightmare free, and the next morning was just as good. She found herself fully rested, and ready to enjoy the remainder of the trek to the falls. And when they finally arrived, Sweetie turned to the rest of them. "I call sister teams! Last herd to make it to the falls is a mouldy carrot!"

Rarity walked past them and let out a moan. "Oh, if you insist." But no sooner had she said that, she began to rush forward and giggle. "It is so on!" She and Sweetie quickly took the lead, with Applejack and Applebloom following close behind.

Springer, Rainbow and Scootaloo watched them rush off as Rainbow turned to her new little sister. "They think they can beat us?" She flexed her wings, Scootaloo doing the same. Rainbow grabbed the filly and hoisted her into the air, as the two pegasus shot off to quickly overtake the other four.

Springer, who was now alone, smiled at seeing this. He then reached into his backpack and pulled out a piece of paper and a pencil, which he started to write with. After all, he had figured out what had happened last night, mainly due to the massive fear aura now completely vanishing from Scootaloo's body.

Dear Princess Celestia,

I'm writing this letter in place of my friend, who's just learned a very important lesson about fear. She learned that fear is not something one should be ashamed of, but something to accept and try to overcome. Many times ponies believe showing their fear will alienate them, but my friend has learned that showing fear can actually bring those around you closer together. That's the only way to truly conquer your fear, by facing it with the help of your friends. I'm sure my friend will be able to conquer her fears in time, while also helping those around her conquer theirs.

Signed, Springer the Jakhowl.

Springer rolled up the scroll and placed it in his bag, ready for Spike to send to the princess when he got back home. Putting his backpack by Rarity's cart, he rushed towards the falls to enjoy himself with the rest of his friends.

Author's Note:

I know this chapter is almost exactly the same as its original, but I wanted to show that Flash didn't steal Rainbow's thunder when it came to Scootaloo. The changes I made felt like organic changes made by the situation.

Tell me what you think.