• Published 27th Apr 2018
  • 923 Views, 13 Comments

Unnoticed Threats - smirker

Dr. Whooves becomes a therapist and learns about other threats Twilight and her friends have missed.

  • ...


Doctor Whooves was walking home in Ponyville and he saw Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Applejack, Starlight Glimmer, Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle all hanging out with one another, they see him and wave at him while smiling, he waves back at them, he also saw Derpy flying around, Lyra Heartstrings and Sweetie Drops hanging out with one another, and Cup Cake and Sugar Belle working together. Doctor Whooves hears limping and sees a male earth pony who came into town about three weeks ago goes to him, he had a black coat, a short black mane and tail, and blue eyes, his cutie mark was a pink heart with two black silhouettes in front of it, one of a male earth pony, another of a female earth pony, they were holding hooves,

"Oh right, your therapy session's today." Doctor Whooves said,

"Yeah." the male earth pony said,

"This way." Doctor Whooves said, and the two walk to his home. The two head to Doctor Whooves' home and the Mane Six, Cutie Mark Crusaders, and Starlight Glimmer run to him,

"Hey, take it easy, sugar cube, you ain't done recoverin' yet." Applejack said,

"I know, but my therapy session's today." the earth pony replied,

"Oh right, you did schedule for that today." Apple Bloom asked,

"What happened to you before you came to Ponyville?" Scootaloo asked,

"It's a long story." the earth pony replied,

"Where are you staying?" Sweetie Belle asked,

"Sweet Apple Acres." the earth pony replied,

"Yeah, Granny's watchin' over him." Applejack said,

"Didn't he get injured on the farm a few days ago?" Starlight Glimmer asked,

"No, he was already heavily injured when he came here three weeks ago, I was outside and I saw him limpin' here, mah family and I ran to him and took him in to treat his wounds." Apple Bloom replied,

"I remember that, Fluttershy and I flew down to see him." Rainbow Dash said,

"Yes, I remember that too, nopony knew how he got injured." Fluttershy replied,

"I always did admire you six, especially you, Fluttershy, you were my favorite one of the six bearers of the Elements of Harmony." the earth pony said,

"Oh, why thank you." Fluttershy replied,

"Yeah, it's always nice to meet a fan." Rainbow Dash said,

"Well, that's enough chitchat, he and I are late for today's session." Doctor Whooves replied,

"Alright then, make sure ya come home on time, okay? You'll make Granny worried if ya don't." Applejack said,

"Alright." the earth pony replied, and he and Doctor Whooves go to his house.

The two sit across from one another in Doctor Whooves' home,

"State your name and occupation." Doctor Whooves said,

"Equality, I was going to be a marriage counselor because of my cutie mark, but then it happened." the earth pony replied,

"Well, go on, we're already behind schedule." Doctor Whooves said, and Equality begins to tell his story.

Equality was living in a town that was south of Ponyville, very far away, it was isolated and did not have any train tracks at the town, so trains never came in. Equality has just graduated from school and was living with his father, Casanova, his mother passed away from complications while giving birth to him. Casanova had a black coat, a long black mane and tail, turquoise eyes, and his cutie mark was a pink heart, he was the town's marriage counselor, he was training his son to be one so he can retire. Equality was bored with his life, he was laying down in his bed and looking at a poster of Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, and Applejack, the ponies he admired the most, he wanted to go on an adventure and save the land like how they have, he groaned in disappointment that he will never do the things they do.

Casanova walks into his room and sees him,

"Son, I know you want a different life, but marriage counseling is something our family has done for generations." Casanova said,

"I know, but I want something different for a change." Equality replied,

"Equality, what those six do is dangerous, you'll be better off doing our family's job." Casanova said,

"It's also that I wish the girls in this town were nicer, the boys are friendly, but the girls always make fun of me for not having a mother." Equality replied,

"I know how you feel, I was picked on by girls when I was younger too, also, Mars is here to see you." Casanova said, and he enters. Mars had a light red coat, a long yellow mane and tail, and sky blue eyes, his cutie mark was a black mars symbol, he was a unicorn who was the same age as Equality.

Mars walks to him while Casanova leaves the room,

"You're still looking up to those six?" Mars asked,

"Of course, I wish to go on adventures like them." Equality replied,

"Oh please, I can take them out easily if I wanted to." Mars said,

"Why's that?" Equality asked,

"I've been working on perfecting a special spell of mine." Mars replied,

"Is that the only reason?" Equality asked,

"Oh no, I have another spell so that their Cutie Map won't be able to detect this town." Mars replied,

"I think you're bluffing, like you always did when we were younger." Equality said,

"I'm not bluffing this time, I'm serious." Mars replied,

"Prove it to me." Equality said,

"Alright, but first, I need to do tests to make sure my spells work alright, I have four of them." Mars replied,

"Alright, I guess I'll come to see if you're right, seeing is believing." Equality said, and the two go out together.

Mars and Equality walk to a female earth pony, she had a gray coat, red eyes, a long dark red mane and tail, her cutie mark was a fist that looked like it was about to punch someone, that mare was Rock Fist, she was a pony who despised Equality and Mars, more than the other mares in town,

"Hey, Rock Fist." Mars said,

"What do you want?!" Rock Fist asked angrily,

"I have something I want to try with you." Mars replied, and his horn glows gold, a black mars symbol appears in front of him,

"I'm ready, try to hit me if you can." Mars said,

"You are so dead." Rock Fist replied, and she ran to him and tried to tackle him, but she went through him,

"Huh?" Rock Fist asked, she tried hitting Mars with her hind legs but it went through him,

"What sort of sorcery is this?!" Rock Fist asked,

"New spell I made, no mare can hurt me now." Mars replied,

"I see, but I still got Equality here to beat." Rock Fist said, and she walks to him, Equality got ready to defend himself,

"Fight all you want, you can't overpower me." Rock Fist said, and she proceeds to attack Equality, she overpowered him easily and beat him, he grunted from each hit, she finished after a few minutes,

"You're a tough one, Equality, unlike that crybaby, Mars." Rock Fist said, and she walked away while chuckling. Mars was deeply hurt by the name calling, Mars used to cry a lot when he was bullied by the mares in the town when he was a colt, and his mother would not let him retaliate or fight back, and she would give him beatings if he did,

"What do you think of my new spell, Equality?" Mars asked,

"What's it do?" Equality asked,

"It's a gender restraining spell, one of a kind, created by me, this spell allows me to decide which gender of the pony gets to touch me, when this mars symbol is on me, only males can touch me, any physical contact or magic spell from a female pony is completely ineffective against me." Mars replied, Equality was impressed, but uncomfortable about that spell,

"Okay, let's try my second spell." Mars said, and the two walk together.

Equality and Mars walk together and saw a big family together, it had two grandmothers, two grandfathers, a mother, a father, an uncle, an aunt, a son, a daughter, a niece, and a nephew,

"Okay, that's the perfect target, time for my next spell, but only a small scale version of it, the regular version will affect the entire town at once." Mars said, and he casts his next spell on the family with a zap, the family feels dizzy, the grandfathers, father, uncle, son, and nephew remember one another, but they had no clue on who the grandmothers, mother, aunt, daughter, and niece were, this scared the female members of the family,

"Now, for my third spell." Mars said, and his horn glows, the six female members of the family were made unconscious and they disappear. Equality becomes shocked when he saw this,

"Where did you send them?!" Equality asked,

"I'll leave that up to your imagination." Mars replied, much to Equality's shock,

"Now, for my last spell." Mars said, and he casts it, an entire barrier appears around the entire town, the ponies see this and they glare at Mars, especially the mares,

"There, now with the barrier up, the Cutie Map can't detect this town, not only that, anypony outside the town won't be able to see this town." Mars said while smiling,

"How long do these spells last?" Equality asked in a worried tone,

"Forever, it'll never go down until I take it down, so even if I die, the spells will stay up, oh, and one more thing, I made the spells so that only I can control them, other unicorns won't be able to dispel them." Mars replied, Equality was worried,

"Equality, it's getting dark, you should come home." Casanova said loudly,

"Well, Mars, we should head home." Equality said,

"Yes, be ready to wake up to a new and improved town tomorrow." Mars replied while smiling,

"It's not possible for things to be new and improved at the same time." Equality said,

"I just like how it sounds." Mars replied, and the two walk home.

The mares in the town tackle them, Equality receives several beatings while Mars goes past them unharmed, the zaps from the female unicorns go through him as well. Equality crawls on the ground to evade the mares, Casanova sees him and grabs him. The two run home while the mares in the town throw things at Equality, they have been doing this ever since he was a colt because he did not have a mother. Casanova and Equality arrive home and Casanova treats his son's wounds,

"It's getting late, you should head to bed." Casanova said,

"Yes, dad." Equality replied,

"Good night, son." Casanova said,

"Good night, dad." Equality replied, and he goes to his bedroom.

Equality laid down on his left side and looked at his poster of Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, and Applejack, he looks at it wistfully before falling asleep and was dreaming about going on an adventure with them, he was having fun with the six, and Fluttershy was his best friend, she was his favorite of the six in real life, they were fighting the changelings and defending Equestria. Mars was wide awake and he casts two of his spells that affected the entire town, Mars snickered and he went to sleep.

Equality wakes up the next morning and saw Casanova was at the table and reading the newspaper,

"Morning, dad." Equality said,

"Morning, Equality." Casanova replied, Equality looks at a picture that Casanova had on the wall, it was his marriage to Equality's mother, but Equality's attention was caught, the picture of his mother was cut out,

"Dad, why did you cut mom out of your wedding picture for?" Equality asked,

"Mother? What mother? I was never married, you just appeared to me all of a sudden when I was in the hospital, I don't know how that happened." Casanova replied, Equality's eyes widen at what Casanova said,

"Wait. Dad, you forgot mom?" Equality asked,

"I don't know what a mom is." Casanova replied,

"How about daughter?" Equality asked,

"Nope." Casanova replied,

"Sister." Equality said,

"Are you okay, Equality, do you need to have your head checked out?" Casanova asked,

"No, I'm fine, I'm just... wondering what Mars has been doing." Equality replied,

"Oh, he should be out right now, just be home by night time." Casanova said, and Equality walked outside.

Equality walks outside and notices that the town seemed peaceful, everything was the same as before, except for one thing, the town was only filled with males, there were no females in the town. Equality walks around and saw the males all wave at him and say hi, he waved back. Equality walks around a bit more and did not see any mares in the town, he sees several pets running around, and to his shock, even all of the female pets were gone, only male animals were in the town, they were all playing and having fun. Equality decided to go to the town's library and decided to check the town's history, and to his shock again, anything about the historical female figures or any mention to a female was completely written out of the history books, he checked the biology book next, everything about the female's body was cut out, Equality was very shocked at this.

Equality walks outside and goes to the school, there were only male students and male teachers, he was very curious about the history and science classes, he stands by the windows to overhear history class, he ducked to avoid being caught. He hears the ponies talk about the town's history, but everything the female historical figures did were left out, they were not mentioned either. Equality crawls to the class that was teaching biology, they were teaching how ponies reproduce, but the teacher said colts instead of foals, the fillies was not mentioned, and the teacher said how they exist is a mystery, Equality found this to be disturbing, he crawled away after hearing enough.

Equality walks around the town to see what else has changed, and to his shock, all of the landmarks made by the female historical figures of the town were gone. Equality runs to where the statues of the town's founders and sees the statues of the female founders were all gone. Equality runs around the town and sees everypony was living peacefully, he notices a wedding going on and looks at it, he sees only male ponies were present, he looks and notices that the marriage was between two grooms, there was no bride, much to Equality's surprise, the town has never had such a marriage, Equality leaves nonetheless.

Equality walks around and looks at the families, they only had fathers, sons, grandfathers, uncles, and male cousins, there were no female family members, Equality was not surprised because there was not a single female pony or animal in the town, but he was wondering where they were, he runs to the nearest stallion,

"Excuse me." Equality said, the pony looks at him, he asks "Where can I find Mars?"

"Don't worry, he'll appear to you." the pony replied, and he left,

Equality ran around and was in the town square, he turns around and looks to the west,

"Where is Mars?" Equality asked himself, he heard a poof behind him,

"Good to see you, Equality." Mars said, Equality turns around and looks at him,

"Mars, what is this?" Equality asked,

"Paradise, welcome to Stallionville, Equality, the town where there are no female ponies, and male ponies can live in peace." Mars replied,

"You mean Stallion Town or Colt Town." Equality said,

"They didn't roll off the tongue very well, Coltville didn't sound good to me, either." Mars replied,

"Look, Mars, I know that the female ponies in the town and your mother have been very mean to you ever since you were a colt, but this is not the right thing to do." Equality said,

"I have my reasons, Equality, I think you were tired of those female ponies picking on you as well." Mars replied,

"Well, yes, I was." Equality said,

"See, consider this a getaway from those mean mares, go on, Equality, enjoy yourself, and come see me again when you're done exploring the things I have done to this town." Mars replied,

"*sigh* Fine, but one more thing, I'd like to know why you didn't erase my memories of the mares." Equality said,

"Because you were my only friend when I was growing up, I didn't want to mess up your memories." Mars replied,

"Okay then." Equality said, knowing full well that it will backfire on him if he gets out of the town and spreads the news of what Mars has done all over Equestria,

"Well, I hope you enjoy yourself, have fun, Equality." Mars said, and he disappeared, Equality sighed and walked around the town.

Equality walks around town and decided to go check the market square, he notices that the stores only sold weapons, armor, business suits, and healthy foods and drinks, everything else was gone, the fashion shop was gone, so was the art shop and the music shop, the literature shop was still there, but only had books of history, science, and how to cast magic, children's books and other books for entertainment were gone.

Equality goes to where the town's mayor works, he was present, so were his assistants, but only the male ones, he goes and sees the mayor coming to him,

"Oh, hi there, Equality, what can I do for you?" the mayor asked,

"Uh, do you know what a female is?" Equality asked,

"Why, no, I have never heard of them, that word's not in the dictionary, either." the mayor replied, Equality was a little surprised,

"What are you and your assistants doing, mayor?" Equality asked,

"We are making a new flag for our town, I think it came out splendidly." the mayor replied, and he shows Equality the flag, which shocked him, it was a red flag with a black mars symbol in the center of it,

"One gender is all we need." the top motto said,

"Fathers, sons, male cousins, uncles, nephews, and grandfathers are all equal." the bottom motto said, Equality was uncomfortable,

"What do you think?" the mayor asked,

"Uh, it's great." Equality replied while uncomfortable, he thought the flag was hideous,

"Good, I'm glad you like it." the mayor said,

"Well, mayor, I have to go now, see you next time." Equality replied, and he left.

Equality walks around more and saw the town's museum, he walks in and was shocked to see the area where they had statues of Equestria's heroes and rulers have changed, the statues were now of Prince Shining Armor, Star Swirl the Bearded, Clover the Clever, Rockhoof, Flash Magnus, and Spike the Dragon. The original statues were Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, Princess Cadence, Prince Shining Armor, Princess Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Applejack, Star Swirl the Bearded, Clover the Clever, Somnambula, Rockhoof, Mistmane, Flash Magnus, and Mage Meadowbrook. Equality could not believe that Mars has changed even the museum, he looks around and sees the plaques, Star Swirl the Bearded, Clover the Clever, Rockhoof, and Flash Magnus were famous for saving Equestria from Discord and Tirek, while Prince Shining Armor and Spike the Dragon were famous for destroying King Sombra and saving the Crystal Empire.

Equality walks around the museum a bit more and saw that even the skeletons of the female animals that were extinct were gone, every single art piece was gone as well, not a single painting was in the museum, but there were swords and spears everywhere, along with old royal guard and Wonderbolt uniforms. Equality walks out after a while and saw male adult ponies training colts for combat, he was a bit happy to see it, Casanova taught him martial arts when he was a colt, it made him remember some fond memories of his colthood,

"I knew you'd be happy to see that." Mars said from behind Equality, he turned around and looked at him,

"So, what exactly is your idea of paradise, Mars?" Equality asked,

"A town with no females, every male wearing nothing but armor and military clothing, everypony being trained to be able to defend themselves, everypony having extremely high education in math, science, history, and knowledge about different cultures, everypony having weapons, and everypony living in a happy family, I just finished my spell to make it real." Mars replied, and he casts it, a white flash happens.

Equality opens his eyes and was a bit surprised at the new Stallionville, every building and house was fortified with cannons on them, every single house and building was also black, the sky was filled with nothing but thunderclouds, and the sky itself was red. Everypony was covered entirely in black armor, and everypony had a sword and a spear with them,

"See, Equality, this is Stallionville, isolated, but militaristic and peaceful, welcome to paradise." Mars said, Equality looks around and saw he was the only one not wearing black armor, even Mars was wearing it,

"Say, Mars, can I have the armor, too?" Equality asked,

"Sure, sorry about that, I changed my spells around so they wouldn't affect you." Mars replied, and he zaps the black armor onto Equality, he makes a mirror appear with his magic to show Equality his new armor,

"I would also like for a skull to be painted on my helmet." Equality said,

"Now, that sounds really cool, hang on." Mars replied with a smile, and he zaps the helmet, Equality's helmet now had a white skull painted on the facial area, Equality nodded and Mars makes the mirror disappear,

"Alright, enjoy, Equality, I hope you like this Stallionville." Mars said and he disappears.

Equality walks around and sees male ponies marching in unison while they patrol the town, they were all stoic and did not say anything, the animals were also armored, they stood and guarded several areas. Equality decides to walk around a bit and saw the colts were still being trained in fighting, he saw Casanova was training them as well, which did not surprise him, because Casanova was a martial artist, he made up his own style in order to defend himself from angry male ponies when he was younger.

Equality goes to the market square and saw Stallionville was only selling weapons, armor, food, medicine, dumbbells, barbells, resistance bands, and other workout equipment. Equality knew where Mars got the idea of Stallionville from, his father, who was a retired royal guard who used to work at Canterlot, and misses those days, Mars was planning to be in the royal guard when he gets older, but his mother will not allow it, and was a control freak and had a fear of germs.

Equality was curious and decided to go to the town's farm, he sees the earth ponies there were growing organic food, they were being stored and preserved, along with the clouds making rain fall to speed up growth. Equality goes over and sees the male ponies who were on break were doing exercises to stay in shape, they see him and wave at him, he waved back. Electricity is heard in the sky and Equality looks, the Pegasi were storing electricity in the clouds, they were wearing shockproof outfits, which were also black, it actually made Equality a bit worried, all of the yellow electricity made him a bit uncomfortable, but he decided to look elsewhere.

Equality decided to walk around and saw something new, he goes over and sees the colts and stallions were taking a bath in a pool of water in the ground, they laid their armors on the ground. Equality's attention was caught when he saw Casanova was there as well,

"Come on in, the water's nice and cold." a stallion in the water said, Equality smiled, he always liked a cold bath and shower better than a hot one, he thought it had more health benefits.

Equality takes his armor off and goes to the bath,

"Son, over here." Casanova said, Equality smiled and got in the bath while sitting across from his father,

"Equality, look who else is here." Casanova said, and he sees a male Pegasus swim forward, it was a foal, he had a gray coat, a short black mane and tail, and red eyes, he did not have a cutie mark yet. His name was Marine, he has just lost his parents in an accident recently, they were working at the weather factory, but a thundercloud got filled with way too much electricity, and it exploded, his parents were caught in its shockwave and lost their lives, Casanova has considered adopting him since he was close friends with his father. Marine swims towards Equality,

"This place is awesome, I can finally become strong and defend myself here." Marine said,

"I must admit, I kind of do like this town, too." Equality replied, even though he tried to hide it, he was actually enjoying the current Stallionville,

"Do you like the water, Marine?" Casanova asked,

"Sure do, this beats bathing in warm or hot water any day." Marine replied, even though the water was a bit cold, it was too warm for Equality's liking, he liked his baths and showers ice cold, so did his father,

"Say, what do you two do in this town?" Equality asked,

"I'm a counselor, I help ponies deal with intergenerational male bonding problems." Casanova replied,

"I'm a student at the school, it's really cool, they're teaching math, science, history, martial arts, and military tactics, they have us do gym and running, and there's a special class for each type of pony, using magic for unicorns, controlling the weather for Pegasi, and growing food for earth ponies." Marine said, Equality smiled at hearing this, but was not comfortable with the history subject.

A trumpet is heard and Equality looks up, he saw Pegasi flying around while playing trumpets,

"Come on, son, that means the next shift for patrolling and exercising is about to start, it's our turn to do some marching, try to keep up." Casanova said, and they dry up, put on their armor, and Equality follows Casanova and Marine, they line up with other stallions and colts and begin running,

"Up in the morning to the rising sun." the leader of the running group sang,

"Up in the morning to the rising sun." Casanova, Equality, and Marine sang with the rest of the runners,

"Gonna run all day till the running's done." the leader sang,

"Gonna run all day till the running's done." the runners sang,

"Discord is a son of a gun." the leader sang,

"Discord is a son of a gun." the runners sang,

"When he saw us, he was on the run." the leader sang,

"When he saw us, he was on the run." the runners sang,

"I love serving Shining Armor." the leader sang,

"I love serving Shining Armor." the runners sang,

"Wish I could serve him some more." the leader sang,

"Wish I could serve him some more." the runners sang,

"One, two, three, four, I serve Stallionville." the leader sang,

"One, two, three, four, I serve Stallionville." the runners sang,

"One, two, three, four, I love Stallionville." the leader sang,

"One, two, three, four, I love Stallionville." the runners sang,

"My ville." the leader sang,

"My ville." the runners sang,

"Your ville." the leader sang,

"Your ville." the runners sang,

"Our ville." the leader sang,

"Our ville." the runners sang,

"Stallionville." the leader sang,

"Stallionville." the runners sang,

"If I die in the combat zone." the leader sang,

"If I die in the combat zone." the runners sang,

"Box me up and ship me home." the leader sang,

"Box me up and ship me home." the runners sang,

"Pin my medals upon my chest." the leader sang,

"Pin my medals upon my chest." the runners sang,

"Tell my dad I've done my best." the leader sang,

"Tell my dad I've done my best." the runners sang,

"Meatball. Meatball. Spaghetti underneath." the leader sang,

"Meatball. Meatball. Spaghetti underneath." the runners sang,

"Ravioli. Ravioli. Great Barrier Reef." the leader sang,

"Ravioli. Ravioli. Great Barrier Reef." the runners sang, and they finish their running.

Equality, Casanova, and Marine stretch and were ready to get on with their days,

"Say, are there any tourist attractions in this town?" Equality asked,

"Tourist attractions, Equality, we don't have time for such pointless things, being prepared for combat, staying in shape, being highly educated in many different subjects, researching to cure illnesses and diseases, and male bonding are important, tourist attractions aren't." Marine replied,

"What do you guys use for currency?" Equality asked,

"Food and water, son, everystallion and everycolt here knows that." Casanova replied,

"Do you guys have visual arts?" Equality asked,

"We only use that to determine where the other colts are at." Marine replied,

"What about theatre arts?" Equality asked,

"Pointless, don't need to learn it." Casanova replied,

"Culinary arts." Equality said,

"Just simple hay, fruits, vegetables, and water is enough to keep you healthy." Marine replied,

"Fashion." Equality said,

"That's what the armor is for." Casanova replied, the armor was surprisingly comfortable,

"Music." Equality said,

"We only need to make simple noises for anystallion or anycolt to determine our locations." Marine replied,

"Romance." Equality said,

"That's another word for male bonding." Casanova replied,

"What is a full family in this town?" Equality asked,

"Grandfather, father, son, half-brother, older brother, middle brother, younger brother, twin brother, cousin, uncle, and nephew." Marine replied,

"One more question, where is Mars?" Equality asked,

"He's in the underground area of the town, he's making sure we live peacefully and that there are no crimes, he's the one who informs us if something bad does happen." Casanova replied,

"Uh, where is the entrance to the underground again?" Equality asked,

"In the town square, very center, it is a bit hard to miss, it's the same color as the ground." Marine replied,

"Alright, thanks." Equality said, and he ran to the town square.

Equality runs to the town square and several things caught his eyes, he notices that the makeup and cosmetic store was gone, so was the clothing store for the mares, it was replaced with a store for buying and selling armor, the manespray and perfume store was gone as well. Equality sees the store for buying supplies for babies and sees even the babies in the town were wearing black armor, but they still had milk bottles and diapers, they had toy daggers and very small toy spears to play with. Equality hears a baby crying and he looks, he saw a male pony shaking it and feeding it, he smiled at the fact that the male ponies were willing to take care of the babies, the male pony was also speaking in a pitch higher than his usual voice to calm the baby, Equality was happy watching but focused and went to the town square, and saw a newly placed area where the pets were being trained to defend themselves, he ignores it and goes to the town square.

Equality arrives into the town square and he saw the flag the mayor made on top of the building he works in, which was now a fortress; Equality sees the hatch on the ground and he opens it, it was the same color as the ground, and he enters. Equality walks down the stairs and it became dark, his vision was black. Equality arrives at the bottom of the stairs and walks forward, he looks and saw projections of the entire town up ahead. Equality hears dripping and saw red liquid fall, he looks up and was horrified at the sight, he saw all of the female ponies and animals in the town being held in some kind of gold crystalline substance on the ceiling, they were unconscious and skinny, almost like skeletons,

"Mars, what did you do?" Equality asked, a gold flash appears and Equality grunts as he is hit, he is shot out of the area and was back in the town square with Mars floating in the air, his armor was gone,

"This is what Stallionville needs, Equality, while the male ponies get to live peacefully and happily, the female ponies stay trapped in those crystals, with it slowly eating away their lives, it serves them right for being mean to us all the time." Mars said,

"Mars, I know you're mad, but did you really have to put the fillies and animals in there, too?" Equality asked,

"Yes, the females try to control us, they can't be argued with or reasoned with, and only look at their own sides of the story instead of all sides, it's always either things go their way, or it's no way, we're better off without girls." Mars replied, Equality can already see several flaws in Mars' idea of paradise,

"What about the other creatures, Mars, you know, the dragons, the yaks, the griffins, the hippogriffs, the changelings, what about the males of those creatures?" Equality asked,

"It's called Stallionville for a reason." Mars replied,

"Okay, but what if a friendship problem happens in this town?" Equality asked,

"Equality, remember, there's a barrier up around the town that makes this place undetectable by the Cutie Map, so if there is a friendship problem in this town, nopony will be called here." Mars replied,

"What if an outsider comes here?" Equality asked,

"The same barrier around this town prevents outsiders from seeing this town, they can't hear what goes on, either." Mars replied,

"What if Princess Celestia finds out about this?" Equality asked,

"Oh, I actually wish that will happen, remember that I'm the only one who can control these spells, and I've got a spell on me so that females can't harm me, I can imagine Princess Celestia's face when she finds out that she can't undo my spells, and none of her moves work on me just because she's a female, same with the other princesses and the bearers of the Elements of Harmony, just imagine their faces when they realize that they can't harm me just because they're girls." Mars replied while chuckling,

"You forgot Prince Shining Armor, Spike, Big Mac, and Discord." Equality said, Mars became speechless,

"Lastly, how are you going to preserve this town?" Equality asked,

"What do you mean?" Mars asked,

"When the male ponies start dying from sickness or old age, what are you going to do?" Equality asked, Mars was completely speechless,

"See, exactly, Mars, we cannot reproduce if we have just one gender, we need females so they can give birth to children, while they need males so we can give them the love and affection they need for them to have children in the first place, one gender can't survive on its own, Mars, males and females need each other." Equality said, Mars was still speechless,

"Are you saying that you don't like Stallionville?" Mars asked in a surprised tone,

"No, don't get me wrong, Mars, I do, I really do, but to have male ponies live in paradise while having female ponies held captive and have their lives drained from them is wrong." Equality replied, Mars growled at him,

"What do you know about living with a woman?! You don't even have a mom!" Mars said angrily,

"No, but I know about her from what dad said, she was a warm and loving pony, the only mare who truly loved my father for who he was, and not just for his appearance." Equality replied, Mars just glared even more,

"I know you're mad, and I know you hate girls because they're all mean to you, but not all girls are like that, Mars, if you head out into the world, you'll meet some nice ones, just ask my father." Equality said,

"Did you ever go out yourself?" Mars asked,

"No, but I know for certain that what you're doing is wrong, and I ask you to stop, you're my friend, Mars, I don't want to hurt you." Equality said,

"Fine, since you don't agree that we're better off without girls, and wish for them to be free, I have no choice, I'm sorry, Equality, but since you don't agree with me, I have no choice but to label you an enemy." Mars replied, and his horn glows, a spell is cast and the stallions and colts in the town look at him, they run towards him,

"You are an enemy now, Equality, I have to stop you, this is a paradise for stallions, since you don't like it, you can join the girls. Stallions, colts, pets, attack!" Mars said, and he disappears.

The stallions run towards Equality and he gets ready, but his armor glows gold and it disappears, shocking him. The stallions run towards him with swords and try to attack him, Equality moves around and stays calm while the two stallions try to slash him, he ducks and goes behind them. he presses pressure points on their backs to knock them out. The third stallion tries to attack him with a spear, he dodged the thrusts easily, he grabbed the spear and wrestled for it, the stallion pulls it forward and Equality lifts his hind legs up, he kicks the stallion in the face, his helmet protected him, and it had no effect, much to Equality's surprise, because he did that move on a fully grown stallion in the past, and it knocked him out with one hit.

Equality sees the next stallion had a short sword, he swings it around and it was fast. Equality dodged it but had trouble, he was looking for an opening, front legs are wrapped around the stallion's neck while his hind legs were pulled back to knock him down, Equality saw Casanova and Marine, the stallion was knocked out, so was the stallion with the spear. Casanova and Marine run to him and were ready to help Equality against the stallions, their armors glow gold and they disappear,

"Dad? Marine?" Equality asked,

"One of the things taught in this town: family is the most important thing, more important than friends." Casanova replied,

"Right, you were talking about adopting Marine." Equality said,

"I'm already adopted." Marine replied,

"Oh." Equality said, the stallions surround them,

"Okay, Equality, Marine, remember what I taught you two." Casanova said, the two nod, and the ponies and animals run forward.

Casanova fights with his bare hoofs, he was strong enough to send ponies flying back a few centimeters with his hits, he punches one stallion in the face with his front right hoof, he spins around and hits the stallion again with the back of his front left hoof and knocks him out. Equality did grapples and kicked the stallions in their temples with his hind legs, one stallion tries to attack him from the front with a spear, he makes it stop in midair by clapping the back of his front hooves together, catching the spear, another stallion tries to attack him from behind, Equality lifts his hind legs up and kicks him in the face, knocking him out, he then pulls the spear forward and brings the stallion forward, Equality presses pressure points on his face to knock him out. Marine was using leg locks and chokeholds to deal with the colts, he pressed on the necks of the animals to knock them out, he was very uncomfortable with hurting animals, so he tried to make their knock outs as painless as he could.

Casanova was dodging short swords and the stallions were almost cutting one another because of where Casanova was moving. Equality sees another pony with a spear coming to him, he thrusts it and Equality grabs it and throws him forward, he stumbles,

"Dad, behind you!" Equality said, Casanova sees him, he grabs the spear and throws it into the air, the pony went into the air as well, he hit a wall and was knocked out as he slid down. Marine finishes knocking out the colts and animals with his locks and chokeholds, he jumps onto an adult's back and wraps his front legs around his neck, the pony moves his front hooves into Marine's front legs to undo the chokehold, Equality runs behind him and pulls his hind legs back to make him trip, Casanova then hits him in the back of his neck with his front right knee and knocks him out,

"You alright, Marine?" Casanova asked,

"Yeah, I'm running out of stamina, though." Marine replied,

"Well, you're still young, dad and I will train you if we get out of this." Equality said, and more stallions come to them.

Casanova presses the pressure points on the stallions to knock them out, Marine was surprised that Casanova only needed to press one spot on the body to knock them out. Equality throws the stallions on his shoulders and pressed a few pressure points, he did not know as many as his father, but it was enough to knock out the stallions. Marine continued doing chokeholds and locks to distract the enemies Equality were fighting, Casanova would help at times as well, all three teamed up a few times to knock out an enemy.

The three pant and see everypony and animal were knocked out and breathing, they were not heavily injured,

"Everyone alright?" Casanova asked, Equality nodded, Marine groaned, the two look and see Marine had a purple spot on the right side of his mouth, he got it from a punch from one of the stallions,

"The only one left now is Mars." Equality said,

"Yeah, we'll go after him next." Casanova replied, Marine grunts and falls,

"Marine!" Equality said while Casanova ran to him, he got on his hind knees and holds Marine up with his front legs,

"You go on and deal with Mars, son, I'll stay here and treat Marine's wound." Casanova said, Equality nods and he runs to the underground area.

Equality arrives into the area under the town square and saw Mars was not there, he looks up and sees the female ponies and animals were skinnier, he can tell that they were about to lose their lives, he looks around and sees a white paper in the area,

"I'm waiting for you at the top of the mayor's fortress." the letter read, Mars heads out and sees it, it had the flag at the top of it. Mars runs through the fortress and arrives at the top in less than a minute, he saw Mars standing in front of him, he uses telekinesis to throw a short sword at Equality, which he catches into his front right hoof, Mars was holding one as well,

"It's just you and me, Equality, fair fight, one weapon, no armor, and no magic, if I win, you must clean up the mess you have caused and treat everypony and animals of their wounds, along with your father and Marine." Mars said,

"Very well, if I win, you must restore this town back to its old self, and have the female ponies and animals back here, along with everypony's memories being fixed." Equality replied,

"Alright, enough talk, let's go." Mars said, and the two run to each other.

Equality and Mars swing their swords around and were hitting the blades against one another; Casanova and Marine hear the blades clashing against one another and they look; Equality and Mars keep swinging their swords around and were only hitting the blades of their swords at the time. The two enter a deadlock with their swords and press it against one another,

"You're vulnerable right now." Equality said while smiling, Mars looks at him with a confused look, Equality lifts his hind right leg up and kicks Mars in the groin, he grunts loudly and Equality smacks Mars' sword off of the ledge, he then threw his sword off the ledge. Mars stood up while growling, he charges forward while screaming in rage, Equality puts his guard up, but Mars jumps up and kicks Equality in his chest with his hind legs, Equality grunts loudly and falls, he struggles to get up,

"See, Equality, what you did was against a stallion's code of honor." Mars said, Equality groans and stands up, he was having trouble focusing,

"I can still fight." Equality said weakly,

"Prove it to me." Mars replied and he runs to him.

Mars jumps and was about to do another kick to Equality with his hind legs, Equality turns ninety degrees to his right and dodges the kick, Mars lands and turns around, he runs and he tries to hit Equality with his front hooves, which Equality blocked and parried, he was also trying to hit Mars with his front hooves, Mars blocked and parried all of his moves as well. Equality grabs Mars' hind hooves and throws him over his head, Mars landed on his front hooves and then wrapped his hind legs around Equality's neck, he flips his body forward and the front of Equality's body hits the roof of the fortress hard, he grunted loudly from it. Mars rolls off of him and the two stand up, Equality was starting to run out of energy, while Mars still had plenty, Mars runs forward and lifts his hind legs up and was about to stomp on Equality's head with his front hooves, Equality quickly gets behind Mars and puts his front legs under Mars' front legs, and press his hooves against his head, he also wraps his hind legs around Mars' hind legs and the two fall with Mars grunting.

Mars grunts and tries to break free,

"I win, Mars, change everything back to what it once was." Equality said,

"No, remember, you did something against a stallion's code of honor." Mars replied,

"So did you." Equality said,

"That was to make you feel what I felt." Mars replied,

"I still won, now change everything back." Equality said,

"No!" Mars said, and he tries to break free, the two roll off the ledge during the struggle and fall onto the ground, Equality grunts loudly from the fall, it really hurt him as well, Casanova and Marine ran to them, Mars got up and looked at Equality,

"The answer's no, Equality, you cheated on that one part, Stallionville stays." Mars said, he then grunts while he was knocked down, Casanova held one of the short swords at Mars' throat,

"Mars, you look up to your father the most, and he always kept his ends of the deals he has made, regardless if his opponent cheated or not, he would be very disappointed in you right now." Casanova said, Mars had a surprised face while thinking about his father,

"Change things back, Mars, and if you do, I promise to look past this and still be your friend." Equality said, Mars was surprised,

"You will?" Mars asked, Equality nods and replies "Yes."

"Alright then, but I don't have a spell that can erase your memories of this place." Mars said,

"That's okay, I enjoyed it here." Marine replied,

"I did too." Casanova said,

"So did I, and maybe them, too, Mars, maybe doing Stallionville once a year will be fine." Equality said,

"Sure, that's fine with me, now we have to decide on a date." Mars replied,

"How about every year on Father's Day?" Marine asked,

"No, that won't do, some fathers only have daughters, and they won't get anything." Casanova replied,

"Well, we can decide later, let's go back to our old life, Mars." Equality said,

"Wait, Mars, can we have our armors back, too?" Marine asked, Mars nods and makes the three have their black armors back, he then uses his magic to create a white flash. Equality looks around and sees everypony and animal was back, it was night time as well,

"You should head home, Equality, it's late." Mars said,

"Okay, I'm going to Ponyville, I want to meet my idols." Equality replied,

"Okay then." Mars said, and he teleports away.

Equality goes into his house and was limping from his fight with Mars, he gets a letter and writes with his mouth,

"Dear dad,

I am moving to Ponyville, I always admired Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and especially Fluttershy, and I want to meet them. If you, Marine, or Mars wish to see me, you will know where to find me.

Your son,



I love you, dad."

Equality puts the letter on the table and goes to Ponyville.

Equality grunts and groans as he limps to Ponyville, it took him six hours to arrive, he pants heavily from his injuries from his fights. He sees the sun rise and saw Sweet Apple Acres up ahead, he groans while he walks and saw Apple Bloom up ahead. She sees Equality and quickly runs to her family,

"Applejack, Big Mac, Granny, there's somepony comin' here from the back, he looks hurt." Apple Bloom said, the three walk with her to go see, they see Equality limping forward, they become shocked at seeing him,

"Hang on, sugar cube!" Applejack said while she and Big Macintosh ran to him, they pick him up by his front legs and carry him, he groans in pain while he is carried.

Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash were flying together, they see Equality and become worried, they quickly fly down and check on him,

"Hey, you okay, buddy?" Rainbow Dash asked as she checked him,

"Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Applejack." Equality said weakly,

"You mustn't speak, you need to rest." Fluttershy said, and they watch him as he is carried,

"Get him into the barn." Granny Smith said, and he is carried in.

The six ponies present go into the barn with Equality, he was laid into a bed with hay on it,

"What happened to you?" Fluttershy asked,

"Fight." Equality replied weakly,

"Look at that outfit he's wearin'." Apple Bloom said,

"I know, Apple Bloom, Ah never seen any armor like that before." Applejack replied,

"How bout you, Big Mac?" Apple Bloom asked,

"Nope." Big Macintosh replied, they hear dashing and see Pinkie Pie come in,

"Pinkie Pie?" Equality asked weakly,

"The one and only." Pinkie Pie replied, and she came forward with bandages,

"How did ya know, Pinkie?" Apple Bloom asked,

"Pinkie sense." Pinkie Pie replied,

"Hang on, I'll go tell the others." Rainbow Dash said, and she flew out.

Rainbow Dash came back and Rarity and Twilight Sparkle came, they had medical supplies with them,

"We came as fast as we could, where's the injured?" Rarity asked, and they show her, the two were surprised at seeing him, the two use their magic to take his armor off, they see his back was badly injured,

"Rarity, Twilight Sparkle." Equality said weakly, they were surprised,

"I always admired you six." Equality said weakly, the Mane Six become surprised and happy,

"Oh, well, it's good to meet an admirer, what's your name?" Twilight Sparkle asked,

"Equality." Equality replied weakly while the others treat his wounds,

"You okay? What happened to you?" Twilight Sparkle asked,

"It's complicated." Equality replied weakly, and he grunts loudly,

"That's enough, y'all, he needs to get his rest." Granny Smith said, and they leave and Equality falls asleep.

Doctor Whooves and Equality sat across from one another,

"It sounds like you had quite the journey three weeks ago." Doctor Whooves said,

"Yeah, I want to take a break now." Equality replied while smiling,

"Say, I've wanted to do another guys night or something similar, can you do another Stallionville for some of us in this town?" Doctor Whooves asked,

"Well, I could try, but I'm still injured." Equality replied,

"Okay, well, it's almost dark, you should head home, session is ten bits." Doctor Whooves said, Equality pays him and he heads out.

Equality was about to go back to Sweet Apple Acres and saw Spike in front of him,

"Is it true that you're from a town with only male ponies?" Spike asked,

"Well, it's not like that anymore." Equality replied,

"Well, if you can make it happen again, I'd like to go there, too, I can finally have a party on my own without those six ponies." Spike said, Equality chuckled,

"I'll see what I can do." Equality said, and he heads to Sweet Apple Acres and goes to sleep.

Morning comes and Equality was having breakfast with the Apple family,

"Let me get this straight, yer from a town where there ain't any female ponies." Applejack said,

"No, there are, always been." Equality replied, the Apple family look at one another,

"Well, if ya say so." Applejack said, they hear walking outside,

"Excuse me." Casanova said from outside,

"Dad, I'm here." Equality replied, he comes in with Marine, they both had the black armor on, surprising the Apple family,

"Good news, son, I finished the papers for adoption, you have a younger brother now." Casanova said, Marine runs to Equality and they hug one another,

"We have to go back home, dad, we have to talk to Mars." Equality said,

"Alright, let's go." Casanova replied, and the three head home.

Equality talks to Mars about doing Stallionville again because other males outside of the town wanted to do it, Mars agreed and others that Spike invites to come to party while Mars makes the first Stallionville appear. Equality, Casanova, Mars, and Marine walk together and see the many males who came, who were having fun with the native male ponies of the town, the female ponies were put asleep by a new spell that Mars has created; they saw Soarin, Bulk Biceps, and Sky Stinger were flying around, Pipsqueak, Truffle, Featherweight, and Button Mash have come as well, the four also see Carrot Cake, and to their surprise, Pound Cake, who was a baby, the two see Sandbar and Gallus have come as well, they see Doctor Whooves was having fun, he was attending a big party being hosted by Cheese Sandwich and Discord, with Feather Bangs singing, and Filthy Rich was busy selling his products in the town,

"Those guys over there are having fun." Marine said, the three look and saw Night Light, Shining Armor, Spike, Bow Hothoof, Mr. Shy, Zephyr Breeze, Igneous Rock Pie, Hondo Flanks, Grand Pear, and Big Macintosh dancing together,

"I thought there'd be more males than this." Mars said,

"Well, that dragon over there is the one who invited them." Equality replied, while they look at Spike, he did not invite Mudbriar because he did not know him, he also did not invite Snips, Snails, or Flash Sentry because he did not like them, he gave Sunburst an invitation as well, but he threw it out with the rest of his mail. Everyone parties and they go home at the end, they made a promise to Mars not to tell their female friends about it.

A month and a half passes and Casanova, Equality, and Marine were at Sweet Apple Acres, Equality has finally fully healed, the three were playing with short swords, they finish after a few minutes,

"Wow, having a father and a brother is awesome!" Marine said,

"I forgot, your parents were always away." Equality replied, Marine nodded,

"Wait." Twilight Sparkle said as she and her five friends ran to them,

"Guys, he can't just have a father and a brother, for foals to fully develop, they need mothers and sisters, too." Twilight Sparkle said,

"Sorry, but my mom passed away while giving birth to me." Equality replied,

"Well, if that's the case, then we'll act as his mothers and sisters." Applejack said,

"Well, Equality, now that you're fully healed, I think you're ready for our family job." Casanova said,

"Yeah, I think I am, marriage counselor, here I come." Equality said while chuckling, Rarity screamed in shock at the job, she ran to him,

"No, you are wearing black armor and are covered from head to hoof, and you have a skull painted on the part of your helmet that covers your face, this outfit definitely will not do, come to my store and we shall give you a more proper outfit for your job." Rarity said,

"Also, Marine, there's more to life than military and fighting." Fluttershy said,

"Like what?" Marine asked,

"Books." Twilight Sparkle said,

"Parties!" Pinkie Pie said excitedly,

"Fashion." Rarity said,

"Taking care of animals." Fluttershy said,

"I'll give them a try one day." Marine replied, the Mane Six smile,

"Bath time, Marine." Equality said, and he fills a bucket with cold water, Marine goes in it and exclaims in shock while shivering,

"Something wrong, Marine?" Equality asked,

"Too cold." Marine replied,

"But I thought you liked your baths and showers cold." Equality said,

"I do, but not this cold." Marine replied,

"Oh, sorry, I made it the way I like it, I like my baths and showers ice cold." Equality said, the Mane Six become shocked, Twilight Sparkle takes him out with telekinesis,

"No, no cold baths or showers, those are very uncomfortable. Come on, Marine, let's get you into a nice, hot one." Twilight Sparkle said, and the two go to her castle so she can give Marine a hot shower. Marine comes back uncomfortable,

"How was the hot shower?" Casanova asked,

"Uncomfortable, and my skin's itchy." Marine replied, the two chuckle and they head to bed.

Mars comes to Ponyville a week later and they go to Carousel Boutique so Rarity can get Equality a more fitting outfit for his job as a marriage counselor,

"Now, Equality, dear, as your job as a marriage counselor, you must dress to impress, it will be best if you wear an outfit a groom would wear on his wedding day." Rarity said, and she tried putting a black tailcoat on Equality, he liked it. Casanova, Equality, Mars, and Marine walk over to Rarity to pay her, Sweetie Belle was standing to Rarity's left,

"Go on, Mars, this is your first test." Casanova said, and Mars was nervous, he paid the bits while hesitant, Rarity just took it without being rude, much to Mars' surprise,

"Thank you for your payment, please come again." Sweetie Belle said, Mars was surprised,

"I have never met a friendly female pony before." Mars said, Rarity and Sweetie Belle were surprised,

"You don't have any female friends, Mars?" Sweetie Belle asked, Mars shook his head,

"Yeah, all of the girls in our hometown are mean." Marine said,

"I'm sorry to hear that, but go on and try to make female friends here, Mars, you can start with me and Sweetie Belle." Rarity said, Mars nodded, Marine was infatuated with Sweetie Belle,

"Wow, you're beautiful." Marine said,

"Thank you." Sweetie Belle replied happily, Rarity chuckled,

"Go on now, have a good day, you four." Rarity said, and the four left.

Two days pass and Equality and Marine were waiting by the train station with Twilight Sparkle and Princess Cadence, who has come to spend time with her earlier this morning, they were waiting for Shining Armor to arrive, who was done with his patrolling shift. Marine has been training in martial arts with Equality and Casanova, Rainbow Dash joined them when she had the time, Mars decided to go back home to see his parents. Equality was training Marine in stamina by making him run in place while waiting for Shining Armor, Equality was running with him, the two were singing together so that their hooves touch the ground with the words,

"Pin my medals upon my chest, tell my dad I've done my best." Equality and Marine sang together,

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, guys, wait." Twilight Sparkle said,

"Equality, Marine, hold on a minute." Cadence said, the two looked at them,

"I know that you two have just one parent, but we're watching over you guys, too, so don't forget the mother, try that again." Cadence said, the two ran in place again,

"Pin my medals upon my chest, tell my mom and dad I've done my best." Equality and Marine sang together,

"Better, now go on and do the rest." Twilight Sparkle said while smiling,

"One, two, three, four, I serve Stallionville. One, two, three, four, I love Stallionville. My ville. Your ville. Our ville. Stallionville." Equality and Marine sang together, Twilight Sparkle and Cadence chuckled,

"Wow, but I think it'll be better if you replace the second counting part with "five, six, seven, eight" instead." Twilight Sparkle said,

"One, two, three, four, I serve Stallionville. Five, six, seven, eight, I love Stallionville. My ville. Your ville. Our ville. Stallionville." Equality and Marine sang together, they did not like how it sounded,

"No, I like the original better." Equality said,

"Yeah, the syllables fit better." Marine replied,

"Alright, suit yourselves." Twilight Sparkle said,

"Meatball. Meatball. Spaghetti underneath. Ravioli. Ravioli. Great Barrier Reef." Equality and Marine sang together, Twilight Sparkle and Cadence laughed,

"Sunshine. Sunshine. Ladybugs awake. Clap your hooves and do a little shake." Twilight Sparkle and Cadence said together, Equality and Marine shrugged. The train arrives and Shining Armor gets off,

"Oh yeah, Cadence said you two would be here, come along, I have a lot of tales to share about parenting." Shining Armor said, and they go to the castle with Shining Armor talking about parenting Flurry Heart.

The next day comes and Equality was about to start his first day as a marriage counselor,

"Good luck, sugar cube, we wish you luck." Applejack said,

"Remember, dear, you can call us for help." Rarity said,

"Good luck, Equality, and remember, my door is always open." Doctor Whooves said, and Equality goes into the house Casanova rented, Marine was there as well, the first couple comes in and Equality begins his first day as a marriage counselor.