• Published 27th Apr 2018
  • 932 Views, 13 Comments

Unnoticed Threats - smirker

Dr. Whooves becomes a therapist and learns about other threats Twilight and her friends have missed.

  • ...

The Void

Doctor Whooves was in his office and training Derpy to be his assistant, she was causing a lot of havoc,

"No, Derpy, you have to watch your flank, too, you're hitting a lot of things that are out of your sight." Doctor Whooves said,

"Okay, Doctor." Derpy replied, and she kept making a mess in the room,

"No, no, no, you don't sit there, you sit in the chair." Doctor Whooves said, and Derpy did,

"Okay, Derpy, when your patient comes in, you tell them to state their name and occupation." Doctor Whooves said,

"Okay." Derpy replied, Doctor Whooves can tell by her tone that she was not getting it.

An hourglass to Doctor Whooves' left beeps and he goes to check it,

"Oh, Derpy, it's time for you to return to the post office." Doctor Whooves said,

"Okay, see you next time, Doctor." Derpy replied, and the two stepped out, Derpy walks back to the office while Doctor Whooves waves bye at her with his front left hoof. Doctor Whooves sighs and he goes back into his office, he was startled when he saw a colt, he was an earth pony, he had a sky blue coat, a short white mane and tail, and pale yellow eyes, he did not have a cutie mark yet,

"Whoa!" Doctor Whooves said with surprise,

"Spirit should've informed you that my session is today." the colt said,

"Oh, yes, he did, please, take a seat." Doctor Whooves replied, and the two sat across from one another,

"State your name and occupation." Doctor Whooves said,

"Walker, most recent inheritor of Spirit's powers." the colt replied,

"No, no, no, what is your current job in Equestria?" Doctor Whooves asked,

"Oh, elementary school student." Walker replied,

"So, what exactly brings you here?" Doctor Whooves asked,

"I feel bad for fighting my great grandpa, I also know where Gogh's alternate self and Narcissus are at." Walker replied,

"Well, go on, I'll let Gogh know later." Doctor Whooves said,

"Okay, here I go." Walker replied, and he begins to tell his tale.

Walker was born into a family that has made a deal with a humanoid entity all the way back when the unicorns, Pegasi, and earth ponies lived separate from one another, and relations between the types of ponies was bitter. Walker's ancestors were on the verge of dying, and not having a future generation due to the unicorns and Pegasi attacking them the most often, so one of them did a ritual and came into contact with a humanoid being named Spirit, who resided in a realm called the Void. Spirit had slightly tan skin, a round face shape with a pointed chin, and short black hair with fringes of hair for his bangs, he wore a blue trench coat that was open in the front and went down to his feet, blue pants, blue wrist-length gloves with the ends under his trench coat, blue mid-calf length boots that his trouser legs were tucked into, a blue belt with a light blue buckle, and a light blue long-sleeve shirt that was tucked into his pants, Spirit had light blue eyes, but sometimes, his eyes had flames in them, his sclerae had dark blue flames, while his irises and pupils had orange flames. Spirit watched the other realms, and was the controller of the history of every realm in existence, and the collector of the souls of those who were dead so they could go to the afterlife, Equestria was among them, he wrote the history of the worlds in books, anything he wrote down in his books made them happen in real life, and if contradicting information was written, the book would change itself so history does not contradict itself anymore, his books were very dangerous if they fell into evil hands.

Spirit dragged a stallion who was Walker's ancestor into his realm, masses of land floated everywhere and aimlessly in the light blue realm,

"Welcome to the Void, I am Spirit, I knew you would come, I have written it down in Equestria's history book." Spirit said,

"Please, I seek your aid." Walker's ancestor replied,

"I know why, your family has been attacked quite often by the unicorns and Pegasi, and your family is on the verge of being wiped out of existence." Spirit said,

"Yes, I found out about you by chance, I saw a deceased earth pony's soul get collected by you." Walker's ancestor replied,

"Indeed, I am also the one who brings the spirits of the dead to this realm so they may be judged, I have many powers and responsibilities." Spirit said,

"I wish for your powers." Walker's ancestor replied,

"Of course, the ritual you performed was in my name, and it was satisfying." Spirit said,

"Will you help?" Walker's ancestor asked,

"Yes, but it'll cost you." Spirit replied,

"What are they?" Walker's ancestor asked,

"I will grant you and your descendants some of my powers, but with three prices. One, the mare you marry has to be an earth pony, a unicorn or Pegasus wife will result in a miscarriage. Two, when you and your descendants have children, you can only have sons, any daughter you attempt to have will result in them not being born, they will always change to a colt, if you have a twin colt and filly, the filly will not be born. Three, your wives will pass away as soon as they give birth to your sons and grandsons." Spirit replied,

"Can uncles, cousins, and nephews have your powers?" Walker's ancestor asked,

"No." Spirit replied, Walker's ancestor thought about it and the survival of his family,

"It's a deal." Walker's ancestor said, and he shook Spirit's right hand with his front right hoof. Spirit's eyes had dark blue and orange flames in them, Walker's ancestor screamed while the dark blue and orange flames engulfed him, it disappeared and Walker's ancestor opened his eyes, his irises and pupils had orange flames on them for a second,

"There you go, now go out there and use my powers as you please, I will summon your sons and grandsons here when they become four years old." Spirit said, and he disappeared. Walker's ancestor headed out and he returned to Equestria.

Over a thousand years pass and Walker was celebrating his fourth birthday, he lived with two people, the first one was Runner, his father, and the other pony was Sprinter, his paternal grandfather, they both looked exactly the same as Walker, just Runner was a stallion, and Sprinter was an elder, they did track and running as their careers, Sprinter has retired, while Runner was taking a break from his career. Runner had a light blue running shoe with a white sole as his cutie mark, while Sprinter's cutie mark was a black running track. Runner and Sprinter sing happy birthday to Walker and he blows out the candles, the two clap and give him his present.

Walker opens his present and was excited, but it soon went away and became confused when he saw his present was some kind of drink with strong caffeine,

"What the? Daddy, grandpa, I wanted a toy." Walker said,

"Sorry, son, but the present you wanted was sold out." Runner replied,

"Yes, we tried to improvise, and thought you would like this instead." Sprinter said,

"But why a strong tea?" Walker asked,

"Uh, well, it's so... you can stay up longer to enjoy your birthday." Runner replied,

"But there's nopony here but us three, and we live in the woods, I'm tired of doing things without ponies my age." Walker said,

"But you have those students at your school." Sprinter replied,

"I don't feel like I belong with them, everypony is so different from me." Walker said,

"Oh... um... I see, I'm sorry, Walker, but this really is the best we can do this year." Runner replied,

"This birthday stinks, I'm heading to bed." Walker said, and he walked to his bedroom and laid down.

Walker just laid down and Runner came in a few hours later to give Walker his drink, he drank it and saw the drink was warm and a little sweet, he liked it overall but still laid down. It was dark and Walker hears Runner and Sprinter conversing,

"I don't want him to be visited by Spirit, us having his powers is bad enough, dad." Runner said,

"Now, now, son, let Walker choose how to use it, it's his choice, and we should support him no matter what." Sprinter replied,

"Support?! I can't stand the idea of Walker becoming a monster like us!" Runner said,

"You never were able to go with the flow, Runner, let's let him see Spirit, and let Walker choose what to do." Sprinter replied,

"But he has no idea on who or what Spirit is." Runner said,

"He would if I told him yesterday, but you didn't allow it." Sprinter replied,

"Let's check on him tomorrow, if he's still willing to live after what happens tonight." Runner said, and the two walk to their beds, Walker was confused and wanted to ask them, but he was too tired at the moment, and he closed his eyes and slept.

Walker dreamed and he woke up in a light blue realm,

"What the? Where am I?" Walker asked, and he walks around. Walker looks around and sees land floating in midair like Cloudsdale, he walks forward carefully and Walker soon saw a lot of portals, Equestria was one of them, and there were portals to other worlds,

"Whoa." Walker said with awe, he walks forward with curiosity. Dark blue flames appear in front of Walker,

"Whoa!" Walker said, and the dark blue flames form into Spirit, who was floating in midair,

"Hello, Walker, your fourth birthday has come, has it not? Welcome to the Void, it is time for you to receive powers that were bestowed upon your ancestors by me, and passed down through the males of your paternal bloodline. My name is Spirit, and I grant you some of my powers, just like how I did to your father and paternal grandfather before you, when they were four years old." Spirit said, and dark blue and orange flames engulf Walker, he screams in pain while he gets burned, but the flames and pain soon disappear, he holds his four legs out while he floated in midair,

"See, there you go, now go and test out your powers, I think you will like what you can do." Spirit said, and he disappeared. Walker walks forward and he noticed his first powers, he saw the ghosts of the deceased in the portals of the worlds, they were light blue in color and transparent, he watched the deceased walk around and mind their own businesses. Walker feels powers in his front hoofs and he lifts them up, some of the ghosts disappeared and reappeared around him, Walker moves his hoofs around and the ghosts did whatever they thought he commanded, Walker smiled and lowered his front hoofs, the ghosts disappeared into the ground.

Walker sees a far away land he wanted to go to, he teleports there with his mind, Walker noticed he can hear the wind blowing in the realm, and realized he had enhanced hearing, Walker wondered about something and decided to try looking, his vision was sharper and more clear than before, Walker was enjoying his newfound powers. Spirit appeared in front of Walker and floated in midair,

"You have more powers as well, close your eyes for a few seconds, and reopen them." Spirit said, and Walker did, to his surprise, his entire vision was a different color, his vision was dark blue, while people were light blue, and objects were a regular blue, Walker saw he can also tell how people felt, if they were watching him, if they had any wounds or items hidden on them, and can read their heartbeats, he closed his eyes again and reopened them to make his vision normal,

"You have two more of my powers, go over there and jump around, don't be afraid, just hold one of your hoofs out." Spirit said, and Walker ran to the nearest floating land, he jumped and held his front left hoof out. A black skeletal hand came out of Walker's hoof and it grabbed a ledge, the arm moved forward and disappeared, Walker swung around with the skeletal arms and was high in the air,

"Whoo-hoo!" Walker said, and he landed on the farthest floating land since there were no more after it, Spirit reappeared in front of him,

"You have one more power, you can open portals with your mind, you can travel between Equestria and the Void at will, you can come back here anytime, but you can't do it in your sleep, you have to do it in real life." Spirit said, Walker smiled,

"What do you think of my powers, Walker?" Spirit asked,

"This is awesome!" Walker said, Spirit chuckled,

"Would you like to see how your father and paternal grandfather reacted when they got my powers?" Spirit asked, Walker nodded enthusiastically, Spirit made dark blue flames appear and it showed a colt Runner, he looked just like Walker,

"No! I can't believe it! I've become a monster, just like my father!" Runner said, Walker was surprised and shocked, the picture then changed to show a colt Sprinter, who looked just like Walker as well,

"Oh well, this is normal for our family bloodline, my father has it, too." Sprinter said, Walker was surprised that his paternal grandfather was not excited to have the powers. The dark blue flames disappeared,

"Time for you to wake up now, Walker, go see Sprinter to train your powers." Spirit said, and he disappeared while Walker's vision became pitch black.

Walker wakes up the next morning and he saw the sun rising, he remembered his dream clearly,

"Aw, it was just a dream." Walker said sadly, he was about to head to the kitchen to get breakfast, but he teleported there,

"Wait a minute, it wasn't a dream, it was real, this is awesome!" Walker said, he hears running and sees Runner and Sprinter coming to him, they were able to sense Spirit's powers within him,

"Oh no, not you, too." Runner said with shock,

"What's wrong, daddy?" Walker asked,

"You've become a monster as well, just like me and dad." Runner replied,

"Monster? I like these powers." Walker said,

"Now, now, grandson, it is normal for the males from the paternal side of our family to get these powers, but you must restrain yourself, do not, under any circumstances, show off your powers at school or in public." Sprinter replied,

"What? Why not?" Walker asked,

"Because! It will draw unwanted attention." Runner replied,

"There you go, Walker, show it to a pony, they tell the others, it spreads through Equestria, Princess Celestia gets involved, she questions us, and if she discovers the Void, who knows what she will try to do to Spirit, I don't think she will like the fact that Spirit is the one who made her the ruler of Equestria in the first place, since he wrote it in the book." Sprinter said, Walker realized what his father and paternal grandfather were saying,

"Come, let's train you, Spirit only taught you the basic of your powers, you can actually do a lot more." Sprinter said, and he leads Walker outside.

Sprinter and Walker stand together while Runner watched, worried his father would teach his son things he did not want him to learn,

"Okay, grandson, I assume Spirit taught you the same things he taught me and Runner, those are the basic powers, you have three more powers." Sprinter said,

"Really?! I wanna learn them now!" Walker replied with ecstasy, Sprinter laughed,

"Patience, my grandson, we'll start with the first thing, an explanation, there is another type of energy in this world besides magic, it is called spiritual energy, it is not visible to the naked eye, spiritual energy is released into the air when someone or something dies, and it can be conjured, taking on any shape, form, or sound the conjurer desires, and when the conjurer is done using that spiritual energy, it is released back into the air, ready to be reused. Ponies in this world cannot see, hear, or use spiritual energy, only the males from the paternal side of our family can because of the deal we made with Spirit." Sprinter said, Walker nodded while excited, he was already finding this to be very interesting,

"Okay, now that's out of the way, the first other power you have is you can conjure any weapon you please with spiritual energy, this is the one Runner and I preferred personally." Sprinter said, and he makes a sword appear in his front right hoof, which Walker did not recognize, and in Sprinter's front left hoof was another weapon he did not recognize, it was a pistol with a wheel and lock mechanism,

"What is that, grandpa?" Walker asked,

"This is a gun, a pistol to be more specific, when I was in the Void, I saw these several times in one of the portals to another world, and I saw these were accurate and deadly, so I decided to use it, but unlike the regular one, which only holds one bullet, since this is a spiritual weapon, it holds infinite." Sprinter replied, Walker was excited,

"Just hold the gun out and pull that trigger down there." Sprinter said, and Walker summons it in his front left hoof and aims it, along with the same type of sword in his front right hoof, he fires the pistol and a bullet made out of dark blue fire comes out, Walker exclaimed with shock, jumped back, stumbled, and blinked his eyes, the loudness of the gun scared him,

"Now, now, Walker, you can use your spiritual energy to nullify the sound, but always remember this with your weapons, a long range weapon will always be weaker than a close range weapon." Sprinter said,

"What? Why?" Walker asked,

"That's just the way it is." Sprinter replied, Walker looked down,

"Now, your second power Spirit didn't tell you about." Sprinter said, and Walker stood up,

"Every time you land a hit with your attack, you absorb spiritual energy, they allow you to do special moves, you have four special moves, but first, you must attack me, and land a hit, you'll feel your spiritual energy get stronger." Sprinter said, and Walker used his spiritual energy to make the gun mute, he fires many times at Sprinter, and felt his spiritual energy getting stronger very slowly,

"You can make your spiritual energy charge up faster with your sword." Sprinter said, and Walker begins slashing Sprinter with the sword, while Sprinter just endured the hits, Walker felt his spiritual energy meets its maximum charge,

"Whoa, what is this dark blue aura around me?" Walker asked,

"That's for later, now, focus with your spiritual energy, and use your mind to decide which of the four abilities you want to use, the stronger it is, the more spiritual energy it will take." Sprinter said, and Walker saw his four spiritual abilities in his mind, he places his front left hoof on the ground to do the first one, four light blue round heads came out of the ground and went to attack Sprinter, he shot them with his gun and they got destroyed. Walker tries his second spiritual ability and made himself turn transparent and light blue, Sprinter fires bullets at him and Walker realize his second spiritual ability made him invincible,

"That one lasts as long as you have spiritual energy in you, Walker, once when it's drained, you change back, but you can change back at will, and you can't touch or hurt anyone when in that form, either, unless it's in spirit form as well." Sprinter said, and Walker changed back. Walker tries his third spiritual ability but nothing happens,

"What the?" Walker asked,

"You don't have enough spiritual energy, you need to attack me again to recharge it." Sprinter replied, and Walker did, he puts his front right hoof on the ground, dark blue flames surround him and spin counterclockwise around him,

"Whoa!" Walker said,

"That move is used for offensive and defensive purposes, anyone who touches those flames will get hurt, so it also protects you from close range harm, it won't work against long range, though." Sprinter said, the flames disappear and Walker nodded, he tries his last spiritual ability, he holds his front left hoof out and he shoots out a stream of dark blue and orange fire, it burns whatever it touched,

"Wow." Walker said,

"That's your strongest spiritual ability right there, it kills almost anything in a single burn. The color of the fire is also important, orange flames are stronger than dark blue flames." Sprinter said, Walker nodded,

"Okay, now your last ability, focus on the dark blue aura around you, and absorb it into yourself with your mind." Sprinter said, Runner realized what Sprinter was going to teach him and was very uneasy. Walker absorbs the aura into himself and he floated in midair, he spun around slowly counterclockwise and let out a grunt when he finished spinning in a circle, he lands on the ground. Walker looks at himself and realizes he has transformed, he was made out of dark blue flames, and he had a horn on his forehead, and bat wings on his sides, Walker realized he has transformed into an alicorn-like creature, he was able to tell he was about as tall as Princess Celestia, he soon changed back,

"What was that?" Walker asked with curiosity,

"That, there was your spiritual form, your most powerful ability, when you transform into that form, all of your powers and abilities increase tenfold." Sprinter replied,

"Whoa!" Walker said,

"Walker, wait." Runner said as he ran outside to them,

"You mustn't use that form, it is monstrous and dangerous." Runner said,

"Oh, come on, dad, it was awesome." Walker replied,

"It's his choice, son, let him use it as he pleases." Sprinter said,

"Okay, but restrain it, Walker, don't use your powers unless you have to." Runner said,

"Yes, dad." Walker replied,

"One more thing, Walker, do not, under any circumstances, use it at school, while regular ponies cannot see the dark blue flames of your powers, they can see the damage it causes, also, you will see deceased ponies at school, the other ponies cannot see them, so do not call out to them." Sprinter said,

"Yes, granddad." Walker replied,

"Good, off to school now, it's about to start." Sprinter said, and Walker walks to school.

Walker arrives at school and just went on with his day, he hated school, he found it boring and tedious. The school was known for teaching friendship instead of academics, ever since Twilight Sparkle published the letters she and her friends wrote to Princess Celestia, that was all the school taught, and Walker took them to heart, even though he still did not like the methods his teacher taught them.

Walker was in class and was almost asleep while his teacher taught, almost all of his classmates were females, including his teacher, he did not like how Equestria was mostly female dominated, he thought it was unfair, he did not like how the most powerful ponies in Equestria were females, along with the fact there were no male alicorns, and the six ponies chosen to keep Equestria safe were all females, all of this made him more and more happy to have Spirit's powers, he thought it was a nice change to have in the female dominated country.

Walker sits in class and does not interact with his classmates, he always headed home as soon as class ended, he was not bullied or hated, he just felt like he did not fit in at school, and did not do any after school activities, Walker noticed that a lot of fillies look at him with concern since he does not say anything in class and does not communicate, along with leaving school as soon as the bell rings, Walker has admitted a few times that there were several fillies his age he found to be very pretty, but he did not say that at school, Walker heads home and decided he should practice his powers.

Walker tries his powers outside of his home after finishing his homework, Sprinter instructed him while Runner reluctantly became his sparring partner, the two use their powers as well, Walker sees his father and paternal grandfather had the exact same powers as he did, but they used them skillfully and carefully, Walker watched them carefully and mimicked them. Dark blue flames surround the three and they notice something was happening, the flames disappear the three were in the Void,

"No, not this place." Runner said,

"Relax, my son, Spirit just wants to speak with us." Sprinter replied, and Spirit appeared in front of them, floating in midair,

"Welcome back, Walker, nice to see you two, too, Runner, Sprinter, I have a job for you, Walker." Spirit said,

"What? Why me?" Walker asked,

"Because you're the newest member of our family to have his powers, Walker, Spirit wants to see how your training's been coming along." Sprinter replied,

"Oh." Walker said,

"Alright, your first job is a stealth job, so no weapons, there's a stallion who just saw another stallion named Doctor Whooves." Spirit said,

"Wait, I remember Doctor Whooves, he's friends with you and Demonicus." Sprinter replied,

"Yes, Sprinter, that Doctor Whooves, one of his patients talked to him during his session, he actually encountered Claudius, one of the oldest enemies of me and Demonicus, Claudius and his cult have found him, your job is to bring him here to safety." Spirit said,

"That doesn't sound too hard." Walker replied,

"Walker, it is hard, since you have Spirit's powers, these creatures called liches will be drawn to you and try to take your soul." Runner said,

"That actually sounds pretty fun." Walker replied, Runner groans while he looked down,

"Remember, Runner, everyone is different." Spirit said,

"I know, I just want my son to be safe." Runner replied,

"I understand your reasons, but Walker has to carve his own path in life, just like how you and your father did." Spirit said,

"Didn't you already write down what Walker will do in the book of our world?" Sprinter asked,

"Well, not exactly, the future writes itself as time goes on, only the past and present are written in the book." Spirit replied,

"Where is the book now?" Runner asked,

"A pony in a college at Canterlot has it, his name is Ace, but I am sensing pure malevolence within him." Spirit replied,

"I see, but I still don't want Walker getting into danger." Runner said,

"Don't worry, dad, I'll be fine, I promise I'll return." Walker replied,

"Okay, but you better not come back injured, and you'll be punished if you're not home by bedtime." Runner said,

"Alright then, go, Walker, the stallion's name is Jones, get him and bring him into this realm." Spirit said, and he disappeared, Walker ran forward while Runner and Sprinter teleport back home. Walker ran around in the Void, he saw three ghost ponies appear in front of him, Walker sees they were royal guards, they attack him with their spears and Walker just shoots them with his pistol, they change to light blue flames and float away,

"Oh no!" Walker said in horror,

"Relax, you didn't destroy their spirits, you just made them formless again, they'll reform overtime." Spirit said as his voice echoed throughout the realm, Walker keeps running forward. Walker was running and getting bored, so he teleports forward a bit, but he was having a little trouble over how far he should teleport, even though Runner and Sprinter just trained him, he jumps up and makes two black skeletal arms come out, one from each of his front hooves, he grabs the ledges of the floating lands and swings around in midair, he threw himself and was high in the air as he moved forward,

"Whoo-hoo!" Walker said happily as he swings around, he lands on one land and more ghost ponies appeared, there was four of them, they surrounded him, Walker shoots them with his pistol but the bullets bounced off and disappeared as dark blue flames engulfed them,

"There are some creatures that cannot be harmed with long-range weapons, and some can't be harmed with short-range, I'll let you figure that out on your own." Spirit said as his voice echoed through the Void, the ghost ponies slash their spears around and Walker grunted in pain as he got hit, he tries to slash them with his sword and it cut through their bodies easily, they become light blue flames and float away. Walker swings forward by making the black skeletal arms appear and teleported while he was in midair, he keeps going forward and sees a portal that leads to Ponyville, he saw Jones was just walking out of the town,

"That's Jones, Walker, bring him into this realm." Spirit said, and Walker goes through the portal.

Jones was heading to a place that was cut off from the rest of Equestria, it was a house in the woods that had no communication with the others. Walker appears in front of him and Jones looks at him with surprise,

"My name's Walker, you have to come with me if you want to be safe." Walker said,

"I can't do that, there are these eleven unicorns after me." Jones replied, Walker closed his eyes and reopened them, his vision was dark blue, he saw eleven light blue figures, he realized they must have been the people after Jones,

"Come on, those eleven are nearby, we have to hide, I'll explain everything after we get you to safety." Walker said, and they walk into the forest. Walker walks through the woods and he looks around, he did not see the eleven ponies anymore, so he opens a portal with his mind, much to Jones' surprise, and he leads Jones in and the two enter the portal.

Walker and Jones arrive into the Void and Jones was surprised, Spirit appeared in front of Jones, which surprised him,

"Welcome to the Void, Jones, my name is Spirit, you encountered one of my enemies, Claudius, he is a being of unknown origin, not even I, recorder of history of worlds, including yours, knows where he originated from." Spirit said,

"How are we going to fight him?" Jones asked,

"That, I do not know, Claudius is a dangerous person, he is not native to your world, but I do not know which world he is from, as the books of the worlds have no mention of him." Spirit replied,

"Books?" Jones asked, he looks around,

"Oh, never mind, I see them." Jones said,

"Those books are the histories of your and other worlds, by writing in it, you can alter that world's history, and the book will change itself to get rid of and replace old information with new ones, so the book does not contain any contradicting information for the new thing that has been written down." Spirit said, much to Jones' surprise,

"Come, Jones, we must take you to meet Demonicus." Spirit said, and he floated away while Jones walked with him,

"You need to come as well, Walker." Spirit said, and they go through a portal.

Demonicus was training Daylight Dimmer and Starburn, the three appear and meet them, Walker was surprised to see Demonicus, he looked just like Princess Celestia, but did not have wings, his coat was black, his mane and tail were long and dark purple, gray, dark red, and dark brown, it was not flowing, his eyes were red, and his cutie mark was a red sun with a skull in the center of it, he was also wearing silver horseshoes,

"Ah, Spirit, good to see you." Demonicus said,

"Have you heard about Jones here?" Spirit asked,

"Yes, he already saw Doctor Whooves, I have been informed about it by him." Demonicus replied,

"Since Claudius is our enemy, I was thinking about allying with you again." Spirit said,

"Yes, I agree, we should." Demonicus replied,

"This is Walker, he's Sprinter's grandson." Spirit said,

"Hello, my name is Demonicus, I, too, was a student under Star Swirl the Bearded, Celestia and I were rivals at that time." Demonicus said,

"You know my grandpa?" Walker asked,

"Yes, I met him many years ago, he brought Runner here when he was a colt, and he was scared of me." Demonicus replied, Walker can clearly see why,

"Did you find yourself a protégé of your own yet?" Spirit asked,

"Yes, he's right there, Daylight Dimmer, meet Spirit, an old ally of mine." Demonicus said,

"Hello." Daylight Dimmer replied, Walker was shocked to look at Daylight Dimmer, he was an earth pony, he had a dark yellow coat, his mane and tail were short and were mostly light orange, with a small moderate yellow streak and a big dark green streak in them, he also had bangs, his eyes were a moderate yellow, and his cutie mark was a black pentagram,

"You look like you saw something strange." Daylight Dimmer said,

"Sorry, it's just you remind me of someone." Walker replied,

"I think I know who, over here." Demonicus said, and they go to the body of water in the cave, its reflection showed Princess Celestia speaking to Sunset Shimmer, who has returned to seek answers on why her friends do not remember her,

"No, that's not her." Walker said,

"No, the mare behind her." Demonicus replied, and Walker sees Twilight Sparkle,

"Oh, that's her, the Princess of Friendship." Walker said,

"Yeah, I get that a lot." Daylight Dimmer replied,

"I'm Starburn, Daylight Dimmer's nephew." Starburn said, Walker saw Starburn had a red-orange coat, a yellow mane, and orange eyes,

"You don't have a cutie mark?" Walker asked,

"Actually, he's still a baby, I used my magic to make him older because I wasn't in the mood to deal with a baby." Demonicus replied, Starburn smiled,

"Ah, yes, good. Demonicus, old friend, I was thinking, why don't we have your apprentice and the most recent receiver of my powers fight one another?" Spirit asked,

"That's a good idea, it'll let us see how skilled they are." Demonicus replied,

"Okay, now, go on and fight, you two, may the best fighter win." Spirit said, and Daylight Dimmer and Walker stood across from one another.

Daylight Dimmer stood on his hind legs and made two swords made out of dark green energy appear, one on each front hoof,

"What the?" Walker asked,

"You didn't know? Friendship isn't the only thing that grants magic, enmity is also magic, equal and opposite to friendship." Daylight Dimmer replied, and Walker made a sword appear in his right front hoof, and a gun in his left front hoof,

"Remember, this isn't a fight to the death, it's just to see who's the better fighter." Demonicus said,

"Go, uncle!" Starburn said to cheer on Daylight Dimmer, Daylight Dimmer scoffed while smiling,

"Alright, fight." Spirit said, and the two do. Walker fires several bullets from his gun and Daylight Dimmer cuts them down, much to Walker's shock, but he focuses, he saw Daylight Dimmer coming to him and swings his two swords around, Walker blocks with his sword, a white flash appeared, Daylight Dimmer hits Walker's sword constantly while Walker defended, each hit made a white flash happen, Walker focuses and sees a few ghosts around the area, he commands them with his front right hoof and they appear out of the ground.

The ghosts surround Daylight Dimmer and attack him, but Daylight Dimmer jumps and spins around in midair in counterclockwise direction and was upside-down, he holds his front legs out and the dark green swords change to beams coming out of Daylight Dimmer's front hooves, he hits every ghost and they disappeared, much to Walker's shock. Daylight Dimmer lands and he then puts his front hoofs together and shoots a dark green blast out, Walker teleports to behind Daylight Dimmer and places his front left hoof on the ground, four round light blue heads come out around him and fly to Daylight Dimmer to attack him by flying around his body and burning him, Daylight Dimmer got attacked but he places his front hoofs on the ground and makes blades of dark green energy come out of the ground around him, they stab the floating heads and they disappear. Walker watches with shock and tries to think of something while Daylight Dimmer runs to him and was about to stab the dark green energy sword on his front right hoof onto Walker's neck, Walker changes the gun to a round shield and blocks the attack, he tries to slash Daylight Dimmer with his sword but Daylight Dimmer blocks it with the dark green energy sword on his front left hoof.

Daylight Dimmer makes spears project from his body and Walker became scared at seeing them, he impulsively uses his spiritual power that makes himself turn light blue and was invincible, much to his relief,

"Hmm, interesting, what you're looking at there is a pony's ghost, Daylight Dimmer, those with Spirit's powers can change between body and ghost at will." Demonicus said, Daylight Dimmer changes his swords to crossbows and fires at Walker, the hate powered magic goes through Walker and does no harm on him, Walker laughs,

"Not so good now, are ya?" Walker asked,

"Remember, Walker, that move only lasts as long as you have spiritual energy, once when it's out, you revert back." Spirit replied,

"You're forgetting another thing, Walker." Demonicus said,

"What?" Walker asked, Demonicus' horn has a red aura on it and Walker changes back to his regular form,

"What?! What the?!" Walker asked with shock,

"There are spells that can change you back to normal." Demonicus replied, much to Walker's shock.

Daylight Dimmer makes the dark green energy change back to swords and swings them forward, throwing two beams of dark green energy, Walker ducked and dodged them, he uses a spiritual ability and makes dark blue flames surround him, but the dark green energy beams go past them and hit Walker, he screams while he was electrocuted, he was shot back and landed face first on the ground.

Starburn claps since Daylight Dimmer has won, Walker groans while he lays on the ground,

"See that, Walker, you have to train, you may have the power, but you lack the skills, I would like for you to go back home every now and then to have Runner and Sprinter train you." Spirit said,

"Why can't you do it?" Walker asked,

"He doesn't look like it, Walker, but Spirit is a very busy individual, he doesn't have the time." Demonicus replied, Walker was surprised,

"Come now, Walker, I have something for you to do before you start your journey." Spirit said, and dark blue flames surround him and Walker.

Walker appears in the Void and Spirit was nowhere to be found, Walker hears walking and saw himself coming, much to his shock, he had the same sword and pistol as him,

"It's me, Walker, I'll be mimicking you, before you can fight anyone else, you must know how to defeat yourself first." Spirit said, and Spirit walked forward,

"You will never know who your mother was." Spirit said, that very thought always made him very sad, sometimes put him on the verge of tears,

"I mean to defeat yourself physically, Walker, not mentally." Spirit said,

"Oh." Walker said, and Spirit was ready to fight,

"Defend yourself, Walker." Spirit said, Walker did.

Walker fired bullets from his pistol but Spirit just shot the bullets with his own gun and they all hit one another and fall, much to Walker's shock, Spirit holds his front right hoof out and shoots a stream dark blue and orange fire out of it, Walker teleported to behind Spirit to shoot him in the back of the head, Spirit teleported away before the bullets could hit him. Walker closes his eyes and reopens them to look for Spirit, he sees twenty four light blue objects moving around, and two blue objects that stood still, Walker realized the Void actually had natives in it. Spirit appears in front of him and was about to slash Walker with his sword, Walker uses his sword to clash with it, the two get into a sword fight and their blades clang against one another, Spirit eventually hits Walker's sword out of his front right hoof and slashed Walker's chest, he grunted loudly in pain and looked at his wound.

Walker focused and growled, he makes the sword reappear in his front right hoof and gets into another sword fight with Spirit, their swords clang against one another again and Walker eventually shoots Spirit in the face with his pistol, he smiled when he appeared to have hit Spirit, but stopped smiling when he sees Spirit was light blue and transparent, he realizes the bullets went through him and he was unharmed, Walker was getting irritated and was clenching his teeth.

Spirit teleported back and made himself change back to normal, he holds his front left hoof out and a black skeletal arm comes out, it grabs Walker and pulls him forward,

"Whoa!" Walker said as he flew through the air, Spirit shoots him with the pistol several times and Walker fell, he panted and was tired,

"I give up." Walker said, and Spirit changes back to his regular form,

"Pathetic, Walker, you can't even defeat yourself, you have a lot of training to do, go back home and train." Spirit said, and he disappeared, Walker slams his front right hoof on the ground.

"Wait, what happened to Jones?" Doctor Whooves asked,

"I'll get to that." Walker replied,

"Alright, go on and continue." Doctor Whooves said,

Walker was home and Sprinter and Runner were training him, Sprinter did not mind while Runner was reluctant, Walker kept attacking and learning Sprinter's and Runner's moves, they were doing the same attacks and tactics as Spirit, Walker kept grunting and swinging angrily. Walker kept losing to Sprinter and Runner, no matter how hard he tried, he eventually screamed in rage and turned into the alicorn-like form made out of dark blue flames, and was the same size as Princess Celestia. Walker swings his sword around, it made dark blue flames fly out of each swing and it burned whatever the flames hit, Walker also shot his pistol at his father and paternal grandfather, the bullets were replaced with dark blue flames, but Sprinter and Runner dodged them all easily and took Walker down with the black skeletal hands and Walker changed back when he fell to the ground. Walker grunted loudly and angrily,

"I don't understand! Why can't I win any fights?!" Walker asked angrily,

"Patience, my grandson, you just started training, you have a lot of time to grow." Sprinter replied,

"But still, so far, I've lost every duel." Walker said,

"How many duels?" Runner asked,

"One with Daylight Dimmer, one with Spirit copying me, and this one with you two." Walker replied,

"Daylight Dimmer?" Runner asked,

"Demonicus' student." Walker replied,

"Who's Demonicus?" Runner asked,

"Oh, I remember Demonicus, he was also an apprentice under Star Swirl the Bearded, he and Princess Celestia were rivals back then." Sprinter said,

"Back when?" Runner asked,

"Back when Celestia was still training under Star Swirl the Bearded, before she became a princess. Spirit and I took you to meet him when you were Walker's age." Sprinter replied,

"I don't remember him." Runner said,

"Well, I'm right here." Demonicus replied, Runner was startled and he turned around and saw Demonicus, Daylight Dimmer stood to his right, and Starburn stood to his left,

"I am Demonicus, Runner, your father and I met many years ago." Demonicus said,

"Which one is Daylight Dimmer?" Sprinter asked,

"I am." Daylight Dimmer replied,

"And I'm Starburn, his nephew." Starburn said, Walker was angry at seeing Daylight Dimmer,

"Now, now, Walker, you just started training, Daylight Dimmer has been training under me ever since he was a colt." Demonicus said,

"I'm still mad at losing against him, daddy and grandpa aren't making me feel any better, I'm losing to them, too." Walker replied,

"Maybe a teacher would be good for you." Demonicus said,

"I'd rather train on my own." Walker replied,

"Better than a thousand days of diligent study is one day with a great teacher." Daylight Dimmer said,

"What is that supposed to mean?" Walker asked in an annoyed voice,

"If you get a good teacher to train you, you will perform better than training by yourself." Starburn replied,

"Remember, Walker, if you do train and master your powers, you must not use it, it will draw unwanted attention, and you will embrace your monstrous self." Runner said,

"Wait, even if I do master my powers, I can't use them?! That's it, I quit." Walker said,

"You shouldn't give up so easily, grandson." Sprinter said,

"But I won't be able to use my awesome powers, even if I do master them, and I keep losing my fights, I quit, it's over." Walker replied,

"If you lose, it's not over. If you quit, then it will be over." Daylight Dimmer said,

"I didn't ask for advice." Walker replied,

"So, what do you want to do, Walker?" Runner asked,

"I quit, I'm not using my powers ever again!" Walker replied, and he stormed into his home and slammed the door.

Walker sulked in his bed and just laid there, the door opened and Starburn came in,

"Walker?" Starburn asked,

"Leave me alone." Walker replied, Starburn walked to him,

"Demonicus had a talk with your daddy and granddaddy, it turns out your daddy didn't want the powers to begin with." Starburn said,

"I know, but I can't use them in public, even if I do master them, it's not fair." Walker replied,

"Uncle and I can't use our powers very often in public, either." Starburn said, Walker sat up a little and looked at Starburn,

"Really?" Walker asked,

"No, Celestia wants to Equestria to have friendship, the magic my uncle and I use are powered by our hatred." Starburn replied,

"Hatred of what?" Walker asked,

"My parents not caring about me, so uncle took me in, and my uncle's hatred of his family, he was bullied all the time in school, his teachers were mean and didn't care about their students, and he was bullied by everypony for being from a poor family and not doing any extracurricular activities." Starburn replied,

"Why didn't he do any?" Walker asked,

"His parents wouldn't let him." Starburn replied,

"What were their names?" Walker asked,

"Uncle's father's name was Daylight Sunshine, his mother's name was Bright Sky, Daylight Sunshine was a lazy and dirty stallion, he did no physical work, and would complain about work if he had to do it, and still not do it, and Bright Sky cared more about money and working, to the point where she would not see her family." Starburn replied,

"I can tell him the rest, Starburn." Daylight Dimmer said from the bedroom's entrance, he walked forward,

"I grew up on a farm, I was poor and struggling, everything was too expensive because my mom kept all of the money to herself. I had an older sister named Sunburn, she's Starburn's mother, she left the farm and joined a gang of thieves, she eventually became the leader, she did it so she can steal things and then sell it so she can live a life of luxury on her own. Sunburn fell in love with a stallion named Volcano before she joined the thieves, he was my foalsitter when my parents spent mom's money on things they didn't need, and my sister was stealing things, the two had Starburn when I got older, but by accident, they didn't intend to have a child, so they brought him to the farm so someone else would raise him instead, none of my family would, so I took Starburn in, Master made him into a colt with his magic." Daylight Dimmer explained, Walker was shocked,

"Why did Sunburn and Volcano fall in love?" Walker asked,

"Volcano just wanted my sister as a trophy wife because of her physical appearance, while Sunburn just wants his money." Daylight Dimmer replied,

"How are things in school for you, Walker?" Starburn asked,

"Neutral, I don't have any friends or enemies in school." Walker replied,

"I had the lowest grades in my classes." Daylight Dimmer said,

"That sucks, I'm around the average area." Walker replied,

"Uncle failed because he had to read books." Starburn said,

"You don't like books, Daylight Dimmer?" Walker asked,

"No, I hate reading, I find it to be boring, and it hurts my neck." Daylight Dimmer replied,

"So, how did you learn?" Walker asked,

"By experience." Daylight Dimmer replied,

"How long have you been serving under Demonicus, Daylight Dimmer?" Walker asked,

"Have you ever heard about Sunset Shimmer?" Daylight Dimmer asked,

"Yeah, everybody knows she was Princess Celestia's pupil before Princess Twilight was." Walker replied,

"I served under Demonicus before she became Celestia's student." Daylight Dimmer said, much to Walker's shock,

"No offense, Walker, but to me, Celestia is a failure." Daylight Dimmer said,

"How?" Walker asked,

"Think about it, when there's a threat in Equestria, she isn't doing anything, she fought against Queen Chrysalis and lost, and she got captured by the vines Discord planted, along with the fact that she doesn't evacuate the citizens when danger appears." Daylight Dimmer replied, Walker saw his point,

"There's also a personal level of disappointment to me, when she was looking for a pupil, I wanted to be her pupil, it was so I can escape my old life of a cruel family and bullies in school, not only did my parents refuse, which I wasn't surprised about, but she was only accepting unicorns to be her pupil, I became so mad at the fact that I had to stay with my old life, I destroyed the farm in a fit of rage and my parents restrained me after a while, they pointed to the exit and I left, I wandered the desert and rested, that was when Demonicus approached me and took me in." Daylight Dimmer said, Walker was surprised,

"What did you want to do before Demonicus came to you, Daylight Dimmer?" Walker asked,

"I was planning to join the royal guard when I got old enough." Daylight Dimmer replied,

"I guess you were taught to deal with your enemies differently from others." Walker said,

"I was, I only offer my enemies forgiveness and friendship once, if they reject it and leave, I move on, but if they cause trouble again, and if I win my second fight against them, I'm killing them." Daylight Dimmer replied, Walker was shocked by how ruthless Daylight Dimmer was,

"You should try again, Walker, I could use some training, too." Starburn said, Walker sighed and went outside while Daylight Dimmer and Starburn, the two smiled and walked out with him.

Walker and Starburn train together, Starburn could make any weapon he wished appear, his hate energy was red-orange instead of dark green, he was not as creative as Daylight Dimmer when fighting, Daylight Dimmer also trained, with Runner training him, and Sprinter and Demonicus conversed. The four got tired and Runner was panting,

"I'm not as good as I used to be." Runner said,

"Well, that's what you get for not training as you got older." Sprinter replied, dark blue flames appear under Walker,

"It's Spirit, he has something for you to do, good luck, Walker." Sprinter said, and Walker went into the flames.

Walker appears on gray platforms floating in the Void, dark blue flames appear in front of him and Spirit appeared,

"I have a job for you, Walker, there's a threat in Equestria right now, in the Everfree Forest." Spirit said,

"Is it a friendship problem?" Walker asked,

"No, an actual threat." Spirit replied,

"Why can't we let Princess Twilight handle it?" Walker asked,

"Because there are many threats in Equestria, and Twilight and her friends can't deal with all of them, also, even if they knew of this threat, they could not help." Spirit replied,

"Why not?" Walker asked,

"Because these hostile 'creatures' in the Everfree Forest are actually spirits of the dead, they cannot be seen or heard by ponies who are still alive, and magic does not work on them, it will only go through them, your job is to fight those spirits, destroy their ghost form, and have their souls transferred here, when you're done, I'll let you explore the Void." Spirit said, which made Walker excited,

"You have a deal!" Walker said happily,

"Good, now get out there and subdue those ghosts." Spirit replied, and he disappeared.

Walker sees the portal to Equestria and runs to it, but a force field appears in front of him, a floating blue robe appeared in front of him, Walker looks and sees he had a white human skull for a face,

"Careful, Walker, that's a lich, they absorb souls." Spirit said telepathically, the lich opens its mouth and Walker grunts and falls, he felt his soul being absorbed, which was painful. Walker aims his pistol and shoots at the lich, it did not flinch, so Walker made a black skeletal hand appear from his right front hoof to grab the lich and pull it down, Walker begins attacking it with his sword, he destroyed it after a minute, it let out an ear piercing screech when its body was destroyed.

Walker sees two more liches appear and they open their mouths to absorb his soul, Walker screamed in pain as he felt his soul literally get torn apart, he changes his pistol and sword to unicorn horns, he begins firing zaps at a rapid rate, it destroyed the liches after sometime.

The force field disappears and Walker runs to the portal, he sees white skeletal ponies appear, he noticed they were the deceased, some had wings,

"Remember, Walker, unicorn horns don't have bones, they can still cast magic, even if they are dead, these enemies are called the Revived, they are dead people whose souls go back into their dead bodies to come back to life." Spirit said telepathically, and Walker focuses. Three of the skeletal ponies shoot zaps out of their foreheads, Walker dodged them by teleporting, he was lifted up by a Pegasus skeleton, and then dropped and kicked by the hind legs of an earth pony skeleton, he grunted as he fell. Walker got back up and teleported to the unicorn skeletons and tried to attack them with his sword, they teleported and shot zaps at him from elsewhere, he tried teleporting and slashing them, they just teleported away,

"Come on." Walker grumbled under his breath, the Pegasus skeleton picks him up again and Walker teleports out of his grasp, he shoots his pistol at the Pegasus skeleton's head and blows it off, a dark blue flame came out of him and it changed to a male Pegasus, he was light blue and transparent, Walker realized it was his ghost,

"It's not over yet." the Pegasus said, the skeleton earth pony tramples him from behind, but Walker teleports and appeared behind it, he cut the earth pony skeleton's head off, a dark blue flame came out of it and it changed to a male earth pony.

Walker grunted as he was hit by a unicorn zap, he sees the three unicorn skeletons, Walker lifts his front hoofs up and the souls of the deceased ponies of Equestria come from the other side of the portal and attack the unicorn skeletons, they got destroyed, Walker looks at them and saw the ghosts he summoned to help were earth ponies, the unicorns soon came back as ghosts themselves,

"I wonder." Walker said, and he holds his front hoofs up again, all of the ghosts were bent to his will, including his five enemies that he just fought,

"Whoa! I can make the spirits of my enemies obey me! This is awesome!" Walker said loudly and happily,

"Yes, but remember, Walker, not all ghosts will serve you, some will not obey you." Spirit said telepathically,

"Why did they attack me earlier?" Walker asked,

"The souls of the dead act on impulse with no one to guide them, but remember, for you to command a ghost or a soul, they must not be in a physical body, if they are skeletons, you cannot control them, since a skeleton is still a physical body." Spirit replied telepathically,

"Got it." Walker said,

"Good, go, deal with that threat in the Everfree Forest." Spirit replied telepathically, Walker pressed his front hoofs on the ground to dismiss the spirits under his command, and he ran into the portal that led to his home world.

Walker arrives in the Everfree Forest and he sees light blue flames float around, he realized they were the souls of the deceased, they go into the ground and skeletons of earth ponies and light blue spirits of timberwolves climb out. The earth ponies and timberwolves run to Walker and he got ready, he makes his sword become big and long, he swings it around destroys the skeletons with one hit, but it did not do well against the timberwolves, so Walker changed his big sword into a hatchet, he tries to attack the timberwolves, but they slash him and knock him down, he grunted as he got hit, and it hurt a lot.

Walker places his front left hoof on the ground and makes the light blue round heads come out, they go to the timberwolves and attack them, but he hears noises and realizes the earth pony spirits have appeared, he shoots them with his pistol but it did not do much, the earth pony spirits buck him and kick him, he grunted from each hit. Walker slashes them with his sword and destroys their spiritual forms after a few hits, each spiritual form was destroyed after about four or five hits from Walker's sword. Walker sees the four round heads have destroyed the timberwolves, they disappear and Walker sees the souls float around,

"Good, now absorb them into your body and come back to the Void." Spirit said telepathically, and Walker held his body out and the souls went into him, Walker opens a light blue and white portal with his mind and he goes back into the Void.

Walker arrived back into the Void and Spirit appeared in front of him,

"Good, bring their souls to me." Spirit said, and Walker held his front legs out, the souls float around Spirit,

"Judgement is at hand." Spirit said, and the souls disappeared,

"What happened to them?" Walker asked,

"I sent them to another resident in the Void, as promised, you are now granted permission to travel the Void." Spirit replied, and he held his right hand out, a blue portal appears Jones walks out,

"Take Jones with you, I think you two will enjoy exploring the realm more if you two go together." Spirit said, and he disappeared while a black bridge formed in front of them, the two go together.

Walker and Jones walk down the bridge and keep going,

"You explored this realm yet?" Walker asked,

"Nope, I've been hiding with Spirit." Jones replied,

"So, what do you do for a living, Jones?" Walker asked,

"I'm an explorer, I travel Equestria to look for new places." Jones replied,

"Really? That sounds fun." Walker said,

"It is. How about you, Walker, what do you do?" Jones asked,

"I'm still a student in school, I was only taken here because my ancestors made a deal with Spirit, my daddy and his daddy before him been here before, too." Walker replied,

"What did they say about this area?" Jones asked,

"Nothing." Walker replied,

"Well, let's go, I see a place up ahead." Jones said, Walker also sees it and the two keep walking.

Walker and Jones goes to the area and saw it was a building, it looked like a black fortress, the two shrug and enter, they see a bipedal humanoid figure that scared them, he was big and muscular, he was bald and had glowing blue skin, he had a black blindfold over his eyes, he wore a black judge's robe, he wielded a sledgehammer, but it was strange looking, the right half of the hammer was blue and white, it had a feathered wing at the top, and a female angel's face carved on it, while the left half of the hammer was red and black, it had a bat wing at the top, and a male demon's face carved on it. Walker and Jones look and see balancing scales, the right side was white, and the left side was black, he also had a double-edged broadsword sheathed on his left side,

"Ah, Walker and Jones, I have been expecting you two." the being said in a deep voice,

"You are?" Jones asked,

"I am just called The Judge, you're actually serving me indirectly, Walker." the being replied,

"What? How?" Walker asked,

"Every soul of the dead you absorb from Equestria or elsewhere is brought to me after you give them to Spirit, I see the lives they lived, their deeds are weighed on the Scales of Virtue and Sin behind me, whichever one goes down farther will decide their fate, if the white part goes down farther, salvation, the black part, damnation. And if you wish, you can just give the souls to me directly instead of through Spirit." The Judge replied,

"What if they're both down equally?" Walker asked,

"Yeah, what happens if that happens?" Jones asked,

"Then their personality and desires of their hearts will decide where they will go." The Judge replied,

"Wait, there's one thing I don't understand." Walker said,

"What is it?" The Judge asked,

"What happens to the souls I don't bring here?" Walker asked,

"Demonicus sends them here with his magic, but only the souls in Equestria, and he can't get all of them. Daylight Dimmer has actually given us lots of souls." The Judge replied,

"Really?" Walker asked,

"Yes, believe it or not, but he actually had a hand in stopping the Canterlot invasion caused by Chrysalis, before the invasion happened, Daylight Dimmer was lurking in the shadows, and killing the changelings." The Judge replied, shocking Walker,

"Do not be so shocked, those ponies who save Equestria sent a soul here once as well." The Judge said,

"Who?" Walker asked,

"King Sombra." The Judge replied,

"Oh right, the crystal heart shattered him." Jones said,

"Yes, and his soul was brought here by Demonicus, he has received damnation." The Judge replied,

"What happens to the souls after their sentence?" Walker asked,

"Those who receive salvation are sent to the overworld, those who receive damnation are sent to the underworld." The Judge replied,

"Are they a part of the Void?" Jones asked,

"No, they're two completely different worlds, now get going, I got souls to judge." The Judge replied, and the two turn around and see the souls coming in, the two see the exit behind The Judge and they go through it.

Walker and Jones come outside and see several places to go, they saw a palace up ahead, along with a temple to their lefts, and a place filled with skeletons to their rights,

"Those skeletons are not just pony skeletons." Jones said,

"Yeah, I don't recognize any of those creatures." Walker replied, Jones proceeded to go,

"What are you doing?" Walker asked,

"I'm an explorer, Walker, it's my job to explore dangerous areas." Jones replied, Walker gulped and went with him.

Walker and Jones walk around and saw two big black statues, they were both wearing robes and were hooded, and had skulls for their faces, the left statue was holding a quill in its right hand, and a document in its left hand, while the right statue was holding a double-edged sword in its right hand. They turn on their own and face Walker and Jones, which made them uneasy,

"So, you have come, Walker." the left statue said in a gravely voice,

"We have been waiting for you, we will test your ways of dealing with conflict." the right statue said in a ghastly voice,

"Who are you two?" Walker asked,

"I am Diplomat." the left statue said,

"And I am War." the right statue said,

"We will watch how you resolve conflict, and new enemies you encounter can be summoned here for you to fight and learn their moves and weaknesses." Diplomat said,

"Princess Celestia taught us friendship always wins." Walker replied, Diplomat and War laugh,

"Perhaps, but what if friendship doesn't work?" War asked,

"I don't get it." Walker replied,

"What if the friendship you try to offer ends up being rejected, and you are attacked?" Diplomat asked, Walker was a bit speechless,

"There you go, Celestia's ways of friendship and forgiveness doesn't always work." War said,

"You will learn during your travels that he is right." Diplomat said, and the statues turn away, Walker was a bit uncomfortable,

"Come on, let's go somewhere else." Jones said, and the two walk away.

Walker and Jones go back to the pathway and go to the temple to the west next,

"Hello?" Walker asked, there was no answer, Jones knocked on the temple's door with his front right hoof three times, nothing happened,

"No one's here." Jones said, but just as he finished saying that, the temple's double doors opened, the two shrug and enter.

Walker and Jones look around and saw the inside of the temple was empty, there was only dark gold walls, a light tan ceiling, and a dull white flat floor in the area, they only see four white pillows on the floor across from them,

"Heh, there's no one here." Walker said, but he began to grunt and a duplicate came out of his body, he stood on the center-left pillow, shocking him and Jones,

"Hello, Walker, I am your body." the Walker duplicate said,

"What's going on?" Walker asked,

"Hang on, the others will be here shortly." Body Walker replied, and Walker grunted more, a dark blue flame floated out of him and went to the center-right pillow, his brain floated out and went to the far left pillow, and his heart floated out and went to the far right pillow. The dark blue flame forms into a blue transparent version of Walker, his brain makes a body of Walker made out of blue electricity, and his heart makes a body of Walker made out of red fire,

"I am your mind." the Walker of blue electricity said,

"I am your spirit." the blue transparent Walker said,

"And I am your emotions." the Walker of red fire said,

"So, what do you guys do?" Walker asked,

"We are your trainers, as well as reflections of yourself." Mind Walker replied,

"How are you guys reflections of me?" Walker asked,

"Depending on your physical shape, knowledge, willpower, and feelings, the weaker or stronger we will be." Body Walker replied,

"So, what do you guys train me in?" Walker asked,

"If you want to train in improving your body and fitness, you come to me." Body Walker replied,

"I am a teacher of knowledge, come to me if you wish to learn." Mind Walker said,

"I will make your willpower and determination stronger, as well as help you clear out your mind, come to me if you wish to meditate." Spirit Walker said,

"If you wish to improve your empathy, and understand the feelings of others, come to me, I will teach you how to read one's feelings and emotions through their bodies, faces, and eyes', even the stoics have emotions." Emotion Walker said,

"Is there one for this guy, too?" Walker asked,

"Yeah, I'd like to do one of these." Jones said,

"You'll have to speak with Spirit if you wish for it." Body Walker replied, Jones nodded,

"Well, we are always here, and inside of you, Walker, remember, we represent your inner self, so we will always be with you as well." Body Walker said,

"I already train my mind and body at school." Walker replied,

"PE class will not be enough." Body Walker said,

"Academics and learning about friendship will not help you out of every problem." Mind Walker said,

"Oh." Walker replied with realization,

"Well, get going, you still have a lot of people to meet." Spirit Walker said,

"Yes, they are waiting for you in the palace." Emotion Walker said, and they disappear,

"Come on, Walker, let's meet them." Jones said, Walker agreed by nodding his head and they leave the temple.

Walker and Jones go to the palace that was up ahead and they see five humanoid figures standing at the entrance of the palace, they were all wearing black business suits with a white long-sleeve shirt under the blazers, they were bald with oblong face shapes, and peach colored skin. Walker and Jones found their appearances a bit unsettling, the center-left, center, center-right, and far right men had black blindfolds on their eyes', the far left man did not have one, and his eyes were blue, the far left, center-left, center, and center-right men wore black leather gloves while the far right man did not, the center-left man had ears while the other four did not, and the center-right man had a nose while the other four did not.

Walker and Jones look at them with surprise,

"What is it?" the center man asked, surprising the two,

"Who are you guys?" Jones asked,

"We are the Senses, we represent the five main senses, I am Taste." the center man said,

"What are the names of you four?" Walker asked,

"They cannot speak, as they do not have tongues." Taste replied, shocking Walker and Jones,

"So, what are their names?" Jones asked,

"The one with eyes is Sight, the one with ears is Hear, the one with a nose is Smell, and the one without gloves is Touch." Taste replied,

"How do you all get around?" Walker asked,

"By touching someone, we establish telepathic contact, so when we are together, we act as one." Taste replied, impressing Walker and Jones,

"What are your functions in the Void?" Jones asked,

"We act as Spirit's scouts, if there is an intruder or danger coming, we will be the first ones to know, and we inform Spirit." Taste replied,

"I see." Walker said,

"You guys don't look like you're native to this realm." Jones said,

"We are not, we are from a different world entirely." Taste replied,

"Wow, I didn't think that'd be the case." Walker said,

"We are quintuplets, all five of us got cursed by an old enemy that took away all but one of our senses, we contacted Spirit through a ritual and we were brought here." Taste replied,

"Wow, five identical twin brothers." Walker said,

"Actually, we are genderless, we can choose to be either male or female, we chose male because it gives us better physical strength and stamina, while being a female makes our bodies more flexible." Taste replied, Walker and Jones just look at them,

"And just when I didn't think things could get weirder." Walker said,

"My thoughts exactly." Jones replied,

"You two should get going, there are eighteen more people for you two to meet." Taste said, shocking Walker and Jones,

"Do not worry, they are in groups, now go." Taste said, and the two enter the palace.

Walker and Jones enter the palace and see it the first floor had a gray interior, there were fourteen people there, but two of them all wore a robe of the same color, the colored robes were purple, green, red, light blue, yellow, orange, and blue,

"So, you are the one Spirit called here." the blue robe to the left side of the room said, it had a female's voice,

"Who are you guys?" Walker asked,

"I am Humility." the purple robe to Walker's and Jones' lefts replied in a female voice,

"My name is Pride." the purple robe to Walker's and Jones' rights said in a male voice,

"My name is Kindness." the green robe to Walker's and Jones' lefts said in a female voice,

"My name is Envy." the green robe to Walker's and Jones' rights said in a male voice,

"You will know me as Charity." the yellow robe to Walker's and Jones' lefts said in a female voice,

"I am Greed." the yellow robe to Walker's and Jones' rights said in a male voice,

"My name is Temperance." the orange robe to Walker's and Jones' lefts said in a female voice,

"My name is Gluttony." the orange robe to Walker's and Jones' rights said in a male voice,

"I am called Diligence." the light blue robe to Walker's and Jones' lefts said in a female voice,

"You shall know me as Sloth." the light blue robe to Walker's and Jones' rights said in a male voice,

"I am known as Chastity." the blue robe to Walker's and Jones' lefts said in a female voice,

"You will refer to me as Lust." the blue robe to Walker's and Jones' rights said in a male voice,

"I am Patience." the red robe to Walker's and Jones' lefts said in a female voice,

"And I am called Wrath." the red robe to Walker's and Jones' rights said in a male voice,

"What do you guys do?" Jones asked,

"We help The Judge, when a soul achieves salvation or damnation, we will reward or punish the soul with whichever virtue or sin they committed the most." Humility replied,

"What are the rewards?" Walker asked,

"I reward people with the joys of life." Patience replied,

"I reward those who commit my virtue with true and everlasting love." Chastity said,

"I reward people with success at whatever they were trying to achieve." Diligence said,

"I reward people with enhanced physical abilities, and the simple joys they had in life." Temperance said,

"I reward those who commit my virtue with love and appreciation from others." Charity said,

"I reward people by making them all the same to one another, so they are all equal." Kindness said,

"I reward people with power and authority since they do not see themselves as superior to another." Humility said,

"And the punishments?" Jones asked,

"I have the angry dismembered alive." Wrath replied,

"I make the lustful feel physical torment for all eternity by having them burn in fire and brimstone." Lust said,

"I make the slothful and apathetic get thrown into snake pits." Sloth said,

"I punish the gluttonous by force feeding them rats, toads, and snakes." Gluttony said,

"I have the greedy boiled alive in oil for all eternity." Greed said,

"I punish the envious by having them put in freezing water for all eternity." Envy said,

"I punish the prideful by putting them on the breaking wheel." Pride said, Walker and Jones had no idea what a breaking wheel was,

"Are you in Equestria, Kindness?" Walker asked,

"No, I know Fluttershy represents my virtue, but me and the others here do not interfere with mortal affairs." Kindness replied,

"Even though those six represent the Elements of Harmony, they themselves are guilty of committing a sin, so are their family and friends." Pride said,

"Like what?" Walker asked with shock,

"Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, and Applejack are all guilty of the sin of pride. Twilight Sparkle takes pride in being Princess Celestia's personal pupil, Rainbow Dash cares too much of her self image, Pinkie Pie is too proud of being Ponyville's party planner, Rarity admires her own appearance, and Applejack takes pride in overcoming challenges. Trixie has committed the sin of pride as well." Pride said,

"Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, and Applejack have also committed the sin of gluttony." Gluttony said,

"Pinkie Pie committed the sin of envy when she met Cheese Sandwich." Envy said,

"Fluttershy has also committed the sin of wrath when Iron Will trained her to be assertive." Wrath said,

"Speaking of sins, her brother, Zephyr Breeze, has committed the sin of sloth many times. Rainbow Dash is partially guilty of sloth as well." Sloth said,

"Rarity has committed greed as well, but she gives as much as she receives, so if she is punished by me, it will be lessened. Spike has committed greed, too." Greed said,

"Speaking of Rarity, she has also committed the sin of lust, due to her desire to fit in with the upper-class of Equestria." Lust said, surprising the two,

"What about virtues?" Jones asked,

"Twilight Sparkle has committed humility, so has Fluttershy." Humility said,

"Rarity has committed temperance, mainly to keep her weight down for her appearance." Temperance said,

"Obviously, Fluttershy has committed my virtue, she represents it, Rarity has committed my virtue at times as well." Kindness said,

"All six of them have committed my virtue, since they waited long enough for some of their enemies to become their friends." Patience said,

"Rainbow Dash and Applejack have committed diligence several times, look at how hard Applejack works, and how long it took Rainbow Dash to become a Wonderbolt." Diligence said,

"Rarity has committed charity too many times to count, she has given out many things." Charity said,

"Twilight Sparkle has also committed chastity due to her lack of desire for more power after becoming an alicorn, her friends have also committed it due to them not trying to overthrow her and take her alicorn powers for themselves." Chastity said, Walker was surprised while Jones was not,

"Go up the stairs behind us, the last four and Spirit himself are waiting for you." Humility said, and the two go up the stairs.

Walker and Jones walk up the stairs and come to a new room, it was strange looking to the two, the left side of the room was orange and yellow with a yellow and orange sun while the right side was purple and blue with a white moon. There were two humanoid figures in the room, on the left side looked like a little girl, she had an inverted triangular face, fair skin, yellow eyes, and straight bright blonde hair that went down to her scapulae, she was wearing a light yellow, knee-length, sleeveless dress, and yellow sandals; on the right side looked like a teenage boy, he had an inverted triangular face, pale white skin, blue eyes, and messy jet black hair, he was wearing a gray long-sleeve shirt, blue trouser jeans, white socks, and black running shoes,

"Yay! New visitors!" the girl said while jumping up and down happily,

"Yeah, that also means more work for us." the boy said in a deadpan tone,

"Who are you guys?" Walker asked,

"Oh, I'm glad you asked, I'm Optimist, I am a manifestation of one's positive thinking and view on life, I am so glad to meet you, that means a new friend for me!" the girl said, Walker and Jones smiled,

"You wouldn't remember me or care who I was if I died." the boy said, shocking Walker and Jones,

"Yes, I would." Walker said,

"No, you wouldn't, it is everyone's destiny to be forgotten." the boy replied,

"Not everyone's forgotten after they pass." Jones replied,

"Oh, that's just Pessimist being Pessimist, he's a manifestation of one's negative thinking and view on life." Optimist said,

"So, what do you guys do?" Walker asked,

"It wouldn't matter if I told you, you'll forget anyway." Pessimist replied,

"You can come to us for help when you have to make a decision, I'll list the pros, and Pessimist will list the cons, also, as your views change on your journeys, our presence will either grow or fade." Optimist said,

"Meaning?" Walker asked,

"Depending on how idealistic or cynical your view on life is, the stronger or weaker our presence will be, if you're completely pessimistic, then Optimist over there will not be present." Pessimist replied,

"Oh." Walker said,

"Well, go upstairs, Walker and Jones, the last two are waiting for you, but be warned, one of them is a bit lively." Optimist said,

"Meaning..." Jones said,

"He's aggressive, try not to get yourselves killed by him." Pessimist replied, Walker and Jones were uneasy and go up the stairs.

Walker and Jones go up the stairs and see the next floor was also divided into two, the left half was blue while the right half was red, they hear a male grunt and the two were grabbed, they see a male humanoid figure, his skin was red, he had a square face shape, short black hair, and red eyes with orange fire coming out of them, he was wearing black pants that went halfway down his calves, since the rest of the pants below there was ripped, the humanoid figure was extremely muscular,

"WHAT ARE YOU TWO DOING HERE?!" the male asked loudly and angrily, scaring the two, the two look and saw a female humanoid figure on the left side of the room, she was wearing a light blue, long-sleeve, floor-length dress, had straight long white hair, an inverted triangular face, whitish blue skin, and her eyes were closed,

"Who is that over there?" Walker asked,

"I DEMAND YOU ANSWER ME FIRST!!" the male said angrily,

"It's alright, they're Spirit's guests." the female said, she opened her eyes and they were blue with light blue ice coming out of them, the male lets go of them and goes back,

"I am Passive, and that's Aggressive, we are the representations of your behavioral beliefs, Walker, we have the same roles as Optimist and Pessimist, but rather than dealing with decision making, we deal with how you act." the female said,

"Meaning?" Walker asked,

"Are you stupid?! It means we help you decide the best course of action along with Optimist and Pessimist, is it best to avoid conflict and walk away, or is it best to have conflict and hurt those who wronged you?!" Aggressive replied sternly,

"Oh, that's what you two are." Walker said,

"Yes, we are your advisers when dealing with problems between others, is it best to avoid conflict, or engage in it, while Optimist and Pessimist will tell you the pros and cons of the two in the situation." Passive replied,

"Wait a minute, you two sound just like Diplomat and War." Jones said,

"Diplomat and War are not advisers! They make problems appear to train Walker just in case they actually do happen! Our job is to monitor his behavior!" Aggressive replied angrily,

"We are just like Optimist and Pessimist, Walker, the more passive or aggressive you become, the weaker or stronger we will be." Passive said,

"Got it." Walker replied,

"Now get up those stairs! Spirit doesn't like waiting!" Aggressive said, and the two go up.

Walker and Jones go up and arrive into a black room, they see a bunch of books around the room,

"Wow." Walker said,

"Taken a liking, Walker?" Spirit asked, they see him sitting in a black throne,

"Is this the entire Void?" Jones asked,

"No, only the main part and center of it, there are many things in this realm, most of the landscapes you see in the Void are either created by me or your memories." Spirit replied,

"What are these books?" Walker asked,

"The history of the worlds, they update themselves all the time, those books tell the past and present of their respective worlds, any changes made inside the books will change that world's history." Spirit replied, surprising Walker and Jones,

"Is everybody here a foreigner?" Walker asked,

"No, only the Senses are, everybody else here, I created, myself." Spirit replied,

"Wait, one thing, if Optimist, Pessimist, Passive, and Aggressive represent my views on the world, and my behavior, why isn't there a Love and Hate?" Walker asked,

"Because romances aren't my concern." Spirit replied,

"But they're still a part of one's thinking." Walker said,

"Yes, I know, but romances aren't mine to control, Love and Hate will also be redundant, there's already a Lust, a Chastity, and a Wrath." Spirit replied,

"Oh, you do have a point there." Walker said,

"Exactly. Now, onto business, as I said before, there's a lot of threats in Equestria, and Twilight Sparkle and the other five bearers of the Elements of Harmony can't deal with all of them, there is a particular threat going around right now that they can't face at all, not even the princesses can face it." Spirit replied,

"What is it?" Walker asked,

"As you saw, the souls of the dead come here to be judged, but some malevolent souls escape and go to a world, these souls wander around and cause trouble, and can only interact with others by taking control of others, these people are called the Possessed, and they can control another group of creatures called the Undead, they are just dead bodies brought back to life, but without their souls, so they act mindlessly unless directed. There is a powerful soul going around doing just that not just in Equestria, but in other worlds as well, your job, Walker, is to destroy the threat." Spirit replied,

"I'm ready." Walker said excitedly,

"Good, now go on home, it's getting late, and as for you, Jones, you should stay in here, Claudius can't get you in this realm very easily, I'll give you full access to the Void, you can train yourself here as well, and visit the other worlds." Spirit replied,

"Thank you." Jones said while smiling,

"You're welcome, now go on, you two." Spirit replied, and they left, Spirit opens a portal for Walker and he was back home, it was dark, and he was tired, so he went to bed and slept.

Walker woke up the next morning and talked about the Void to Runner and Sprinter while he was eating cereal,

"Walker, you don't need to tell me and your father, we've already met them." Runner said,

"So, when do I go on my first adventure?" Walker asked,

"Spirit will contact you telepathically, grandson, just wait for the call." Sprinter replied, Walker nodded excitedly, he quickly finished breakfast and ran to school, excited about traveling to another world.

Walker sits in school and was bored, he wanted to go to the Void, and did not focus on learning, he was daydreaming about traveling through the Void,

"Walker." Walker's teacher said, she startled him and he focused,

"Repeat what I just said." Walker's teacher said,

"There will be a quiz tomorrow." Walker replied,

"Oh, you were listening, my apologies, Walker." Walker's teacher said, much to Walker's relief. Walker keeps working in class with nothing by boredom,

"I still wonder why Passive is female and Aggressive is male." Walker whispered to himself, he felt tingling in his head,

"It is because of cultural and society beliefs of other worlds besides Equestria, Walker, males tend to be the aggressive and loud ones, and act on impulse, while females are quiet and prefer to think than do, they are also the ones who have prevent the male from doing something reckless." Spirit said telepathically, Walker was extremely confused, to him, it was the other way around, it were the females that were loud, aggressive, and emotional, while the males are calm, calculating, and do not speak unless necessary. Walker looks at his class and sees his thoughts were right, the fillies were more emotional and outgoing while he and the other colts were stoic and quiet, he also noticed the fillies were jumping up and down with excitement at several things while the colts were just sitting and watching.

The bell rings and Walker gets ready to head to the Void,

"Walker?" a filly asked, Walker turns around and saw the filly, it was a unicorn, she had a light pink coat, a long light gray mane and tail, purple eye shadow, and dark red eyes, she did not have a cutie mark. Walker recognized her, it was Cherry Blossom, one of his classmates,

"Are you leaving?" Cherry Blossom asked,

"Yeah, I have stuff to do at home." Walker replied,

"You're the only one in our class who doesn't stay after school or do any extracurricular activities, and we don't see you wandering around out of school, so me and the others were wondering what you do after class." Cherry Blossom said,

"I just head home and spend time with my family." Walker replied,

"You don't do anything else?" Cherry Blossom asked,

"Not really." Walker replied, he wanted to tell her about the Void, but decided it would be wise not to,

"Well, take care." Cherry Blossom said, and she walked back while Walker headed home.

Walker did his homework and was rushing, Runner checked his homework,

"Walker, come back here, you got every problem wrong." Runner said,

"Ugh!" Walker said with annoyance as he was about to go to the Void, he does his homework and put down random answers,

"Walker, no, answer with accuracy." Runner said, Walker growled,

"Walker." Runner said sternly,

"Fine." Walker replied, and he did, he finished a lot later than he hoped, Runner checked his homework,

"Good job, Walker, now you can go." Runner said, and Walker opened a portal with his mind and went into the Void while still bitter.

Walker walks into the Void bitterly and he sees something was wrong, he saw creatures he has never seen before fly to him, they looked humanoid, but with gray skin, they had four feathered wings on their back, which were black, they had the ears and beak of a hippogriff, the beaks were a yellow color. The humanoid creatures reach onto their sides and take out bladed boomerangs, they open their mouths and a light blue aura comes out of them, their eyes' glowed light blue as well.

The four creatures throw their boomerangs at Walker, and he dodged them, he made his sword and pistol appear, he shot at the creatures with his pistol to knock them down, it did not work, he teleported around to dodge the bladed boomerangs, but he got hit a few times, he grunted each time since they cut his coat. Walker makes a black skeletal arm come out of his front left hoof and grabs one creature and pulls it forward, he looks at its face and closed his eyes and reopened them, his vision was dark blue, people were light blue, and objects were just blue. Walker looks at the creature he grabbed and tries to read its feelings, he noticed it was possessed, and not itself, he also sees the creature was trying to force the spirit possessing it out of its body.

Walker gets cut across his chest diagonally by one of the boomerangs and he screams from the pain, he looks at the other three creatures while the one he pulled forward tried to peck him with its beak, Walker saw they were all possessed, but one thing he noticed was they were all possessed by the same spirit instead of four different spirits. Walker makes it his priority to free the souls, but did not know how,

"Darn, how do I free the souls?" Walker asked himself, he felt tingling in his head,

"You can't, Walker, when someone is possessed, they are gone unless they have a strong willpower to resist, the only way to release them is to kill them." Spirit replied telepathically,

"What? But Spirit." Walker said,

"I know it's hard, Walker, but it's the only way, you may not know it, but the soul that has possessed them already mutated them, even though they are fighting to regain control of their bodies, their spirits and willpowers are too weak, they have to be killed." Spirit replied telepathically, Walker closed his eyes with sorrow,

"Don't cry, Walker, no tears, it has to be done." Walker said to himself, and he focuses. Walker watches the creatures and the bladed boomerangs go back into their hands, they throw them again and Walker decides to try something, he shoots a boomerang with his pistol and it falls out of the air, he gets an idea and changes his sword to another pistol, he begins running around and shoots the boomerangs, he begins shooting at the possessed creatures and they fall, the creatures gasp while light blue lights come out of their eyes' and mouths, their bodies disintegrate and their souls float around, Walker absorbs them into himself and heads farther into the Void.

Walker arrives farther into the Void by teleporting, he goes to The Judge and offers the four souls to him, Walker saw Humility, Pride, Kindness, Envy, Charity, Greed, Temperance, Gluttony, Diligence, Sloth, Chastity, Lust, Patience, and Wrath were behind him. The Judge looks at the first soul,

"A female, from the world Aerostia, creature is a harpy." The Judge said,

"She was known to restrain herself despite her falling in love with so many men." Chastity said, the white scale went down a bit,

"It appears she was quite the eater as well." Gluttony said, the scales revert back to normal,

"She trained long and hard to be a good fighter." Diligence said, the white scale went back down,

"She was known to be a calm fighter." Patience said, the white scale moves down even more,

"That is all, this soul shall receive salvation." The Judge said, and he hits his gavel with the angelic side of his hammer, a portal opens to his right and the soul floats into it.

The portal closes and the scales revert back to normal, The Judge looks at the second soul,

"Also from Aerostia, male." The Judge said,

"This one admired his own appearance." Pride said, the black scale weighed down,

"He was also jealous of those who were better than him." Envy said, the black scale went down even more,

"He did not care about those who he hurt to get what he wanted." Sloth said, the black scale went down again,

"Damnation, it is." The Judge said, and he hits his gavel with the demonic side of his hammer, a portal to his left opens, the soul goes in it and the portal closes as the scales go back to normal.

The Judge looks at the third soul,

"Aerostia, female." The Judge said,

"She was obsessed with money and things of value." Greed said, the black scale weighs down,

"She did not see herself as superior to others." Humility said, the black scale moves back up,

"Oh, that is everything, she is neutral, let's take a look at her personality." The Judge said, and he does,

"She had a good heart overall, this soul shall receive salvation." The Judge said, and he hits the gavel with the angelic side of his hammer, a portal opens the soul floats into it, the portal closes while the scales remain the same, this surprised Walker.

The Judge looks at the final soul,

"Aerostia, male." The Judge said,

"This one was full of himself." Pride said, the black scale weighs down,

"He was driven by envy, jealous of those better than him." Envy said, the black scale weighs down,

"He desired riches and wealth for himself." Greed said, the black scale weighs down even more,

"He ate and drank more than he needed." Gluttony said, the black scale goes down,

"He did not want to train, and worked when money was involved, he also did not care about those he hurt." Sloth said, the black scale goes down even more,

"He has had relationships with many females, even those who were married." Lust said, the black scale goes down even farther,

"He had a short temper, and attacked those who provoked him even the slightest, even children." Wrath said, the black scale goes down even farther,

"Damnation, it is." The Judge said, and he hit his gavel with the demonic side of his hammer, a portal to his left opens, the soul floats into the portal and it closes while the scales revert back to normal,

"You do not need to watch, Walker, you can head on forward through that door behind me." The Judge said, Walker nodded and he went forward.

Walker arrives at the pathway and decided to go to the arena, and to his surprise, Jones was there, he was fighting what appeared to be skeletons, all different sizes and shapes. Jones blew them apart with his magic, Diplomat and War laugh,

"See, Jones, sometimes friendship doesn't always work." Diplomat said,

"You should travel to the other worlds that are connected to the Void, and see how the natives view forgiveness." War said,

"I'll keep that in mind." Jones replied, and he used his magic to teleport away, he appeared in front of Walker,

"What were you doing?" Walker asked,

"Testing my fighting skills, apparently, that arena there is so you can have the enemies you have encountered appear, and learn their fighting abilities better." Jones replied, Walker was interested,

"I was also waiting for you, we can travel through the worlds at will, I wanted to travel with you." Jones said, which made Walker happy,

"Sure, let's go." Walker replied,

"Okay, the portals are at that pathway." Jones said, and they go back.

Walker and Jones arrive and they see portals open, there were four worlds they could travel to, they see the southeastern portal was to Equestria, the name of the country was under the portal; the southwestern portal led to a world of bipedal creatures who had fiendish faces, there were two types, one had dark red skin and orange monochromatic eyes, while the other had light blue skin and purple monochromatic eyes, they were all muscular and had two black curved horns on the top of their heads, and four fangs protruding from their mouths, they were all shirtless and wore black pants with gray metal plates on them, and black mid-calf length boots, the place was called Yomi, it looked hot and dark; the northwestern portal was to a world of bipedal creatures, they had bat-like wings on their backs, a thick tail with two fish fins on the end coming out of their coccyges, and were all wearing dull gray armor, so their faces were not seen, one turns around and Walker and Jones saw they had a third eye on their foreheads, the area looked like an underground armory, the place was called Chrysaor; the northeastern portal was the one with the harpies, they did not have beaks like the ones Walker just fought, he realized it was Aerostia, it had white and gold architecture with yellow lights everywhere.

Walker was extremely excited and did not know where he wanted to go first,

"Well, where do you want to go first, Walker?" Jones asked,

"I actually can't decide, I wanna go to all of them." Walker replied,

"Hmm, why don't we go to Aerostia first? Since you just fought some of them." Jones said,

"Okay." Walker replied, and the two enter the portal.

Walker and Jones arrive into Aerostia and were immediately seized by the harpies putting spears in front of them,

"Halt!" a female voice said, her voice echoed, Walker and Jones see her flying to them, she had short raven black hair,

"What are you two doing in Aerostia?" the harpy asked,

"I was attacked by your kind several minutes ago." Walker replied, surprising the harpies,

"What did they look like?" the female harpy asked,

"They had beaks, and their eyes' glowed blue." Walker replied,

"My god, you encountered the Possessed." a male harpy said,

"Where were you at that time?" another male harpy asked,

"Uh..." Walker replied,

"The Void." Jones said, Walker looks at him with surprise,

"Ah, so you're from Spirit's realm, Spirit is a god in our culture, to be specific, he's our god of the dead, so I assume you two are his messengers." the female harpy said,

"Actually, I'm not, I'm just staying in his realm, a cult from my world is after me." Jones replied,

"The Anti-Spirit cult?" the female harpy asked,

"No, this cult is trying to summon something called the Four Horseponies of the Apocalypse, they need unicorn horns like my own to summon them." Jones replied, the harpies murmur,

"What world are you two from?" a third male harpy asked,

"Equestria." Walker replied,

"Wait, are you the most recent receiver of Spirit's powers?" a second female harpy asked,

"Yes." Walker replied,

"I see, let them go. What's your name, young one?" the first female harpy asked,

"Walker." Walker replied,

"And you?" the female harpy asked,

"Jones." Jones replied,

"I see, I am Alexia, come with me, you two." the female harpy said, and the other harpies let the two go, they follow her as she flew.

Walker and Jones follow Alexia into a brightly lit room, they saw gold statues of the harpies everywhere, and big bronze orbs with yellow lights on them, the two also saw harpy wings and heads carved onto several doors. Walker and Jones sit together, across from Alexia,

"Alright, Walker, I know your family's history with Spirit, one of your male ancestors from your paternal side of the family made a deal with Spirit to ensure the survival of your family, two people from your family came to this world before." Alexia said,

"Really?" Walker asked,

"Yes. Now, who are you living with?" Alexia asked,

"My daddy, and my grandpa." Walker replied,

"Maternal or paternal grandfather?" Alexia asked,

"Paternal." Walker replied,

"What are their names?" Alexia asked,

"My daddy's name is Runner, and my grandpa's name is Sprinter." Walker replied, Alexia's attention was caught,

"Runner? Sprinter? Those are the two who came here. And believe it or not, Walker, but your paternal grandfather and I actually had crushes on one another when we were kids." Alexia said,

"Really?" Walker asked in a playful tone while Jones chuckled a bit,

"Yes, I actually have a gift for you, Walker, here, take this amulet." Alexia replied, and she hands it to him, Walker and Jones see it was a light blue sapphire in a black frame,

"This will allow you to see what Runner and Sprinter did in the past, and learn more about their adventures." Alexia said, Walker was interested, but decided to ask Alexia more about her relationship with his paternal grandfather,

"So, what was it like between you and grandpa?" Walker asked,

"You'll see it if you use that amulet." Alexia replied,

"Come on, tell me, Alexia." Walker said,

"I think it'll be better if you see it with your own eyes than asking me." Alexia replied, the two were laughing a little,

"Come on, Walker, you still want to see the other worlds, let's just watch and see what happened." Jones said, Walker agreed and the two left while Alexia smiled.

Walker and Jones walk together and Walker wanted to go back to where they entered because he was curious to see how Runner and Sprinter reacted when they entered the world,

"Sorry to drag you into this." Walker said,

"It's alright, exploring new areas is my special talent." Jones replied, Walker smiled and holds his front right hoof out, with the amulet on his hoof, a blue light shoots out and it made transparent creatures appear. The harpies surround a pony and they see a colt who looked just like Walker, they also saw a young Alexia, she had scapula length raven black hair,

"What are you doing here?" a male harpy asked,

"I... I just came here to see if the portal would lead me back home." the colt replied,

"Who are you?" a female harpy asked,

"R... Runner." the colt replied,

"Daddy?" Walker asked with surprise, Jones' attention was caught,

"Wait, you look just like Sprinter." Alexia said,

"Th... that's my father." Runner replied,

"Ah, you must be the new receiver of Spirit's powers from the Void, welcome to Aerostia." a second male harpy said, Runner was quivering with fear,

"Please, I don't want to use the powers." Runner said,

"Why?" a second female harpy asked,

"It... it... makes me feel like a monster instead of a pony when I use them." Runner replied, the harpies murmur,

"Well, let him through, he looks harmless." the first male harpy said, and they left Runner, who was frozen in fear of the place in front of him.

A blue light comes out of the amulet again, the transparent images change again, they see Alexia again, but she was a toddler, and her hair went down to her ankles, it looked long, even though she was short, shorter than an average foal, another portal appears and they see a colt who looked just like Walker and a colt Runner appear, spears and arrows were aimed at him while he was surrounded by harpies everywhere,

"We have never seen your kind here, who are you?" a female harpy asked,

"Name's Sprinter, I come from the Void." the colt replied in a calm voice,

"The Void? What were you doing in there?" a male harpy asked,

"My ancestors made a deal with Spirit a long time ago, he gave us his powers so my family can continue living on to this day." Sprinter replied,

"I see, what brings you to Aerostia?" a male harpy asked,

"Spirit has sent me here to deal with a threat that has been threatening the Void, I am looking for two creatures, the male is named Samedi, and the female is named Brigitte." Sprinter replied,

"Don't know them." the second male harpy said,

"How do I know you're being honest?" Sprinter asked,

"Come with us, we'll introduce you to everyone in this world." the first male harpy replied, and he flies away while Sprinter followed him, Alexia and Sprinter look at one another and smile before the vision disappeared,

"So, what do you think?" Jones asked,

"I think I'm going to like this." Walker replied mischievously, Jones laughed a little,

"Well, let's go." Walker said, and he and Jones walk together.

Walker and Jones walk around Aerostia while trying out the amulet, it did not work in every place, the two look around and see a lot of harpy sculptures on their doors, the amulet activates eventually and they see more transparent visions appear.

A young colt walks around and they saw Alexia fly down, she was a young adult, the two realized the colt was Runner,

"Hi there." Alexia said, Runner was scared,

"I'm Alexia, I knew your father." Alexia said,

"I just wish to leave, ma'am." Runner replied,

"You don't want to explore our world?" Alexia asked,

"I only came here to fight the souls of the dead, not to meet the natives." Runner replied,

"So... you're not going to explore?" Alexia asked,

"Don't have the time." Runner replied,

"Aw, you're no fun." Alexia said, and she flew away while Runner walked forward, the images disappeared.

Walker and Jones walk forward and they hear laughing, a lich appeared in front of them,

"Careful, Jones, that's a lich, it'll take your soul is you're not careful." Walker said as he made his sword and pistol appear, the lich opens its mouth and Walker and Jones grunt while it starts to absorb their souls. Walker makes a black skeletal arm come out of his right front hoof to pull the lich forward, it distracted it and flew through the air, Walker shoots it in the head with his pistol, it screeches and disappears,

"Uh, Walker, have you tried offering friendship to it in the past?" Jones asked,

"No, I get the gut feeling that they will reject it." Walker replied,

"Not all gut feelings are right, Walker, you should try offering friendship, then we won't have to fight them, I guess all we can do now is just continue." Jones said, and the two walk forward together.

Walker and Jones walk forward and see the amulet shoot out another beam, transparent harpies appeared, they look and saw Alexia as a kid, they look and saw a male harpy flying with a colt walking behind him, they realized it was Sprinter,

"That's Alex, that's Alexander, that's Alexandra, that's Alexandria, that's Ariel, that's Amber, that's Aaron, that's Atkins, that's Amir, that's Artemis, that's Apollo, and I'm Alfred." the male harpy said,

"Wait, all of your names begin with the letter a." Sprinter replied,

"Exactly, you wasted your time to come here to look for Samedi and Brigitte." Alfred said,

"Well, I'll still explore this place, in case I do have to come back here later." Sprinter replied,

"Very well, be careful." Alfred said, and he flew away. Sprinter walked forward and Alexia flew down to him,

"Hi." Alexia said,

"Hi, you were the cute one." Sprinter replied, Alexia chuckled,

"Would you like to spend the night here, just you and me?" Alexia asked, Sprinter looked around and thought about it,

"Okay." Sprinter replied while smiling, Alexia chuckled while smiling,

"Come on, my house is this way." Alexia said, and she flew while Sprinter walked to follow her.

The images disappear and Walker and Jones walk forward,

"What do you think of this place, Jones?" Walker asked,

"Interesting, very unique and exotic, the bright colors are hurting my eyes, though." Jones replied,

"Yeah, same here." Walker said,

"Say, Walker, what was your mother like?" Jones asked,

"I never met her." Walker replied,

"You don't know your own mother?" Jones asked,

"Mommy died as soon as she gave birth to me, and daddy never talked about her." Walker replied,

"What about your grandparents?" Jones asked,

"Only my paternal grandpa's still alive, my paternal grandma died as soon as she gave birth to daddy." Walker replied,

"What about your maternal grandparents?" Jones asked, Walker was speechless,

"I... actually don't know anything about them." Walker replied, and the two keep walking together. Walker and Jones walk forward and come to floating ledges, Walker makes the black skeletal arms appear and he swings around while Jones flew by using telekinesis on himself, the two land on the farthest ledge and Walker was panting from exhaustion, Jones chuckled,

"Maybe you should train your body back in the Void." Jones said,

"Yeah, probably." Walker replied, and the two come to a round door, there were words of an unknown language inscribed on it,

"What does it say?" Walker asked,

"I have no clue." Jones replied, and they read it, Walker let out several grunts and growls under his breath,

"No need to get frustrated, Walker, we're still new here." Jones said,

"But I wanna keep exploring." Walker replied, Jones casts telekinesis on Walker and himself to see if they can fly over it, he saw they cannot, since there was nothing ahead. Jones floats back down and Walker jumped down while letting out several grunts of anger,

"We should ask for help." Jones said,

"No, that'll be embarrassing." Walker replied,

"Walker, it's better than to be embarrassed than to be stuck somewhere forever, I'll admit, I do feel a bit embarrassed asking for help, too, but it's our only option, I'm sorry, Walker." Jones replied, Walker looked down,

"Hey! A little help here?" Jones asked out loud, flying was heard and Alexia came to them,

"Yes?" Alexia asked,

"That was quick." Jones said,

"I was right there, what is it?" Alexia asked,

"Can you translate this?" Jones asked, and Alexia looks at the words inscribed on the round door,

"Basically, it's saying this is a vault for a dead harpy warrior, and whoever takes his weapons and armor from his grave will be cursed." Alexia said, she noticed Walker looking down, she walks to him,

"What's wrong, Walker?" Alexia asked,

"I feel embarrassed needing help from someone over something like this." Walker replied,

"Hey, it's okay, you're still new here, of course you won't understand our language." Alexia said, Walker still looked down,

"Well, I'll be doing combat training if you guys need me, see you two around." Alexia said, and she flew away,

"Come on, Walker, I know I'm supposed to explore places, but curses have to be taken seriously, let's go somewhere else." Jones said, and he and Walker go elsewhere while Walker looked down in shame.

Walker and Jones travel together and Walker was nearly out of energy while Jones still had stamina,

"I'm hungry, let's get something to eat." Walker said,

"Alright, let's see what they have." Jones replied, and they go back, Walker was tired, so Jones had to carry him with his telekinesis, they arrive back to the harpies and Alexia took them to her home, she lived in a small house made from white stones with gold decorations on it, they see Alexia had a lot of bladed boomerangs in her home, she made a meal and she came out with it, but it looked sloppy and inedible,

"Sorry, but I'm not a very good cook, I'm not good at preparing meals, either." Alexia said, Walker looks and sees it was mashed beef with what looked like gold seeds,

"Us ponies don't eat meat." Jones said,

"What? Don't like it?" Alexia asked,

"No, our bodies can't digest it." Walker replied,

"Oh, well, just eat the seeds then." Alexia said, and they do, they endured the meat taste and ate the seeds,

"Where does the meat come from?" Walker asked,

"Spoils from battle, us harpies don't always get along, and when that happens, a fight to the death breaks out, the one who dies is the one that is eaten." Alexia replied, Walker and Jones were uneasy,

"Well, thanks for the meal, Alexia." Walker said nervously,

"You're welcome." Alexia replied happily,

"Well, we have to get going now." Jones said, and the two exit her house while Alexia begins to eat the meat.

Walker and Jones walk around and were about to vomit from the taste of the meat, it tasted terrible to them, but they continue going and Walker sees the highest floating land,

"Hey! I bet something's up there, let's go." Walker said, and he makes the black skeletal arms appear from his front hoofs to swing up while Jones used his telekinesis to go up there, but he got tired, so he had to stop, and Jones made him go up to the highest floating landscape with his telekinesis while making himself float. Walker and Jones arrive at the top of the landscape and look around,

"Wow, it looks great." Walker said,

"Yeah, this is a nice view." Jones replied, and the two smiled and looked around. Walker decides to try using the amulet and a transparent image appears, they saw Sprinter and Alexia sitting together on the landscape, but they see it was night time around them. Sprinter and Alexia were sitting together and watched the area,

"What do you think of this place?" Alexia asked,

"It's alright, all of the bright colors hurts my eyes, though." Sprinter replied, Alexia chuckled,

"I want you to stay forever." Alexia said,

"Sorry, but I have places to go." Sprinter replied,

"Please?" Alexia asked,

"Nope, I won't be leaving instantly, though." Sprinter replied,

"I still want you to stay forever." Alexia said,

"Don't worry, my family will be seeing Spirit as well, so maybe if something happens, I'll come back for them." Sprinter replied,

"I hope so." Alexia said,

"Well, you should head home, I think your parents are worried about you." Sprinter replied, and Alexia flew home while Sprinter slept. The transparent image disappears and Walker and Jones were seeing the sky get darker, it was night time, the two look around,

"Wow, this place is beautiful at night." Walker said,

"Yeah, I like it, too." Jones replied, a portal opens in front of them and Runner and Sprinter come out, Runner was running was Sprinter was walking,

"There you are, let's go home, Walker, it's way past your bedtime." Runner said,

"But I wanna keep exploring." Walker replied,

"I understand your eagerness, Walker, but your health always comes first." Sprinter said,

"Oh, come on, please?" Walker asked,

"Nope, I think you had enough adventure for one day." Runner replied,

"But daddy..." Walker replied, the harpies hear them and laugh, they look around,

"I used to be like that as a kid, too." a male harpy said,

"Me too." another male harpy replied, Alexia flew to them,

"Sprinter?" Alexia asked,

"Hello, Alexia." Sprinter replied, and the two hugged one another,

"Hey, I missed you so much when you left." Alexia said, and the two let go,

"Wow, you have aged, I remember when you were a kid." Alexia said,

"You've aged well, too, Alexia." Sprinter replied, Alexia chuckled,

"Who is this?" Runner asked,

"Name's Jones, I'm an explorer from Equestria." Jones replied,

"Where are you going to stay, Jones?" Walker asked,

"If you want to, you can stay with us for the night." Runner said,

"Sure, that'd be nice of you guys, I'll be staying with you, Walker." Jones replied, Walker smiled,

"Well, let's go, we have to sleep." Sprinter said, and they go through the portal and it closes while Alexia watched them leave with a smile on her face.

Walker, Runner, Sprinter, and Jones go to the Void and go into the portal that leads to Equestria, it was night time, they arrive at their home, which was in the woods with no neighbors. Walker stops walking for a minute,

"What the?" Walker asked, he saw the souls of the dead ponies and animals wandering around,

"What's wrong, Walker?" Jones asked,

"I see dead ponies." Walker replied,

"You see, Walker, souls of the dead like to appear at night for some reason, they come out the most at three AM to four AM, that's also when they like to haunt the living, come on, Walker, it's midnight, we all need to head to bed." Runner said, and they enter the home and sleep with Walker sharing his room with Jones.

Walker and Jones wake up the next morning and have breakfast, the two talk about their time in Aerostia,

"I see, so they haven't had you two fight, yet." Runner said,

"Fight?" Jones asked,

"The harpies have a warrior culture, they value honor and fairness above all." Sprinter replied,

"What do they have for literature?" Walker asked,

"Walker, they're warrior creatures, they don't have literature." Runner replied, Walker looked down with disappointment,

"I'd like to hear their music, too." Walker said,

"I don't know if they have music." Sprinter replied,

"What about art?" Walker asked,

"Well, if you count the decorations on some of their weapons, then yes." Runner replied,

"What about cuisine?" Jones asked,

"Meat and seeds." Sprinter replied,

"Where do the seeds come from?" Walker asked,

"The yellow lights around the place come from that world's unseen sun, the yellow beams from it hit the grounds, and make the seeds appear magically." Sprinter replied,

"I don't get it." Walker said,

"I didn't think so, their magic is different from ours, now finish your meal, you'll be late for school." Runner replied, and he and Jones finish their meals,

"Thanks for the meal, guys." Jones said,

"You're welcome." Runner replied,

"I'll explore this area, have fun at school, Walker." Jones said,

"Alright, thanks." Walker replied, and he was about to go out,

"Wait, Walker." Sprinter said,

"Yes, grandpa?" Walker asked as he turned around,

"If you see a ghost unicorn around here, you can go to him to receive some hoof-to-hoof combat training." Sprinter replied,

"Okay, bye, daddy, bye, grandpa, bye, Jones." Walker said, and he went outside.

Walker heads to school but looks around, he saw the souls of dead ponies walking around, minding their own businesses,

"I don't get it, why aren't they being judged?" Walker asked himself, he felt tingling in his head,

"Two different reasons, one reason is because either, you, a male member from the paternal side of your family hasn't sent them to The Judge, or Demonicus hasn't. The other reason is because the souls that have received salvation can go back to their home worlds as ghosts to enjoy the land, they can see and hear you as well, Walker." Spirit replied telepathically, and he exited Walker's mind, Walker continues walking to school.

Walker keeps walking to school and sees a soul of a dead unicorn, he was zapping trees and making them fall, Walker was curious and went to him,

"Excuse me." Walker said, the unicorn turned around and looked at him,

"You can see me and hear me, I assume you're from that family." the unicorn said,

"Family?" Walker asked,

"There were two earth ponies in the past who could see me, they were father and son, I'm guessing you're related to them." the unicorn replied,

"Were their names Runner and Sprinter?" Walker asked,

"Yes." the unicorn replied,

"I'm Walker, I'm Runner's son." Walker said,

"I see, you look just like them when they were kids." the unicorn replied,

"Who are you?" Walker asked,

"Genghis, I could've had friendship spread throughout the land, but Celestia hindered my plans and ruined my dreams!" the unicorn replied,

"What happened?" Walker asked,

"I was going to raise a military of ponies, earth ponies were going to be my army, Pegasi be my air force, and unicorns to serve as my magic branch, I was going to lead them to conquer the other countries, I was going to take over Seaquestria, Mount Aris, and Kirin Grove first, and have the hippogriffs be added to my air force, the seaponies serve as my navy, and the kirins as my fire branch, I was going to spread friendship throughout the world by conquering all of the other countries of the other creatures, I was going to destroy their culture and replace them with pony culture and customs, and force them to adapt. I could've had friendship spread far and wide throughout the land, but Celestia said no, and she had to get involved and throw me in Canterlot's jail when I was raising my army! We could have spread friendship far and wide a long time ago if she just let me conquer their land and destroy their cultures and replace them with our own!" Genghis replied, Walker just looked at him like he was crazy,

"Dude, I literally cannot even begin to describe how many problems you would've caused if you did do that." Walker said,

"But our job was to spread friendship far and wide, if I forced the other creatures to adapt to pony culture, we could've had friendship throughout the land." Genghis replied,

"We already have it with the friendship journal." Walker said,

"Well, it took you guys long enough. Now, I trained Runner and Sprinter with bucking and kicking, they became very good, I'll teach you as well, since I liked your father and grandfather." Genghis replied,

"Thanks, but I have to get to school." Walker said,

"Alright, you should go, and be good to your teachers." Genghis replied, and Walker went to school.

Walker goes to school and was learning in class, he was bored when he compared class to the Void, and wanted to go back immediately, he was impatient for class to end. Walker works in class but was extremely uncomfortable, he saw ghosts of dead ponies in his classroom, he can hear them, too, which made him uncomfortable, but he tried to focus on his math work, he feels something strange to his right and saw Mind Walker standing there, his brain got bigger and the blue electricity that made up his body got brighter and stronger as Walker studied. Walker keeps hearing the souls of the dead and it was irritating him since he could not focus, he heard crackling to his left and looked, he saw Emotion Walker standing there, his heart was beating faster while the red fire that made up his body was rising and burning faster as Walker got more irritated, he tries to focus more and he saw a dim blue glow in front of him, he looks and saw Spirit Walker, whose glow got brighter as Walker became more determined to focus.

An hour passes and it was PE time, Walker and the other foals exercise, they did jumping jacks and running in place until it was time to run the track. Walker jogs on the track and had to do two laps without walking or stopping one time, he sees Body Walker appear to his right, his body got more muscular and toned as he and Walker ran together, Walker tried to pace himself and he saw Mind Walker appear to his left, Walker realized his intelligence increased as he tried to find the right pace to run that was not too slow nor tired him out. Walker's mood began to improve as he continued to run, he saw Emotion Walker appear to Mind Walker's left, his heart beats fast while the fire was a little high since Walker was in a pretty good mood at the time. Walker keeps running and he saw the end of the first lap in sight, he sees a bright blue glow appear and he saw Spirit Walker to Body Walker's right, he glowed brightly because Walker was very determined to make it to the end since it was in his sight.

Walker finishes the first lap and keeps running at his current pace, Mind Walker's electricity began to crackle as Walker controlled his breathing as he continued to run, he began to feel pain in his abdomen which made Emotion Walker's flames go down a little since Walker was not happy anymore, but Spirit Walker glowed brighter since it made Walker more determined to finish and he keeps running. Walker runs the lap and he sees Body Walker's body kept getting more and more fit, he sees the end in his sight and Spirit Walker glows very bright, he runs faster and finished the second lap. Walker was elated and Emotion Walker's flames went up very high, he sees the other foals were tired, and the fillies were more tired than the colts.

Walker went to go have a drink of water which made Emotion Walker's flames go up even more, and Body Walker's body become even more fit, he sighs and went back out and watches,

"Walker." Cherry Blossom said as she ran to him, she was panting heavily,

"You're still running?" Walker asked,

"No, I just finished." Cherry Blossom replied, she continued to pant,

"Hold on, I'm going to get a drink of water." Cherry Blossom said, and she left, she came back after about a minute,

"Have you been exercising at home?" Cherry Blossom asked,

"No." Walker replied,

"Then how did you get good at running all of a sudden?" Cherry Blossom asked,

"Maybe my body just adjusted." Walker replied nervously, Cherry Blossom was suspicious,

"What is that on your hoof there?" Cherry Blossom asked, Walker looks and sees Alexia's amulet wrapped around his front right hoof, much to his shock, he has forgotten to leave it at home,

"Oh, uh... I... decided... to try making an amulet... as a... new hobby... and... uh... this... is... the... first one... I... uh... made." Walker replied extremely nervously,

"It's actually very pretty, Walker, but I think the amulet would look better if the frame was whitish gray, and the jewel was a light pink instead of light blue." Cherry Blossom said,

"Well... I have to put it away." Walker replied,

"No, you don't, the other foals have those things, too, see." Cherry Blossom said and Walker looked and saw some of the fillies had bracelets, jewelry, earrings, necklaces, and makeup on, some of the colts had necklaces on as well, which made Walker uncomfortable, he and Cherry Blossom sit and wait for the class to finish running,

"Say, what do you do at home?" Cherry Blossom asked,

"I do my homework, and help my family with whatever they need." Walker replied,

"I noticed you looking around nervously in class earlier today, is something wrong?" Cherry Blossom asked,

"No, I'm just not feeling normal today." Walker replied,

"You okay? Are you sick?" Cherry Blossom asked,

"No, maybe I'm just tired." Walker replied,

"Probably, you should get some rest, you look a little exhausted." Cherry Blossom said,

"Yeah, probably." Walker replied, and the class finishes running and go back into class.

Walker continues to sit in class while his teacher talks, Walker sees and hears more dead ponies, which distracted him, it was time to do more classwork and Walker tried to focus, but was a little distracted, school was worse now than before since he found traveling through the Void more fun, and the voices of the souls made it more distracting in class, he was almost growling, he was very impatient for class to end, he worked as slowly as he could to pass the time. Lunchtime comes and Walker sat with Cherry Blossom,

"You alright, Walker? You've been a bit jumpy all day." Cherry Blossom said,

"Yeah, I guess I'm just a bit nervous." Walker replied,

"Nervous? About what?" Cherry Blossom asked,

"The upcoming test." Walker replied,

"Oh that, I'm ready, our home's annual cart race is several days from now, I'm going to be participating this year, you should, too." Cherry Blossom said,

"Sorry, but I don't have the materials to build a cart." Walker replied,

"Well, you can always come and cheer me on." Cherry Blossom said,

"I'll think about it." Walker replied,

"Please, oh, please come, Walker, it would mean a lot to me." Cherry Blossom said as she leaned forward and held her front hoofs together in front of her own face,

"Okay, I'll try." Walker replied,

"Yay! I'll be looking for you." Cherry Blossom said as she hugged him tightly, he looks and saw several souls snickering at him, which embarrassed him,

"Well, let's finish lunch, it's almost time to go back to class." Cherry Blossom said, and they finish their lunch.

Walker heads back to class with Cherry Blossom and do their work for the rest of the day until the bell rung,

"See you all tomorrow, class, no homework today." Walker's teacher said, which made him happy,

"Yes." Walker said as he jumped from his seat and ran outside,

"Wait! Walker!" Cherry Blossom said after she finished packing her saddlebag, she ran after him.

Walker arrives outside and was excited to enter the Void and travel more,

"Wait, Walker!" Cherry Blossom said, she catches up to him,

"You're supposed to wait for friends to finish packing and leave together." Cherry Blossom said,

"Wait, you consider me a friend?" Walker asked,

"Of course, you look lonely and bored, so I thought I should befriend you, that's something Princess Celestia taught us." Cherry Blossom replied,

"Oh yeah, she did." Walker said,

"See, friends go home together." Cherry Blossom replied,

"But we live in different places." Walker said,

"My house isn't far from here, come on, let's go." Cherry Blossom replied, and she walks to her home, Walker rolled his eyes and followed her. Walker and Cherry Blossom walk together while they head to Cherry Blossom's home, Cherry Blossom leads the way while Walker was not happy, he was impatient and wanted to enter the Void already,

"Here's my home." Cherry Blossom said, they were there after ten minutes, he saw Cherry Blossom lived in a somewhat messy yard, and saw the cart she was building, it was a regular cart, he also saw a lot of clothing material,

"What do you think?" Cherry Blossom asked,

"A bit messy." Walker replied, Cherry Blossom chuckled,

"Sorry about that, I've been working on trying to create a new dress." Cherry Blossom said,

"A new dress?" Walker asked,

"Uh-huh, I want to be a fashion designer when I get older." Cherry Blossom replied,

"Oh, well, I have to go now, Cherry Blossom, I got things to do at home." Walker said,

"Okay, stay safe." Cherry Blossom replied, and she went into her home, Walker sighed exasperatedly,

"Finally." Walker said under his breath, and he teleported back to his home when he was out of Cherry Blossom's sight.

Walker arrived home and explained to Runner and Sprinter that a filly from his class wanted to walk to her home with him, and he had no homework,

"It's alright, Walker, and Jones here told us why he's in the Void, he mentioned a cult being led by someone named Claudius." Runner said,

"Yeah, I remember that, when I brought him to the Void, my vision showed me eleven ponies watching him from areas that were out of my and his sights." Walker replied,

"Do you guys know anything about this cult?" Jones asked,

"I cannot say I do, I never encountered a Claudius before, either." Runner replied,

"Claudius... that name sounds familiar." Sprinter said,

"Well, since I have no homework, I'll be heading to the Void early." Walker said,

"Son, wait, you can't just go and enter there when you come home and finish homework, your grandfather and I need your help around the house, too." Runner replied,

"Oh, come on, I've been wanting to go back all day." Walker said,

"Not today, Walker, we'll let you know when we need your help." Sprinter replied,

"Oh, good. Yes. Let's go, Jones." Walker said, and he opened a portal to the Void with his mind and walked in while Jones smiled and entered with him, eager to explore even more as well.

Walker and Jones arrive into the Void and were at the four portals, they decide to go back to Aerostia, the two arrive and see it was much the same,

"I don't see any new areas around here." Jones said,

"Me neither, come on, let's use the amulet, I wanna see what daddy and grandpa did when they were here." Walker replied,

"Sure, I'd like to see it, too." Jones said,

"Are you just agreeing with me?" Walker asked,

"No, I really want to see, too, if I disagree with something, I'll let you know." Jones replied,

"Alright." Walker said, and the two explore Aerostia.

Walker and Jones trot around and Walker uses the amulet to see more events of the past, he saw a colt walking around the place, Walker and Jones were able to tell it was Runner,

"Excuse me." Alexia said as she flew down to Runner's right, he was startled and exclaimed with fear at hearing her,

"Don't scare me like that!" Runner said,

"I'm sorry, I just thought I could hang out with you, I knew Sprinter." Alexia replied,

"Sorry, ma'am, but I wish to be alone right now." Runner said,

"Really? You look lonely." Alexia replied,

"I'm not, I'm just thinking about the girl I love." Runner said,

"What's her name?" Alexia asked,

"None of your business." Runner replied, Alexia was sad,

"If I was the same species as your father, I could have been your mother." Alexia said,

"I'd rather not think about that." Runner replied,

"Say, how many other worlds have you been to?" Alexia asked,

"This is my second one." Runner replied,

"Where'd you go before here?" Alexia asked,

"That's not your business, now leave me alone." Runner replied, and he walks past her while Alexia looked on sadly.

The transparent image goes away and Walker and Jones were surprised,

"He didn't have to be rude about it." Jones said,

"I know, I've never seen daddy like that before." Walker replied,

"Come on, let's see if we can find more." Jones said, Walker nodded and the two walk together.

Walker and Jones explore Aerostia and see there was almost nothing left, the place was pretty small, but they saw a lot of harpies, Walker's amulet activates again and another transparent image appeared, they saw a colt and Alexia as a kid, they realized the colt was Sprinter,

"So, how many worlds have you traveled to?" Alexia asked,

"This is my third one." Sprinter replied,

"What were the name of the other two worlds?" Alexia asked,

"The first one I visited was Yomi, the second one was Chrysaor." Sprinter replied,

"I hope they're fun." Alexia said,

"Well, I'm not really the type that experiences pleasure easily, but I did like Yomi better than here and Chrysaor." Sprinter replied,

"That reminds me, the harpies want to test your fighting abilities, come on, this way." Alexia said, and she leads him.

The transparent image disappears and four harpies appear in front of Walker and Jones, their eyes' glow light blue and the four harpies mutate, they grow six more arms and had bladed boomerangs in them while they take the two boomerangs off of their sides. The possessed harpies fly around and throw their boomerangs, they bounce off of the floors and walls, Walker teleports around to dodge the boomerangs while Jones uses his telekinesis to bring them down, Walker summons his sword and pistol, he fires his pistol at them and it does almost nothing, so he shoots the boomerangs out of the air, they fall, but go back into the air, Walker lets out an annoyed grunt while Jones shoots zaps at the possessed harpies with his horn. The four possessed harpies grow razor sharp teeth in their mouths, they fly down in an attempt to bite Walker and Jones, Walker shoots them with his pistol to hold them back, one flies around and Walker could not get a decent aim with his pistol, so he makes a black skeletal arm come out of his front right hoof and grabs and pulls the harpy towards him, he fires his pistol and shoots it in the head, it did almost nothing.

The possessed harpies have blue electricity appear on them and they make their boomerangs electrified when they catch them, they throw them around again and Walker was hit by one, he became electrified and paralyzed, Walker growls angrily at the fact he was losing, he saw Jones was not faring any better, which actually made him feel a bit better. Jones was soon hit by an electrified boomerang and was paralyzed, he grunts while trying to move,

"Can't move." Jones said with his mouth closed, he could not cast a spell with his horn. Bladed boomerangs fly around and hit the four possessed harpies, they see Alexia and other harpies arrive to help, they throw their boomerangs to cut the harpies and their throats were slit, Walker and Jones watch with shock and horror at the harpies killing their opponents, the battle was only about fifteen seconds long because so many harpies came to help. Alexia and the other harpies fly to them and they undo the electricity on the Walker and Jones by touching them,

"Good, you two are alright." Alexia said,

"Who's possessing them?" Walker asked,

"That, we cannot say." a male harpy replied,

"Yes, we think the one responsible is from another world." a second male harpy said,

"Come on, I think you two have seen enough, let's head to the arena." Alexia said, and they fly there, Walker teleports and follows them while Jones used his telekinesis to fly there.

Walker and Jones follow the harpies and they arrive onto a floating landscape that was bigger than the others, they see the vault from before, the harpies use a spell to make many more vaults visible,

"What's with the vaults?" Walker asked,

"They are the honorable harpies who died in combat, they were given proper burials." a male harpy replied,

"But why is that one vault over there always visible while the others aren't?" Walker asked,

"That is the vault of Achillas, the most honorable harpy that has ever lived, he lived a warrior's life, and fought with honor and fairness, we keep his vault visible to remind us of his honorable and fair ways in combat, he died the most honorable way possible, killed in combat by an equally honorable warrior." the male harpy replied, Walker was uneasy,

"The rules are simple, Walker, no hitting your opponent when they're injured or incapacitated, no using any of Spirit's powers for you, no changing your weapons, no hits to the eyes, no hits to the groin, no body breaking attacks, and most of all, no running away, all of these are punishable by death, and shame and disgrace shall follow you to the afterlife." Alexia said, Walker was very nervous, so was Jones. An elderly male harpy flies to them,

"I am Adetokunbo, I will be your opponent, I fought Runner and Sprinter as well." the harpy said, Walker makes his sword and pistol appear,

"Wait, Walker, you have to use the same weapons as your opponent, so change them to our boomerangs." Alexia said, and Walker did,

"May the best fighter win." Adetokunbo said,

"Wait, I can't fly." Walker replied,

"But you can teleport, I think that's fair enough." Adetokunbo said, Walker just got ready to fight,

"Alright, ready, set, fight!" a female harpy said, and they do. Walker watches carefully and Adetokunbo throws the boomerangs, they home onto Walker and he teleports around to dodge them, he was running around and teleporting at the same time, he was screaming with fear as well. The harpies laugh at what they saw,

"Just like Runner before you." Adetokunbo said, Walker keeps running around while scared, he sees them homing and had an idea, he teleports to behind Adetokunbo, the boomerangs were about to hit him, but Adetokunbo catches the boomerangs with his hands while they were in midair, much to Walker's shock. Adetokunbo turns around and flies towards Walker, he tried to slash him with the boomerangs, but Walker held his front hoofs up and made Adetokunbo hit his boomerangs instead, Walker teleports to the other side of the arena and throws his boomerangs, Adetokunbo turns around and throws his boomerangs as well. Adetokunbo flies to Walker and tackles him down, he grunts while he fell, Adetokunbo began punching Walker in the face several times, Walker teleports onto Adetokunbo's shoulders and tries to pull him back, but Adetokunbo's boomerangs go to Walker and cut his front hoofs, he exclaimed with pain while Jones watched nervously. The boomerangs fly around while Walker stood in place while in pain, his front legs hurt badly, he hears one coming and he throws the one on his front left hoof, he hits one of Adetokunbo's boomerangs out of the air and it falls off the landscape while Walker's boomerang went back to him, he saw Adetokunbo only had one boomerang now, so Walker makes the boomerang in his front left hoof disappear.

Adetokunbo throws his other boomerang with his right hand and it flies towards Walker, he watches carefully and teleports around since his front legs were too hurt to move at the moment, he throws his remaining boomerang and hits Adetokunbo's boomerang, it lands on the ground. Adetokunbo flies to get it, but Walker jumps forward and lands, he falls with his front hoofs on the boomerang, but he could not move them, Adetokunbo takes the boomerang and Walker focused while he made the boomerang reappear in his front right hoof. Adetokunbo throws it again and so did Walker, he hits Adetokunbo's boomerang again and it fell off the ledge this time,

"Yes." Walker said under his breath, and Adetokunbo saw Walker still could not lift up his front hoofs, so he flies down and bows to Walker while the harpies cheer, Walker was elated he won the fight, he could not help but smile,

"Well, go on, kill me, I wish to die an honorable death." Adetokunbo said, Walker began to feel better and he held his right front hoof out to offer his friendship to Adetokunbo, confusing the harpies,

"What are you doing?" Adetokunbo asked,

"Uh... this is what we do back in Equestria, we forgive and offer friendship." Walker replied while feeling very embarrassed,

"Who taught you that?" Adetokunbo asked,

"Uh... our world's ruler, Princess Celestia." Walker replied while feeling very uneasy, the harpies look at Walker with surprise,

"You have a ruler?" Alexia asked,

"Don't you guys?" Walker asked,

"No, we are all equal, we see having a ruler as a sign of arrogance." Adetokunbo replied,

"Arrogance?" Walker asked,

"Yes, we believe someone who wishes to rule over others is an arrogant person who sees themselves as superior to others." Adetokunbo replied,

"Oh." Walker said,

"Don't you have foreign cultures in Equestria?" a female harpy asked Jones,

"Plenty, I'm a unicorn, he's an earth pony, our cultures are different, there's also the Pegasi who also have their own culture, along with dragon culture, griffon culture, yak culture, changeling culture, hippogriff culture, buffalo culture, donkey culture, zebra culture, crystal pony culture, and kirin culture, some of pony culture is also different depending on where in Equestria you're at." Jones replied,

"Yeah, but the one thing we all do is accept friendship." Walker said, the harpies murmur,

"Okay, I'll accept your offer since you fought honorably." Adetokunbo said, and he shakes Walker's hoof with his right hand and Walker smiled, the harpies fly away and Jones goes to Walker while the vaults of the dead harpies except for the vault of Achillas disappear.

Walker was curious and decided to use the amulet in the area while Jones walked to him, the two saw a younger Adetokunbo appear,

"Alright, Runner, a fair and honorable fight, if you cheat, you will be executed." Adetokunbo said, Runner chuckled,

"I cannot turn down a worthy foe." Runner replied, and he made the boomerangs appear while Adetokunbo smiled, so did the harpies. Adetokunbo throws his boomerangs at Runner and he became scared, he ran around while screaming while the harpies laugh, Runner keeps running but was out of breath,

"Hmm, it seems your previous fight with those rogue harpies have worn you down a bit, very well, I'll go easy on you." Adetokunbo said,

"It's fine, I can still fight." Runner replied,

"You sure?" Adetokunbo asked, Runner nodded,

"Very well, I respect your determination." Adetokunbo said, Runner got ready and saw the boomerangs coming, he teleports back while the two boomerangs home on him, he was nervous and watches them, Runner teleports past the boomerangs and lands on Adetokunbo, he uses his body to tackle Adetokunbo to the ground, he was about to punch Adetokunbo in the face with his front right hoof, but Adetokunbo rises his left hand and grabs his hoof, he begins to squeeze Runner's hoof and he grunted loudly. Adetokunbo's boomerangs fly forward and cut Runner's hind legs, he screamed in pain and fell to the ground while Adetokunbo flew back up and grabbed the boomerangs while they were in midair. Runner could not get up and had to crawl,

"Can you stand?" Adetokunbo asked, Runner shook his head, Adetokunbo landed on the ground and slashed his own knees with boomerangs and he fell to the ground, Runner was surprised to Adetokunbo would do such a thing to make the fight more fair for him, but Runner smiled. Adetokunbo and Runner crawled towards one another and had two boomerangs with them, Adetokunbo throws the one in his right hand but Runner moves his head down and dodges it, he hears the boomerang fly around and hears it coming back, it was to his right, he throws the boomerang in his front right hoof to knock Adetokunbo's boomerang out of the air, his boomerang fell as well. Adetokunbo throws his other boomerang and Runner rolls onto his back with a struggle, he dodges the boomerang and throws his remaining boomerang at Adetokunbo's boomerang and they both fly out of the air. Adetokunbo and Runner crawl towards one another and begin punching one another in their faces, but Adetokunbo went down first, the harpies cheered,

"I have lost, go on and kill me." Adetokunbo said,

"No." Runner replied, Adetokunbo looked at him,

"Why?" Adetokunbo asked,

"I cannot bring myself to kill an honorable warrior, I may be only four years old, but I know a good person when I see one, you are an honorable fighter, that is why I am sparing you, because you are a worthy foe to me." Runner replied, the harpies cheered while Adetokunbo smiled,

"You are already better than your father." Adetokunbo said, Runner and Walker were surprised, the harpies flew and carried Adetokunbo and Runner away to be treated of their wounds.

The transparent picture changes and they see a teenage Adetokunbo with a four year old Sprinter,

"Okay, Sprinter, we understand you're not from here, but we fight honorably, so may the best fighter win." Adetokunbo said, and he took his two boomerangs off of his hips, Sprinter made a big double-edged sword with a handle appear, it was about seventy eight inches long, shocking the harpies,

"No, no, you have to use the same weapons as me." Adetokunbo said, Sprinter's body language told Walker he was not happy as he made the big sword disappear, he had two boomerangs and got ready,

"Fight!" another male harpy said, Adetokunbo throws the boomerangs at them, but Sprinter teleports to behind Adetokunbo and cuts his wings, he screams and falls to the ground, Sprinter then used his boomerangs to cut Adetokunbo's elbows and the back of his knees, he then dodged the boomerangs as they came to him by teleporting behind them. Adetokunbo could not move and Sprinter threw his boomerangs at Adetokunbo, they were aimed at his face, the female harpies scream with terror while two male harpies flew down and grabbed the boomerangs,

"You lose, that's cheating." the male harpy to Sprinter's left said,

"You fight with dishonor, you are sentenced to death." the male harpy to Sprinter's right said, and two more harpies fly down, they begin to drag Sprinter away,

"Wait! I can explain!" Sprinter said, and they stop,

"There is no honor from where I come from, it's win by any means necessary." Sprinter said,

"How many worlds have you been to before you came to Aerostia?" the male harpy to Sprinter's left asked,

"This is my third one." Sprinter replied,

"They didn't teach you honor or fairness?" Alexia asked, Sprinter shook his head, the harpies think,

"Very well, we'll let you go since you didn't know better, but do it again, and you will be executed." the male harpy to Sprinter's left said, and they fly away while they carried Adetokunbo away so he could be treated.

The transparent pictures disappear and Walker and Jones were surprised, Walker was also shocked at what Sprinter did,

"I don't think there's anything else here." Jones said,

"Well, I wanna see their architecture, I love the artwork." Walker replied,

"I don't think there's anymore, I'm not seeing anything." Jones said, Walker looks and was distraught, Walker exclaims with shock and screams while his eyes glow light blue,

"Walker?" Jones asked, and Walker opened a portal to the Void and entered, Jones ran after him. Walker and Jones arrive in Equestria and go to Walker's home, they arrive and Walker places his front left hoof on the ground and makes light blue transparent earth ponies appear. Runner and Sprinter run outside to go see Walker but Runner was shocked,

"Stay back, Jones, he's possessed!" Runner said while he and Sprinter summoned their swords and pistols, shocking Jones. Walker commands the souls to attack Runner and Sprinter while he ran to Jones, Jones teleports around to dodge Walker's attacks, he could not see the sword or pistol in Walker's front hoofs in Equestria for some reason, Runner and Sprinter teleport to Walker and restrain him, but he touches the ground with his front left hoof and makes four light blue round heads appear around him, two go to attack Runner while two went to Sprinter, Runner shoots them down while Sprinter stabs them, Walker teleports away but Jones uses his telekinesis to hold him in place, Runner and Sprinter teleport to him and Sprinter summons a knife in his front right hoof and cuts open Walker's upper spine while he screams in pain, Sprinter holds his front left hoof out and shoots a stream of dark blue and orange flames into the cut, Walker screams in pain and his eyes stop glowing, he pants heavily while Runner absorbs the soul into himself, he makes a portal to the Void open with his mind and brings the soul to The Judge before coming back shortly,

"What happened?" Walker asked,

"You got possessed, you need to train your willpower, Walker." Runner replied,

"Oh, Celestia, I was aware of what I was doing, but couldn't control myself." Walker said,

"That's why you need to train yourself, Walker, if you have a strong willpower, you can force the soul trying to possess you out." Sprinter replied, Walker was surprised,

"Well, can I go back to the Void?" Jones asked, Sprinter opens a portal for Jones and he goes back to the Void, Sprinter closed it afterwards,

"Come on, you should rest, Walker." Runner said, and he did, the three slept for the rest of the day.

Walker sleeps but he feels a familiar energy, he opens his eyes and sees he was in the Void,

"Oh no, I've been spending too much time here." Walker said,

"No, you're not dreaming, Walker, I pulled you in, go explore a bit, you'll find some new things." Spirit said telepathically, and Walker teleports around.

Walker teleports to the arena and Diplomat and War face him,

"You can now use the arena." War said, and a harpy appeared, Walker exclaimed with shock,

"Do not worry, what you wish to learn about a creature will be determined by your mind, we are just showing." Diplomat said, and the harpy disappears,

"This arena will allow you to meet the creatures you have fought so far, and you can learn their moves and abilities, and probably some new weapons." War said,

"You will also learn how some creatures take friendship and forgiveness as well." Diplomat said,

"Go now, you should go see the people in Spirit's palace." War said, and Walker teleported, he went to the palace and saw the Senses watching him,

"Did you enjoy your stay in Aerostia, Walker?" Taste asked,

"It was alright, too many bright colors." Walker replied,

"We saw you get possessed, you should train at the temple." Taste said,

"What about you guys?" Walker asked,

"We already did, before you ask, the portals do not lead to our world, our world is called Anima." Taste replied,

"Why can't I go to other worlds besides those three?" Walker asked,

"Because Aerostia, Yomi, and Chrysaor are the worlds where Spirit has the most power, in Aerostia, he is a god, in Yomi, he is just a deity who neither, good nor evil, in Chrysaor, he is the grim reaper." Taste replied,

"Well, what is he?" Walker asked,

"He is a being who has been around since the beginning of time, he connects all worlds to one another, and has books of everything that has happened in existence, past and present, they always update themselves, his job is to keep track of history, and send the souls to the afterlife, The Judge, the virtues and sins, and those four are beings created by him." Taste replied,

"What about Diplomat and War?" Walker asked,

"I do not know where they're from, but Spirit has said they are from Yomi." Taste replied,

"What is this place supposed to be?" Walker asked,

"The Void is the place where the souls of the dead arrive to be judged, other worlds found this place by chance via magic and rituals, before your family made a deal with Spirit, he would travel world to world to get the souls, himself, Demonicus found this world many years ago as well, he has agreed to help Spirit gather souls for him, and there was another pony who once found this realm a long time ago during his experiments." Taste replied,

"He's referring to me." Doctor Whooves said,

"How did you find the Void?" Walker asked,

"I'll tell you if we have any time left after your session, continue." Doctor Whooves replied,

"You should go, I think the other four would like to see you." Taste said, and he and Sight, Hear, Smell, and Touch walk away, Walker teleported upstairs since he was still injured. Walker arrives at the next floor and sees Optimist and Pessimist,

"Yay! You won the tournament and showed them friendship." Optimist said,

"However, you are heavily injured and cannot move, you shouldn't push yourself too hard, or you will injure yourself even more." Pessimist replied, Walker looks and saw Optimist was glowing a little dimmer,

"What happened to her glow?" Walker asked,

"It is caused by you, your view on the world became a bit more negative from the harpies not having any kind of artwork or architecture, and you don't like their warrior culture very much, and they didn't accept friendship as easily as your kind does." Pessimist replied,

"It's okay, Walker, I've still got a lot of energy and fun left inside of me." Optimist said,

"You should train, your willpower's not strong enough, you got possessed, if you don't train your spirit, you will get possessed again, training will be hard and time consuming, though." Pessimist replied,

"But you'll be stronger than ever when you do train, you should try it, also, we'll be appearing in your world when you try to make decisions, our jobs will be to tell you the positives and negatives of a decision, and you decide if it's best or not." Optimist said, Walker smiled,

"Well, you should go, Passive and Aggressive are waiting for you." Optimist said, and Walker teleported to the next floor.

Walker arrives onto the next floor and Aggressive was laughing loudly,

"Yes! You showed that little birdie who the boss was, and you squashed him beneath your hoof!" Aggressive said,

"It was a fair and square fight, Aggressive." Walker replied, Aggressive laughed,

"You didn't run away like a coward, you faced it like a real man! You should've clobbered him some more!" Aggressive said,

"Perhaps, but he was not cheating, so Walker did right to restrain himself." Passive replied, Walker looks and saw both Passive and Aggressive were glowing brighter,

"Since you have saw the harpies fight honorably and restrain themselves, I have glowed brighter, while Aggressive glows brighter due to you getting angry and frustrated when you begin to lose a battle." Passive said,

"Isn't everybody like that?" Walker asked,

"No, for some, the harder the fight, the better, and when they start losing, that is when the fight is the way they like it." Aggressive replied, much to Walker's confusion,

"Like Optimist and Pessimist, we will be your advisers in the world, we will help you when dealing with people." Passive said,

"Isn't that the same thing as Diplomat and War?" Walker asked,

"Well, yes, but on a smaller scale, we advise you with your interactions in your personal life, while Diplomat and War handle the other worlds." Passive replied,

"Oh." Walker said,

"Now get out there and prove you're not to be messed with." Aggressive said,

"Why are you guys coming to help me now?" Walker asked,

"Because your first world was just to get you accustomed, now that you have been to your first world, we will be helping you, you can also come here if you wish for help, me, Aggressive, Optimist, Pessimist, Diplomat, War, your body, your mind, your spirit, and your emotions are your advisers, we represent your inner self." Passive replied, Walker nods,

"Good, you may go." Passive said, and Walker teleported to the temple. Walker arrived into the temple and was confused,

"I'd like to train my spirit." Walker said, Spirit Walker came out of him,

"You don't have to say it, just sit down, cross your hind legs, and put your front legs in your hind lap." Spirit Walker said, and he did,

"Now, close your eyes, inhale through your nose, and exhale through your mouth." Spirit Walker said, and Walker did, he just sat and breathed, he felt like he was in a state of sleep, even though he was awake, his vision was pitch black,

"Now, clear out your mind, and focus on your goal, increase your willpower so souls will not possess you." Spirit Walker said, and Walker focused, he focused but began to have the memory of when he got possessed earlier today,

"Do not focus on it, stay in the present and increase your willpower, do not think of the future, either." Spirit Walker said, and Walker tried his best, it was hard, but he managed to suppress it,

"Good, now stay that way until it's time for you to wake up, Spirit will transfer you back when it's morning." Spirit Walker said, and Walker meditated for the rest of the night.

Walker wakes up the next morning and has breakfast, he talked about being taken into the Void while he was asleep,

"That happens sometimes, Walker, the Void can be entered through dreams as well." Runner said,

"Can anyone do it?" Walker asked,

"No, only those with Spirit's powers can." Sprinter replied,

"Well, Optimist, Pessimist, Passive, and Aggressive are going to be with me in my personal life, too." Walker said,

"Yeah, they're with us, too, those four can appear anywhere at anytime, but remember, nopony in school or outside can see or hear them except us, so try not to speak to them in class, other ponies will think you're talking to yourself." Runner replied, Walker nods,

"Well, you finished breakfast early, you should go out and explore a bit, you might find something interesting." Sprinter said,

"I already did, thanks, grandpa." Walker replied while smiling,

"You should go more, you'll find some more interesting and beautiful things." Optimist said from behind Walker, he was startled and saw her and Pessimist,

"You'll tire yourself out faster if you explore, plus, you can get lost." Pessimist said,

"Keep your guard up, anybody can attack you outside, you need to show them who's stronger!" Aggressive said from behind Pessimist, Passive was behind Optimist,

"If you restrain yourself, you can make friends, and will not have to fight." Passive said, Walker was surprised when he saw Body Walker and Mind Walker to his left, and Spirit Walker and Emotion Walker to his right,

"I didn't think you guys would be here." Walker said,

"Walker, look at us." Runner replied, and Walker did, and to his surprise, there were two more Optimists, Pessimists, Passives, and Aggressives, they looked the same, but Runner's Optimist was a little dim and his Pessimist was a regular glow, while Sprinter's Optimist was very dim and weak while his Pessimist glowed strongly, but the Passives and Aggressives of the two were glowing the same brightness as Walker's Passive and Aggressive, Walker also saw the mind, body, spirit, and emotion versions of his father and paternal grandfather as well, Body Runner was skinny with no muscle while Body Sprinter was as muscular as Bulk Biceps, Mind Runner and Mind Sprinter had blue electricity glow brightly and crackle loudly, along with big brains, Mind Sprinter had the bigger brain, Spirit Runner and Spirit Sprinter glowed much brighter than Spirit Walker, but the two were equal to one another, and Emotion Runner had slightly high flames and a medium sized heart while Emotion Sprinter had almost no fire on himself and his heart was very small and not beating.

Walker stared at them with disbelief,

"Daddy, you're not in as much shape as I thought." Walker said,

"I never liked physical training." Runner replied,

"Part of it's my fault, Walker, it's the environment I raised your father in." Sprinter said,

"Did you grow up on a farm, grandpa?" Walker asked,

"No, the environment I grew up in was much worse, so were the people." Sprinter replied,

"There you go, Walker, your grandfather had to be physically fit to survive." Runner said,

"But grandpa, your emotions." Walker said,

"It's a coping mechanism, Walker, almost nothing makes me feel emotion." Sprinter replied,

"But... why are you so pessimistic for?" Walker asked,

"Trust me, if you grew up with the people I grew up with, and in the same environment, it's easy to be pessimistic." Sprinter replied,

"But it made him a strong person. Woo-hoo." Sprinter's Optimist said very weakly, she lifted her right arm up with her hand balled up into a fist, but had a lot of trouble, which made Walker very worried, Emotion Walker's flames went up to the ceiling,

"Relax, Walker, she won't die." Runner said,

"But still, it's hard to see someone like this." Walker replied,

"Walker, it's getting late, you'll get in trouble if you don't make it to school." Walker's Pessimist said, he became shocked and ran out of the door while the people who represented who he was on the inside went with him.

Walker runs with Body Walker, Mind Walker, Spirit Walker, Emotion Walker, Optimist, and Aggressive, Passive just floated in midair, and Pessimist just slid across the ground as he sat, they keep going but stop when they see Genghis,

"You again, what brings you here?" Genghis asked,

"I want to train more in bucking." Walker replied,

"Very well." Genghis said, and he trained Walker, Body Walker got more muscular while Aggressive roared, Walker bucks several trees and knocked apples down,

"Impressive, you're improving already." Genghis said,

"Yes." Walker said, Emotion Walker's flames went up while Walker was happy, and he trotted to school with a satisfied smile on his face.

Walker arrives to school and was almost late, hearing the souls of the dead still annoyed him, Body Walker, Mind Walker, and Aggressive stood to his left while Pessimist sat on the floor, and Spirit Walker, Emotion Walker, and Optimist stood to his right while Passive floated in midair, Emotion Walker's flames rise a bit from Walker's annoyance,

"You need to attack them! Smash them! Clobber them! Tell them to pipe down so you can focus!" Aggressive said,

"That will draw unwanted attention to you, along with making more enemies than necessary, you will also look crazy to your classmates and teachers since they can't see, hear, or feel the souls of the dead." Pessimist said,

"It will make them quiet, and you can focus more." Optimist said,

"Just relax and try to ignore them, it is unwise to make a scene." Passive said,

"You will get through the day without gathering any unwanted attention towards yourself, along with keeping a good relationship with the souls, and you won't look weird to your classmates." Optimist said,

"The souls will continue to distract you, and you must endure it for the rest of the school day." Pessimist said, Walker thinks and sighs, he leaves the souls be and continues working, which made Mind Walker's electric body glow brighter and crackle louder, none of his classmates noticed him acting strange. Walker soon had to go outside for PE, he runs two laps again and finishes them both without stopping,

"Yay! You did it again." Optimist said while jumping up and down, Emotion Walker's flames went up from Walker's happiness,

"You have anything to say, Pessimist?" Walker asked,

"Not at the moment." Pessimist replied, Walker sighed while he sat,

"Walker." Cherry Blossom said, Emotion Walker's flames remained the same since Walker did not mind having her around, she ran to him while panting,

"How do you run two laps without tiring like that?" Cherry Blossom asked,

"Well, maybe because I'm an earth pony, and you're a unicorn." Walker replied, he noticed from Cherry Blossom's face that he has hurt her feelings,

"Don't you know a spell to give yourself more stamina?" Walker asked,

"The only spell I know is telekinesis, plus, that'd be cheating." Cherry Blossom replied,

"Didn't you learn magic when you were younger?" Walker asked,

"Yeah, when I was a baby, I'm only four years old, Walker." Cherry Blossom replied,

"You're the same age as me." Walker said,

"No, I'm not, our birthdays are on the board, Walker, you're two days older than me." Cherry Blossom replied, Walker was surprised,

"Do you want to meet my parents after school?" Cherry Blossom asked,

"Depends on how much homework we get." Walker replied,

"True, but if it's not much, then you wanna meet them?" Cherry Blossom asked,

"Don't your parents have work?" Walker asked,

"Don't yours?" Cherry Blossom asked,

"Uh, yeah, but my daddy's on vacation right now." Walker replied,

"What do they do?" Cherry Blossom asked,

"Track, running, I'm planning to do the same thing when I get older." Walker replied,

"Oh, well, my parents plant cherry blossoms for the spring." Cherry Blossom said,

"You don't want to do it?" Walker asked,

"No, I'd rather be a fashion designer." Cherry Blossom replied,

"Oh." Walker said,

"Say, where is that amulet you had yesterday?" Cherry Blossom asked,

"I didn't bring it today." Walker replied,

"Why not?" Cherry Blossom asked,

"I just didn't feel like bringing it." Walker replied slowly and nervously,

"Oh, I see, well, I think it's almost time to go back in." Cherry Blossom said, and they do. Walker works in class while the walking and voices of the souls continue to irritate him, Optimist, Pessimist, Passive, and Aggressive stay silent since Walker already made up his decision, he works until it was lunchtime. Walker sits at lunch and saw he had a chocolate bar for lunch today, he wonders if he should eat it,

"It'll make you happy and feel good on the inside." Optimist said,

"It'll deteriorate your health." Pessimist said,

"It'll taste good on your tongue." Optimist said,

"It'll rot your teeth." Pessimist said, Walker groans with annoyance,

"I can't decide." Walker said, Cherry Blossom soon sat with him after getting her lunch,

"Are you going to eat that chocolate bar?" Cherry Blossom asked,

"You're just going to let her ask you like that?! Tell her no! Stab her hoof with your fork if you have to!" Aggressive said,

"It would be better if you just give her half, or if you wish, give her the whole thing." Passive said,

"Half would mean a tasty treat for both of you, giving her the whole thing will make her happy and grow you two closer." Optimist said,

"Having half of it means worse health for both of you, giving her the whole thing will make her health worse than it already is." Pessimist said, Walker thought about it and decided to give Cherry Blossom the entire chocolate bar,

"Thank you." Cherry Blossom said with a smile,

"Yay! You just strengthened your friendship with her!" Optimist said while jumping up and down,

"At the cost of making her health and teeth worse." Pessimist said, Walker did not smile, Pessimist's words were getting to him. Walker began to feel his stomach grumble from the lunch,

"Hold on, I have to use the bathroom." Walker said, and he went. Walker uses the bathroom and washes his front hoofs, he was about to head out, but he heard noises behind him, he saw the ground burst open and saw skeletal ponies come out, they were Pegasi, they were ready to attack him, so Walker summoned his sword and pistol. The six skeletal Pegasi fly towards him and Walker swings his sword around to keep them at bay, he makes the black skeletal arms come out of his left front hoof to grab and pull them forward, Walker stabbed the first skeletal Pegasus in the skull, it fell down and its soul appeared, it was a male Pegasus, Walker quickly shoots him with his pistol to absorbs his soul. Walker focuses on another Pegasus and it was flying around Walker in a counterclockwise circle, Walker watches closely and holds his front left hoof out, he shoots a dark blue and orange stream of fire out, he burns the skeleton's tail, but its body engulfs and its soul appeared, another male Pegasus, Walker shoots him to destroy his soul's body form and absorbs it into himself.

The four remaining Pegasi surround Walker and begin attacking him at once by flying around him in a circle, they changed by going clockwise and counterclockwise every few seconds, they were punching Walker with their front hoofs in the process. Walker growls as he cannot seem to aim a hit on the four skeletal Pegasi, so he makes dark blue flames surround him, they spin in a counterclockwise direction and burn the four skeletal Pegasi, their souls also appear, they were all males, the flames hit them and they become floating light blue flames, Walker absorbed their souls into himself.

Walker goes back to lunch and everypony looked at him,

"What?" Walker asked,

"You were loud in the bathroom." Cherry Blossom replied, Walker smiled embarrassingly while blushing, Emotion Walker's flames went up a little,

"They're viewing you at your weakest! Pick yourself back up! Yell and threaten them!" Aggressive said,

"Just ignore it, this emotion is temporary, if you give in now, you will feel regret later." Passive said, Walker thought about it,

"How loud was I?" Walker asked,

"Very loud, the teachers are wondering what you did in there." Cherry Blossom replied,

"Oh, uh..." Walker said,

"Lie! Come up with something! They know nothing of the souls of the dead!" Aggressive said,

"Sometimes, it is better to stay silent." Passive said,

"Well, uh, you see, I accidentally locked myself in the stall." Walker said, the students laugh, Walker sat down with Cherry Blossom while she glared at him,

"Seriously, Walker? That's the best thing you can come up with?" Cherry Blossom asked,

"Well, yeah." Walker replied,

"Lunch is about to end, so you'll be passing that bathroom again." Cherry Blossom said, Walker gulped and the bell to end lunch rang a second later. Students look into the colts' bathroom and saw the bones of the Pegasi skeletons, which confused the foals,

"Why are there skeletons in the colts' bathroom?" a filly asked,

"Well, if I remember right, there are actually ponies buried under our school from hundreds of years ago, maybe Walker was curious and dug them up." a colt replied, the foals murmur with interest,

"Walker, you don't have to go that far to learn history." Cherry Blossom said, Walker did not respond and he just walked to class. Everypony works in class while the fillies murmur about the colts' bathroom, the colts did not say anything,

"Girls, focus." Walker's teacher said, and they did, Walker saw the colts look at him, while they were not glaring or angry, he still felt uncomfortable, which made Emotion Walker flames go up a little bit, he keeps working and Mind Walker's electricity gets brighter, while Body Walker began to lose muscle, and Spirit Walker glowed brighter due to Walker trying to ignore the souls of the dead in the classroom. The bell rings and Walker had math homework, he sighed and waited for Cherry Blossom, who was a bit slow while she filled her saddlebag with her supplies, he was getting a bit impatient, even though he did not show it, he thought Cherry Blossom was taking too long. Cherry Blossom finished packing her things and trotted to Walker,

"Come on, let's meet my parents." Cherry Blossom said, and they trot to Cherry Blossom's home.

Walker and Cherry Blossom arrive at Cherry Blossom's home and they see two ponies, the mare looked just like Cherry Blossom but without makeup, her cutie mark was a cherry blossom tree, while the stallion had a brown coat, a short light pink mane and tail, and light pink eyes, his cutie mark was a black spring,

"Walker, meet my mommy, Sakura, and my daddy, Spring." Cherry Blossom said,

"Hello, Walker, our daughter talks a lot about you." Sakura said,

"Since when?" Walker asked,

"Since the second week of this school year, she's always seemed interested in knowing about you." Spring replied, Walker's attention was caught, he closes his eyes and reopens them, his vision was dark blue, people were light blue, and objects were a regular blue, he reads Cherry Blossom's emotions, he thought she had a crush on him, but to his surprise, she did not,

"So, why do you have this interest in me for?" Walker asked,

"Because you rarely do anything at school, you're the only one in the class who doesn't help out after school." Cherry Blossom replied,

"What about you?" Walker asked,

"I'm done for now, I start getting the school ready for the cart racing starting tomorrow." Cherry Blossom replied,

"Oh." Walker said,

"Would you like some cherry blossom root tea, Walker?" Sakura asked,

"No, it's fine." Walker replied,

"You're leaving already?" Spring asked,

"Yeah, I have homework today." Walker replied,

"Oh, yeah, we do." Cherry Blossom said,

"Come on, Cherry Blossom, let's finish it." Spring said, and the three go in their home while Walker trots out of their sights and teleports back home.

Walker arrives home and does his math homework, he answered accurately since he knew Runner would check his homework, and if Runner checked it, Sprinter would check if Runner was not available, which he was not happy about, he finishes faster than he thought he would and tells Runner he was done, Runner checks his homework,

"Good job, you got all of them correct." Runner said, much to Walker's happiness, he opens a portal with his mind to go to the Void and enters.

Walker arrives into the Void and brings the souls to The Judge, the virtues and sins were there to decide should the six souls receive salvation or damnation,

"You don't need to stay here, Walker." The Judge said,

"But I like to watch." Walker replied, The Judge does a quick glimpse at them,

"Long story short, they're all from Equestria, and are bad souls, you should go, I still have souls from other worlds to judge as well." The Judge said, and Walker went past him. Walker arrives at the portals,

"Jones, I'm here." Walker said, he hears trotting and saw Jones come from the temple,

"Where do you want to go this time?" Jones asked,

"I don't feel like going to Aerostia this time." Walker replied,

"Yeah, same here, I think we've learned everything we're going to learn there." Jones said, Walker looks and decides whether to go to Yomi or Chrysaor,

"Let's try Chrysaor." Walker said,

"Okay, let's go." Jones replied, and the two go into the portal.

Walker and Jones arrive into Chrysaor and the natives look at them with confusion, Walker and Jones stand up,

"Halt, that small one looks familiar." a male native said,

"State who you are." a second male native said,

"I am Walker." Walker replied,

"Who is your father?" a third male native asked,

"Runner." Walker replied, the natives become surprised,

"I thought you looked familiar, we remember your father." a female native said,

"What are you guys?" Walker asked,

"We are vulcans, master blacksmiths, we also create other forms of art." a second female vulcan said,

"Like what?" Walker asked,

"Take a look around." a fourth male vulcan replied, and they leave. Walker decided to use the amulet and see what it was like when Runner and Sprinter first came, he uses the amulet to make it appear and Jones watched with him. They see Runner appear in the place first, the vulcans point spears and arrows at Runner, which made him exclaim with fear,

"Are you related to Sprinter?" a male vulcan asked,

"H... he's my father." Runner replied, the vulcans gang up on him,

"Your father was an unfaithful one, he had no interest in what we made, only in fighting, he said our weapons are impractical and useless." a female vulcan said,

"I have no idea with what he did before I was born." Runner replied, the vulcans look at one another,

"You don't know about four of our girls loving him, and turning them down and breaking their hearts?" another male vulcan asked,

"No." Runner replied,

"Who is he married to now?" a second female vulcan asked,

"No one, he's a widower, his wife died after birthing me." Runner replied,

"Well, good, he deserves it for his unfaithfulness, who knows how many women he swooned over before coming here." a third female vulcan said,

"As I said, I have no idea what my father did, I'm just here to fight off the Possessed and Undead." Runner replied,

"That's what your father said." a third male vulcan said,

"Was it true?" Runner asked,

"Yes, but he had four of our females go with him in the process, and turned down their feelings. I'm sorry to say this, but I assume you're here to do the same thing, we have to arrest you and put you in a jail cell." a fourth male vulcan replied, Runner had his hoofs tied with ropes and was carried away while he cried,

"Wow, I never saw daddy cry before." Walker said,

"Remember, this was when he was only four years old, of course he's going to cry." Jones replied, and the amulet shot out another beam and showed another event. Sprinter arrives into Chrysaor and the vulcans look at him,

"Who are you?" a male vulcan asked,

"Sprinter, inheritor of Spirit's powers from the Void." Sprinter replied, surprising the vulcans,

"You have direct contact with our culture's grim reaper?" the vulcan asked,

"Uh, grim reaper?" Sprinter asked,

"You know, a person who comes to collect your soul when you die." a female vulcan replied,

"Oh, yes, I do have contact with him, along with several of his powers." Sprinter said, the vulcans murmur,

"Where are you from?" a second male vulcan asked,

"Equestria." Sprinter replied,

"Is this your first time traveling?" a third male vulcan asked,

"No, second time." Sprinter replied,

"Where did you go the first time?" a second female vulcan asked,

"Yomi." Sprinter replied, confusing them,

"Well, go on and look around, I think you'll like our artwork and craftsmanship." the first male vulcan said, and Sprinter walked forward. The picture disappears and Walker and Jones trot forward, they go and were in awe, they saw architecture made in the shape of helmets, the door was shaped like a visor and it moved up to open, the two trot out of the place and they arrive into a hallway, they can tell it was carved rather than made by nature,

"Jones, look at this." Walker said as he looked to the left wall, Jones looked and saw a painting, they look and saw paintings all over both walls of the hallway, they were very detailed and completely colored,

"Wow, this is just what I've been looking for." Walker said,

"Me too, this is what being an adventurer is all about to me." Jones replied, they walk forward and they see more pictures,

"What do you think?" Walker asked,

"It seems these paintings are to tell the history of their kind, these are probably the most important events of their history." Jones replied, Walker looks and can see how Jones came to that conclusion, they keep walking but the hallway eventually had no paintings, they walk forward and hear clanging, so they start trotting. Walker and Jones arrive at the end and saw vulcans up ahead, they saw them working on building weapons and armor, they look and see all of their weapons had plant and animal decorations on them,

"Whoa, now this is why I would travel, to see the art of one's culture." Walker said, Jones chuckled,

"Good hobby, Walker." Jones replied, Walker smiled and the two continued walking and left the place. Walker and Jones were outside and there was flat grassland everywhere, they look and see three dark gold sculptures, the left one was a big eagle, the right one was a big whale, and the center one was a hybrid creature between a lion and a boar, Walker was in awe at the appearance,

"Do you like them?" a male vulcan asked from behind, Walker and Jones turn around, the vulcan's armor was gold instead of dull gray,

"Who are you?" Jones asked,

"I am Elder Hephaestus, ruler of Chrysaor." the vulcan replied,

"Is the elder a part of your name?" Walker asked,

"No, young one, it is my title." Elder Hephaestus replied,

"Well, I'm Walker, and this is Jones, we're from Equestria." Walker said,

"Yes, just like your father and grandfather before you." Elder Hephaestus replied,

"You met them?" Jones asked,

"Yes, I was about to become the ruler when Runner was here, and was just a kid when Sprinter was here." Elder Hephaestus replied,

"What was it like meeting my daddy and grandpa?" Walker asked,

"Both of them were fighters, but in different ways, Runner was a fair and honorable fighter, while Sprinter was dirty and would use any tactic he could think of to win, and Runner relied on speed and skill, while Sprinter relied on brute strength. Another thing we noticed about your father and grandfather is their views of love, which we can sense, Runner had his heart set on one woman even before he came here, while Sprinter would have his heart set on any woman who was nice to him." Elder Hephaestus replied, Walker felt embarrassed from Sprinter's antics while Jones restrained his laughter,

"What can you tell me about your culture?" Walker asked,

"You do not have a guide back at home?" Elder Hephaestus asked,

"Actually, none of us do." Jones replied,

"I see, we are artistic people, we value visual arts, theater arts, literature, and music. We are muscular and stay in shape under our armor, it ties into the visual arts and theater arts as well." Elder Hephaestus said,

"What about fashion?" Jones asked,

"Fashion?" Elder Hephaestus asked,

"You know, what style of clothing is popular to wear." Jones replied,

"We do not have that in our culture." Elder Hephaestus said,

"What about culinary arts? Cooking?" Walker asked,

"We do not have that, either, we just cook and eat, how the food looks matters not to us." Elder Hephaestus replied, much to Walker's and Jones' surprises,

"Are there any personal values in your culture?" Jones asked,

"What are personal values?" Elder Hephaestus asked,

"Honor, courage, wisdom, family, friends, education, those type of things." Jones replied,

"Ah, we value courage, physical strength, and endurance, while we do value emotions as entertainment, we value intelligence in real life, we also highly value family." Elder Hephaestus said, Walker and Jones smiled,

"I've been wondering about those statues over there." Walker said,

"They are our gods, they represent the three environments, the left one is Ziz, our god of the sky, the right one is Leviathan, our god of the sea, and the center is Behemoth, our god of the land and chief god." Elder Hephaestus replied,

"Well, it was nice speaking to you, we'll be off to explore now." Walker said,

"Alright, have fun, and be careful." Elder Hephaestus replied, and he walked away while Walker and Jones smiled. Walker and Jones walk forward a bit and saw three paths that were made from gray dirt, the left path went uphill and there was a green tornado etched on the ground, the right path went downhill and there was a blue water drop etched on the ground, and the center path had a yellow rock etched on the ground and it was straight and flat,

"Where do you want to go first, Walker?" Jones asked,

"Let's go uphill first, I hate uphill." Walker replied,

"That's unusual, most people would do what they despise last." Jones said,

"Well, it's something my daddy and grandpa taught me, I'm the same on schoolwork, I do the hard problems first because I hate challenges." Walker replied,

"Do you like fighting, Walker?" Jones asked,

"No, I'd rather be friends than fight, I only fight the Possessed and the souls because I have to, I don't enjoy it the slightest." Walker replied,

"Ah, no wonder why you lose your temper easily." Jones said,

"That, and I don't like losing." Walker replied,

"Well, let's go." Jones said, and they go. Walker just teleported to the top since he did not want to walk uphill, Jones casts a spell with his horn and teleports to the top,

"Let's look down that path, make sure we didn't miss anything interesting." Jones said, and he and Walker did,

"Nope, I don't see anything." Walker said,

"Me neither." Jones replied,

"Come on, Jones, let's explore." Walker said, Jones smiled and the two turned around and walked. Walker and Jones walk around slowly and look everywhere, but they stop when they see about twelve vulcans up ahead, their three eyes' glow light blue, Walker and Jones realize they were Possessed,

"Be careful, you two, the Possessed are abundant in that world." Spirit said telepathically, and the twelve possessed vulcans go to them. Walker summons his sword and pistol and was ready to fight, he makes a black skeletal arm come out of his front right hoof to grab the closest vulcan, but rather than pulling the vulcan towards him, Walker went towards it, but he prepared his sword and tried to cut the vulcan's armor, it did not cut through, so he fires a bullet from his pistol, it bounced off, Walker let out a slight exhale of annoyance and changed his sword to a bladed boomerang from Aerostia, he throws it but it bounces off of the vulcan's armor, Walker growls since nothing was working. Jones tackles Walker away when a gunshot was heard and it hits the ground, it was loud, it hurt Walker's and Jones' ears, they look up and saw a flying vulcan had a pistol in its right hand,

"Wait, that pistol." Walker said, he looks at it and at his own and realized it was the exact same pistol he uses, more gunshots were heard and Walker and Jones saw the vulcans were flying in the sky and had rifles with them, they hear more gunshots and saw several of the vulcans had fully automatic weapons with them, Walker gets an idea and changes his pistol and boomerang to the two handed rifles, since his weapons were spiritual in nature, they weighed nothing, he aims two of them and fires them, he hits two vulcans, but the bullet got caught in their armors and put a dent in it, Walker fires several more and they only put dents in their armor, not doing anything else,

"Oh, come on." Walker grumbled under his breath, he saw Jones running around and firing zaps from his horn, they were doing nothing against the vulcans,

"Walker, try something else." Jones said, Walker places his front left hoof on the ground and four light blue round heads came out of the ground and go to the twelve possessed vulcans to attack them, four of them got destroyed, but light blue tentacles come out from under their armors and made their armors come to life, their wings and tails grew black talons on them, and black claws came out of their hands', the four Possessed fly faster than before and try to scratch Walker and Jones with their talons, Walker teleported around to dodge them while Jones held them back with telekinesis. Walker makes the four light blue round heads reappear and they attack four more vulcans, he also held his front hoofs up above his head and summoned several vulcan souls to help him fight the Possessed, the souls of the vulcans used mostly two handed weapons to fight the Possessed, they had axes, sledgehammers, glaives, broadswords, and spears, Walker sees they had several long-range weapons as well, they had the pistol Walker usually uses, the rifle, a single action one-handed gun, and a gun that sent out a scattershot.

Walker, Jones, and the souls of the vulcans under Walker's command fight off the Possessed, one gets destroyed and its soul goes into Walker, the other three Possessed who mutated got destroyed and Walker absorbed their souls, Walker and Jones pant and retreat since they were too tired to fight anymore, they watch the vulcans under Walker's command fight off the remaining eight Possessed, they mutated into the same thing one at a time, they were eventually destroyed and Walker does gestures with his front hoofs to dismiss them,

"Wanna continue?" Walker asked,

"No, I'm tired for today, let's go tomorrow." Jones replied, and Walker opened a portal to go back to the Void and Jones stayed there while Walker went back to Equestria and had dinner and went to bed.

Walker was in the Void in his dream, he realized what he could do, so he went to the temple, Body Walker, Mind Walker, Spirit Walker, and Emotion Walker were there,

"What would you like to train in?" Body Walker asked,

"Uh, my emotional part." Walker replied, and Body Walker, Mind Walker, and Spirit Walker disappear,

"I don't understand why I need your training if I have Spirit's powers that allow me to read one's feelings." Walker said,

"Not every male from the paternal side of your family likes using Spirit's powers, that's why I'm here, to train you without the use of that vision power Spirit gave you." Emotion Walker replied,

"Oh, no wonder why, well, I'll give it a try." Walker said,

"Alright, the place is going to change, we'll start easy. I'll be using people from your world, your job is to watch their expressions and act accordingly to their emotions, and guess what that emotion is." Emotion Walker replied,

"I'm ready." Walker said,

"Alright, here goes." Emotion Walker replied, and he uses his mind to change the environment. Walker sees everything was blurring and the environment changed, he saw the place and recognized it,

"Wait, I recognize this place, this is Fluttershy's cottage." Walker said,

"Yes, since it's your first one, we'll start easy." Emotion Walker replied, he stood to Walker's right, Walker walks around and saw Fluttershy, she sees him and trots to him,

"Hello, you're a cute looking little foal." Fluttershy said, Walker blushed,

"Your job is to watch her facial expressions and body language, and act accordingly, along with guessing what her overall feeling is." Emotion Walker said,

"Well, she's happy right now." Walker replied,

"Good, you're already getting it right, let's continue." Emotion Walker said, Fluttershy began to hug him with her wings, he felt comfort,

"Come on, make yourself at home." Fluttershy said, and she trotted into her cottage, he followed her. Walker and Fluttershy enter the cottage and Fluttershy let him sleep in her bed,

"She's very welcoming right now." Walker said,

"What do you think so far?" Emotion Walker asked,

"Too easy." Walker replied,

"Alright, let's try someone else." Emotion Walker said,

"Just give me your hardest one." Walker said,

"Very well." Emotion Walker replied, and he changes the scenery to a place of rocks, Walker sees Maud Pie, which startled him,

"Well, go on and try to guess her emotions." Emotion Walker said, Walker tried looking at Maud Pie's facial and body expressions, but had no clue what she was feeling, he looked at her with a confused face, Maud Pie turned her head to the left and saw Walker,

"You need something?" Maud Pie asked,

"Sorry, but I'm trying to pass a test." Walker replied,

"What test?" Maud Pie asked,

"Try to correctly guess what emotion you're feeling right now." Walker replied,

"Would you like a hint?" Maud Pie asked,

"Okay, I'm sensing hostility from you now." Walker replied,

"I'm not mad. You're just trying to pass a test, right? I have no reason to be mad at you." Maud Pie said, Walker just looked at her nervously while Maud Pie looked back with an expressionless face,

"I give up." Walker said,

"See, this is why you have to train. Would you like to try another one?" Emotion Walker asked,

"No, I'll just stick to using Spirit's powers." Walker replied,

"Then you don't need my training." Emotion Walker said,

"No, I'll still try, I think it's still worth training in this." Walker replied,

"Would you like to try another one?" Emotion Walker asked,

"No, I'll stop here for now." Walker replied, and the area changed back to the temple. Walker sees Body Walker, Mind Walker, Spirit Walker, and Emotion Walker in front of him,

"Which training would you like to try next?" Body Walker asked,

"Let's try body." Walker replied, and Mind Walker, Spirit Walker, and Emotion Walker disappear,

"Alright, here goes." Body Walker said, and the scenery changed. Walker felt cold and saw he was in a place with a raging blizzard, Body Walker appeared to his left,

"The cold will help your body adjust, ponies adapt better to cold weather than hot weather." Body Walker said,

"I'll admit, I do like cold weather better than hot weather, but this is too cold." Walker replied,

"Well, then I suggest you brace yourself." Body Walker said,

"Why?" Walker asked, Body Walker pointed his front left hoof forward and downwards, Walker was shocked when he saw a pool of water,

"Your first physical training is swimming, great for building muscle." Body Walker replied, Walker was scared,

"Well, go on, you have to finish that first before you go to the next one." Body Walker said, and Walker was pushed into the water, he immediately went into shock, he fell underwater and began panicking, Body Walker pulled him out,

"You need to stay calm, Spirit Walker can help you with that through meditation, as for now, I'll show you how to swim properly." Body Walker said, and he did, Walker watched him carefully,

"There, now you try." Body Walker said, and Walker did, he tried to copy Body Walker but still failed,

"You should practice a bit more, would you like to continue?" Body Walker asked, Walker's nose was runny and he sneezed,

"No, I'll stop here." Walker replied, and the scenery changed back to the temple. Walker looks at the four across from him,

"Let's try the mind, since that's the only one left." Walker said, and Body Walker, Spirit Walker, and Emotion Walker disappear,

"Alright, here goes." Mind Walker said, and he made books appear, Walker sees they were books on math, science, literature, government, different cultures and customs of Equestria, history of Equestria, how to build architecture, history on art, cuisine, fashion, music, and literature, and a guide to plants and animals that described how dangerous they are and their behavior,

"Take your pick." Mind Walker said,

"What about learning from experience?" Walker asked,

"You get that through your travels and personal life, you're learning new things all the time, and since you're only four years old, your brain is like a sponge, and your childhood experiences will stay with you for your entire life." Mind Walker replied, Walker was surprised,

"Well, go on and read." Mind Walker said, and he decided to read about pony culture and customs, he was not learning anything and threw the book,

"I can't learn this way." Walker said,

"How about this one?" Mind Walker asked, and he made a book appear, it was on how friendship between males and females differ,

"How is that going to help?" Walker asked,

"Because male and females form friendship differently, males become friends by going through the same experiences, while females become friends by feeling the same emotions as one another." Mind Walker replied,

"Now that you mention it, I do feel closer to daddy, grandpa, Jones, and Genghis than I do to Cherry Blossom." Walker said,

"See, there you go, you should read this so you can bond with her." Mind Walker replied, and he did. Laughing was heard and the temple area disappeared,

"W... Who's there?" Walker asked with fear, the laughing was heard again and Walker saw a stallion form in front of him, he was hiding in the shadows, but looked like he had the same mane and tail style as him, Runner, and Sprinter, his mane, tail, eyes, and coat all seemed to be the same color as them as well, Walker sees his cutie mark appeared to be some kind of metallic shoe, he was almost as tall as Princess Luna, and was muscular,

"So, you're Walker, I knew that Sprinter would taint the family." the stallion said,

"You're... almost as muscular as Big Mac." Walker said with surprise,

"Big Mac?" the stallion asked,

"There are six mares who protect Equestria, Big Mac is the brother of one of them." Walker replied,

"Well, it's good to see not all ponies have become weaklings over time." the stallion said,

"Weakling?" Walker asked,

"Yes, earth ponies were once big and muscular like me, a long time ago, we've lost our strength and stamina when we decided to pursue other things other than farming, harvesting, and fighting." the stallion replied,

"Who are you?" Walker asked, the stallion snickered,

"I normally don't share my name, but I'll tell you since you're family, my name is Jumper." the stallion said,

"Jumper? Family?" Walker asked,

"Yes, and you may not know this, but we already met a long time ago." Jumper replied, and harpies, vulcans, and the natives from Yomi surround him, they all had light blue eyes,

"Wait, you're the one commanding the Possessed." Walker said,

"Yes, and the Undead, but there are still two more types of enemies you haven't encountered yet, I don't command them, but they're waiting for you." Jumper replied, and he disappeared while laughing and Walker was shot out of the Void while he screamed.

Walker woke up in his bedroom and sat up while panting heavily and sweating, he walked out of his bedroom and went to have breakfast. Walker had his breakfast while Runner and Sprinter watched him,

"Daddy, grandpa." Walker said, the two look at him,

"I met the guy who is controlling the Possessed and Undead in my dream last night, he said he's family." Walker said, Runner's and Sprinter's attention were caught,

"Did he say what his name was?" Runner asked,

"Jumper." Walker replied, Runner reeled back in shock with his eyes and mouth wide open while Sprinter's eyes only widened,

"You two know him?" Walker asked,

"Walker, he's your paternal great grandfather." Runner replied, Walker jumped back in shock,

"Great grandpa?!" Walker asked,

"Yes, Walker, he's my father, and he was a bad one." Sprinter replied,

"What did he do?" Walker asked,

"My father was the leader of a group of criminals, Jumper forced himself onto a mare, she became my mother, but of course, because of Spirit's powers on our family, she died as soon as I was born, Jumper beat me and insulted me all the time, he forced me to physically train and I had to become physically strong at a young age because the other ponies who served under him were told to kill me, so I had to fight back, when I got Spirit's powers when I was four, the first thing I did was kill Jumper, he is also the reason why I don't make decisions based on emotions, he was driven by them, and did horrific things, he is also the reason why I choose to be pessimistic, because Jumper was optimistic to the point where he could not see the negative things happening." Sprinter explained, Walker was speechless,

"You should finish your meal, Walker, school is going to start soon." Runner said, and Walker did,

"How has your training with Genghis been?" Runner asked,

"He hasn't really taught anything useful, yet." Walker replied,

"Well, just wait until you get to the advanced techniques, you're going to be impressed, trust me." Sprinter said, Walker nods and he heads out. Genghis was doing target practice with his horn and zapping the trees, he hears trotting behind him and turns around, he saw Walker coming,

"I'm ready to learn more bucking." Walker said,

"What's the matter? You're shaking a bit." Genghis said,

"Sorry, my last training to condition my body had me swimming in ice cold water while it was snowing." Walker replied,

"Ah, I remember how cold Equestria can get during the time of Hearth's Warming, come now, let's teach you a few tricks." Genghis said, and they train, Walker was now being taught how to jump and kick with his hind legs in midair,

"Good, you're learning quickly, but it's time for the strength test, since you're an earth pony, your test will be harder than for a unicorn or a Pegasus." Genghis said, and he uses his horn to make a piece of gray steel appear, Walker prepares himself and he bucks it with his hind legs, he destroys the piece of armor and it flies into the air,

"Alright, next one requires a jump kick, let's do it." Genghis said, and he makes a royal guard helmet appear and he holds it in the air, Walker jumps and kicks it with his hind right hoof, he destroyed the helmet and he was shocked at his own improved physical strength,

"Alright, next one is going to take two jump kicks." Genghis said,

"Uh, Genghis, I'm sorry, but I have to go to school." Walker replied,

"Very well, we'll continue when you return." Genghis said,

"One question before I go, did you ever meet a stallion named Jumper?" Walker asked,

"No, I have not." Genghis replied,

"Oh, just wondering, well, I'll be going now." Walker said, and he walks to school.

Walker was doing his classwork and was bored, he was impatient for school to end again, and he saw Body Walker, Mind Walker, Spirit Walker, and Emotion Walker standing around him, Aggressive and Optimist stood behind him, while Pessimist sat to his left, Passive was floating to his right. Walker daydreams about doing Genghis' tests since he actually found them to be fun, he daydreams about himself doing the jump kick test he just did and ends up kicking his desk with hind right hoof, which made it fly into the air and turn upside-down, the foals look at him, the colts just looked on with expressionless faces while the fillies had very shocked faces. Walker's desk lands upside down on the desk of the Pegasus filly sitting in front of him,

"Well, Walker?" Walker's teacher asked,

"Sorry, got scared by a bug." Walker replied, the fillies laugh while the colts smiled, the teacher smiled,

"Go on and get your desk back, Walker, maybe you should go to Ponyville and have Fluttershy teach you a few things." Walker's teacher said, and he walks and grabs his desk,

"Sorry." Walker said,

"It's okay." the Pegasus filly replied, and he sat and continued his work after finding where he left off. Walker continues working until it was PE time, he ran the two laps perfectly again and did not get tired, he was the first to finish, which made him happy, he sat and waited while the fillies were shocked while the colts just watched and tried to improve. Walker sighed and he just sat and looked at the souls of the dead walking around the school, he hears panting to his right and saw Cherry Blossom arrive,

"Hold on, I'm going to go have some water." Cherry Blossom said while panting and out of breath, she came back after about a minute, she sat with him,

"What did you think of my parents?" Cherry Blossom asked,

"I like them." Walker said, Cherry Blossom smiled,

"Can I meet your parents today?" Cherry Blossom asked,

"Uh, about that." Walker replied,

"What is it?" Cherry Blossom asked,

"I... don't have a mommy." Walker replied,

"You don't have a mommy?" Cherry Blossom asked,

"No." Walker replied,

"Then who are you living with?" Cherry Blossom asked,

"My daddy, and my grandpa." Walker replied,

"Maternal or paternal grandpa?" Cherry Blossom asked,

"Paternal." Walker replied,

"So, you live with your daddy, and your daddy's daddy." Cherry Blossom said,

"Yes." Walker replied,

"What happened to your mommy?" Cherry Blossom asked,

"She died as soon as she gave birth to me." Walker replied,

"Aw." Cherry Blossom said, she asks "Did your daddy and grandpa ever talk about her?"

"Actually, no." Walker replied,

"You should ask them, she's your mommy, you have every right to know." Cherry Blossom said, Walker thought about it, and they went back to class after PE was over. Walker worked in class until it was lunchtime, he just wanted school to be over so he can go back to exploring the Void, he was in line at lunch and an earth pony colt cuts him in line, Walker was angry,

"He cut you in line! Fight him, and show him he can't push you around! Beat him until he can't move!" Aggressive said,

"It will show him not to be rude to others, and have him consider others' feelings." Optimist said,

"You will draw unwanted attention to yourself, get in trouble with the teachers, and become embarrassed and ashamed of your actions." Pessimist said,

"If you wish, you can try to talk things out with him and explain how you feel." Passive said,

"It might make him rethink his actions and apologize, and he will learn in the future not to do it again." Optimist said,

"He might ignore you, and possibly attack you for trying to talk to him, and there is a possibility that he does know what he did was wrong, and doesn't care, and is happy about what he did." Pessimist said, Walker thinks for a minute and decides to use Spirit's vision on him since he cannot see the colt from the front or read his emotions, Walker sees the colt does know what he did was wrong, and is happy about it, and was ready to attack Walker if he tried to speak to him. Walker changes his vision back to normal,

"On second thought, let's ignore him." Walker said,

"What?! You're just going to let him go?!" Aggressive asked,

"I'll get in trouble if I try to confront him, I say we let someone else attack him." Walker replied,

"Oh, okay, I like that." Aggressive said while smiling, and they go through the line and Walker waited for his lunch.

Walker and Cherry Blossom have lunch together and the same colt cuts more colts and fillies in a line for the microwave to heat up homemade lunches, a filly tries to explain to him that she was there first, but he turns around and begins to physically attack her, the other colts and fillies restrain him while the filly was pulled back, the filly was bleeding from her nose and she was panting from being in pain, the colt smiled when he saw her bleeding nose, the fillies look at him angrily while the colts just glare at him, the teachers take him to the principal's office while everypony just watches him. Walker and Cherry Blossom have lunch together,

"You look nervous, Walker." Cherry Blossom said,

"Sorry, I had to do swimming after school yesterday." Walker replied,

"Oh, yeah, swimming is hard, if you want, I can give you lessons." Cherry Blossom said,

"Wait, you know how to swim?" Walker asked with surprise,

"Uh-huh, I know how to climb trees and mountains, too, my parents taught me a few months ago." Cherry Blossom replied,

"Well, I guess you have to stay in shape if you want to be a fashion designer." Walker said,

"I don't just want to be fashion designer, I want to be makeup artist, too, and a mane and tail stylist." Cherry Blossom replied,

"Do your parents approve?" Walker asked,

"Hmm-mm, they think it's a great idea, they're going to use the flowers and cherry blossoms they grow in the spring to put on my outfits, they think it's great since they can help, too." Cherry Blossom replied, Walker smiled,

"What about hobbies?" Walker asked,

"Well, I like reading, poetry is my favorite thing to read, I like buckball, and I especially love making new friends." Cherry Blossom replied, Walker smiled a bit,

"What are your hobbies, Walker?" Cherry Blossom asked,

"Well, I if I had to choose, probably art." Walker replied,

"What kind of art?" Cherry Blossom asked,

"Drawings, paintings, and architecture." Walker replied,

"That's it?" Cherry Blossom asked,

"No, I also found myself enjoying learning history as well." Walker replied,

"That's great, maybe if we go somewhere together, you and I can learn new things, by using your knowledge of art and architecture, and my knowledge of fashion, we can learn history together." Cherry Blossom said, Walker saw Emotion Walker's flames go up because he was starting to enjoy Cherry Blossom, he noticed himself developing a crush on her, the bell rung and everypony went back to class, Walker waits until the bell rings and went home with Cherry Blossom following him. Walker headed home and Cherry Blossom ran a bit to keep up with him a bit since he was teleporting a little, but Cherry Blossom saw it as him speed walking,

"Walker, why are you walking so fast?" Cherry Blossom asked,

"Sorry, I guess I just want to head home and get started on the homework." Walker replied,

"Oh, don't start without me, I have to use the bathroom when we get to your home." Cherry Blossom said,

"Why didn't you go after class ended?" Walker asked,

"I didn't have to." Cherry Blossom replied,

"Okay, but don't take too long." Walker said,

"Why do you say that for?" Cherry Blossom asked,

"Because I once overheard my grandpa talking about how grandma would keep him waiting a long time while she did her makeup in the bathroom." Walker replied, Cherry Blossom chuckled,

"I promise you, Walker, I won't be doing my makeup, I'm just going to use the bathroom." Cherry Blossom said,

"Okay. Well, we're here." Walker said, and Cherry Blossom saw Walker lived in the woods with no neighbors,

"Wow, I didn't know you lived isolated." Cherry Blossom said,

"Yeah, it gets lonely sometimes." Walker replied,

"Well, I'm here, come on, let's have fun together." Cherry Blossom said, and Walker enters his home with Cherry Blossom behind him,

"Daddy, grandpa, I'm home." Walker said, and Runner and Sprinter saw him with Cherry Blossom,

"Who is this?" Runner asked,

"Hi, I'm Cherry Blossom, I'm one of his classmates." Cherry Blossom said,

"Well, hello, Cherry Blossom, it's rare for us to get visitors." Sprinter said,

"Thank you. Where's the bathroom?" Cherry Blossom asked,

"Right behind us." Runner replied,

"Okay, don't start homework without me, Walker." Cherry Blossom said as she headed to the bathroom, she entered a moment later, Runner and Sprinter turned to Walker, who was sitting at the table,

"What are you doing, Walker?" Runner asked,

"She's my friend, so I brought her to our home since she took me to her home yesterday." Walker replied,

"If you're trying to take her to the Void, she can't enter, Spirit decides which living people can enter and who can't." Sprinter said, Walker looks and sees Emotion Runner and Emotion Sprinter had their flames go up a little, he realized the two were a little annoyed with him,

"I'd like to get to know more about Jumper." Walker said,

"You see, Jumper was..." Sprinter replied, but he was interrupted by the sound of liquid splashing in the water very loudly in the bathroom, Walker was not happy, he saw Runner and Sprinter were annoyed as well, the liquid splashing noise stopped,

"Jumper was..." Sprinter said, but was interrupted again by the toilet flushing,

"Jumper..." Sprinter said, but was interrupted a third time by the sound of water running, which annoyed him, along with Runner and Walker. Cherry Blossom came out of the bathroom and walked to the table and sat to Walker's left,

"Sorry I took so long, I really had to go." Cherry Blossom said,

"I have to do my homework now, daddy and grandpa." Walker said,

"Alright, get it done." Runner replied, and Walker and Cherry Blossom work together, they do their homework while Runner and Sprinter watch them,

"You guys aren't going to talk about anything?" Cherry Blossom asked,

"There's really nothing to talk about." Runner replied,

"Sure, there is." Cherry Blossom said,

"Like what?" Sprinter asked,

"What were Walker's mommy and grandma like?" Cherry Blossom asked,

"Nice, friendly, lovable, the usual." Runner replied,

"She was a friendly pony, tolerable at the best." Sprinter said, Cherry Blossom was suspicious,

"Don't you guys have any aunts, uncles, or cousins?" Cherry Blossom asked,

"Maternal side of the family only." Runner replied, shocking Cherry Blossom,

"What were my maternal grandparents like?" Walker asked,

"Really nice and welcoming, a shame they passed away before your mother and I married." Runner replied,

"What about my maternal great grandparents, grandpa?" Walker asked,

"They were already dead before I met your grandmother." Sprinter replied,

"What are your names?" Cherry Blossom asked,

"Runner." Runner replied,

"Sprinter." Sprinter said,

"Cherry Blossom, I'd like to finish homework as soon as possible." Walker said,

"Oh, sorry, let's get started, then." Cherry Blossom replied, and they worked together, Walker had to take his time and check his work with Cherry Blossom, which made him unhappy because he wanted to explore Chrysaor more, and Cherry Blossom was taking up his time, but they finished after a while,

"Well, I'll be heading home now, mommy and daddy are waiting for me. Bye, Walker." Cherry Blossom said,

"Bye." Walker replied, and Cherry Blossom left. Runner checks Walker's homework to make sure Cherry Blossom did not give him the wrong answer,

"You missed one, Walker." Runner said, and Walker trotted to him while smiling, believing that it was going to be an easy problem, he saw the problem,

"Hey, Cherry Blossom gave me the answer on that one." Walker said,

"Well, she got it wrong, too." Runner replied, and Walker solves it on his own, he took about fifteen minutes of reading the textbook and wrote down what he thought the answer was, Runner checked it,

"That's correct." Runner said,

"Yes." Walker said,

"So, how have things been in the Void?" Sprinter asked,

"I'm exploring Chrysaor now." Walker replied,

"Did you meet the elder?" Runner asked,

"Yeah, Elder Hephaestus." Walker replied,

"Well, good luck, and be careful." Runner said, and Walker entered the Void, he saw Jones coming from the temple, he realized Jones was training himself,

"I'm ready to go back." Walker said,

"Yeah, I actually couldn't wait much longer." Jones replied, Walker chuckled and the two went to Chrysaor. Walker and Jones arrive in Chrysaor and go back to where they left off last time, they see the path was getting flat, they look around and see paintings on the cliff sides, along with pictures of small eagles on the wall,

"What are these?" Walker asked,

"Must be eagles, they look like the ones from Equestria." Jones replied, the amulet reacts and shoots a beam, the two see transparent images. A colt walks forward and he looks at the paintings,

"Not really my interest." the colt said, Walker and Jones realize it was Runner, he trots around and looks at the paintings, he hears screeching in the sky and saw the eagles, he became startled and was scared, they hear a female chuckling from behind and Runner turned around and saw a vulcan,

"Don't worry, they won't hurt you." the vulcan said,

"What are they?" Runner asked,

"Eagles, children of Ziz, it is a crime to hurt them." the vulcan replied, Runner looked at them and saw them screech more,

"Well, go on, the temple is up ahead." the vulcan said, and Runner continued down. The picture changes to a colt Sprinter coming, he looks at the eagles and did not mind, Sprinter just looked around without saying anything and went forward with four female vulcans following him. The pictures disappear and Walker and Jones shrug, they go forward to where Runner and Sprinter went. Walker and Jones walk down the path and see no Possessed, much to their reliefs,

"I almost forgot, I met the person controlling the Possessed in my dream last night, it's actually a pony from Equestria." Walker said, Jones was surprised,

"Is it Claudius?" Jones asked,

"No, a pony named Jumper, my paternal great grandfather." Walker replied, Jones was relieved,

"Good, I'm glad it's not Claudius, I doubt you'd stand a chance against him." Jones said,

"Hey, Jones, look." Walker said, and Jones saw a gold temple up ahead, it was in the shape of an eagle, the eagles were on the temple, perching on the wings of the temple, Walker and Jones were in awe,

"Wow, this must've took forever to make." Walker said,

"Probably did, stuff like this sometimes take generations to make." Jones replied, they walk forward and the eagles screech while unfolding their wings, Walker got ready to defend himself,

"Wait, Walker, I think they're welcoming us." Jones said, and they walk forward, the eagles did not attack, they see the entrance was the mouth of the architecture, Walker and Jones teleport into the beak of the gold eagle and walk into its beak. Walker and Jones walk into the temple and see a statue of Ziz to be worshiped, they saw two paintings, they were to the sides of the statue, the left painting had vulcan wings on it, and the right painting had guns on it, which made Walker and Jones laugh a little,

"I'll admit, they are creative." Walker said,

"Yup, also, temples usually have treasure in them." Jones replied, Walker was excited and was about to search it, but Jones restrained him with his magic,

"Hold on now, Walker, we still have to respect their culture, and the treasures could be cursed." Jones said,

"What kind of curse?" Walker asked,

"Usually, it's sickness, death, or bad luck against you and your family, we have to be careful." Jones replied, Walker and Jones walk forward together. Walker and Jones walk forward and see a table with a book on it, they look and see it appeared to be a history book, it had Ziz on the front cover,

"That must be a history book." Jones said,

"Come on, let's read it." Walker replied, and they were about to, but blue lightning struck in front of them, which made them stumble back, the lightning disappears and they see a muscular bipedal being, he wore light blue armor on his entire body, his helmet exposed his face, it was black and skeletal, he seemed to have no eyes,

"Disgusting beings, all of you need to perish." the creature said with a deep voice,

"Who are you?" Jones asked,

"That is not your concern." the creature replied,

"Are you the treasure's guardian?" Walker asked, the creature glares at him and summons a big double bladed spear in his right hand, and a shield in his left hand, which scared the two,

"It is my sacred duty to destroy all who worship Spirit, prepare to die." the creature said,

"What? I don't worship Spirit." Walker said,

"But you have his powers, don't you?" the creature asked,

"Well, yes." Walker replied,

"Then you have to die." the creature said,

"But I'm only four years old." Walker replied with fear,

"Your age doesn't matter to me, it is my sacred duty to kill all connected to Spirit, including children." the creature said,

"I have no role with Spirit, I'm just traveling with him to see the other worlds." Jones said,

"That makes you guilty by association, you have to die, too." the creature replied, shocking Jones,

"In the name of the Anti-Spirit cult, you two shall perish." the creature said, Walker's and Jones' attentions were caught,

"Oh yeah, a harpy in Aerostia did mention that cult." Walker said,

"What about Jumper, that guy possessing people and making them kill one another?" Jones asked,

"The threats others face from the souls of the dead does not concern the Anti-Spirit cult." the creature replied, shocking Walker and Jones,

"Enough talk. Die." the creature said, and he swings his spear down, a blue electrified wave flies forward on the floor, Walker and Jones teleport away to dodge it, the wave hits the wall and disappears, every part of the floor and wall the wave touched was black and burned. Jones fires a beam from his horn at the creature, but when it touched his shield, the electricity travel into Jones' beam and electrocuted him, he screamed in the process. Walker teleported to behind the creature and summoned his weapons, he aims his pistol and fires, but the spiritual bullets bounced off, Walker changed his pistol to a rifle and fired it, the bullet bounced off as well. The creature turns around while swinging his spear horizontally, sending another electrified wave, Walker got on his stomach and dodged it, the wave disappears when it hit the wall and burned and blackened it, Walker watches with fear and makes his sword change to a boomerang, he throws it and it bounces off of the creature, shocking Walker, he then made his sword reappear and teleported to him, he tries to slash him, but the electricity travels through the sword and electrocutes Walker and he screams, he was shot back afterwards.

The creature walks towards Walker since he was paralyzed and unable to move, he looks and saw Jones was paralyzed as well, Walker thinks for a minute and makes his body change to his soul form, the creature scoffed,

"Foolish child." the creature said, and he places his spear on Walker and he screams as he gets electrocuted,

"What?! How?!" Walker asked,

"Spiritual energy can take on any shape or form, my electricity isn't regular electricity." the creature said, Walker grunts while he struggles to break free, he sees Jones recover from his paralysis and fires a zap from his horn at the creature. The zap hits the creature in the back, but the zap got deflected and hits the wall, the creature turns around and hits his spear on the floor, sending a wave of electricity towards Jones, he teleports to dodge it, the creature slams his shield down and sends a wave of blue electricity shaped like his shield at Jones, he teleports and dodges that as well. Walker recovers and changes back to his regular form after running out of spiritual energy to use, he floats in midair with blue flames behind him, the creature turns around and Walker grunts while he changes into an alicorn-like form made out of dark blue flames. Walker walks forward slowly and summons his sword and pistol, he does a slash with his sword and hits the creature's spear, it got destroyed, Walker then fires his pistol at the creature's shield, it breaks in half and flies out of his left hand,

"What?" the creature asked, Walker hits the creature with his sword again, he grunts and flew out of the temple and screamed, he fell onto the ground as well. Walker changes back to his normal form and pants,

"What was that?" Jones asked,

"My ultimate form, it's my strongest power, it increases all of my powers and abilities tenfold, but I can't stay in it for long." Walker replied,

"That reminds me, I wondered what Runner and Sprinter did here." Jones said,

"Maybe another time." Walker replied, Jones smiled and the two head out to go see the creature. The creature was on his knees and the eagles and vulcans surround him, Walker and Jones go to him, the vulcans watch and Walker holds his front right hoof out to offer the creature his friendship. The vulcans jeer at him and the eagles screech loudly while the creature from the Anti-Spirit cult was confused,

"What are you doing?!" a male vulcan asked, his voice scared Walker a bit,

"This is what we do in my home culture, when we defeat someone, we forgive them and offer them friendship, no matter how bad their actions or motives were." Walker replied, the vulcans jeer,

"That is one of the stupidest things I have ever heard!" a female vulcan said,

"Befriend your enemy? That is just stupid!" a second male vulcan said,

"It is what Princess Celestia teaches us, friendship with others is what powers our country's defenses." Walker replied,

"Well, tell her she's an idiot." a third male vulcan said, Walker continued to hold his hoof out and the creature grabbed it with his left hand, he snickered,

"Fool." the creature said, he pulls Walker forward and was about to stab a dagger into the back of Walker's neck, but Elder Hephaestus stood behind the creature and punched his head off with his right fist, the creature's soul appeared and Walker absorbed it into himself. Elder Hephaestus walked to Walker and Jones, Walker was confused,

"Wait, you guys aren't mad at me?" Walker asked,

"Not at all, you just said it is what this Princess Celestia teaches you about forgiving, you are not at fault, but I must admit, forgiving and befriending your enemy is idiotic." Elder Hephaestus replied,

"What do you guys do to your enemies?" Walker asked,

"We kill them. Duh." a fourth male vulcan replied, the other vulcans nod, which made Walker and Jones uncomfortable,

"Jones and I heard of the Anti-Spirit cult before, but this is the first time we met one of them." Walker said,

"Spirit is a deity in many worlds, the Anti-Spirit cult is made up of beings from other worlds that see Spirit as an evil deity, they managed to get into contact with the other worlds, and formed the cult in an attempt to destroy Spirit and all of his followers, they don't appear just in this world, they appear in other worlds as well, their goal is to kill Spirit, and everybody who is connected to him or worships him." Elder Hephaestus replied,

"I assume they come here often." Jones said,

"Yes, they have attacked us on occasion, but most of them are not even powerful enough to even put a dent in our armor." Elder Hephaestus replied,

"What can you tell us about this area?" Walker asked,

"This is the Temple of Ziz, those eagles are his children, they protect us from the Possessed, Undead, and evil spirits that come back here to haunt us, while they cannot deal with all of them, there is a lot less of them than before." Elder Hephaestus replied,

"How important are they when compared to the land and the sea?" Jones asked,

"The sky is as equally important as the sea and the land, the sky provides us with the sun that allows us to see the things we create, along with giving us space to make things as tall as we wish for them to be, the sea provides the water required to cool down our creations, and the land provides us with the resources required to make them in the first place." Elder Hephaestus replied,

"So far, this is the only architectural thing we have seen." Jones said,

"Ah, you must be speaking of homes, our homes are down the path of the land, the path of the sea will take you to the Temple of Leviathan, we do not live in the sky or in the water." Elder Hephaestus replied,

"Well, Jones, I guess we're going to the water area next." Walker said,

"Good luck, we have magic to make us breathe underwater." Elder Hephaestus said, and the vulcans left. Walker and Jones went back into the Temple of Ziz, and Walker uses the amulet to see what Runner and Sprinter did when they came. Runner entered and he looked around the temple, they noticed Runner had pecking marks on him, realizing the eagles outside attacked him,

"Curse you, father." Runner grumbled under his breath, he looks at the place,

"Wow, I wonder if daddy stole money from here to buy the house I grew up in." Runner said to himself, Walker's and Jones' attentions were caught, but they see Runner look around and about fifteen souls of dead vulcans appear,

"Hey, look at your and Runner's swords." Jones said, Walker does and he sees the sword he used was also from Chrysaor, they watch Runner fight the souls and with speed and finesse, he moved around quickly and teleported while he took down the vulcans, some of them had weapons, Runner kicked them back to them when they dropped them to make the fight more fair,

"Looks like your father was always honorable, even before he went to Aerostia." Jones said,

"I wouldn't do that, I'd rather finish the fight as soon as possible." Walker replied, they watch Runner fight and he only hit and shot the souls in non-fatal areas, he absorbed their souls into them and kept walking,

"Wow, all of this fighting is starting to get a little tiring." Runner said to himself as he looked around, he saw nothing of interest,

"There's nothing here, I'm out." Runner said to himself and he left. The picture changes and they saw Sprinter enter, there were four female toddler vulcans with him, they wore the dull gray armor, they chuckled as they traveled with him,

"This is the Temple of Ziz, Sprinter." one female vulcan said, Sprinter just looks around,

"What do you think?" a second female vulcan asked,

"It's alright." Sprinter replied,

"You don't like it?" a third female vulcan asked,

"I do, it's just hard for me to feel emotion." Sprinter replied,

"Why?" a fourth female vulcan asked,

"I had bad experiences before I came to this world." Sprinter replied,

"What kind of experiences?" the second female vulcan asked,

"Sorry, but I am not comfortable looking back." Sprinter replied,

"Oh, well, come on, let's go, we'll tell you what the things in here are." the third female vulcan said, and they walk forward, but they hear screeching and the eagles burst through, their eyes' glowed light blue, the four female vulcans screamed in terror while Sprinter summoned a gargantuan sword, Walker and Jones did not recognize it, Sprinter does one big swing with the sword and hits the possessed eagles, they died in the process, and Sprinter absorbed their souls,

"It's clear." Sprinter said, and the four female vulcans come back, they explain the paintings first, the wings and guns were tributes in the paintings, they said Ziz lets the vulcans fly while Ziz uses his magic to guide the bullets in battle, they then explain the book is about Ziz's influence on vulcan history, but since it was sacred in their culture, it was forbidden to touch the book, the picture disappeared as Sprinter and the four vulcans exited the temple. Walker and Jones were surprised they could not read the book, but they look and see the creature from the Anti-Spirit cult has destroyed the inside of the temple,

"Well, I guess that's everything." Jones said,

"Yeah, let's go to the underwater place next." Walker replied, and the two teleported out. Walker and Jones teleport to the area of the three paths, they go to the right path, which was downhill, so Walker and Jones trotted faster than usual, they soon arrive at water and enter, Walker panicked a little while Jones was able to swim, they hear chuckling, they see a male vulcan and a female vulcan flying in the air, they fly down and shoot yellow blasts out of their left hands at Walker and Jones, they feel strange and decide to try going underwater, the two realize they could now breathe underwater, they smiled and saw the gold temple up ahead, it was shaped just like a giant whale, Walker was about to squeal with joy at seeing it, but realized he could not speak underwater, and the two swim to the temple. Walker and Jones see dark blue whales swimming around, they were singing and welcoming Walker and Jones, but they stop and the whales had light blue eyes', Walker and Jones realized they were becoming possessed, the whales mutate and sword blades replace their fins, Walker and Jones became nervous.

The whales swim around and try to cut Walker and Jones with their bladed fins, one whale opens its mouth and it tried to swallow Walker and Jones, it had spinning buzz saws in its mouth, the two swim away but the whale was catching up to them, Walker grabs Jones and teleports out of the water, the whales swim away, but a lich appears and begins to absorb Walker's soul, Walker jumps up and kicks the lich with his hind right hoof, he kicked the lich's head off, it screeched and died,

"What did you just do?" Jones asked,

"I've been seeing the soul of a dead unicorn named Genghis, he's teaching me how to fight with my hoofs." Walker replied,

"Genghis, I think I know him." Jones said,

"You've met him?" Walker asked with surprise,

"No, I read about him in a book before, I've been to some of the places he's conquered before, too." Jones replied,

"He conquered Equestria?" Walker asked,

"A little bit, he was planning to conquer all of the countries of the other creatures and force them to adapt to pony culture and accept friendship, but Princess Celestia found out and stopped him before he could set his plans into motion." Jones replied,

"I wonder why he's not in Equestrian history books." Walker said,

"I believe it was because Princess Celestia saw it as a black mark on Equestria's history, I don't think the other creatures would be comfortable knowing there was once a pony who was planning to conquer their lands and destroy their culture to replace them with our culture." Jones replied, Walker saw Jones' point. The ground shakes and Walker and Jones stumble, the ground bursts open and a creature comes out, it was as tall as an adult dragon, the creature was a skeleton, and its skull was shaped like a human's skull, and a horn on its forehead,

"In the name of the Anti-Spirit cult, you shall die." the skeletal creature in a deep voice, Walker and Jones realize it was male. The creature dives into the ground and begins moving underground, a trail of dirt and debris appear, he goes under Walker and Jones while moving around underground, the two grunt since it really hurt, they look and see the creature's spinous processes looked like blades, and it hit them, the two stand up and get ready to fight him, but the whales jump out of the water and begin shooting balls of metal and blades at the ground, which exploded on impact and sent shards flying, the two teleport to dodge them, the ground erupts and Undead vulcans came out of the ground, there was about twenty of them,

"Are you kidding me?!" Walker asked,

"Come on, Walker, let's withdraw, there's too many." Jones replied, and the two run away. Walker and Jones run back to where the three paths were at, but Walker sees fifteen vulcan souls appear, ready to attack them, the ground bursts open and about twenty Undead vulcans came out, they hear flying and saw twenty five vulcans fly down, they were possessed, the two look and were scared at seeing the many enemies, even though Jones could not see the souls that were ready to attack them. Red and orange fire was shot from Walker's and Jones' left, the fire hits the Undead and Possessed vulcans and destroys them, Walker absorbed the souls of the possessed, they see the vulcans flying from where the two originally came from and they go to fight the skeletal creature from the Anti-Spirit cult,

"Jones, there are souls of bad vulcans in front of us, I'll deal with them." Walker said,

"Alright, good luck." Jones replied, and Walker went to them and began slashing his sword around, but his sword could not even damage their armor, he remembers Genghis' training and kicks one with his hind hoofs, he hits the vulcan in the chest and breaks its armor, another one comes to attack him with a sword and Walker jumps up and kicks it in the face with his hind left hoof, its helmet came off, Walker sees the vulcans were bald and had pointed ears. Walker keeps attacking with his sword to charge up his spiritual energy, the dark blue aura that made him transform into the alicorn-like creature was back, Walker felt his spiritual energy was completely back, he has the souls of the vulcans surround him, Walker holds his front right leg up and makes dark blue fire surround him and spin counterclockwise, he destroys the body form of the fifteen vulcans and their souls float up in the form of light blue flames, Walker absorbs them into himself,

"Okay, we're done." Walker said,

"Alright, I think we have a chance, look." Jones replied, and Walker did, he saw the vulcans fighting the Possessed whales and the skeletal creature, Walker nodded in agreement and they go back. The skeletal creature holds the vulcans back by shooting light blueish white beams out of its eyes, fingers, and its ribs as its rib cage opened up, it sees Walker and Jones coming and it opens its mouth and shoots a big beam out, the two teleport to dodge it, it destroyed the ground when it hit it. Walker and Jones teleport to the creature and Jones shoots a beam out of his horn to subdue the creature, but it absorbed Jones' magic into itself and shot it back, Walker tries shooting his pistol at the creature but its bullets bounce off of it,

"Walker, bones are a lot harder and stronger than flesh, so I don't think your pistol and sword are going to work on him." Jones said,

"Well, in that case, let's try this." Walker replied, and he places his front left hoof on the ground, souls of dead vulcans appear and they go to fight the skeletal creature, it shoots a beam out of its left palm and destroys them, their souls floated away. The skeletal creature sees Walker and Jones and leans down, its spine stretches out and was about to hit the ground, the two see he was aiming to stab them with his horn, the two jump to the sides and dodge it, the creature's spine reverts back and it was pulled forward to where its head was at, the creature burrows into the ground and moves around, Walker and Jones teleport around to dodge getting hit by him, they hear beams in the water and see the vulcans shot beams out of their eyes', they saw them cleanse the whales from being possessed, which surprised them, the whales were back to normal, which caught their attentions, the skeletal creature comes out of the ground and opens its rib cage to shoot beams out, the two teleport to dodge it, Walker was beginning to reach his breaking point because he was tired of the fighting, he also had enough with fighting tough enemies, but he focuses and sees the skeletal creature coming out to rise again. Walker and Jones look for weak spots since they have seen signs that their magic and Walker's powers will not work on it, Elder Hephaestus flew up and to the skeletal creature and punched its bones out of its body, the creature died when he punched its head off with his right fist.

Elder Hephaestus walks to Walker and Jones,

"You two should be careful, that skeletal creature is one of the stronger types of creatures in the Anti-Spirit cult, only brute force and high physical strength works against it." Elder Hephaestus said,

"What about skill?" Walker asked,

"Afraid not, that creature has no weakness." Elder Hephaestus replied,

"I watched you guys free the possessed whales, you guys can cleanse the Possessed?" Jones asked,

"Yes, it is a magic spell that was developed over the centuries, created by my father, Elder Asclepius, and my mother, Eldress Panacaea, they were attacked by the Possessed as children, so they devoted their lives to studying it and looking for a way to cure it, they studied for centuries, and made the spell that cleanses one of being possessed shortly before their deaths." Elder Hephaestus replied,

"Please, you must teach me the spell, there are Possessed in Equestria, too." Jones said,

"We have never taught an outsider, so we do not know how high the possibility is that you will learn it." Elder Hephaestus replied,

"We can at least try." Jones said,

"True, the greater risk is to do nothing, we shall try whenever you wish to." Elder Hephaestus replied,

"Okay, I'd like to learn after Walker and I see the rest of your land." Jones said,

"Very well, I'll be in the blacksmith area when you are ready." Elder Hephaestus replied, and he and the other vulcans left. Walker and Jones went back into the water and could still breathe underwater, the whales sing to welcome them, Walker and Jones smile and go into the Temple of Leviathan, the entrance was the mouth of the whale shaped architect, the two swim into the temple and enter. Walker and Jones enter the temple by swimming, the water stopped at the end of the mouth on the inside, the two see it was gold everywhere inside as well, they see another thick book, this one had Leviathan on the front cover, along with two paintings on the wall, the left painting had vulcan tails and gills on it, while the right painting had guns on it as well, and a statue of Leviathan was between the two paintings,

"Aw, it's basically the same as the last temple." Walker said,

"Well, the outside was basically the same, too, just a different shape." Jones replied, Walker sighs,

"Okay, here goes." Walker said, and he uses the amulet to see what Runner's and Sprinter's experiences were like. A colt Runner enters the temple and he looks around,

"I fight the Possessed, and the I enter this temple, this wasn't worth it, all of this gold hurts my eyes, I'm going to go out and look for someone to fight." Runner said, and he walked to the mouth of the temple and swam out, Walker was shocked to see Runner enjoyed fighting. The picture changes and they see Sprinter enter the temple with the four vulcans from before,

"Here you go, Sprinter, the Temple of Leviathan." the first female vulcan said,

"It looks just like the Temple of Behemoth." Sprinter replied,

"But the paintings on the sides are different, the book's different, and there's a different statue." the second vulcan said,

"Other than those, it's the same, give me someone to fight." Sprinter replied,

"Not in here, Sprinter, this is a sacred place." the third vulcan replied,

"Yeah, you can't just destroy our things, it's against our laws." the fourth vulcan said,

"Well, I'm out of here, then." Sprinter replied, and he walks to the exit and swims out with the four female vulcans following him. Walker was in disbelief at what he just saw,

"No, I don't believe it, daddy and grandpa never talked about fighting." Walker said,

"Hey, there's still one more path to go, let's go." Jones said, and the two teleported back and go down the center path.

Walker and Jones walk down the final path and come across another area full of grass and there was a lot of houses, they were all made from stone, and each one had a white symbol painted onto it, they look and saw the vulcan children running around and playing, they also see the adult vulcans training the children on how to defend themselves in case the Possessed, Undead, liches, or Anti-Spirit cult come,

"Wow, each house is different, Jones. What do you think those symbols on them are?" Walker asked,

"Well, judging by the fact that each symbol is different on each house, I would probably say they're the crests of their families." Jones replied, Walker decides to use the amulet to see what Runner and Sprinter did when they first arrived. The two see Runner being transported away with two adult vulcans in front of him, four teenage female vulcans exclaim with disgust and turn away from him, Walker and Jones decide to follow Runner, they go behind a golden architecture that was shaped like a creature that was a hybrid between a lion and a boar, it was in the pose as if it was about to hunt down its prey, Walker and Jones ignore it and follow the transparent images. Walker and Jones arrive at an area filled with jail cells, they see two types of jail cells, they were able to tell what they were by the symbol at the top of the cells, those who were serving time were put in gray jail cells that had a clock carving on it, while those sentenced to death were put in black jail cells that had a skull carving on it, Runner was put in a gray jail cell in the very back and the two vulcans escorting him turn around and guard the cell.

Walker and Jones see the amulet pass the time faster since Runner was just in jail while grumbling about Sprinter, he was crying a little since he was scared as well. The vulcans scream and the two vulcans guarding the cell become Possessed, they grow two times their average size and try to smash Runner with their fists, Runner teleported out of the cell and fought and killed the two vulcans, he ran to the village to help the vulcans fight the Possessed. The picture disappears and Walker and Jones go back to the village and they now see a colt Sprinter come to the village, the vulcans greet him kindly and Sprinter smiled, Walker and Jones see the four female vulcans who followed him, they were infatuated with him at first sight,

"Wow, I didn't think they'd fall in love with my grandpa." Walker said,

"Well, he is very muscular for a kid." Jones replied, and Walker saw Jones was right,

"Hi, welcome to Chrysaor." a male adult vulcan said,

"Thanks." Sprinter replied,

"He is so handsome." the first female vulcan said,

"Hey, I saw him first." the second female vulcan replied,

"No, I did." the third female vulcan said,

"He's mine!" the fourth female vulcan replied,

"Ladies, it's alright, all four of you can come with me." Sprinter said, the four were happy and went to him,

"What are your names?" Sprinter asked,

"Diana." the first female vulcan replied,

"Athena." the second female vulcan said,

"Hera." the third female vulcan said,

"Echidna." the fourth female vulcan said,

"Well, you four can accompany me while I explore this place." Sprinter replied, and they were elated, they lead him to the gold temple in the back of the village and the transparent images disappear. Walker and Jones see the vulcans saw the transparent images as well, four adult female vulcans look away, Walker and Jones walk to them,

"Excuse us." Walker said, and they look at him and Jones,

"Are you four Diana, Athena, Hera, and Echidna?" Walker asked, they nod,

"What did grandpa do to you four?" Walker asked,

"He broke our hearts." Echidna replied tearfully,

"How?" Walker asked,

"He rejected all of us, he said something about us not being able to help him in the long run." Hera replied,

"I believe what he meant was you four can't have children with him, to have Spirit's powers, his mate has to be the same type of creature as him." Walker said,

"Same type of creature?" Diana asked,

"You know, had to be a pony, like him." Jones replied,

"Now that you mention it, you two do look different." Hera said,

"I'm a unicorn, I cast magic, he's an earth pony, there's a third type called a Pegasus, they have wings and can fly and walk on clouds." Jones replied,

"What do you do?" Athena asked,

"Grow crops and food, earth ponies also have better physical capabilities than unicorns and Pegasi." Walker replied, shocking the vulcans,

"The unicorns and Pegasi are even weaker than you guys?!" Echidna asked,

"Is that a problem?" Walker asked,

"When compared to us, you earth ponies are extremely weak physically." a male elderly vulcan replied,

"That's strange, in our world, his kind is the strongest of the three." Jones said, the child vulcans laugh,

"They must be really weak then." a male toddler vulcan said,

"Which one is physically weaker, unicorn or Pegasi?" a female toddler vulcan asked,

"Unicorn, and Pegasi is the plural form, the singular form is Pegasus." Walker replied,

"Well, do you want us to bring Sprinter here so he can apologize?" Jones asked,

"No, it will not undo the damage." Diana replied, the other three agreed,

"Well, I'm sure grandpa loved you four as friends, but he wanted to continue his family's bloodline, and he had to marry a female earth pony for that to happen, since Spirit's powers forbids him from having children from different kinds of creatures." Walker said,

"How do you know that?" Hera asked,

"I overheard my daddy talk about it a few weeks before I got Spirit's powers." Walker replied,

"Well, we should get going, nice talking to you four." Jones said,

"Wait, what did you four think about my daddy?" Walker asked,

"Runner was a good man, we learned he was nothing like Sprinter, and he had his heart set on one person when we met him, we like him." Hera replied, Walker smiled,

"Well, we'll be going now, we have children of our own to take care of." Athena said, and the four left,

"Come on, Walker, let's check the last area." Jones said, and the two go to the mouth of gold architectural temple that was a hybrid between a lion and a boar, they see the creatures that the temple's building resembled, they all had brown fur and white tusks, Walker and Jones go past them and enter. Walker and Jones enter the last temple of Chrysaor and see it was the same as the other two temples, only the left painting now had vulcans with no wings or tails, and the right painting had close range weapons on it, a statue of Behemoth was between the two paintings, and there was a table with a book on it in front of the two, Behemoth was on the book's front cover. Walker uses the amulet to see what Runner and Sprinter did, the transparent image shows a colt Runner entering the temple and had a bored expression, the objects in the temple glow light blue and float in midair, much to Walker's and Jones' shocks, while Runner was scared, he teleports around to dodge them when they were lunged at him, the temple was soon a wreck, and Runner ran out of the temple scared. The images change and Sprinter enters the temple with the four female vulcans,

"This is the Temple of Behemoth, there are three temples, we go to them to pray." Diana said,

"For what?" Sprinter asked,

"To give our three gods our appreciation for having their children here to protect us from the Possessed." Hera replied,

"I see, I keep getting the feeling the one doing the possessing is someone I know." Sprinter said,

"Hey, ignore that, what do you think of this temple?" Athena asked,

"All of this gold hurts my eyes." Sprinter replied,

"You don't like it?" Echidna asked,

"No, I'm neutral with this area." Sprinter replied,

"Well, come on, then, we'll take you to see the other two." Echidna said, and they walk out with the four female vulcans leading Sprinter, Walker and Jones just look around after the transparent pictures disappear and they decide to go back at where the three paths were at. Walker and Jones go back and saw Elder Hephaestus waiting for them,

"So, what do you two think of our land?" Elder Hephaestus asked,

"I like it, very creative." Walker replied,

"Me too, this place is actually pretty nice." Jones said,

"I am glad someone finally enjoys the hard work and dedication we put in our art, it took us years to make." Elder Hephaestus said,

"What is the point of the three paths?" Walker asked,

"We have three gods, three temples, three paths, one to the land, one to the sky, and one to the sea, they are also elements, Leviathan is water, Ziz is wind, and Behemoth is earth." Elder Hephaestus replied,

"I'm getting a strange feeling that there's a fourth element." Walker said,

"Yes, the element of fire, it does not have a god, because it does not make up the world like how the other three do, we use the fire to craft, as we do with the earth and the water, the wind spreads the fire when we need it for more complex things." Elder Hephaestus replied,

"Well, it was nice meeting you guys, but we have to go back now." Walker said,

"Walker, you go on without me, I'll stay here and try to learn the magic spell that cleanses the Possessed." Jones replied,

"Very well, come with me, I'll try my best to teach you." Elder Hephaestus said, and he walks back to the blacksmith area with Jones following him, Walker opens a portal to the Void and goes in it, and the portal closes.

Walker arrives into the Void and goes to go see The Judge, the Virtues and Sins were there as well, he gives the two creatures of the Anti-Spirit cult to The Judge,

"I just want to know what world they're from." Walker said,

"Very well, this creature with the electricity is from the world Electra, and this skeletal one is from Necromanca." The Judge replied, Walker was surprised, but he then teleported to Spirit's throne room, Spirit sat in his throne with the Senses standing to the left side of the room,

"Welcome back, Walker, I assume you enjoyed Chrysaor." Taste said,

"I did, thank you, but I'm here to see Spirit." Walker replied,

"I know why you're here, Walker, it's about those two creatures, isn't it?" Spirit asked,

"What are they?" Walker asked,

"Creatures from the worlds beyond, one of them found a way to connect the other worlds, this creature was from a world where I am an evil deity in its culture, it found the worlds of those that also saw me as an evil deity, and they came together to form the cult." Spirit replied,

"Did my great grandpa have a hoof in it?" Walker asked,

"No, the cult existed centuries before Jumper was born, but now that I think about it, the Possessed began to appear when Sprinter killed him when he was four years old, so this whole time, it was him." Spirit replied,

"Did my great grandpa receive salvation or damnation?" Walker asked,

"Neither, since when he died, his soul disappeared before Sprinter could absorb it, it never appeared again, but if he did come here, he would have without a doubt received damnation." Spirit replied,

"What happens when someone from my family with your powers dies?" Walker asked,

"You become a soul, just like everyone else, but since you all have some of my powers, your souls are harder to catch than most, since it can teleport around rather than just floating in the sky." Spirit replied,

"I've also been wondering if you chose to make only the males in my father’s side of the family have your powers because Equestria is female dominated." Walker said,

"Not at all, I chose to make only the males from your family have the powers because the ancestor who summoned me was male, and from the paternal side of your family, so I just decided to make the males of the paternal side of your family have it." Spirit replied,

"One more question, I've been wanting to ask this for a long time, what if the next generation of my family to receive your powers has brothers?" Walker asked,

"That is impossible." Spirit replied,

"What?" Walker asked,

"I have rigged my powers to control how the foal forms in the mother, not only will the female change to male if it is a female, but the mother can only have one child at a time, I made it that way to prevent sibling rivalry or fighting, so whichever child the parents want first, I bring that one to the world, while I absorb the soul of the other." Spirit replied,

"Why?" Walker asked,

"Think about it, brothers fighting with those powers and causing destruction, that'll draw Celestia's attention, and worse yet, brother and sister, what would the sister do if she saw what the brother can do?" Spirit asked, Walker realized what Spirit was saying,

"What if we have adopted siblings?" Walker asked,

"Then use the powers in private." Spirit replied, Walker nodded,

"Since you have encountered the cult, Diplomat and War can have you fight them at the arena, since those creatures are not native to any world you travel to at the time being, and learn their strengths and weaknesses, so you will know what to do if you encounter them again." Spirit said, Walker nods,

"Thanks, but I'm tired, I'm heading home." Walker said,

"Alright, be careful, there is still one more type of enemy you have to watch out for, they only appear at night." Spirit replied, and Walker went back to Equestria. Walker arrived home and to his surprise, he saw a dark brown golem-like creature on the floor,

"Daddy? Grandpa?" Walker asked, Runner and Sprinter run to him,

"Oh, good, you're okay." Runner said,

"What happened here?" Walker asked,

"The Anti-Spirit cult found us." Sprinter replied,

"What? I got attacked by this electrified guy with a spear and a skeletal creature in Chrysaor." Walker said,

"No way, so the Anti-Spirit cult came after you, too." Runner replied,

"Come on, you two, let's have dinner together as a family." Sprinter said, and Sprinter made dinner and the three sat together at the table. Walker talks about his experiences in Chrysaor and Jones staying behind to learn the vulcans' spell that cleanses the Possessed,

"There's one thing I don't understand, when I saw daddy enter the Temple of Behemoth, the inanimate objects began to float up and be thrown at him." Walker said,

"That's another form of the Possessed, Walker." Runner replied,

"What?!" Walker asked with shock,

"It is, the Possessed does not just apply to people, Walker, inanimate objects can become possessed as well." Sprinter replied, Walker was in disbelief,

"You look tired, grandson, you should rest." Sprinter said, Walker agreed, he finished supper and went to bed early. Walker woke up in the Void and went to go see Diplomat and War, the electrified creature of the Anti-Spirit cult appeared, Walker tries his attack that has the dark blue flames surround him, it did no harm to the creature, he then tried shooting a stream of dark blue and orange fire at the creature, he was immune to that as well, Walker remembers the weapons the vulcans had and changes his sword to a giant hammer, he hits the creature and breaks his armor and shield,

"There we go." Walker said happily, and he hits the creature in the head with the hammer and it disappears. The skeletal creature appears next and Walker tried using the hammer, it was very effective, he destroyed it with ease, Diplomat and War laughed,

"You are learning, you will make a fine fighter at this rate." War said,

"Remember, Walker, this isn't Equestria, so peaceful relations and friendship will usually not work." Diplomat said, Walker nodded and he went to the temple, he divided the four training parts by time, he did Body Walker's training first and swam, he then had to weight lifting, which was hard, he panted heavily at the end, he finished and did Mind Walker's training next, he read about the cultures and arts in Equestria and beyond, which made him tired since reading was boring to him, he did Spirit Walker's training afterwards, he meditated and cleared out his mind, any feelings of anger and revenge he had before were gone, he did Emotion Walker's training last, he made Twilight Sparkle appear and Walker guessed her feelings and emotions easily, Walker finished his training for the night and decided to wake up.

Walker wakes up the next morning and it was a weekend, so he was off from school, he had breakfast with Runner and Sprinter,

"I'm going to Yomi next." Walker said,

"Be careful there, the natives are dangerous in fights." Sprinter replied,

"We'll go to the Void as well, we have to help the others fight the Anti-Spirit cult." Runner said,

"That reminds me, grandpa, I heard one of your past visions mention a Samedi and Brigitte, who were they?" Walker asked,

"Members of the Anti-Spirit cult." Sprinter replied,

"Oh." Walker said with surprise and bewilderment since he thought they were the ones creating the Possessed,

"Should I go get Genghis?" Walker asked,

"If you want to." Sprinter replied, Walker thinks about it and remembers Genghis' desire to conquer other countries and replace their cultures with pony culture,

"On second thought, probably not." Walker said,

"Well, let's go, then." Sprinter replied, and Sprinter opens a portal to the Void and the three enter. Walker, Runner, and Sprinter go to Chrysaor next and see Jones,

"Jones." Walker said, and he turns around and saw him with Runner and Sprinter,

"I'm about to go to the next world." Walker said,

"I'm still busy trying to learn the spell that cleanses one of the Possessed, so you go on without me, I'll go there when I have the chance." Jones replied, Walker felt sad,

"I'll remain here and help the vulcans fight the Anti-Spirit cult." Sprinter said,

"Okay, be careful, dad, I'll be in Aerostia." Runner replied, and he opened a portal and went in, Walker also entered and Runner went to Aerostia, Walker looks at Yomi and sighs, he goes into the portal and enters the world. Walker arrives into Yomi and sees the world was dark red and black, there was lava everywhere, he also sees skulls and bones being used for decoration, which made him very uncomfortable, Walker looks around and he soon heard walking, he saw the native creatures surround him,

"Another one?" a blue skinned creature asked with a deep voice,

"It seems so." a red skinned creature replied with a deep voice,

"What is your name?" a second red skinned creature asked,

"W... Walker." Walker replied with fear, scared of them, the world's natives chuckle a bit,

"Look at this one, it's scared of us." a second blue skinned native said,

"Uh, what are you guys called?" Walker asked,

"Why you ask?" a third blue skinned native asked,

"So I don't end up calling you guys something offensive by mistake." Walker replied, the natives laugh,

"Don't worry, we don't get offended easily." a third red skinned native said,

"Still, what are you guys called?" Walker asked,

"Well, if you really want to know, we are oni." the first blue skinned native replied, Walker looks around and sees a statue of a pony in front of him,

"Who is that statue there?" Walker asked, the onis look at it,

"That is the statue of Sprinter, he may have been an outsider, but his way of thinking was very similar to ours, and embraced our culture, we made a statue of him because of his acceptance of our culture." a fourth blue oni replied,

"We'll let you explore our world, we hope you enjoy it." a fourth red oni said, and they leave while Walker uses the amulet to see what Runner and Sprinter did. The transparent images appear and Walker saw a colt,

"Okay, my last world." the colt said, Walker realized it was Runner, the onis see him and Runner screams with fear,

"Who are you?" a blue oni asked,

"Runner." Runner replied while scared,

"Are you from Sprinter's world?" a red oni asked,

"Actually, he's my father." Runner replied, the onis cheer and they bow to welcome Runner,

"What are you guys doing?" Runner asked while confused,

"Welcome to Yomi, son of Sprinter, your father showed us there are worlds out there that have similar beliefs and values of our culture." a second red oni said,

"Yes, please, feel free to look around, and tell Sprinter we said hi." a second blue oni said, and they walk away while Runner walked forward while scared. The images changes and Walker sees a colt Sprinter come to the world,

"Okay, my very first world." Sprinter said to himself, and he walks forward slowly, but blades come down in front of him, the onis jump down and surround him,

"Who are you?" a red oni asked,

"Name's Sprinter." Sprinter replied,

"How did you get here?" a blue oni asked,

"Through the Void." Sprinter replied, the onis suddenly become surprised,

"So, Spirit sent you." the blue oni said, Sprinter nodded,

"The being who judges souls has sent you, he has made other beings to help him, Spirit is neither good nor evil in our culture, he is just a collector of dead souls to send to the afterlife, you are welcome to travel our world, good luck getting the souls." the red oni said, and they leave while Sprinter walks forward. The transparent images disappear and Walker goes forward, he sees Sprinter had two statues, one to the left, and one to the right, Walker just walks past them. Walker arrives at the next area and saw several dead onis hanging from the ceiling with nooses around their necks, which made him very uncomfortable, he walks up the stairs and sees a waterfall of red blood up ahead, Walker was very uncomfortable, and the room had a foul stench, the heat of the area made it smell even worse.

Walker looks and sees two stairways, the one to the left led up, and the one to the right led down, he was wondering which way he should go until black spears came up and out of the floor and blocked both ways, two onis jump down and Walker looks at them, the one to his left was blue, and the one to his right was red,

"Red or blue?" the blue oni asked,

"What?" Walker asked,

"Which one of us do you side with?" the red oni asked,

"Wait, I don't even know your ways of living, yet, so I can't decide until I see both of them, first." Walker replied, the two chuckle while Walker sees the other onis watching, they were laughing a little as well,

"Well, in that case." the blue oni said, and he held a sabre with a silver blade and black handle and hand guard in his right hand while the red oni had a big black mace in his left hand,

"Speed and skill, or brute force and strength? Your pick." the blue oni said,

"I'll have to go with the skill, since I'm still small and growing." Walker replied, the onis laugh,

"I like you, but before we grant you access to our tribes, you must prove yourself in combat, show us your prowess." the red oni said, and the two onis were ready to fight Walker. Walker summons his sword and pistol and watches them carefully, he notices that two onis had weapons on their backs as well, the blue oni moves around swiftly and does slashes with the sabre while Walker teleports around to dodge it, the blue oni charges towards him and tries to slash him, Walker moves around nervously and with fear since the blue oni was fast, he hits Walker on his left side and he grunts a little, he saw the sabre did not hurt very much, the red oni jumps and tries to hit Walker with the mace, Walker teleported away and he saw the mace broke part of the floor, which scared him, Walker sees the red oni swing the mace above his head and it swings out, Walker was shocked to see the mace was also a whip, but Walker was uncomfortable when he saw the whip parts were made from white bones, Walker jumps up to dodge the mace parts of the whip, but the red oni swings it the opposite direction and one part of the mace hits Walker on the right side of his mouth, he screamed in pain and fell.

Walker feels his mouth with his front right hoof and saw he was bleeding, his teeth felt loose as well, he saw the blue oni do slashes with the sabre and it sent purple waves of electricity forward, Walker teleports back and he saw the blue oni had purple electricity on him, which made him even faster, the red oni slams the mace-whip hybrid weapon down and Walker teleports away, an explosion of fire comes out of it, Walker and looks and sees the red oni now had orange fire on him, he looks and sees his weapon broke the floor, he realized the red oni was now even stronger, Walker was scared but he swallows his feelings and gets ready to fight. Walker watches the weapons carefully and wondered if each one could correspond with the other, so he changed his sword to the mace-whip hybrid, and his pistol to the sabre, Walker decided to go after the blue oni first since he was faster.

Walker uses the mace-whip hybrid weapon on the blue oni and hits him easily since he just swung it around, but the red oni interlocks Walker's mace-whip hybrid weapon and the red oni pulls it out of Walker's front right hoof, the weapon disappears and reappears in Walker's hoof. The blue oni does several stabbing moves with his sabre, it sends out more electrified projectiles and they hit Walker at his joints, he grunts loudly and was stunned a bit, Walker got angry and growls a bit, he teleports to the blue oni and tries to slash him with his sabre, the onis laugh when they see Walker did not know how to use it properly, Walker got even more angry and swung the mace-whip hybrid weapon to his right and he hit the blue oni in the face and knocked him down, the mace parts also broke the sabre into pieces, it only stunned the red oni for a few seconds and he quickly recovered despite getting hit in the face. Walker makes the black skeletal arm come out of his front right hoof in an attempt to pull the oni forward, but he ended up going to the oni, the red oni swings his mace down and made a fiery explosion appear, Walker teleported away before it hit him, he then focused while the red oni makes the whip parts come out again, Walker uses his sabre and cuts the bones apart until there was nothing left of the mace-whip hybrid, Walker was about to slash the red oni in the right knee, but the oni grabs his front left hoof with his right hand and lifts him up, the red oni snickers and throws him back.

The blue oni stands up and he takes out the weapon on his back, it was a katana, he held it in his right hand, Walker stood there surprised, he has never seen such a weapon, the red oni also took the weapon off of his back, it was a long broadsword, about sixty six inches long, its grip was two-handed, the blade was twelve inches wide, wide enough to hide the oni behind it, the blade was also tall enough to cover the oni wielding it, it was also double-edged, which scared Walker. The onis laugh when they see Walker was scared of the big sword,

"You know, Walker, this was the weapon Sprinter preferred to use when he chose what to wield." the red oni said, Walker was still nervous, but he watched them. The blue oni does fast and precise cuts with the katana, it sent the electrified waves at Walker as well, he dodged them by teleporting, the red oni does diagonal swings with the big sword, it sent orange waves of fire out, Walker ducked to dodge the big sword, he was extremely scared of getting hit by it. The blue oni does more slashes with the katana, Walker jumped to his right and dodged the waves, he was wondering about something, he changes his saber back to his pistol and he shoots the katana, the blade broke, he tried it on the red oni's sword, but the bullet bounced off, he changes his pistol to a rifle and fires it, the bullet bounced off again. The blue oni attacks Walker from his left blind spot and he grunted as he was knocked down, the blue oni tries to stab the broken katana into the left side of Walker's neck, he holds the blade back with his front hoofs and teleported away while the blue oni stabbed the broken sword into the ground. Walker appears behind the red oni and jumps onto his back, the red oni jumps back and hits Walker into a wall, he grunts while the wall cracked, the red oni jumps down while Walker groaned, he fell off of the wall and got back up. Walker focuses and watches the big sword carefully, he changes his mace-whip hybrid weapon to a two handed hammer, the red oni swings the big sword horizontally, Walker teleports up and falls down, he hits the big sword with the hammer while grunting loudly, dust flies up everywhere, it clears and everyone saw Walker broke the big sword, which made him smile.

The blue oni punches Walker at his left blind spot and he fell, Walker got up and saw the two onis had their fists raised, Walker growls loudly since the fight was not over, and he was tired. Walker gets back up and the two onis begin punching and kicking him, Walker tried to buck them, but they caught his hoofs and parried each kick he did, which angered him, Walker remembers Genghis' training and he jumps up and kicks the blue oni in his chin with his hind right hoof, it knocked him down, Walker jumped again and kicked the red oni in his right cheek with hind left hoof and knocked him down.

Walker panted heavily and saw the two onis were out of energy and on their knees', the onis watching them cheered at the fact that Walker won, but Walker did not feel any joy since he hated fighting, he goes to the two onis and holds his front hoofs out,

"What are you doing?" the red oni asked,

"In my culture, we forgive and offer friendship to our enemies when the fighting or arguing is done." Walker replied, the onis boo at him,

"Coward!" a blue oni said, the onis agreed with him,

"Wait, what's going on?" Walker asked,

"You just brought shame upon yourself." the blue oni replied,

"What? How?" Walker asked with shock,

"What you're doing is seen as an act of cowardice in our culture, when we fight, the choices are either kill your opponent, or die trying, there is no forgiveness or offering friendship." the red oni replied, Walker was in disbelief,

"Well, what are you waiting for? Go on and kill us, or we will get back up and try to kill you, we will not accept your friendship, that would be surrendering, which will bring disgrace to our names as well, even after death." the blue oni said, Walker was in pure shock, but he closes his eyes and was about to cry, he makes a pistol appear in his front left hoof, and he shoots the two in the head and kills them. The onis cheer and the spears go down while Walker stood in place with deep sorrow,

"Princess Celestia, you were wrong, friendship isn't magic, friendship is a concept, offering friendship to your enemies is confusing to some, seen as an act of stupidity by several, and seen as an act of cowardice that brings disgrace and shame to your name by others. Friendship is not magic, friendship is just something we use to stay on good terms with others." Walker said to himself,

"Hey." a blue oni said,

"Hmm?" Walker said as he came back to reality,

"Save your laments for later, now choose, red or blue?" the blue oni asked,

"I can't decide, yet, I need to see what you guys do first before I decide." Walker said, the onis agree,

"Alright, feel free to look around." a red oni said, and they leave, Walker looks at the two paths and sighs, he decides to go upstairs first. Walker was about to go to an upper area until he felt tingling in his head,

"Walker, you have a guest at your home." Spirit said telepathically, and he shows Walker the vision, he saw Cherry Blossom at his home, she knocked on the door with her front right hoof three times,

"Walker, I'm here. Walker?" Cherry Blossom asked, she goes to one of the windows and jumps while grunting a little, she looks and sees he and his family were not home, much to Cherry Blossom's surprise, she became sad and left. The vision goes away and Walker felt bad, but he ignores it since he had something else to do, he goes to see the blue onis and sees them practicing with their weapons, Walker sees the blue onis made weapons that were mainly designed to be fast and swift, along with hitting the target in specific parts of the body, most of them used sabres and katanas, sabres were used for mostly stabbing, while the katana was used for slashing. Walker watches the blue onis fight and train, he sees the blue onis were attacking their targets either from behind or their blind spots, he also saw the blue onis eating dead red onis as food, which almost made him vomit,

"Welcome to our tribe, Walker." a blue oni said,

"So, what do you guys value?" Walker asked,

"Speed, skill, agility, and courage, you need courage to be accepted by both types of onis." the blue oni replied,

"You guys don't value honor?" Walker asked,

"Honor is a fool's prize to us, we prefer win by any means necessary." the blue oni replied,

"Wait, so I could use Spirit's powers in that battle there?" Walker asked,

"Of course, do what you have to in order to win, fighting fairly and honorably will only make it harder for yourself." the blue oni replied,

"I've met people who saw friendship and forgiveness as an act of stupidity, but never people who outright despise it." Walker said,

"We value family over friends, remember, friends are just people you're on good terms with, it's good to keep them close, but keep your enemies closer." the blue oni replied,

"Is there anything all onis respect?" Walker asked,

"Revenge, there is no law in Yomi, so vigilante justice is accepted, if our family is attacked, then vigilante justice can be carried out." the blue oni replied,

"Okay, I think I'm ready to see how you guys live." Walker said, and he walks forward. Walker goes forward and sees the blue onis were still fighting, he looks and sees the blue onis built statues out of bones, which made Walker uncomfortable, he also sees the blue onis making weapons and armor out of flesh, bones, and organs, and the onis kept the skulls of those they have killed in battle, Walker was very uncomfortable in Yomi, he saw electricity appear every now and then since the blue onis were training, he sees the blue onis were orderly and strict. The dead onis hanging from the ceiling come to life and spin around to broke the nooses, they come down and go to fight Walker, he became scared but summoned his weapons, the blue onis run in front of him,

"Stand back, we'll handle this." a blue oni said, and they use their weapons, Walker looks and sees the blue onis also had spears, some also used small hammers and pickaxes, the blue onis rush to the Undead and attack them from their blind spots or behind, and when one Undead was injured to the point where it cannot move, the onis ganged up on it and attacked it from all directions, Walker was shocked to see how violent the onis were in battle. All of the Undead were then killed and the blue onis went back to what they were doing, Walker also sees the blue onis practicing hand-to-hand combat, they struck others with mostly their claws, the areas they hit their opponents were very specific, they hit their opponents in their eyes, noses, the sides of their necks, sternums, biceps, shins, and groins, which made Walker uncomfortable,

"So, what is that divides you blue onis from red onis?" Walker asked,

"We wish to be in charge of Yomi, and bring law and order to our world." a blue oni replied,

"So, you guys want to stop fighting and live in peace." Walker said,

"No, we wish to be in charge, and have others do what we say, and have those who disobey or resist be killed." a second blue oni replied, much to Walker's shock,

"Well, I'll be going now, nice learning about your ways." Walker said, and he went back to where he fought the two onis and goes downstairs to go see the red onis. Walker arrives downstairs and saw the red onis were also training, Walker sees the red onis used big and flexible weapons designed for crushing, all of their weapons were made from metal or bone, he also saw the red onis training in hand-to-hand combat, but he saw the red onis can crush heads with one punch, which scared him, he also the red onis ripping off the limbs of other onis with their bare hands as well, Walker was very scared of them,

"Do not worry, we have magic to cure them." a red oni said,

"So how do you guys train for combat?" Walker asked,

"Brute force and strength, our tribe is naturally stronger than the blue oni tribe, but they're smaller and swifter, so they train in speed and skill." the red oni replied,

"So, why are you guys at conflict with the blue onis?" Walker asked,

"Because they wish to rule us with an iron fist, we don't want rulers, we value our freedom to do what we want, no law means more fun, more fighting, more destruction, more killing, we like Yomi being the anarchic state it is." the red oni replied, Walker was in disbelief. The ground erupts and a monster made from lava appeared,

"All who do not see Spirit as an evil entity must die." the monster said, Walker realized it was another creature from the Anti-Spirit cult,

"We'll deal with him." a second red oni said, and the red onis jump onto the creature's arms and it uses its magic to make pillars of lava come out in an attempt to hit Walker, but he got scared and changed to his soul form, making him immune to the attacks, he watches the red onis fight the Anti-Spirit cult monster, they rip his arms off with their bare hands and then one grabs his head from behind and breaks his neck. Walker changes back to his regular form and absorbs the creature's soul,

"Be careful here, creatures of the Anti-Spirit cult and liches are common in Yomi, especially outside this area." the red oni from before said, Walker was uncomfortable when he saw the red onis taking the lava monster's skull as a trophy from the battle,

"What did you guys and the blue onis think of my daddy and grandpa?" Walker asked,

"Sprinter will always be welcomed here, his ruthlessness in battle won many of us over, as well as his desire to win by any means necessary, as for Runner, well, it's mixed at most, Runner did not like our ways and was willing to fight us, but he was stopped by Champion Lucius." the red oni replied,

"Champion Lucius?" Walker asked,

"Yes, he is the supreme ruler of Yomi, even though he does not really have any power. We live in a meritocratic society, he is the last of his kind of an ancient oni tribe, but he is the strongest oni in the world as well, his fortress is outside, go to where you fought us and you will see a door on the wall." the red oni replied,

"Okay, well, I'll be going, thanks." Walker said, and he left the tribe. Walker walks back to where he fought the two onis and decided to use the amulet just to see what Runner and Sprinter did, even though he was not in the mood to do it, he sees transparent images appear with Runner fighting a red oni and a blue oni, they both had the same weapons as the two Walker fought, Runner liked the sabre, so he made one appear for himself, he fights fairly and honorably, but it got him beaten, but Runner eventually had enough and started fighting dirty, he did win, but he felt very bad about fighting dirty and looked down with regret. Walker then sees Sprinter fight them, he sees the red oni had a big sword on his back, so Sprinter makes one appear for himself, teleports behind the two onis, and does one slash and kills them both, the onis cheered while Sprinter was stoic and cold. The transparent images disappear and Walker was in disbelief, he hears floating and sees twenty liches in front of him,

"I don't have time for this." Walker grumbled, and he just made rifles appear in his front hoofs and fires them, he destroys the liches easily, he sighs and goes back to the blue oni tribe and uses the amulet, he sees Runner speaking with the blue onis and arguing with them, Walker ignored it because he did not like hearing people fight and argue, a lich appeared and Runner fought it, but the blue onis did not help him, Runner fought and destroyed the lich and left in anger. The picture changes to the blue onis talking to Sprinter, they were laughing while Sprinter spoke, they enjoyed having him around, six liches appear and Sprinter takes them down with the blue onis, he waved bye at them while the blue onis watch him leave while they smiled. The images disappear and Walker goes back to the red oni tribe,

"Okay, let's get this over with." Walker said, and he uses the amulet, he sees Runner with the red onis, they argue and try to attack Runner, but he holds them back and he leaves them while the red onis watch him with anger, the images change to Sprinter with the red onis, they were laughing and having a good time while Sprinter talks about his childhood, he leaves and says bye to them while the red onis wave bye at him, the images disappear and Walker sighs as he goes back to where he fought the two onis, he looks at the wall and sees it was a door, the door had a lot of oni skulls in it, he opens it and goes out. Walker arrives outside and sees he was in a stronghold the whole time, he looks and sees Yomi had a blood red sky with black clouds, he saw a black fortress up ahead, but Walker was extremely uncomfortable with its design, it looked like a black Gothic fortress, it had spikes on it, oni faces carved on it, and dead onis hanging from nooses on the roofs of the fortress, Walker also looks at the fortress and saw waterfalls of blood on the sides of it, which made Walker sick to his stomach, he walks forward but feels sharp pain on his hoofs, he looks down and saw the bridge leading to the fortress was made out of bones. Walker hears laughing around him and looks to his sides, he saw blue onis to his left, and red onis to his right, they go to him and Walker realized from their voices that they were females, they looked just like the males, except for having bigger chests,

"So you're the next generation's inheritor of Spirit's powers, what do you think of our land?" a female blue oni asked,

"I don't like it." Walker replied,

"What is wrong with it?" a female red oni asked,

"It's hot and uncomfortable, and you guys' weapons and architecture make me sick to my stomach." Walker replied,

"Ah, just like Runner." the female blue oni said,

"We loved having Sprinter here, a lot of the girls fell in love with him." the female red oni said,

"Did you two fall in love with him?" Walker asked,

"To an extent, yes." the female blue oni replied,

"Of course." the female red oni said,

"Why aren't you guys fighting?" Walker asked,

"We would, but the Anti-Spirit cult is a bigger threat, we'll continue our war when the cult is destroyed." the female blue oni replied,

"Yes, they attack our children as well, onis value family, the Anti-Spirit cult does not, we have had members of the cult come here to attack us, and they would send their children to fight while the parent stands in the back and watches." the female red oni said, much to Walker's shock,

"Well, it was nice meeting you two, but I have to go see Champion Lucius." Walker said,

"Ah, yes, he is through that fortress, if you're lucky, he's right at the entrance when you enter." the female blue oni replied, and the two left and Walker enters the fortress. Walker opens the door of the fortress and enters, he saw a black bridge ahead of him, he looks and saw orange lava below the bridge, Walker looks forward and saw a black throne up ahead, the top of the throne had a big oni's skull on it, and the throne was outlined with bones, Walker looks and saw Champion Lucius sitting across from him, Walker was scared by his appearance, he had two black curved horns on the top of his head, white teeth with four big fangs, he was a purple oni, his skin was a very dark purple, he was more muscular and toned than the other onis, he had a six pack just like all of the other male onis, he also had white monochromatic eyes, he was shirtless just like all of the other oni, but his pants and boots scared Walker, his pants were black, and he wore black mid-calf length combat boots just like the rest of the oni, but his entire pants was covered in bones, so were his boots, he had black knee pads on which had an oni skull on them, Walker looks and sees he had black elbow pads with an oni skull on them as well, all four of those skulls had bones carved and shaped to resemble their horns, along with black gauntlets that were fingerless to expose his claws, they were covered with bones as well, and covered his hands and lower half of his forearms. Walker walks forward and Champion Lucius looks at him,

"So, the next inheritor of Spirit's powers stands here before me, despite his training being incomplete." Champion Lucius said, he had a very deep voice,

"I'm not here to offer my friendship." Walker said,

"Yes, Princess Celestia's teachings only work in Equestria." Champion Lucius replied,

"How do you know about Princess Celestia?" Walker asked,

"There is very little you can hide from me, Walker, I will be waiting for Jones when he comes here." Champion Lucius replied,

"What do you know, then?" Walker asked,

"You have no school life, Cherry Blossom is your only friend in school, and your only female friend by extension, you are also training with a dead pony's soul, Genghis, a conqueror from ancient Equestria, and Jones, a unicorn brought to the Void to be protected from Claudius." Champion Lucius replied, Walker was in disbelief, Champion Lucius smiled and disappeared, he reappears in front of Walker and thrusts his left hand forward, a barrier of red fire and blue lightning appeared and it pushed Walker back, he grunted when he hit the double doors he entered through and cracked it, Walker fell and groaned,

"Pathetic. Runner and Sprinter were stronger than you when they were your age." Champion Lucius said, Walker stood up,

"I've had enough with all of this fighting." Walker said,

"Yes, you have overcome many problems to make it this far. But will you overcome this one?" Champion Lucius asked,

"Why must we fight?" Walker asked,

"Because I tested Sprinter's fighting ability long ago to see if he was as powerful as us oni, I did the same with Runner, and now it's your turn, just like your father and paternal grandfather before you." Champion Lucius replied,

"I'll show you... I'm tougher than I look." Walker said, and he made his sword and pistol appear, he tries to swing his sword but Champion Lucius holds his right hand out with his palm open and makes the fire and lightning barrier reappear in front of him, he teleports back into his throne,

"Prove to me that you are as strong as Runner and Sprinter." Champion Lucius said with a smile on his face, and Walker was ready. Walker fires his pistol at Champion Lucius and the bullets miss him, Walker focuses and aims more carefully, but Champion Lucius disappeared and reappeared behind Walker, he slams his fists down onto Walker's back and he screams while the floor got destroyed, he got back up and Champion Lucius punches Walker in his left cheek with his left fist from Walker's left blind spot, he teleports and punches Walker in his right cheek with his right fist from his right blind spot, Champion Lucius continues until Walker turns to his left and tries to slash him with his sword, but Champion Lucius disappears and reappears above and behind Walker, he goes down with his right foot out and he kicks Walker in the back, he grunts and falls onto the floor again, the floor broke again, Walker growls loudly and stands back up, he hears Champion Lucius appear behind him and he teleports to behind Champion Lucius and slashes his back with his sword, he did cut him, but Champion Lucius was unfazed, Champion Lucius teleports away from Walker and holds his right hand out, he shot red fire and blue lightning out of each of his five claws, Walker teleported to behind the fire and lightning beams, but they home on him and fly around, Walker sees them and becomes shocked, he teleports around and they eventually hit Champion Lucius, but he was unharmed by them.

Champion Lucius teleports to his throne and makes two spheres come up, the left sphere was red, and the right sphere was blue, he uses his magic to shoot the red sphere, Walker teleports to dodge it, but the sphere changes to a pillar of fire when it hit the floor, and began moving around on the floor and chasing Walker, he teleports around in midair until the fire disappeared. The blue sphere goes next and hits the floor, the entire floor was electrified, Walker teleports around in midair to avoid getting electrocuted, it disappeared after a few seconds and Walker went back down. Champion Lucius teleports to in front of Walker and Walker makes the dark blue flames appear around him and they spin counterclockwise around his entire body, but Champion Lucius grabs Walker by his throat with his right hand and lifts him up, Walker sees Champion Lucius smiling through the flames, he was in utter disbelief that one of his spiritual powers did not work on someone, Champion Lucius tightens his grip and Walker gets burned and electrocuted at the same time, Walker screamed in agony in the process, he tries to teleport but was paralyzed, Champion Lucius lets go of him and Walker could not move for a few seconds before recovering, he was about to stand back up but Champion Lucius kicks him in the face with his right foot, Walker grunts and hits the wall again, creating a crater in the process.

Walker pants and places his front left hoof on the ground, four light blue round heads appear and they fly to Champion Lucius, but he grabs them with his hands and squashes them, much to Walker's shock, he lifts his front hoofs up, but no oni souls appeared to help him,

"What?" Walker asked,

"Onis don't like being told what to do." Champion Lucius said, and he teleported and begun punching and kicking Walker in his blind spots and from behind again, Walker panted heavily and changes to his soul form, but Champion Lucius holds his right hand out with his palm open and claws apart, Walker grunts and he changes back to normal,

"What the?" Walker asked, he felt tingling in his head,

"Remember, Walker, just like Demonicus, some creatures have magic to change you back to your body form if you enter your soul form." Spirit said telepathically, and he saw Champion Lucius teleport back to his throne, Walker teleports to him and changes his sword to a big sledgehammer, he hits Champion Lucius in his left cheek with it, but the sledgehammer did no harm to Champion Lucius, not from what Walker saw, Champion Lucius smiles and holds his right hand up and uses telekinesis on Walker, it was purple, Walker was surprised because Champion Lucius did not use his horns for telekinesis, but he screamed in the process and was electrocuted, Walker was shocked to see Champion Lucius' telekinesis was electrified, he throws Walker back and he was paralyzed, Champion Lucius made the red sphere and the blue sphere appear again, he shoots them both at Walker at the same time, he recovers and teleports into the air, the pillar of fire follows him again while the entire floor was electrified, Walker sees Champion Lucius use his electrified telekinesis again, he teleports away and changes his pistol to a bladed boomerang, he throws it and it homes on Champion Lucius, but he holds up his right hand and catches it, he throws it back at Walker, who just made it disappear and reappear in his front left hoof, he then changes it to a rifle and he fires it at Champion Lucius, he hits him in his right chest,

"Yes." Walker said, but Champion Lucius smiles, which made Walker uncomfortable, the wound heals itself and the bullet flies out, which shocked and angered Walker, he changes his rifle to a sabre and teleports to Champion Lucius, he tries stabbing him but he could not land a hit on him since Champion Lucius just strafed side-to-side to dodge each hit, Walker changes the sabre to a katana and tries slashing him, but Champion Lucius' armor protected him completely, Walker growls and changes his sledgehammer to a mace-whip hybrid weapon and spins it around, but Champion Lucius' armor protected him again, Walker then changed it to a big sword and swung it around, Champion Lucius' armor was still undamaged, Walker growls and made his weapons disappear, he teleports back and holds his right front hoof out and fires a stream of dark blue and orange fire out at Champion Lucius, he catches on fire, but he holds his arms out to the sides and makes the flames extinguish themselves. Walker comes up with an idea and runs to Champion Lucius quickly before he can teleport away, he turns around and bucks Champion Lucius in his abdomen with hind legs, but Walker clenched his teeth together and his eyes widened, he has hurt his own hoofs, Champion Lucius snickers and kicks Walker away with his left foot, he hits a wall and grunts when his head left a crater in it. Walker was angry and faces Champion Lucius, he spins counterclockwise in midair and he lets out a grunt and changes to his alicorn-like form, he swings the sword in his front right hoof and damages Champion Lucius a bit, he teleports to his throne and sits there wounded while Walker changes back.

Walker runs to Champion Lucius and tries to slash him with his sword, but Champion Lucius holds his left fist up with his middle claw and index claw raised and blocks the sword, Walker was shocked to see Champion Lucius was unharmed, he teleports out of his throne and holds his arms out to the sides, he now had red fire and blue lightning around him, red and blue circles appear and move around on the floor, pillars of fire and lightning came out, they move around and burn and electrify different parts of the floor each time, Walker teleports around and slashes Champion Lucius however he could while Champion Lucius continued to attack him from his blind spots and behind him, Walker was exhausted but continued, he soon had the dark blue aura around him again, he teleports up to the ceiling and transforms into his alicorn-like form again, he falls down and begins swinging his big sword around to attack Champion Lucius, the fire and lightning did nothing to him, Champion Lucius teleported into his throne while the pillars of fire and lightning disappeared, Walker changed back to normal and he punches Champion Lucius in his right cheek with his front left hoof and finishes the fight.

Champion Lucius breathes a little hard while Walker was panting heavily,

"You are not as strong as your father and grandfather, but probably strong enough to survive." Champion Lucius said,

"How do you know that?" Walker asked,

"They didn't need to transform in order to fight me on equal footing." Champion Lucius replied, much to Walker's shock,

"Go on and rest, Walker, I can tell you are about to pass out." Champion Lucius said,

"I've been to several parts of this world, and not a single Possessed appeared." Walker said,

"Us oni have very strong willpowers, it is hard for a soul to possess us." Champion Lucius replied, Walker then looks at his amulet,

"Go on and use it, this is the last area where you'll see anything, I'll be in my actual throne room in the meantime." Champion Lucius said, and an explosion of fire and lightning appear and he disappears. Walker uses the amulet and sees Runner fighting Champion Lucius, it was basically the same as his fight just now, but Walker saw Runner had a smile on his face, he was enjoying the fight, much to Walker's confusion, the picture changes and Walker watched Sprinter fight Champion Lucius, it was mostly the same, but Sprinter had a big smile on his face and Walker was in disbelief, but one thing that really shocked Walker was Champion Lucius taking his gauntlets off, it made his entire body be engulfed in fire and lightning, and increased all of his physical capabilities, making the bones fly off of his pants and boots also increased his physical capabilities. Walker could not believe it, not only did Runner and Sprinter have no need to transform, but Champion Lucius held back against him, he also saw the bones and gauntlets Champion Lucius wore for armor was not to protect himself, but to conceal his true power, he was even more powerful without them. The images disappear and Walker walks back. Walker walks back to where he fought the two onis and saw a red oni and a blue oni waiting for him,

"Well? Red or blue?" the red oni asked,

"Neither." Walker replied, the two onis were surprised,

"Why?" the blue oni asked,

"Because you blue onis want to rule with an iron fist and be tyrants, and you red onis want a lawless land where you can do any bad thing you want and get away with it. I'm sorry, but I must disagree with both of you." Walker replied,

"You know, Runner liked the blue oni tribe better, while Sprinter preferred the red oni tribe." the red oni said,

"Well, I don't like either one, I want to learn about art and architecture when I travel." Walker replied, the two onis were silent,

"I'll be heading back now, good day." Walker said, and he opens a portal with his mind and goes to the Void.

Walker arrives into the Void and he saw Runner and Sprinter there,

"Daddy? Grandpa?" Walker asked,

"Yes, Walker, it's us, we were waiting for you." Runner replied,

"How's Jones, grandpa?" Walker asked,

"He's still learning the spell, all we can do is wait." Sprinter replied, Walker nods,

"Come on, let's go home, it's late." Runner said, and they all go to Equestria and to their homes and sleep.

Walker was tossing and turning in his bed with discomfort, Walker was dreaming and realized he was not in the Void, he was in a pitch black area, Walker was nervous and looked around, he gets attacked and he grunts, Walker had claw marks on his chest, he makes his sword and pistol appear and he got attacked again, on his back this time, he grunted loudly, Walker exhaled sharply and closed his eyes and reopened them, and reopens them, the area was now dark blue, he looks for a light blue figure so he can see his attacker. Walker looks around and sees it, it was tall and bipedal, its head was round, and it had arms and legs, it disappears and Walker looks around, he sees it reappear out of the corner of his left eye, Walker shoots a stream of dark blue and orange fire at it and burns it, the creature moves around and tries to put the fire out, Walker changes his vision back to normal to see what it looked like, and to Walker's shock, it was pitch black with no features, it was like a shadow, it disappears after getting burned and Walker wakes up.

Walker wakes up in his bed and it was still dark, but Walker looks and saw another humanoid black creature walking to him from his bedroom's doorway, Walker tries to move but he could not, he tries calling for help but he realized he could not speak either, Walker tries to move and call for help but to no avail, he sees the creature was teleporting towards him slowly and its head was twitching, it was getting closer slowly and Walker felt intense fear. A gunshot is heard and the creature was hit in the head and disappeared, Walker exhales sharply and realized he could move again, he looks and saw Sprinter at his bedroom's door, he had a pistol in his front right hoof, the creature turns into a soul and goes into Walker, and to his surprise, he felt two souls inside of him, he realizes the one he fought in his dream also contained a soul. Sprinter walks to him,

"You alright?" Sprinter asked,

"Yeah." Walker replied and then asks "What are those?"

"It's late, I'll explain tomorrow." Sprinter replied, and he leaves the bedroom and closes the door while Walker goes back to sleep.

Morning comes and Walker has breakfast,

"What were those things last night?" Walker asked,

"They are called Shadows, they only appear at night, there are very few, but very dangerous." Sprinter replied,

"I saw two of them last night, one in my room, and one in my dream." Walker said,

"The Shadows can attack you in your dreams and in real life, attacking you in real life is more dangerous." Runner replied,

"How?" Walker asked,

"Shadows that decide to attack you in real life inflict sleep paralysis on you, so you're stuck in bed, you can't move a muscle, so you can't use your powers, and they attack you until either the night ends, or until you're dead. The difference between them is if they attack you in your dream, you can defend yourself, but if they attack you in real life, you can't." Sprinter replied, Walker was very scared with sweat building up on him,

"Why can't Princess Luna zap away the ones in my dreams?" Walker asked,

"Walker, remember, Shadows are still souls of the dead, Princess Luna can't see nor hear them." Runner replied,

"How are they formed?" Walker asked,

"There are souls that receive damnation after being judged, they escape from the world of damned souls, they become Shadows in the process, it represents their malice, the more malevolent they were in real life, the stronger the Shadow will be." Sprinter replied,

"These Shadows don't look like ponies." Walker said,

"They don't have to be, Shadows can appear in any world." Runner replied, Walker was uncomfortable,

"Well, moving on from that. Which world was your favorite?" Sprinter asked,

"Chrysaor." Walker replied,

"I see, I liked Aerostia the best." Runner said,

"Yomi was my favorite." Sprinter said,

"You should send those two souls to The Judge after breakfast." Runner said,

"I don't feel like going to the Void today, I realized after going to the three worlds that friendship is not magic." Walker replied,

"Oh right, your school teaches Princess Celestia's sayings on friendships almost every day, and you always took them to heart." Runner said, Walker nods sadly,

"What about you two, do you two think friendship is magic?" Walker asked,

"Nope, friendship is nice to have, but not magic, it's a thing that helps me get through my day sometimes." Runner replied,

"What about you, grandpa?" Walker asked,

"Never, Princess Celestia teaches friendship on a personal level, having good business relationships is also considered friendship." Sprinter replied,

"I still don't feel like going to the Void." Walker said,

"I'll take the souls to the Void, then." Sprinter replied, and he absorbs the souls out of Walker's body and opens a portal to enter the Void, Walker just sits and has breakfast while looking down, Runner sat to his right side and comforted him with his front left hoof. Walker finished breakfast and decided to go see Genghis, he saw him doing target practice with his horn, Walker goes to him and Genghis sees him,

"I'm ready to continue my training." Walker said,

"Very well, let's start where we left off." Genghis replied, and they do, Walker does a lot of jumping and kicking with his hind hoofs, since Walker was off from school today, he had a lot of time to train, he did great until he had to start doing flips and spinning in the air, which he could not do,

"You should train your body some more, maybe somepony can help you." Genghis said,

"I already have one." Walker replied,

"Good, you should train with them before you try this test again." Genghis said, and Walker went to the Void. Walker arrives at the Void and saw Runner was in Aerostia while Sprinter was in Yomi, he looks at Chrysaor and saw Jones was still training, he heads to the temple shortly afterwards, he does Body Walker's training and had to do stretching, weight lifting, cardio, and flexibility and agility tests, Walker sweated and panted before calling it quits. Walker trains with Mind Walker next and reads on the history of visual arts in Equestria, he quits after he was about to fall asleep from reading, he did Emotion Walker's training next and had to guess Rarity's and Applejack's emotions next, Applejack was mostly easy while Rarity was a little hard a few times, but he got it right, he finished and did Spirit Walker's training next, he just sat and meditated while clearing out his mind, he finished after a while and left the temple. Walker goes to the arena next and he feels tingling in his head,

"Your friend is at your home again, Walker." Spirit said telepathically, and he shows Walker a vision, Cherry Blossom was at his house again, she looks through the windows and sees he was not home, Runner and Sprinter were not there either, Cherry Blossom was starting to grow irritated and left. Walker kept Cherry Blossom in his mind and headed to the arena, he jumped down to enter it,

"What do you wish to have?" Diplomat asked,

"That lava creature that I saw in Yomi." Walker replied, and it appears in front of him, Walker tries all of his moves and discovered only his alicorn-like form works on it, it got destroyed a few seconds later. Walker changes back and he hears walking behind him, he saw Runner and Sprinter arrive, they jump down and enter the arena,

"I thought you weren't in the mood to enter the Void." Runner said,

"I have to improve my body before I can do Genghis' next training." Walker replied,

"Well, while we're here, let's have you fight the other creatures of the Anti-Spirit cult Runner and I encountered in the past, so you'll know what to do if you encounter them." Sprinter said, Walker nods,

"Very well, here goes." War said, and the golem-like creature Walker saw in his home the other day appeared, Runner and Sprinter tell Walker what works best against it, he saw blunt weapons were really effective against it, the next creature to appear was a humanoid vulture, Sprinter shows the flames from their spiritual powers worked well against it, its screeches of pain made Walker uncomfortable. The next creature appeared to be made purely out of metal, it had a rolling sphere for its lower body, it had long ranged attacks only, mainly missiles, Walker dodges them with ease, Runner shows Walker the back of the creature's head and he saw it was a machine, Runner shows which button to press to turn it off, which relieved Walker because he was tired of having to kill his enemies most of the time. The next enemy was half organic, half machine, which surprised Walker, it shoots red beams out of its robotic left eye, which Walker dodged, it also had a machine gun built into its right hand, a cannon in its feet, missiles in its shoulders and back, and a flamethrower in its mouth, Sprinter shows Walker that the best thing that worked against it was to have the dark blue flames spin around him and teleport to it and it got destroyed. The next creature had ice all over it, it froze whatever it touched, Walker guessed his fire attacks would work best against it and destroyed it easily,

"Alright, Walker, last type of enemy." Runner said, and the arena filled with water, Walker could swim better than before, but still had trouble, it was a merman-like creature, Walker was nervous when he saw the creature had electricity on its body, it dives underwater and electrifies it, Walker teleports to the top of one of the pillars in the arena,

"Do you know how to fight it?" War asked,

"I think so." Walker replied, and he changes his pistol to a rifle and aims it, the merman-like creature comes up and looks for Walker, he fires his rifle and hits the creature, it disappeared, along with the water. Runner and Sprinter smile and teleport to Walker,

"Very good, son, you're learning." Runner said, Walker smiled, even though he felt bad killing them, the three teleport back to where the four portals were at and they saw the Senses,

"Spirit and The Judge have a job for you in Equestria, Walker." Taste said,

"What is it?" Walker asked,

"King Sombra's soul has escaped, it has been haunting Princess Cadence and Flurry Heart in their dreams recently, find him, and bring his soul to the Void so we can send him back to the afterlife." Taste replied,

"Why can't you do it?" Walker asked,

"I cannot absorb souls." Taste replied,

"What about Spirit?" Walker asked,

"He is busy gathering the souls of the other worlds you don't have access to." Taste replied,

"What about daddy and grandpa here?" Walker asked,

"They can if they want to." Taste replied,

"Let's look for him together, Walker." Sprinter said, Walker agreed,

"Alright, hurry, and good luck." Taste said, and the three exit the Void. Walker, Runner, and Sprinter headed to the Crystal Empire by teleporting and looked around, they see the souls of the crystal ponies who died before King Sombra's rule was over, Walker sees Sunburst, Shining Armor, Princess Cadence, and Flurry Heart together with several royal guards, Walker follows them while the royal guards ignore him since they thought he was just a visitor, he follows them and saw Flurry Heart was asleep, he hears laughing and saw King Sombra's soul appear, he enters into Flurry Heart's head, she begins panicking and the ponies were alerted, Shining Armor and Princess Cadence try to wake her up since they thought she was having a bad dream, other ponies go to try to help her wake up while Flurry Heart begins to make panicking noises in her sleep, she shoots a beam out of her horn that startled everypony, she continues shooting magic from her horn until black crystals formed on her horn and she could not cast anymore magic. Flurry Heart wakes up from her bad dream and sees Shining Armor and Princess Cadence looking at her with shock, Flurry Heart looks up and sees the black crystals on her horn, it scared her and she tried to reach to them with her front hoofs but could not, so she used her wings and tried to remove them, she could not get the crystals off, she then tries to cast magic but could not cast a single spell, Flurry Heart began to cry at not being able to use her horn, Shining Armor and Princess Cadence comfort her while Sunburst tries to find a spell to undo the dark crystals.

Walker sees King Sombra's soul come out of Flurry Heart's head and laughs, he changes to his unicorn form and was about to cast a spell on Shining Armor and Princess Cadence, but Walker makes a pistol appear in his front left hoof and aims it, he fires and hits King Sombra in the back of his head, his soul's body form was destroyed and changed to a floating light blue flame, Walker absorbed his soul into his body by holding his front right hoof out. Runner and Sprinter heard the gunshot and run to where they heard it, they see Walker and he turns around to face them,

"Did you get it?" Runner asked,

"Yes." Walker replied,

"Let's go, then." Sprinter said, and they leave to go somewhere private, Shining Armor, Princess Cadence, and Sunburst overhear them and look at them, they just shrug and Sunburst continues looking for a spell to undo the crystals on Flurry Heart's horn.

Walker, Runner, and Sprinter enter the Void and go to The Judge, Walker gives him King Sombra's soul,

"Male, from Equestria." The Judge said,

"He desires to rule more than the Crystal Empire." Lust said, the black scale weighs down,

"He had slaves do his work." Sloth said, the black scale weighs down even more,

"He was a cruel tyrant." Wrath said, and the black scale goes down even more,

"Damnation, it is." The Judge said, and he hits the gavel with the demonic side of his sledgehammer, a portal opens to his left and King Sombra's soul goes in there. Walker, Runner, and Sprinter head home and they sleep for the night, the three have trouble and realize the Shadows were attacking them again, they fight back and destroy them and sleep in peace for the rest of the night.

Walker wakes up the next morning and headed to school while Runner and Sprinter brought the souls of the Shadows to The Judge, he went to go see Genghis first and saw he was not yet ready to do the next hoof-to-hoof combat training course, so he headed to school. Walker was bored in school now, the teacher was teaching about friendship, which made Walker feel annoyed, he did not view friendship as he used to, he saw it as a term that means you are on someone's good side. Walker's teacher also did lectures from the letters Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, and Applejack wrote to Princess Celestia, Twilight Sparkle was sending them all over Equestria, which annoyed Walker even more, he found the lectures to be more annoying than hearing the souls of the dead,

"Don't just sit there! Stand up and tell that teacher to shut her mouth!" Aggressive said,

"You won't have to hear the lectures anymore." Optimist said,

"You'll get in big trouble if you do that." Pessimist said,

"It would be best just to sit and listen, and wait until class ends." Passive said,

"You will learn some new things if you listen carefully." Optimist said,

"You will be stuck listening to the lectures for hours to come." Pessimist said, Walker looks and sees Aggressive and Pessimist glowed brighter due to his view on friendship being changed, and him fighting all of the time, while Passive's and Optimist's glows were dimmer, Walker sighs and continued listening, he looks and sees all of the other colts were bored as well, but the fillies were smiling and having fun, the teacher goes on until it was PE time. Walker runs and he was considerably faster than before, he was the first in his class to finish running, the fillies were shocked while the colts just ignored him and kept running, Walker looks and sees the colts were coming, they always finished before the fillies due to them having more energy, the earth pony colts always finished first, then the Pegasi colts, and the unicorn colts, and the fillies would come next in the same order. Cherry Blossom finishes near the end and went to go have a drink of water, she came back and saw the foals looking at Walker with worry, she goes to him and sees Walker's eyes were bloodshot,

"Walker, you don't look so good." Cherry Blossom said,

"Couldn't sleep well last night." Walker replied,

"Oh, well, now's a good time, you should rest before we go back to class." Cherry Blossom said, Walker agreed and closed his eyes until the bell rung to go back to class. Walker does his classwork until lunchtime and he had lunch with Cherry Blossom,

"I went to your house yesterday and two days ago, you and your family weren't home." Cherry Blossom said,

"Sorry about that, we're busy when I come home, and we have a lot of things to do." Walker replied,

"Like what?" Cherry Blossom asked,

"Well, ugh, I don't know how to put it into words." Walker replied,

"What time did you come home?" Cherry Blossom asked,

"I don't know, but it was already night time and dark." Walker replied, Cherry Blossom was surprised,

"Well, try to get a good night's sleep tonight, the Friendship Festival is tomorrow." Cherry Blossom said,

"Friendship Festival?" Walker asked,

"Uh-huh, Princess Twilight is throwing a big festival in Canterlot tomorrow, our class and our families are going there as a field trip." Cherry Blossom replied, Walker groaned under his breath and rolled his eyes, the bell rung afterwards and they go back to class. Walker was in class with the other classmates and it was almost time to go,

"Walker, I need you to stay after school today." Walker's teacher said, confusing everypony, the bell rung afterwards,

"Have a good day, everypony." Walker's teacher said, and everypony left, Cherry Blossom watched and everything seemed fine, so she went home. Walker's teacher closes and locks the door, and closes the blind to every window,

"You think you're worthy of living?" Walker's teacher asked,

"What?" Walker asked with confusion,

"You are a disgrace to the family, just like Runner, Sprinter have made you two into weaklings." Walker's teacher replied, Walker looks and sees his teacher's eyes were pale yellow,

"Wait a minute, you're not my teacher." Walker said, the eyes then glow light blue and Walker's teacher grew a horn and wings made from light blue flames, along with her teeth changing to fangs, Walker realized his teacher was possessed,

"You are weak, and you are interested in visual arts instead of the art of killing, I will not have somepony like you taint our bloodline!" Walker's teacher and Jumper said in unison, and Walker summoned his sword and pistol. Walker's teacher walks around while watching Walker, she begins to swing her front right hoof around and sends five projectiles of dark blue flames to Walker with each swing of her leg, Walker teleported around to dodge it, he makes the black skeletal arm come out of his front left hoof and tries to pull his teacher towards him, but he ended up going towards her instead, he climbs onto her back and cuts it open with his sword, he shoots a stream of dark blue and orange fire out of his front left hoof, but Jumper's soul did not leave the teacher, she grows two tentacles out of her back and they hit Walker, he grunts and falls onto the floor, he got back up and saw her walking around again, she begins to fly and the desks become possessed by Jumper, they float around and Walker dodges them when they were thrown at him, they move around on the floor on their own and Walker teleports into the air, the desks fly up into the air on their own as well,

"I am the only one in the family worthy of Spirit's powers." Walker's teacher said, and she begins to shoot dark blue fire out of her horn, Walker dodges it by teleporting and he lands on the floor, he picks up a desk and throws it at his teacher, she hits it to her right with her front right hoof and Walker teleports onto her and stabs his sword into her left wing, he changes his pistol to another sword and stabs the right wing, but Walker's teacher grew two more wings, Walker gets an idea and teleports onto the floor,

"May your soul be damned!" Walker's teacher said, and she begins swinging her front right hoof around again, sending five dark blue fire-like projectiles towards Walker, he crouches and dodges them, the tentacles wrap around him and Walker's teacher shoots a blast out of her horn, Walker just teleports out of the tentacles and enters his soul form, Walker's teacher just shoots a stream of dark blue and orange fire out of her front right hoof at Walker and burns him, he was not surprised that spiritual powers can hurt other souls. Walker decides to try something and fires a dark blue and orange stream of fire at his teacher's heart, she screams without Jumper's voice in her voice and she became unconscious, but her mutations from becoming possessed remained on her, so Walker carries her and teleports to his house. Runner and Sprinter were waiting for Walker to come home, he teleports into the home and saw he had his teacher, the two look and see she was possessed,

"I tried what you did to cure me, but it didn't work." Walker said,

"My way of curing you only works on weak willed souls, Walker, Jumper isn't the only one who possesses people." Sprinter replied,

"So, what do we do?" Walker asked,

"There's nothing we can do, plus, your grandfather and I were busy fighting more Possessed today, Jones is almost done learning the magic spell." Runner replied, Walker smiled and Jones appears in the home by casting a teleporting spell,

"Okay, I just finished learning the cleansing spell." Jones said,

"Good timing, my teacher here got possessed." Walker replied, and Jones sees her waking up,

"Here goes." Jones said, and he fires a yellow beam from his horn and at Walker's teacher, her wounds heal and the mutated parts from being possessed disappear. Walker's teacher coughs and groans,

"What happened?" Walker's teacher asked, and she sees Walker,

"Walker?" Walker's teacher asked,

"Yes?" Walker asked,

"What am I doing here?" Walker's teacher asked,

"You got tired on your way home, so we took you in so you can sleep." Sprinter replied,

"Oh, I remember now, thank you." Walker's teacher said, and she left,

"Okay, it works." Jones said,

"Yeah, but they have no memory of what happened." Runner replied,

"That reminds me, we have to go to Canterlot tomorrow for the Friendship Festival." Walker said,

"You guys go on without me, I'm going to go to Yomi tomorrow." Jones replied, and he uses his magic to teleport into the Void while Walker, Runner, and Sprinter went to sleep.

The next day comes and Walker, Runner, and Sprinter go to Canterlot with Walker's classmates and their families, Walker looks and sees Shining Armor was not present, he thinks that he and Sunburst stayed behind to try to get the dark crystals out of Flurry Heart's horn. Walker's classmates have a good time while Walker felt down, he felt like all of this friendship stuff was pointless,

"Walker." Cherry Blossom said as she ran to him,

"Come on, let's have fun together." Cherry Blossom said, and they do, Walker and Cherry Blossom try the ciders and drinks, everypony had a good time until the Storm King's ships arrived, Walker, Runner, and Sprinter teleported away before the Storm King's guards could get them, they go back to their home and decide to wait until the threat was dealt with,

"Come on, Walker, let's go help the people fight the Possessed." Runner said, and the three go into the Void. Walker, Runner, and Sprinter go to Aerostia and they see the Possessed, the Undead, several liches, and vulture-like creatures of the Anti-Spirit cult attacking the harpies, the three join and help the harpies defend their home, they command the harpies to tie down the Possessed since Jones was curing them in other worlds,

"That reminds me. Alexia, I don't need this anymore." Walker said as he showed her the amulet,

"That's yours to keep, Walker." Alexia replied,

"It is?" Walker asked,

"Yes, it's a gift." Alexia replied, Jones arrives hours later and he cures the Possessed, the harpies kept them tied down,

"Is that all of them?" Jones asked, the harpies nod, Walker then began to tell Jones about his experiences in Yomi,

"Yeah, mine was a bit similar, but Champion Lucius didn't fight me, he welcomed me." Jones said,

"Well, the Possessed are gone for now, you should wait in the Void, Equestria is being invaded by someone called the Storm King." Sprinter said, Jones nods,

"Well, I'll train myself until it's time to go home, then." Walker said, and he goes to the Void. Walker trains in the temple, he did all four types of training, he was now able to do flips after hours of intense physical training, he also read books on Equestrian customs, meditated to increase his willpower, and had to read the emotions of Maud Pie, he tried his best, but still got them wrong, which annoyed him. Walker finishes his training and went to where the four paths meet, he looks at Equestria and sees the Storm King has been defeated, he has turned to stone and fell down, shattering him, Walker was tired and decided to head home and sleep for the night, his dream got invaded by three Shadows, he fights them off and absorbs their souls and sleeps peacefully for the rest of the night.

Walker sends the Shadows to The Judge as soon as he woke up and had breakfast with Runner and Sprinter, he then left and went to go see Genghis, he does his training and did the flips easily,

"Your training is complete, I have taught you everything I know." Genghis said,

"Did you know about the Storm King?" Walker asked,

"No, I have never heard of him." Genghis replied, Walker was surprised and headed to school. Walker does his schoolwork and saw everypony was relieved with the Storm King defeated, Walker just goes on with his day and did PE, Cherry Blossom was busy getting ready for the annual cart race, so she did not have time to see Walker at lunch today. Walker does his classwork and he was contacted telepathically,

"Walker, the Storm King's not gone just yet, his soul still haunts the mortals, he is targeting Tempest Shadow as retaliation for turning him to stone, find Tempest Shadow, and bring the Storm King's soul to the Void." Spirit said telepathically, and Walker waited for class to end and he left when the bell rung. Walker heads outside and he hears running behind him, he sees Cherry Blossom coming,

"Can we spend time today?" Cherry Blossom asked,

"Sorry, but I have stuff to do today." Walker replied,

"What?! Come on, Walker! I've been wanting to hang out with you, but you're always either gone or doing something else!" Cherry Blossom said in an exasperated tone,

"I'm sorry, I really am, but I have to help my daddy and grandpa today." Walker replied, Cherry Blossom sighs,

"The cart racing's tomorrow." Cherry Blossom said in a calm tone,

"I'll come to cheer you on." Walker replied,

"You promised you'd come, so you better." Cherry Blossom said, and Walker heads home while Cherry Blossom watched him. Walker, Runner, and Sprinter teleport around Equestria and look for Tempest Shadow, they see a Storm King ship in the air and it was malfunctioning, they hear laughing and saw the Storm King's soul tampering with the airship, they hear an annoyed grunt and the three realized it was Tempest Shadow, she lands the ship and goes on to repair the engine, but the Storm King's soul causes havoc and makes objects fall on Tempest Shadow, the three ponies shrug and Runner just shoots the Storm King's soul with a pistol and destroys its body, he absorbs the Storm King's soul and the three head to the Void. The three go see The Judge and he looks at the Storm King's soul,

"He desired to conquer all lands." Lust said, the black scale weighs down,

"He desired it all for himself." Greed said, the black scale goes down more,

"He named the currency after himself." Pride said, the black scale goes down even more,

"He outright admitted that he was evil." Pride said, the black scale goes down even more,

"Wait, what?" Walker asked,

"Outright admitting you're evil damns your soul even more, while admitting you're good makes you receive more salvation." The Judge said,

"Oh." Walker said,

"This soul is to receive damnation." The Judge said, and he hits the gavel with demonic side of his hammer, a portal opens to his left and the Storm King's soul floats into it,

"Thank you, all of you, Spirit appreciates the help you three have given him." The Judge said, Walker smiles,

"Come on now, the cart racing's tomorrow, you should go to bed early, Walker." Runner said, Walker nods while smiling and heads home and goes to sleep, there were no Shadows in his sleep that time, so he went to the Void, he decided to spend his entire dream meditating. Walker woke up early the next morning and the cart race was not time yet, he hears somepony chewing and he goes out of his bedroom, he saw Jones was there again, he was with Runner and Sprinter, Jones looks to his right and saw Walker, he turns to face him,

"I've cleansed Aerostia and Chrysaor of every Possessed so far, Yomi doesn't seem to have any, and since I am cleansing the Possessed, Spirit has given me the ability to see, hear, and communicate with the souls of the dead." Jones said,

"Well, since you're here, I was thinking about taking you to meet Genghis." Walker replied,

"Sure, I'd like that." Jones said,

"I'll go, too, I never did thank him for his combat training." Runner said,

"I'll go as well, he and I are actually friends." Sprinter said,

"Well, come on, then, the cart racing's gonna start soon." Walker replied, and the four leave. Genghis was doing his own hoof-to-hoof combat training, he was able to do the same training he gave Walker with no problem,

"Genghis." Walker said, Genghis turns around, he saw Walker coming with Runner, Sprinter, and Jones,

"I'd like you to meet a friend of mine." Walker said,

"Name's Jones, I'm an explorer." Jones said,

"Have you been to the places I've conquered?" Genghis asked,

"Yes, I've read about you in books as well." Jones replied,

"Ah, so you are familiar with me. Who are these two?" Genghis asked,

"It's me, Genghis, Runner." Runner replied,

"I'm Sprinter, you trained us when we were four years old." Sprinter said,

"Oh, you two have grown a lot." Genghis replied, Runner and Sprinter chuckle,

"Have you seen any Possessed around here?" Jones asked,

"Don't worry, I've been keeping this place free of the Possessed, there is nothing to worry about right now." Genghis replied, the five hear engines revving,

"Oh, the cart race is about to start, we have to get going." Walker said,

"Alright, have fun, Walker, I'll explore this area and look for any Possessed." Jones replied,

"I'll remain here and watch out for any souls, you four are welcome to come here anytime." Genghis said, and Walker, Runner, and Sprinter went to see the cart race while Jones went the opposite direction, and Genghis remained at the area.

Walker, Runner, and Sprinter sit in the crowd and see the foals were ready to race with their carts, Cherry Blossom's cart was completely white, she looks at the crowd and saw Walker with his father and grandfather, she was elated that he came, she waves at him with her front right hoof and Walker waved back with his front left hoof. Cherry Blossom got into her cart and put on a light pink helmet,

"On your marks." a male announcer said, every foal got ready,

"Get set." the male announcer said, the foals were ready to step on the gas pedal,

"Go!" the male announcer said, and the foals begin driving their carts.

The foals race with their carts and Walker cheers on Cherry Blossom, Runner smiled while he watched Walker cheer for his friend while Sprinter was just sitting there quietly and watching. Cherry Blossom continues driving and was picking up the pace, but Jumper possesses the cart and begins controlling it, Cherry Blossom exclaimed with shock,

"What the?" Cherry Blossom asked as the cart began to drive on its own,

"What's going on?" Cherry Blossom asked as she tried to steer the cart and use the brakes to stop it, but the brake pedal did not work, and the steering wheel went the opposite direction very sharply, almost throwing her front hoofs off of it. Sakura and Spring watch with worry while Walker, Runner, and Sprinter stand up and look on, Walker had a fearful expression on his face, Runner had a worried expression, and Sprinter had a stoic expression, while he was worried on the inside,

"What's going on?!" Walker asked with worry,

"Look!" Runner said, and they see light blue outlines on the cart's wheels, steering wheel, and engine,

"It's possessed by Jumper." Sprinter said,

"Come on, we gotta go!" Walker said,

"No, you won't catch up to her by teleporting." Sprinter replied, Walker looks and saw Cherry Blossom's cart gaining speed,

"If you teleport, the cart will be ahead of you, and if you appear in front of it, you will get hit, and there are many ponies watching, I'm sorry, Walker, but there is nothing we can do but hope she can make it to the finish line in one piece." Sprinter said, Walker felt bad while he watched with worry, he sees Runner was scared as well.

Cherry Blossom struggles and grunts as she tries to regain control of the cart, but Jumper continues to control it, she swerves around on the track with the tires screeching loudly and the other foals watch her, the fillies were worried while the colts watch carefully, the cart continues to gain speed and Cherry Blossom's helmet flies off,

"Come on." Cherry Blossom said as she grumbled, the cart continues acting on its own while Sakura and Spring watch fearfully, Cherry Blossom continues to struggle to regain control of the cart but the cart does an extremely sharp turn to the right and the steering wheel locks in place, Cherry Blossom tries to move it but it was stuck. The cart goes off course, the steering wheel goes back to normal while the cart goes downhill, Cherry Blossom sees she was heading right into a tree, she screams in horror and the cart drives into the tree and explodes on impact.

The race stops and everypony rushes to the fiery cart,

"Cherry Blossom? Dear?" Spring asked worriedly, there was no response, Sakura and Spring teleport to the burning cart and use their magic, they get Cherry Blossom out of the cart and see she was unconscious,

"No. No!" Sakura said with horror,

"Come on, get her to the hospital." a male earth pony said, and everypony ran to the hospital while Walker stayed behind and looked at the burning cart with shock,

"Why, great grandpa?" Walker asked wistfully, he hears the other carts behind him turn on, he looks back with surprise,

"Die." Jumper's voice said, and the carts begin driving towards Walker. Walker teleports away when one was about to hit him, it hits Cherry Blossom's cart and explodes, Walker was on the track and he saw three more carts driving towards him, Walker runs while scared and the carts catch up to him, he teleports and appears behind them and one cart hits the area where the crowd sits and stopped working. The two carts turn around and drive towards Walker, they do a pincer attack on him and turn to the sides, they were going to smash him in between, Walker jumps forward and dodges it while the two carts collide with one another. Walker hears more driving and saw another cart coming to him at high speeds, but the cart flies in midair and flips over, Walker teleports to his right and dodged it while the cart hit the ground, it catches on fire and explodes, Walker grunts as the explosion knocked him down, he hears more driving and sees the last cart coming to him, it was charging towards him, Walker runs and jumps over the cart while it crashes into a tree and catches on fire, it was about to explode, but the cart turns around and speeds towards Walker, he runs away while scared and jumps away when the cart explodes, Walker pants and decides to go to the hospital.

Walker arrives at the hospital and he saw Sakura crying while Spring comforted her, he sees his classmates and teacher were there as well, Walker enters the room and saw Cherry Blossom was unconscious, she had an oxygen mask on her mouth, white bandages wrapped around her entire body except for her head, and a lot of hospital equipment around her, Walker looks and sees the machine to measure Cherry Blossom's heartbeat, he looks and realizes she was alive, but was still sad about Cherry Blossom being in the hospital bed, he felt tears roll down his eyes,

"How is your friend?" Doctor Whooves asked,

"She's still in the hospital." Walker replied sadly,

"I see, I'm sorry, continue." Doctor Whooves said, and he does.

"Excuse me, make way." a female voice said, everypony sees Princess Luna enter the room, she goes to Cherry Blossom and looks at her with a shocked face, she placed her front left hoof on Cherry Blossom's head and then places her head onto Cherry Blossom's chest, Princess Luna began to cry a little as well,

"Come on, everypony, let's go home for today." Walker's teacher said, and they all leave the room, Walker looks and sees Princess Celestia comforting Sakura and Spring, Walker just heads home for the day. Runner and Sprinter were already home and they see Walker come, he still had tears in his eyes,

"Walker, would you like dinner?" Sprinter asked, Walker shook his head, he went to bed and slept sadly,

"I am sorry for what has happened, Walker, I really am, but her soul has not been released, so don't despair, there's a chance she will survive." Spirit said in Walker's dream, it cheered him up a little bit,

"Well, I know this may not be the best time, but I think it's time you learned about your mother and paternal grandmother, I'l send you the visions in your dream." Spirit said, and Walker slept.

Walker dreams and sees Runner as a colt, he saw him speaking to Sprinter, he was a young adult in the vision, he looked just like how Runner looks in the present day, the two were arguing but Walker realizes he could not hear their voices, so he did not know what they were arguing about, he then sees Runner visiting an earth pony filly, she had a light green coat, long pale sky blue mane and tail, and purple eyes, the two were very close. Walker sees the house Runner grew up in and saw Runner lived in a fancy mansion and had neighbors everywhere, Sprinter and Runner were often at odds with one another, Walker sees the inside of the house and saw Runner had access to all types of knowledge through books, and sports equipment for him to use so he can get into shape, Walker sees Runner liked how the royal guards were into being fair and honorable, along with chivalrous, Runner vowed to be the same way, but he did not like the fancy outfits of the high class ponies, Runner also had a uniform for his school, he went to one of the best schools in Equestria. Walker sees Sprinter had one mare after another in his home with him to watch over Runner, which annoyed Runner to no end, Sprinter had at least one new mare a week come into the home.

Walker sees Runner obtain Spirit's powers and he was scared, declaring he has become a monster, but the vision quickly changes and Runner was with the filly again, the two grow up together, but Jumper possesses her at one time when they are teenagers and Runner is forced to attack her to defend himself, this caused an argument between Sprinter and the filly's parents, but they stop when the filly tries to attack her own parents, the parents apologized to Runner and Sprinter and Jumper left her body shortly afterwards and she returned back to normal. Walker then sees Runner as a stallion and the filly was now a mare, her cutie mark were three blades of grass, they have made rings for one another, Runner's ring had his name on it, the other ring had the mare's name, Grass Field. Walker watches the vision and sees Grass Field wanted children, she wanted a son and a daughter, which made Runner uncomfortable, Sprinter did track and boxing and made enough bits to support two children, Runner was crying in his room while Sprinter comforted him. Walker sees Runner holding him when he is a baby and he looks at Grass Field, who was lifeless, he closes her eyes with his front left hoof and cuddles with Walker.

The vision changes and Walker sees Sprinter as a baby, he was crying on the black wooden floor, Walker sees a lifeless mare on the ground, she had a purple coat, long light blue mane and tail, sky blue eyes, and her cutie mark was a sword, Walker sees Jumper take in Sprinter, who looked just like Runner in the present day, but much more muscular, and his cutie mark were four silver grieves. Sprinter grew up with male criminals who committed all kinds of crime, Jumper was also physically abusive towards Sprinter, beating him on a daily basis and smiled when he saw Sprinter bleeding and smiled even more when Sprinter cried from the pain. Jumper ordered his gang to kill Sprinter if they see him, so he had to hide and fight for his life as a child, he was nervous and scared all of the time, he was distrustful of people in his early years, whenever a pony tried to approach him, he was ready to attack them, and had to hold himself back sometimes as well. Sprinter developed a muscular body and physique because of the life had was born into, it made other fillies develop crushes on him, Sprinter would spend time with them while jealous colts would attack him, Sprinter had to fight them off.

Sprinter got Spirit's powers when he was four years old and the first thing Sprinter did was kill Jumper and his gang, Sprinter traveled alone and was homeless, fighting any Possessed, Revived, Undead, Shadow, lich, or creatures of the Anti-Spirit cult he came across. He had to beg for bits since he was too young to get a job, and did not go to school, he hung out with any filly who had a crush on him, some ended on a good note, some ended on a bad note, some ended with the filly's brothers and father angry at Sprinter. Walker sees Sprinter entering a race to win bits, he runs the race and got first place, he decides to keep doing it since it was the only way for him to earn money, and he did not do sports because he did not like the rules for most of them, Walker sees Sprinter teleport to win some of his races, he only teleported a few steps forward so the other ponies do not notice he was cheating, Sprinter also had a lot of mares fall in love with him, Sprinter was given a chance to be a professional track runner, which he accepted. Sprinter runs one track after another, and became a professional runner in Equestria, he dated his female fans and settled down with an earth pony mare who had a bright red coat, long pink mane and tail, light purple eyes, and her cutie mark were three blue and yellow pills, the two fall in love and have Runner, with the mare passing away, Sprinter continued to date other mares so they could foalsit Runner for him. Sprinter eventually had enough bits to buy the fancy mansion Runner grew up in and bought books on every subject to teach himself and left them for Runner.

Sprinter had to get another job to pay for the bills and the mares who foalsitted Runner, so Sprinter decided to become a boxer since he liked fighting, he won every match and used the bits to pay for Runner's care, all of his opponents respected his reason for doing the job, Sprinter smiled at seeing Runner and rubbed his snout on him as Runner enjoyed his company.

Walker wakes up the next morning and sees Runner sitting at the table and thinking,

"Daddy?" Walker said, Runner looks at him,

"Spirit showed me your past and mommy last night." Walker said,

"So you saw Grass Field, that is your mother." Runner said,

"What did she do for a living?" Walker asked,

"She grew grasses into artistic shapes, she made mostly animal faces." Runner replied,

"I also saw you crying in your room." Walker said,

"That's because Grass Field wanted a son and a daughter, I was sad because not only will Grass Field pass away, but she couldn't have a daughter because of our family's connection to Spirit and his powers." Runner replied,

"What were you going to name my sister?" Walker asked,

"Grass Blade." Runner replied,

"Do you blame me for why mommy died?" Walker asked,

"No, not at all, Grass Field wanted to have you, and I wanted children, too, I'm just sad she's not here to see you, and you couldn't have a sister." Runner replied, Walker felt sad as well, he sees Sprinter join them, Walker walks to him,

"I saw your childhood in my dream last night, grandpa." Walker said,

"I see, I still have bad dreams about it sometimes." Sprinter replied,

"What was grandma's name?" Walker asked,

"Peacemaker, she was a doctor, she watched track as a hobby." Sprinter replied,

"I wanna meet mommy and grandma." Walker said,

"Well, if you're lucky, The Judge can get their souls to communicate with you, but it's unlikely." Runner replied, Walker felt sad,

"You should head to school, it's getting late." Sprinter said, Walker saw the time,

"One more thing, is mommy dying the reason why you call yourself a monster, daddy?" Walker asked,

"Yeah, because I knew she would die if I had you, it still saddens me to this day." Runner replied,

"It's my fault, I told him about Spirit a few days before his fourth birthday, and the consequences of our family having his powers. Head to school now, Walker, you're going to be late." Sprinter said, and Walker heads to school. Walker ignores the souls of the dead and was sad, he sees the fillies and his teacher were crying a bit, while the colts were stoic, Walker felt lonely without Cherry Blossom in the class, he just wanted the day to end. PE comes and Walker was the first one to finish again, he waits for Cherry Blossom but remembers she was in the hospital and unconscious, which saddened him, he just sat and waited for PE to end. Walker works in class until lunchtime and sat alone, he felt lonely and sad without Cherry Blossom, so he just ate and drank slowly until it was time to go back to class. Walker works until class ended and he headed home, he went to the Void when he was out of everypony's sight, he goes to The Judge,

"I'd like to meet my mommy and paternal grandma." Walker said, The Judge tries to contact their souls, they answer and two light blue flames float into the area,

"What are your names?" Walker asked,

"Grass Field." the soul to the right said,

"Peacemaker." the soul to the left said, Walker was happy,

"I'm Walker, I'm Runner's son and Sprinter's grandson." Walker said, the two souls form into bodies and see him, they run to him and hug him with Grass Field rubbing her snout on him,

"How's my baby been?" Grass Field asked,

"Uh, a little tired." Walker replied,

"Is Sprinter behaving himself?" Peacemaker asked,

"Uh-huh." Walker replied,

"Walker, I'm sorry I didn't get you a sister." Grass Field said, Walker felt sad,

"I wish I had a sister, too." Walker replied,

"Having Runner wasn't really in my plans, but I'm happy nonetheless, I guess Runner grew up into a fine stallion." Peacemaker said,

"Daddy believes in being fair and honorable, along with being chivalrous." Walker replied,

"Oh, so he didn't grow up to be like Sprinter, always liked fighting and dating any mare who had a crush on him." Peacemaker said,

"Really? Runner didn't do that, he developed feelings for me when he and I were foals, and he stayed faithful to me until the end. Runner liked fighting too, but fair fighting, he hated fighting dirty." Grass Field said,

"How about you, Walker, do you like fighting, too?" Peacemaker asked,

"No, I hate fighting, I want to learn about visual arts and architecture." Walker replied, the two mares laugh,

"I guess it is nice to have a change every now and then." Grass Field said, Walker smiles,

"Look at you, all friendly and healthy, I am glad to call you my grandson." Peacemaker said, Walker was happy,

"Time is up, you two have to return." The Judge said, and the two mares hug Walker,

"Have a good life, Walker." Grass Field said,

"Thank you." Walker replied, and the two left, Walker exited the Void and did his homework, he corrected the problems he got wrong, and then went to sleep and trained his body, mind, spirit, and emotions, he had to read Mudbriar's emotions for his emotion test. Walker wakes up the next morning and has breakfast while upset, Runner's and Sprinter's attentions were caught, they close their eyes and reopen them, their visions were dark blue, Walker was light blue, and objects were a regular blue, the two read his emotions and realize he had romantic feelings for Cherry Blossom,

"Walker, you shouldn't have feelings for Cherry Blossom." Runner said,

"Why not?" Walker asked,

"Do you want children when you get older?" Runner asked,

"Yes." Walker replied,

"Then you can't have them with Cherry Blossom, your son's mother has to be an earth pony." Runner said,

"What will happen if I try to have children with Cherry Blossom?" Walker asked,

"Not only will Cherry Blossom lose her life, but the child will be a miscarriage." Runner replied,

"What's a miscarriage?" Walker asked,

"Runner, calm down." Sprinter said, Runner becomes a bit surprised,

"Sorry, Walker, your father got a little worked up." Sprinter said,

"It's okay." Walker replied, and he left to head to school,

"Remember, Runner, Walker's still a foal, he can find his special somepony when he gets older." Sprinter said,

"Yeah, but what if it's a unicorn or a Pegasus? He can't have a son with them." Runner replied,

"Let him grow, my son, he still has his whole life ahead of him." Sprinter said, and the two enter the Void to fight the Anti-Spirit cult. Walker was heading to school,

"There you are." Walker hears Princess Luna say, she lands in front of him,

"Is everything alright? I haven't seen any of your dreams in the dream realm recently." Princess Luna said,

"I've been sleeping without dreaming lately." Walker replied,

"Oh, no wonder why, well, I'm just here to make sure you're okay." Princess Luna said,

"Yeah, just been thinking about that pony in the hospital." Walker replied,

"Oh, I'm sorry that has happened, I have been busy making sure she doesn't get nightmares." Princess Luna said, Walker still felt sad,

"Well, I'm off now, take care." Princess Luna said, and she flew away and Walker went to school. Walker sits in school and was lonely without Cherry Blossom, he still sat and the teacher revealed that Twilight Sparkle and her friends have opened the School of Friendship, which annoyed Walker a bit, he just waits for school to end and he leaves. Walker goes to the nearby hospital and went to Cherry Blossom's room, she was still unconscious with the oxygen mask on her mouth, Walker looks at her and he was sad, he closes his eyes and tears fall down his cheeks, he wipes them away and decides to go see how Sakura and Spring were doing, he sees them grieving outside, it made him sad and he wanted to go comfort them, but he decided now was not the time and he went home to do his homework.

Walker heads home but he sees seven liches appear to take his soul, Walker just makes the big sword he saw from Yomi appear and slashes them and destroys them, ten more appear and Walker grunts loudly while he swings the sword to destroy them. Souls of dead unicorns, Pegasi, and earth ponies appear, Walker sees there were hundreds of them, he becomes shocked and he tries to run away, a unicorn shoots a beam at him and Walker keeps running, he sees the Pegasi souls flying to attack him, he keeps running until Walker hears gunshots and all of the souls changed to flames, Walker sees Runner and Sprinter absorb them,

"Daddy! Grandpa! Behind you!" Walker said, the two turn around and saw more souls of dead ponies arriving, they attack Runner and Sprinter, Walker teleports to them and swings his big sword around to destroy their body forms, he absorbs their souls into himself, they hear snickering and saw Jumper leading them from the back,

"Go, first we kill these three, and then take over Equestria. Celestia is too weak and soft on her enemies to be a ruler, it's time we rule and crush those who were our enemies." Jumper said, and he leads the souls to attack his son, grandson, and great grandson. Walker, Runner, and Sprinter saw they were greatly outnumbered and were going to lose, a light blue beam hits the souls and destroys their body forms, Genghis arrives to help and had his own army of ponies with him,

"I will not allow Equestria to fall to the likes of you." Genghis said, and his army fights Jumper's army. Walker, Runner, and Sprinter joined Genghis' army to help him fight off the souls of the dead that were planning to invade Equestria, they were easy for the most part, Sprinter eventually sees the criminals that served under Jumper when he was alive and fights them, the souls keep fighting while Jumper just stays in the back and relaxes. Equestria begins to suddenly shift around and the souls disappear,

"What the?" Walker asked, a portal opens and Spirit takes them all into the Void. Walker, Runner, Sprinter, Jumper, and Genghis arrive into the Void,

"It's been a while since I've been here, never mind taking over Equestria, take over the Void, and I can rule more worlds." Jumper said, and he disappeared while laughing,

"What happened?" Walker asked, Spirit appears in front of him, Runner, Sprinter, and Genghis,

"Remember when I told you someone in your world had the book on all of Equestria's events?" Spirit asked, Walker nods,

"He has written in the book and changed it, Equestria's history has shifted." Spirit said, shocking Walker and Runner, they look at Equestria and see it has changed, they saw Demonicus, Daylight Dimmer, Starburn, and another unicorn dealing with the threat,

"Who is that?" Walker asked,

"Joker, comedian, he's enemies with the pony who just changed Equestria." Spirit replied,

"Hey, there's someone else there, too." Genghis said, and they saw a black pony in a black cloak with red slanted eyes,

"Where's Jones?" Walker asked, Spirit contacts him telepathically and he comes out of the Yomi portal,

"Who is that?" Walker asked, and Jones looks, he was shocked,

"That's Claudius!" Jones said,

"There you go, Walker, Claudius isn't like the others, for some reason, I am not sensing a soul in him, and I don't know if he can see the souls of the dead as well or not." Spirit said,

"Do you have a job for us, Spirit?" Runner asked,

"Actually, yes, Jumper is in the other three worlds, he is gathering the souls of the dead to come here and take over the Void, I, myself, will be participating in this fight as well." Spirit replied,

"Come on, let's get the harpies, vulcans, and onis together." Sprinter said, and he goes to Yomi, Runner goes to Aerostia, and Walker goes to Chrysaor while Jones and Genghis remained in the Void. Walker arrives into Chrysaor and saw the vulcans doing a play and everybody clapped,

"Excuse me, everyvulcan." Walker said, and they look at him, he saw Diana, Hera, Athena, and Echidna within the crowd,

"What is it?" Elder Hephaestus asked,

"The person who is creating the Possessed is named Jumper, he is my paternal great grandpa, he is going to raise an army of dead souls to attack and try to take over the Void. Spirit and my family need you guys' help to stop him." Walker replied, the vulcans stand up and were ready,

"We'll help, your family and Jones have cleansed our world of the Possessed, and for that, you have our gratitude, it's time we help you." Elder Hephaestus said, Walker was elated,

"This way, follow me." Walker said, and he opens a portal to the Void and he and the vulcans enter. Walker arrives into the Void at the same time as Runner, who arrived with the harpies, and Sprinter, who arrived with the onis, they were surprised to see one another,

"Wow, you three really do have a lot of allies." Alexia said,

"Hello again, Walker." Adetokunbo said, Walker smiled at him,

"Do I recognize you?" Champion Lucius asked as he looked at Genghis,

"Name's Genghis, I am a conqueror from Equestria." Genghis replied,

"Interesting, perhaps Equestria will not be enough for you." Champion Lucius said,

"There are more lands than just Equestria in our home." Genghis replied,

"Hey, is that Equestria right there?" Diana asked, and the harpies, vulcans, and onis look and see Demonicus, Daylight Dimmer, Starburn, and Joker fighting Tirek,

"Yeah, someone got a hold of the book from this realm and changed our world's history." Walker replied,

"Now's not the time, we have to rally together to stand a chance against Jumper." Sprinter said, and they do, the harpies were going to act on their own, Elder Hephaestus was going to lead the vulcans, and Champion Lucius was going to lead the onis,

"Say, Elder Hephaestus, how did your family become the elders?" Walker asked,

"By being the most intelligent and wise of the vulcans, we value intelligence over all things." Elder Hephaestus said, Walker took note of it in his head. Spirit appeared in front of them and floated in midair,

"Good, you all are here, Jumper will be arriving soon, I have people here to help us fight him." Spirit said, and everybody saw the Senses, Optimist, Aggressive, and The Judge have arrived to help,

"You fight, Taste?" Walker asked,

"Yes, me and the other four use razor floss as weapons." Taste replied,

"I am ready to fight, bring me the enemies so I can crush them!" Aggressive said, the onis laugh a little,

"Together, we can make a difference." Optimist said, Spirit senses Jumper,

"They're about to appear, get ready." Spirit said, and they do, Spirit makes the harpies', vulcans', and onis' weapons spiritual in nature so they can fight the souls. Jumper appears with his army of souls and they go to attack Spirit, everybody begins fighting and Spirit was taking control of the souls from Jumper's army and he shot dark blue flames out of his fingers and thumbs that destroyed every soul on impact, he also teleported around and destroyed the body forms of souls by just touching them, everybody saw it was just more pony souls for now. The souls of harpies, vulcans, and onis appear, they fight and the harpies were disgusted by how the onis fought, the vulcans fight the oni souls since their armor can defend them against their weapons, the onis fought the harpy souls since there was many of them, and the harpies fought the vulcan souls since their boomerangs can cut through their armor easily. Elder Hephaestus punches the souls while he had a yellow magic aura on his fists, he holds his arms out and releases a blast that destroys the bodies of the souls, Alexia, Adetokunbo, and the other harpies threw the boomerangs to destroy bodies of the souls. Jones was cleansing any harpy or vulcan that got possessed, he stood back since he could not harm the dead. Genghis used his hoof combat skills and magic with his horn to hit several dead souls, and Walker, Runner, and Sprinter absorbed the souls.

Aggressive was screaming with rage and doing many punches and destroyed many bodies of the souls, Optimist swung a sword around in her right hand and was having fun. The Senses teleport around and release light blue razor flosses from their fingers and thumbs of Sight’s right hand and Touch’s left hand, they cut the bodies of the souls and they become flames, which Walker, Runner, Sprinter, and Spirit absorbed while they fought. The Judge uses his sword and he slashes the souls and destroys their body forms. More souls appear again and two orange fireballs come from behind Walker and the others, they look and see War and Wrath have joined the fight, they shoot fireballs at the enemies. Champion Lucius held back his powers and only did punches since the souls were really weak to him, he smiled since he was having fun fighting.

Jumper teleports to Walker and Runner, he grabs them and teleports away while Sprinter sees him,

"Go after him, Sprinter, we'll hold off the souls." Spirit said, the others agree and Sprinter teleports to find Jumper. Sprinter teleports around the Void and sees Jumper holding onto Walker and Runner, he eventually teleports into Equestria and Sprinter follows him, he arrives at his current home and Jumper was waiting for him,

"This is where you live now? I am disappointed with you, you have raised my grandson and great grandson to be weaklings." Jumper said,

"Weaklings?!" Walker asked,

"Yes, you and Runner are too weak physically and mentally, I knew I should've killed you when you were born, Sprinter." Jumper said,

"Your mistake, Jumper." Sprinter replied,

"I do have to thank you for killing me, though, through death, I have become more powerful than ever, Equestria is mine for the taking, Princess Celestia is going to be in for the shock of her life when I overthrow her, there is nothing she can do against me, because she cannot see, hear, touch, or harm what is already dead, her magic doesn't work against the souls of the dead, either." Jumper said, Sprinter summons a sword and pistol,

"You'll have to kill me and absorb my soul first." Sprinter replied, Jumper smiled sadistically,

"Good, I was hoping you'd say that, I've waited long to kill you myself after seeing what your son and grandson have grown up to be." Jumper said,

"I like fighting, just honorably and fairly." Runner said,

"Honor and fairness is a fool's prize, it's always win by any means necessary, and the ends justify the means." Jumper replied,

"I don't wanna fight, I want to learn visual arts and architecture." Walker said,

"See, you're wasting your potential, wanting to learn visual arts when you should be learning the art of killing." Jumper replied, Walker becomes shocked,

"Why did you send Cherry Blossom to the hospital?" Walker asked,

"Because she was making you soft, making you weak, so she had to die." Jumper replied, much to Walker's horror,

"Do you think friendship is magic, great grandpa?" Walker asked,

"No, friendship is not magic, friendship is just what you say when you're on somebody's good side." Jumper replied,

"I never believed friendship was magic, either." Runner said,

"Neither did I." Sprinter replied, and he gets ready to fight Jumper,

"Nor do I believe in forgiveness, I always believed in revenge, and still do." Sprinter said, and Jumper gets ready to fight him.

Jumper's eyes glow light blue and he possesses Walker and Runner and makes a shield appear around himself, Walker and Runner summon swords and go to attack Sprinter, who summons a pistol and fires at them, but they teleport to the sides and dodge it, the two run to Sprinter from his sides to attack, Sprinter was about to fire again, but Jumper appears behind Sprinter and attacks him, he grunts and falls, he got back up and sees Runner was about to attack him from his left, he gets ready to defend himself but Jumper appears in Sprinter's right blind spot and punches him in his mouth with his front right hoof, Sprinter grunts and stumbles and Runner slashes Sprinter with the sword in his front right hoof, hitting Sprinter to the left side of his neck, Sprinter sees Walker coming to him and was about slash Sprinter across his abdomen with both of his swords, Sprinter was about to catch them with his front hoofs but Jumper appears in Sprinter's left blind spot and punches him in his mouth with his front left hoof, it makes him stumble and Walker slashes Sprinter's abdomen.

Sprinter realizes Jumper's strategy, it is the exact same strategy the onis use in battle, and Sprinter uses it as well, he waits for Walker and Runner to try to attack him, he gets ready to block their attacks with his front legs, Jumper appears behind him and was about to buck him, but Sprinter teleports onto Jumper's back and after making a long cable appear in his front hoofs, he wraps it around Jumper's neck and begins to strangle him, but Jumper teleports away and raises his front hoofs to summon pony souls to help him fight,

"Lazy as always." Sprinter said, and he changes the cable to a big sword the red onis use and he does one horizontal swing and destroys all ten souls, he sees he hit Walker and Runner in the process. Jumper summons chain whips and begins swinging them around, Sprinter watches for an opening and kept an eye on Walker and Runner since they were coming after him,

"You will never beat me." Jumper said, Sprinter shakes his head since he has beaten him before, Walker and Runner come to him and Sprinter changes his big sword to knives and teleports onto the two, Jumper swings his two chain whips forward in an attempt to ensnare Sprinter, but Sprinter hears them and teleports away while holding Walker and Runner, he cuts open the upper spines of Walker and Runner, he shoots dark blue and orange flames into the cuts and the two gasp, they regain control of themselves, Sprinter shot more fire out than usual to increase their chances of breaking free from Jumper's control.

Jumper tries to use his powers to possess Walker and Runner again, but they use their willpowers to resist him, and he could not possess them, Sprinter makes one knife disappear and changes the other to a big sword, Runner summons a sabre in his front right hoof, and Walker summons a sword and a pistol. Jumper slams his front hoofs onto the ground and four light blue round heads appear to attack the three, they make dark blue flames appear around them and they spin counterclockwise, the heads were destroyed, Jumper shoots out a stream of dark blue and orange fire at Sprinter, but he runs and jumps over it, he teleports to in front of Jumper and burns him, he grunts and teleports back, only for Walker to be behind him and burn him more, he teleports away and Runner appeared in front of him, burning him as well. Jumper floats in midair and spins counterclockwise, he lets out a grunt and changes to his alicorn-like form, Walker, Runner, and Sprinter change into theirs as well. The dark blue flames around them disappear and they teleport to Jumper, Walker appeared in Jumper's left blind spot, Runner was in his right blind spot, and Sprinter was behind him, the three attack him at once with the swords in their front right hoofs and Jumper was constantly stunned, he runs out of spiritual energy and could not get up, Walker, Runner, and Sprinter change back a few seconds later, Sprinter teleported and appears between Walker and Runner,

"I thought you didn't like fighting dirty, daddy." Walker said,

"I make exceptions sometimes." Runner replied, Jumper pants heavily while he looks at the three,

"You three are still disgraces to the family, Sprinter, using his powers to help instead of ruling, Runner, who likes to be fair and honorable, even when it is a fool's prize, and Walker, does not wish to fight and wishes to learn visual arts instead, you are the biggest disgrace out of all three of you." Jumper said, the three listen to him rant,

"Walker, you still believe in friendship right, will you forgive me?" Jumper asked, Walker was persuaded and walks to him, Runner sees Jumper had a dagger in his front left hoof, he realizes Jumper was going to stab Walker in the back of his neck and kill him if he forgives him and offers him his friendship, he was about to warn Walker, but Sprinter touches his left shoulder with his front right hoof and shakes his head, Runner watches with worry.

Walker goes to Jumper and was about to forgive Jumper and offer him his friendship, but he has flashbacks on the times he has done it, the harpies saw it as confusing and only became friends with him because he was an honorable and fair fighter, the vulcans and onis got mad at him, the vulcans saw it as an act of stupidity, and the onis saw it as an act of cowardice that brings shame and disgrace to one's name. Jumper holds his front right hoof out and Walker looks at it, he was about to grab his hoof with his front right hoof, but Walker makes a sabre appear in his front left hoof and stabs it into the right side of Jumper's neck and destroys his soul's body form, Runner and Sprinter smile while Sprinter absorbs Jumper's soul, but Walker just stood there,

"I... just killed... a member of my family." Walker said with deep regret in his voice, his father and paternal grandfather go to him,

"It's okay, Walker, you did what had to be done." Runner said,

"But still, I feel bad." Walker replied,

"I know it's hard, Walker, but you had to do it for the safety of Equestria, Aerostia, Chrysaor, and Yomi. Come on, The Judge is waiting for his soul." Sprinter said, and they go to the Void. Walker, Runner, Sprinter, Jones, Genghis, the harpies, the vulcans, and the onis stood together to watch Jumper's judgement,

"Male, Equestria." The Judge said,

"He desired to rule the entire land." Lust said, the black scale weighs down,

"He had others do his dirty work." Sloth said, the black scale goes down more,

"He was physically and verbally abusive to Sprinter." Wrath said, the black scale goes down even more,

"This soul is to receive damnation." The Judge said, and he hits the gavel with the demonic side of his hammer, a portal opens to his left and Jumper's soul goes into it and the portal closes, Spirit appears in front of them,

"Equestria has changed back to normal, one of you should go see Joker and tell him about the book, and tell him to keep it protected at all costs, since Equestria will be erased from existence if that book is destroyed." Spirit said,

"I'll go." Walker replied, and he opens a portal with his mind and goes to Equestria. Walker arrives and was in front of Demonicus, Daylight Dimmer, Starburn, Joker, and Claudius,

"That book is not from this realm." Walker said,

"Wait, I remember reading about you in the book, you're Walker, you're in another realm." Joker said,

"Yeah, the realm I'm traveling in is called the Void, that book is from that realm." Walker replied,

"I see, so he's the creator of the book, I'd figured it'd be him who created it." Claudius said, and he disappeared completely,

"Are you here to take the book back?" Demonicus asked,

"No, I'm just here to let Joker know that the book must be protected, if that book is destroyed, then this world will be erased from existence." Walker replied,

"I will." Joker said,

"And Walker, can you tell Spirit I said hi?" Demonicus asked,

"Sure thing, I'll be going now, I have my own journey to go on, till we meet again." Walker replied, and he went back into the portal and it closed. Walker arrives back into the Void and saw everybody was gone,

"Spirit, Demonicus says hi." Walker said,

"I heard him, your father and grandfather are in Aerostia now, they're celebrating, you should go, too." Spirit replied telepathically, and Walker did. The harpies have fun and celebrate, they eat meat and seeds and drink water, everybody partied while Runner and Sprinter just sat together, and Walker was dancing with the other harpies, Jones was studying more harpy culture, and Genghis was teaching the harpies war tactics, Sprinter and Alexia sat together and they kissed, much to Runner's annoyance, the harpies dance and Adetokunbo taught Genghis how to use the boomerangs, the ponies had fun after a while but then left and went to Chrysaor. The vulcans enjoy doing a play and were playing music, the vulcans were also making statues of Walker, Runner, Sprinter, and Jones, Sprinter was hanging out with Diana, Hera, Athena, and Echidna, Walker and Runner saw they were making up and were on good terms now, Sprinter also apologized about breaking their hearts, which made Walker and Runner smile. Elder Hephaestus went to go see Walker and taught him how the vulcans made their paint, Walker painted with it and enjoyed it, he also saw the vulcans ate plants, and ate the meat of the dead native fauna, which made him sick to the stomach, but he continued painting and had fun, the ponies leave after a while and went to Yomi. The onis were celebrating by fighting and having fun, the female onis had fun as well, and the kids play fought, Runner and Sprinter enjoyed it, while Walker and Jones did not, and Genghis got along with Champion Lucius,

"Come now, everybody, it is time for the ceremony for these five foreigners." Champion Lucius said,

"Don't take what he says seriously." Sprinter said, and he stood in the center, with Runner and Genghis to his right, and Walker and Jones to his left,

"We are here to honor these five foreigners from Equestria for their brave acts in battle and helping us fight the Possessed and Anti-Spirit cult, these five will go down in our history as heroes. Walker, the fiery tank of rage, you are the fire that lights up any battle, your flames of rage shall go across the battlefield and burn your enemies." Champion Lucius said, Walker looks at him with disbelief,

"Runner, the lightning of pain, your speed and skills shall bring pain to those you fight, may your hits be swift and deadly. Sprinter, the cold soul reaper of hate, your emotionless personality and desire to win by any means necessary shall freeze your enemies on the battlefield with fear, and grant you the spoils of many victories and the deaths of your enemies, you are hatred incarnate. Jones, the explorer of destruction, you have destroyed the Possessed with your magic, and is always discovering new places, may your magic bring the downfall of all Possessed and evil places. And Genghis, the conqueror from the shadows and bringer of death, your desire to rule other lands from the shadows shall catch your enemies by surprise, and you shall kill all who oppose you, may your conquest bring death to all of your enemies. These five are the foreign heroes of Yomi, may they feast upon the blood of their enemies." Champion Lucius said, Walker was in disbelief while the other four were just stoic and accepted it,

"Don't take it personally, Walker, it's just a title that is appropriate for their culture, come on, let's have fun." Sprinter said, and they do, Walker was not having fun in Yomi, he did not like the sight of lava and blood flowing instead of water, along with the dead onis on the nooses,

"Why are there onis hanging from the ceiling for?" Walker asked,

"It is to scare whoever tries to fight us." a female blue oni said, and they go, Walker and Jones went to Chrysaor while Runner went to Aerostia, Sprinter and Genghis stayed in Yomi and they all have fun until it was bedtime, Jones stays in the Void while the other four go back to Equestria when it was dark and they sleep, Walker, Runner, and Sprinter had their dreams invaded by Shadows, they fought them off and Sprinter absorbed their souls and gave it to The Judge, the three sleep peacefully for the rest of the night.

Walker wakes up the next morning and he hears the ponies talking about how Twilight Sparkle and her friends saved Equestria from the Storm King, which angered Walker, but he suppressed it,

"We got a gift to make up for your birthday, Walker." Runner said, and he and Sprinter bring him painting supplies, he was elated,

"Thank you, daddy and grandpa, it was worth the wait." Walker said,

"We also got some pictures of landscapes for you to practice painting." Sprinter said, and they give them to him. Walker decides to paint before he goes to school and made one landscape of the sea, but it was sloppy,

"Help." a female pony said behind Walker, he looks and saw a soul of a female Pegasus,

"Please, my name is Eurydice, I need your help, hear me out." the soul said, and Walker learns about her marriage of Gogh, how an alternate self of him came into their world through a painting, and how he and Gogh's love rival, Narcissus, killed her and vanished, and Shining Armor and Princess Cadence were looking for them, Walker was very sympathetic,

"I'll see what I can do." Walker said,

"Thank you, I can't pass to the afterlife until those two are caught." Eurydice replied, and she disappears, Walker painted every landscape Runner and Sprinter brought, he looks and sees alternate worlds of Equestria in the paintings, he paints an airship and looks, he saw Alternate Gogh and Narcissus,

"Wait, so the two are in a world accompanied by airships?" Doctor Whooves asked,

"Yes, there seems to be no land." Walker replied,

"Okay, I'll inform Prince Shining Armor and Princess Cadence later. Continue." Doctor Whooves said, and Walker did.

Walker saw he had nothing to paint, so he finished and went to school. Walker was at the school and saw Cherry Blossom was still not back, which saddened him, he saw the fillies were still nearly crying with Cherry Blossom still not back, while the colts were sad but did not cry, Walker's teacher was on the verge of tears while she taught as well, PE comes and Walker just does it, he hears the foals constantly talk about how Twilight Sparkle and her friends saved Equestria and the other lands from the Storm King, which angered him, he hears about it at lunchtime and when it was time to go home, the talk of the Storm King annoyed Walker to no end, he arrived home and tried to have supper, but the constant talk of the Storm King and Twilight Sparkle and her friends being heroes beyond Equestria made him mad, he grunts when he pushes his supper and his plate onto the floor with his front left hoof,

"What is the matter, Walker?" Runner asked,

"It's the people here! They're talking Storm King this, Storm King that!" Walker said,

"Well, Twilight Sparkle did save Equestria from being conquered by him." Sprinter said,

"I get that, what about us?! What about us stopping Equestria from being conquered by the souls of the dead?!" Walker asked angrily,

"Your point?" Sprinter asked,

"Why aren't we getting the same respect and rewards as they are?!" Walker asked angrily,

"Walker, remember, the magic in each world is different from one another, the ponies and other creatures of this world cannot see, hear, feel, or sense the souls of the dead." Runner replied,

"So what?! I'd like a thank you and some rewards at least, we even saved Princess Celestia from being overthrown!" Walker said angrily,

"Walker, you are on the verge of committing the sins of lust and wrath." Sprinter replied,

"I don't care! I had to kill a member of my family to..." Walker said, he stopped being angry and was in deep discomfort when he realized he had to attack a member of his family, Runner and Sprinter realize destroying Jumper's body form of his soul still weighed heavily on him, the three were contacted telepathically,

"I see he's still uncomfortable, I'll have him see the pony who came to the Void through his experiments long ago talk with him, you should send him to Ponyville tomorrow." Spirit said telepathically,

"You should go rest, Walker." Runner said, and he went to bed while crying at the fact he had to destroy Jumper's body form, even though it was just his soul, Walker still felt like he has killed his own great grandfather, and cried until he slept while Runner and Sprinter comforted him, Walker was in the Void for his dream that night, but did not do any training, he just sat there and cried. The next day comes and Runner tells Walker's teacher that he was sick that day and could not attend school,

"Ponyville's that way, you'll be seeing an earth pony named Doctor Whooves, he's a therapist, Spirit should have already sent you his appearance and address into your mind earlier, we'll be waiting for you, grandson." Sprinter said, and Walker teleports to Ponyville and appeared in Doctor Whooves' office.

Doctor Whooves sat across from Walker and finished listening to his tale,

"Wow, sounds like you had quite the adventure." Doctor Whooves said,

"I did." Walker replied,

"Does fighting Jumper still bother you." Doctor Whooves asked, Walker nods,

"Yes, it does." Walker replied, he then asks "How about you, Doctor Whooves, how did you find the Void?"

"I was doing one of my experiments to find worlds I've been to in my past, and I found the Void by mistake, I met Spirit, The Judge, the Senses, the Virtues, the Sins, Diplomat, War, Passive, Aggressive, Optimist, Pessimist, and the representations of my body, mind, spirit, and emotions there, I know all of them." Doctor Whooves replied, Walker was surprised,

"Would you like to explore Ponyville?" Doctor Whooves asked,

"No, I already took up a lot of time talking about my experiences." Walker replied,

"Well, in that case, come with me, Spirit wants me to take you somewhere." Doctor Whooves said, and he uses one of his devices to open a light blue and white portal and the two go in it.

Doctor Whooves and Walker arrive at the area and Walker recognized the place, it was the cave Demonicus, Daylight Dimmer, and Starburn lived in,

"Stand there, Walker." Doctor Whooves said, and he walks forward and turns around, Walker looks around and saw Runner, Sprinter, Jones, Genghis, Demonicus, Daylight Dimmer, Starburn, Sight, Hear, Touch, Smell, Taste, Humility, Pride, Kindness, Envy, Charity, Greed, Temperance, Gluttony, Diligence, Sloth, Chastity, Lust, Patience, Wrath, The Judge, Optimist, Pessimist, Passive, Aggressive, Diplomat, War, Body Walker, Body Runner, Body Sprinter, Mind Walker, Mind Runner, Mind Sprinter, Spirit Walker, Spirit Runner, Spirit Sprinter, Emotion Walker, Emotion Runner, Emotion Sprinter, Alexia, Adetokunbo, Elder Hephaestus, Diana, Hera, Athena, Echidna, Champion Lucius, and all of the harpies, vulcans, and onis,

"Why are all of you here for?" Walker asked,

"It was a request from Spirit, we called them here." Sprinter said,

"What's going on?" Walker asked, he sees dark blue flames appear in front of him and he saw Spirit has changed to the physical form of Walker,

"You have grown and learned new moves throughout your travels, Walker, now a retest of your first test, you have defeated many, it is now time for you to defeat yourself." Spirit said,

"I'm sick of all of the fighting, Spirit." Walker said,

"Then win, this is your last fight, Walker." Spirit replied, and the two get ready while the people present watch. Walker summons his sword and pistol and fires at Spirit, but he teleports and dodges the bullets, so Walker changes his pistol to a rifle and does a scattershot with it, Spirit just teleported around and dodged them as well. Walker realized long ranged weapons were not going to help him much against Spirit, so he changes his rifle to a second sword and teleports to him, Walker tries slashing Spirit, but he made two of his own swords appear in his front hoofs and hits Walker's swords with them, Spirit jumps and has the sword in his front right hoof slide on the sword in Walker's front left hoof and stabs Walker in his front left bicep, he grunts loudly, Spirit was about to slash Walker with his other sword, but Walker holds his front right hoof up and blocks it with the sword, Spirit teleports back and makes the black skeletal arm and hand come out of his front left hoof, it grabs Walker and pulls him forward, Walker changes the sword in his front right hoof to the mace-whip hybrid weapon from Yomi and swings it down, the whip part comes out and was about to hit Spirit, but he changes the sword in his front right hoof to a sabre and cuts the weapon apart, Walker was about to land in front of Spirit, but he teleports onto Spirit and wraps his front hoofs around his neck to choke him.

Spirit jumps and lands on his back, smashing Walker into the ground, he grunted loudly and Spirit jumped in the air again and was about to land on Walker's chest with his hind hoofs, but Walker stands up and jumps, he does a counterclockwise spin kick with his hind hoofs, he hits Spirit and he begins to fly away, but Spirit does a back flip while in midair and his hind hoofs land on the wall, Spirit then does a somersault and opens his body to kick Walker with his hind hoofs, but Walker changes the sword in his front left hoof to a pistol and shoots him, Spirit was hit in the chin and he falls, Walker was happy, but Spirit gets back up and Walker sees him disappear. Walker looks around and closes his eyes, his vision becomes dark blue, the people watching were light blue, and the objects nearby were a regular blue, he sensed the emotions of the people and saw they wanted him to win, he looks for Spirit and could not find him, Spirit appears behind Walker and cuts his back with a sabre in his front right hoof, Walker grunts and turns around, Spirit was gone, he appears in his left blind spot and cuts his neck, Walker faces him and he was gone again, Spirit reappears in his right blind spot and cuts his neck again, Walker realizes what Spirit's strategy was, he remains calm and waits for Spirit to appear while making two katanas appear. Spirit appears in his right blind spot and Walker blocks the sabre with the katana, Spirit teleports into Walker's left blind spot and he blocks Spirit's sabre with his other katana, Spirit then teleports to behind Walker, he quickly turns around and changes his two katanas to a big sword and blocks Spirit's attack again.

Spirit teleports away and holds his front legs up and the souls of four earth ponies appear to help him fight Walker, Walker presses his front hoofs onto the ground and four light blue round heads come out of the ground and they attack the souls of the earth ponies and they destroy one another's body forms, Spirit teleports around and fires bullets from two pistols, Walker changes his big sword to two pistols and aims them, he could not get a good shot of Spirit, so he changes them to two bladed boomerangs, he throws them and they home on Spirit, he teleports around when the bladed boomerangs were going to hit him, he keeps teleporting and was eventually above Walker, he saw the bladed boomerangs were going to hit him, so he teleported farther back so the boomerangs could hit Spirit. Spirit catches the boomerangs in his front hoofs and he turns around and throws them at Walker, he catches them in his front hoofs. Walker sees Spirit land and he runs towards him, Spirit summons a big sledgehammer and proceeds to smash Walker, but he teleports forward while changing the boomerang in his front right hoof to a sabre and tries to slash Spirit, but goes through him, Walker turns around and sees Spirit has changed to his soul form, so Walker changes to his soul form.

Spirit changes the sledgehammer and had a sword in his front right hoof, Walker changes his sabre to a sword and the boomerang in his front left hoof to a pistol, the two begin clashing with their swords, the two enter a deadlock with their swords, Spirit makes the black skeletal hand come out of his front left hoof, he grabs Walker's right hind leg and pulls him forward and he falls, but Walker keeps his sword up and intercepted Spirit's slashes, Spirit's changes back to his body form and so did Walker, he also changed his vision back to normal. Walker teleports and attacks Spirit as much as he could to replenish his spiritual energy, but Spirit blocked every attack with his sword, so Walker teleports around and slashes Spirit at his blind spots and behind him, he also slashed his back from above, and his abdomen from below, Spirit eventually begins intercepting Walker's attacks with his sword and summons a pistol in his front left hoof and shoots Walker every time he blocked one of his attacks. Walker was shot back by a pistol bullet, he was about to fall, but he lands on his hoofs, Spirit makes the dark blue flames spin counterclockwise around him and he runs to Walker, Walker changes his sword and pistol to the sledgehammer and hits Spirit with it, but Spirit holds the sledgehammer up and was unharmed, Walker shoots a dark blue and orange stream of fire out of his front left hoof and it goes through Spirit's spinning fire, it burns him, but he was still able to fight.

Spirit's spinning fire disappears and he teleports to Walker with a sword in his front right hoof and a pistol in his front left hoof, Walker changes his sledgehammer to the same two weapons and the two begin clashing with their swords once again, they hit one another's sword and were intercepting one another, the two enter a deadlock again and Spirit shoots Walker with his pistol, but he did not relent and continued to be in a deadlock, he teleports to behind Spirit and tries to slash the back of his neck, but Spirit holds his front right hoof behind his head and blocks Walker's attack, he teleports to above Walker and kicks him down his hind hoofs, Walker grunts as he hit the ground and put a small crater in it. Walker gets back up and teleports away in case Spirit tried to do anything, he looks back and sees Spirit place his front right hoof on the ground and summons four light blue round heads, they go to Walker to attack him, but Walker jumps and kicks one with his hind right hoof, it disappears and Walker does a back flip and kicks the one behind him with his hind left hoof and destroys it, he begins to fall and he does a counterclockwise kick with both of his hind hoofs and hits the remaining two round heads, he lands on the ground shortly afterwards. Walker teleports to Spirit and tries to slash him, but Spirit teleports to behind him and grabs Walker by his abdomen with his front hoofs, and bends his back and does a suplex on Walker, he screamed for a short time and panted heavily since it really hurt.

Walker teleports away and he could still stand, he pants heavily and sees Spirit was a really tough opponent, he spins counterclockwise in midair and lets out a grunt, he changes to his alicorn-like form and lands on his feet, Spirit covers his face with his front right leg and changes to the alicorn-like form as well. Walker and Spirit swing the swords in their front right hoofs around and attack one another, the two ignore the pain they receive from one another, they change back to normal after several seconds and Spirit begins attacking Walker with his bare hoofs. Walker blocks and parries all of Spirit's hoof attacks with his front hoofs, Spirit stomps onto Walker's hind left hoof with his hind right hoof and Walker almost stumbled but stood his ground, even though it really hurt. Walker begins to use the hoof-to-hoof combat training Genghis taught him and Spirit mimicked him perfectly, they block and parry one another's attacks and they eventually press their front hoofs against one another, Walker lifts his lower body up and kicks Spirit in his chest with his hind hoofs, it knocks him back and Walker summons his pistol in his front left hoof and fires it at Spirit's head, but he teleports forward with the sword in his front right hoof, he was about to swing it down, but Walker makes his sword reappear in his front right hoof and the two begin clashing with one another's swords once again, they hit one another's swords ten times and enter a deadlock, Walker hits Spirit's front hoofs to his left side with a firm push from his front right hoof, the force also caused Walker do a clockwise spin, Walker finishes spinning in a full circle and uses the sword to slash Spirit's throat, Spirit moves back and changes back to his regular form with no wounds on him.

Walker pants heavily and he sees Runner, Sprinter, The Judge, the Senses, Optimist, Pessimist, Passive, and Aggressive were smiling, Spirit smiled and chuckled,

"Congratulations, Walker, you went beyond just proving you know how to defeat yourself, you know how to kill yourself, you have beyond passed the test." Spirit said, everybody present claps and smiles except for Diplomat and War, Alexia flew to him and hugged him,

"Congratulations, Walker." Alexia said, Walker smiled,

"Master, what should we do with Cozy Glow?" Daylight Dimmer asked,

"I will admit, this Cozy Glow intrigues me, I have never seen a pony who views friendship as power, that would mean animosity is power as well." Demonicus replied,

"Did you two fail this test, daddy and grandpa?" Walker asked,

"Nope, I passed my first time." Runner replied,

"I did, too." Sprinter said, Walker felt bad,

"Well, you have passed, and you have grown, go on and rest, Walker, you earned it." Spirit said, and everybody left when Sprinter opened a portal to the Void, with Aggressive carrying Diplomat and War,

"Have you been alright, Jones?" Doctor Whooves asked,

"Yes, it's good to see you again, Spirit is keeping me protected in the Void." Jones replied, Doctor Whooves smiles,

"Come on, Walker, let's go home." Runner said, and he does, Walker, Runner, and Sprinter went to sleep for the rest of the day. Walker dreams and he was in the Void, he was in Spirit's throne room,

"Well, Walker, if you wish, you can continue fighting the souls of the dead and bringing them here, liches and Shadows will still appear to attack you every now and then, and now that Jumper is gone, the Possessed and Undead will not be as common anymore, you may run into a few Revived in the future as well." Spirit said,

"Actually, Spirit, I want to go to the other worlds." Walker replied, Spirit was surprised,

"You... want to see all of the worlds?" Spirit asked,

"Yeah, I wanna meet new people and learn their cultures, I love traveling the Void and going to new worlds, and I want to use their landscapes and architecture as inspiration for my paintings." Walker replied happily,

"Okay, I'll open the portals to all of the other worlds for you, then, you are the very first one in your family that has wanted to do such a thing." Spirit said,

"Not now, I need a break from traveling, Spirit, I'll let you know when I'm ready." Walker replied, Spirit smiled while scoffing,

"Very well, I'll be waiting for you." Spirit said, and Walker woke up the next morning and just went on with his day and made up the work he missed from school yesterday. Walker went to go see Cherry Blossom in her hospital room and saw she was still unconscious, he saw she had a very strong heartbeat and was going to be fine, he smiled and went home. A week passes and Walker was home from school and painting, knocking was heard at the door and Walker saw Runner answer it, he saw Sakura and Spring, they were smiling, they converse and leave and Runner closes the door, he goes to Walker,

"Good news, Walker, Cherry Blossom has made a full recovery, she's well and just got out of the hospital, she's outside right now." Runner said,

"Cherry Blossom?" Walker asked with surprise, and he ran outside. Walker ran outside and looked around,

"Walker!" Cherry Blossom said, he looks to his left and saw her running to him, she hugs him tightly,

"Oh, I missed you so much." Cherry Blossom said,

"I missed you, too." Walker replied,

"Come on, take me to your home, I wanna learn what has happened while I was unconscious." Cherry Blossom said, and they enter Walker's home, she sees him painting and was excited to see it, she thought his paintings were beautiful, Walker talks about what has happened, but leaves out the Void, going to the other worlds, the souls of the dead, and Jones and Genghis since he knows she will not believe him, he also lies about seeing Doctor Whooves to help him cope with her being in the hospital and unresponsive, Cherry Blossom hugs him,

"This whole time, you have cared about me, thank you, Walker." Cherry Blossom said,

"Want to watch me paint?" Walker asked,

"Sure." Cherry Blossom replied, and Walker paints his next picture, he has fun with Cherry Blossom until it was time for her to go home, Walker still went to go see Jones, Genghis, the harpies, the vulcans, and the onis in his free time to see how they have been, Walker thought his life was now perfect, he paints more with Runner, Sprinter, and Cherry Blossom supporting him, he begins to improve and was taking a break from traveling, and was going to travel across the Void once again when he was ready.