• Published 15th Feb 2018
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Dadonequus Discord, But It's The MLP Movie (And still doesn't have Discord) - CrazedLaughter

The "Hero Colt" Anon finds himself within the events of the MLP movie and tries to win the day in his own way. Of course, like everything else he does, this doesn't go at all like he plans

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Chapter 9: The Reformation of Tempest Shadow

Tempest’s entire body went numb on the horrifying realization that she never made any plans after regaining her horn. “I...u-uhm..I” Was all she was able to say, over and over, as she desperately thought of a plan. She went back into her own thoughts to even try to remember why she so badly wanted her horn back in the first place. She lost her friends, and everyone was afraid of her. She wanted the horn back as a child to regain her friendship and to be accepted again. Her parents still cared about her of course, but the other children? They no longer saw her as one of them. And then she secluded herself, her desire to get her horn back warping into a perverse want to be whole again for no other reason but to be whole. Every day, every week, and every moon her resolve would become darker and her methods more cruel until her true reasons faded. She trained her body, her mind, and honed her mettle until she became the Tempest she was today. Her allegiance to the Storm King was only to get her horn back. But now she had it, and it didn’t matter anymore as she came to a dark conclusion.

She pulled away from you as she looked into your eyes with a devastated melancholy “I-It doesn’t matter…”

“Tempest? What’s the matter?” You ask as if you were ignorant of the situation. But you knew, you just knew what was truly up.

“Back off!” She stepped away from you to the edge of the table. “It doesn’t matter! I just wanted my horn back to...to..ngh...I JUST WANTED EVERYTHING TO GO BACK TO THE WAY THINGS WERE” She shouted in frightened rage as her eyes flowed evermore with more tears.. She was panting, breathing hard from the mental toll her realization has caused her. “They can never go back, I-I can never go back. I just wanted my friends back.” She suddenly gives up and collapses, balling up as she shivers and cries. “But even with my horn back. Everyone hates me, everyone is still afraid of me. I’m a monster…” She stops for a moment, until she speaks in a low whine “My parents..wherever they are. They are going to suffer because of me. They didn’t do anything wrong...B-but when the Storm King takes over….ngh” And that was all she could say before crying and wailing in her own despair.

“Tempest…” Ouch, you didn’t know it’d hurt this bad to see her this way. You thought you could remain strong but, damn, a crying filly as cute as she is just pierces the damn soul when it comes to sadness. “It’s not too late. And besides. To me? You’re not a monster, things just happened and some bad choices were made, that’s all.”

But she didn’t respond.

You look over to Capper, who seemed to be waiting on you to do something. You call him over, and start whispering in his ear “What do we do now?”

“Well, I’m just gonna assume we are trying to get her on our side, right?” Capper asks

“I just want her to know she has friends, and can have more friends. I mean, yeah, I want her to join us. But just look at her, man. She’s really hurting, we gotta do something. She isn’t responding. Any ideas?”

Capper rubs under his chin, then smirks as he begins to slide over to her “Just one, and it’s called just being smooth”

Smooth, huh? Well, your words weren’t exactly the best in the first place. You had an ace in the hole for the situation, but you couldn’t use it without Tempest’s attention. So you just observed.

“Hey there little filly, what’s got you down?” Capper leans over the table while looking at the crying filly. But he is met with no reply. “Well, mm mm mm. That ain’t good. How will I ever get this filly to cheer up?” He said as he stood back up and paced back and forth, in false thought. Then he snaps his fingers suddenly as he comes up with an idea “Ah! I got it! It’s so simple!” He reaches into his coat and pulls out a small cloth, he then looks over Tempest and sees an opening to her face. He slowly reaches down and gently wipes away her tears with the cloth “Now now, come on, no one wants to see that.”

That seems to get her attention enough for her to weakly whap away the cloth. Her senses slightly come back to her as her whining slowly calms enough for her to look up at Capper with a hurt look and a sniff of her nose. “...I...I deserve to be mocked. To be hated, for everything I’ve done. So just do it, throw me off the ship while you’re at it…”

“Woah! Woah!” Capper waves his hands at her “Let’s not get dark here. Listen Tempest, I know this is gonna sound a little cooky but I’m pretty sure no one in this room hates you. Sure, you did some pretty bad things not too long ago, but hey.” He gives her a warm and yet somehow still rather smug smile “You’re looking at a cat who was gonna sell off a princess and her friends not even a day ago.The way I see it, everyone is able to see this whole friendship and love thing if they just give it a chance. I did.” He extends an open hand to her “How about you? Because, I can tell you right now. You got two friends, sitting right here, right now. So what do you say?”

But she just lowers her head to the table and looks stares blankly ahead. “I don’t believe you...Why would anyone wanna be friends with a monster like me?”

With those words, a sudden spark goes off in your head. You go and grab your saddle bag and quickly look inside until you pull out a little black photobook. “Funny you say that, Tempest. I happen to be friends with a monster.”

Tempest just lets out a pathetic moan in response as she once again begins to resign to her sadness.

“Heh, I see you don’t believe me. Or maybe you think I’m exaggerating Tell me.” You toss the little photobook at her side “Ever heard of Queen Chrysalis?”

“What?!” Capper is taken aback by those words “You don’t mean that evil queen my mama has told me about. The super evil one who wants to conquer the world and lives in Equestria? The one who hates everything? The one with an entire army that can destroy empires? That Queen Chrysalis?”

This catches Tempest’s attention as well as she slowly looks up at you with confusion “..Is that some sort of joke?...Or..” She looks down in shame “Or are you just comparing me to her?”

So she does know of her. They both know. But apparently have not been up to date with her going ons or the reformation of her hive. “It’s not a joke. And I’m not comparing you to her. If you both don’t believe me, have a look at that photobook.”

Tempest seems reluctant, but she looks at the photobook uses her horn to slowly open it with her magic. Inside was various pictures of you, Chrysalis, and her hive before they became technicolor moose bug things. All the pictures that generated through whatever spell Discord had cast, you now had in a photobook. Tempest was astounded, she wouldn’t even be able to believe it without the evidence in front of her. “How...Why? Everything the cat has said is true about her. She’s an evil monster, why would you be her friend? How did this even happen?”

You shrug “Are the details important? Look, just to let you know. She’s not misunderstood or anything if that’s what you’re thinking. She is indeed evil. But, I was able to see past that and we became pretty good friends….mostly. Look, the point is I really have seen a whole lot of crazy stuff in my life. I have some experience no one else has ever had and I’ve done some things that were pretty unbelievable. I mean, my cutie mark is chaos after all, but I digress. Tempest...I’ve been around some really evil beings in my lifetime. You’re not one of them, at all. You just had a bad childhood, I can tell you that I know what that’s like. But I guess no one ever came back into your life to help you out of this funk you’re in. Well Tempest” You give her a gentle grin “What I’m trying to say is you have a friend in me, in us. We don’t care what you’ve done. And I’d be honored to be your friend if you’d let me….Will you let me Tempest?”

She began to flip through the pages of the photobook a few more times. She just couldn’t believe it. And yet, there was the proof. Her heart began to soften. She began to believe. You didn’t seem to lie to her at all, even with the most ridiculous of claims. She was beginning to feel a feeling she hadn’t felt in a while, and that feeling was trust. You went through all this trouble and risked EVERYTHING just for her to have her horn back. And despite her pummeling you, taunting you, using you, you forgave her.

Tempest slowly stood up. You prepared yourself for a hug, but instead, she just looks at you with caution as she speaks. She slowly turns her head in embarrassment. “ Do you really think my broken horn is cool? I mean, your horn is capable of a lot cooler than what I can do.”

You hold in a giggle from that. That was fucking adorable. Ahh, you’re gonna miss her being a filly all of a sudden. You wanted to see how adorable she could really be. “Hey, I only get two shots a day. You can shoot freaking lightning from your horn twenty four seven. I think it’s neat.”

A warm smile began to appear on her face as she went in for a hug. As she nuzzled onto your side, she whispered “Thank you” into your ear. You did it...You managed it. Thank christ.

Though, the hug went from soft and tender to nearly crushing as the curse on Tempest lifted. She slowly changed back to her old self, with broken horn,scar, and her superior power. She didn’t notice the fact you were now hanging on her leg as she choked you with love and friendship.

Yep, it wouldn’t be an adventure without a hug that nearly chokes you to death.