• Published 15th Feb 2018
  • 3,724 Views, 180 Comments

Dadonequus Discord, But It's The MLP Movie (And still doesn't have Discord) - CrazedLaughter

The "Hero Colt" Anon finds himself within the events of the MLP movie and tries to win the day in his own way. Of course, like everything else he does, this doesn't go at all like he plans

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Chapter 21: Prepare for Launch

That bastard….

You slowly began to rise, shaking in pain, weak from being tossed around, but with enough adrenaline to fight forever. Sure, you seemed dizzy enough that you swear you saw a purple bird circling your head, but you were goddamned pissed.

He killed Tempest, he possibly killed the princesses through petrification, and now he was going to annihilate Equestria. Oh no, not this time, you were going to kill him by any means necessary.

The clouds above began to swirl and open up as a small light began to appear overhead. It worried Twilight enough that she felt a retreat and even a full evacuation may be in order. But to get everyone out this quickly, she’d have to use a special magic. “Anon...A-are you alright?”

“I’m gonna end him, Twilight. I swear...He’s going to pay” You could feel it, that human instinct and rage. It was coursing through you, making you thirst for revenge.

“Anon, I...I unders-” But you cut her off. Holy shit, you had it up to here with the pony way right now.

“You don’t understand shit right now, Twilight! He killed Tempest! And he means to kill ALL of us on a damned whim! I don’t care how we do it, but we need to stop him here and now! How could you tell me you understand? You don’t seem to care at all that she’s gone”

“Anon…” Twilight suddenly gave you a firm look as she stood tall “I DO understand how you feel. But Anon, you need to think clearly. You need to use your magic to get all of Canterlot away from here before....” Suddenly, a bright light slowly began to expand upon all of Canterlot “.....Before...whatever that is happens. Fighting him head on will only end bad for everypony involved.”

“Shut up…” You growl at her as you put on your horn. “If we don’t stop him now, things will only get worse. I just need to figure out a way to beat his defense.” You had to think, you had to figure this out somehow.

“Anon, please listen. We can’t just waste the opportunity to save everypony. The Storm King, whatever happened to him, it changed him and made him more powerful than even Tempest expected. And he has the power of the Alicorn Princesses too! He’s invincible the way he is right now. We need to retreat and come up with a better strategy.” Twilight pleads with you to use your magic to evacuate the inhabitants of Canterlot, but you just wouldn’t budge.

“...I can’t. I know...ngh” You started to falter when you realized that if you failed, everyone would die, even Fluttershy. “I...No! I...I can do it! Back off!” You angrily growl at her as you move back “If we do run, then he’s only going to blow everything up until he annihilates you. He wants his rulership to be official, Twilight. And he wants it in a way that means the end of all the princesses, even if there is no Equestria left to rule after he does it. It has to be now!” You realized things would be worse if you just rant away. You knew his type, doing things in a “business” like fashion despite it being full on tyranny.

“Then what are we supposed to do?” Twilight could see the light getting stronger, she knew she was running out of time. “If we don’t do something, everything will be gone anyway! Anon, the chaos he took in changed his body into something we can’t beat. And the power he took from the princesses means he’s too dangerous to take on face to face. We can’t stay here! You have to understand that by now! We’re running out of time!” She could feel it, that power, it wouldn’t be long now.

“So what if he’s changed due to chaos?! That doesn’t make him….” Wait a second.

You suddenly froze. You were so still that Twilight rushed up to you and began to shake you “Anon! Anon! Snap out of it! We have to do something now!”

Changed by chaos, absorbed the power of the princesses, and the fusion of the staff in his arm. None of that was what it seemed. He was changed by the power of chaos, yes, that’s true. But did that have to do with the power of the Alicorns he wields? No….because you saw the end of his mutant claw, it had an orb on it. That orb had to be what originally sucked up magic and then outputted it by the will of its user.

As for the Storm King’s mutation, it had nothing to do with the staff. Even with the fusion, the staff was its own entity. How did you know this? The fucking X-captain, another mutant you had faced in the past who had been mutated and then further mutated by being exposed to ridiculous amounts of chaos energy. Each transformation he took on gave him new abilities. So, if that was the case, the Storm King’s mutation only gave him wings, lightning on those wings, and that eye….he could track magic through that eye and THEN block it with his arm. The power of the three alicorns could easily block the power of one, and it could certainly block a teleportation spell’s force if he could somehow track it’s invisible trajectory.

But even the X-captain could be beaten by chaos despite being mutated by it. Besides, you didn’t even need to beat the Storm King himself. If you were right about his hand, then all you had to do was come up with a force more powerful than three alicorns and smash right through it.

You look onto Twilight, and grab onto her as you looked at her with a crazed smile “Twilight! I figured it out!”

“W-what?!” Twilight backed off, fearing you lost it “W-what do you mean by that?”

“The Storm King! His body has nothing to do with the staff! His arm, I mean! I know how to beat him! His arm only has the power of the three alicorns, and the only reason he’s able to pull off the lightning abilities he’s showing off is due to the properties of his body and the staff. But his body isn’t powering the staff itself, meaning we only need to overpower it. Let me ask you something, is it canon that Celestia and Luna couldn’t beat my dad without the elements!?”

Twilight seemed utterly confused by that “I..er...yes. But, Anon...I don’t..We nee-”

But you cut her off as you shake your right hoof “Yes! Then the horn should be able to beat three alicorns if I just fully power it up for some destruction beam or something! HAHA! Twilight, you agree, right? Think about it, all I need to do is overpower his magic with pure chaotic destruction and I can win. You know that, right?”

Twilight took a moment, and just a quick moment, to ponder. If what you said was true, and she did believe it to be true, then it meant it could be done...except “Anon, even if that’d work, your horn doesn’t possess the same amount of magic your father has. Not to mention magic loses it’s potency the further away it’s used from its source. I don’t th-”

But you cut her off yet again. “Then I’ll just fly right into him.”

“Anon! That’s insane! Anon, please…” Twilight looks up, the clouds were swirling fast over Canterlot as the light began to shine more violently “We don’t have anymore time! And your plan is crazy! Even with a direct hit, there's no guarantee it’d work! We don’t know how truly potent that horn is! The only way, with a ninety percent certainty of success, that’d this work is if you had an alicorn’s power to back it up...And alicorn magic mixed with chaos could within itself, be very volatile and...Anon…” She could see you giving her the eye. You didn’t care, you knew everything would be worse off if you all just ran, especially since it seemed the Storm King could use fucking satellite beams. “Anon...you can’t, what about your friends? Your family?”

“I am thinking about them, Twilight….” You calmed yourself. You knew no one would be safe unless someone took that fucker down. “I mean it...He won’t rest until he ends all the princesses.”

“Then, if that-” Oh fuck no, you cut her off right there, you didn’t need that noise.

“Shut up, Twilight….ugh, I guess I never got over being obsessive and protective after all. I’m not going to let you sacrifice yourself to him in any capacity...in fact.” You use your horn in a two phase type of magic. First, to start up a ten second launch sequence that can’t be stopped. And second, for it to become a practical warhead pumped up with as much chaos magic as you could muster. “Haha! Can’t stop me now!”

“ANON!” Twilight could see a launchpad suddenly spring up from under you, a barrier coming around you to prevent her from coming in. “WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!”

“Being a Gary Stu, Twilight...You have ten seconds to lend me your magic or I’m going up there with what I have. Your choice…”

Twilight was screaming at you, telling you how stupid you were being. But you just smirked a teary eyed smirk at her, and told her she was wasting time. You had no idea if you would even survive this, but it was better than the alternative. Ugh, this really sucked.

With only three seconds left, Twilight gives up, calls you insane, and willingly gives up her magic. It goes into your horn, causing it to sparkle and shake. Oh yeah, this baby has become a real fucking bomb now. After the time was up, your butt started to light up. Fart based propulsion, how classy.

“Seeya Twilight, take care of Dad, Diamond, Aunt Fluttershy...dammit, everyone..please?” You tell her, all weepy eyed.

“I-I…” Twilight sniffed as she began to tear up herself, but then her face scrunched up “What’s that smell?!”

“That’s me...sorry! Haha, have to blast off somehow” You giggle sheepishly as you shrug.

“T-that’s something your fathe...OH MY GOSH! ANON! WHY DON’T YOU JUST USE YOUR HORN TO CALL YOUR DAD OVER!” Twilight yells at you.


You started to whimper,whine, and say in a crying voice “Oh T-twilight, I already used the chaAAAAAARRGGEEE, DAMMIIITTT, I’MMM STUUUUPPPPIIIIDDDDD!” You began screaming as you launched up, straight into the sky.

Next stop? The Storm King!