• Published 2nd Oct 2017
  • 1,811 Views, 83 Comments

Power Rangers Guardians vs Power Rangers Revolution X - Banshee531

When a new enemy from another universe threatens their world, the Guardian Rangers must team up with another set of Rangers to save the day.

  • ...

Mechano Falls

Back on the ground, Soarin and Aichi were working to take out the Guardroids and Megabots.

Meanwhile, the battle between the Rangers and their mechanical duplicates continued.

"Take this!" Lyra screamed as she thrusted her staff at Mecha Blue, but the robot used its spear to block it.

"And this!" Kade yelled as he threw a Prism Punch at the robot, but it moved its spear so Lyra's staff blocked it. It then thrusted the spear up, causing the two's arms to be thrown high before Mecha Blue spun around and slashed them both its its spear.

The two Rangers cried out and sparks flew off them and they fell back from pain.

"Fire!" Micro yelled as he and Dani rushed towards Mecha Yellow, but the robot used its twin blades to deflect that blasts and send them flying back the Guardian Ranger. "AAARRR!" He cried as he was shot and sent flying back.

"Micro!" Dani yelled before turning to the robot. "You'll pay!" She cried before raising her swords and charging at the robot.

Said robot did the same and rushed at her, managing to block every one of her slashes before dealing its own. It managed to knock her blades out of her grasp, before dealing her a crossed slashed down the chest.

She to cried out as she was thrown back and landed next to Micro.

Sweetie and Valarie were facing Mecha Pink, but the robot was quickly overpowering them.

"Prism Kick!" Valarie cried as she threw several leg swipes at the robot, but Mecha Pink's legs glowed before it countered her attacks with its own kicks. Eventually Mecha Pink was able to hit her in the stomach and send her flying back.

"Morphin Blaster!" Sweetie cried out as she aimed her weapon. "FIRE!" She shot several rounds at the robot, but it simply used its glowing kicks to deflect them back at her. Sweetie raised her shield to protect herself, but as soon as the lasers ended, Mecha Pink leapt at her and dealt a powerful kick her shield. The force was so strong, that Sweetie couldn't withstand it and she was sent flying from the force.

"Fire!" Grant yelled as he shot several blasts at Mecha Green, who managed to dodge every signal one.

"Take this!" Mecha Green turned to see Sandel charging at his, swing his blades wildly at the robot. Said robot managed to use its own swords to block them, before noticing Grant unleashing another burst or rapid fire behind him.

Pushing Sandel's blades away, Mecha Green leapt over the Guardian Ranger before kicking him in the back and sending him flying into Grant's blasts.

"AAARRR!" He cried as he was shot.

"Sandel!" Grant yelled, his distraction allowing Mecha Green to get close and deal him several powerful blows to his chest.

"This is bad," Celestia said as she, Luna, Catherine and Starswirl watched the battle unfold. "No matter what they do, the Rangers are being overpowered."

Luna nodded. "Even when they fight together, the Mecha Rangers knowledge of their fighting style is allowing them to counter them."

"They'll find a way," Starswirl said. "The just have to keep trying."

Catherine meanwhile was busy controlling the Revolution Megazord remotely.

The three Megazord's were still battling.

Despite the battle being two on one, the Mecha Megazord had had one mayor advantage on its opponents. That was that unlike him, they were not able to deal any major damage to it since their friends were still inside it.

"Mino-Claw!" Shining yelled as the Phoenix-Wing slashed at the Mecha Megazord but, due to not wanting to damage it to much, it was only at half strength. Because of this, the Mecha Megazord barely flinched.

"Phoenix Fist!" Sunset cried as they threw another weak punch, which wasn't even ignited. Because of that, the Mecha Megazord was able to take the attack like it was nothing.

The Revolution Megazord raised its sword and used it to slash at its enemy but, due to them holding back, it didn't have enough force and simply bounced off the Mecha Megazord.

"What happened to all your enthusiasm?" Mechano mocked as his Megazord slashed at the Revolution Megazord and then fired its cannon at Phoenix-Wing. "Don't tell me you've given up."

The Phoenix-Wing fell back as it was struck, causing the Rangers inside to be thrown around. As they tried to get up, the Mecha Megazord fired another blast at them. Luckily the Revolution Megazord stepped in and used its shield to block.

"We can't keep doing this forever," Sunset said as the Megazord tried to pick itself up.

"I know," Shining replied once the Megazord was upright. "But we have to. Flash needs more time."

The two Megazords charged forward, as the Mecha Megazord unleashed another laser blast. The Revolution Megazord once again raised its shield as the Phoenix-Wing took flight.

The Mecha Megazord then raised its cannon at the sky, unleashing a swarm of laser blasts that the Megazord had to evade. Eventually one clipped its wing and the Megazord went crashing into the ground, leaving it open for the Mecha Megazord to attack. Luckily the Revolution Megazord was there to stand between them, as the Mecha Megazord charged.

Mechano laughed as his robot knocked the Revolution Megazord aside, before turning back to the Phoenix-Wing. He was unaware that Flash and Chris had managed to get inside his creation.

"That's the trouble with you Rangers," he said as he stepped closer to them. "You rely to much on others, which makes you weak when forced to fight alone. I don't rely on anyone, meaning I'm always ready to fight on my own." He laughed once again as he raised is blaster and pointed it at the Megazord's head.

Shining and Sunset saw this and knew they were in trouble, as the cannon began to power up.

Luckily, the Mecha Megazord was knocked aside. The cause, the Revolution Megazord, who was firing lasers from the shoulder mounted pipes of the Power Hauler. Doing this pushed the Mecha Megazord away from the Phoenix-Wing, allowing the Megazord to get up and fly to safety.

"Relying on others isn't all bad," Shining told Mechano.

"Yeah," Sunset agreed, "at least when we're in a tough spot, we have hope that our friends can help us. You'll never have that hope."

They heard Mechano growl, as his robot righted itself. "Who needs hope, when I have ultimate power." Once again the Mecha Megazord started firing, causing its two opponents to once again dodge and block.

"Come on Flash," Shining said as the flew through the air. "You have to hurry."

Inside the Mecha Megazord's main power core, the girls were watching the battle and were as unaware as Mechano that their friends were on their way to save them.

"What are they doing?" Rainbow asked as they watched the screen. "It's like their not even trying."

Rarity sighed. "With us in here, they can't do anything too damaging to the Megazord."

"Maybe," Applejack said, "but at least they could try and take it down without harming us."

"That's to big of a risk," Twilight told her. "Who knows what would happen to us if they try and do anything to drastic."

"They have to do something," Fluttershy said.

"But what?" Pinkie asked.

The answer quickly came when they heard noise coming from outside the room, followed by the doors being blown off its hinges and a bunch of laser blasts flying into the room and taking out some of the Guardroids. From out of the smoke leapt the two Red Rangers, who landed on the ground and slashed the remainder of the robots down.

"FLASH!" Twilight and the others cheered in joy, seeing him and Chris turn towards them.

"Ladies," Chris said nodded.

"How?" Rainbow asked.

"It doesn't matter," Flash said as he moved over to them. "We're getting you out of here." However, before he got close, several laser blasts flew from behind the girls and struck the two, sending them flying into the opposing wall.

"Flash!" Twilight screamed in concern.

The two Red Rangers pulled themselves to their knees, before looking up and seeing Mecha Red step out from behind Twilight's restraint. As the stood up they raised their weapons, before charging towards the robotic Ranger.

Mecha Red pulled out its own weapons and also charged forwards. He deflected Flash's sword strike, before blocking Chris's and pushing it back up. It then dealt a pair of swift punched to their stomachs, the force of which sending them both back.

The Mane Six all flinched seeing them hit the wall again, luckily they managed to land on their feet and charged once again. The three continued to fight, but Mecha Red proved to powerful against the two of them.

Chris tried to slash at the robots neck, but Mecha Red caught his wrist and then kicked him away. Flash then pulled out his Dragon Breaker and threw punch after punch at the robot, managing to get in several hits until Mecha Red managed to finally block it and threw him at a wall.

As Flash tried to push himself back up, he saw Mecha Red coming at him. Luckily Chris managed to get in front of him and used his sword to slash at the robot, pushing it back and allowing Chris to inflict several more strikes. Mecha Red then managed to deflect with its sword, before dealing a powerful kick to his stomach.

Watching this, Flash's brain suddenly sparked with an idea. Chris had managed to get a few hits in when he first attacked Mecha Red on his own, the same way he had when he fought it solo...of course!

"I've got an idea," Flash told Chris as he got up.

"I'm all ears," Chris replied.

"Wait for my signal an then attack," Flash said before charging at the robot and slashing at it, managing to get several hits in while watching Mecha Red carefully. Eventually when Mecha Red managed to block an attack, Flash knew this was the moment and leapt back. "NOW!"

Chris nodded before rushing forward and began fighting Mecha Red, using his sword to strike it several times before blasting it with his blaster. Flash meanwhile swapped his Dragon Breaker for his blaster as he watched the two, until Mecha Red managed to dodge one of Chris's attacks.

"Swap out!" He cried as he aimed his blaster at Mecha Red, while Chris jumped back allowing his to open fire. He got closer and closer to the robot while firing, hitting it each time until he got close enough to slash at the robot.

"He's doing it!" Pinkie screamed in joy. "Flash is beating it!"

"But how's he doin it?" Applejack asked, turning to Twilight.

The purple skinned girl watched as the two Red Rangers fought the robot, Flash calling out when to swap. Finally a light flicked on and she realised what Flash had.

"Brilliant!" She screamed.

"What?" Rainbow asked her.

"This thing might be advanced but it's still a machine," Twilight told them. "Every action it makes is done using a program, which it has multiples of for different situations. It's got a program to help fight Flash, Chris or the two of them together. But it takes time for it to switch programs."

The rest of the team quickly caught on.

"I see," Rarity said. "So when it's using the program designed to fight Flash, it can't stand against Chris and vice versa."

Twilight nodded. "All they have to do is keep swapping out whenever Mecha Red switches programs."

"You biggest mistake was reading my mind," Flash said as he kicked the robot down. "Maybe one on one you're a match for me or Chris, but when we work together!" He performed a Power Slash, striking Mecha Red in the shoulder. "You can't beat us!"

"Mom," Chris said over the coms, "did you get that?"

"We heard," Catherine said.

"We're sending the instructions to the rest of the team now," Luna said as she and Celestia typed away at the computers.

The Rangers were all in a dire state, as the Mecha Rangers were proving difficult to defeat.

"We're in trouble," Lyra said as Kade helped her back to her feet while Mecha Blue, who was now holding a sword, slowly made its way towards them.

"We can't give up," Kade told her, but before he could say anything else they both got a message through their visors. "What's this?" He asked as he and Lyra quickly read the writing and as they did their eyes went wide. "That's it."

The rest of the Rangers all got the same message, learning what Flash had learned and all coming up with ways to use it.

Lyra saw Mecha Blue rushing at them with it sword raised, before she looked up see a bunch of pipes overhead. "Give me a boost," she told Kade as she stepped infront of him.

Kade nodded before grabbing her around the waist and hoisting her up, allowing her to grab one of the pipes and swing up. Kade saw Mecha Blue coming at him and slash its sword down, but he managed to grab the robot by the wrist and keep the sword raised high.

This was what Lyra was waiting for, having done some gymnastic moves so she was facing the other way, and swung back down. Using her feet she managed to grip the blade and yank it out of the robot's hands, before letting go of the pipe and flipping through the air until she landed on the ground.

Without a weapon, Mecha Blue was defenceless against Kade. The Blue Revolution Ranger called on his metal gauntlets and dealt several swift punched to the robots body, causing it to be pushed back.

Lyra then pulled out her Spirit Sabre while picking up the robots sword, before rushing passed Kade and dealing several slashes to Mecha Blue. The attacks were so strong, that they managed to rip a hole in the robots armour. Seeing this Lyra took Mecha Blue's sword and shoved the tip in.

"KADE!" She screamed as she leapt out the way, allowing Kade to rush up and punch the end of the sword, causing it to cut all the way through the robot.

The robot shook as it tried to pull the weapon out of itself, but it couldn't.

"We've got it on the ropes," Lyra said.

"Let's take it down!" Kade said, before the two rushed forward.

The rest of the Ranges were also working to take down the doppelgangers, now armed with this knew knowledge.

"Take this!" Dani yelled as she and Mecha Yellow fought against each other with their swords. Micro was nowhere to be seen, so the Yellow Revolution Ranger was on her own. She manged to hit the robot several times, until the robot adapted and managed to block.

In was in that second that a bunch of laser blasts struck it in the back, causing it a let out a robotic scream before turning around. It looked up and saw Micro on some scaffolding, acting like a sniper and firing at him from a safe distance. Before it could retaliate against him, Mecha Yellow felt a powerful slash hit it in the back.

Dani had used his distracted state to deal a powerful blow, before leaping to a safe distance as the robot spun around only to be shot in the back again. This went of several times, whenever Mecha Yellow turned to focus on one Ranger the other would deal it a blow.

Valarie and Mecha Pink were also clashing, both using high powered kicks against each other.

When Mecha Pink managed to hit the Ranger in the leg and send her tumbling to the ground, Sweetie leapt it to block the next attack with her shield. She then started swiping at the robot with her sword, until the robot adapted and managed to block one. Seeing this, Sweetie jumped back before Valarie leapt up from behind her. She landed on Sweetie's shoulder and then bounced off to go even higher, before she quickly descended and dealt a powerful kick to Mecha Pink.

The robot's chest armouring was practically shattered, as it staggered back and looked down to see its exposed wires and pistons.

Sweetie pulled out her Morphin Blaster and spun the barrel, before firing off several rounds which struck the robots systems.

Sandel was currently fighting Mecha Green, both using their two swords to counter each other.

Suddenly the Green Guardian Ranger ducked down, allowing Grant a clear shot. He fired both his weapons, hitting the same spot on the robot's chest. Doing so caused Mecha Green to develop a burn in the centre of its chest, until it managed to adapt and began blocking the lasers.

Sandel meanwhile had swapped his Spirit Sabre of his Fenrir Fang and charged at the robot, before thrusting the weapon into the burn. Due to the damage from the lasers, the armour broke and the Fenrir Fang impaled the robot. Sandel then used all his strength to slam Mecha Green into the ground, before dragging it around. Finally he thrusted his arm up and sent the robot flying off his weapon, before it slammed into a wall and broke right through it.

"It's working!" Luna cheered watching the battle.

"You were right Flash!" Celestia told the Red Ranger. "Battling the Mecha Rangers one at a time is giving us the edge."

"I told you," Flash said smugly while he watched Chris fighting Mecha Red.

The Red Revolution Ranger managed to block the robots two sword with his own, allowing him to jam his blaster into its chest and fire several rounds into it. This sent the robot flying through the air, until it smashed into a nearby wall with a loud thud.

Chris turned back to Flash as the two stepped towards each other, high fiving as the passed. Flash then charged at the robot as it got up, before using his Dragon Breaker to smashing it back into the wall. He did this several times, causing Mecha Red to be sandwiched between him and the wall.

Seeing the robot about to change programs, he then leapt out of the way. This gave Chris the chance to fire several more rounds, which struck the robot in the area Flash had been punching.

Soarin and Aichi were down to the last few foot soldiers.

Soarin slashed down a Megabot. "That."

Aichi blasted three Guardroids. "Should."

"DO IT!" They both yelled as they both struck the final few Megabots and destroyed them.

"Alright," Soarin said seeing them all scrapped.

"Now let's go help the others," Aichi said.

However, as they turned to look for them something suddenly fell from the sky and crashed to the ground. As the dust cleared they saw it was Mecha Blue, who was looking worse for wares. Mecha Yellow soon followed, before a nearby wall was ripped apart and Mecha Pink flew through it. Mecha Green was the last, landing in the same area as the rest of its robotic team.

The two sixth Ranger whistled at this, before they saw the rest of their team rushing towards them.

"What did you guys do?" Soarin asked.

"Discover the Mecha Ranger's weakness," Lyra told him.

"They don't look to good," Aichi said.

"Then let's use that to finally take them down," Kade said.

The rest of the group nodded, before Aichi went to his communicator. "Mom, send us the Jet Booster Cannon."

"You got it," Catherine replied.

Back at the Megazord battle, the Revolution Megazord stood still as the Phoenix-Wing held the Mecha Megazord still. A compartment then opened in its leg, before something shot out of it. It was a silver space shuttle like vehicle, about the size of a motorcycle.

It flew through the air towards the Revolution Rangers, before it suddenly stopped right above them. From the bottom of its wings, a pair of objects folded out and linked together to become a gun handle. The shuttle then dropped down and the Revolution Rangers caught it, Kade and Dani placing the wings on their shoulders while Grant and Valarie linked arms and placed the end on them. Aichi stepped to the back and grabbed the handle.

"Jet Booster Cannon ready!" He cried as the nose opened up to reveal a blaster head.

"Nice," Soarin said as he took out a Magi-Charger and clicked it. "Guardian Buster, activate!" He threw the Charger into the air before it transformed into the super weapon, which he caught and activated.

Magi-Chargers," everyone said, as they activated their Chargers and placed them in the compartments before shutting them. "Locked and loaded."

Soarin placed his Charger in the main compartment and shut it, causing the white streaks along the blaster to turn navy blue


"ENERGISE!" The Revolution Rangers yelled as they began to glow, while a compartment opened near the back of their weapon. The light flew into the compartment, as the Jet Booster Cannon began to power up.

As Soarin aimed the Guardian Ranger's weapon, Lyra, Micro, Sweetie, and Sandel took position behind him. "Guardian Buster, Thunderbird Blast..."

The tail of the cannon split into a V shape, which Aichi aimed through as they prepared to attack. "Jet Booster Cannon..."

FIRE!" They both pulled the trigger and the two weapons fired. The Guardian Buster firing a single powerful blast shot out, which morphed into the shape of the Thunderbird Zord's head. Meanwhile the Jet Booster Cannon shot a single cannon ball sized energy blast.

The two attacks flew at the Mecha Rangers, who were all to damaged to do anything to save themselves, before it struck them and caused a massive explosion.


The ten Rangers all spun around as the explosion engulfed the Mecha Rangers, destroying them once and for all.

"We did it!" Sweetie cheered once the blast died down.

"Finally," Grant said, "the Mecha Rangers are gone."

"It's not over yet," Lyra told him.

"Yeah," Dani said, "the others need our help."

"Then let's go," Kade said.

The others all nodded before rushing over to where the Megazords were fighting.

That fight wasn't going so well, as the two Megazords were still forced to hold back while their opponent didn't have such a handicap.

It fired several blasts at the Phoenix-Wing, forcing it to stay back and dodge while the Revolution Megazord tried to get closer. However as it tried to slash the Mecha Megazord, it raised its cannon arm and blocked it before bringing its claws together and spinning them like a drill. It thrust the drill into the Megazord's chest, doing serious damage to it before pulling back and jamming its cannon into the hole made. It fired, sending the energy through the Revolution Megazord and causing it to spark as it was blown back.

"NO!" Catherine yelled as her computer went dead.

"What happened?" Celestia asked.

"That blast knocked out the remote control unit. I've lost control."

"Can't you do something?" Luna asked.

"Not from here," Catherine said as she moved over to another computer. "Someone needs to get into the cockpit and take control."

"We're on it!"

They all looked to the computer and saw the Rangers rushing towards the Megazords.

The Revolution Rangers arrived at where their Megazord had landed and all jumped into the different Zord parts.

Each one sat in their cockpits and put their hands on the steering wheels.

"Rev Medic online," Valerie said as her Zord powered up.

"Rev Dozer online," Grant followed as his Zord powered up.

"Rev Copter online," Dani said as her Zord powered up.

"Rev Cruiser online," Kade said as his Zord powered up.

"Power Hauler," Aichi said as he took control of Chris's Zord. "ONLINE!" The Zord's engine gave a mighty roar as it powered up.

All five parts of the Megazord were at full power, allowing it to stand up and reengage into the fight.

In the Phoenix-Wing's cockpit the rest of the Rangers teleported inside and readied themselves for battle.

"Nice to see you made it," Shining told them.

"You doubted we would?" Soarin joked.

"Not a chance," Sunset told them.

"Flash," Lyra called out, "you need to get out of there now."

"Way ahead of yeah," Flash replied as he and Chris stood side by side, their sword blades leaned against their shoulders and their blasters charged.

Mecha Red wasn't looking much better then his siblings had done, barely seeming to stand up.

"Let's end this," Chris said as their weapons began to glow.

"Agreed," Flash replied.

They aimed their blasters at the robot and both fired a shot, before slashing that shot with their blades. "BLAST CUTTER!" The two attack flew through the air, combining as they did so, before striking Mecha Red and causing an explosion.

The two Red Rangers stood their as they waited to see whether or not Mecha Red had survived.

Suddenly something stepped out of the flames. It was Mecha Red, but its armour was melted way and leaving only its robotic skeleton. The robot looked at the two and tried to reach out to them, but eventually it gave up and fell to the floor. Mecha Red...was dead.

"YEAH!" The Mane Six all cheered, as they watched the two Red Rangers fall to their knees in exhaustion.

"Great work guys," Twilight said.

"Indeed," Rarity agreed before looking at her shackles, "now if you would kindly."

"Right, right," Flash said as they got up and moved over to them. Using their swords, they managed to slice the manacles off them.

"Finally," Rainbow said once she was down. She held her ache shoulders as she stretched out her arms.

"I'm glad your all okay," Flash told them.

"Thanks to you guys," Twilight said.

"Can we get out of here please?" Applejack asked.

"Agreed," Chris said as he moved over to where they had entered through.

The rest of the gang quickly followed and were out the door.

In his cockpit, Mechano was busy fighting when he suddenly got an alarm.

"A problem in the power core?" He asked as he switched one of his monitors to the room and saw the girls gone. "WHAT!?" He looked at his power supply and saw he had enough energy stored to give him a half hour before it would go down. "Plenty of time. Once I destroy these Zords, I'll find those girls and take them back." He typed in his next command, causing the Mecha Megazord to raise its drill and then thrust it towards the Phoenix-Wing.

The Megazord however, raised its Mino-Claw and used it to grab the robot by the wrist.

The Guardian Rangers were giving everything they had got to keep the drill away from them.

"Guys," they then heard Flash's voice, "we could use a lift out of here."

They looked over at the hole that the Red Rangers had leapt into and zoomed in to see them and the girls there.

"Love to," Shining groaned, "but we've got a problem right now."

"We've got this," Aichi's voice called out. They looked around to see the Revolution Megazord charge at them and raise its sword, before swinging it down and slashing the Mecha Megazord's drill arm completely off.

"NO!" Mechano screamed at the loss of his weapon.

"NOW!" Shining called out, as the Phoenix-Wing threw its Phoenix Fist at the Mecha Megazord and thrusted it into the hole. When it pulled back, eight figures were holding on for dear life.

"What?" Mechano said as he saw them. Suddenly it all clicked, why the two Megazords seemed to be holding back. "They tricked me!" He watched as the Phoenix-Wing moved its fist close enough to the cockpit for seven of them to jump inside, before pit moved over to the Revolution Megazord and Chris leapt into it.

In the Phoenix-Wing, Flash and the girls warped in.

"TWILY!" Shining screamed as he pulled his sister into a hug. "Thank goodness, you're alright."

"I'm fine BBBFF," Twilight assured him.

Shining then pulled away from her and turned to Flash. "Thank you."

Flash just nodded before turning back to their enemy. "Chris, you ready?"

"You bet," Chris said, having relieved Aichi of the Power Hauler's control.

"Then lets end this," Flash told him. "Once and for all!"

Chris nodded, before putting his Zord into gear. "You heard him guys. Let's do this!"

The other Revolution Rangers all agreed as they to put their Zords into gear.

The Revolution Megazord's sword flew out of its hand, before returning to it X shaped rotter form that began spinning above the Megazord's head.

A compartment in the middle of each other their steering wheels opened up, as the Rangers all began to glow. "X ELEMENT!" They all cried as they thrusted the palms into the compartment, the light streaming into it.

The Megazord began to glow, the light flying upwards into the rotter and causing it to glow and spin faster. Eventually it became a glowing buzz saw like weapon.

"FINAL X STRIKE!" They all yelled, as the attack was sent flying through the air towards the Mecha Megazord.

"ULTIMATE FIREBALL FINISH!" The Guardian Rangers all cried out.

Their Megazord's Phoenix wings ignited, before the flames flew into the Dragon Zord's mouth.

"Three!" They said as they pulled their weapons out of the podiums.

"Two!" They aimed the weapons at the monster.

"ONE!" They pulled the trigger.

"FIRE!" The fireball flew out the Dragon's mouth, creating an flaming arrow which flew at the monster.

The two attacks flew into the air heading straight for the Mecha Megazord.

They struck the giant robot, causing a massive explosion which consumed it.

In his cockpit, Mechano was being deafened by alarms and explosion as he tried to stop what was happening. "No, no, no, no!" He cried as he did everything he could, but nothing seemed to be working. He looked over at a big red button on his control board and having no other choice, he slammed his robotic fist down onto it.

The Rangers watched as the explosion continued, until finally the fire ceased and the Mecha Megazord could be seen. It was charred and standing limp, swaying from one side to the other. Eventually the robot slowly began to fall face first towards the ground and collapsed into a pile of junk.

The Rangers and their teammates screamed in joy at the sight of their opponent's defeat.

"You did it!" Rainbow yelled.

"I knew you could!" Fluttershy screamed.

"Victory party!" Pinkie cheered.

Everyone else was down with that, but then Micro saw something.

"Wait," he said before pointing at the sky, "look!"

Everyone else looked at where he was pointing and saw what he did. It was a familiar looking egg shaped ship, which was flying through the air with a trail of smoke behind it.

"Mechano!" Flash yelled.

"He must have ejected from his Megazord before it blew," Twilight said.

"Then let's get him," Sandel said.

But before they could even think of a way to grab him, the ship glowed before it disappeared in a flash of light.

"He's gone!" Sweetie yelled.

"He must have returned to his world," Lyra said.

"We've gotta do something," Soarin yelled.

"No," Chris said over to coms, "don't bother. He's no threat now."

"He's right," Catherine said, "he's lost his troops, his base of operations and the X Element was most likely in his Megazord, so it must have been destroyed. He has nothing to use against us now."

"So that's it?" Applejack asked, "it's over?"

"Yeah," Grant said, "it's over."

"We did it," Flash said as he looked over his friends, "together. Guardian, and Revolution Rangers...VICTORY IS OURS!"

They all cheered at this, while the two Megazords fist bumped. The threat to both their world had been eliminated and now, they could celebrate.

Author's Note:

And so the battle comes to an end.

Next Time: Everything gets wrapped up.