• Published 2nd Oct 2017
  • 1,810 Views, 83 Comments

Power Rangers Guardians vs Power Rangers Revolution X - Banshee531

When a new enemy from another universe threatens their world, the Guardian Rangers must team up with another set of Rangers to save the day.

  • ...

Power Rangers Unite

Everything hurt.

That was the first thought that popped into Twilight's head as she began to regain consciousness. As her eyes flicked open, she caught a glimpse of many Guardroids and Megabots walking passed her.

"She's awake," she heard Rarity's voice to her left, making her focus enough to turn her head.

Rainbow was on her left, with Rarity and then Pinkie next to her. The three of them were each strapped into a mechanical X shaped restraining board, their hands and feet strapped to one of the four points by robotic shackles.

"You okay Sugarcube?" Applejack's voice made her turn to see her and Fluttershy to her right, both held by the same machine. Looking up she also saw she was strapped to one as well.

"I'm fine," Twilight said, "but what happened?"

"Those robotic freaks beat us," Rainbow growled, obviously sore about being beaten.

"They were so powerful," Rarity said, "nothing we did even slowed them down."

Twilight remembered now. Five robotic Power Rangers had appeared and attacked them, to strong for them all to take down. Her heart suddenly jolted as she remembered seeing her brother be thrown through a wall.

"Shining?" She asked looking around, "is he okay? What about Sunset and Soarin?"

"We don't know," Pinkie replied, her hair flat. "We haven't seen them."

Fluttershy nodded in fear. "I remember seeing Sunset trying to fight off the pink one, but the robot swatted her away before it knocked me out."

"So it's just us here?" Twilight asked as she looked up at the shackles holding her wrists. "Good, that means it'll be easier to escape once I get these off."

Knowing what Twilight was about to do, the girl's eyes all suddenly went wide.

"Twilight," Rainbow called out, "don't-" but it was to late and Twilight activated her magic. The second she did however, she suddenly felt a surge of electrical energy rush through her body and cause her to scream out in pain. It lasted for several long seconds, before the surge finally ended and Twilight slumped forwards as she panted for breath.

"Are you okay?" Fluttershy asked.

"Yes," Twilight groaned out, "but what happened?"

"It happens every time these monstrosities detect magic," Rarity told her.

"We already tried our powers," Applejack continued, "but the same thing happened."

"These mean things won't let us do anything," Pinkie pouted.

"So we're trapped?" Twilight asked.

"I'm afraid so," Rarity replied.

Rainbow meanwhile, was pulling at her shackles as she did everything she could to try and break it. "If I could just get one hand free."

"Oh that won't be happening my dear."

The girls all froze, before looking over at the source of the voice to see Mechano and the Mecha Rangers stepping towards them.

"Those shackles are made from the same materiel as my Megabots. No ordinary human could possible break them."

The girls all frowned at the cyborg.

"We're not exactly on par with your ordinary human," Rainbow told him.

"You are while your strapped into that thing," Mechano replied, "I inputted the unusual energy reading you six give off into it. It not only prevents you from using it, but it's also siphoning the background energy you're giving off."

The girls all shared a concerned look hearing this. He had found a way to drain their magic, but what was he using it for?

As if reading their minds, Mechano smiled before turning to a the Mecha Rangers. "Bring them," he said as he walked away.

With that the five robotic Rangers and a Guardroid moved behind the girls and began pushing their restraint boards, which had wheels, to follow after Mechano.

"I should really thank you ladies," he said as they travelled across the warehouse. "Thanks to the six of you, I can now power my ultimate weapon."

"We'll never help you," Twilight told him.

"Oh but you already are," Mechano replied. "I might not know what this unusual energy you generate is, but I do know it will allow me to conquer this world the way I conquered mine."

"Our friends won't let you do that," Rainbow told him, still trying to break her restraints.

"That's right," Rarity agreed, "they'll stop you, you...you cad!"

Mechano simply chuckled, as they arrived at a part of the warehouse that was hidden by a sheet. "You friends don't stand a chance. They didn't even put up a threat for the Mecha Rangers, so how do you expect them to defeat this." With that, he grabbed the sheet and pulled it away.

The girls all looked inside the room and gasped at what they saw.

Mechano simply smiled seeing their horrified expressions. "When this is fully powered, there won't be anyone who can stop me." With that he laughed, before stepping into the room followed by the now all struggling girls.

Back at the base, the mood was sour.

The Guardian Rangers had just been bandaged up and were currently sitting at a table to rest and recuperate, but even so they weren't happy.

Finally the silence was broken as Flash brought his fist crashing down onto the tabletop. "USELESS!" He cried as he stood up. "We're suppose to be the protectors our world, but we can't even protect our own friends. DAMN IT!"

"Flash," Celestia said as she moved over to them, "you have to calm down."

"Calm down!" Shining almost yelled at her, "how can we be calm! Our friends have been kidnapped and are having who knows what done to them, with one of them being my sister."

"We'll save them," Luna assured the Silver Ranger.

"How?" Lyra asked, curled up in her seat. "We didn't stand a chance against those Mecha Rangers."

"They made vapourware out of us," Micro said.

"How are we suppose to defeat something so powerful?" Sweetie asked.

"Can we defeat something so powerful?" Sandel asked.

"I'm not sure we can," Soarin answered sitting back and planting his head on the back wall.

Sunset, the only Ranger not at the table, was at the computer trying to find their friends, but so far nothing was coming up. Growing desperate, she struck the keyboard so hard she almost broke it.

On the other side of the room, Ryn, Catherine and the Revolution Rangers watched as their new allies feel further and further into depression.

"This is bad," Kade said to his group.

"Can you really blame them?" Valarie asked, "we went through something similar after we first met the Mecha Rangers."

"She's right," Grant said.

"Well unlike us," Dani said, "they don't have the luxury of sitting around moping. Not if they want to save their friends."

"She's right," Aichi said.

"Then we need to help them," Ryn said.

"Okay," Chris said as he stepped towards them. "Okay, enough feeling sorry for yourselves. We've got work to do."

The Guardian Rangers all looked up at him.

"What do you want us to do?" Flash asked, "you saw what happened."

"Yeah," Chris replied, "I saw you rush in and get your morphers handed to you." The others all became sombre hearing this. "You guys messed up, but that doesn't mean we just give up."

Flash stared at Chris for several seconds, before sighing. "You're right, we can't let this stop us."

"We have to do something," Lyra said as she and the others stood up.

They moved over to the computer, which was now showing the battle against the Mecha Rangers.

"Those things are super strong," Soarin said as he rubbed his shoulder. "I can still fell the punch that blue one gave me."

"Catherine," Micro turned to the middle aged woman, "you must have defeated them before. How?"

"It wasn't easy," Catherine replied.

"Tell me about it," Dani said.

"We've never been able to defeat all the Mecha Rangers," Kade explained. "The best we've done is pick them off one at a time through surprise attacks."

"Except the Mecha Rangers have a constant link to Mechano's main computer," Grant said, "so when they were destroyed their artificial intelligence survived and were downloaded into his computer."

"So Mechano was able to just implant them into a new body," Valarie said.

"The only difference is they get upgraded each time they're rebuilt," Chris said.

"The last time we beat them," Catherine continued, "we inputted a virus into Mecha Green and when we managed to destroy it the virus was uploaded to Mechano's system. We thought it had deleted the Mecha Rangers, but it seems Mechano managed to salvage them."

"And now they're here," Flash said.

"And not only do they kick butt," Sweetie said, "but they know everything about us."

"They can predict our every move," Sandel said.

"How are we suppose to fight against that?" Soarin asked.

Seeing everyone was getting depressed again, Ryn stepped in. "Hey, I thought we agreed no feeling sorry. We're gonna find a way to beat them, along with a way to save your friends."

"Commander Ryn is correct," Starswirl, who had been keeping to himself until now, said. "We will succeed, but how can we do so if we believe we cannot."

"We should all rest up for now," Celestia said, "it's likely we won't find anything for a while and we'll need you all at full strength if we want you to be victorious."

The Rangers all nodded, though they were unhappy about this, before the Guardian Rangers all turned and walked out the door. The Revolution Rangers all slowly left after them. Celestia, Luna, Starswirl and Ryn also headed out, leaving Catherine and Sunset alone.

The Gold Ranger started typing away again, as Catherine gently moved over to another one and started working on something.

They worked for several minutes until the mother of six finally broke the silence. "Are you okay?"

Sunset's typing ceased, as she simply started at the screen.

"I know it's hard," Catherine continued, "sitting back and watching as those you care about are in constant danger. Lord knows the number of times I've had to watch my children fight to save the world."

Sunset sighed, before turning to her. "Yeah, it is hard. I had to watch as the closest thing I have to a family was taken away and I couldn't do a thing about it."

"You must really care about them," Catherine said.

Sunset nodded. "Before I was a Power Ranger, before I was...anything special, I did a lot of terrible things. Twilight...well not that Twilight, saved me from myself. They taught me what really mattered and help me become the person I am today." She turned to look at the gold crystal, resting in its bed. "If it wasn't for them, I's never have been worthy of being a Ranger."

Catherine didn't understand a few bits of that, but she knew what Sunset was trying to say.

"But when push comes to shove, I couldn't help them when it mattered."

Catherine moved over to the girl and placed her hand on her shoulder. "No one's perfect. We're only human, we make mistakes and sometimes we fail. The only thing you can do right now is learn from those mistakes, so you don't make them again."

Sunset let what Catherine said mull over in her head.

"You can't change what happened before," Catherine continued, "all you do is keep trying and do your best. So...what are you gonna do?"

She stared at Sunset for several moment as the girl stood there thinking, until finally the girl smiled. "I'm going to find my friends and then, we're gonna save them."

"Atta girl," Catherine replied before they both turned back to the computers and restarted their work, now more calm and focused on the task at hand.

Over in the gym, we find Shining wearing some training gear and repeatedly striking a punching bag.

Again and again and again he punched it with all his might, while the image of his baby sister continued to appear in his head. Doing so made him even more angry, causing him to punch the target harder. Finally he punch the bag so hard, the force ripped it right off its chain and sent it flying across the room.

Shining panted in frustration, seemingly unable to calm down.


Shining turned to see Commander Ryn standing at the entrance of the gym.

"You're obviously quite strong," he said as he moved over to where the bag had landed, before examining it to see what Shining's punch had done.

"Not strong enough," Shining said as he moved over to where the rest of the school's punching bags were kept, before grabbing another one and pulling it over to where he wanted it.

Ryn watched him for several seconds as he struggled to lift the heavy bag, until finally he moved over to him and helped lift it. "You can't blame yourself for what happened. I've seen the Mecha Rangers take down a whole army of my best soldiers, along with the Rangers."

"It doesn't matter," Shining said as he started pounding at the new bag, Ryn keeping it steady. "Flash trusted me to lead them, but then I went a failed to protect them from the those monsters. Now my sister is who knows where and having who knows what done to her."

"Your sister is fine," Ryn replied as he watched the Silver Ranger throw punch after punch. "I know Mechano and even though he's insane, he's not an idiot. He took your sister and her friends for a reason and as long as he has need of them, he won't do anything to permanently harm them."

Shining sighed. Hearing this should have made him feel better, but it didn't. It only made him worry more at the terrifying thought of what Mechano could possible want with Twilight and her friends.

"I'm suppose to protect her," Shining said as his punched became half hearted. "I swore I would always be there when she needed me." He remembered how Cadance had told him about the Midnight Sparkle incident, how his sister had been transformed into a monster and he wasn't there to help her. Then when he learned she was helping the Power Rangers, that had made him want to be a Ranger to keep her safe. "But I didn't."

Ryn remained silent as he watched the young man stew, before moving over to him and grabbing his shoulders. He then began to direct him to the gyms seats, before making him sit. "I know how it feels, wanting to keep the ones you love safe but not being able to."

"How could you know?" Shining asked, slightly harsher then he wanted.

Ryn turned to him, a look a steely focus in his eyes. "I lost my younger brother in Mechano's first invasion."

Shining turned to look him in the eyes, shocked to hear this.

"It was before I was made commander and my brother Cam was just starting out in infantry. When Mechano first attacked and we were evacuating to the City of Hope, I was stationed at the gates while my brother's division was sent out to make a clear path for the civilians. Just before the Particle Barrier was raised, his troop returned but...Cam wasn't among them."

Shining felt bad for what he had said before. This man had actually lost his brother, yet he was still going.

Ryn stood up, before moving over to where the punching bag hung. "The pain I felt that day scared me, made me feel like there was nothing left to fight for...but I was wrong." He turned to look Shining in the eye. "I had to keep fighting, to make sure Mechano didn't rip apart any other families, the way he ripped mine apart. My brother would want me to keep fighting and I'm sure, that your sister would want you to keep fighting as well." He stepped over to him, before holding out his hand. "I swear to you, I will do everything in my power to help you save your sister."

Shining stared at his hand for a second, before smiling as he took it and was pulled up to his feet.

"You're right," he said, "I can't let this stop me. I have to keep going for my sister."

"That's the spirit," Ryn replied before they moved back over to the punching bag. "Now, let me show you a few moves that might help you."

Shining nodded, before turning his attention onto the bag.

Out on the field, we find Soarin kicking a soccer ball around.

He aimed it at the goal, before kicking the ball with all his might. It soared through the air, before hitting the goal post and bouncing back at him. He groaned before kicking it again, causing it to hit the post again. With a growl he kicked the ball one more time, causing it to fly so high that it went over the goal entirely. Soarin let out a frustrated yell, as he kicked the ground and caused grass and dirt to go flying before he sat down.

On the sidelines, Aichi was watching him.

He walked over to where the ball had landed, before picking it up and bringing it back to the Thunder Ranger.

"Looks like fun," he said as he placed the ball on the floor, "wanna show me how to play?"

Soarin looked up at him in surprise. "You don't know how to play soccer?"

"Not a lot of sports in my world," Aichi replied, "even less in the future."

Soarin thought for a moment, until he nodded and stood back up.

For several minutes the two of them kicked the ball around, as Soarin explained the basic rules to Aichi. "So," Soarin said once they were in the swing of it, "you're really from the future."

"Yeap," Aichi replied as he kicked the ball to him. "I spent my whole life on the run from Mechano. But once I discovered the Neo Morpher, I realised I could change the future and save my family."

"Well," Soarin replied as he looked up at him, "I'm sure when you get back to your time everything will be better." He kicked the ball back to him, but Aichi simply stood there as the ball hit his feet.

"Yeah," he said solemnly. This didn't go unnoticed.

"You alright?"

"Well," Aichi bent down and picked up the ball, "time travel's not exactly a known subject. There no knowing what kind of effect changing the past has on the future...or me."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, that when we finally defeat Mechano the future I came from will no longer exist. That means that I might disappear and then be replaced by an entirely different Aichi Davis."

"So you'd just cease to exist?" Soarin asked.

"It's possible," Aichi replied.

Soarin wasn't sure how to respond. He knew his actions were putting his ever existence at risk, but even so he was still working to change the future.

"Whoa," he said, "I don't think I could do that. Change the future knowing I might be erased."

Aichi just nodded, before throwing the ball at the teen. "I admit it was scary when the thought first entered my head, but then I remembered everything I went through before travelling back. I realised that even though I might disappear, I won't be completely gone. I'll live on in my younger self and the memories my family have of me."

Hearing this made Soarin smile, before dropping the ball and kicking towards the goal. Aichi was on his heel, ready for his first game of soccer.

In one of the classrooms, we find Sandelwood sitting on the floor meditating.

"Hummmmm," he said as he tried to clear his head, "Hummmmm. Hum-mow what's the use." He uncrossed his legs and jumped up onto his feet, before moving over to where he'd placed the desks he'd moved and began rearranging them.

The door opened and Grant stepped inside, seeing Sandal and walking over to him.

"Hey," Grant said, getting his fellow Green Rangers attention.

"Oh hey," Sandel replied.

Grant moved over and began helping put the desks back. "You okay?"

"I guess," Sandel said, "though I'm finding it hard to open my chakra."

"I see," Grant said.

"Sorry," Sandel told him, "you don't want to listen to stuff you don't believe in."

"On the contrary," Grant replied, "I do."

"You do?" Sandel asked, "but the way you act and talk, I figured you'd be more like Micro."

"If you mean I believe in science and reasoning, I do, but that doesn't mean I don't also believe in the supernatural."


"Indeed," he replied, "in fact, the supernatural is something I have great interest in. A long time ago humanity believed the sky was blue because the gods painted it, until someone discovered the true reason. I believe that magic and other stuff does exist, but we just don't understand it."

"Makes sense," Sandel replied.

"Besides," Grant held up his hand, before it sparked with green energy that Sandel guessed was X Energy. "Most people would say what I can do was magic, because they don't understand it."

Sandel smirked before thinking for a moment. "You wanna try meditating?"

Grant just shrugged. "Sure, sounds interesting."

Sandel nodded before the two began rearranging the desks once again to give them more space.

In the schools kitchen, we find Sweetie wearing an apron with a bunch of baking equipment around her.

Valarie stepped inside and saw her, before smiling, grabbing a nearby apron and stepping over to her. "What we making?"

"Not sure," Sweetie replied, "something...anything."

"Alright," Valarie replied before grabbing her cook book and flipping it onto a random page. "Here we go, lemon cake."

"Yeah sure," Sweetie replied, "whatever."

As the to began to bake, Valerie watched as Sweetie mixed the ingredients into her bowl.

"So," she asked, "you okay?"

"I'm fine," Sweetie replied as she cracked open another egg to put in the mixture.

"You sure?" Valarie asked, "because your being overly aggressive with that mixture." She pointed to the bowl, causing Sweetie to actually look down and see the mixture was done and she had been beating it longer then necessary.

"Sorry," she said as she handed to bowl to her Ranger counterpart.

"It's fine," she said, "your worried about your friends. It's okay to be."

"It's times like this I wish for the days before I'd met any of them," Sweetie said.

"You don't mean that," Valarie told her.

Sweetie just sighed, before nodding. "You're right, I don't. I never want to go back to before I met them."

"It can't have been that bad. You're what, seventeen...eighteen?"

Sweetie just smirked as she folded her arms. "I'll be turning a hundred and ten soon enough."

Valarie laughed at what she thought was a joke, until Sweetie's serious face made her realises she wasn't kidding. "You're serious?" She looked at her more closely. "What's you secret?"

"Bonding to a magical jewel from another world, that stopped me ageing until I met Starswirl."

"Arr," Valarie replied, "so no cream?"

The two girls laughed, Sweetie's worries now completely forgotten, before returning to the baking.

Shifting rooms to the actual cafeteria, we find Micro with his laptop.

Currently, he was going over the battle footage of the Mecha Rangers and trying to find a possible weak spot. However, so far nothing he did seemed to reveal an answer. "Come on," he said as he pushed his glasses up to his forehead and rubbed his eyes, "there has to be something I can do."

"Never thought I'd see a Yellow Ranger fawning over a computer."

Micro replaced his glasses and saw Dani stepping over to him.

"I like computers," he said, "got a problem with that?"

"Not at all," Dani replied as she sat down across from him, "I've actually got a lot of respect for you eggheads. My twin brothers the smartest guy I know. Sometimes I wish I could be that smart."

Micro just scoffed at her statement, before turning back to the computer. "Yeah sure. Say that again, when you have everyone looking to you and your big brain to come up with an answer for everything." He sighed as he sat back and stared at the ceiling. "Sometimes I wish I could swap my Element with someone else, to be brave or strong or selfless. So I wouldn't have this nagging feeling of always having to come up with the answer."

Hearing this Dani simply let out a loud chuckle, getting Micro's attention.

"What's so funny?"

"Just the fact that you're are wishing to get rid of the one thing everyone else would kill for." Dani stood up and walked around the table, arriving next to him and spinning his chair until he was facing her. "Listen," she said as she grabbed his head and made sure he was looking her in the eyes, "never wish away your intellect. There's a reason you were given it, because you're the best one to use it. Now stop moping and get back to work, because everyone's counting on you."

"Alright," a very scared Micro replied.

"Good," Dani said as she let go and then walked off. "I'll get you some brain food."

In one of the corridors, we find Lyra had fallen on her old standby...cleaning.

She was currently mopping the floor and had been scrubbing the same spot for almost five whole minutes now.

"Not bad."

She looked up to see Kade leaning on a nearby wall.

"Clean the rest of the place that thoroughly and you should have to worlds cleanest school by the time you're done...in five years."

"Funny," Lyra said before continuing her work.

Kade noticed another mop leaning against the wall, which he grabbed and dipped in the bucket before he began helping.

Seeing this made Lyra roll her eyes. "You don't need to do that."

"Beats doing nothing," Kade replied.

"Fine," Lyra said before smirking, "you missed a spot."

Kade looked up at his Ranger counterpart, before raising an eyebrow. "Where?"

Lyra's smirk grew, before she brought the mop up and shoved the head of it in his face. "Right there."

Kade knocked the mop head away, before wiping his face of the water. Once that was done, he smirked as his eyebrows narrowed. "It's is so on." He brought his mop up to swat her in the face, but Lyra used hers to block.

The two mops sprayed water everywhere, but they didn't care. They were having to much fun.

Up on the roof, Flash was sitting against the glass watching as the sun began to set.

Feeling a presence he looked up and saw Chris, who was also staring at the sunset.

"Beautiful isn't it," the Red Revolution Ranger asked, "I'll never forget the first time I saw the sun when I first came here."

"How is it any different from your worlds sun?" Flash asked.

"It probably isn't," Chris replied, "but my world's atmosphere is so polluted that the only part of the sun you get to see are the rays that break out through the clouds every now and then. Hope's virtual sun can't compare to the real thing."

"If you say so," Flash said.

"Don't take your world for granted Flash," Chris said as he turned to him. "It might not be perfect, but it could be a lot worse."

"I know," Flash said.

"If Mechano wins," Chris went on, "your world's fate will mirror ours. That's why we can't let him win, that's why we need to keep fighting."

"I know," Flash repeated, "but sometimes it feels like I shouldn't be the one fighting."

Chris was confused by this.

"When I first became a Power Ranger, I thought it was my chance to do something incredible. No more sitting on the sidelines cheering the heroes on. But then I was made the leader and all the responsibilities were placed on my shoulders. I often wonder if the team would be better without me on it. With someone better suited to lead them." He then looked up at Chris. "Someone like you."

Chris smiled, before shaking his head no. "What makes you think I'm such a great leader?"

"You're a natural. You've been preparing to lead your team almost your whole life. You've been leader for three years and in that time you haven't lost any of your team."

"Maybe," Chris replied, "but that doesn't mean I'm a great leader. You're right, I have been leader for three years. I've been facing off against Mechano for a long time." He then sat down next to his Ranger counterpart. "But Mechano's still around. If I was such a great leader, I would have beaten him long ago."

"He's powerful," Flash told him.

"From what I've seen and heard, your enemy was pretty powerful, but you still beat them."

"Maybe," Flash replied, "but now this happened."

"Yeah," Chris said, "you got beat, it happens to everyone. But that shouldn't make you feel weak. The way I saw you lead your team against Missile Wrist, that impressed me."

"You were the one who figured out how to beat him."

"Only because I've faced him before. You would have found a way to do it eventually."

Flash didn't reply to that.

"You're wrong about something as well," Chris went on. "I'm not a natural leader."


"You said it yourself, I've been preparing to lead my team my whole life. I doubt I'd be as good as I am, if I'd just gone into this Ranger stuff right off the bat." He then turned to Flash. "You however, you became the leader as soon as you learn you were a Ranger and you took to it like a fish to water. If anyone's the natural, it's you."

Hearing such a complement, especially from someone who knew what he was talking about, made Flash's heart leap.

Nothing more was to be said. The two Red Rangers continued to watch as the last of the sun disappeared bellow the horizon.

<Several Hours Later>

Mechano sat at his desk, as a computer infront of him showed the process of his creation's charge.

"Eighty three percent," he said, "I'm running out of time. No doubt Catherine and those Rangers will find a way to discover my location. I need to slow them down, but how?" He thought for a moment, before a smile appeared on his face. "By exploiting their greatest flaw, protecting others."

Back at the school, the Rangers had all gather back at the base.

Right now they were watching as Sunset and Catherine were working on something.

"So you think you can find the girls?" Flash asked them.

"Yes," Sunset replied, "by readjusting the E-Tector, we can scan the whole city for their Geode's magic signature. Once we find it, we can launch a rescue mission."

"And if we run into the Mecha Rangers?" Soarin asked.

"We'll have to keep thinking about that," Sunset replied.

"One problem at a time," Ryn said before turning back to them. "How long until you can do this scan."

"I don't know," Sunset said, "we don't exactly have their magic signature one file."

"We'll have to make it scan for any kind of magic," Catherine said.

However, in that moment their computers turned to static.

"What's going on?" Flash asked.

"I don't know," Sunset replied, "I think someone's hacking into our system."

Suddenly the computers stopped to static and showed the image of someone they all recognised. Mechano.

"Greetings," he said, "I hope I wasn't interrupting anything important."

Everyone glared at him, obviously not happy about seeing him.

"Oh, why so serious?"

"WHERE'S MY SISTER!" Shining almost screamed as he stepped forward. "I want and answer, NOW!"

"Oh relax," Mechano said, "she and the others are perfectly safe." He reached over and spun the camera around, showing the six girls in their restraints. "See."

Everyone grew tense seeing them like that.

Twilight and the girls saw the camera pointed at them, before trying to cry out. However, Mechano turned the camera back to him before they could say anything.

"If you hurt them?" Flash threatened the mad scientist.

"They're useless to me damaged," Mechano replied, "stop fretting."

"Enough games Mechano," Chris said.

"Oh," Mechano said as he turned to the Red Ranger, "is that anyway to talk to your uncle boy."

"UNCLE!" Everyone but Catherine and the Revolution Rangers cried out.

"That would have been nice to know," Sandel told them.

"It's not something we're exactly proud of," Grant replied.

"Oh," Mechano said, "so you haven't told them. That before I was the brilliant Doctor Mechano, before Catherine and my no good brother betrayed me, I was Doctor Christopher Davis...the man your gallant Red Ranger is named after."

Chris and the rest of his team looked down in shame, until Flash placed his hand on the Red Rangers shoulder.

"That doesn't matter," he told them. "We trust you, despite who you're related to."

Chris smiled, before turning back to the computer. "You can't split us apart Mechano. If that's what you're trying to do then forget it."

"On the contrary," Mechano replied, "I came to tell you that this little relationship we have will be coming to an end soon. I have chosen to send my entire army out, to level the city of Canterlot and enslave its populace. I'm telling you this because no matter what you do, you will not be able to stop them. By noon tomorrow you will either be dead, or kneeling at my feet begging me to spare your lives."

Everyone frown at the psycho's overconfidence.

"My army attacks at sunrise. I look forward to seeing your pitiful attempts to stop me." With that, the connection was cut and the computer returned to static.

Everyone took in what Mechano had just said.

"Sunrise," Dani said as she turned to the others, "how long until then."

Micro checked the time on his phone, before turning to them. "Just under and hour."

"Great," Shining said, "now what do we do?"

"We thank Mechano for blabbering on," Sunset replied with a smile.

"Come again?" Lyra and Kade asked, before glancing at each other.

"While my demented brother-in-law was talking," Catherine explained, "we ran a trace on his signal. We managed to get a location just before he cut the call."

Now they were talking.

"So what are we waiting for," Sweetie said, "let's go save the others.

"And take Mechano down," Valarie finished.

Everyone seemed to up for that plan, but Flash had other ideas.

"Hang on," he said, getting their attention. "I admit going to get the girls now sounds like a good plan, but Mechano will have home field advantage. Plus all his troops will be there."

"So what are you saying?" Aichi asked, "that we leave your friends where they are?"

"No," Flash replied, "you heard what he said. He's sending out his entire army, meaning his base will be unguarded."

"So we wait until he sends the troops out," Ryn said, "then attack him directly."

"But then the town and who knows how many people will be destroyed," Celestia said.

"This is a conundrum," Luna said.

"What do we do?" Catherine asked.

"We split up," Flash said, "two groups. One meets the attacking force and keeps the town safe, while the others will go after Twilight and the others."

Everyone liked the sound of that.

"So who does what?" Soarin asked.

In that moment, Shining stepped forward. "I'm going after Twilight. I have to."

"Me to," Sunset said as she stepped forward. "I need to save them."

"Alright," Flash agreed, "then the rest of us will take care of the robot army."

"I'll go with Shining and Sunset," Ryn said, "they'll need all the help they can get."

They all nodded at this, glad they finally had a plan.

As the sun began to rise above the horizon, the City of Canterlot was just waking up.

However, unbeknown to them they were all in great dangers. An army of metal was matching towards the city, Guardroids and Megabots side by side ready to level the place to the ground.

Right now they were about to reach a bridge which would lead them into the city, but instead of doing that, they came to a stop right before they were about to step on it. The reason they stopped was because they saw twelve figures, whose were nothing but dark blurs due to the sun behind them, standing in a line in the centre of the bridge. Finally the sun's rays moved enough for them to be shown in all their glory.

Flash, Chris, Lyra, Kade, Micro, Dani, Sweetie, Valarie, Sandel, Grant, Soarin and Aichi stood side by side as they face off against the mechanical army.

Flash and Chris glanced at each other, before nodding and turning back to the army.

"Are you guys ready?" Flash asked as he took out his Magi-Charger.

"READY!" The eleven other rangers cried.

"MAGI-CHARGERS!" The Guardian Rangers called out as they activated them, before placing them in their morphers

"X ELEMENT!" The Revolution Rangers cried out as they each generated a different coloured ball of energy in their hands, which they then crushed to cause the energy to flow through their hands.

"ENERGISE!" Everyone but Soarin said as they spun the barrels of their Morphin Blasters.

"EVOLUTION!" Everyone but Aichi raised their right hands up, using two fingers to point upwards.

"UNLEASH THE POWER!" The five Guardian Rangers pointed their blasters to the sky and each pulled the trigger.

"REVOLUTION!" The five Revolution Rangers brought their hands down and each slapped the two fingers onto their morphers.

Soarin and Aichi were the last the morph, doing so at the same time.

"Unleash the Power!"

"Neo Power!"

And just like that the bridge was illuminated, as the twelve Rangers were each consumed by the energy and morphed into their battle suits.

"MET...ON!" The Revolution Rangers called out as they brought their helmets down.

Finally the light faded and the robots saw the twelve fully morphed Power Rangers standing before them, before each taking a battle stance.

Flash: Element of Courage...Power Ranger, RED!

Lyra: Element of Trust...Power Ranger, BLUE!

Micro: Element of Knowledge...Power Ranger, YELLOW!

Sweetie: Element of Love...Power Ranger, PINK!

Sandelwood: Element of Will...Power Ranger, GREEN!

Soarin: Element of Selflessness...Thunder Ranger READY!"

All: Power Rangers...GUARDIANS!

Chris: Revolution, RED!

Kade: Revolution, BLUE!

Dani: Revolution, YELLOW!

Grant: Revolution, GREEN!

Valerie: Revolution, PINK!


All: Power Rangers...REVOLUTION X!

Flash and Chris: Power Ranger...UNITE!

In that second a massive explosion occurred behind them all, highlighting just how epic things were about to get.

"ATTACK!" Every single robot said in unison as they began charging towards the Rangers.

"No matter what," Flash said, "we don't let them get passed us and into the city. LET'S DO THIS!"

"RIGHT!" Everyone else called out as they pulled out their weapons and charged forward.

The two forces drew closer and closer, ready for this final battle.

Author's Note:

I don't like to blow my own trumpet, but that was awesome!

So, how while the final battle go? Only one way to find out.