• Published 8th Jul 2017
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Yugioh EQG: Shadow Gates - Banshee531

The Celestic Cup Finals have arrived. Who will take the crown and what mysterious ploys are being plotted in the shadows? Only time will tell.

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Turn 42, The Final Battle Begins

When we'd last left off, Sombra and his minions had used their dark power to create the Crystal Tower. It was a eighty meter high monstrosity, which no doubt had some kind of evil power.

"So this is the Crystal Tower?" Rainbow asked as they stared up at it.

"No doubt," Thorax replied, "it looks just like the schematics I saw in Sombra's lab."

"But how could something like this suddenly just appear?" Rarity asked.

"I don't know," Cold said, "but they did and that's what matters."

"He's right," Flash said, "Sombra's in there and we have to stop him before he can do whatever the heck he's planning to do with this thing."

"But how do we get in?" Pinkie asked.

"Yeah," Scootaloo said, "I doubt Sombra will have put a front door in for us to use."

Flash reached into his jacket and pulled out a card, before staring at it for a moment and nodding. "I think I have a way," he said, "but we'll need to get to it before I can try."

"Then let's go," Applebloom said.

"Yeah," Sweetie said, "time we ended this once and for all."

They all nodded and were about to walk towards the base of the tower, when suddenly an unusual rumbling beneath their feet caught their attention.

"What's that?" Fluttershy asked.

"An earthquake?" Rainbow wondered.

"I don't think so," Twilight said.

Suddenly the ground around the tower began to crack and break, as crystal spikes the same colour as the tower and ranging between three and twelve foot tall began shooting out the ground.

"What the hey!" Applejack yelled as a line of crystal broke through the ground and was heading in their direction.

"Everybody move!" Flash ordered. As fast as they could they ran away from the assaulting crystals, which seemed to be following them as they tried to escape.

"In there!" Twilight said as she pointed to the open door of a nearby building. Following her lead, they rushed inside as the crystals tried to follow, but suddenly swerved in their direction and missed the building completely.

Everyone looked back outside and saw the crystals moving away.

"Why didn't it follow us?" Spike asked.

"Must not be able to break through the building's flooring," Sunset suggested.

"What were those things?" Scootaloo asked.

"I don't know," Flash said.

Cold on the other hand, was watching the crystal line before turning away and seeing another line going down the street and an idea formed. "Come on," he said as he began running into the building.

"Where?" Sunset asked as the group followed.

"The roof," Cold replied, "I want to check something."

And so the group rushed towards the roof. Despite the building being so tall, it didn't seem to have an elevator so getting there took a while. Once there however, the group saw what Cold had suspected and were shocked.

Every street they saw was covered in the crystals, which broke through the ground and seemed to be ripping them to shreds. Some of the crystals appeared to be growing larger, some appearing almost as large as some buildings.

"Canterlot," Rarity spoke.

"He's destroying it," Pinkie said sadly.

"But why?" Flash asked.

Suddenly, Twilight's phone began to ring and when she pulled it out she saw who was calling her. "Shining," she said before answering, "I'm here. I'm okay Shining, let me put you on speaker." She did so and held it out so everyone could hear, "okay."

"Cadance and I have just finished analysing the tower and the crystals," Shining's voice replied through the phone.

"What can you tell us?" Cold asked.

"Well," Cadance said, "the first thing you need to know is this isn't just secluded to Canterlot."

"You mean it's happening in other places?" Rainbow asked.

"All over the world," Cadance replied, "we're getting reports of these crystals popping up everywhere."

"That's insane," Scootaloo said, "how is that possible."

"It get's worse," Shining said.

"Go on," Cold said.

"We did an energy scan on the crystals and found they seem to be drawing energy from anything surrounding them," Cadance explained. "And it's not just absorbing it, but also sending the energy to a single source."

"Let me guess," Flash said before looking at the large structure, "the Crystal Tower."

"That's right," Shining replied.

"Their roots," Twilight said, "like the roots of a tree, their absorbing what it needs and sending it to the main body."

"The tower is most likely storing the power to use to open the Shadow Gate," Sunset said.

"Meaning we need to get in there and stop this," Flash said.

Everyone nodded, before turning back to the tower.

Inside the Crystal Tower, Sombra and his minions were in the highest room.

Sombra sat in a crystal throne, as his followers all stood around the room. Chrysalis was standing at a crystal screen, which had numbers and such plastered on it.

"Energy levels at eight percent," she said, "and growing steadily."

"Good," Sombra said before he turned to another crystal screen, which showed images of Flash and the gang rushing towards the tower. "It seems we'll be having guests," he said, "each of you get to your locations. I will soon require my shields."

The five nodded and headed towards a flight of stairs on the other side of the room.

Once they were gone, Sombra smiled. "That's right," he said, "come and try to defeat me. You will all fail."

The group were all rushing towards the Crystal Tower, constantly climbing over the lines of shorter crystals which covered the ground.

They all looked around at the damage they were doing to the town. Street lamps and mail boxes had been knocked over and destroyed, making the place look like a war zone.

"This is awful," Pinkie said.

"And it'll only get worse if we don't stop them," Cold said.

They nodded and continued to draw closer to the tower, when suddenly the ground shook again and more twelve foot crystals shot out between them.

The all yelled as they leapt out of the way, causing the group to be split in two with Fluttershy and the younger girls being left on one side while the others were on the other side.

"Fluttershy!" Rainbow called out as she got up and rushed towards the crystal.

"Scootaloo!" Flash yelled as he did the same.


"Sweetie Belle!"

Applejack and Rarity also cried as they and Big Mac rushed to the crystal.

"We're alright," they heard Fluttershy call out.

"Keep going," Scootaloo yelled, "before it's to late."

"She's right," Twilight told them, "we have to keep moving."

They didn't like leaving them behind, but knew they were right and turned back to the crystals.

"Get somewhere safe," Flash called out.

"Eeyup," Mac agreed.

"We will," Sweetie said.

"Go kick their butts," Applebloom called out.

They nodded and once again began their trek to the tower.

They ran as fast as they could, hoping to get there before the crystals grew to big for them.

"We're almost there!" Cold said as the tower's base came into view.

They saw that the base was mostly unguarded by the crystals, meaning Flash's plan should work.

"Look!" Rainbow called out, causing them to turn to their left and see a line of crystals spreading towards the route. It threatened to cut off their only way to the tower.

"Over there to," Applejack said, making them to turn in the opposite direction and see another line of crystals. This one looked to connect with the first and really block their route.

"Faster!" Flash yelled as they rushed forward at high speed, hoping to get through before they were trapped outside.

They pumped their legs as fast as they could, as the two lines drew closer to each other and eventually they connected but not before our heroes leapt through.

"Is everyone okay?" Cold asked.

They all nodded, before Twilight did a quick head count. "Wait," she said, "where are Rarity and Pinkie?"

"We're here darling," Rarity's voice called from the other side of the crystals.

"No," Rainbow moaned.

"It's okay," Pinkie's voice called out, "just keep going. Take those meanies down!"

"You got it," Flash said as he picked himself up and turned to the Crystal Tower.

"Sure hope this plan of yours works," Cold told him.

"Same here," Flash said. He reached into his jacket and pulled out his Duel Disk, which he attached to his arm and activated before he pulled out a card. "Vail Pixie," he called out as he placed the card on the disk, "appear!"

In a bright flash of light, Vail Pixie appeared and flew around the group. "Hey Flash," she said, "what's up."

"It talks!" Rainbow called out.

"Of course I can talk," Vail Pixie said, "I'm not your everyday hologram you know."

"Flash actually summoned you here?" Twilight in astonishment.

"Exactly," Vail Pixie said before turning to Flash. "So what can I do for you?"

"Do you think you can open a breech that'll let us inside this thing?" Flash asked as he pointed to the tower.

Vail Pixie turned to the tower and stared at it for a moment, before nodding with a smile. "No problem," she said as she held out her hands, which glowed as they a small portal opened on the crystals surface. Seconds passed and the portal slowly got bigger, until it was large enough for them to step through. "Hurry," she said, "before I lose it."

They nodded and all rushed inside, until Flash was the last one. "Thanks Vail Pixie," he said before he stepped inside.

The second he was in, Vail Pixie released her power and as the portal vanished she did to.

As Flash stepped through the breech, he found he and his friends were in a circular room. Looking at his friends, she saw they were all staring up at the inside of the Crystal Tower in wonder.

Looking around he could see why. Unlike the outside of the tower, which was coloured a mixture of black and red, the inside was a plethora of different colours. It was like being inside an aurora.

"Whoa," Twilight said, "it's beautiful."

"Yeah," Flash said, "but why is it like this."

Cold had a theory. "It's the energy that's being collected," he said, "it's travelling through the inside of the tower and being sent up."

"So it's a bad thing?" Thorax asked.

"It will if we don't stop it," Cold said.

"So what do we do?" Applejack asked.

"No doubt Sombra's further up," Sunset suggested.

"Then that's where we'll go," Cold said.

"And I now how?" Rainbow said.

They all turned to see her standing next to an opening, which lead to a flight of stairs.

"Nice," Twilight said, "let's go."

They rushed up the spiral staircase and soon found themselves inside another circular room, the only problem was that there didn't appear to be any way forward.

"Okay," Spike said, "so what do we do now?"

"There has to be a way up," Flash said.

"Unless this was some kind of trap," Thorax said. As if to prove his point, the staircase they'd travelled up suddenly shut.

"He might be right," Sunset said.

"Eyup," Mac agreed.

"Hey look," they turned to see Applejack was standing next to a window like opening, allowing them to look out and see the devastation that had already been caused.

"Looks like the towers are the next level up," Twilight said after looking out through the window, "though that doesn't help us much since we're trapped in here."

"No," Cold replied, "Sombra wouldn't just trap us in here. That's not his style."

"Then how do we get out of here?" Rainbow asked.

She soon got her answer, as in that moment the whole tower began to shake.

"What's happening?" Spike asked.

"I don't know," Sunset replied.

Suddenly a bunch of crystals shot out of the roof and floor, causing the group to leap out of the way so they wouldn't be crushed between them.

"Whoa," Flash said as he picked himself up and looked around. He found he'd been trapped within a segment of the room, with Twilight and Sunset there with him. "You guys okay?"

"Yeah," Sunset asked as she stood up and then helped Twilight to her feet.

"What about the others?" Twilight asked as she looked around, "Spike!"

"I'm okay Twilight," Spike's voice called from behind the crystal wall. "I'm here with Thorax."

"We got cut off," Thorax said.

"Same here," Rainbow's voice called out.

"Me and Mac are trapped to," Applejack said.


"Everyone remain calm," Cold said, but in that moment the tower shook again.

This time, a segment of the walls in everyone but Cold's area cracked and split until they became openings large enough for them to step through. Behind each opening were a flight of stairs.

"Did anyone else suddenly get given a staircase leading up?" Spike asked.

Everyone but Cold replied yes, but weren't sure where to go from there.

Suddenly however, an evil laugh echoed through the room and caught everyone's attention.

"Sombra," Flash growled.

"Greetings," Sombra's voice spoke, "I commend you for making it this far. Now the real fun can begin."

"Enough games Sombra," Cold said, "show yourself."

"I'm afraid not," Sombra replied, "if you wish to face me then you must first defeat the ones guarding me. My four shields, who are the only ones sealing the entrance to my chamber."

"So we've gotta take them down before we can reach you?" Flash said.

"Exactly," Sombra said, "but can you in time. Unless you can reach me before the Shadow Gate is opened, the Doom-Vaders will be released and I will be given ultimate power."

"That won't happen!" Rainbow called out.

"That's right," Applejack said.

"We'll see," Sombra replied before his chuckling finally went silent.

"Listen everyone," Flash said, "this is it, the final battle. No matter what we have to win and make it to the top of the tower, then we can take Sombra down."

"He's right," Cold said, "everyone do your best and stay safe."

"But what about you?" Sunset asked.

"It doesn't matter about me," Cold said, "just go."

"No matter what," Flash said as he looked back at his friends, "we win and stop them...TOGETHER!"

Everyone nodded. "TOGETHER!"

With that the four groups rushed up the stairs, leaving Cold alone in the chamber.

"Good luck," he said, only for the wall behind him to crumble and break apart in that moment. Doing so revealed a staircase leading up, making Cold raise an eyebrow before rushing up it.

Spike and Thorax were rushing up the stairs, until they noticed a light up at the top which drew closer.

Knowing they were close, the two doubled their efforts and continued up until they finally made it to the chamber. It was exactly the same as the other two chambers, though it was much larger and had several crystal platforms pocking out the side of the room.

"Is this it?" Spike asked as he looked around.

"I think so," Thorax replied as he did the same.

Suddenly the sound of footsteps caught their attention, causing them to turn towards the source and both grew serious when they saw who it was.

Chrysalis was slowly walking towards them, a coy smile on her lips as she saw them.

"Hello boys," she said, "I do so wish you would have told me you were bringing a friend round sweetie."

"Enough games mother," Thorax said as he and Spike pulled out their Duel Disks, "we've come to put a stop to this."

Chrysalis frowned hearing this. "So you truly have turned your back on your people," she said, "that's heartbreaking."

"The only one who's turned their back on their people is you," Thorax said.

"And we're here to stop you," Spike agreed.

"Very well," she replied as she took out her own Duel Disk, "here's how this will work. You two will share a field but each have four thousand life points and alternate turns, while I have eight thousand. Agreed?"

The two boys stared at each other and nodded before turning back to her.

"The loser of this Duel will be ejected from the tower and will be unable to re-enter," Chrysalis continued, "losing here means losing everything. No second chances."

"That's fine," Spike said, "because we're not gonna lose."

"We'll beat you and put an end to your evil once and for all," Thorax agreed.

"Then shall we begin?" Chrysalis asked.

"Sure," Spike said as he pressed a button on his Duel Disk, "and I'll set the Action Field."


From the Duel Disk came a pulse which covered the whole area, before things started appearing in mid air. They were light green platform like structures that scattered around the area.

"I see you came prepared," Chrysalis said, "it won't help you."

"We'll see," Thorax said.


Spike: 4000
Chrysalis: 8000
Thorax: 4000


While this was happening, Fluttershy and the girls were moving through the streets trying to get to the Crystal Tower.

Despite what Flash had said, they had decided to try and get there in a hope of cheering them on.

In that second a nearby megascreen switched on. Looking up, the girls saw an image of Thorax, Spike and Chrysalis on the screen.

"It's Spike and Thorax," Applebloom said.

"They're Duelling," Scootaloo said.

"How are we seeing them?" Sweetie asked.

Looking around the group saw the same image on every screen they saw.

"Did Sombra make it so the Duels were televised?" Fluttershy asked.

"Why would he do that?" Pinkie asked Rarity as they to saw the image. The two had managed to find a way around the crystal spikes and now stood at the tower's base. The Duel was being shown on their Duel Disks.

"Sombra obviously expects our friends to lose," Rarity said, "I guess he wants the whole world to see his triumph."

Rarity was correct. All over the world, every single screen showed images of the Duel. No matter which channel they switched to, in was always the same thing. The Duels which would determine the fate of the world.

"I'll take the first move," Spike said as he reached for his deck, "I draw and summon Ember Dragon in DEF mode." The armoured lizard appeared on his field, before taking up a defensive stance. (A1200/D1100/L3) "I end my turn."

"Then it's my turn," Chrysalis said as she reached for her deck, "I draw and I'll start by setting the Pendulum Scale, with scale one Silk Spitter and scale nine Rumble Beetle!" The columns of light appeared on either side of her, as the two monsters appeared a flew up into them.

"She can Pendulum Summon?" Spike asked.

"Did I forget to mention that?" Thorax asked.

"Now I will cut through space time and carve the arc of victory," Chrysalis said as the portal formed above her head. "I PENDULUM SUMMON!"

The portal opened and two streams of light shot out, striking the ground and taking form.

The first was a humanoid figure wearing black armour designed around an army ant, with large boxing gloves on his hands. "Mega Drone!" (A1800/D1000/L4/P3)

The second became a monster Thorax remembered from their last Duel. "Flying Kamakiri!" (A1400/D900/L4)

"Now I'll have Mega Drone attack Ember Dragon," Chrysalis called out as her monster charged towards Spike's.

Spike looked around and saw an Action Card laying nearby, which he leapt at and grabbed before slotting it into his Duel Disk. "I activate the Action Spell Destruction Cancel! This card negates my monsters destruction, I would also take the damage but with my monster in DEF mode that hardly matters."

"Don't be so sure," Thorax told him.

"What do you mean?" Spike asked, though he soon got his answer when Silk Spitter shot out a load of silk string. It struck Ember Dragon and pulled him to his feet. "Hey!"

"My Silk Spitter's ability lets me change the battle position of any monster I attack," Chrysalis explained, "now Mega Drone!" The armoured figure punched the dragon in the chest, causing it to flinch pain but remain standing.

In that moment Spike felt a staggering pain in his chest, causing him to flinch and place a hand to the spot as he groaned and fell to his knees.

Spike: 3400
Chrysalis: 8000
Thorax: 4000

"Are you okay?" Thorax asked him.

"Did I forget to mention," Chrysalis said, "here in the Crystal Tower, we have a physical connection to our monsters. Any pain they feel will be inflicted on us. Plus the more life points we lose, the more painful it is."

"Not good," Thorax said.

"I'm okay," Spike said as he stood back up

"Well don't forget my Flying Kamakiri has yet to attack," Chrysalis said. Her monster took flight and buzzed towards Ember Dragon, before striking it with its stinger and destroying it.

Spike took felt the sting, causing him to cry out in pain.

Spike: 3200
Chrysalis: 8000
Thorax: 4000

The flames from Ember Dragon's wings flew off and became a pair of living flames. "When Ember Dragon is destroyed," Spike explained through his moan, "I get to summon two Ember Tokens to the field." (A0/D0/L1)X2

"I think that's enough for now," Chrysalis said, "I end my turn."

Outside, Rarity and Pinkie had made it to the tower and were watching the Duel on their phones.

"It's a good thing Spike got that Action Card," Rarity said, "or Silk Spitter would have changed his token to ATK mode and dealt them major damage."

"I hope Thorax has a plan to turn this around," Pinkie said.

"Me to," Rarity agreed.

"It's my turn," Thorax said as he reached for his deck, "I draw!"

"Thorax," Spike said, "my cards are your cards."

Thorax smiled and nodded. "Alright," He said, "I'll tribute one of Spike's Ember Tokens to summon Celtic Archer in ATK mode!" One of the fire balls disappeared and was replaced by an elf in green armour and mask, carrying a bow and wearing an arrow quiver. (A2100/D1800/L6)

"Now I'll activate my Archer's ability," Thorax said, "by tributing a monster, I can deal you five hundred points of damage." As Celtic Archer drew his arrow, the Ember Token transformed into light which flew into the arrow and made it glow. The elf released its bowstring, sending the arrow flying into Chrysalis's chest and making her cry out in pain.

Spike: 3200
Chrysalis: 7500
Thorax: 4000

"Now I'll have my archer attack your Flying Kamakiri," Thorax ordered as his archer fired another arrow, which struck the giant insect and destroyed it while causing Chrysalis serious pain.

Spike: 3200
Chrysalis: 6800
Thorax: 4000

Chrysalis moaned in pain as she held her chest, but still remained standing. "I activate Flying Kamakiri's ability, which lets me summon a wind monster whenever its destroyed. I'll summon a second copy of him to the field." A second Flying Kamakiri appeared next to Mega Drone. "I have to admit you've improved since our last Duel son," Chrysalis said, "you managed to not only use your partners monster to summon your own monster, but you also sacrificed the other one to prevent me from dealing damage to it next turn. Maybe you do have a future as a king after all, considering how you use the peasants around you."

"No mother," Thorax replied with a shake of his head, "that isn't how I treat those around me. You think using others to suit your own needs is the mark of a king," he said, "but its the mark of a tyrant like you or Sombra."

Chrysalis frowned hearing this.

"A king works with the people around him," Thorax continued, "towards a common goal. The last person a king should think about is himself, that's what my friends taught me. And when I defeat you, I'm taking the Changeland throne and will rule in your place. I'll help rebuild our country to be better then ever, using the lesson they taught me to work towards a better future."

Spike smiled hearing this, while Chrysalis just glared.

"Such a disappointment," she said coldly, "I tried my best to teach you what it truly takes to lead and you don't understand what it all means."

"Oh I understand," Thorax said, "I just reject it."

"Very well," Chrysalis said, "then I'll have to give you a more furrow lesson."

"We'll see about that," Thorax replied, "but if you wanna get to us then you'll first have to get through this." He placed a card in his Duel Disk, causing a Spell card to appear infront of him. The Spell then unleashed a bright light which surrounded them, before solidifying into a force wall which separated Spike and Thorax from Chrysalis. "This is my Insect Barrier" he explained, "I put it in my deck just for this Duel. Now no Insect monster can attack us, making every monster in your entire deck worthless!"

"Alright," Spike cheered, "that's the way Thorax!"

"There's no way she can attack now," Pinkie said.

"We can't be sure of that," Rarity said, "she may have monsters other then insects. They can't assume she only uses that kind of monster. But at least this weakens her stratagy.

"Are you finished?" Chrysalis asked, getting a node from Thorax in return. "Very well," she said, "I draw." She looked at her card and smiled. "Once again I'll cut through space time and carve the arc of victory!" The portal began to form above head head, "I PENDULUM SUMMON!"

The portal opened and a single light shot out and struck the ground, before taking form and becoming a monster Thorax new all to well. "Arise Insect Queen!" (A2200/D2400/L7) The giant bug monster stared down at the two boys, before unleashing a powerful cry which shook the ground around them. "That insect barrier may be protecting you for now," she said, "but it's only a temporary shield and when I find a way to brake it down then you both be bug food."

Spike and Thorax both glanced at each other nervously, knowing she was right. They needed to end this Duel quick, before it was to late.

The only question was, could they?

Author's Note:

First final battle, Spike and Thorax verses Queen Chrysalis. Who will win?

Hope you like what I'm doing, I like it.

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