• Published 8th Jul 2017
  • 4,499 Views, 663 Comments

Yugioh EQG: Shadow Gates - Banshee531

The Celestic Cup Finals have arrived. Who will take the crown and what mysterious ploys are being plotted in the shadows? Only time will tell.

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Turn 36, Doom Raizer pt1

We open today's adventure on the streets of Canterlot, where we find Sunset walking down the street looking at her phone.

"It should be around here somewhere," she said as she used her phone's GPS to try and find what she was looking for. "Couldn't he have given me a little more to go on."


Sunset was in her room at Freeze Industries.

She'd been going through her deck when she had gotten a call.

"Hello," she said as she a put her deck back in her Duel Disk and answered the phone.

"It's me," Cold's voice replied, "you up for a little recon?"

"What you got?" She replied.

"We manage to save one of the deleted files from Thorax's Duel Disk," Cold explained, "it shows several possible locations for labs they were using aside from the one we attacked. I doubt they'd still be using any of them, but I'd like you to go and check them out. See if they left behind anything that can help us track them down."

"Just send me the locations and I'll leave right away," Sunset replied.

"I'm counting on you," Cold said. With that he hung up and Sunset got ready to head out. After receiving the email, she stepped out of her room.

As she was walking through the corridor, she heard a yelling sound coming from the room where Thorax was sleeping. Rushing over to it, she knocked on the door before calling out

"Thorax, you alright in there?"

"Yeah," Thorax's voice replied from behind the door, "just a bad dream."

"Well alright," Sunset replied, "I need to head out, you can call the maid if you need anything."

"Okay," Thorax replied, "don't worry about me."

Sunset nodded and turned to leave, heading out the door towards the elevator which would take her to the lobby.


Sunset had spent the day checking out the multiple locations Cold had sent her.

The first location had been a complete bust, making her suspect that it had only been a potential building location which Sombra hadn't found a use for. The next spot had been just a bad, being an empty warehouse which Sunset had combed every inch of. But no matter what she did, she couldn't find anything of value to them and left.

Now Sunset was on her way to the third location, which she didn't expect to have anything of interest to them but she needed to be sure. However, she was still having trouble actually finding the place.

"Come on," she said getting frustrated, "where is it?"

While this was going on, not to far away another situation was going on that would soon connect with Sunset's little adventure.

"I attack Wild Rush Raptor with Dark Requiem Xyz Dragon!"

"And that lowers Scootaloo's life points to zero," Sweetie said as she finished doing the math.

She, Scootaloo, Applebloom and Shining Spoon were in a small card shop where they liked to hang out and face Duellists their age. Currently Scootaloo and Spoon had just finished a Duel, with Scootaloo having barely put up a fight against him.

"You okay?" Spoon asked Scootaloo as they put away their decks, "don't that this the wrong way, but your not usually this easy to beat."

"I'm fine," Scootaloo said as she finished packing her things away, "just not really in the mood to Duel right now." With that she got up out of her chair and left the table, heading towards the door.

Once she was out of ear shot, Spoon turned to the last two girls. "Alright," he said, "what's really going on here?"

"It's hard to explain," Applebloom said, "I guess she's still a little depressed about what happened to Flash."

"What?" Spoon asked with raised eyebrows, "what happen to Flash?"

Applebloom flinched realising what she'd just said, before she and Sweetie looked at each other. After a quick facial feature conversation, they both nodded and turned to Spoon.

"Alright we'll explain," Sweetie said, "but you need to keep it a secret."

"Got it," Spoon said, "Duellist's honour."

And so the two told him about what had really happened during the Celestic Cup. About what Shadow and Adagio had been doing, about what they'd done after the final match and infiltrating Sombra's lab. How Sombra had tricked them all and finally how he'd used Flash who was now currently unconscious.

To say Spoon was surprised would be an understatement, with the look his face was giving. "No way," he said, "that's..."

"Yeah," Applebloom said, "exactly."

"That explains why Flash hasn't been seen in public," Spoon said, "I thought he'd be doing TV interviews and stuff like that. All my friends have been asking me if I could introduce them to the Celestic Cup Champion."

"And with Flash unconscious," Sweetie said, "Scootaloo's been unhappy and mopey. She's trying not to show it, but I think she's really upset."

"We thought bringing her here would take her mind of it," Applebloom said, "but I guess it didn't work like we'd hoped."

"Come on," Sweetie said as she got up, "we should probably go find her."

Applebloom nodded and the two got up and left the store, looking around for Scootaloo.

They finally found her a little later coming out of a convenience store, guzzling down a large soda.

"Scootaloo!" Applebloom called out as they rushed over to her, "you alright."

"I'm fine," Scootaloo replied.

"No you're not," Sweetie said, "you're upset because of Flash."

Scootaloo flinched hearing her brothers name, confirming what the to had suspected.

"You can't keep going like this," Sweetie continued, "you really think Flash would want you moping around like this?"

"We don't know what he wants," Scootaloo said, "because he's in a coma."

"He'll wake up," Applebloom told her.

"How can you be sure," Scootaloo said, "he could be asleep for years."

"Don't be silly," Sweetie said.

"Of course Flash is gonna wake up," Applebloom said.

"Then why hasn't he?" Scootaloo asked.

"He went through a lot," Sweetie said, "it's just taking a little time for his body to recover."

Scootaloo just rolled her eyes and looked away, doing so making her catch a glimpse of something that made her grow suspicious.

Sunset Shimmer was wondering down the street, her nose in her phone, slowly stepping towards them.

Grabbing the two, Scootaloo rushed them all into a nearby alley to hide.

"What are you-" Sweetie couldn't finish as Scootaloo shushed her, until Sunset stepped by them.

"Okay, she didn't see us," Scootaloo said once she was out of earshot.

"Why are we hiding from Sunset?" Applebloom asked,

"Yeah," Sweetie said, "did you forget she's on our side?"

"I know that," Scootaloo said, "but if she's out here then that means she must be investigating Sombra. She might have figured out where he is."

"Fair point," Sweetie said, "but what does that have to do with us."

"If she knows where Sombra is," Scootaloo explained, "then I bet if we follow her she'll lead us right to him."

"And then what?" Applebloom asked suspiciously.

"Then I get payback for my brother," Scootaloo replied before stepping out of the alley and following after Sunset, "now come on. We're gonna lose her."

Applebloom and Sweetie shared a nervous glance, before stepping out and following the purple haired girl.

"This is not a good idea," Sweetie said.

And so the three girls followed Sunset, keeping far enough away so she didn't notice them.

Eventually Sunset arrived outside a large unused building, which she then stepped into.

"You think this is it?" Applebloom asked.

"Duh," Scootaloo said, "why else would she go inside it."

"It is very similar to the place that was hiding Sombra's lab," Sweetie said.

"Exactly," Scootaloo said, "so let's get in there and start kicking butt."

Before the other two could say anything, Scootaloo began running towards the door.

"Wait up," Sweetie said as they followed.

"Scootaloo," Applebloom called out.

In a dark area a computer showed and image of the three girls rushing inside.

"So," a dark figure said, "it seems we're going to be having a few guests. I wonder if they'll be smart enough to find us, huh my little friends?"

A loud amount of moaning could be heard in response, which the figure ignored as he switched the feeds to show the girls in the warehouse.

Scootaloo, Applebloom and Sweetie Belle all looked around the interior, but couldn't find anything out of the ordinary.

"Doesn't look like there's anything here," Sweetie said.

"That's what they want us to think," Scootaloo said, "that's what makes it a secret base. I bet if we look hard enough we'll find a secret passage somewhere."

"I don't like it in here," Applebloom said, "we don't know what could be hiding away. And besides, we shouldn't even be in here."

"No, you shouldn't!"

The three screamed before spinning around and seeing Sunset, arms crossed and and look of annoyance on her face, staring down at them.

Scootaloo placed her hand on her chest and breathed a sigh of relief. "You almost gave me a heart attack."

"What are you three doing here?" Sunset asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Um," they all said in unison.

"I'm waiting?"

"It was Scootaloo's idea," Sweetie snapped.

"She saw you and thought you were looking for Sombra," Applebloom continued. "She wanted to follow so she could try and Duel him."

"Blabber mouths," Scootaloo said.

"You three shouldn't be here," Sunset said, "it's to dangerous. Besides, it looks like this place is another dead end. Now let's get you three out of here."

The girls all sighed before turning to head out the way they came in, but as they were about to leave.


Scootaloo stopped and turned around, looking back into the building. "Did you guys hear that?"

"Hear what?" Sweetie asked.

"Help me, please."

"That," Scootaloo said.

"We don't hear anything," Sunset replied.

Scootaloo stepped over to where she thought she'd heard the voice coming from, a nearby blank wall, which she placed her ear to.

"What are you doing?" Applebloom asked.

"Shush," Scootaloo replied. She continued to listen.

"I don't like it here."

It sounded louder. Scootaloo continued to move along the wall, until she reached a part that the voice was loudest at.

"There's someone behind this wall," she said, "and their asking for help."

Sunset, Applebloom and Sweetie Belle all shared a glance, obviously think Scootaloo had cracked.

There opinion quickly changed when Scootaloo knocked on the wall, which suddenly started glowing. The teen stepped back as a section of the wall glowed, before retracting into the rest of it and revealing something behind it. Scootaloo looked down it and saw a flight of stairs, before looking back at the rest of the group.

"See," she said, "hidden passage." With that she quickly began rushing down the stairs, the other girls not far behind.

"Wait!" Sunset called as she followed, "it might be dangerous."

Scootaloo didn't listen and kept running down the stairs, eventually arriving at the bottom where a large metal door awaited.

"Great," she said as she tried to open it, but nothing she did worked.

Sunset and the others arrived and also tried to find a way to open it, but nothing worked.

"Here's why," Sunset said as she pointed to a metal device on the wall, "fingerprint scanner. Can't get through unless you're in the system."

"So how do we get in?" Scootaloo asked.

"We don't," Sunset replied, "we shouldn't be in here without proper back up. We're leaving and I'm calling Cold." She was about to turn the back towards the stairs, when suddenly the scanner beeped and the door suddenly opened.

The four of them shared a glance, but eventually their curiosity got the better of them and eventually the four stepped through the door.

Everything was dark, so dark that they could barely see more then a few feet infront of them. The only light they had was what was flowing in through the door and the further they stepped into the room, the weaker that light got.

They carefully walked into the room, being careful where they stepped so as not to walk off the end of something.

"Is anyone else a little scared," Sweetie said,

"Eyup," Applebloom mimicked her brother

"Just stay close and hold onto each other," Sunset told them.

"I can't hear the voices anymore," Scootaloo said.

"Anyone else think this might have been a trap?" Sweetie asked.

"I'm not sure," Sunset said. In that second their attention was caught by the creaking sound of the door closing behind them, plunging them into darkness and locking them in. "Now I'm sure."

Suddenly the room was filled with light and the four were able to see what was inside the room and what they saw, horrified them.

Large glass containers lined the room, one atop the next, and each one was filled.

"Duel Spirits," Sunset said in horror as they stared at the containers. Within each one was a character from the Duel Monsters game, some they recognised like Baby Dragon and Basic Insect and some they didn't recognise.

When the Duel Spirits saw the four girls they all started banging on the glass yelling, however their cries didn't seem able to reach through the glass so the girls couldn't hear them. Well, all accept one."

"Stop yelling," Scootaloo cried as she placed her hands over her ears and fell to her knees.

"You can hear them?" Sunset asked,

"You can't?" Scootaloo asked.

"That would be the sound proof glass."

The four all looked around and saw a hole open in the ceiling. From that hole a circular platform retracted, lowering itself low enough for them to see the man standing on it. He was a middle aged man with bright red hair and scars lining his face.

"I find it much easier to do my work without the annoying screams," he said once the platform came to a stop a few feet above the girls.

"Who are you?" Sunset asked.

"What is this place?" Sweetie asked.

"And what are you doing to those Duel Monsters?" Applebloom finished.

"One at a time," he said, "please."

"Talk!" Sunset yelled.

"Very well," he replied, "my name is Doom Raizer. This is my facility and what you see here is my Ener-D extraction experiment."

"Ener-D?" Sweetie asked, "isn't that the stuff generated by Duels?"

"It is," Sunset said, "but it's also generated by Duel Monster Spirits, the same way we generate heat."

"We're extracting the Ener-D and gathering it to use to summon King Sombra's final monster," Doom explained.

"That's sick!" Sunset yelled, "caging them like this to use as battery."

"It's all for a good cause," Doom said, "their pain will help bring a brighter future."

"You wouldn't say that if you could hear them," Scootaloo said as she stood back up, "it's horrible. And I'm not gonna let you continue on like this."

"And what are you going to do about it?" Doom asked.

"Duel me!" Scootaloo called out, "right here, right now! If I win, you have to release these creatures and tell us where Sombra is."

"Is that so," Doom said with a smile, "fine, but when I win, you four will remain here. I'm sure king Sombra could use some more mind slaves."

The girls all grew scared hearing that. They sure didn't want to turn out like Thorax and the Dazzlings had been, but they had to save the Duel Spirits.

"You're on," Scootaloo called out.

"No Scootaloo," Sunset said, "I'll Duel him. This is my job."

"We wanna help to," Applebloom said.

"Yeah," Sweetie said, "why can't we Duel him."

"Oh how sweet," Doom said, "but I'm a busy man and can't waste my day Duelling you all one at a time. How about I take you all on."

The four of them stared at each other in amazement.

"Seriously?" Scootaloo asked.

"Sure," Doom replied, "shouldn't be to hard. I'll have extra life points and you can alternate turns."

The four once again glanced at each other, before smiling and nodding before turning back.

"You're on," Sunset said.

"Very well," Doom said as a Duel console folded out of the platform and he pressed a few buttons. Suddenly a die appeared in each girls hand. "You'll all roll to see which order you'll go in," he explained, "and I'll have an additional thousand points for each Duellist. Agreed."

The girls all nodded as they attached their Duel Disks to their arms. They then each rolled their dice, Sweetie getting a five while Applebloom got a four, Scootaloo got a three and Sunset got a one.

"With that decided," Doom said, "shall we do this."

The girls all nodded, before taking out their Duel Disks and attaching them to their arms..

"Well then," Doom said as his Duel Console activated, "we begin."


Doom: 8000
Sweetie: 4000
Applebloom: 4000
Scootaloo: 4000
Sunset: 4000

"Looks like I'm going first," Sweetie said as she reached for her deck, "I draw." She looked at her hand and nodded. "I'll start by setting the Pendulum Scale with scale two Melodious Tenor and scale seven Melodious Coloratura." The pillars of light appeared and two monster floated up into them. The first being a man in a tuxedo while the other was a woman in a music themed dress. "Cut through space time and carve the arc of victory," Sweetie said as the portal formed above her head. "I PENDULUM SUMMON!"

The portal opened and shot out a pair of lights, which struck the ground and took form.

"Aria the Melodious Diva!" (A1600/D1200/L4)

"Soprano the Melodious Songstress!" (A1400/D1400/L4)

"Alright," Applebloom cheered.

"Nice move Sweetie," Scootaloo said.

Sweetie nodded her thanks before turning back to the Duel. "Now I'm using Soprano's ability to fuse her and Aria together," she said as a portal opened up behind the two, sucking them in. "Two voices, singing in perfect harmony to create a new melody." The portal exploded, "I FUSION SUMMON!"

The light faded revealing, revealing Sweetie's "Schuberta the Melodious Maestra." (A2400/D2000/L6)

"I place two cards face down and end my turn," Sweetie said as she did so.

"Then it's my turn," Doom said as he went to his deck on the console, "I draw and I'll activate the Spell card Reasoning. With this you select a Level and I draw until I get a monster and if it's Level is anything other then what you picked, I can summon it."

Everyone turned to Sweetie and nodded. Since she was still playing it was her choice.

"Okay," she said, "I pick Level...three."

Doom drew his card and smiled. "What a shame," he said, "it's a Level four. Power Injector." A Frankenstein like monster wearing a blue coat and metal devices on his arms appeared. (A1300/D1400/L4)

"A Psychic Monster," Sunset said, "those can be tricky."

"I've never seen Monsters like that before," Applebloom said.

"Now I'll summon my Psychic Snail," Doom said, "in ATK mode." A large snail with gold and blue skin appeared. (A1900/D1200/L4) "Now I'll activate Power Injector's ability," Doom said, "to pay six hundred life points and then power up Psychic Snail by five hundred points."

Doom: 7400
Sweetie: 4000
Applebloom: 4000
Scootaloo: 4000
Sunset: 4000

Power Injector pointed its mechanical arms at the snail, which unleashed an energy pulse which struck it and increased its power. (A2400/D1200/L4) "Now attack Schuberta!" The snail unleashed an energy beam out of its antenna, which Sweetie's monster unleashed a sonic wave from her mouth. The two attacks struck and bounced off each other, being sent back to the one who unleashed it and destroying them both. "Now Power Injector, attack her directly." The Frankenstein unleashed its own energy wave, which struck Sweetie and zapped her.

Doom: 7400
Sweetie: 2700
Applebloom: 4000
Scootaloo: 4000
Sunset: 4000

"I activate my face down," Sweetie called out, "Numinous Healer, which increases my life points by a thousand.

Doom: 7400
Sweetie: 3700
Applebloom: 4000
Scootaloo: 4000
Sunset: 4000

"Then I'll end my turn with a face down," Doom said.

"Then it's my turn," Applebloom said as she drew her card, "Now I'll set the Pendulum Scale. Scale one Blooming Rose Maiden and scale six Rambler Maiden, here we go." The pillars of light appeared on either side of her, with two woman in flower themed dresses appeared on either side of her. "Now I'll cut through space time and carve the arc of victory," Applebloom called out as the portal formed above her head. "I PENDULUM SUMMON!"

The portal opened and a pair of lights shot out, striking the ground and taking form.

The first was a woman in a flower themed dress, carrying a wooden staff with a flower shaped head on it. "Maiden of Cherry Blossom!" (A2100/D1500/L5/P2)

The next was a young child in a flower dress. "Maiden of Autumn's Fall!" (A500/D500/L2)

"Not bad," Doom said sounding rather impressed.

"And now," Applebloom continued, "I tune level two Maiden of Autumn's Fall with level five Maiden of Cherry Blossom!" Her Tuner Monster changed into a pair of lights, which flew into the air and carved three circles which her Maiden jumped into. "Glorious flower, now is the time to blossom." The monsters disappeared in an explosion of light, "I SYNCHRO SUMMON!"

The light faded, revealing Applebloom's ace. "Maiden of Great Bloom!" (A2200/D2400/L7)

"Since I have a plant monster in the graveyard," Applebloom went on, "my Maiden gains one hundred ATK points." (A2300/D2400/L7) "Now attack Power Injector!" The Synchro monster flew at Doom's, using her scythe like hoe to slice in two and destroy it.

Doom: 6400
Sweetie: 3700
Applebloom: 4000
Scootaloo: 4000
Sunset: 4000

"You activated my Trap," Doom said as his card flipped up, "Psycho Draw. When a Psychic Monster with fifteen hundred ATK points or less is destroyed, I get to draw cards equal to its Level." He drew four cards.

"I place one card face down and end my turn," Applebloom said.

"Then it's my turn," Doom said as he drew his card and looked at it. "First I'll use Monster Reborn, to revive Psychic Snail." The large snail reappeared on the field. "Don't blink, you might just miss him. I tribute Psychic Snail to summon Mind Kraken in ATK mode." The large snail disappeared and was replaced by what looked like the cross between a brain and an octopus. (A2100/D1300/L6) "Now I'll activate Mind Kraken's ability," Doom said as his monster used its tentacles to wrap around Maiden of Great Bloom, before it electrocuted her.

"What are you doing to my monster?" Applebloom asked in shock. She then saw her monsters points. (A1800/D2400/L7), (A2600/D1000/L6)

"This ability zaps away five hundred ATK points," Doom explained, "which are then transferred to to Mind Kraken."

"Not good," Scootaloo said.

"Now Mind Kraken," Doom ordered, "attack." Using its tendrils, the brain squid whipped Applebloom's Synchro Monster and destroyed it.

Doom: 6400
Sweetie: 3700
Applebloom: 3200
Scootaloo: 4000
Sunset: 4000

"I end my turn," Doom said

"It's my turn," Scootaloo said as she drew her cards, "and I'll set the Pendulum Scale, with scale five Dino Knight Tyrano Lancer and scale two Dino Knight Tricera Guard." The pillars of light appeared on either side of her and in them appeared to men in dinosaur styled armour. One had red T-Rex armour and carried a lance styled around a T-Rex's tail, while the other wore blue Triceratops armour and carried a large shield in the shape of a Triceratops head. "Now I'll cut through space time and carve the arc of victory," Scootaloo said as the portal formed above her, "I PENDULUM SUMMON!"

The portal opened and three lights shot out, hitting the ground and taking form.

"Rush Raptor!" (A1200/D1400/L3)

"Velocity Raptor!" (A1000/D1200/L3)

"Gilasaurus!" (A1400/D400/L3)

"First Fusion," Doom said, "then Synchro, so now it should be-"

"And now" Scootaloo yelled, "I'm using these three monsters to build the Overlay Network." Her three monsters changed into lights which shot into the air, before flying into the black hole that had just formed. "Watch as the ancient powers of a Dinosaur are awakened" the black hole exploded in light as a new monster appeared. "I XYZ SUMMON."

The light faded revealing Scootaloo's Xyz monster. "Wild Rush Raptor." (A2000/D2000/R3)

"With Rush Raptor as an Overlay Unit," Scootaloo explained, "Wild Rush Raptor gains five hundred ATK points. (A2500/D2000/R3) "Next I'll activate his ability," Scootaloo explained as one of the lights shot into Wild Rush Raptor's mouth. "Now any battle damage he deals for this turn is doubled," she said, "so I'll have him attack Mind Kraken!" The winged dinosaur shot into the air and then flew at the brain squid, before spinning around and smashing it with its tail and destroying it.

Doom: 5600
Sweetie: 3700
Applebloom: 3200
Scootaloo: 4000
Sunset: 4000

"I end my turn," Scootaloo explained.

"Then it's my turn," Doom said as he drew his card. Seeing what he got made his crack a smile, before returning to his normal demeanour. "I summon Dark Brainiac, in DEF mode." A man with blue skin and wearing a metal suit of armour appeared. (A500/D2000/L4) "I'll place one card face down and end my turn."

"We've got him running scared," Scootaloo said with a smirk.

"Yeah," Applebloom said before turning to Sunset. "Take him down."

Sunset just smiled. "With pleasure," she said as she went to her deck and drew her card. "I set the Pendulum Scale, with scale two Magician of Radiant Sunlight scale eight Magician of Glorious Sunrise." The pillars of light appeared on either side of her, as the two monster flew up into them. "Now I'll cut through space time and carve the arc of victory," she said as the portal formed above her head. "I PENDULUM SUMMON!"

The portal opened and two lights shot out and struck the ground, before taking form.

"Flame on, Firewall Defender!" (A1800/D0/L4)

"Ignite you flame of victory, Solar Flare Phoenix." (A2500/D2100/L7/P4)

"Now I'll summon my Tuner Monster," Sunset continued, "Sun Ray Salamander." A small yellow lizard with a white stomach and black spots appeared. (A100/100/L1)

"A Tuner Monster huh?" Doom said.

Sunset smirked at this. "Now watch as I tune level one Sun Ray Salamander, with level seven Solar Flare Phoenix." The little lizard glowed before transforming into a ball of light, which flew high up into the sky before carving a single ring that Solar Flare Phoenix flew into. "Awaken the power sleeping within us all and allow your flame to burn brighter then ever." The Phoenix was consumed by a burst of light. "I SYNCHRO SUMMON!"

The light faded revealing Sunset's monster. "Solar Phoenix Rebirth!" (A3000/D2500/L8)

"WHOA!" The girls said. They'd heard Twilight mention this monster, but never thought it'd be this cool.

"How'd you like that?" Sunset asked Doom cockily.

"I like it a lot," Doom said, "that's quite the monster and it'll serve me well."


Suddenly six unusual disk like machines appeared and flew around Solar Phoenix Rebirth, four circling it while one flew above its head and the last flew bellow it. After that the disks all unleashed a bunch of green energy ropes, which connected to another disk and formed a cage like contraption which trapped the Synchro Monster inside. The cage then flew over to Doom's side of the field, the caged bird going with it.

"PHOENIX!" Sunset screamed seeing her monster be taken, before turning to Doom and glaring at him. "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO MY MONSTER!"

"I trapped it," Doom said as he pointed to his face down, which flipped up to reveal a cage. "My Psycho Cage Trap card lets me bring any monster on my opponents field to my side. I can't attack with it, or us it as a tribute or a shield, but with it on my field my victory is all but assured."

The four girls didn't like the sound of that. Without her best monster, Sunset couldn't pull off her best moves. The question was, what was Doom Raizer planning to do next?

Author's Note:

You lot were asking for Sunset to play a part, well I hope this doesn't disappoint. How will Sunset and the girls get out of this one? Stay tuned to find out.

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