• Published 21st Nov 2016
  • 11,535 Views, 602 Comments

Yugioh EQG - Banshee531

A young antisocial teen receives a deck of Duel Monster cards and is thrust into an amazing adventure. How will he fair when the fate of the world rest on his shoulders.

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Turn 25, Derpy Muffins

Flash, Twilight and Spike were heading up town in search of their next opponent.

"So where should we go?" Spike asked.

"Not sure" Flash replied, "I can't tell if anyone around has a DPM." He looked around at the people passing them but couldn't tell if any of them had one of the watches they were looking for.

"Ha here we are" Flash and Spike looked over at Twilight, who had a paper book in her hands. The book had a picture of a DPM on it.

"Here what is?" Spike asked.

"What is that?" Flash asked.

"It's the instruction book for the DPM" Twilight replied, "it came in the box we had them delivered in."

"Really?" Flash said, "I didn't see it. So what does it say?"

"Well I haven't read it in its entirety. Didn't think I'd understand until everything was explained, but now I get it."

"So what were you looking for anyway?" Spike asked.

"When I skimmed it last night I found a section called tracking," Twilight explained. "Now that they're active we can use them to find other DPMs."

"Really?" Flash asked looking down at his own.

"All I have to do is press this button and-" as she pressed it, the watch suddenly projected something out of a small opening. A hologram appeared showing a map of the surrounding area, and in the centre were two dots. One dot was entirely black while the other was more like a black circle.

"How is this suppose to help us find other competitors?" Flash asked.

"I think" Twilight stepped back as she did so the black screen changed. The black spot stayed in the centre, but everything else inched a little to the side. "Okay the black spot is me" she explained, "and the circle is you Flash. Now if I can just make it zoom out," she touched the hologram and it acted just like a touch screen. She managed to make it zoom out so more of the city was visible, and soon a new circle showed up several blocks away. "Found you," she smiled.

"Then lets go" Flash said before running in the direction the new circle was located.

twenty minutes later they were at the street the Duellist was suppose to be. The street was a market place with many different stalls

"So where are they?" Flash asked looking around but couldn't see anyone with a DPM.

"No clue" Spike replied, "but look at this" he pointed to a store where many weapons were on display. Spike was mostly focusing on a cool looking sword with dragons etched into the metal.

"Oh excellent taste my boy," the vendor told him. "That there is a rare Dragon Soul Sword, forged in the flames of a great dragon, or so the legend says."

"So cool" Spike said, going to pick it up only to have Twilight slap his hand away.

"And most likely very expensive," she warned him.

"Oh don't worry my child" the vendor said, "the sword is so strong it could cut through rock with the right power." He picked it up and handed it to Spike, who carefully held it up. Unfortunately the sword was so heavy it caused him to lose balance and fall backwards, until Flash grabbed the hilt and held it up.

"Careful Spike," he told him. He took the sword from the boy and held it in one hand, feeling how well balanced it was.


Everyone turned around and gasped seeing a giant barrel rolling down the hill like street, straight towards them.

"It's coming right at us" Spike said, frozen as it rolled towards them.

Flash looked around and saw no place to dodge it, but then his eyes caught the sword in his hand and a plan formed in his head.

With all his strength he threw the sword forwards making it slice into the ground at an angle. Grabbing Twilight and Spike he pulled them down to the ground, right behind the sword. The barrel rolled towards them and hit the sword, rolling up the blade and flying over them before smashing into the ground and breaking.

Danger gone the three of them got back up before Flash went over to the sword and pulled it out of the ground. He took it back to now speechless merchant and put it back on its stand. "You were right about it breaking rock, doesn't even seem to have a scratch."

"I'm sorry" they all turned to see a girl their age running down the street towards them. She had grey skin and blonde hair, wore a blue shirt and green skirt, with a yellow neck tie. Half way down the street the girl tripped over her own feet and came rolling down towards them, stopping at their feet.

"Are you okay?" Twilight asked, kneeling down to help her.

"Ow," she replied as she sat up and rubbed her head.

"Nothing seems broken," Twilight told her.

"It's fine" the girl replied, "I'm use to falling over." She looked into Twilight eyes, who saw the girl actually had crossed eyes

"No surprise" Spike whispered to Flash, getting an elbow to the ribs in response.

"There you go" Twilight said as she helped the girl up.

"Thanks" she replied, "and I'm sorry" she bowed so low her head almost hit the ground.

"Sorry for what?" Twilight asked.

"I'm the one who sent that barrel towards you," she admitted. "It was an accident, I swear."

"How do you accidentally cause a giant man crushing barrel to roll down a hill?" Spike asked, getting a smack around the head from his sister in response.

"It's fine" she said in a warning tone to him, before turning back to the girl. "I'm Twilight Sparkle, this is Flash Sentry and my brother Spike."

"I'm Derpy Muffins" she said with another bow, "and I really am sorry. Please let me make it up to you."

Twilight would have refused but then she noticed a grey DPM strapped to the girls arm. "Your a Duellist?" she asked pointing to the device.

"Oh yes" she replied, "though I'm not very good. I barely got the win rate needed to enter."

"Great" Twilight said, "why don't we Duel?"

"You want to Duel me?" Derpy asked.

"Of course" Twilight replied, "I need an opponent and I'm always up to meeting new challenges."

"Okay then" Derpy replied cheerily.

They relocated to an ally way to prepare themselves.

"How many points do you want to put up?" Twilight asked her.

"I haven't Duelled yet, so I'm still at a hundred" Derpy said.

"Me to" was Twilight's reply, "let's say fifty points."

"Okay" Derpy replied, attaching her grey Duel Disk to her arm.

"It'll be interesting to see how someone like her Duels" Flash said. He and Spike were sitting atop a dumpster.


Twilight: 4000
Derpy: 4000

"I'll go first" Twilight said, "and I summon Silent Magician LV4" a child in white and silver wizards clothing appeared carrying a short staff. (A1000/D1000/L4) "I end my turn with two face downs."

"My turn" Derpy said drawing.

"Every time you draw a card my Silent Magician's ability activates, granting him a Spell Counter. Plus for each Spell Counter he has, he gains five hundred points. (A1500/D1000/L4)

"Well I summon Ditsy Angel" an teenage female angel appeared on the field, wearing ruffled robes that look like she had picked them up off the floor that morning. She had frizzy blonde hair and her face had a dazed expression, as if she was day dreaming. (A1200/D1200/L4)

"Weird card" Spike said.

"Probably more to it then meets the eye" Flash told him.

"Now I play the Spell Power Muffin." A muffin appeared infront of the angel, who scoffed it down in a second. "This baked good is packed with special berries which raises a monsters ATK points by five hundred for the turn." (A1700/D1200/L4)

"Talk about a tasty power up" Flash said.

"I attack" her angel ran towards Silent Magician.

"I activate my Trap card" Twilight said, as one of the face downs flipped up. "Spellbinding Circle, which will ensnare your Ditsy Angel." The mystic seal encircled the angel

"Really" Derpy asked scratching her head, "I thought Ditsy Angel was immune to Traps."

"She is?" Twilight asked.

"I thought she was" Derpy replied, "but if you say she isn't." But as the ring finished forming Ditsy Angel kept running, as if not noticing the Trap, and went straight through it as if the card wasn't even there. "Oh" Derpy said, "I guess she is immune...silly me."

"She doesn't even know her own card's effects" Spike commented in bewilderment.

Ditsy Angel continued her run at Silent Magician, before tripping right in front of him and knocking them both over destroying the magician.

Twilight: 3800
Derpy: 4000

"I end my turn" Derpy said before realising "oh wait I play a face down, then end my turn."

"My draw" Twilight said. "I summon Ventus Charmer" a monster looking similar to Shadow Charmer appeared, only his clothing was green instead of black and his staff had a spiral design similar to a tornado. (A1000/D1000/L3) "And on the turn Ventus Charmer was summoned, I'm allowed to summon another Spellcaster from my hand. That monster can't attack and will return to my hand at turns end."

"Then why play it?" Derpy asked.

"Who needs to use it to attack?" Spike said, "when you can Synchro Summon."

"I summon Striker Magician" a man in lighting styled wizards clothing appeared. (A1200/D1100/L3) "And now I tune level three Ventus Charmer with level three Striker Magician," the Tuner monster leaped into the air and changed into light which carved three circles. ""Watch as the unstoppable might of the wind unites the violent surge of lightning," the rings encircled Striker Magician who went transparent before exploding. "I SYNCHRO SUMMON!"

The light faded revealing a new monster. It to was a Spellcaster, wearing wizards clothing styled around a thunder cloud with lighting bolts. In his hands was a silver staff in the shape of a lightning bolt. "Tempest Conjurer." (A2200/D1400/L6)

"Pretty" Derpy said, seemingly oblivious to the fact that she was in trouble.

"Striker Magician's effect" Twilight said. "When he's used in a Synchro Summon, he deals damage to to you equal to half the ATK of the Tuner monster I used.

A ghostly vision of her magician appeared, pointing his staff at the girl before unleashing a surge of electricity which struck her.

Twilight: 3800
Derpy: 3500

"And Now I activate Tempest Conjurer's ability" Twilight said, drawing three cards from her deck. "I reveal the top three cards of the deck and send any Spell cards to the graveyard, to increase his ATK power by three hundred for each one." She revealed two Spells and a monster. The Spells she threw into the air as her magician created a tornado, sucking the Spells up and increasing his power. (A2800/D1400/L6) "Any other cards are place at the bottom of the deck. I now attack your Ditsy Angel," Tempest Magician's staff sparked as lightning shot out and surged towards the angel who didn't seem to notice the attack."

"Um" Derpy said thinking, "oh yeah" she pressed something on her Duel Disk. "I play my Trap Half Unbreak, which will save my angel from destruction and cut the damage I take in half." A barricade of bubbles appeared infront of the angel, still not noticing being attack, which caused the lightning to bounce off and hit Derpy shocking her.

Twilight: 3800
Derpy: 2700

Derpy stood wobbly with her tongue sticking out after the last of the lightning faded.

"I end my turn" Twilight said, "Tempest Conjurer's ability wares off returning his ATK to normal." (A2200/D1400/L6)

"My draw" Derpy said drawing. She looked at her cards looking confused, as if she wasn't sure what they did. A whole minute passed until Spike couldn't take it any more.

"Just play something" Spike told her.

"Oh okay" Derpy said smiling. "I tribute Ditsy Angel to play Ditsy Goddess," the angel disappeared and was replaced with a taller, older woman. She wore beautiful white and gold robes, also creased, she had frizzy blonde hair. (A1000/D1000/L5)

"A level five monster with a thousand ATK and DEF points?" Flash asked.

"Not very inspiring," Spike said.

"I attack with Ditsy Goddess" Derpy said, as her monster charged at Tempest Magician.

"What's she planning?" Twilight asked.

"Now I activate the Quick-Play Spell card, Ditsy Dynamic. It causes a Ditsy Monster to swap its ATK and DEF points with that of any other monster on the field."

"IT WHAT?" the three yelled as the monsters changed points. (A2200/D1400/L5), (A1000/D1000/L6)

The Goddess reached the magician and just like Ditsy Angel, she tripped and body tackled him to destruction.

Twilight: 2600
Derpy: 2700

"Now I activate Ditsy Goddess's ability. By paying a hundred life points I can reset a card face down.

Twilight: 2600
Derpy: 2600

Ditsy Dynamic flipped face down.

"So if Twilight tries to attack with her own monsters, that card will swap their attacks." Flash said.

"How's Twilight suppose to stop that?" Spike asked.

"I end my turn with a face down" Derpy said.

"My draw" Twilight drew her card and found she had gotten Spellbook of Power, perfect. "I summon Flame Burst Magician" the fire wizard appeared on the field. (A1300/D600/L3) "When Flame Burst is summoned, he inflicts eight hundred points of damage to your life points." The wizard fired a fireball that struck Derpy in the chest.

Twilight: 2600
Derpy: 1900

"Now I play Spellbook of Power. This card increase the attack strength of a Spellcaster monster, by a thousand points. (A2300/D600/L3) "Now attack" she smiled, seeing her magician attack. Even if she used to Ditsy Dynamic to swap their origanal points, Flame Burst Magician would have two thousand points to Ditsy Goddess's thirteen hundred.

"I activate Ditsy Dynamic" her Spell flipped up, "this will swap are monsters ATK and DEF points."

"It won't save your Goddess" Twilight told her.

"Won't it?" Derpy asked looking confused.

Twilight looked up and gasped seeing her monsters new total. (A1000/D1000/L3)

Derpy's monster also got new points. (A2300/D600/L5)

"So your Spell doesn't just change the original points, but also the power ups to?" she asked.

"That's right" Derpy said.

Flame Burst Magician's fireballs flew at the woman, who seemed to spot something on the ground and bent over to inspect causing the fireballs to pass her. The fireballs bounced of a garbage can, off a wall, almost took off Flash and Spike's heads before hitting a fire escape and flying a Flame Burst, destroying him.

Twilight: 1300
Derpy: 1900

"Now I pay a hundred life points to reset my Spell card" Derpy said.

Twilight: 1300
Derpy: 1800

"I end my turn" Twilight said.

"My turn" Derpy said, "I draw and I'll have Ditsy Goddess attack you directly" the clumsy woman ran at Twilight, tripping over her own feet and hitting her with a flailing arm.

Twilight: 300
Derpy: 1800

"I can't believe Twilight is losing to this girl" Spike said.

"She's got more skill then we thought" Flash said, "in fact her skills might be pro level."

"I now summon another Ditsy Angel" a copy of the scatterbrained angel appeared. (A1200/D1200/L4)

"Why didn't she summon that before?" Spike asked.

"I don't know" Flash said, "she could have won the match."

"Now I attack with Ditsy Angel" Derpy said. She waited but nothing seemed to happen.

"You do know you only get one Battle Phase right?" Twilight asked.

"Aren't I still in the Battle Phase?" Derpy asked.

"No" Twilight replied sweet dropping, "your in the second Main Phase. A turn goes Draw, Standby, Main one, Battle, Main two then the End Phase. "You can only summon during a Main Phase so when you summoned your Ditsy Angel you forced yourself out of the Battle Phase."

"Oh" she replied, "my bad."

"Seriously?" Spike asked.

"Kind of a return to form after the pro moment," Flash said.

"I guess I end my turn" Derpy said cheerily.

"My draw" Twilight saw the card she had drawn was Spellbook of secrets, but no matter which Spellbook she thought of adding to her hand she couldn't find a stratagy to beat Derpy's. "There has to be a card that can stop that Ditsy Dynamic?" Twilight asked herself, though she already new the answer. There was a card in her deck that would be able to stop it, but there was no way she could summon it. Just as she was about the end her turn, she spotted something on the ground.

It was the face down she had played on her first turn, which she had completely forgotten about until now. Suddenly an idea flashed through her head, as in her mindscape appeared several cards being linked together by her lines of thought until it reached one final card which practically glowed. "Got it" she said.

"Got what?" Derpy asked.

"The plan which will beat you," Twilight said. "I play Spellbook of Secrets, which will let me add another Spellbook to my hand." Twilight's deck shuffled before a card slotted out for her to take, I select Spellbook of Revival and add it to my hand."

"Now she can revive one of her monsters" Flash said with a grin.

"But no matter what monster she uses" Spike said, "Derpy's Ditsy Dynamic will make it weaker."

"I activate Spellbook of Revival and Summon Silent Magician LV4 from the graveyard," the young wizard reappeared on the field. (A1000/D1000/L4)

"Why'd she summon that one?" Spike asked.

"Maybe because their ATK points are the same Ditsy Dynamic's effect won't do anything" Flash guessed.

"But that'll destroy both monster" Spike said, "and it'll leave Twilight defenceless."

"Not once I activate my face down" Twilight replied to him, as her face down flipped up revealing a trap. "I activate Spellbook Restoration, which will let me return as many Spellbooks in my graveyard to the deck. She removed five cards from her graveyard and placed them back in her deck, which shuffled.

"How's that gonna help?" Derpy asked.

"You see Derpy" Twilight said, "Spellbook Restoration has another effect. For each card I return to the deck, you get to draw one card."

"Of course" Flash said, "Twilight's gonna power up her Silent Magician."

"But Derpy's still got Ditsy Dynamic" Spike said, "so no matter how strong she makes her monster it's just gonna give her monster more power."

"Patience Spike" Twilight told him, before turning to Derpy. "Go on, draw five new cards."

Derpy nodded and drew a card. (A1500/D1000/L4)

She drew a second. (A2000/D1000/L4)

A third. (A2500/D1000/L4)

fourth. (A3000/D1000/L4)

And finally she drew her fifth card. (A3500/D1000/L4)

"And now" Twilight said, "with five Spell Counters on her Silent Magician is able to evolve to her ultimate form." The small magician was surrounded by five lights, which spun around her forming a ring which gave off light that enveloped her completely. "Arise, Silent Magician LV8."

The light faded revealing Silent Magician as a much taller adult. (A3500/D1000/L8)

"Wow" Derpy and Spike said.

"Silent Magician attack Ditsy Goddess" Twilight ordered.

"I activate Ditsy Dynamic to switch their points" Derpy said.

"It won't work" Twilight told her, "because Silent Magician LV8 is immune to Spell cards."

Silent Magician let rip an incredible magic blast, which struck the daydreaming woman destroying her.

Twilight: 300 (Winner)
Derpy: 0

"Nice one Twilight" Spike told her.

"Thanks Spike" Twilight replied, before turning to Derpy. "And thank you for the great Duel."

"Yeah" Derpy said, "and I almost had you to."

"With a little more practice you'll make a great Duellist," Flash told her.

"If she learns to focus" Spike said, quiet enough for Derpy not to hear but loud enough so he got a thumb to the head from Twilight.

"Well here you go" Derpy said, transferring her points to Twilight.

Twilight Sparkle: 150Ps

"I hope you continue doing well in the tournament" Derpy said.

"You to" Twilight told her.

Twilight's first Duel in the tournament ended with her victory, but she knew the Duels would only continue getting harder. Which meant she would need to up her game.

Author's Note:

All hail the Muffin Mare. Hope you enjoyed Derpy's appearance and Duel style.

Next time another fan favourite's Duelling Debut.

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