• Published 21st Nov 2016
  • 11,543 Views, 602 Comments

Yugioh EQG - Banshee531

A young antisocial teen receives a deck of Duel Monster cards and is thrust into an amazing adventure. How will he fair when the fate of the world rest on his shoulders.

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Turn 19, Might of the Sea pt1

Flash and his friends were in the stadium food court getting lunch.

"Two down two to go" Scootaloo said, "one more victory and you'll be the block champion."

"I guess" Flash said, "but I doubt it'll be getting any easier."

"Your right" Twilight said, "your next opponent is possibly even stronger then your last two."

"You flatter me Señorita" a voice with a Mexican accent said from behind them. They spun around and saw a man in his early twenties. He had light brown skin, light blue hair and wore a white shirt, denim jeans and a dark blue scarf around his neck.

"Can we help you?" Flash asked.

"That's Tidal Wave" Rainbow told him.

"Who?" Flash asked.

"He's your next opponent" Rarity explained.

"Yes indeed" the man named Tidal said. "It's a pleasure to meet you mi amigo" he held out a hand for Flash.

Flash took it, "same to you."

It wasn't long before they were all sitting at a table with their lunch talking.

"So Tidal?" Twilight said, "why are you competing in the Micro Tournament? Considering your last two Duels your skills might even be on par with most Pro-Duellists

"He's that good?" Flash asked.

"Yeap" Scootaloo said, "I'd tell you more but you said you didn't want to know."

"Well to answer your question Señorita Sparkle" he said, "I'm in this tournament because I've only recently moved to this country. I didn't have the time to gain the hundred Duel quota, for instant access into the Celestic Cup."

"So your like me" Flash said, "I didn't have enough time to get the hundred Duel quota either."

"I knew a Duellist of your skills had to have a reason for being here" Tidal said cheerily, "my heart beat when I watched you Duel.

"Yay" Pinkie agreed

"I think we've found Pinkie's long lost sibling" Rainbow said to Applejack, making her chuckle.

"So Tidal?" Rarity said, "why did you decide to move here?"

"I came for the Celestic Cup" Tidal replied. "To me this is my chance to make it as a Pro here in the US."

"So you have professional aspirations?" Twilight asked.

"Indeed" Tidal replied. "For the name of my father I aspire to reach as far as I can in the world of Duelling."

"Your father?" Flash asked.

"Indeed" Tidal said.


"My father was Almirante High Tide. He was one of the most decorated soldiers in the Armada de México. He was the first man in our village to join the military. As an Almirante my father spent much of his time at sea, and as such."

"Welcome aboard señora" a young private said to High Tide's heavily pregnant wife, Sweet Fleur, as she stepped onto the boat.

"Hola mi amor" Almirante High Tide said as he embraced his wife.

"Hola High Tide" Sweet said.

"I'm glad you could come aboard" High said.

"It's just for a couple of days" Sweet said, "then I'll be staying put back home until the bebé is born."

"They say the storm came out of nowhere. The men say it was as if Chalchiuhtlicue himself was targeting their boat. For three days and night they were rocked by the raging ocean. And then."

Sweet Fleur held her stomach in pain. "Oh, I think the bebé is coming."

"it can't be" High Tide said in panic, "it's to soon."

"Well it seems our little one is eager to meet the world."

"As the storm raged my mother brought me into this world."

"Almost there" the ships medical officer said, "one last push." Sweet Fleur screamed as she pushed, and a second later a new scream could be heard. "It's a boy" the doctor said, as he gave the baby to its mother.

"He's beautiful" she said cradling him.

"He really is" High Tide said.

"Almirante" an officer yelled running into the room, "the storm."

Everyone looked outside the port window, to see the sky was clear and sea was peaceful.


"What an incredible story" Fluttershy said.

"I've never heard of someone being born at sea before" Rainbow said.

"Well it's true" Tidal replied, "It's said that people hold a strong connection to the place where they are born and I agree. All my life the ocean and I have been as one."

"Really?" Twilight asked intrigued.

"Sí" Tidal replied. "I can tell when a storm is about to brew, and where the best places are to fish. The sea itself speaks to me."

"With all that it sounds like you should have become join the military instead of becoming a Duellist" Flash said.

"You wouldn't be the first to say that" Tidal said with a smile, "everyone in my village thought I would follow in my fathers footsteps. Everyone except my father."


High Tide and a ten year old Tidal Wave sat on the edge of a pier fishing.

"What do I want to do in my life?" Tidal repeated his fathers question, "isn't it a little to early to ask me that Papá?"

"It's never to early to decide what you want in life" High Tide replied, "as long as you feel it in your heart."

"Then I..." Tidal hesitated for a second, "I want to be a Duellist."

"Really?" High Tide said.

"I know you think it's a silly dream" Tidal began, but his father cut him off.

"Oh course I think that's a silly dream" High Tide replied, making his son frown. "But you know what...all dreams are silly, that's why their dreams. But if you want something enough, then a dream can come true."

"Really Papá?" Tidal asked.

"Did you think they believed I could make it as far as I did in the Armada de México. They didn't but I proved them wrong."

"Wow" Tidal said.

"Never forget that you are the maker of your future" High Tide continued. "If you want to be a Duellist, then become a Duellist. Just remember where it is you come from, and that I'll always be supporting you."


"My father believed I could become a master Duellist" Tidal explained, "so now when I Duel in his memory."

"Memory?" Flash asked. "You mean?"

Tidal nodded still smiling, "not long after that my father went off on duty and his ship was caught in a surprise storm. The ship was never seen again."

"Oh Tidal" Rarity said.

"It's fine" Tidal replied, "it was a long time ago and I've gotten over it. Besides my father is always with me in a way."

"What do you mean?" Rainbow asked.

Tidal took something out of his pocket which he revealed as a Ritual Monster card. "You see."


"I'll miss you Papá" Tidal said as he and Sweet Fleur had come to see him off.

"I'll be back before you know it" High Tide said, before pulling something out of his pocket. "But when I get back I'll want to see you've master this" he showed his son the card.

the boy took the card and read it, "Commander of the Raging Storm Soveruin."

"You said you wanted to be a Duellist right?" High Tide said. "Maybe this card can help you become that Duellist."

"Thank you Papá" Tidal said as he threw his arms around him.


"Ever since then" Tidal said, "every time I've played this card I've felt my fathers presence."

"Wow" they all said.

"I entered this tournament to begin my rise to the professional circuit" Tidal finished, "my father believed I could make it and I intend to do so."

"Well first you'll have to get through me" Flash said.

"I look forward to it mi amigo" Tidal replied. The two bumped fists in respect, knowing they wouldn't hold anything back.

Meanwhile Cold had just finished his lunch and turned back to the TV as the Duel would soon begin. Tidal Wave was one of the most promising Duellists in Mexico, and his skills would surely push Flash's. "It's time to evolve your style" he said, "or be left in the dust."

Flash sat in the waiting room while the audience took their seats for the Duel.

He was once again looking through his deck making sure everything was ready, but he still felt like something was missing from it. Suddenly his hand shifted to the pocket of his jacket, and pulled out the envelope he had been given that morning. Pulling out the colourless card he stared at it in confusion, still wondering what its purpose was. A thought entered his head. It was stupid, insane and dangerous but it was the only thing he could think of.

As the door opened and the guard walked in Flash placed the card in his deck and returned it to his Duel Disk.

Celestia: It's time for the third and final round in the A block competition. Who will be our Block Champion and move on to the final round?

The crowd cheered on as the competitors entered the arena.

Celestia: Will Flash Sentry's luck from the previous two rounds grant him a third victory, or will the Mexican Heart Throb Tidal Wave continue his overwhelming winning streak.

As Flash walked to the centre he heard a portion of the female crowd begin to scream.

"We love you Tidal."

"Win this for me Wavey."

"Oh man" Rainbow said hearing this. "This crowd is really eating him up."

"Flash is lucky this tournament isn't about popularity" Rarity agreed.

"So amigo" Tidal said, taking out a light blue Duel Disk "you ready to do this?"

"You know it" Flash said taking out his own Duel Disk.

Celestia: It looks like our Duellists are set to begin. Then lets see what field they'll be Duelling on.

She pressed the button on her remote and in that second the floor glowed as it formed the Duel Field.


In the blink of an eye Flash found himself under water. He almost began to panic, until he realised he could breath and the water was just part of the hologram. Looking around he found himself standing on an ancient temple like building, and around it were other ancient buildings. Tidal was standing not to far off, on a building of the same height making them eye level.

Celestia: It's the Sunken Ruins.

"Fantástico" Tidal cheered with a spin.

"Don't tell me" Flash said face slapping.

"This is my field" he said.

Okay, someone in this tournament had it in for him Flash decided. "It doesn't mater" he said to himself, "I still have no interest in losing."

"Then lets get this Duelo going" Tidal said.

Celestia: Alright, in three.

Audience: TWO.

Celestia: ONE.


Flash: 4000
Tidal: 4000


"I'll start" Tidal said, "and summon Officer Cadet Andrew in Ataque mode." A teenager in a Navy uniform appeared, carrying a rapier. (A1000/D1000/L3) "Turn end."

"My draw" Flash said, "I summon Aura Spear Dragon in ATK mode." (A2000/D100/L4) "Attack" the dragon cut through the water and created his spear of light.

Tidal ran to the left and leaped off the edge of the building he had been standing on, and flew towards a nearby stone pillar.

"He's flying" Pinkie said.

"It's the water" Twilight said, "Flash is going to have to take that into account as he moves around."

As Aura Spear threw its attack Tidal swung around the pillar and pulled an Action Card off it. "I activate the Action Spell Life Jacket."

The light spear struck Officer Cadet Andrew, but even though it looked like it hurt him he remained on the field.

Flash: 4000
Tidal: 3000

"I might still take the damage" Tidal said, "but my monster is safe."

"Aura Spear Dragon's ability switches him to DEF mode" Flash said, "I'll place two cards face down and end my turn."

"My turn then" Tidal said, "and due to Andrew's ability I get to draw one additional card ever time I draw." He drew two cards from his deck. "Now I tribute Officer Cadet Andrew for Ocean's Caviller," Andrew disappeared in a vortex of water and was replaced by a new monster. He also wore a Navy uniform only it was more extravagant, and carried a long spear. The most noticeable thing about him was he was riding a giant green sea horse. (A2300/D1400/L5) "Something to note about Ocean's Caviller, is that when he's tribute summoned he gains the ability of the monster used to summon him."

"So now he's got Andrew's ability" Flash said.


"So now whenever he draws a card" Scootaloo guessed, "he'll get another card as well."

"He's looking for something" Twilight said.

"Now I activate the Spell card Graceful Charity, which allows me to draw three new cards along the the extra card" Tidal said. "Now to discard two" he did so.

Celestia: With each move his hand gets bigger and bigger. Just what is his stratagy?

"Now Ocean's Caviller will attack Aura Spear Dragon" Tidal ordered. His monster raised his spear high and threw it at the defending monster, causing him to shatter into a million pieces which floated in the water for a moment.

"I activate my two face downs" Flash said, "Starburst Draw and Code Change. Code Change will rewrite Starburst Draw's text from fifteen hundred to two thousand, meaning Starburst Draw's effect activates letting me draw one card for every level star Aura Spear Dragon had." Flash drew four cards.

"I'll end my turn" Tidal said.

"It's my turn" Flash said drawing a card and looking at his hand. He had Lunara and Flash Heart, but that Pendulum Scale only allowed him to summon level two and three monsters. He need to play defensively until he could draw another Pendulum Monster. "I summon Magna Fighter Deck Striker in DEF mode," the steam punk with the metal gauntlet appeared. (A1300/D500/L3) "I end my turn."

"Flash is playing defence way to early" Rainbow said.

"He might not have a choice" Twilight said, "let's just hope he can find a way to pull ahead before Tidal pulls out his ace."

"I draw" Tidal said drawing two cards and smiling. His stratagy was almost complete, with just one card needed. "I attack with Ocean's Caviller" his monster raised his spear and threw it at Deck Striker.

Flash ran across the temple and threw himself off towards another building, where he had spotted an Action Card. Unfortunately the water had slowed his movements and his leap hadn't been enough, so Flash ended up sinking just before the ledge which his fingertips barely caught.

As he hung over the side he looked around at his monster, as he was hit by the spear destroying him.

Celestia: So close but so far. Flash just wasn't able to reach the card in time.

Tidal smiled seeing his opponent struggle to pull himself up. "I'll place one card face down and end my turn. It's your turn amigo."

"Right" Flash said standing up, "it's my draw" Flash did so and smiled seeing what he had drawn. "It's time for me to blow you out of the water" he said, "as I use Scale eight Magna Caster Solaris and Scale one Magna Caster Lunara to set the Pendulum Scale." the pillars of light appeared as his magicians flew up above him, "now watch as with these two monsters I cut through space tie and carve the arc of victory." The portal formed above him. "I PENDULUM SUMMON!"

The portal opened and four beams of light shot out and crashed into the ground.

"Swing for a win Starbreak Dragon." (A1500/D1200/L4)

"Howl to the Moon, Shine Crest Magna Wolf." (A1200/D1100/L3)

"Target sighted, Magna Fighter Radium." (A1600/D1400/L4)

"Shine your light of victory, Flash Heart Dragon." (A2500/D2000/L7/P4)

Everyone cheered seeing Flash's Pendulum Summon in action. No one more then Tidal.

"My heart is...FULL" he screamed throwing his arms out. "The Pendulum Summon, such an amazing technique."

"Thanks Tidal" Flash said, "and you haven't seen the least of what it can do."

"Then show me amigo" Tidal challenged.

"Okay then" Flash said, "Flash Heart Dragon's ability now activates and sends your weakest monster to the bottom of your deck. Then Shine Crest Magna Wolf's ability, will increase its ATK points by three hundred until the End Phase. When all my monsters attack this Duel is mine."

"An interesting stratagy" Tidal said, "to bad for you that my Trap card will put an end to it."

"Trap card?" Flash asked.

"That's right" Tidal replied, as his face down flipped up. "My Tsunami Surge Trap will negate to effect of your Flash Heart, and force monster on the field into DEF mode."

"ALL OF THEM?" Flash and the girls screamed.

A vortex of water burst out of the trap, hitting all of Flash and Tidal's monsters and forcing them to take up a defensive stance or risk being blown away.

"Also" Tidal continued, "my Trap card will be sticking around for three turns. In that time we aren't allowed to change to battle position of any of our monsters."

"So Flash is basically trapped?" Rainbow asked.

"If he can hold out for three turns" Twilight said, "then he can change Flash Heart back and attack."

"But by then it might be to late" Sweetie Bell said.

With all of his monsters stuck in DEF mode Flash was forced to do one thing, "I end my turn."

"Then it's my turn" Tidal said, drawing two cards. Seeing what they were he grinned, "it is finally time."

"What?" Flash asked.

"Oh no" the girls said, knowing what was to come.

"First I activate Monster Reborn" Tidal said, activating a Spell card. "With it I can revive Officer Cadet Andrew" his monster returned to the field, rapier at the ready. (A1000/D1000/L3) "And now" he held up a card, "the greatest gift I've ever received. I activate the Raging Storm Ritual," a underwater tornado appeared sucking Tidal's monsters into its centre. "Now I summon a monster whose command over the wind and seas is unwavering. A friend in the eye of the storm, I RITUAL SUMMON!"

The tornado exploded revealing a new monster. He was a man in a white Navy uniform with gold trim, and a large cutlass in his right hand. In his left were rains connected to a large green sea horse in majestic golden armour. "Commander of the Raging Storm, Soveruin." (A2400/D2200/L7)

"There it is" Applebloom said in awe.

"This is bad" Twilight said.

Celestia: Commander of the Raging Storm Soveruin. This card single handedly won the match for Tidal in the previous two rounds.

"Now I activate Soveruin's ability" Tidal said. Soveruin raised his cutlass and from it came another tornado.

"What's happening?" Flash asked, but then he got his answer. Lunara and Solaris found themselves transforming back into cards, before being pulled into the vortex along with Tsunami Surge. The three cards flew around until Soveruin threw the sword and the tornado down, blowing the cards at Flash slashing him.

Flash: 3400
Tidal: 3000

"What the" Flash asked.

"By returning every card in our Spell and Trap card zones to our hands" Tidal explained, "Soveruin deals you two hundred points of damage for every card. And now I attack Flash Heart Dragon" Soveruin rode the armoured sea horse at Flash Heart, slashing him with his cutlass destroying him. "I end my turn with a face down."

"That face down" Flash said, "no doubt it's Tsunami Surge." He now realised Tidal's stratagy. During his turn he'll activate it again and force all of their monsters into DEF mode to stop him from attacking, before using Soveruin to return it and start everything over again." Looking at it from every angle, he only knew one thing for certain. "I'm trapped."

Author's Note:

Question. Did I overdo it on the Spanish? :twilightsheepish:

Tidal Wave is an OC based on another character from one of my favourite shows. Tell me what you think of him and his deck.

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