• Published 5th Jul 2012
  • 40,947 Views, 1,278 Comments

A Pony out of Place - Ausbrony

A young Ponyta suddenly finds himself in Equestria. Will he ever get home? Will he even want to?

  • ...

Chapter Six - A Pony is Irresistible.

Chapter Six – A Pony who is Irresistible.

The work that Applejack had wanted him to do was clearing a field of rocks. Granny Smith wanted to extend the farm, but the field was littered with large, grey stones. They could be removed by rope and hoof, but that would take weeks.

“Ragh!” Flares’ hind legs lashed out at a large boulder as his diamond hard hooves reduced it to gravel. Applejack, Big Macintosh and a few other members of the Apple family were busy shovelling the pulverised stone into wheelbarrows and hauling it away. On top of clearing the field, a local construction company had offered some bits for the crushed stone. A bit of extra profit on the side caused nopony to complain.

Flare stared up at a monolithic rock that stood before him. Applejack whistled as she walked up next to him. “That’s a mighty big one, ah reckon we should get a team to pull this out.”

“Feh,” Flare scoffed and snorted. “The bigger they are the harder they fall.”
Applejack put a hoof to his chest and shook her head. “Ah appreciate all tha help you’ve given us so far, but y’all might get hurt an’ ah can’t have that.”

Flare moved her hoof away and grinned. “Just watch and learn.”

Turning his back to the rock, he raised his hind legs and slammed them against it. He paused for a second before falling to the ground, his legs twitching in pain.

“Owowowowowww!” Applejack ran to his side and looked at his legs, they didn’t seem broken, but that looked like it hurt.

“Ah told ya so!” She scolded, bopping him upside the back of his head. “Don’t be a darn foal and listen next time.”

As Applejack helped the stallion to his hooves, a sickening crack filled the air as the tall rock split right down the middle. The two halves fell with a crash and kicked up a cloud of dust. Applejack coughed as the dust settled and her jaw dropped as she saw the rock.

“Well ah’ll be damned…”

Flare smirked and walked over to the rock. “Told ya!” He glanced down and his eyes went wide. The inside of the rock was hollow and filled with dozens of gemstones of all sizes and colours. “Whoa… is that normal?”

Big Macintosh looked over it and shook his head. “Eenope, didn’t think that Gem Stones grew in this here part o’ the land.”

As Flare looked at them, an idea hit like a Thunderbolt attack. “Um, can I have one of these, if that’s alright of course?”

“Ah don’t see why not.” AJ said. “We’ll jus’ sell ‘em ta Rarity or sumthin anyhow.”

Flare rummaged around until he found a gem that looked good, a gleaming aquamarine stone. “This one looks good,” he said and set it aside. Applejack was curious now, just what did he want that single stone for? Then an idea formed in her mind and a faint smile tugged in the corners of her mouth.

“Well let’s get this here rock outta the way and that’ll be all for today.” AJ announced. The remaining gems were put into a cart and then the rock halves were dragged off and out of the way. AJ, Mac and Flare looked out at the newly cleared field and nodded with the satisfaction of a job well done.

“Did y’all wanna stay fer some lunch?” Applejack asked Flare. “It’s tha least we kin do fer all ya hard work.”

“Y’know, that’ll be nice.” Flare said as he licked his lips. All the stone stomping had worked up a serious appetite and he had been told that the Apple family could whip up some awesome food.


As the three ponies walked inside, an elderly mare leaning heavily on a metal walker greeted them.

“Howdy youngn’s!” She replied in the same accent shared by the rest of the Apple family. It was one that Flare was actually familiar with actually.

“Granny Smith, ah’d like to introduce ya to somepony.” Applejack said, stepping up next to Flare Blitz. “Flare Blitz, this here is mah Granny Smith, Granny, this is Flare Blitz.”

“Land sakes, that boy’s manes’ on fire!” Granny shouted, looking rightly panicked. “Go an’ git some water!”

A small filly ran into the room, a bucket of water swaying from her mouth. “Ah got thith!” She said in a muffled tone as she swung her head, sending a cascade or water towards the fire type. Whinnying loudly, he jumped behind Applejack as the spray of water hit the farmpony right in the face. Applejack sputtered and coughed as she gave her little sister a death glare before shifting it to Flare.

“Whut’s tha big idea in using a mare as a shield!?” She stamped a hoof and stared him down. “It was jus a bit o water, aint like it was gonna bite ya!”

“I really am sorry about that,” Flare apologised. “But water causes me physical pain, I am a Fire Type Pokémon, so I can’t get wet much.”

‘Seriously?” AJ deadpanned. “Ya’ll are scared of takin a bath?”

“If I get wet enough I can die!” Flare argued. “It’s not a matter if I’m scared, everyone has a weakness or two and for me it’s a few things. Water being the first and foremost.”

Now it was Applejack’s turn to look apologetic. She was only making a joke but it seems that Flare was a little sensitive about showing weakness. He reminded her of a certain rainbow maned pegasus. “Ah’m sorry Flare, ah didn’t mean anything by it-“

”I know,” Flare sighed, realising that it wasn’t her fault. It was the one thing he hated about being a Fire Pokémon, being weak to a substance that was found almost everywhere. “It’s not like I can’t touch water completely, I can still drink it just fine and I can get my hooves wet.” He walked over to the bucket and dunked a hoof in it to prove his point. “I just can’t get my flames wet.”

Applejack though for a moment, If he couldn’t submerse himself in water then how did he bathe? He’d been here for roughly a week and it didn’t smell like he hadn’t taken a bath so…

“Iffn y’all don’t mind me askin…?” Applejack said as she rubbed her leg nervously. “How exactly do ya take a bath if ya caint touch water?”

Flare blinked at the question and nodded. “I don’t mind, it’s a rather astute question with a very interesting answer.” Applejack blushed at the praise… was it praise? Flare walked back outside and motioned for the mare to follow him. Once there he stood about a dozen feet from the house in a large patch of dirt. “This looks like a good spot,” he muttered. “Now watch closely and I’ll show you how.”

Applejack nearly fainted and turned a deep crimson. “Y’all want me to watch you bathe!?” She shouted with an indignant huff that would have made Rarity proud. Flare laughed at her reaction and pointed at the ground. “Just watch okay.”

He opened his mouth and shot a white hot stream of flame at the ground, just before his hooves. He began to spin in a slow circle until the flames consumed him entirely. There was little sound aside from the flickering flames and Applejack was worried that the stallion had just incinerated himself.

Until she heard the humming.

She squinted and then swore to Celestia that she could see the pony standing in the centre of the small inferno, humming a jaunty little tune. After a minute or two, the flames died down and Flare was standing there, without a single scratch, scorch mark or even the slightest blemish. He stamped the dying embers out and stepped out of the circle of blackened earth.

“You see, just like that.” He explained.

“That’s… somethin else alright.” Applejack replied, stunned that he set himself on fire in order to clean himself, as long as Applebloom and her friends didn’t try it. “Well let’s get some grub an you can explain to Granny on why our lawn has a new fire pit.”

Flare just smiled sheepishly as the smell of fresh apple pie wafted into his nose. A single sniff and he literally floated into the dining room where he was greeted by a delicious-looking spread of apples and apple themed produce. “Oh sweet Arceus this looks good,” He drooled as he sat down.


After lunch, he was making his way back to Ponyville with Applejack and Applebloom in tow. The song he had been humming earlier was firmly stuck in his head and he started to hum it again.

As they walked, Applebloom and AJ began to bob their heads slightly to some unheard tune and as Flare hummed a little louder he began to hear something. Music that accompanied the song in his head began to play, and though he looked for a source, it sounded like it was coming from everywhere. Lyrics formed in his head and he began to get the most insatiable urge to start singing.

So he did.

Flare began to bop his head as he opened his mouth and sung.

Look at what's happened to me,
I can't believe it myself;

He was flanked by the Apple sisters as they added a gentle hum to his tune.

Suddenly I'm up on top of the world,
Should've been somebody else.

His flank swayed slightly and he stepped in tune with the song.

Believe it or not,
I'm walkin' on air,
I never thought I could feel so free;
Flyin' away on a wing and a pray'r,
Who could it be?
Believe it or not, it's just me.

As the trio approached Ponyville, ponies of all shapes and sizes appeared out of nowhere and began to sing along with Flare.

Just like the light of new day,
It hit me from out of the blue;
Breakin' me out of the spell I was in,
Makin' all of my wishes come true.

Ponies sang from their windows and all around Flare others performed a perfectly choreographed dance routine. Flare barely noticed as he continued to belt out his song, his voice was smooth and mid ranged. Not too deep nor too light.

Believe it or not,
I'm walkin' on air,
I never thought I could feel so free;
Flyin' away on a wing and a pray'r,
Who could it be?
Believe it or not, it's just me.

Twilight’s friends were all behind him now and added their voices to the song. Twilight herself was walking next to him and Flare’s shining black eyes met her stunning purple ones. His smile was as warm as the sun as he sang the next part to Twilight.

This is too good to be true,
Look at me
Falling for you.

Twilight put her hooves around his neck as they danced together, the other ponies surrounding them in a large circle as the two sang in unison.

Believe it or not,
Believe it or not,
Believe it or not,
Believe it or not.

Believe it or not,
I'm walkin' on air,
I never thought I could feel so free;
Flyin' away on a wing and a pray'r,
Who could it be?
Believe it or not, it's just me.

The music began to wind down as the song reached its end. Everypony had joined hooves and sang together.

Believe it or not,
I'm walkin' on air,
I never thought I could feel so free;
Flyin' away on a wing and a pray'r,
Who could it be?
Believe it or not, it's just me.

Flare took a deep breath as the song finished and everypony smiled before going their separate ways, like this had been a completely natural thing for them.
Flare on the other hoof was as confused as hell.

“Um,” He looked towards the lavender unicorn next to him as she caught her breath. “I uhh… I have no idea what just happened.”

“It was just a song.” Twilight smiled. “And you have a really nice singing voice I might add.”

“Um, thanks?” Flare smiled before he realised that she had completely dodged the question, or she had just missed it completely. “No, I mean to whole ‘Let’s just sing a song along with Flare who has no idea why he was singing in the first place’ thing!”

“Ah, that.” Twilight paused for a second as she gathered her thoughts on the best way to explain it. “Well, I guess that the best way to put it is that music born from the heart can be felt by anypony and they just want to join in, it has to do with the Magic of Harmony that resides in us all.” She added an afterthought, “Though I’m surprised that it was you that caused it, I should research this…”

Flare applied his hoof to his face and sighed. “So what you’re saying is that sudden musical numbers are a common occurrence here?” He was answered by another burst of music as Pinkie led a chorus of ponies leaping across rooftops as she sang a cheery song about smiling.

“Not even gonna…” Flare sighed again and walked away as Twilight ran to join her friends.


Evening eventually rolled around and Flare returned to the library, exhausted from the work in the morning and the spontaneous musical number. That said, the whole thing still left him with a faint smile and a light heart. As he walked in, he almost tripped on the pile of books stacked near the doorway.

“If you want to return anything, use the after-hours box please.” Twilight had her head stuck in a particularly old-looking scroll as she wrinkled her nose at it.


“Space, Time and Distortion, worlds beyond worlds and all are linked to the Creator. Born form nothing and encompassing everything, the fate of light and darkness, the bearer and destined. The eternal nightmare and the light of destiny. One born from the union of love and will, dreams given form and hope eternal.”


Twilight scanned the scroll several times and then flipped it upside down, reading again before tossing it aside.

“Why the hay can’t Starswirl make any sense?” she yelled with a frustrated groan.

“Something wrong?” Flare said, causing Twilight to jump suddenly. “You look bothered by something.”

Twilight got to her hooves and scratched at her legs as the pins and needles set in. “It’s nothing,” She sighed, looking at the offending scroll that was the sole cause of her headache. “I was hitting a dead end with my current line of research and thought I’d give a look into prophecies, but that was an even bigger waste of my time.” She rolled up the scroll with her magic and placed it back in the pile. “Starswirl was either a genius… or a complete jackass!” Flare snorted in amusement at her rant. “Why can’t prophecies make more sense, like arrive here at point X to save the universe from apocalyptic event Y.”

“Why are you even looking into that sort of thing?” Flare asked as he stepped around the hardcover chaos that lay all over the floor and into the kitchen to get a drink. “It’s not like I’m some destined hero that will save Equestria.”

“Like I said, a dead end.” Twilight responded. Her horn flashed once more and the books sorted themselves into neat piles. “So on another note, how was your day? Doing whatever it was you were doing.”

“I was helping Applejack and her family clear a field of boulders.” Flare explained. “A job that would have taken them a week or two… completed in a single day thanks to me.”

“How did you do that!?” Twilight wished she could have watched, to see if he used any of his intriguing abilities.

“Just stomped ‘em.” Flare said, coming back out into the foyer. “My hooves can make short work of rock thanks to the fact that they’re almost unbreakable.”
Twilight pulled out a small notebook that had different-coloured tabs sticking out of it. “Possess hooves of incredible strength. Able to smash solid rock.” She finished writing and magicked the book away. “You’re just full of surprises aren’t you?”

“So says the pony that lives in a town that randomly breaks out into song.” Flare replied with a smug grin.

“I blame Pinkie Pie for most of that!” Twilight argued.
Flare shrugged and headed towards his room to retire to bed. “Pity though,” He murmured before closing the door. “You have a really pretty singing voice.”

He left the blushing unicorn alone to her thoughts after that.


Sparkler was over early the next morning to start her studies with Twilight. Flare had chosen to sleep in for the first time in ages and had just gotten into a comfortable position which involved lying on his back like a puppy when the feeling of something small and somewhat light thumped onto his chest.

He lay there for a moment and once it was apparent that his visitor wasn’t leaving he opened one eye to see two golden ones staring back at him.

“…Good morning Dinky,” Flare yawned as the little filly perched on his chest giggled.

“Twilight sez that you gots to get up Mr. Lazy Pony!” She smiled as she prodded his face with a hoof.

“Do I now?” Flare mused as he yawned loudly and opened both eyes. “And why is that?”

“Cause Twilight sez so.”

Flare smiled at the adorableness of it. “Well only if I get a wake-up kiss.”
Dinky grinned and Flare waited for the little unicorn to kiss his nose or something when she jumped down from the bed. “A’kay!” She smiled and ran outside. “Flare sez he wants a wake up kiss!” She proudly exclaimed to Twilight.

Flare rushed out a second later, his face red and a nervous smile on his muzzle. “Ahahaha, little fillies huh? What can you do?” He was too late though and the damage had been done. Twilight’s smile was one that said volumes of the fact that she would never let him live this down.

“Well it seems that you’re wide awake now, so I guess the kiss isn’t necessary.” Twilight sighed and put a hoof to her cheek in mock disappointment. “What a shame.”

Flare’s brain chose that moment to just shut down completely and go to lunch. Twilight and Sparkler just giggled at him while the joke went straight over the top of Dinky’s head. The little unicorn looked up at Twilight with adamant curiosity. “So are ya gonna kiss him?” She asked innocently.

Twilight stopped laughing and coughed as the question caught her off guard. “Um, no muffin. I think he’ll be okay.”

Flare blinked and he saw his opportunity to counterattack. “Yeah Dinky, Twilight’s being a big meanie. I’m feelin’ kinda sad now.”

Dinky’s eyes went wide with shock as she zipped over to Flare and latched onto his leg with a patented ‘Get Better’ hug. “Dun worry Flare.” She beckoned for him to lean down and kissed him on the cheek when he did. “Feelin’ better?”

His heart just melted as he smiled and nuzzled the little filly. “Much, thanks Dinky!” Dinky nodded and then gave a stern look to Twilight, well as stern as a six year old could muster.

“That’s not fair!” Twilight cried. “You can’t use Dinky’s cuteness against somepony like that! It’s blatant cheating!”

“I think Twilight needs one too Dinky.” Flare whispered and Dinky rushed back over to Twi to give her a hug and a kiss too.

“What about me?” Sparkler huffed and Dinky sighed.

“Urgh, fiiine.” Dinky moaned and hugged Sparkler. “Don’t be such a baby Sparky.”

Flare laughed at that one. That filly was so sweet she could probably give Pinkie Pie a toothache. Then he recalled the reason why he was up in the first place.

“So what did you need me for?” he asked Twilight. “Something up?”

Twilight finished cooing over Dinky and turned her attention to the Pokémon. “Yes actually, I was hoping that you might do me a favour?”

“Sure, what is it?”

“Well you see, I promised Cheerilee that I’d assist with looking after her class on a field trip today, but this research is hard and has me all tied up at the moment.”. Twilight waved a hoof over the mess that had covered the library floor for teh past few days. “I was wondering if you could go in my place.” Twilight asked him. “You seem to be really good with kids and it’ll be a great way for to meet some more ponies and learn a little more about Equestria.”

Flare nodded, “I can handle that no problem.” He smiled and Dinky trotted over to him. “So I’m gonna spend the day with class huh?”

“A’huh” Dinky beamed, “I’ll show you the way. C’mon!” She clambered up onto his back and put her little hooves around his neck. “Hi-ho Flare, away!” She shouted and Flare trotted out from the library.


Dinky showed him the way to the schoolhouse where a fuchsia mare with a flower cutie mark was waiting. A small gaggle of foals were running about, giggling and chatting. The appearance of Flare however took them all by surprise however and the yard fell into a deep silence.

“Here we go again,” He thought bitterly. “I wonder how many will run away this time.”

Cheerilee stood her ground as the strange pony approached. She remembered the party that Pinkie had thrown a week ago for this odd stallion, but why was he here at the school? Dinky suddenly jumped down from Flare’s back and waved happily.

“Hey everypony!” She greeted with a wide smile. “This is Flare, Miss Twilight’s friend.” She poked Flare in the leg with a hoof and whispered. “Psst, say hi to everypony.”

“Uh, right.” Flare cleared his throat and looked at the small crowd before him. “Hello there!” He said, trying not to be too intimidating. “My name is Flare Blitz, I’m here on the behalf of Twilight Sparkle.”

A filly ran up to him and he recognised her straight away, it was Applejack’s sister, Applebloom.

“Howdy thar Mr. Flare!” She beamed. “Are y’all comin on the field trip with us?”

“Do you know him AB?” A small orange pegasus asked.

Applebloom nodded and turned back to Flare. “This here is mah friend Scootaloo and her name is Sweetie Belle.”

“A pleasure to meet you,” Sweetie made a polite courtesy while Scootaloo rolled her eyes.

“Yeah, well if Applebloom and Dinky say you’re cool then I’ll go with it.” Scootaloo kinda reminded him of a miniature Rainbow Dash. Maybe they were related?

Cheerilee watched the four fillies play with the newcomer and smiled. He didn’t look so scary with a bunch of children hanging off of him; she approached him tentatively none the less.

“Hello there,” Cheerilee greeted him. “My name is Miss Cheerilee, I am the teacher of these young colts and fillies.”

“It’s nice to meet you Miss Cheerilee.” Flare greeted back. “Sorry that Twilight couldn’t make it, but she’s just super busy with some research right now.”

“It’s quite alright, it definitely sounds like Twilight,” Cheerilee laughed. “I suppose I should explain what we are doing today.” All the foals settled down as Cheerilee addressed them. “We will be going to a field just outside of Ponyville today. Some rare flowers have been spotted blooming and it would be a good opportunity for our botany lessons.”

“But like, isn’t that totally near the Everfree Forest?” A grey filly wearing a pair of glasses asked. “What happens if a monster attacks us? My daddy won’t be very happy!”

“Which is why I sent you home with that permission slip the other day Silver Spoon.” Cheerilee reminded her. “And besides, we have Mr. Flare Blitz here.”

“So a monster will protect us from another monster?” A pink filly standing next to Silver snorted. “That’s your plan?”

“Flare isn’t a munster!” Dinky yelled at her. “’Pologise to him you meanie!”

“Diamond Tiara!?” Cheerilee scolded her. “That is very rude. Apologise to Mr. Flare Blitz.”

Diamond just snorted as Silver Spoon giggled. Cheerilee offered an apologetic look to Flare, “I’m very sorry about that. I’m sure they didn’t mean it.”

“Sticks and stones,” Flare shrugged. “Besides, they’re technically right. I am a monster of sorts.”

“W-what do you mean?” Sweetie Belle piqued up. “You’re not gonna eat us are you?”

Flare shook his head, “Naw, ponies taste terrible.” He saw the look of total horror on Cheerilee and Sweetie’s faces. “I’m just kidding, I’m a herbivore.”

“What does that mean?” Scootaloo asked, unfamiliar with the big word.

“It means he eats the same things we do, like fruits, vegetables and grains.” Sweete informed her and Cheerilee nodded.

“And excellent explanation Sweetie Belle, bonus marks for you.” She turned her attention back to the class. “Well let’s get going everypony!”

As they walked through the town towards their destination, the trio of fillies known as the Cutie Mark Crusaders hung at the back of the group talking to Flare Blitz.

“So you formed a club to find your Cutie Marks?” Flare asked. “That’s pretty cool.”

“Y’all really think so?” Applebloom skipped happily and laughed. “We don’ git a whole lotta intrest frum tha grown ups.”

“Probably cause we’re just too awesome!” Scootaloo added. “They just don’t know how to handle it.”

“You really do sound a lot like Rainbow Dash.” Flare pointed out and Scoots looked like he had just paid her the highest of compliments. He personally didn’t know all that much himself about the prismatic pegasus, he was only going from stories that Twilight had told him and the brief moments that he had actually met her.

“Note to self, set aside some time and get to know Twilight’s friends a little better.”

Sweetie Belle was looking at his flames with sparkly eyes. “I really like your mane!” she squeaked. “It’s simply marvellous.”

“And you sound like Miss Rarity.” Flare replied and Sweetie Belle nodded.

“She’s my big sister, do you know her too?”

“Sure do, I went to Canterlot with her a few days ago.” Flare explained. “She’s really nice and makes really beautiful clothes huh?”

Sweetie Belle giggled and her horn sparked ever so slightly. “Yeah, she can be slightly bossy sometimes, but she’s the best big sister ever!”

A voice called out to them and Flare saw Spike approaching them. "Hey Spike, what's up?"

"Not much, Twilight gave me a break for a while so I thought that I might catch up and hang out with you," Spike explained. "If that's okay with you of course."

"I don't mind," Flare cantered up to Cheerilee and spoke with her for a moment before trotting back. "Miss Cheerilee said it was okay, so welcome to the class Spike!"


After about a half hour of walking, the group reached their destination, a big open field that was filled with hundreds if not thousands of beautiful flowers. Flare was amazed at the beauty that Equestria had to offer.

“Okay class!” Cheerilee called out. “Today we will be looking for this flower.” She held out a book that showed a lavender flower that looked very similar to a lily. “It’s called a Star Dew and it’s a very rare species.” She waved a hook across the field, “A friend of mine mentioned that you can find them here, so get looking everypony!”

“I’m so going to find that flower before all of you Blank Flanks!” Diamond Tiara sneered as she and Silver Spoon ran off into the field.

“Y’know,” Flare stated. “I don’t think I like that little filly.”

“Cause she’s a bully who always makes fun of us?” Scootaloo had little love for them either. But this Flare guy was pretty cool, well not as cool as Rainbow Dash, but still cool. Then she noticed something. “Hey Mr. Flare, how come you don’t have a Cutie Mark?”

Sweetie Belle and Applebloom looked and saw that Scootaloo was right, Flare’s flank was as blank as theirs. But he was a grown up, how come he didn’t have one?

“I don’t think I can get one.” Flare replied, not really sure how to answer that without confusing the young girls. “So don’t worry about it okay?”

“Well you can join our club if y’all want to.’ Applebloom offered. “Even though yer a grown up, y’all can still be a Crusader.”

“Maybe I will,” Flare humoured her. “But I think we should find that flower first, before Miss Cheerilee gets upset.”

Dinky ran back over panting, “I couldn find the flower over there, maybe we should try that way?”

Everypony cheered in agreement and the four fillies and one Pokémon headed out into the field to find the elusive flower, completely unaware of the hungry yellow eyes that hid in the darkness of the nearby forest, following their every move.

“Sssuch a deliciousss looking dragon!”