• Published 5th Jul 2012
  • 40,949 Views, 1,278 Comments

A Pony out of Place - Ausbrony

A young Ponyta suddenly finds himself in Equestria. Will he ever get home? Will he even want to?

  • ...

Chapter Eleven – A Pony who Never gives up!

Chapter Eleven – A Pony who Never gives up!

Flare stood there stunned. He had finally decided on what to do. He had told Twilight that he wanted to stay in Equestria. And then out of nowhere, freakin’ Arceus shows up and tells him that he’s going home!?

“W-what?” Yeah, great display of your intellect there Flare.

“As I have said, I have come to take you home,” Arceus repeated. With a flick of his tail, the portal that he had arrived from re-opened. “Now let’s not delay any longer.”

Flare stood there for a moment and then shook his head. “N-no” he said slowly. “I’m not going!”.

“What?” Arceus said, looking down at the small pony. “You do not belong in this world, you must return to ours.”

Flare Blitz took a deep breath and said something that all other Pokémon would consider insane. “I’m not going anywhere and you can’t make me!” When all else fails, resort to childish antics.

Arceus snorted and glared at the defiant Pokémon. “That is something I certainly can do!”

Twilight suddenly stepped forward, glaring right back at the God-Pokémon. “And what gives you the right to tell Flare what he can and cannot do? He’s done no harm since he came here, his life is his own to live!”

Flare stared wide-eyed at the mare. Here he was, cowering before the all-powerful Pokémon and she was scolding him like a child. Fare snickered slightly at the amusing mental image.

“Step aside unicorn, this matter does not concern you!”

Twilight Sparkle shook her head as her horn ignited with magical power. She could feel the power this Arceus had and it was overwhelming… but she wasn’t going to stand here and lose a friend, not like this. “”I won’t let you!”

Arceus was both amused and confused by the actions of this little Unicorn. Why did she want the Pokémon to stay here in Equestria?

“You cannot stop me,” he simply replied. “Now step aside!” Arceus took another step forward and found another unicorn, a larger white one with a blue mane and a pink alicorn also in his path.

“I don’t think so.” Shining Armour said. “Any threat made towards a citizen of this kingdom and especially towards my sister here, and you’ll have me to deal with.”

“And I shan’t step aside either!” Cadence added.

Flare was shocked. Arceus was immensely powerful and yet here these ponies stood, ready to defend Flare against him. Then Celestia decided that now would be a good time to interject.

“I think that there is a more reasonable way to settle this, don’t you agree Lord Arceus?”

Arceus looked at the ponies standing in front of him and then to the regal ruler of Equestria. “It would seem that I have little choice Celestia. What is it that you would suggest?”

Celestia thought for a moment then an idea hit her and she wore a devilish grin. Luna spotted and her skin crawled, that grin meant her sister was up to no good. “How about a race?”

Everypony (plus one Pokémon god) stared at her.

“You wish for me to race against him?” Arceus asked, utterly baffled.

“No, no,” Celestia corrected him. “There is an annual long distance race coming up in a few days, held in Ponyville this time around”.

“And what would that hope to prove?” Arceus argued.

“If you would let me finish…” Celestia replied curtly. “The prize for this race is for me to grant that pony a wish if it is within my power. If Flare Blitz wins, then I will allow him to stay in Equestria…” she looked at Arceus, “Whether you like it or not, I will defend him to the full extent of my power!”

Arceus looked at the Alicorn ruler and then to Flare Blitz. He sighed and floated into the air. “It seems that I have little say in the matter. Fine! Have your little race then, but if the Ponyta loses, then he will return with me and that will be the end of it!”

The God-Pokémon floated towards the space/time rift. “Best of luck, my little Pokémon!” he said and disappeared inside, vanishing with a bright flash of light. Flare Blitz, who had been holding a breath up until now, collapsed to the floor, exhaling loudly.

“Are you alright?” Twilight asked out of concern, dashing to his side.

“I-I think so,” Flare said. “That was just… unexpected.”

Twilight petted him on the head soothingly. Flare instantly decided that as indignant as it was to be petted in front of everyone, it still felt nice. “So who is he? I’ve heard you mention him a couple of times.”

Flare looked up at her from his spot on the throne room floor and decided this was a good spot to stay for awhile… at least until his legs wanted to work again.

“I suppose the easiest way to explain it is that Lord Arceus is my world’s equivalent to Princess Celestia,” he explained. “He doesn’t rule us directly… in fact most believe him to be a myth. But it is said that he created the universe and all those that reside in it.” His legs tingled as the blood flow returned and allowed Flare to get up onto his hooves.

“Though others believe that he is just a very powerful Pokémon, immortal and powerful, but not omnipotent.”

“Which one do you believe?” Twilight asked.

“I’m not sure, seeing as how that’s the first time I’ve ever seen him physically, rather than in a picture book… but.”

“But?” Twilight said, wanting to know.

Flare put on his usual cocky grin and flicked his tail. “I reckon I could take him!”

Twilight facehoofed, but smiled seeing Flare back to his usual self.

Princess Celestia stepped forward and placed a wing over her student and the Pokémon. “I think you two should be heading back to Ponyville” she said with her usual regal tone. “I believe that young Flare here has a race to win.”

The two ponies nodded and Twilight gave Celestia a quick nuzzle and they raced from the throne room to catch the next train back home.

Princess Cadence approached her aunt and smiled, “So what’s with the race? You could have just stepped up and defended him. I know you wanted to” she asked with a whimsical tone.

“True.” Celestia replied, “but this is something Flare must do if he wishes to realise his full potential.”

“Oh don’t give me that! You’re just trying to make this story more interesting” Cadence said, rolling her eyes.

“Maybe…” Celestia said with a mischievous glint in her eye and returned to the stack of paperwork next to her throne.

Shining Armour shook his head and left the room. “All the mares in this town are crazy” he muttered under his breath.


The train ride home was as quiet as one could expect, well as quiet as a train car could be with nearly a dozen mares all chattering away. Flare did say much beyond the occasional ‘yeah’ whenever somepony spoke to him.

Twilight leaned in close while everypony else was busy. “Is everything alright?” She noticed how quiet he had been ever since they left Canterlot and was getting worried about him. Arceus had clearly shaken him up.

“M’fine…” he muttered and continued to stare out of the window. Twilight wasn’t a silly pony and knew that he wasn’t alright. And he wasn’t, Flare knew that if Arceus wanted, he could have Flare home in the blink of an eye. He knew the stories surrounding the Pokémon and if there was any truth to them then everyone should be lucky that the planet still existed, let alone that Arceus even went along with this plan. He had seemed pretty adamant that he wanted Flare to return home, but one word from Celestia and he folded like a deck of cards.

“Why me though?” he wondered as the scenery raced by. “I’m just a Ponyta… why did Arceus of all Pokémon come looking for me?”

He snapped out of his daydream and looked around to see that the cabin had fallen dead silent and everypony was looking at him with varying degrees of concern.

“Is something wrong?”

Rainbow Dash was the first to respond as she jabbed him roughly with a hoof. “Of course there’s something wrong! You get to stay here in Equestria and you look like a foal who bucked a thundercloud.”

“Yeah, try and cheer up okay?” Ditzy put her hooves around him and hugged him gently, causing a certain lavender unicorn to grind her teeth. “Dinky’s not here so I’ll give you a ‘get better’ hug in her place…” Her eye drifted left and saw the look on Twilight’s face. Ditzy grew several shades of white and backed off.

“Yeah, but the problem is that I have to win the Solar Run race to do so…” Flare sighed and stared at his hooves. “And that won’t be easy.”

“What do ya mean Sugarcube?” Applejack sounded confused. “Ya’ll are one o’ the fastest things on four hooves around here, ya even gave Dash here a real contest.”

“And that’s the problem!” Flare replied a little more curtly than intended, causing the girls to flinch. “Sorry, but that’s the real problem. You and Rainbow Dash intend to compete as well right?”

“Heck yeah, a wish from the Princess is too good an opportunity to pass up.” Rainbow Dash flared her wings open, barely missing AJ and Ditzy. “I’ll get a tryout with the Wonderbolts for sure!”

“And the prize money will really help my family during the winter…” Applejack replied before she realised what Flare was getting at. A collective gasp from everypony else showed that they realised it too. Well, everypony except Rainbow.

“What? What is it?” she looked left and right, wondering what the big secret was.

“Well, it’s just that-” Twilight began to explain.

“It means that in order for me to stay here in Equestria, I have to beat all of you!” That comment caused Rainbow to open and close her mouth a few times, trying to find a way to respond but coming up empty.

“Well uh,” Rainbow was at a loss and her eyes pleaded with her friends to help.

“And it means that if you don’t give it your all then what’s the point?” Flare stated. “There’s no way I can live with myself if you all just bow out to give me the win.”

“Pft, like that’s gonna happen!” Everypony shifted their gaze to the cyan pegasus. “I’ve never given anything less than 120% on anything and I’m not gonna start now.”

“But Rainbow, what if he-?” Twilight didn’t expect Rainbow to just bow out. That would be like asking Pinkie to stop eating cupcakes.

‘And that’s the way I want it!” Flare nodded, bumping hooves with Dash. He looked at Applejack and gave her the same look. “And I expect the same competition from you and any of your kin that enter too!”

Applejack nodded, but looked less enthusiastic than Dash. “Ifin y’all say so, ah’ll do my best!”

General conversation resumed shortly afterwards, but lacked the vigour it had earlier.


The train arrived in Ponyville after a few hours and after a round of goodbyes and promises to catch up soon, Twilight and Flare headed back to the library where a very worried Spike threw himself around Twilight’s neck the second she walked inside.

“Where have you guys been!?” Spike almost cried. “You didn’t send any letters or anything!”

Twilight gasped and knelt down to hug her little brother as her eyes watered. “Oh Spike, I’m so sorry!” She couldn’t believe that she had forgotten to tell Spike about what had transpired in the capitol city. “I’ll get you a pile of gems to make up for it!”

“It’s alright Twi, no harm no foul.” Spike waved a hand and shrugged. “It’s not like I don’t know how to take care of myself.”

“I know, I know.” Twilight continued to hug him and Flare smiled at the little bonding moment. “But it was still wrong and I want to make it up to you.”

“Weeeelll, there is this bowtie I’ve had my eye on,” Spike said, tapping his chin thoughtfully. Flare raised an eye and snorted slightly. “What?” Spike said, looking hurt. “Bowties are cool!” He looked back to Twilight, “so what happened in Canterlot anyway?”

“It’s a long story,” Twilight groaned as she got to her hooves. “I’ll get some tea first and I’ll tell you everything.”


“So unless Flare wins, he has to go home? And if he wins, he has to squash everypony else’s dreams?” Spike rubbed his temples as he processed all that. “Talk about a crappy situation.”

“How do you think I feel?” Flare said, sipping at his tea. “Can everypony else forgive me if I do win? For such a selfish reason?”

He and Spike jumped as Twilight slammed her forehooves on the table. “Of course they will!” she yelled. “My- Our friends aren’t that shallow and if you think about it, only one pony can win after all. Who says that even if you didn’t enter, there’d still only be one winner.” Twilight sighed as she sat back down. “Just do your best and win okay?” Her voice quieted down as she calmed herself. “You said so yourself, you want to stay right? With me?”

Spike’s eyes went wide when he heard that one as Flare’s face glowed as bright as his mane. “You… you said that you…” Spike’s open mouth suddenly turned into a wide grin. “Nice one Flare! You have totally got to stay now. You can teach me how to breathe fire better and get Rarity too!”

“Spike!?” Twilight was shocked he would even ask such a thing, Flare on the other hoof found it hilarious.

“Sure thing bro! Just leave everything to me alright?” Spike nodded eagerly and Twilight just facehooved, but wound up giggling in the end. At least Flare was feeling better, so it was alright.

“Don’t teach him everything!” Twilight smiled, deciding to get in on it. “We want a few single mares left in Ponyville.”

“No promises~” Flare grinned back and Twilight found herself blushing again. That smile was really cute.

“Well let’s get dinner shall we?” Twilight said. “Want to eat out today?”

“Sounds good!” Spike said, “I heard Cloud Kicker mention a place called the Sun’s Flank. She said they had awesome hay fries.”

“We are not going to go there!” Twilight quickly banished that particular choice to the moon. “How about the Bale?”

“Bleh! Everything, even the drinks are made of hay.” Spike poked out his tongue.

“Well then where are we going to go?” Ponyville wasn’t a big place and there were only a hoof full of restaurants left to choose from.

Twilight suggested that fancy Prench place, but Spike reminded her that her budget was a tad low after she bought a bunch of new lab equipment.

“So off to Sugarcube Corner then?” Flare shrugged and Twilight hung her head in defeat.



Arceus hovered high above Ponyville, watching the little Ponyta follow the unicorn out of the tree-house library. If he had a mouth, he’d probably have a sly smile on his face. There was a magical pop next to him and Celestia was hovering next to him, though Arceus paid little heed to his visitor.

The two remained silent for a while until Celestia spoke up.

“So is this truly necessary?” she asked him. “Putting one of your own children through all this?”

Arceus said nothing for a moment and then replied, “nothing is gained if no effort is put forth.” He looked around the beautiful world that lay below them, Luna’s soft moon illuminating it with stunning contrast. “It has been too long since I was last here…”

Celestia nodded in response, “Almost a thousand years I believe” she said. “Although I was a very different pony back then.”

“It is nice that everything worked out with you and your sister though, you seem… happier”.

Celestia nodded once more and looked down at the library below them. “He has a strong heart and an indomitable will; I think it was a good idea to bring him here.”

Arceus nodded in agreement. “We shall see if he has the determination to take what he wants… if not, then I will have no choice.”

“I know,” Celestia said. “I just hope the young ones are prepared, no matter the outcome.” Her ears perked up as she remembered something. “Oh yes, I just remembered. Luna told me to tell you something!”

Arceus turned his head to look at her and Celestia wore a serious expression.

“Don’t underestimate him!”


The next few days went by rather uneventfully. Flare had met some new faces and made a couple of new friends. But the day of the race was drawing nearer and the unsettling feeling within him was getting stronger.

The town was in full swing preparing for the event. Colourful banners hung from the sides of Town Hall and vendors of all kinds were setting up their stalls. Since Applejack and Big Macintosh were both competing in the race, some other Apple family members had been called in to run a few of the stalls.

AJ saw Flare looking around and called him over. As he approached, a cute yellow mare with a green mane and another sporting a white hat similar to Applejacks watched the strange stallion with a curious gaze.

“Hey there Flare!” Applejack greeted and chuckled at the little rhyme. “Ah’d like ta introduce mah cousins, Apple Fritter and Fiddlesticks!”

“H-hello…” Apple Fritter stammered nervously whilst Fiddlesticks held no such fear.

“So you’re the famous Demon Pony of Ponyville huh?” Fiddlesticks smiled and Flare groaned before applying his hoof to his face. That blasted title will never leave.

“My name is Flare Blitz and I am a Pokémon, not a demon pony.” He corrected them and smiled. “So you’re AJ’s cousins huh? Here for the big race?”

“S-something like that,” Apple Fritter explained, her voice still wavering a bit. “We’re taking care of the Apple Family stands while Applejack and Big Mac compete.”

“And I’ll be playing my fiddle a bit later on, you should come check it out!” Fiddlesticks adjusted her hat and winked at him.

“Uh, sure?” Flare blinked at the blue-maned mare smiled and Applejack’s eyes widened.

“Cuz, you an’ I are gonna talk.” The Apple mare turned back to Flare. “No matter what happens tomorrow, good luck!”

Flare nodded and then gasped as AJ hugged him firmly. “Y’all are a friend to the Apple Family.”

Flare said his goodbyes and began to head back home. Tomorrow was going to be a busy day.


“You have lost and now you will return with me!” Arceus’ voice boomed and a rift back to his home world opened, dragging Flare towards it. He tried to dig his hooves in but to no avail. Looking behind him, he saw his friends refusing to meet his gaze.

“Ah thought you wanted to stay?” Applejack said.

“But you didn’t try very hard!” Rarity added.

“I guess you didn’t really want to stay here after all?” Fluttershy said, her voice full of contempt

“I won that race with my eyes closed!” Rainbow puffed out her chest.

“I’m not even going to throw you a farewell party,” Pinkie’s mane was flat and her eyes held disappointment and hatred.

“I guess you didn’t love me after all,” Twilight’s gaze was the coldest of all as a prissy unicorn stallion walked up next to her. “Though Prince Blueblood will give me all the love I need once you’re gone…”

“Yes, don’t worry peasant, I’ll take good care of your mare~” he leered.

“AAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!” Flare’s eyes shot open as he tumbled out of bed. The sheets and pillow were singed as he lost control of the temperature of his mane and tail.

He sat on the floor panting heavily for a few moments before the rapid thumping of hooves could be heard and Twilight burst into the room.

“Flare! Are you alright?” Twilight’s nose wrinkled at the acrid smell of burning cotton and looked at the blackened bed sheets. “What happened in here?”

Flare waited for his heart to resume its normal beat before responding. “Sorry, I had a rather unsettling dream and I guess I lost control for a moment.”

Twilight put a fire suppressing shield over the bed, just in case, and shook her head. “It’s alright, I’m just glad you’re not hurt.” After a moment of silence, she decided to ask. “What was the dream about?”

“Stupid stuff,” Flare replied, his ears lay flat. “Doesn’t really matter now.”

“Alright, but if you need to talk I’m always here for you okay?” Twilight nuzzled him and smiled gently. “Let’s get some fresh sheets and go back to bed alright?”

Flare nodded as he placed his head across her back, returning the hug. “Thanks Twi, I really appreciate it.” He thought for a second and added something else. “Hey Twilight? After the race, there’s something important I want to tell you.”

“After…?” Twilight thought on that for a moment. “But that means... if you lose”.

“Which is why I want to wait” he said, his voice more confident now. “Because with that motivating me, there is no possible way I can lose”.

Twilight put a hoof to her mouth as she squeaked and blushed. “I… think that’s…” she took a deep breath and nodded. “Okay then. Win, I know you can”.

Flare could have jumped over the moon with the energy he had now. He would win this race, tell Arceus to shove it and live happily ever after with Twilight. Yeah, let’s go with that plan.

“Well let’s get a good night’s sleep” Twilight said. “You have a big day tomorrow”.

Flare nodded and prepared to go back to sleep inside his room in the library, hoping with all his might that it wouldn’t be for the last time.


The fateful day had finally arrived. The weather was perfect and thousands of ponies were all attending the rare event. Due to the nature of the prize, the Solar Run was only held every eight years, so it made for some fierce competition. The only event that really topped it was the Equestria Games.

Flare and Twilight arrived early so Flare could get registered and they were amazed at the sheer number of participants already waiting. Flare recognised several of his friends, like Applejack and her brother as well as Rainbow Dash. There were more than just ponies though, the rules didn’t discriminate against race or gender and there were creatures that Flare had never seen. Twilight pointed some of them out for him, like a Diamond Dog and a Griffin. There was also a donkey and a cow as well.

“There are so many!” Twilight whispered and after a quick head count she noticed at least forty competitors.

“And I have to beat them all, if I want to stay.” Flare swallowed and gave an affirming nod. That dream last night still sat in the back of his mind and refused to budge. “I have to win, no matter what!”

“Is there anything you need before the race starts?” Twilight asked. “Water? Maybe something light to eat?”

“I’m fine, thank you.” Flare spotted Pinkie, Rarity and Fluttershy waving from a small distance away. “You go and join the others okay? I’ll see you at the finish line.”

“Alright,” Twilight glanced left and right before deciding that she didn’t care if anypony saw and kissed Flare lightly on the cheek. “Best of luck!”

Flare froze and just nodded dumbly. “Yeah, ‘kay.” He watched the unicorn canter off towards her friends while he stood there grinning like a Meowth. “I’m so gonna win this race!”

There was a fanfare of trumpets and cheering signified the arrival of Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. A few moments later, they were joined by Princess Cadence and Lord Shining Armour. Everypony and every creature, even Flare, bowed respectfully to the royal alicorns (and one unicorn). Once that was done, the preparations began once more as the newest guests took their place inside the royal box.

There was something missing though and it bugged Flare Blitz.

“Where the hell is Arceus?”


Half an hour later, registrations were closed and everyone took their positions at the starting line. It was a grid based formation and one’s place was decided by a lottery ticket they received upon arrival. Flare had looked at his and saw that he was right at the end of the pack.

“Figures, fate isn’t going to hand me the win after all.” He took his position and made note of who was where. Right at the front was Rainbow Dash (figures), and the griffin. AJ was somewhere around the middle along with a pony that made Flare’s skin crawl. The earth pony locked eyes with Flare and his crimson gaze made Flare blood run cold.

Just who the hell is that guy, no forget him, not important. Winning, focus on winning!” At the back near Flare was the Diamond Dog, a female one named Ruby apparently. The cheering died down as the loudspeakers crackled to life. A pony wearing a suit and a head mounted microphone stood in a tall box along with his co-anchor.

“Today looks like a great day for a race, don’t you think so Rophone?” he said.

“Indeed Mike,” Rophone replied with a slick, Italian accent that made several mares swoon. “I am most excited to see this race.”

“The racers have taken their position and the flag bearer looks like she’s ready to kick things off.”

Several stallions wolf whistled (And earned a glare from their wives) when Fleur de Lis walked out onto the racetrack wearing a tight, spandex outfit and levitating a green flag.

“On your marks!” she called out and Flare lowered his body.

“Get set!” She raised the flag whilst Flare tuned out everything else. The crowd became white noise, the other racers, non-existent. It was just him and the finish line.

“GOOOO!” the flag dropped and Flare ran.


Passing the first few racers was no problem at all. Flare had left them like they were standing still. The straight stretch ended soon enough and they entered the forest, a much more technical portion of the race. Flare had run the course a few times in the last few days and learned which corners to slow down on so you wouldn’t crash into the tree line and where to speed up to make up lost time.

“And so the racer known as Flare Blitz makes an astounding run so far.” A hot air balloon hovered high above the race, relaying a video feed via wireless crystal back to a massive projector and screen back at the start/finish line. “He may look a bit strange, but his speed is undeniable.”

“Indeed Mike, but will it be enough?” Rophone added. “There are a lot of strong competitors in the race today and victory will not be easily obtained.”

Flare rounded another corner and the tree line broke, offering a brilliant view of the lake. There was another sight that made him pause for a moment. A pony he had met yesterday, Vanilla Bean, was sitting by the lakeside, painting the scenery.

“Uh, Miss Vanilla? What are you doing?”

“Hmm?” she offered him a slight glance before turning back to her easel. “The contrast is just right at the moment and I must capture it on canvas, you know how it is.”

“I-I see, but the race?”

“There’ll be another, so don’t worry about it, but you’re falling behind so you best go!”

Flare suddenly realised that he had stopped and ran off, leaving the mare to smile and quietly sigh. “And I really wanted to paint the palace too… ah well, what can you do? You’d better win Mr. Blitz.” With that she went back to her painting.

Rainbow Dash was breezing through this race, though as awesome as she was, it was a given! Applejack had provided a good challenge, but Rainbow Dash was Rainbow Dash, fastest pony in Equestria! She looked behind her briefly and of her wore a worried expression on her face, something Rainbow didn’t do often.

“C’mon Wondercolt, I wanted to have an awesome race that would go down in history… where are you?” That odd stallion that had started about midway was making good time and was currently sitting in third, just behind Applejack.

“And after the first leg of the race, several have already dropped out as the Diamond Dog, Ruby has tunnelled off to parts unknown and Vanilla Bean has stopped to paint.” “Mike crossed their names off the list and turned to Rophone. “Do you have a favourite yet Rophone?”

“Perhaps, but we shall see.”

The forest darkened as Flare entered the deepest part, but his flames lit the way so it wasn’t all that bad. The racers had begun to thin out now and Flare only passed a few since entering the forest depths.

“And now our racers have entered the forest, we will lose sight until they emerge again, so stay tuned race fans!”

As Flare ran, he heard something snap and a pony just ahead of him fell hard after tripping over an exposed tree root. The poor mare face planted the ground and Flare winced as she tumbled several feet before coming to a stop.

“Hey! Are you okay Miss…” His voice trailed off when he saw what lay on the ground in front of him. He could have sworn that a plain-looking earth pony mare had been there, but what lay on the ground in a daze was a black, insect-like creature.

“Um, hey…” Flare helped her, he assumed it was female, up and dusted her off. “You alright, that was a nasty fall.”

“I’m fine,” she winced and then recoiled in horror when she realised her disguise had failed. “Oh, no, please… don’t hurt me!”

“Hurt you why would I do that?” The changeling noticed that Flare was genuinely confused and wondered if he even knew what a changeling was.

“You, you won’t?”

“Course not!” Flare saw that when she tried to stand, her left front leg was raised slightly. “You should rest up and then get some aid once you can transform again.” He didn’t know why she needed a disguise in the first place, but it must have been for a good reason. The fear in her eyes was quite genuine. “See you later Miss?”

“Mynx,” the changeling replied, her blush going unseen. “My name is Mynx.”

“Well then Miss Mynx, rest up and then get some aid okay?” He made sure once more she was alright and then ran off once more. Mynx watched him go and sighed happily.

“Just who was that stallion?”


Flare was getting worried now, he had a lot of ground to make up and the last time he had raced Rainbow, he had lost despite keeping pace the whole time. What chance did he have when she was that far ahead. “I have to catch up somehow!” he sighed as he activated one of his skills. “Guess I have no choice.”

“We have word that a few more racers have dropped out, Miss Mynx, along with several other ponies have sustained minor injuries inside the forest.”

“An unfortunate hazard in that particular section.” Rophone said. “But the race must go on and we still have plenty of competition. Rainbow Dash still holds first whilst Applejack holds second and in third is Flash Step, a three times Equestria Games champion.”

Flare had overheard the announcers, that guy was some sort of champion runner? He knew their kind, arrogant and brash. Doing whatever it takes to win, and Skittles is in first, which was expected. And AJ had second, but who was this Flash Step character? “Well, it’s now or never!”

He activated Quick Attack and the scenery became a blur.

Big Macintosh was making good time. Applejack had told him to take it easy and conserve his energy and then put his all into the final sprint. First prize would be great, but as long as they took at least second or third, then they would get enough prize money to put away for the winter.

He was currently trotting along with a small group of mares, half of which had one eye on the track and the other on the gorgeous hunk of stallion. One mare in particular couldn’t really help it as her eye naturally drifted that way.

“Enjoyin’ yerself Miz Ditzy?” he rumbled in a low tone and she smiled brightly in response.

“Yeah, it’s a lot of fun!” There was a moment between the two of them before a blur of flames and white light blazed past them, causing poor Ditzy to stumble, but Mac suddenly rushed forward and caught her in his powerful hooves.

“You alright Miz Ditzy?”

“Y-yes!” She blushed as she moved a lock of her mane out of her eyes. “Thank you Macintosh.”

“Jus’ call me Mac,” he smiled and Ditzy nodded meekly.

Flare cast a brief glance back and saw that he nearly knocked Ditzy over. “I’ll make it up to her later,” he thought. Win the race first, apology muffins later.

Flare had made some headway, but first place was a long way off and even second was still out of sight. A pony in the distance caught his eye and he burned a little midnight oil to catch up… it was Applejack!

“Hey AJ!” he said, and then noticed a slight limp in her hind leg. “What’s wrong?”

“That fancy city-boy Champion pony is what’s wrong!” she said. “The dang varmint bumped me as he passed me.”

Flare knew it! The type that does whatever he wants to win. “Are you okay?” he asked, concerned for his friend.

“Ah dunno, maybe!” she said. “But ah don’t think ah’ll be taking first place.”

Flare was mad at Flash Step and also felt bad for AJ. She had a lot of pride, though she would never admit it. To be taken out of the race like this was just unfair.

“So what was your wish?” he asked.

“We had a poor harvest this season and ah was hoping to take some prize money in order to see us through the winter… now ah don’t know what I’ll do.”

Flare nodded and draped his tail over her since his hooves were occupied. “Leave it to me!” he said. “Everything will be okay!”

Applejack had no time to respond as Flare kicked it up a notch and raced off to catch up with the leaders.

“Now jus’ what is that boy up to?” she wondered and blushed lightly. “But now ah see why Twahlight likes ‘im”.


Celestia watched as the race continued, in particular the ponies in third, second and first. “Is this the path you truly wish to take?” she said to nopony in particular and earned a curious look from her sister. “Because I doubt the outcome will be what you desire.”


Flare knew that the forest here was dense and visibility was low, but practice runs had allowed him to memorise the track layout so he decided to not decrease his speed. Doing so nearly caused him to trip on an almost unseen obstacle however, a pony laying the in middle of the road… Rainbow Dash!

“Skittles!” he said in surprise.

“Oh? Hey Flare,” she said, refusing to face him. “What brings you by these parts of the woods?”

She called him Flare? Now he knew something was wrong! Wait! Did that other guy?

“Did that other racer trip you!” he said fiercely.

“What naw… I just, tripped on a rock” he could hear her voice crack as she grit her teeth, hissing in pain.

Flare could feel a sharp pain in his heart. Rainbow Dash was a pony he had come to greatly respect. Though he loved Twilight, Rainbow offered him a challenge that few else in Equestria could and the two of them had a lot of similar interests. Out of all his friends here, he considered RD to be his best.

“Applejack will be along soon so just take it easy,” he said. “I’m gonna win this race and kick the crap outta that guy!”

“No man, that’ll just make you as bad as him.” Rainbow turned to face him, tears stinging her eyes. “Win the race and win it by a mile… that’ll be good enough for me!”

Flare nodded and took one last look at the proud Pegasus before continuing the last leg of the race. And to victory!


“We have a total of eleven racers that have been dropped from the race!” Rophone said. “That’s too bad and best of luck next time!”

“In first place is Flash Step, though that’s little surprise!” Mike said. “Second place had been Miss Rainbow Dash, but now Flare Blitz has that spot!”

Twilight perked up at the announcement, Flare was in second? That was great! But what happened to Rainbow and Applejack?

Then Mike added something else, “This just in, Miss Rainbow and Miss Applejack have sustained very minor injuries, but still hold third and fourth respectively! Now that’s a racer’s spirit for you!”

“They’re hurt?” Fluttershy said worriedly. “Oh my, are they okay?”

”Well they said that they are still in the race” Rarity pointed out. “So that must be good, right?”

“You know those two” Pinkie giggled. “A flock of dragons couldn’t stop them from finishing a competition!”

“I just hope that everypony is okay” Twilight said.


As Flare pushed on, the woods became more dense until you could swear it was night. As he ran, he breathed a small flame so as to light his path. “It’s great to be a Pokémon sometimes!” he grinned. The trees parted for just a second and Flare could see a little further down the path… and the stallion that was in front of him.

“There you are you son of a…” he growled and was really tempted to give him a taste of his Double Kick a few dozen times, but he promised RD that he would win fair and square. As he rounded a corner though, a bright flash of light suddenly filled his vision.

“Gah!” Flare cried out and instinctively threw up a hoof the shield his eyes, but while running at full pelt, that was a bad idea. Flare suddenly went head over hoof and slammed into the ground hard. As his vision began to fade, he caught sight of Flash Step standing over him, and those familiar red eyes staring at him…


He was so close, so damned close! One stupid mistake and now he would be sent home. Flare Blitz lay there in the dirt, his only company being the silence of the forest. The race was all but lost and he had given up…

“So why the hell are you just lying there?”

Flare heard the familiar voice, gruff and stern, and looked around… but nopony was there.

“So you’re going to give up? Just like that? Is that really all you’ve got?”

That voice belonged to his father, but there was no way he could be here, it was impossible. “Oh yeah…” he said quietly as he remembered, “I remember this one…” He closed his eye and let the memory play over in his mind.


A young Flare lay on the ground as the rest of the Ponyta crossed the finish line. He had tripped at the last turn and could only lay there and watch as he hopelessly lost the race. His father, who was a Rapidash that had been bred for battle, walked over to him and sighed.

“So why the hell are you just lying there?” he asked the young colt.

“I tripped; there was no way I was going to win after that!” Flare protested, still annoyed he had slipped up like that.

“So you gave up? Just like that?” his father responded with an exasperated sigh. “I thought I trained you better than that.”

“Well what was I supposed to do!?” Flare yelled, tears stinging his eyes. “I’m not like you; I just can’t turn things around like that.”

His father sighed again, a little disappointed with that reply. “Now look here!” he said sharply, getting Flare’s attention. “I’m not Arceus-damned perfect, no Pokémon is. Hell… I bet even Arceus himself has a few flaws. So yeah… I know you’re not perfect and I sure as hell don’t expect you to be. But I DO expect you to try your hardest and not give up as soon as it’s convenient for you.”

He helped his son to his hooves and then beckoned for him to follow.

“I’m going to give you a piece of advice, a piece that my pappy told me and his pappy told him, yadda, yadda, yadda.” He looked out over the ranch and to all the Pokémon that could be seen, “There are gonna be times when life will be hard,” he said gently. “Times when you just want to give up and be done with it… but those are the times when you have to try the hardest.”

“Really?” Flare said with a deadpan tone. “That’s your great sagely advice? I think I saw that in a fortune cookie once.”

“Aw shaddup!” his father replied, “I’m not finished yet. And besides… I’m gonna tell you the secret to being an invincible Fire-Type Pokémon.”

“Really!?” Flare was interested now. In all the battles he had seen his father in, he hadn’t lost once… even against evolved water type Pokémon.

“When you think the chips are down and you ain’t got nuthin’ left, there’s something you can do that’ll win you the fight for sure,” his dad said proudly. He pointed at his chest and gave it a thump. “Inside of ya, you’ve got a spark… a little fire that all us Fire-Types have. All you gotta do is dig deep and find that spark.”

“And then what?” Flare said, staring intently at his own chest.

“Ya grab a hold of it, and show it to the world… Show how bright it can burn! Show everyone that it burns as bright as the sun itself…”

“As bright as the sun huh…” Flare repeated.


As he lay on the forest floor, Flare Blitz remembered the advice his father had given him that day, it had changed his outlook on life. Then he heard something else, another voice. Though faint, it told him not to give up! He knew within his heart to whom it belonged.


He closed his eyes and did what his father told him, he searched for that spark that resided deep within him and grabbed it. That little spark, fueled by the determination in his heart, it became a roaring, raging, unstoppable inferno…


Outside the forest near the finish line, hundreds of ponies cheered as Flash Step ran headlong down the final stretch, a smirk on his face as he looked behind him and saw nopony following him. This race was as good as won. Something slowed his running all of a sudden, the fact that the cheers had died off… in fact; all the ponies gathered there were now murmuring and pointing at the forest. Flash Step turned to see what the fuss was about and saw something highly unusual, the forest had a blue glow emanating from it… was that normal?

Twilight held her breath as she saw it, was that Flare? Was he okay? What was that glow about?

“FLAAAAAARRRRREE! I know you can do it!” she suddenly cried out, which sounded deafening over the now silent crowd.

The tree that had fallen over the path exiting the forest suddenly exploded as a pony-like figure erupted from it like a shooting star. He was a tall figure, slightly taller than Celestia and had a beautiful cream-coloured coat. His mane and tail were made of stunning orange and red flames and similar flames covered his entire body. He also had a long horn protruding from his head… just who was he!?

Flash Step turned and began to bolt towards the finish line. There was no way he’d let that pony win!

One, two, three, four.

The blazing pony was quickly closing the distance and Flash Step ran faster and faster.

Five, six, seven, eight.

Flash was beginning to sweat as the finish line drew near. This was an outcome that was most unexpected but he would not lose!

Nine… TEN!

Only ten steps, just ten steps and Flare Blitz reached his top speed of 150 miles per hour! His stunning mane and tail sparked and crackled as he blitzed past Flash Step and across the finish line.

The crowd was dead silent. Rainbow Dash and Applejack emerged from the forest and saw the tall unicorn-like being standing to the finish line, his flaming mane and tail moving softly with the breeze. Nopony moved until Twilight ran down from the stand and stopped in front of him. She gazed up into his eyes and after a moment, she smiled.

“It looks like you won Flare,” she said, tears running down her cheek.
Applejack and Rainbow approached and put a hoof on his side, being unable to reach any higher on his now much taller frame.

“Never doubted ya fer a second!” Applejack smiled.

“This is sooo cool!” Rainbow Dash said. “Izzit some kinda magic?”

“Okay everypony! We’ve just received official word from Princess Celestia!” Mike called out over the loudspeaker.

“The winner is… FLARE BLITZ!!!” Rophone exclaimed.

This outcome was unusual, but if the Princess said so, then… the entire crowd erupted into cheers as Fluttershy, Pinkie and Rarity made their way over to their friend.

Flare looked down at Twilight and smiled. “I told ya I’d win!” he said.

Twilight nodded and stood up onto her hind legs so she could hug him. “Yeah, you sure did!”


The crowd still buzzed with excitement as the Princesses approached them.

“You certainly know how to entertain,” Celestia smiled. “The most exciting race in years!”

“Indeed!” Luna agreed. “Though this is the first one I’ve seen since my… vacation. I cannot wait for the next!”

“So… what, happened to you?” Twilight asked, looking up at him.

Flare looked down at her and then glanced over his new body. “Well, it appears that I evolved,” he said. “Though I certainly didn’t mean too!”

“Evolved? But…” Twilight knew that evolution took millions of years, and Flare did it instantly? The mere idea threatened to frazzle her brain, until Celestia spoke up.

“Well then Flare, you are the winner of the Solar Run and so you may be granted a wish, if it is within my power.” Celestia said, her imposing wings spread wide. “So tell me my little pony… what is your wish?”

Flare had thought about this long and hard and he had finally reached a decision, a decision that made him happier than anything else.

“I wish…” he said slowly. Choosing his words carefully. “That the wishes of the other racers be granted!”

The words shocked everypony, even Celestia was taken aback. “A-are you sure that this is what you truly want?”

“Yes,” Flare said. “Applejack needs the money to see her family through winter. Rainbow Dash wants a chance to live her life’s greatest dream. My friend Vanilla wants to prove herself as an artist…” He closed his eyes and nodded, satisfied with his decision. “And I won’t cast them aside to make my own selfish dream a reality.”

Celestia nodded. “If that is what you truly desire… then so it shall be!” Everypony cheered and stomped their hooves, everypony except Twilight.

“So does that mean, you’re going home?” she asked, her voice on the verge of crying.

“Yup!” Flare said happily, which caused a look of total shock on twilight’s face. Why was he so happy about it?

“I’m going right back to our home in Ponyville,” he continued. “And Arceus can’t do a damn thing about it!”

“And why is that?” Celestia asked, curious about Flare’s apparent confidence on the matter.

Flare grinned, his usual cocky grin, “Because Arceus said, and I quote; Fine! Have your little race then, but if the Ponyta loses, then he will return with me and that will be the end of it!”

Rainbow Dash was confused, “So?”

Twilight grinned, she had realised what he had meant. “It means that Flare didn’t lose, so he gets to stay!” she said, bouncing up and down.

“That remains to be seen!” a loud voice said as Flash Step stepped forward.

“No way!” Flare said as Flash Step’s body glowed brightly and Arceus resumed his original form.

Twilight was shocked. “Is that, Arceus?”

“So it seems,” Flare growled. Arceus took a step forward and several ponies in the grandstand screamed at his sudden appearance.

“I won the race, so you can go home without me!” Flare said. He was no longer afraid of him and he wouldn’t be pushed around this time. Arceus had hurt his friends and that was something Flare wouldn’t stand for.

“I think not,” Arceus replied. “You only won because you evolved into Rapidash, something I did not think could happen in this world.” He looked down at Flare with those red eyes, glaring at him. “Now say your goodbyes and let us be on our way.”

The next thing that happened was totally unexpected as Arceus was hit with the full power of Flare’s new Fire Blast attack, causing the legendary Pokémon to stumble slightly.

“You hurt my friends and then think you can push me around!” Flare yelled, taking an offensive posture and preparing another attack. “Then I’ll drop you here and now. If you refuse to listen then I’ll MAKE you listen!”

Flare knew that picking a fight with the strongest Pokémon to ever exist would be a mistake. But damn it all he was mad.

Time for his Plan B then! Kick. Arceus’ ASS!!