• Member Since 10th Sep, 2015
  • offline last seen 5 hours ago


The name's Animatorsnake or short for Anim, welcome to my realm the Living World. I'm a writer and storyteller and I hope you enjoy my content of the world of Equestria & Anim's journey in Equestria.


After the events that occurred on AAE (Anim's Adventures in Equestria), Twilight goes by life as the new role as "Princess of Friendship"... but she feels... empty. After fighting Tirek, having her old home destroyed, and the elements now gone, she and her friends are now how you say... being normal. However, destiny has a funny way of showing Twilight that her journey is not over... but has just begun. Another strange being arrives to Equestria, and Twilight desperately wants to see her long dead friend... she will do anything... even to go so far as to abandon and betray all of Equestria for the chance of seeing that friend.

Old friendships will die, new friendships will be born. Hate will fester and love will grow... time may pass but, fate will not stand it. Will Twilight truly give up her future... to see a glimpse of the past, one, last, time?

The theme song for the OC protagonist: Unknown Soldier by Breaking Benjamin

There will be ACTUAL gore in this story, it will be sparse, but I will try to be descriptive about it as best I can, when it does come to fight scenes. The "Main Character" tag may change as new arcs appear for the story. It is not required to read AAE, for this story.

Update 30/9/16: ASO now has a cover art, the flag is in spanish and says (translated), "When order is gone, corruption grows. We fly, where ever nightmares exist, and extend freedom wherever we go. United together... we stand." Below the title on the cover, it says:

A number is part of a system... A soldier is part of a organization... I am neither, yet I am both... so what does that make me? A number... or a soldier? The answer is simple... I am all and I am none. I, am, "an idea".

Chapters (15)
Comments ( 17 )

Such a good story, yet no comments or likes? WTAF people?! I would like but my mobile doesn't register that, so I can only comment. Good story though, keep up the good work and just imagine my like in this story. And I guess I'm first:yay: for me

Geronimo AND Discord in one chapter?! This is going to be one hell of a ride!!!!

Great, now We have the forces of a Call of Duty player, a mythical creature that once stabbed people with its horn, another mythical stabbing Unicorn and the writers hope. What could go wrong?

The plot thickens (Not THAT kind of Plot you sick F*cks!!!!)

7540774 OH MAH DEITIES THANK YOU! The second I posted the first few chapters, I got a few likes and what not, but... NOW THIS! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU~!

7543714 I'll read it and tell you what I think, hows that sound.

So.... I can already see plenty of spelling errors and grammatical errors. Plus the flow is a bit choppy as you're more shoving us the story than narrating it to us. I can't really show you how to change that but hopefully telling you what I think will help. Unfortunately I won't be going any further but I hope this will help. Find someone to edit your story and pre-read it before sending it out. A little bit of help goes a long way. Best of luck with your future chapters, you have an amazing story line and idea's. Just take care with how you tell them to us.

7549508 Thanks for the advice. A little fact about the story though, when I was making this story I made it a year ago (or some months ago like six or seven or eight) back when I was still maybe a noob writer, and I wasn't very descriptive on the story's surroundings. The sixth to eighth chapters I made with my knowledge of past mistakes and such, and tried my best from some advice I got to really focus on the descriptiveness of the story, so there's a slight difference on how the chapters are written in this story since a bit of a combination of my skills from beginner, to some-what of a apprentice, where I know the ins-and-gos, but still new to things. Also I have no idea who would pre-read this... can't think of anyone... that and I know a few people who are also bronies but I don't know if they may help me... I might ask my online friends. So thanks for reviewing my story (I suppose it kind of is a review from your comment), and I hope to learn from this.

Hey, it's me! You know, the Guy that isn't very helpful but still leaves comments! Yeah, I got a question: Do you have an upload schedule? If you read this the you are a Gamer

7555828 Not in particular really, I post when I have a chapter ready or an arc ready. Usually a new chapter might come out a week or a month from the previous latest chapter. And indeed... I, am, a, gamer

7610498 A character from my OC universe, and it's after the events that occur on AAE (Anim's Adventures in Equestria)

Hey Boys, I'm BACK! No, seriously, i was gone and couldn't read your story:applecry: :applecry:

You know, while reading this I couldn't stop thinking about Reaper from Overwatch. Is he the new villain? Or is he still in his own game? Find out in the next episode of: Star vs. The Forces of Evil

7796942 Recently was on Hiatus actually, and as to why; I'm focusing on another story (my latest one) called "Insanity Has A Price" or short for IHAP. When I finish the first arc of IHAP I'm continuing the next arc of ASO.

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