• Published 18th Jan 2016
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Dragonball MLP - ultrapoknee

Goku inadvertently lands on a new world on his way to planet Namek. Now, with his ship in disarray, Goku new adventures on the planet called Equis is about to begin. Where he sure he meet new friends as well as enemies.

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episode 21: Obligatory Grand Galloping Gala Chapter... Part 2.

[Castle Friendship 7 pm - Third Person POV.]

"I wonder what's taking Goku and Rarity so long?" Starlight Glimmer asks. She was wearing a lovely v-neck, dark purple dress. Twilight wanted her student to experience the Gala in the hopes of making more friends.

"I don't know! I DON'T KNOW!!! Rarity would never miss this for all the gems in Equestria. I told Goku to met us here so we could all go together. Oh, what if he overslept again? What if he got the time wrong? What if--"

"Land sakes Twilight; simmer down! Y'all looking crazier than opal was on catnip." Applejack said. She was wearing a black stylish shoulder strapless dress whereas Twilight was wearing the same suit from a coronation.

"I could always fly to his ship and bring the big guy here. I can't stand here with my hooves in my muzzle for too much longer. The Wonderbolts performance show will start soon." Rainbow chirps up. She was wearing an official Wonderbolt flight suit as she was now a part of the main roster.

"Oh Oh Oh, maybe Rarity bit off more than she could chew when she wanted to style Sonny's mane." Pinkie Pie suggested. She was wearing a bright yellow dress with a pin shaped like her cutie mark on her shoulder strap.

"How do you know that?" Spike asks, he was wearing a black tux with a purple bow tie.

"I went to give him an invite to his 'Welcome back from training' party. I remember seeing him flying off to Rarity's home and I that's when I saw them. Rarity was looking frustrated, though.

"I guess that's why she is so late. After working so hard on the suit, she would probably want Goku to make a good first impression." Fluttershy said. She was wearing a green dress with a split in the skirt.

"Ah reckon we should go an' git 'em. Ain't no way she'll be able to tame that wild mane style of his." Applejack said. The group was about to head over to Rarity's place right before Spike sense Goku's and Rarity KI on the approach.

"I think Goku and Rarity are on the way right now, look," Spike said as he pointed to the sky. There, traveling at a brisk pace, was Goku with Rarity in tow. Goku landed right in front of the group and gently placed Rarity on the ground.

"It's about time you two show up..." Rainbow trailed off as she and the rest of her friends gaze upon their friends.

"Well, darling. You never heard of the term 'Fashionably Late' before." Rarity stated. Her bright red dress shined in the moonlight. She also had a frilly scarf around her neck that trailed down to her hips. "Now, may I present to you... Ambassador Goku!" Everyone turned their attention to their Saiyan companion. Rarity kept the same beige suit with a black dress shirt underneath. However, his red ascot laced with gemstones and he was wearing a scarlet cape that stops short of his knees. But perhaps the most startling change was Goku's hairstyle.

Everyone was awestruck at this new development. Goku's wild, gravity-defying hair was now hanging down. The prominent split ends that everyone has come to know smooth and straighten out. Goku honestly looked like he was an esteemed representative of Earth. Goku stared back at his friends in confusion while Rarity looks on with great satisfaction.

"Hey, everyone. You all seemed surprised." Goku pointed out.

"They are just simply speechless at the new you, darling. Not that I blame them. This styling session was, no doubt my greatest achievement." Rarity said with jubilation.

"B-but how? How did you do this? I didn't think this was possible," Twilight said in disbelief.

"Oh pish posh darling. You have seen me work such miracles before. Although, This was certainly no walk in the park." Rarity said as she adopted a faraway look while recalling last night events.

[Last Night.]

"Hmm no no, how about this? No, that won't work. Ah-ha! This product will do nicely." Rarity said as she pulled a bottle of mane shampoo from her beauty chest.

"Whatcha got there, Rarity?" Goku asks as he sat in the middle of Rarity bathroom.

"Only the finest in mane care products to ever come from Prance. La pristine guaranteed to rid oneself of any split ends while providing a pleasant aroma." Rarity said confidently. She went over Goku and stood behind him. She levitated the pale of water over his head and began speaking. "Now brace yourself, darling," she said as she pours the water on Goku's hair.

Rarity added her shampoo soon after. She started humming a simple tune as she rubs the shampoo in. The fashion mare had taken notice that Goku's hair was a lot thicker in comparison to any other manes she worked with beforehand. Then again, this would be the first time she worked on a male hair, let alone an alien males mane. Once she was satisfied, Rarity took a dry cloth and rubbed Goku's head dry. After that, she took the hairspray of conditioner and applied it all over Goku's hair. Finally, Rarity took a comb and gently brushed it against Goku's locks.

"Violla!" Rarity exclaimed with joy. She summoned a mirror for Goku to look. "Neat, tidy, and ready for the Gala. Please hold your praises as I only aim to please."

Goku stares into the mirror incredulously for a moment. "Um Rarity, you didn't do much."

Rarity stutters at this before she composes herself. She looks down at Goku's hair, expecting to a proper mane style, only to the discovery that Goku's hair remains unchanged. "W-what...? Hmm, perhaps I wasn't thorough enough. No matter, let us try again." she said as she repeated her previous actions at a much slower and deliberate pace. After a few minutes, Rarity stops her ministrations. "There we are. Now take a look." She said as she stuck her nose up high.

"Nope, it's still the same," Goku said. Rarity recoils at this and looks down again. Sure enough, Goku's hair was still in its original state.

"Your mane is much more stubborn than I gave it credit. However..." Rarity pauses as she opens her chest and brings over a jar of mane gel. "So am I. This is a favorite product of mine from Canterlot, Celestial blinding. This cream will keep that defiant mane of yours under control," she said as she applied the gel to Goku's head. The gooey substance made Goku's hair more malleable and easy to manipulate. Rarity's hands skillfully mended Goku's hair to her will. She finally got Goku hair down again and stared it down.

"So, did it work?" Goku asks. Rarity did not reply as she continues to study Goku's hair carefully. When it appears as if his hair was staying put, a smile crept its way on her muzzle.

"Why of course, darling. Would I ever steer--"


Rarity eyes went wide, and her mouth fell agape. The hair she had just applied three of her best mane care products on poofed back up in true Pinkie Pie fashion. Although unlike Pinkie Pie's mane( which held a charm and cleanliness all its own), Goku's hair reformed to the same spiky shape, split end ridden form. Rarity's expression went blank as she gazes upon the follicles in front of her. She let out a huff and made her way to the bathroom door.

"Say Rarity... Where are you going?" Goku asks the disgruntled fashionista. Rarity quickly spun around and sent a sharp, steely glare toward Goku.

"STAY. RIGHT. THERE. DARLING!!!" Rarity said through gritted teeth and went out the door. Goku could hear her the heavy clop of hooves against the floor as they became fainter. Moments later, the clapping grew louder, and Rarity burst's through the door and made her way back to Goku. In her telekinetic grip was various assortments of items based around mane care. All of it ranging from mane clipping, more mane spray, various gels, mane bows and magazines of all the latest styles in Equestria. "Here are all the weapons in my arsenal. I swear by harmony itself that your coiffure shall shine with a brightness that surpasses even Celestia's sun." Rarity vows. She began maniacally laughing as she inches her way closer to Goku.

[2 hours later.]

"I suppose you find this funny. Yes, it is quite hilarious, isn't it?" Rarity said with her head side cocked and a twisted grin on her face. Scattered across the bathroom floor was Rarity's arsenal in mane care. Empty spray cans cluttered together. Used up mane gel jars was stuck in a pile.

The ground was always wet from all the washing. "Look at you-- Sitting there with that smug expression. You think yourself untouchable, huh? You believe you have bested me, ha, well think again." She said as she props herself up using Goku's shoulders to balance herself. Her piercing glare fell upon the ever-defiant mane of the Saiyan warrior.

"Rarity, you've been talking to my hair for the past 10 minutes. Maybe we should take a break." Goku said with concern.

"STAY OUT OF THIS!!" Rarity snaps harshly causing Goku to wince. "This is between me and your mane. You no longer have any say in the matter." Rarity said as she shifts her glare back to the hair in question. "I believe some congratulations are in order. I have never met a mane style so persistent before in my life. Then again, you're a part of Goku here who is a noble knight. But you have met your match this day, and your downfall shall be from this..." Rarity pulled out what appeared to be a detached hair dryer.

"Ah!? What is that?" Goku asks as Rarity slip the device on his head.

"Behold, the Mane Regain, darling. There's only twelve in all of Equestria. A specially crafted gemstone powers it from the Crystal Empire and activated by magic. It is the ultimate defense against wild and unruly manes such as yours," Rarity said with malicious glee. "You have put up quite a valiant effort my spiky adversary, but I am afraid I must bid you ado." And with that, Rarity lit up her horn and encompass the device in her aura. The machine came to life and started vibrating on top of Goku's head. Rarity covers her muzzle with her back and begins laughing haughtily.

Suddenly, the device started vibrating more violently. It grew steadily worse by the second and sparks flew out of it. A bright glow emanated from the gemstone until finally the device shorted out and a plume of smoke spills out. Rarity's right eye becomes twitchy. After spending the better part of the night using all her best products; even going as far as to use her secret weapon, Goku's mane continues to resist her. "RAAAAH!!!" Rarity let out a wild, uncouth-like shriek. She grabbed the Mane Regain and threw it to the ground. Rarity stood still, panting from her little outburst, and tried to regain some composure.

Goku got up from his seat and placed a comforting hand on Rarity's shoulder. "Hey, I tried to warn ya. Chi-Chi and Bulma gave on my hair after the first try. But you didn't, and that's what counts."

Rarity sighs in resignation. "I suppose that's true. There are some things, and the best ponies can't accomplish. I wish I hadn't wasted so many bits on that faulty device. I hope you weren't harmed by it," Rarity trailed off looking at Goku, and a broad smile appears on the fashionista.

"What? Is something wrong?" Goku asks.




[Flashback End.]



"Oh, yes, what is it, darling?" Rarity asks as she snaps out of her self-induced trance. She looked upon the concern faces of her friends and a warmth flushed across her face.

"Y'all alright, Rares? Ya spaced out for a moment 'ere." Applejack pointed out. Rarity was about to respond when she saw Rainbow Dash was about to touch Goku's styled hair.

"STOOOOOP!!!" Everyone froze at Rarity's sudden exclamation. She rushed in front of Goku, nearly knocking Rainbow out of the air, and stood aggressively to ward off anyone that got too close. "NONE OF YOU SHALL TOUCH THIS MANE WITH A TEN FOOT POLE, GOT IT!!" The group said nothing as they stared at their snarling friend and merely nodded. Rarity quickly relaxes and addresses her friends. "Good, I believe it is time to make out departure now."

"Hey, where are the girls? Aren't they coming along too?" Goku asks as he searches for the fillies in question.

"Unfortunately, no they're not. With the leaders of other nations attending, it would be best if they stayed behind this year. Filthy Rich offered to let the girls stay at his manor tonight. Anyway, the chariots I called for are arriving now." Twilight said. At that moment, two chariots being pulled by four pegasi guard ponies in golden armor landed next to them.

"The chariots are here for you and friends are here, your highness." the guard pony said.

"Excellent, now Goku, you going to be revealed to the entire world that you're an alien. I don't want to pressure you or make you feel uncomfortable, but this is a huge deal and--" Before Twilight could go into one of her lectures, Rarity cut her off.

"Twilight darling, relax. I assure you that Goku and I have gone over everything he will need for tonight. I will be with him every step of the way to ensure there will be no mishaps. Now let's go; our public awaits." Rarity said as she and the rest of the group got inside the chariots. Rainbow elected to fly on ahead to castle to meet up with the rest of the Wonderbolts. As the chariots sailed through the skies to Canterlot, everyone got ready for the most memorable Grand Galloping Gala ever.

[Canterlot, outside the ballroom.]

Standing outside Canterlot castles ballroom was the crème de la crème of Equestria high class: The nobility. The most sophisticated, proper, and wealthiest ponies to ever grace the Grand Galloping Gala. Typically, the nobles would already be inside, engaging in casual banter, or seeking you cement their status. However, rumors have spread like wildlife about a new ambassador attending the Gala. Many of the nobles sensed a unique opportunity to advance up the social ladder. They eagerly await the arrival of this new visitor.

"I say, Duke Honey Comb, do you perchance know of the new arrival attending this year's festivities?" a mulberry noble with a black hair said.

"I cannot rightly inquire Bishop Stargazer. Princess Celestia hasn't been forthcoming about our mystery guest." a light brown coated purple mane stallion rebuttals.

"I heard that our new guest hails from parts unknown. nopony has ever seen hide nor tail of him." A light pink mare with a blond mane said.

"That is because the commoner does not have a tail." A voice rang out. Everyone turns to the direction it came to discover that it was BlueBlood that spoke. He was wearing his signature white tux with a blue dress shirt. He casually approached the group of nobles while sniping from a glass of wine.

"Whatever do you mean prince BlueBlood?"

BlueBlood merely huffs in annoyance. "As my sources have regaled to me 'our guest' has been staying in that backward, hick town known as Ponyville. Where he has no doubt been rummaging with our 'beloved' Princess Twilight, they claim it to be some hairless ape with the most horrid mane you will ever set eyes upon."

"But this so-called hairless ape was invited personally by Princess Celestia herself. He will be arriving with Princess Twilight very soon."

"Please spare me. I will never understand why auntie endorses that low-level bumpkin. I'm sure this is all a show so that Princess Twilight can validate her ascension. Our guest will be nothing more than a dressed up commoner in a monkey suit while playing on a facade of being a noble." BlueBlood said dispassionately. The other nobles seem to nod in agreement until another voice called out.

"I see your powers of deduction are as sharp as ever Prince Blue Blood." Everyone turned again to find a white furred, blue maned stallion sporting a finely pressed black tux and monocle over his left eye. Beside him was a lavishing mare who had white fur with a pink tint and a rosy pink mane. Her beautiful white dress clung tightly to her form.

Blue Blood wore a fake same and greeted his fellow socialite. "Why Sir Fancy Pants and Fleur de Lis, I am pleased the two of you could make it. Thank you for the compliment as well."

Fancy returned the same smile and went on. "You're quite welcome. Although. I believe you might but misinformed about our new visitor. As my sources have told me that our guest is truly unique and that he will be the guest of honor for tonight's Gala." The rest of the nobles jaws dropped at this.

"T-that's utterly absurd. How can one individual possibly gain such an honor?!!" Blue Blood said in disbelief.

"It's very true Prince. Why else do you believe that this year's theme is about meeting other leaders of foreign countries? The princesses have made it very clear that they wish for the entire world to know of this creature." Fleur De Lis stated with a hint of a smirk.

Blue Blood was about to retort when the sound of trumpets ranges out. Over in the skyline, two chariots could be seen approaching the castle. "Well, it would appear that the Princess of Friendship is arriving now. I don't know about any of you, but I wish to see who our guest of honor is." Fancy Pants said as he held out his arm, his wife. "Would you care to join me, my dear?"

"Of course honey, I would love too," Fleur said as she links her arm with his and proceeds to the runway. The rest of the nobles glanced at one another before they followed suit, leaving Blue Blood behind.

Blue Blood let out a huff before he reluctantly pursued. "Yes, let us greet this guest of honor."

A crowd began to form along the red carpet as the chariots drew closer. There, standing at the end of the rug, were the royal diarchy of Equestria as well as the foreign delegates. The chariots touched down, and the guard ponies positions themselves in front of the doors.

"Now presenting; her royal highness and her entourage, Princess Twilight Sparkle and the elements of harmony." the guards opened the doors and out came Twilight along with her friends, save for Rarity who choose to ride in the chariot with Goku and Spike. Twilight joined the other princesses while Applejack, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy waited by their chariot. The guards made their way to the other chariots doors and proceeds to open them. Inside the chariot, Rarity was giddy with glee.

"This is it darling, Your grand moment to shine. Now, remember our lessons, and you should be fine. I will be with you every hoof of the way to give you a gentle nudge should you slip up." Rarity said.

"Got it." Goku acknowledged.

"I'll back you up too. A number one students never leave his teacher behind." Spike said proudly.

"Now presenting; the guest of honor, Ambassador Son Goku." A small bout of murmurs erupts within the crowd. No one was excepting another ambassador; which led to more confusion. A new ambassador should not warrant the title of the guest of honor. The guard pony opens the door, and everyone all around waits with bated breath for this new visitor to emerge. Rarity steps out first, followed by Spike, and finally Goku. Everyone who didn't know Goku was substantially taken aback by his appearance. Rarity stood on Goku's left side while Spike flanks his right. They began to walk down the red carpet with Pinkie, Applejack, and Fluttershy following close from behind.

Goku stood before the royal diarchy and other leaders. He straightens his posture and gives a respectful bow to them. "It is a great honor to meet you all." Goku's voice was calm and clear as he stood back up. Celestia was quite surprised at this quick change in demeanor. She took a glance over to Rarity, deducing that she was most likely responsible for this. While it was the sort of behavior one would expect for this formal greeting, Celestia was slightly disappointed that Goku didn't come as his usual cheerful self or was he? Celestia saw the small cracks in this new persona, and she had an inkling that the real Goku would show himself before the night's end.

"And it is my honor to officially Son Goku, Ambassador of the Planet Earth," Celestia said aloud for everyone to hear. Many looked confused at this until Luna spoke up.

"You're hearing has not failed you my friends and subjects. Our ambassador hails not from a country nor reign on Equis but from beyond the very stars. Such is the true reason for the title of the guest of honor." Luna proclaimed as everyone was stunned into silence. Before an uproar could occur, Luna continues. "We know thou will have many questions plaguing thy minds. However, we request that thee withhold them so that we may partake in tonight's festivities. Onward into the ballroom, let the Grand Galloping Gala commence." All the guests went inside while casting a curious glance at Goku. Shining Armor and Princess Cadence stayed behind to chat with the others.

"Well, that went a lot better than I expected. I honestly had guards on standby in case the nobles decided to swarm you." Shining said to Goku with a chuckle.

"It is good they retrained themselves but don't expect much privacy once we get inside," Cadence said. "You look outstanding in that suit, and I didn't think your mane heard of styling,"

"It may still happen if those looks are anything to go by," A familiar voice called out.

"Ember?" You came too?" Spike asks.

"Father mention several times about ponies throwing a party around this time of year. I thought as the new Dragonlord I should see what all the fuss is about,"

"Why are you in your armor?"

"Why wouldn't I be in my armor? Look around you, Spike. I thought this was a pony gathering, but there are several other species here. Its the perfect opportunity for an ambush,"

Spike looks back to his friends who merely shrugs in response. "Then, maybe you should stick with us. You know, safety in numbers..."

Ember arches a brow to his proposal until she nods her head. "Very well, not that I feared for my safety, but you make sense. Besides, no creature here would dare attack two fearsome dragons!"

"Uh, right,"

Ember then recoils at the sight of Goku. She tilts her head in confusion before taking in his scent. "You look different. Is that flimsy material suppose to be armor?"

Rarity gasped at the offensive comment. "It is nothing of the sort, darling! What you see here is the finest clothing fit for somepony of Goku's stature!" She turns back to the princesses. "And believe me, Princess, it was not easy. And please back away from it, you're far too close." Rarity said as Cadence eyes her incredulously. "Now we must not keep our adoring public waiting. Come along, Ambassador," she said as she links her arms with Goku again.

"Oh, uh, at once Lady Rarity," Goku said as the two made their way in the ballroom. With the others following suit.

"Why the hay is Goku talk' all fancy like?" Applejack whispers to Spike.

"Rarity gave Goku lessons on how to behave at a high-class gathering," Spike replies as everyone nods in understanding.

"There are lessons for large gatherings?" Ember asks.

"Certainly, darling. However, we haven't time to coach you too, so try and absorb as much as you can from us," Rarity suggested.

"Anypony wanna bet how long this will last?" Applejack asks plainly.

"I'd give it an hour," Shining said.

"I'll say three hours," Pinkie added.

"I'd say until Auntie Celestia announcement," Cadence chimed in. With the best place, the group joins their friends inside the ballroom.

[Inside the Ballroom.]

Goku's look at the large ballroom in amazement as they walk through the interior. The room was quite spacious as it was able to hold many of the occupants, a few tables for the catering, as well a stage. "Man, this place is huge. You could fit a small village in here." He said. Goku felt a tug at his arm and look down at Rarity.

"Remember your lessons, darling. Comments such as those are not usually in the elitist vocabulary." Rarity cautions.

Goku nods and turns his attention to the catering table. Just as Twilight promised, there was a large abundance of food. Goku did manage to eat before coming to Canterlot but not very much. He figured Rarity wouldn't mind if he eats a little while at the party. However, just as he was about to venture over to the table, he felt another tug at his arm.

"Now, darling. You can't just go and gorge yourself while others wish to meet you. It isn't proper manners." Rarity scolded as she gestures to the other guest who more than once glanced over in their direction.

"I guess you're right," Goku said as he scans the crowd. Instantly, his eyes fell on the hulking minotaur who had the attention of a group of noble mares. "Let's try that guy."

"Aw good eye, darling. Meeting a world leader is a good way to start the night." Rarity said. They made their way over to the minotaur as he was regaling a tale of his feet.

"The Minotaur Republic wasn't always united as it is now. The former king midis were always obsessed with power and bits. He cared only for himself and rarely if at all, showed compassion or kindness. He had planned to wage war with Equestria solely to seize Celestia's regalia. I was acting as a lieutenant at the time. I saw the folly in schemes, and by ancient rights that have been passed down from generation to generation, I challenge him to a duel." Iron Hoof said as the mare gasp. "The terms were simple; we would battle one another with a weapon of our choice. He fancies himself a sword wielder while I preferred a more hands-on approach," he said as he flexes his muscles. "The battle wasn't all I had hoped it would be. The former king may have looked the part, but his muscles were only for show. I made short work of him and won the duel with my superior skill. But Midis was many things; greedy, obsessive, dishonorable and a sore loser. He rushed me amid my victory celebration."

"What did you do?" Goku asks, his presence startling the mares around him.

Iron Hoof was surprised at the ambassador interest of his story but continued. "Yes. Well, he went on the attack with his blade, but I was able to defend myself. As the blade came down, I flexed my mighty pectorals, and the blade snapped against my muscles. After his disgraceful display, I sentence him to life imprisonment. I walked away that day as the new king of the Minotaur Republic. And a nifty scar, wanna see it?" without taking any requests, Iron Hoof opens part of the tunic he was wearing to reveal a slash scar that traveled diagonally from his left pectoral to his right hip.

Goku let out a whistle while Rarity and the mares grimace at sight. "Wow, that board sword did a number on you, huh," he said as Rarity squeezed his arm.

"Good eye, but how did you know he used a board sword?" Iron Hoof inquires.

"I once fought against a demon named spice that wields two of them. I had some close calls in that fight." Goku explained. The present party stares at the Saiyan blankly and Rarity was worried that Goku managed to embarrass himself that until the Minotaur king began chuckling.

"Aw, I could tell you were a warrior from the moment you step out of the carriage. You had a certain air about you." He then proceeds to slams his fist against his chest. "I am King Iron Hoof. it a pleasure meeting you, my otherworldly companion."

"Ambassador Son Goku but just Goku is fine." He said with a bow and cheerful smile.

A smirk worked its way on Iron Hoof's face. "Since you claim to have seen battle, I wonder how good you are..." Iron Hoof trailed off.

"Maybe someday, you just might see for yourself," Goku said in a challenging tone.

"Yes-- OR PERHAPS NOW!!" Iron Hoof exclaims as he suddenly launches his massive fist straight towards Goku's face. Goku doesn't move, and Rarity closes her eyes in anticipation of a loud smack, but it never came. She opens her eyes again to see that the minotaur's hand stop just an inch short of Goku's face. Rarity had to suppress the urge to faint right on the spot. "Interesting, why didn't you try and dodge it?"

Goku chuckles as he looks at the shock party goers expressions. "I searched your feeling so I'd knew you would stop. Anyway, it was nice meeting you." Goku and Rarity walked from the Minotaur King, who pause to look at his fist, and went to greet the other leaders. On the way, they could hear the not so low whispers of the other guest.

"What happened over there?"

"Did the Earth ambassador upset the Minotaur King?"

"Why didn't he try to move when Iron Hoof threw that punch?"

As the whispers grew in volume, Spike and Ember came up to the pair. "Goku! Are you ok? What was that all about?" he said as he frowns at Iron Hoof.

"Oh, that was just a friendly gesture among warriors, " Goku said as Spike and Rarity gave him a skeptical look.

"Well, that 'friendly gesture' could have ruined your hairstyle." Rarity sneered.

Ember snorts a small burst of flame from her nostrils. "Perhaps I should show the minotaur a popular dragon gesture known as flame bathing!"

"I would not take it personally. Iron Hoof sometimes takes himself too seriously." A new voice called out. The trio snapped their attention to the original pair approaching them.

"Sultan Shifting Sands and Madam Snake Charmer! How lovely it is to meet you." Rarity greeted. She gently elbows Goku's side.

"Yes, it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance as well," Goku greeted formally.

"The pleasure's all is our's ambassador. There are not many creatures would appreciate Iron Hoof's ways of testing someone. Are all the being of Earth just like you?" Shifting Sands asks.

"Well there are quite a few people that can do what I can, but I'm pretty unique to them as well," Goku said.

"I should say if what those fabulous clothes your wearing is any indication." Snake Charmer compliments. "Who is your tailor."

"That would be my friend Rarity here. She made these clothes from scratch." Goku said as Rarity blushes.

"Then you are a true craft's mare that put even our seamstresses to shame. Would you happen to take orders from overseas?" Snake Charmer asks.

Rarity was rendered speechless until a gentle nudge from Goku back her back. "W-why, of course, Madam Snake Charmer. I can start right after the Gala; I will need to get your measurements to fit a dress of your specifications." As Rarity and Snake Charmer continues to talk business, a familiar grumbling sound erupts from the pit of Goku's stomach. With Rarity preoccupied, Goku motions Spike and Ember to follow him, and the two quietly make their way to the catering table.

Unbeknownst to the two of them, Blue Blood was watching their every move. He not for the life of him figure out what made him worthy of any attention he was receiving. Princess Twilight could have conducted that story of him being an offworlder. The ambassador may have been undiscovered new species, but that hardly made him an alien. Blue Blood believes himself to be smarter than the average noble - or he deluded himself into thinking that - He would not fall for cheap tricks. "I will unmask this fraud before the night is over."

Goku and Spike made it to the catering table where they previewed to a curious sight. The Prince of Yakistan, Rutherford, and their element of laughter, Pinkie was engaging in a contest to see who could stuff themselves with food the most. Pinkie Pie spots the pair and calls out to them.

"Hiya Sonny and Spikey. Come to join our eating contest? Rutherford brought some food from his homeland." Pinkie said as she woofs down a try full of odd looking cupcakes. The frosting was a crimson while the cake itself was orange in color. There also seemed to be a chili pepper resting on top. Goku and Spike both picked them up and inspected them.

"Huh, what kind of cupcake is this?" Spike asks as he gives the cupcake an experimental sniff. His face scrunches up soon after as the spices assault his nose.

Ember does the same. However, her eyes lit up in awe as she swallows the treat whole and reaches for another. "It's like the sapphire ruby in the dragon lands!"

"This is our special blazing blitz cupcake. Only yaks with a strong stomach can handle it. Pink pony is proving to be a fine yak. But those ponies failed miserably." Rutherford chided as he points to a group of noble currently fanning their muzzles and chugging down water to rid themselves of the burning sensation. Rutherford turns back and studies Goku carefully. "So do you have the stomach of a Yak?"

Goku chuckles at this. "Only one way to find out..." he said as he proceeds to eat the cupcake. True to its name, Goku felt a slight sting on his tongue. He could feel the sensation becoming stronger as he chewed. However, it wasn't as strong as the time he ate those red cherry's back when he was a kid. Grandpa Gohan went on to teach him about many different fruits that were safe for consumption afterward. The cupcake slide down his gullet and into his stomach was it stirs for a moment before settling. "Hmm, that was pretty good." all the nobles that ingested the cupcake looked shocked. None more than Prince Rutherford who watched on in disbelief. Pinkie had a board smile on her face. Anyone that could match her speed in eating must have the strongest of stomachs.

"Hey, this is pretty good," Spike said as he finished his cupcake as well.

Prince Rutherford snapped out of his stupor and entered into a burst of roaring laughter. "I like it. You're strong like Yaks. Now let us shake like Yaks," the prince got up and stood in front of Goku. He held his arm out, and Goku did the same. But instead of a traditional handshake, the Yakistan prince gripped Goku's forearm and brought him into a hug as he used his other fist to pound against his Goku. Goku was slightly confused by this but return the gesture. "I'm Prince Rutherford. Come, we eat more cupcakes" Rutherford started to guide Goku back to the table when Rarity reappeared.

"Aw, there you are darling. I am so sorry for getting distracted like that, but your suit quite took madam Snake. She already commissioned serval dresses to wear. Um, what's going here exactly" Rarity asks.

"Nothing much. Rutherford Spike, Ember, Pinkie, and I were eating some cupcakes," Goku said. Rarity looked apprehensive at the implications. Goku leaned down and whispered in her ear. "Don't worry; I only had one."

"That's great darling." Rarity said as she turned back to the others. "You all won't mind if we reconvene at another time, do you?"

"Not at all Rarity. I was just about to show Rutherford here my special party cake I came up with last week." Pinkie said.

"Yes, Pink Pony. Show me this cake." The prince replies.

"Very well, we'll leave you two to it." Rarity said. Suddenly, she felt a chill pass through her spine and an immense feeling that someone was watching them-- someone she despised. "Perhaps we should step outside to witness the Wonder bolts show. The lingering stares are starting to get tiresome."

Goku had no idea why Rarity got so tense all of a sudden but complied nonetheless. "Um ok. C'mon Spike."

"Hmm, right behind you," Spike said with his mouth full. Spike pulls Ember along, causing her to drop the two cupcakes that she was holding. The group made their way outside where a large crowd was in the middle of watching the Wonder Bolts perform. Goku had to admire how nimbly these pegasi moved flew through the air.

"It so hard to believe Dashie made it into the Wonder Bolts." A new voice perks up.

"Oh, feeling jealous, are we?" Another voice teased. The group turned their heads to see the griffon King Squak with his consort Gilda. "Then again, from your descriptions of her, I'd say she was the better flyer out of the two of you."

"Keep squawking featherhead, and I'll cut you off your favorite treat for a month," Gilda threatens. The griffon king looks confused for a moment.

"Are you talking about your scones or yourself?"


Sensing a losing argument on the approach, King Squak look around and spots the ambassador and his entourage. "Why if it isn't the ambassador and guest of honor. let's go introduce ourselves." He pulled Gilda over to Goku and the others, trying his hardest to ignore the deadpan stare Gilda was sending his way. "Greetings Ambassador Son Goku. I am King Squawk of Griffon, and this is my lovely Royal Consort, Gilda."

Goku places his hands together and gives a short bow. Spike and Rarity follow suit. "Its an honor to meet you as well King Squawk and Royal Consort Gilda" Gilda let an annoyed huff at this.

"Great, another stuffy noble," Gilda mutters.

"Hey! Goku isn't stuffy." Spike defended as he glared at her, but Gilda just ignored him.

"Now, now Spike no need to get snippy, but I find it ironic that you of all griffons became a royal consort. When did this come about?" Rarity said.

"Well, it was shortly after our last visit here in Equestria at the meteor shower. We arrived home, and Gilda was feeling a little frisky so--"

Before Squawk could say anything more, a golden talon wraps around his beak. Gilda pulls his head towards her so he could get a good look at her eyes; eyes which promise a slow and painful beating should he continue. King Squawk nodded in understanding at the unspoken threat. "That is none of your business." She snaps. Spike hardens his glare and Rarity pouted. Goku just watched blankly at the situation.

"Well, it looks the Wonder Bolts have finished performing." King Squawk pointed out, hoping to defuse the situation. "And they're heading right for us?" Soon enough, 4 of the elite flyers landed right next to the group.

"Sup G. Didn't think I'd see you here. You like the new duds" Rainbow said as she points to her wonder bolt uniform.

"I'm here to keep him in line." Gilda gestures to Squawk. "That was a great show, though. Congrats on making the Wonder Bolts."

"Hey, Rainbow. When did you join this group?" Goku asks.

"Not too long after you went on your vacation with Spike and Scoots. Oh yeah, I almost forgot." Rainbow exclaimed as she pushes her teammates forward. "Meet Captain Spitfire, Co-captain Sorin, and Lieutenant Fleetfoot"

"it's nice to meet you all," Goku chirped. The Wonder Bolt members and Gilda were surprised at the ambassador's upbeat attitude.

"You are not what I expect." Spitfire comments.

"Yeah, I thought you were stiff, and how do you know Dashie here?" Gilda questions.

"Duh! He was the guy I tied with him a race not to long ago." Rainbow said as everyone save for Spike and Rarity became shocked.

"Wow. You must have been running fast." Sorin said in amazement.

"Running? I flew just like Rainbow did." Goku corrected. The Wonder Bolts, Gilda, and King Squawk, stared blankly at Goku before they all broke out in laughter.

"Hahahaha, that's a good one. If you can fly, then I'll wear this frilly dress for a month." Gilda said in between laugh.

"I don't get what's funny," Ember said in confusion.

Rainbow, Spike, and Rarity gave Goku a mischievous smile to which he returns. He gathered his Ki and slowly lifted himself off the ground. Rainbow cleared her throat and allowed her teammates to see Goku two feet in the air. Thankfully, the other guest were too distracted to notice this; but upon seeing Goku in the air, all the laughter died in their throats. Goku landed back on the ground and held a smug smile as did the others.

"B-but how?" Fleetfoot stammered out.

"Did you all forget that Goku is from another world? There's a load of stuff he can do that nothing else can on Equis," Spike said snidely. The group merely nodded in agreement before Spitfire steps up.

"I don't know what kind of world you come from, but I am very interested in seeing how an earth-bound creature was able to tie with a natural born flyer. Maybe next time you could give us a full demonstration." Spitfire said.

"Ha ha, sure, no problem," Goku replies. With the show over, Goku, Spike, and Rarity went back inside after saying their goodbyes.

"You know Gilda-- That dress looks amazing on you. I can't wait to see it more often within the coming days," King Squawk teased, and the only response from Gilda was a loud groan.

Back inside the ballroom, Celestia was silently tracking Goku's every move while gauging the reactions from the leaders and her subjects. So far, Goku was making a good impression with the leaders. However, she was worried that none of her ponies openly went to greet him. Whether if it was from his origins or Iron Hoof little display earlier. She did not know. Her eyes fell on her nephew, who was watching Goku with no shortage of disdain. She was sure he would try something, but she could not act just yet.

Blue Blood was concocting a plan that would expose the commoner for what he is as well as get back at that pitiful mare that clung to him like glue. "You there, servant pony. I want you to take this wine glass and shower our esteemed ambassador and that mare with it. Do try to make it look like an accident." He commanded the maid mare. The plan was simple; have a maid 'spill' wine on their expense clothing, which in turn would break the popularity they're gaining and embarrass them in the process. The nobles will laugh, and the leaders will become disappointed at whoever brought such a being her in the first place. "Go on and make yourself somewhat useful." The maid huffs in disgust at the prince but complied to the order as she went over to the ambassador who found his way to the remaining leaders on the dance floor.

Despite the namesake, there was no actual dancing. The dance floor was used for the guest to mingle and engage in conversation. As Goku and the others walked through the crowd, Rarity eyes fell upon the queen of Equland, Cream Puff and the Zebrican Chief, Zombiyoy.

"Oh, we should say hello to Queen Cream Puff. She governs over a country that is home to the most fashion-forward state of the world." Rarity squealed while Goku was left confused.

"Which state is that?" Goku asks.

"Why to Prance, of course," Rarity stated.

"Prance?" Goku felt more confused as the odd word rolls off his tongue. Rarity said nothing and gave Goku a deadpan stare.

"Chief Zombiyoy, A pleasure to see you again. How goes the affairs of in Zebrica?" Cream Puff said.

"The pleasure is all mine. I am having a great time. The affairs are going great. There is nothing to debate," Zombiyoy said.

"As much as I enjoy our talks, I desperately wish to speak with our new ambassador. What wonders that fine specimen must hold" Cream Puff huffs.

"You can cease your pout as you are about to find out," Zombiyoy said. Cream Puff turns around to see a mare with a dragon, pulling the ambassador towards them. Her eyes lit up, and she hungrily licked her lips.

"Why hello Ambassador -- Son Goku, correct? -- I am Queen Cream Puff of New Equland," She held out her in front of Goku. Rarity squeezed his arm to indicate that this was another formal gesture.

Goku grabs her hands, but he was unsure of what to do. Rarity didn't have a lot of time to go into great detail on every aspect of high society critiques. So he gave her a handshake. "It's an honor to meet you as well," he said. Rarity winced at the missed formality and prayed the queen did not take offense. However, when she looked at the queen's reaction, she seemed to have a pleasing expression — almost boarding on flirtatious.

"Yes. You are quite the specimen. So different, so unique, so exotic!" Cream Puff said seductively. Rarity and Spike shifted about uncomfortable while Zombiyoy rolled his eyes. From a distance, Celestia, who was joined by Luna and Twilight, had a frown across her.

"I should have expected this," Celestia said ruefully.

"What do you, Princess?" Twilight asked.

"Yes, It would appear Cream Puff is on the prowl again," Luna comments.

"Again? Why would she be on the prowl again?" Twilight questions.

"Forgive us, Twilight. What we mean to say is that Queen Cream Puff has a nasty habitat of taking in studs at functions such as these." Celestia said hesitantly.

"And it would appear that she has sight her eyes on Sir Goku. Given his position and origin, We cannot say that we are surprised." Luna adds on.

"Studs? Why would she take--" The realization hit Twilight like a ton of bricks. "We have to intervene! Goku is already married, and if he rebukes her advances; it could cause an interplanetary incident." She urges. Twilight was about to head over there until Celestia stops her.

"Relax Twilight. I assure you things will work out. Chief Zombiyoy is right there. He will check her restrain her should she go too far. For now, let's see how this unfolds." Celestia said with a warm smile.

Zombiyoy was standing in silence at the display in front of him. He saw how closely the queen moved to the ambassador and how the lecherous smile never left her muzzle. He has known this mare for a while now so he should not be surprised by her advances. But the ambassador has yet to respond to her efforts. Which he found both odd and admirable; Cream Puff was a very attractive so Zombiyoy concluded that our otherworldly guest must have great restraint or he is an oblivious fool.

"You know, ambassador. I find these meetings to be woefully boring. Perhaps you and I can look for entertainment elsewhere." Cream Puff suggested salaciously.

"Huh, well the people-- eh --ponies here are pretty nice. I don't see why we should leave now," Goku said. Cream Puff's eyes began to twitch. She hasn't been able to sway this creature at all.

Rarity was fed up with being ignored and spoke up. " The ambassador is correct, your Excellency. It would be rather rude to--"

"Yes, yes, you look lovely dear." Cream Puff said curtly. Rarity looked shocked at being interrupted like that. "I saw that little display with King Iron Hoof. You showed much fortitude by holding fast like that. I bet you have plenty of mares spooning for you..." She leans in closer to Goku. "Maybe, you would like another mare to admire you..." Her voice dripped with desire, and her actions made known. Inevitably, with this more than direct approach, the ambassador will falter and give in to her charms just like all the--

"Are you in season?" Ember asks out of the blue. Everyone gasps out in shock save for the Cheif who stifles a chuckle.

"Excuse you?" Cream Puff asks in shock and anger.

"Um, Ember?" Spike gestures for her to stop, but Ember ignores him.

"I can smell the pheromones coming off of you, so I ask again; are you in the season?" The Dragonlord said.

Cream stammers and sputters a response before Goku came to her rescue. "Thanks for the offer but I'm pretty sure Chi Chi will hate for other women or mares, I guess, to look at me. She sure has a fiery temper." Goku politely declined. Cream Puff was in a state of shell shock. She would never mess with a token male, but no male would ever refuse her like this. Zombiyoy decided to step in before the Queen could recover.

"I appreciate that little jest. You struck Queen cream Puff right in the chest!" Chief Zombiyoy chuckles. "Do not take offense. The ambassador will not hop that fence." The chief told the Queen before he turns to Goku. "You're loyalty to your mate is quite great. There no need to debate."

He compliments. As the group was distracted, the maid under Blue blood order's creeps in. She would 'accidentally' slip and douse both targets at the same time. She got within striking distance only to inadvertently trip for real. Goku sensed someone was approaching them from behind and turned around. He saw one of coming closer with a wine glass on a tray. Only to trip over her hooves and launch the glass and dish high into the air. Goku reacted quickly and caught the maid before she could hit the ground. He then extended his hand and grabbed the tray in his palm. Next came the glass and the liquid itself. Goku skillfully maneuvers the plate to capture all the wine without spilling a drop.

Goku turns back to the maid in her arms with a smile. Said maid was in awe, stunned into silence at the display she witnessed. The commotion from the fall had drawn the attention of the other guests as they, too, were shocked. Goku gently helped the maid back to her hooves as Spike, Rarity, and the two leaders ran up to them. "T-Thank you, Ambassador..."

"Darling, is everything alright?" Rarity asked.

"I think so. That would have been a nasty spill." Goku said as Spike chuckles at the unintended pun. "You ok miss...?" Goku prompted as he handed the wine tray back to the maid.

"O-oh, yes, Ambassador. I am fine. My name is Slip Clean." the maid stammers out.

Goku chuckles at this. "Well, you certainly live up to your name but try to be careful." Before anyone could say anything else, the sound of clapping went off. Everyone turned to see the Chief and the Queen showing their approval. It wasn't long before the rest of the ballroom erupted in applause. Everyone was clapping all, save for one. Blueblood was standing the background fuming at the turn of events. Not only did his little ploy failed, but it gave it somehow boosted his popularity.

"Infernal, incompetent, servant mare. I shall have you fired before the week is out." Blue blood grumbles. "No matter, if you want something done right then you must do it yourself. I will confront this fool myself and expose for the charlatan that he is. First, I will need support." With that, Blueblood went to round up his allies.

After basking in praises by the other guest(at Rarity's insistence) Goku and the others were currently wandering around. "What should we do now?" Spike asked.

"I haven't the faintest clue, Spiky Wicky." Rarity said.

"Leave and go lava surfing?" Ember suggested.

Everyone blinks at that. "Lava surfing? Darling that sounds hazardous," Rarity said tentatively.

The Dragonlord shrugs in response. "It's better than wasting our time and talking. Dragon gatherings are much more entertaining,"

"It's not all about talking. We could go dancing if you like?" Spike offered. Ember shot him a dubious look before he sighed. "Nevermind..."

"Maybe we should hook back up with the others," Goku suggests.

"Last I saw them was at the entrance. The others have a bet going on right now." Spike said, and instantly, Spike clamps down on his mouth with his hands. But it was too little too late, Spike had caught Rarity's attention, and the mare would not relent.

"Bet? What do you mean a bet?" Rarity's eyes narrowed in suspicion as the drakes eyes shift from side to side. Goku started to laugh at his pupil's predicament when something caught his eye or rather someone, to be more specific. Another trio was heading toward them, but they consisted of three unicorns. The stallion to the right looked like your typical noble. The stud also seemed very excited about something. To the left was a purple mare with a white mane and in the middle was a charcoal gray stallion with a jet black mane. Goku was picking up strange ki emanating from him. The two groups pass one another without saying a word, but Goku could feel the gaze of the stallion upon him.

"Darling? Is there something the matter?" Rarity asked. Spike looks on with concern at his mentor.

"Huh? Oh, I guess it was nothing. So should we find the girls?" Goku asks.

"I believe that is a splendid idea, darling. We--"

"So here is the Earth's Ambassador and Guest of Honor I have heard so much about." A snide pompous voice rang out. Rarity instantly groaned, and Spike's face morphs into a scowl. They all turned around to see Blueblood strutting up to them with small group nobles. Rarity figured that they were his gang of hoof lickers.

"...Blueblood! All the nobles have been avoiding Goku like the plague, and now Blueblood swoops in to say hello. He's clearly up to something," Rarity whispers to Spike.

"Don't worry, I got my eyes on him," Spike said.

"It's a pleasure to meet you as well. I am Son Goku," Goku greeted with a short bow.

"Hmm yes, I am Prince Blueblood, member of the glorious day court, the most prestigious noble elite in Canterlot, and nephew of Princess Celestia herself," Blueblood ranted. Goku seemed impressed by the accolades while Rarity was fuming and Spike was about to fall asleep.

"You're Princess Celestia's nephew?! You must be almost as strong as she is," Goku said with awe. Blueblood was taken aback by this as were his little entourage and Spike and Rarity.

Not one to turn down a compliment, Blueblood responded. "Why thank Ambassador. Not many can see my magnificence as clearly as you. But there is an issue I would like to clear up with you..."

"Ok, what's that?" Goku asks. Rarity got in close and squeezed his arm. Goku looked at her with confusion as he was sure he did not do anything wrong.

Rarity silently cursed herself for never warned Goku of Blueblood due to her stupid stubbornness and pride. "While it is great to see you again Prince Blueblood; I am afraid we must meet up with our friends so good night to you," Rarity took Goku and Spike's arms and made to leave, but Blueblood stayed the course.

"Aw Miss Rarity. I should have guessed you were to dress up the commoner into something he isn't," Blueblood said; Rarity and Spike stopped dead in their tracks while Goku stood there bewildered.

"I am sorry Prince Blueblood, but I believe misheard you," Rarity said with a strained voice.

"Yeah, care to repeat that!" Spike growled out. Blueblood merely chuckles at this.

"You see this is what I am getting at. How can our so-called ambassador be anything but a commoner if he associates himself with a pair ruffians that forsake civility in favor of unspoken threats," Blueblood chided as his gang of yes ponies murmurs in agreement?

"How about If the Dragonlord issue promises that might lead to somepony getting broiled!"Ember threated, a wisp of fire escaping her maw.

"Is there a problem with you guys?" Goku asks, oblivious to the growing tension.

"Of all the-- You can hardly claim to be civil given how you carry yourself. Deplorable!" Rarity spat out.

"I carry myself as any true member of nobility should," Blueblood said with arrogance. He then turns his sight back on Goku. "Unlike this impostor here who clearly wouldn't know a salad fork from to soup spoon. He has no right waving around titles such as ambassador or guest of honor when it is obvious you picked him up from the Everfree," Blueblood finished. The ponies around him gave him a round of applause.

"Wait, is that what this is about, titles? I think they're kinda silly," Goku stated while everyone gasps.

"Ha! And what would you know about the finer points about high society?" Blueblood challenged.

"Well, from what I learned from Rarity, it's about dressing up while acting with dignity. But I like my wife Chi Chi's version better," Goku said.

"Urgh, and how would your wife know any more than you. Is she here at the moment? Is she a noble?" Blueblood questions.

"No, she on Earth and she is a princess so I'd know plenty," Goku said drily. Everyone was stunned by this.

"Goku, darling! You didn't say you were a Prince yourself!" Rarity gasps out.

"Hehe, you didn't ask. Anyway, what my wife said was there is nothing all that special about nobility. They do nothing except to try to validate themselves by throwing money around and surrounding themselves with people that will only say yes to everything they do or say," Goku explained. The nobles around Blueblood suddenly shifted about nervously. Blueblood himself couldn't help but stutter as his words held the truth.

"Haha I couldn't agree more," A new voice said. It was revealed to be Fancypants Fleur de Lis. "Good day Ambassador, I am Sir Fancypants, and this is my lovely wife, Fleur de Lis. I couldn't help but overhear your conversation. I say that wife of yours sounds like a real charming mare. Such a shame she couldn't be here,"

"Don't tell me you believe that alien nonsense," Blueblood said.

"As I have told you before, Prince. Princess Sparkle has no reason to lie to any of us given her track record when it comes to a situation like these. Besides, didn't you see that large metal ball flew over Canterlot some months ago? I will tell you this; no magic on Equis can produce something like that," Fancypants said. Blueblood bit his lip in frustration. This night was not going as he wished. He would have to change tactics again, and Fancypants had ever so gracefully handed him one.

"Perhaps I have been quick to judge. I am also intrigued about the place you hail from, good sir. Would you be so kind as to tell us more about the Earth?" Blueblood requests. Rarity and Spike were wary at the sudden mood change.

"Sure thing--"

"Now hold on a moment. I'm sure the rest of the guest would like to hear as well. They have been hesitant to approach because of the mystery that's hanging over you. There a stage right there if you would follow me please," Blueblood said as he walks over to the stage with Goku. Spike and Rarity were still wary and stayed close behind. Had they been in the front, they would have noticed Blueblood's horn, and hands glow briefly.

[Celestia's POV.]

"Princess, is it time for the announcement now?" Twilight asked.

"I suppose it is Twilight," I said. So the night has gone splendidly if not a bit boring. Goku seems to have made a good impression with the other leaders. Although, I am disappointed none of my little ponies haven't gone to talk with him.

"Sister. What is our nephew doing with Sir Goku?" Luna asked me. We all saw Blueblood and Goku stand up on stage in front of every pony. Blueblood walked up to the microphone to address the guest.

"Mares, gentlecolts, and esteem delegates from afar. Our guest of honor has decided to share some aspects of his homeworld," Blueblood said as he placed his hand on Goku's shoulder. It was very faint, but I was able to see small traces of magic in his grip.

"Sister, did thou catch that?" Luna asks with narrowed eyes.

"Catch what Auntie Luna?" Cadence asks as she, her husband, and the rest of the elements appeared. They have spent the better part of the night subtlety following behind Goku's little group although I do not know why.

"We believe Blueblood may be looking to cause trouble for our guest of honor. We should move to intercept but do so quietly. We do not wish to disturb the proceedings," I said with a sigh. We made our way through the crowd and reached the stage just as Goku went to speak, and Blueblood got off the stage. I was about to confront him, but Twilight beat me to it.

"Blueblood, what was that spell you place on the ambassador?" Twilight demanded. Blueblood seemed unimpressed as he looked at his knuckles.

"Spell? I have done no such thing. I merely asked the Ambassador to share a bit of his culture from Earth, and he has agreed, nothing more," Blueblood said, but I could hear the sarcasm in his voice. Before anyone could retort, a sudden glow caught our attention. We looked up at Goku to find his clothing emanating a soft glow. Goku looked perplexed at what was transpiring. The glow grew brighter until the light became bright to stare into for too long. When the glow faded, every pony looked up Goku only to find he was perfectly fine.

"I know I recognized that spell from somewhere but where?" I muttered to myself, but then a sudden realization made itself known. I was too late to do anything as Goku's clothing bursts from his body and fell to the ground. A series of gasps rang out, but no pony said anything as Goku stood there in all his naked glory. There was still silence in the air until Goku started laughing?

"Oh man, talk about a wardrobe malfunction," Goku chirped as he continued laughing. If that was not odd enough, Goku's mane, which had been smooth out and brought down, sprang back to life — retaking its original spiky shape. Over to my right, Lady Rarity let a des[aired wail of horror. I was expecting every pony to began mocking him, but no such thing occurred. I looked around to see every pony gawking at Goku's physique. Sure enough, enough all the mares had blushes across their face.

"O-oh m-my," I heard Fluttershy say before a very distinct sound as her wings fully extended. The rest of the pegasi mares soon followed. Even Luna's, Cadence, and I were having trouble keeping our feathery appendages down.

"Look at that bod!"

"It like it was scalped from marble!"

"Who knew his kind didn't have sheaths!"

As more words of praise were said, Blueblood grew more shocked. I don't believe he was expecting such a reaction from his little ploy. "A-are you all mad?! Just look at him!" He screamed.

"Oh, I am...." Queen Cream Puff said with a sultry tone. "...And I like what I see~,"

"But, but, he is flashing himself before us all," Blueblood argued.

"But didn't you say the good Ambassador was sharing his culture with us. I think I speak for all of hs when I say that this has been enlightening," Cream Puff said. There many wolf whistle and whinnies sent Goku's way until another voice spoke up.

"Haha, then if presenting yourself before a crowd is what they do on Earth; I'll be happy to facilitate," King Iron Hoof called out. He then proceeded to rip his upper clothes off and begin flexing. Thankfully, he kept his trousers on as he winks at several mares and - to my horror - myself.

"You call those muscles," Prince Rutherford yells out, and he ripped all his clothes. "Yaks hold the greatest bodies," He said as he stood tall and proud. This action set off a chain of events as many of the males took off their clothing. The one saving grace was that no pony else stripped fully naked. I even saw Spike shed his top portion of his tux. Even more curious was the fact that the newly christened dragonlord staring rather intently at Spike.

Blueblood looked beside himself at the scene before him. Unfortunately, it would seem that his frustrations got the better of him and he too strips his upper clothing. He got back up on the stage with Goku and stood in defiance. "If you believe his body is great then gaze upon the physique crafted from Canterlot nobility," He proclaimed. Laughter erupted out as every pony stared at the two. Blueblood was by no means unfit. His pectorals and biceps bulged with muscles although his abdomens seem to suffer from the page most nobles carry. Which resulted in what was known as 'washboard abs.' But when compared to Goku who looks like he never had an ounce of fat touch his extraordinarily toned and fit body. My poor nephew fell short from most if not all the males here.

"My eyes are led astray. Now I can never look at you the same way," Zombiyoy said. Embarrassed and humiliated, Blueblood sent a nasty scowl at Goku before teleporting away.

"P-princess...." Twilight stutter out. The poor dear. He features were so that her coat was shifting from lavender to red. I shot her a sympathetic look and led her outside but not before I overheard something from Cadence.

"Ha! I win," Cadence said happily to her husband, who also stripped his clothes.

"Hardly far given outside interference," Shining Armor said.

[2 hours later.]

After an odd turn of events, every pony was wearing clothes again. Rarity had the insight to duplicate Goku's suit should anything happen to it. Sadly, she could do nothing for his mane. She looked positively devastated. "I am glad this year's Gala had turned out fun for all parties involved. But now is the time for a special announcement," I heard many excited murmurs at the news. "It has come to my attention that bizarre forces have plagued the lands of Equestria. While the elements of harmony had remained ever vigilant, one question comes to mind. What of the royal guards? Should the elements, Luna or myself always handle the crisis that rears it's head while they grow complacent? I do not believe so; the royal guards need the challenge to sharpen their skills, and now, I shall present said challenge," I said I lit up my horn and removed the banner that I had a place during the preparations. It was bright red with gold trimming with these words etched into it. "I now announce the first ever Equis Allied Tournament!!!"

Author's Note:

And done this one took longer because of computer mishaps but now we move past the chill chapters and into more action.

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