• Published 18th Jan 2016
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Dragonball MLP - ultrapoknee

Goku inadvertently lands on a new world on his way to planet Namek. Now, with his ship in disarray, Goku new adventures on the planet called Equis is about to begin. Where he sure he meet new friends as well as enemies.

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episode 20: Obligatory Grand Galloping Gala Chapter... Part 1.

[Six months later - Goku's ship - Third Person POV.]

"I can't wait to get back to the castle. It's like we spent six years in the Everfree instead of six months," Spike said. He along with Goku and Scootaloo were currently flying back to Ponyville after their time spent in the Everfree Forest.

"Yeah, and I can't wait to show all our friends what we can do. Rainbow Dash won't believe it." Scootaloo said excitedly. However, she paused once she realized something. "Wait, since I can fly using my Ki, would there still be any point to fly using wings?" she asked.

Goku chuckles at her confused expression. "Even though you can fly with your ki, you shouldn't neglect your wings. A true martial artist hones their entire body. If I hadn't come along, then the odds are that you may have already been flying. Besides, think of how much faster you will be by using your Ki and your wings. You might even surpass Rainbow Dash." Goku told her.

Scootaloo was left awestruck at the notion. "D-Do you think I could be faster than Rainbow Dash?"

"Haha, I think you have the potential to be the fastest being in the universe," Goku said as Scootaloo continues to stare off into space.

"Hey, what about me? What's my potential?" Spike chimed in eagerly.

"Well, that honestly depends on you, Spike. As of right now, you're way stronger than most of the dragons on my world. The only exception being Shenron and you're stronger than a few of the dragons on this planet. Ultimately, your true potential so long as you keep trying to surpass who you are today." Goku said.

Spike quirks an eyebrow in confusion. "Um, what does that mean?"

"Hey, it looks like we're pretty close to Ponyville now," Goku said, completely ignoring Spike's question. "Let's stop by my ship first and get cleaned up. Then we can meet up with everyone again."

"Good idea. Bathing in a cheek got old fast. Not to mention the fact that our training Gi needs a washing." Scootaloo said.

The trio quickly found themselves in Ponyville and flew off to Goku's ship. However, upon their arrival outside the spaceship, they notice some different changes. The first thing they notice was that there was a green welcome mat in front of the ship. Next to it was a trash bin that had a white orb sticking out of it. Upon closer inspection, the trio came to realize that the discarded sphere was none other than Guru.

"Hey what feather brain threw away Guru?" Scootaloo asks as she lifts the small droid from the trash.

"That's not the only thing. Take a look inside the ship. I think someone.moved in here while we were training." Spike said. The three of them stepped inside to discover that Goku's home undergone some changes. Goku's training Gi was sprawled all over the floor. There was a large gray drape covering the monitor. Someone also had added in new furniture; there was a beige couch sitting up against the wall. A coffee table and some chairs sat in the middle of the interior. Along with what appeared to be a closet with clothes inside made for a pegasus. There was also a headdress with a poorly crafted wig place on the control console for the gravity machine.

"Geez and I thought my room at Rainbows house was messy," Scootaloo said while still carrying Guru.

"I wonder who set up shop here?" Goku said aloud as he finished picking up his clothes.

Spike flew up to the monitor and took the drape off. On the screen showed an icon indicating an incoming call. "Say Goku, I think you have a message from Dr. Brief," he said. Goku made his way to the console. He moved the headdress aside and pushed a button. The monitor came to life and on display was a very disgruntled Dr. Briefs.

"Now see here you lethargic, intrusive, cretin. I demand that you-- Oh-- hello there Goku my boy. And to you two as well Spike and Scootaloo." Dr. Briefs greeted. "Spike...? Are you flying? And why are you two in Goku's clothing?"

"That's because Goku took both Scootaloo and me on as his students," Spike stated proudly.

"Yeah, and we just got back from training after six months, and now we can fly and do all sort of cool stuff." Scootaloo chimed in.

Dr. Briefs let out a gruff chuckle. "I can see that. You two certainly wear the old' boy colors well. And I see that that careless buffoon hasn't damaged guru."

"So do you know who was in here Dr. Briefs?" Goku asked.

"Why I do. A rather tall and lanky pegasus with green fur and a blonde mane I believe it's called. He wears a powder blue shirt with yellow ascot and skinny black jeans. He came in the ship some days ago with Ms. Fluttershy. But unfortunately, he hasn't left since that day. Any attempt on my end to delude him taking residency aboard the ship proved fruitless. And he has been making an absolute mess of things, throwing Guru in the trash, bringing tacky furniture and ruining my monitor. He should be down in your quarters, my boy. Do us all a favor and evict him post haste." Dr. Briefs ranted. Before he could go on, the group heard the distinctive sound of hoofs clapping against the floor. They all turned around to find the pegasus in question coming up the stairway. He was precise, as Dr. Briefs described.

The pegasus stallion let out a long yawn. "Nothing like a midday nap to revitalize the wing tips. Now, what is on the agenda today."

"I'm surprised you have any sort of feasible quota at all." Dr. Briefs said in a sarcastic tone.

"Hey, bready humane! You're back. But who moved my drapes?" the pegasus said. He was utterly oblivious to the three new guests.

"As I have informed you before, it's pronounced human, and my name is Dr. Briefs." Dr. Briefs said with a strained voice.

"No need to get all crabby. You should chillax." the stallion said. Goku glances at Spike and Scootaloo who in turn shrugs at him. Goku decided that standing around wasn't going to accomplish anything. So he went to introduce himself.

"Hey there, my name's Son Goku but everyone just calls me Goku," Goku said as he offered a handshake. The stallion jumped back in surprise at the appearance of these new arrivals. He briefly studied while he took a few cautious steps back.

"What? Who? Why?" the stallion stuttered out.

Spike landed on the ground and walked up to Goku. "I think you might have broken him Goku."

"This is par for the course for him. His reaction was the same when he met me." Dr. Briefs said.

"Well whoever he is, he needs to leave Goku's house." Scootaloo snapped out. She places Guru on the ground and walks up to the confused pegasus. "Listen up, buddy. You have no right walking in here and try to move in." She said as she glared at the stallion.

He took a step back from the hostile filly before speaking. "Whoa whoa easy there little filly there's no need to get violent. My sister was showing me around the scene and happened upon this wacky metal dome. The interior was too drab for someone of my artistic views. But this place a had vibe that screamed to me, and I was looking for a place to crash, so it was perfect, you dig. Anyway, once I added my mojo into the mix, this place became my new home away from home. Of course, I wasn't expecting a roomie, but crabby bread and I sync up real nice." the stallion said while Dr. Briefs frowns at his nickname.

"Who are you exactly?" Spike asked.

"Oh, where are my manners. The names--"

"Zephyr Breeze!!!" A new and familiar voice calls out. Everyone turned their head to see the butter yellow pink-maned Fluttershy standing in front of the doorway and looking exceedingly displeased.

The stallion - now known as Zephyr Breeze - sallows a lump down his throat. "O-Oh um, h-how's it going big sis. What brings you here?" he said nervously.

"BIG SIS?!!" everyone said in shock. Fluttershy looked ready to tear her brother to pieces before she notices her friends.

"Oh my, Goku, Spike, Scootaloo, you're all back," Fluttershy happily said as she proceeds to give the trio a huge bear hug. "It has been such a long time. I was so worried when Twilight said you went into the Everfree to train."

"Yeah it has been a while, but it was worth it," Goku said while his pupils grin proudly. "So this guy's your brother, huh?" He said as he gestures Zephyr, who was currently hiding behind the pilot seat. Fluttershy heartwarming expression shifted to a frown, and she approached her brother.

"Yes, he is my baby brother, Zephyr Breeze. I was helping him try and find work while he stayed in Ponyville. He saw your ship and how it was currently unoccupied and tried to move in even though I said it belongs to a friend of mine." Fluttershy sternly said as she stood muzzle to muzzle with her brother, who was sweating profusely. "Well, Zephyr, It's like I have told you before. You can't stay in somepony else place without their consent." she scolded.

"Ease up Flutters. It just so happens that this fine fellow and I had worked out an agreement for my living arrangements here." Zephyr stated as Fluttershy looks at him incredulously.

"Seriously?" was all Spike, Scootaloo and Dr. Briefs said. Goku looks on with confusion while Fluttershy eyes her brother skeptically.

"Is that true, Goku? Are you sure you don't mind my brother staying here?" Fluttershy asked. Goku ponders for a moment as he looks in the pleading face of Zephyr Breeze. All but begging him to let him stay.

"Nah it's alright. Zephyr can stay." Goku said much to everyone's shock.

Zephyr quickly recovers and takes advantage. "Ha ha, see big sis. Goku and I have things squared away." He said smoothly. Although his expression soon fell with Goku's next sentence.

"After all, it will be great to have another sparring partner," Goku said.

"Sparring partner? What do you mean sparring partner?" Zephyr Breeze asks. For some reason, a cold chill traces through his spine.

Scootaloo faces morphs into a twisted grin. "Isn't it obvious? Goku is a master martial artist who fights ghouls and dragons all the time."

"R-really now? That..that's very interesting." Zephyr stuttered out. Spike and Dr. Briefs caught quickly and joined in.

"Yeah, in fact, we just got back from a six-month-long training regimen in the Everfree forest," Spike said with a devious grin. Zephyr began to sweat profusely.

"My boy, Goku, takes his training incredible seriously. I sure hope you can measure up to his standards should you extend your stay." Dr. Briefs added as he smiles devilishly. Zephyr Breeze felt himself become very small as he stared at Goku. That innocent, cheerful smile seem to mask a face that promised malicious intent.

"O-On second thought I think Flutters is right. I already imposed a lot, and I wouldn't want our mojos to bump hoofs." Zephyr blurted out quickly before he turns to his sister. "Say Flutters, do you think we could go job hunting now? I got a good feeling today." Zephyr said eagerly.

"Oh, my Zephyr. I never seen you show so much initiative. I was going to visit Twilight after this. I'm sure with such a big castle to watch over that she will have something for you to do." Fluttershy said. Zephyr moved like a blur and ushers his sister out the doorway.

"I'll pick my effects later." was the last thing they heard Zephyr say.

"That guy was pretty strange," Goku said. Spike, Scootaloo and Dr. Briefs were currently trying their hardest not to break out in laughter.

"That's putting things mildly my boy. Now that Mr. Breeze has vacated, I can inform you of the ship's progress." Dr. Briefs said.

"That's great, Dr. Briefs. So how are we looking?" Goku asks.

"Guru has managed to repair all the paneling within the interior. Loose wires reconnected and the gravity machine is once again operational. The only thing left to repair will be the ships stabilizers and the flight controller. This action should not take any more than a month at Guru's current pace. Provided that there are no more interferences." Dr. Briefs said with no small amount of annoyance.

"Oh man, that's great. I'll be outta here in just a month." Goku said a lot more eagerly than he meant.

"A-alright that's so a-awesome," Scootaloo spoke with trepidation.

"Yeah, I'm sure you can't wait to see your friends again," Spike said hesitantly.

"Actually. no, you won't be leaving in a mouth." Dr. Briefs stated much to Goku's surprise and Spike and Scootaloo's small relief.

"Why's that?" Goku asks.

"You see my boy even when you can leave. It would not do you any good. The ships autopilots still have Nameks co-ordinates, and I was able to determine that it would take you the same amount of time as it did for when you first began your voyage. Which means it would take an additional three months to reach your destination." Dr. Briefs informs much to Goku's horror.

"But I don't have that kinda time. Who knows what's happening on Namek right now? Let alone what I might find after another three months. It could be too late by then." Goku asserted. Spike and Scootaloo shared a worried glance.

"I am well aware of this fact, and it just so happens that I am working on a solution. Do you remember the diagnostics scan?" Dr. Briefs inquires as Goku nodded. "With the data, I received from the cosmic electrical storm. I am currently devising a way to duplicate the effects. If I am successful, then I should cut your arrival time to Namek in short. In the same fashion as the first cosmic storm brought you here." Dr. Briefs explains.

"That's good right?" Goku said, still slightly thrown off with all the technobabble.

"Very much so my boy. It will only take me several more months of data crunching and calculations until I can work out a formula. Possibly four months at the most." Dr. Briefs said.

"Well, it's better than nothing." Spike comments.

"Indeed. One last thing, though. Ms. Sparkle has been rather adamant about getting in contact with for this past week. She asked me to send you her way should you return early." Dr. Briefs said while the trio looks confused.

"Ok, thanks for the news, Dr. Briefs. Let's go see her now guys." Goku said as Spike and Scootaloo followed him back out the ship.

[Castle Friendship]

The walk to Castle Friendship was uneventful. The trio now found themselves wondering the halls in search of the lavender princess. "Geez Spike, how do you find your way around? I think we pass this door already." Scootaloo whines.

"I've been living here for three years now, and I still get lost. What do you think, Goku?" Spike asks his mentor.

"Why not find her by sensing for her Ki?" Goku suggests.

"Oh yeah, I forgot," Spike said sheepishly. He began to hone in Twilight's Ki signature, and after a few seconds of waiting, he spoke up. "Looks like she's in the castle library. It must be reshelving day again." Spike then leads his group to the library and steps inside only to find the room to be in complete confusion. Dirt, dust, and grim littered the shelves. Many of the books were in large piles waiting for organizing. At the center of the room, Twilight was talking to Fluttershy and Zephyr Breeze.

"Ok Zephyr, this is something even you can do," Fluttershy assures her younger sibling.

"That is correct. All you have to do is clean the walls, dust the shelves and organize the books in alphabetical order while under the size and genre descriptions." Twilight instructed.

"Just leave it to me Flutters," Zephyr said.

"Thanks ever so much for giving him this job Twilight," Fluttershy said as they left Zephyr to his work. "We already tried just about everything I could think of, and they all ended poorly."

"It is no trouble Fluttershy. This job was Spike's old tasks before he left to go train." Twilight said before she let out a sigh. "I wish he comes back soon. I know Goku is there, but it's just so nerve-wracking to imagine him in the Everfree forest for this long."

"It's a good thing we're back then." a voice called out that cause Twilight to snap her attention to the three familiar faces by the door.

"S-Spike, Goku, Scootaloo you're back," Twilight exclaimed as she ran up and hugged her little brother.

"Oh my, that's right. I forgot to mention my brother, and I saw them before we came in." Fluttershy realizes.

"It's great to see you to Twilight," Spike said through a strained voice. Twilight finally relented and let Spike go.

"I see you two adopted Goku's look. It works for you both." Twilight compliments.

"Yeah, Rarity did an awesome job. I hope she can fix them up again." Scootaloo said.

"Of course Rarity can. Rarity wouldn't be well herself otherwise," Spike said.

"Anyway Twilight, Dr. Briefs said you had an important message for us." Goku brought up.

Twilight paused for a moment before her eyes widen in shock. "Oh my Luna, I nearly forgot!" Her horn lit up, and a scroll materialized into her hands. She unrolls it and reads it aloud.

"I, Princess Celestia, co-ruler of Equestria and avatar of the sun. Do cordially invite you, Son Goku, to this year's Grand Galloping Gala. This years theme will feature the return of many foreign delegates of neighboring countries. You will be the ambassador of Earth as well as the guest of honor. Naturally, You will be allowed to bring a friend as a plus one. I sincerely wish you attend as there will be a significant announcement at the end of the festivities. I look forward to seeing there, Princess Celestia." Twilight read. "Here's your ticket. Don't lose it or else you won't get in," she said as she handed Goku a golden ticket.

"Huh neat," Goku said as he inspects the ticket. "But what's so special about this Gala thing?" he asks, Twilight mouth fell agape and her right eye begun to twitch.

"Weren't you listening to the letter?! Princess Celestia has personally invited you as the guest of honor. Not only that, but she also wants to reveal you to the rest of the world as the ambassador of an entire planet." Twilight exclaimed, her ears twitch as she heard snickering coming from Spike and Scootaloo. "What's so funny?"

"Come on Twilight, and this is Goku we're talking about here. He's not exactly 'guest of honor' material." Spike noted.

"It does seem a little silly imagining Goku at a social gathering as an ambassador." Fluttershy chimed in.

"Yeah, Goku is awesome but fancy parties aren't his thing. Isn't that right Goku?" Scootaloo asks as she looks up at Goku who had a thoughtful expression.

"You're right about that but will there be lots of food there?" Goku asks.

"Look, I know that you all have reasonable doubts. But Princess Celestia is confident that Goku can fulfill this role and so am I., And yes there will be plenty of catering available Goku. I have personally made sure that this Gala will be unlike the others. So you won't have to worry about any mishaps. Now you should make your way to Rarity's; she wants to ensure that your suits are all ready for the Gala tomorrow." Twilight informs.

"Ok, got it," Goku said.

"One last thing. Make sure you bathe before going over to Rarity's home. We can't have you smelling like the Everfree forest while you're representing an entire planet. Be sure to come back here in front of the castle so we can leave together." Twilight said.

"Um, Twilight?" Spike spoke up.

"Yes, Spike?" Twilight asks. Spike pointed behind her, and the group turns to find Zephyr relaxing pike of books while Owlicious was attempting to wipe the shelves. Fluttershy facepalms before addressing her brother.

"Zephyr Breeze! What happened? You were supposed to be doing this job." Fluttershy said, sounding very annoyed.

"I am a big sis. I'm supervising the job while my understudy performs." Zephyr said.

"I'd better take over, or else this will never get done," Spike said as he went over to help. Fluttershy groans at her brother while Twilight stares blankly. Goku and Scootaloo took this moment to leave.

[Carousel Boutique.]

After a quick shower, Goku and Scootaloo found themselves outside of Rarity's boutique. Goku proceeds to knock on the door. "I hope she's not out right now," he said.

"Me too," Scootaloo said. Moments later, the door opens to reveal the pink and purple toned mane style of Sweetie Belle. Before anyone uttered another word, Sweetie tackled Scootaloo to the ground and hugged her for dear life.

"Scootaloo, you're back! The Crusaders just weren't the same without you." Sweetie Belle said.

"It's great to see you two. Kinda need to breathe now." Scootaloo said as her face was turning as purple as her mane.

"Haha sorry. So why are you here?" Sweetie asks but Goku answers for her.

"Twilight told us that Rarity has my suit ready for the gala party tomorrow," Goku said. Sweetie Belle finally notices her tall alien friend and latches on to his leg.

"Goku!!" Sweetie happily said as she nuzzles him. "You're going to the gala?" she said as Goku props her up on his forearm.

"That's right, so where is your sister now?" Goku asks.

"She actually in her workroom now. She wanted to check all our dresses for any imperfections. Come on. I'll show you." Sweetie Belle said as she hops down and leads the two to her sister workroom. The open the door to find Rarity currently wearing her glasses as she goes over a dress.

"Hiya Rarity." Goku greeted.

Rarity was startled a bit before she turns around. "Oh why hello darling, it's great to see you again." She said as she went up and hugged Goku. She looks down to find her sister with Scootaloo. "And Scootaloo is back as well so assume Spikey Wikey is currently with Twilight. Although...." Rarity trailed off as she got a good look at Scootaloo and noticed her training Gi was torn and worn down. "Goodness me! What happened to clothes? No, this will not do. I will be taking these right away for repairs. No doubt Spike's clothing is in the same condition; I will tend to him later. Sweetie, be a dear and give Scootaloo some spare clothes." she said.

"Got it, sis. Let's head to my room quickly so we can meet up with Applebloom. Then you could tell us about staying in the Everfree for six months." Sweetie said as the two ran off to her room.

"So darling, what's the occasion?" Rarity asks.

"Could you make some additional training Gi for Spike and Scootaloo? Also, Twilight told me my suit was ready," Goku said.

"Oh, ye of little faith. I had anticipated the need for spare clothing for those two and made spares in advance. As for your suit..." Rarity trailed off as she lit up her horn and brought out a rack with a large white sheet covering it. Her magic took hold of the sheet and pulled it down to reveal a stunning beige suit with a black dress shirt and a red ascot. "Pressed, cleaned, and ready for your appearance at the gala. This time, those bulging, chiseled, well-toned muscles of yours shall not be tearing this work of art apart." she with confidence.

Goku let's out a whistle as he admires his new outfit. "You're amazing Rarity. I should have no problems as the guest of honor now." Goku said as he held the suit in his hands.

"Do go on, darling-- Wait! What did you say?" Rarity asks as her eyes grew wide.

"I said this would be good for me as the guest of honor," Goku repeated as Rarity grew more frantic.

"B-but the title of 'guest of honor' is only given to the highest ranking officials such as visiting royalty or ambassadors." Rarity said with alarm.

"Well yeah, Celestia said she wants to welcome me as an ambassador of Earth," Goku said. Suddenly, all the color left Rarity's body as a starling realization struck her.

"How could I have been so foolish? You're an alien for Faust sake. That gives you the highest prestige of anypony on the planet! This insult shall not stand! I must make you a suit worthy of your new station." Rarity proclaims. She grabs Goku in her aura and places him on the modeling podium. Then, with a burst of magic, Goku training Gi was blasted off as Rarity began measuring him again.

"Ah?!! Rarity! What are you doing?" Goku questions as the posh mare felt all over his frame.

"Quiet darling, I must retake your measurements. You shan't attend the biggest social gathering in Equestria, nay, in all of Equis looking subpar. Your whole planet is depending on you to make a striking first impression and so help me, Luna, I shall see to it that you do." Rarity spoke with so much passion and determination.

"But Rarity, the parties tomorrow. You won't have time to make a new suit from scratch." Goku points out.

Rarity pauses from her work at hearing this. "Sweet Celestia! You're right; It took three weeks to craft your first suit. Not to mention that my friends and I need to look fabulous as well. Ooh, Goooookuuuu!! Whatever shall we do!?" Rarity said as she threw her arms around Goku's waist and started crying her eyes out. Goku looks at her with uncertainty while he petted her.

"It's ok Rarity. The suit you made is good. I'm sure the other guest will be impressed." Goku said in a soothing tone.

"You're just saying that!!!" Rarity said as she continues whining. "I-I mean your suit is simply divine but to make it shine further is to-- Sweet Celestia! That's it. I merely need to make some slight alterations. Nothing major mind you but enough for it to scream 'Look at me Equis. I hail from another planet.' Yes, it will be simply glorious." she said with renewed confidence. Rarity then brought the suit to her work table with her magic and started the alterations. Seeing that he was no longer needed, Goku picked up his Gi and went to leave. However, Goku stops his movement when a light blue aura is encompassing the door. He turned to see Rarity with her arms crossed, and her expression was one that said a lecture was inbound.

"Sorry, darling, but you can not leave yet until we have a little chat." Rarity said sternly.

"Um-- What do you want to talk about?" Goku said with a hint of nervousness.

"Well darling even if you will look the part, you still grossly lack proper etiquette. I dare say that you'll be laughed right out of Canterlot should you go with your usual mannerisms. We must correct this post, haste. So I shall be teaching you all I know about high society mingling." Rarity said. Goku let out a low groan. He was getting the feeling that this was going to be just like the time Chi Chi prepared him for Gohan's school board meeting.

"Are you sure we can spare the time? You probably want to focus your attention on the suit." Goku suggested. His measly attempt to get out of Rarity plans failed, however, as Rarity made up her mind.

"Oh, pish-posh darling. I excel at multitasking. It will be a walk in the park; I'll turn you into a Canterlot elite before the day has ended. Now then, Let's begin your lessons." Rarity proclaims as she bounces the lock of her mane in her palm.

"Great...." Goku said despondently.

[Lesson 1: Posture.]

"To walk among the elite, one must have perfect posture." Rarity said as she was balancing a book on her head. "Your back must straight, and you must not slouch or slump your shoulder's. And above all, you must walk in a dignified manner. Now watch me." she Instructed as she walks in a completely straight line from one end to the room to the other. The book remains entirely still atop her head as if it wasn't even there. "Now you try darling."

Goku did not see the point of this. He already can walk just fine, but he decided to go along with this since it meant a lot to Rarity. He places the book on his head and walks in a straight line. Despite not having the same definition of grace as Rarity, Goku completed the task with ease. Perfect posture is just another aspect of being a martial artist. "Ok Done," he said with a cheerful smile.

"Well done, darling. This training will be a lot quicker than I expected." Rarity praises.

[Lesson 2: Body Language.]

"To stand in the presence of the elite, one must display certain body language. Your very essence must flare throughout the entire vicinity. Like so..." Rarity said as she stood perfectly in the room. She turns her head a few times to pretend that she was looking at a crowd around. She had her right backhand against her hip while her left arm rested at her side. Goku could feel specific air flow from her. "Did you get that, darling? Did feel my presence all around you?"

Goku cocks his head to the side in slight confusion before he perks up. "Yeah, I think I get what you're saying." He chirped.

"Then please go on darling. Pour your presence all out and encompass all of Ponyville in it." Rarity said dramatically. Although, that may prove to be a mistake.

"You got it...! Huuuu-YAAAAAH!!" Goku did as instructed extorts his presence outward. Unfortunately for Rarity and the citizens of Ponyville, Goku had interpreted Rarity's words to proceed to power up. Rarity was blown to the wall and stuck to it like wallpaper. She felt a powerful force pin her down and restrict her movements. The boutique began to shake under pressure, and it soon spread to the outside. Ponies had started to panic at the sudden earthquake they shook their community.

"Great Whickering Stallions!"

"I just don't know what went wrong!!"

"MY LEGS!!!"

Back at the boutique, Rarity had managed to pry herself off the wall and crawl her way to Goku. She grabs onto his leg as her body float in the air and thrashes about aimlessly. "Goku, darling, that's quite enough. You're going to ruin my boutique. PLEASE STOP!!!" Goku complies and powers down. The unseen force dissipates, and the shaking ceased.

"So, how was that?" Goku asks with a grin. Rarity got up from the floor and dusted herself off.

"Well, I dare say that I certainly felt your presence but...." Rarity trails off as she ganders at her ruined workroom. "Perhaps tone it down a wee bit next time." Goku looks around as well and chuckles sheepishly.

[Lesson 3: Fine Dining.]

"To dine with the elite, you show grace and elegance as well as restraint and proper manners." Rarity said as she brought in two dinner plates. One had various fruits and vegetables piled on top of each other while the other plate held the same thing but cut into smaller bite-sized pieces.

"Wow thanks, Rarity, I am starving," Goku said as he approaches the food.

"I'm sure you are darling, but this is quite important. The elite can tell what is prim and proper for consumption and what isn't. It is..." Rarity trailed off as she heard the sound of food being eating. She turns around to see Goku shoveling the fruits and vegetable pile down his gullet at a ridiculous pace and all the while sounding as sloppy as a pig at Applejacks farm.

"GOKU!! Stop this instant!!" Rarity demand as she lit up her horn and took the plate away.

"Hey!!" Goku whines.

"Up-bu-up, sorry darling but that style of eating will not sit well with the elite. You were supposed to start with the bite-sized morsels, and you were only supposed to take small samples. You certainly cannot just devour your food like you hadn't eaten in days." Rarity scolded.

"But I did start with the small ones first, and I was still hungry afterward. Why would they make all this food and not eat all of it?" Goku questions.

"Sorry darling, but that is how high society ponies operates. Why even Pinkie Pie follows the steps, I am showing you now." Rarity said whereas Goku stares at her incredulously. "Or at least she tries too..." she said with less certainty while Goku gives her the same look. "Oh alright, she usually eats before she goes to these social functions. But you will be expected to sample a few dishes as not to come off as insensitive. Now watch me and do as I do...." She said as she made new finger foods from the pile. Rarity then proceeds to take one single morsel and place it in her mouth where she delicately begins to chew and sallow in the most classic fashion. She turns to Goku and gestures him to do the same.

Goku picks up the morsel and puts it in his mouth just as Rarity did. He chews and swallows slowly, then, looks over to Rarity who nods in approval. "That's it, darling. Now we can move on to--"

Rarity was cut off by loud rumbling sounds. Look at Goku; she discovers that his stomach was still growling. "Aaargh! I'm still hungry." He said as he eyed the pile of food like a predator's eyes, it's prey. With a sigh, Rarity waves a hand to signal Goku to finish eating. Goku does so without hesitation and devours the food at his usual pace.

"I suppose that we will just have to eat before we head to the Gala." Rarity dejectedly said as the only other sound was Goku eating.

[Lesson 4: Dialect.]

"To converse with the elite, your speech must hold an air of respect and sophistication. The nobility can spot anyone who is faking just by the way they speak. Your speech must overflow with confidence and maturity. Now let's start with a simple greeting." Rarity said as she clears her throat. "Good day to you ambassador. Now you try." She said.

"Hmm...! Hiya Rarity, I'm Goku." Goku greeted with a smile.

"No, that's wrong, darling. This interaction will be a formal greeting, not a casual one. Try again." Rarity stated.

"What's the difference anyway?" Goku asks, he never knew that there could be so many rules for attending a party.

"Well casual means you can relax your mannerisms as there isn't much at stake. We perform this act with friends or family. Formality can be a form of procedure. For instance, you wear clothes you wouldn't normally wear all the time. You give respect to a pony you just met by stating their full name, rank, and status. You will be meeting a lot of ponies who practice these procedures daily. So it is pivotal that we prepare you as best we can." Rarity explains.

"Haha, all this fancy talking seems like a lot of work just to say hello." Goku joked.

"Tedious but essential, darling. Now repeat after me: Salutations to you sir or madam, I am ambassador Goku. It's a pleasure to meet you." Rarity said.

"Um, Salutations to you sir or madam, I am-- Ambassador Goku. It's a pleasure to meet you?" Goku said hesitantly.

"Could be a tad bit better but you an A for effort." Rarity said.

[Lesson 5: Etiquette.]

"Etiquette is the very foundation of society itself. It is the customary code of polite behavior in any area you may find yourself." Rarity stated.

"How many more rules can one party have?" Goku ponders. These lessons were becoming more and more confusing for the Saiyan warrior.

"Don't fret so much darling. You're already very polite as it is. Just keep in mind not to seem over-enthusiastic. Remain calm and focused." Rarity said.

"Calm and focused, got it," Goku said.

[Lesson 6: Chivalry.]

"The final and most important lesson one must learn among the elite is; Chivalry!!!" Rarity said while striking a dramatic pose.

Goku looks at Rarity in bewilderment. "Chivalry?"

"Of course, darling. Any stallion - or Saiyan in your case - that's a true gentle colt practices chivalry. It's when you treat a mare with the utmost respect. A gem to admire and a princess to worship." Rarity said in a dreamy-eyed state.

"I think I remember Chi Chi calling me that a few times," Goku said.

"And why wouldn't she darling. You already saved Spike and the CMC multiple times and fought for us in the Dragon Lands. You have been nothing short of a noble knight in shining armor since the moment you got here." Rarity beamed before her expression turned into a scowl. "You're certainly more chivalrous than a certain pompous, pig-headed, pain in a plot hole that shall remain nameless." Rarity ranted as she was seething through her teeth. Goku got the impression that this particular pony had wronged Rarity in some way. Rarity straightens up and begins speaking again. "Ah, sorry about that, darling. Now there's not much to improve when it comes to your honor. We need to cover a few things. You should always compliment a mare on her looks--"

"You look very nice today, Rarity," Goku said with a toothy grin.

Rarity giggles at this. "Why thank you, darling. You should pull out a chair for her. Escort her wherever she goes. Hold the door open for her. Etc, etc. Now let's do some practice runs." she said as her horn lit up. She used her magic to bring a vase full of water and spill its contents onto the floor. Then she brought in an old jacket from her discard bin and finally pulled the door open to her workroom. Rarity walks to her desk where she does her sewing and gestures Goku to follow. She stood in front of the chair and waited for Goku to offer it to her. When Goku only stared at her blankly, Rarity tried to subtlety nudge him to the chair. "Ah-hmm."

"Errhm, Bless you," Goku said.

"...Offer me the chair, darling." Rarity said through a strained smile.

"Oh, sorry." Goku apologies. However, before Rarity could retort, Goku lifted the chair off the ground with one hand and presented it to Rarity. "Here you go." He chirped while Rarity could only stare at him bemused.

"Let's try this." She said flatly. She walks Goku over to the puddle of water she made earlier. She usee her magic to levitate the jacket and hands it to Goku. "Oh my, there's a puddle of water in my way. If only some a kind gentle colt could assist me." She exaggerated.

"Can't you walk over it or around it? It's not that big." Goku pointed out.

"That's hardly the point, darling. You're supposed to place the jacket I gave you over the puddle to keep my hooves from getting wet." Rarity informs, but Goku remains perplexed.

"But then, won't that make my jacket wet? That seems kinda silly." Goku said as Rarity sighs despondently.

"It's all about the token of the gesture. It's about how you are willing to part with an article of clothing to help your mare." Rarity asserted.

"Hmm-- I got it," Goku exclaimed as he moves to Rarity's side.

"Goku, what are you-- eep!!" Goku silences Rarity as he lifted her off her hooves and walked around the puddle. She sat there in Goku's powerful embrace with a blush across her face.

"There we go. This way, my clothes stay dry, and you got across." Goku said. He places Rarity down who's still staring off into space. "So did I pass?"

Rarity snaps out of her stupor at Goku's question. "Y-yes, darling. While a bit unorthodox, it was certainly not unwelcome. Let's move to the final task, shall we?" Rarity leads Goku over to the opened door. She used her magic to close it and faces Goku. "Now, do you recall what I said earlier?"

"Yep. A true gentle colt, err, gentleman holds the door for the mare-- uh --woman." Goku recited as he places a hand on the door and opens it. Unfortunately, he pulls too hard and ended up ripping the door off its hinges. "The doors open for you Rarity," Goku said as Rarity just stood there watching with her mouth agape.

[Later that evening.]

"Well, You're a bit rough around the edges with some of the lessons, but I'm sure can iron things out. There's just one more thing we need to address before we're all set." Rarity said as her horn lit up again.

"What's that?" Goku asks.

"Your mane darling. It's utterly dreadfully. It's so wild and unruly and screams for attention. While it does hold a certain primal charm, I am afraid it just won't do for an ambassador. So, we shall have to style it." Rarity said as she summons a pair of scissors, a bottle of hair shampoo and conditioner hairspray.

Goku felt a sudden chill go down his spine. He stared the mischievous smile adoring Rarity features as she crept close to him. "Uh, n-no thanks Rarity. I like my hair the way it is, and Chi Chi has tried many times to style my hair, and it never works out." He said nervously, but Rarity was undeterred.

"Nonsense darling, I insist." Rarity said darkly.

Author's Note:

It would appear that Goku's lessons has been hit or miss. Now, Rarity is determined to do the impossible and make Goku a true member of high society. Can Goku raise to the challenge? FIND OUT NEXT TIME ON DRAGONBALL MLP.

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