• Published 27th Aug 2015
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BlackWarGreymon: Warrior of Harmony - I-C-U-P

After fate saved his life, BlackWarGreymon starts a new heroic life in Equestria. Making great friends along the way.

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Chapter 53: False Destinies?

After leaving Canterlot behind him, ChaosBlackWarGreymon flew high through the air over the vast land that was the Everfree Forest.

As he flew by, the Digimon clone’s thoughts reflected on the events that happened before he left. He was sent out of the lair by his master to cause more destruction and mayhem. Like he had done so before. But for the first time since his creation, he wasn’t in the mood to do so. His diversion from his usual self became apparent the second he decided to go to Canterlot while using an invisible spell on himself. If he were to destroy, he wouldn’t put in the effort to hide so well. Especially from the sights of BlackWarGreymon. He would’ve never done so otherwise.

But what startled him the most was seeing how happy BlackWarGreymon was. During his time with Princess Luna, the black armoured Mega looked as though he’d embraced every second with her. But what was the most shocking was that the sight of it made the clone feel…calm. It completely brought him out of his violent urges.

Then after deciding to leave the two alone and fly away, the grey armoured Digimon sensed something. An energy source that lead him to the Everfree in the first place.

While flying above the treetops, ChaosBlackWarGreymon began to comment on BlackWarGreymon. As well as a possible reason he was with Luna.

“Now that I think about it, I did sense something between those two back when they fought against me before. Huh, so best buddy finally had the guts to ask her out.”

Due to the knowledge he had gained from his master and King Sombra, ChaosBlackWarGreymon understood the concepts of dating far better than BlackWarGreymon.

But then the clone felt confused at what he just said. His sentence wasn’t in a way of mocking. With the tone he used, it almost showed that he was… proud.

He began to grunt in annoyance.

“Just what is going on with me!? Ever since yesterday, I feel…strange. But why?”

Then to his surprise, as well as to his relief, he heard some collective screaming somewhere in the forest. He was confused. There was no way that he could be seen through the forest canopy. So the screams must be about something else. Something frightening.

At first, he thought of ignoring the commotion and continue on his way. But with curiosity coursing through his mind, wondering what all the panic was about, he descended towards the noises.

“Well this I gotta see.”

Down on the forest floor, a chase was on. The Cutiemark Crusaders were running in terror through the old dirt path. Running away from pairs of green illuminating eyes in the bushes that were following them.

“HELP!!! Somepony help us!!” Sweetie Belle shouted, hoping someone could hear.

“Why in Equestria did we thought this was a good idea!?” Applebloom asked, regretting the decision she and her friends had made.

“Girls! If we make it back, lets not tell our sisters that we tried to get cutiemarks in animal spotting in the Everfree!” Scootaloo suggested.

Then to their shock, a spin-chilling howl was heard from behind them. Followed by a series of growling and barking. Looking back, the three fillies saw their pursuers. Wolf-like creatures made from dead or dying vegetation. Timberwolves.

Though they resemble wolves and hunt in packs, Timberwolves were much more vicious. Their aggressive nature peaks either when it was Zap Apple season, or when they were disturbed in the Everfree Forest. The latter was done when one of the crusaders tripped over the leg of a sleeping Timberwolf. The cries of panic and the howling woke up the whole pack and then chased the fillies through the forest.

Seeing the pack chasing after them caused the three girls to scream in fear as they continued running for their lives.

In a small clearing ahead of the fillies, ChaosBlackWarGreymon made his landing. Standing firm as he looked around.

“Ok, now where’s the screaming?” He asked himself.

He sharply looked to his right when he heard the sounds of running. Then when the three fillies jumped out of a bush, in a panic all they saw was an outline of a friend they recognized.

“Girls, it’s BlackWarGreymon!” Sweetie Belle shouted.

“Oh, thank goodness!” Scootaloo said in relief.

“Quick! Save us!” Applebloom said as she and her two friends ran around and hid behind the tall Digimon’s legs. Believing that it was BlackWarGreymon.

It was quite clear that their older sisters neglected to inform them about the digital clone.

The reason ChaosBlackWarGreymon didn’t move was because he was curious of what was chasing the fillies. Then to his dissatisfaction, a pack of Timberwolves emerged. The pack immediately halted when they saw the towering Digimon. Intimidated by his looks and power.

The crusaders peeked around the Digimon’s leg and saw the reactions of the Timberwolves.

“Did ya see that? They’re scared,” Applebloom mentioned.

“Of course. No one messes with BlackWarGreymon,” Scootaloo added.

Before Sweetie Belle could speak, she looked at the Digimon’s leg that was beside her. The young Unicorn noticed something that wasn’t right.

“Wait, aren’t these supposed to be yellow?” She asked as she looked at the cords attached to the armoured shin guard.

Her other two friends caught on what she said, and they too saw that it wasn’t only the cords, but the front plate of the shin guard wasn’t yellow. Instead, it was black.

Unsure what to make of it, the fillies slowly backed away as they looked up at the Digimon. And to their shock, the armour he wore wasn’t black. It was grey. And his hair was nowhere near the shade of yellow. Though he looked like their friend, but the three felt as though they were looking at a completely different Digimon.

“You’re… you’re not BlackWarGreymon. Are you?” Sweetie Belle asked, her voice carrying her nerves.

“No…” The tall Mega said before looking over his right shoulder, glaring at the three with his gaze.

“…but I’m close enough.”

The Cutiemark Crusaders didn’t know how or what to feel from what was going on. The Digimon in front of them definitely wasn’t BlackWarGreymon. His voice was different, and his eyes were crimson red in colour. It was his eyes that sent an uncomfortable chill through the fillies. The way his eyes were coloured looked as though they were coated in blood.

“Ah got a bad feelin’ about this guy,” Applebloom said as she and her friends backed away in fear. To them, something about the new Digimon felt off. As if he was far worse than the Timberwolves.

The four were interrupted by a series of growls and barking. Looking back at the Timberwolves, ChaosBlackWarGreymon noticed that the carnivores shook of their fear of him and began to stalk closer. Bearing their wooden fangs to threaten the Mega.

ChaosBlackWarGreymon however wasn’t impressed.

“Wait, you seriously want to fight me? You look as though you crawled out of a compost heap.”

The three girls behind him couldn’t help but quietly snicker from what the Digimon said. It made sense, considering that the creatures were made of leaves and branches. Not to mention the smell.

The Timberwolves however weren’t happy about the remark. After snarling in aggression, most of the pack charged at the Digimon. Intending to rip him apart.

ChaosBlackWarGreymon remained unmoved, allowing the creatures to land on him as they tried to claw and bite his body.

The three fillies were amazed. Despite the attacks from the Timberwolves, the tall Digimon remained firm as he stood still. Unaffected by the biting and the scratching. Then to their confusion, they could hear him chuckling.

“How cute.”

Then ChaosBlackWarGreymon suddenly leapt into the air, forcing the Timberwolves off him as they were sent flying from the sudden motion. As some of the wooden creatures fell to the ground, their bodies snapped on impact from the fall. While some others looked up in surprise, they were frightened to see the Digimon falling back down.

As some backed away in time, two Timberwolves weren’t so lucky as the Mega landed on them. Crushing them under his feet.

The Cutiemark Crusaders watched on in amazement. Thinking that the Digimon could be just as strong as BlackWarGreymon.

As the digital clone rose back up to his full height, his sights fell upon the rest of the pack. Though the Timberwolves were nowhere near as strong as he was, to satisfy his sudden taste for combat, he had to at least fight something.

“Oh well, better than nothing.”

One Timberwolf tried its luck to pounce on him. But ChaosBlackWarGreymon jumped out of the way and slammed his raised right elbow into the creature’s side. The force of the blow shattered the wolf’s body into splinters. Then as he landed, he backhanded another Timberwolf as it leapt at him. he then kicked another as it tried to rush him.

The attacks of the Mega were overpowering to the Timberwolves. Just one blow from his attacks destroyed the pack one by one.

Then another Timberwolf charged at the Digimon from behind. Deciding to react differently, ChaosBlackWarGreymon resorted to his favourite trick.

As the wolf came close, the Digimon used his dark magic to teleport out of the way. Then after reappearing next to the confused creature, the armoured being decapitated it with one slash of his metal claws.

Though the actions were almost too fast for the fillies to see, Sweetie Belle saw the whole thing.

“Wait, did you see that!?”

“See what?” Scootaloo asked.

As the crusaders watched, they saw a bright green flash of magic as ChaosBlackWarGreymon teleported behind another Timberwolf and kicked it away.

“That there! He just teleported!” Sweetie Belle pointed out.

“What!? This guy had magic!?” Applebloom asked in disbelief.

But as they watched on, the answer was obvious. Using a series of teleportation spells, ChaosBlackWarGreymon appeared in front of one Timberwolf and destroyed it with a backhand. Then disappearing and reappearing behind another, he smashed his arms on top of it.

The next Timberwolf looked around in panic as the aggressor disappeared once more.

Reappearing behind it, ChaosBlackWarGreymon reached down and picked up the Timberwolf. The wooden creature panicked as it was lifted by the neck and left hind leg. Being lifted overhead above the Digimon.

“Bye bye, twiggy,” ChaosBlackWarGreymon said as he pulled his arms apart. Ripping the Timberwolf in half.

Just as it seemed it was over, the Digimon clone looked to his left and saw one last Timberwolf growling at him. The tall being looked unimpressed as he pointed his left arm at the creature.

“I’m bored of this fight,” He said before his middle claw glowed green with magic.

The Timberwolf found itself trapped in a large green sphere that appeared out of nowhere. Then as ChaosBlackWarGreymon raised his arm, he moved the trapped Timberwolf up above the ground. Then after adjusting his magic, the Mega caused the energy ball to shrink. The wooden creature briefly panicked before it was slowly crushed.

After throwing his arm down, the Digimon sent the orb crashing to the ground. Destroying what was left of the wolf.

The Cutiemark Crusaders were in awe. Impressed that the Digimon too on and defeated a whole pack of Timberwolves, and a little intimidated at how he destroyed some of them.

“Hmm. Too easy,” ChaosBlackWarGreymon said, disappointed at how short the fight was.

Before he could turn away however, he and the fillies noticed that all the fallen parts of the Timberwolves started to glow green. Then as parts levitated off the ground, they all began to gather in front of the armoured being. All slowly combining into something much larger. Roughly three times bigger than the Digimon clone.

“Now that’s just adorable,” He said in response, giving the new threat an amused glare.

After completing itself, the giant Timberwolf roared loudly into the air. The sight terrorizing the fillies.

“I heard about pulling yourself together, but that’s ridiculous!” Scootaloo said as she and her friends huddles together in fear.

“Be careful mister!” Sweetie Belle said to ChaosBlackWarGreymon. In which he responded.

“Of what? That thing? That’s nothing.”

Despite being face to face with a growling giant Timberwolf, the grey armoured Digimon walked up to it with his right arm pointing at it. Getting into a playful mood.

“Now sit! Sit I say!” He commanded to the angry beast, greatly confusing the three fillies.

“This guy is either brave or downright crazy,” Applebloom said. Witnessing his odd behaviour further proved that he was different from BlackWarGreymon.

Growling in hate and annoyance, the giant Timberwolf roared once more as it swung its right paw at ChaosBlackWarGreymon.

But to the amazement of the fillies and the shock of the giant Timberwolf, the digital clone caught the oversized wooden limb before it could hit. The wolf could feel the Mega’s grip as his arms were wrapped around it.

Then the Digimon gave the Timberwolf an angered expression before he spoke.

“I said sit. Not paw!”

Then with one forceful yank, ChaosBlackWarGreymon ripped the limb off the giant Timberwolf’s body. The wolf wailed in pain as it limped on its remaining three legs. The crusaders were speechless. The Digimon was beating the giant Timberwolf just as easily as he fought the whole pack of regular ones.

As he tossed the disembodied limb aside, the crimson eyes being decided to put the Timberwolf down for good.

“Bad Dog. Now it’s time for you to play dead.”

The fillies held their breath, waiting to see what the Digimon was going to do.

ChaosBlackWarGreymon then used one of his moves.


Using the imitation of BlackWarGreymon’s Dragon Crusher attack, the clone unleashed a wave of green fire upon the giant Timberwolf. Turning the wailing wooden creature into ashes.

With the Timberwolf gone for good, the atmosphere cooled down as ChaosBlackWarGreymon relaxed himself. But then was brought to attention when he heard Sweetie Belle’s voice.

“Hay mister!”

Thinking that the Mane Six told the three fillies about him and what he had done back at the Crystal Empire, the Digimon slowly glared over his shoulder as he prepared himself. Turning around, just as he got his clawed gauntlets ready, he started to grunt angrily.

But as he turned around, he suddenly felt pressure on his feet. As if someone was holding onto him. As ChaosBlackWarGreymon looked down at his feet, to his shock and disbelief, the three fillies were giving him hugs of gratitude.

“H-Huh!!?” He uttered as his eyes widened at the sight. He then heard their voices.

“Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!” Sweetie Belle said as she squeezed his left foot.

“Ya really saved our lives!” Applebloom said as she nuzzled his left ankle.

“You’re so awesome!” Scootaloo joined as she hung onto his right leg.

ChaosBlackWarGreymon didn’t know what to do. For the first time since his creation, he had no idea how to respond. He thought that such a sight would be displeasing to him and that it would only fuel his hate. But it wasn’t the case in the slightest. His mind was completely deprived of such violent or negative thoughts.

The digital clone was greatly confused. Bringing harm was something he was supposed to do. It was what he was created for. But… his body didn’t want to. HE didn’t want to. Even the thought of hurting the three fillies left his mind completely.

Granted something similar happened with the Changelings before the events at the Crystal Empire. But when they saw him for the first time after he was created, they were outright terrified of him. It was only after Queen Chrysalis told them to calm down where they started to warm up to him. But what was happening with the crusaders was entirely different. They had never seen him before, and they saw him in action for the first time. But they were not afraid of him at all. What’s more, it was the first time ever he received praise from someone. As well as being admired and being shown affection to.

His mind practically crashed as hie voice stuttered.


ChaosBlackWarGreymon then began to feel…weird. He suddenly felt something. Deep in the darkest depths of his blackened heart, there was a tiny…warm feeling. He felt the warmth when he felt the comfort of the hugging embrace the fillies were showing him. But as he saw the three showing affection to a monster like him, the warm feeling started to burn. But yet… in a comfortable way.

‘Wha…what’s going on? What is this? This feeling inside me. what is it? Where had all my malice gone? Where’s my anger? My hate? What… is happening!?’

The expression of shock never left his eyes as the three crusaders released their hold on him before looking at him.

“Uhh…are ya alright?” Applebloom asked the Mega. Puzzled by the expression in his eyes.

Hearing himself being addressed snapped ChaosBlackWarGreymon out of his trance. He then looked at the three with uncertain eyes.


The girls were once again startled and amazed by the Digimon’s voice. It sounded so similar and yet so different.

“Wow. You look a lot like BlackWarGreymon. But you’re different,” Scootaloo said, amazed that there was another Digimon in Equestria.

“Do you know him? Are you two friends or something?” Sweetie Belle asked.

Trying his best to ignore the warm feeling, the digital clone shook off the new sensation before trying to focus on what to do next. By the actions of the fillies, it was clear to him that they had no idea who he was. Deciding to keep it that way, he began to mess with their heads by fibbing.

“Uhh…yes. Yes I am.”

He continued as he began to act confident.

“You could say he’s a best buddy of mine.”

“Wow. I had no idea,” Scootaloo uttered.

“Probably because he doesn’t know that I’m here yet. You know, a little surprise for when I’ll say hello,” The Digimon said once more.

Then Sweetie Belle spoke up.

“Don’t mind me saying this but, we saw you using Equestrian magic. How do you even do that?”

It was a question Applebloom and Scootaloo wanted to know about as well. The three girls stared at the tall being as they waited for an answer.

ChaosBlackWarGreymon had to think quick. If he wanted to fool the crusaders, he would definitely not tell the truth. He had to make something up.

“Oh that? Just a special talent I have learnt. You could say I was gifted with it,” He replied. Acting as if it wasn’t an entirely big deal.

“Woah. A Digimon with Equestrian magic. That’s so cool,” Scootaloo said as she and her two friends stared at ChaosBlackWarGreymon in awe. Clearly warming up to the Mega.

Just as the Digimon felt a newfound pride seeping in from the compliments, he felt it again. The same energy signature that lead him in the Everfree Forest in the first place. He turned his head in the direction it was coming from.

“Hay? Is somethin’ wrong?” Applebloom asked, noticing the Digimon’s change of mood.

ChaosBlackWarGreymon spoke back as he turned his body around. Facing away from the fillies.

“Oh, nothing’s wrong. Now you three go on home. I have something to do.”

“Hay wait!”

But Sweetie Belle’s voice was ignored as the tall Mega leaped to the air and took off through the night sky. As he disappeared from view, the crusaders had so many questions they wanted to ask him. But they would have to wait.

Turning around, the three fillies talked as they headed back home to Ponyville.

“Ah can’t believe there really is another Digimon here! Should we tell the others?” Applebloom asked.

“Well not BlackWarGreymon. You heard what he said, he wanted it to be a surprise. But I guess we could at least tell our sisters,” Sweetie Belle replied.

“Maybe another time. I don’t know about you two, but I’m tired from all that running,” Scootaloo said after letting out aloud yawn.

Meanwhile, high above the treetops flying through the air, ChaosBlackWarGreymon was reminiscing of what just happened.

‘There it was again. I wasn’t as violent as I once was. Instead, I was joking around with those three. Something is just not right here. Why did I hesitate to hurt them in the way I did to their friends? And what was that feeling I felt when they hugged me? It’s definitely not a negative one. What emotion was it? Just what was it!?’

He began to think out loud. His voice carrying uncertainty and concern.

“What is happening to me!?”

He then payed attention to his flight as he passed over what looked like a large clearing. He then paused as he took in the sight of the ruins of an old castle.

“Wait. Is this the Alicorn’s old castle? Why is the energy I’m feeling much stronger here? And where is it coming from?”

As he looked down, he saw a cave at the bottom of the castle. A split-second later, he received a flashback. Not of his own, but BlackWarGreymon’s. He had seen the cave somewhere before. And then remembered what was inside.

“Of course.”

ChaosBlackWarGreymon flew down into the small canyon and landed by the cave entrance. Feeling the power that lurked within it, he remembered what the cause of it was.

“The Tree of Harmony.”

Curious to see the great tree with his own eyes, the digital clone entered the cave. Ignoring the energy that was… surprisingly welcoming.

After a few moments of silent walking, the Mega saw the great crystal tree. He could see both it and the six elements that it held.

“There it is. The tree with all six elements. And the boss did say that he was looking for artifacts to absorb. He would be far stronger if he had this tree,” He said, realising that his master would reach full power instantly and might even reward him for finding the tree.

But as ChaosBlackWarGreymon took steps closer to the tree, he had an idea. A much better idea. Though it would involve a bit of treachery.

“No. Why would he have that… if I can have all this power for myself right now? With all this power, I can easily rival BlackWarGreymon,” He said out loud while slowly reaching his left arm out to touch the crystal tree.

But as his claws were mere inches away from the crystal bark, he heard an outburst.


Startled by the sudden voice that screamed in his head, ChaosBlackWarGreymon quickly retracted his arm before looking behind him to see if someone was there.

“Wha-wait! What!?”

But no one was there.

He then saw a glow at the corner of his eye. Turning around back at the tree, he then saw a bright ball of light shining from the crystal trunk. The glow then became so intense, ChaosBlackWarGreymon had to shield his eyes. Grunting from the intensity.

As he opened his crimson eyes, he saw that the glow was gone. As well as the Tree of Harmony. And the cave. Then to his shock and confusion, he didn’t seem to be in Equestria at all! Looking around at his new surroundings, the Digimon found himself floating in an unknown void. A space-like realm.

“What the…! Where am I!? What is this place!?” He said, his voice echoing through the near emptiness.

Then to his alarm, he heard the same feminine voice.

“Relax. There is no need to fear.”

ChaosBlackWarGreymon turned his head around sharply, trying to find the source of the voice. But could only find a vast blue expanse with twinkling lights in the distance.

Feeling as though he was being held captive, the clone started to become aggressive.

“Fear! I’ll show you fear!” He stated as he prepared to use a magic spell.

But to his shock, nothing happened. He looked at his claws in disbelief.

“Wha…what!? Nothing happened!?”

He tried again, but his magic failed to respond yet again.

“What’s happening!?”

Frustrated that he couldn’t use magic, ChaosBlackWarGreymon decided to try something else.

“Ok then. I’ll just use my own energy!”

The Mega brought his claws together to form a Shadow Destroyer sphere. But just like what happened with his magic. His energy attack failed to appear before him.

“What the…! Now what!?”

With anger building up, he relentlessly tried again and again to summon his energy attack. Only to completely fail in forming the smallest of orbs.

“What is happening!!?” He shouted in fury. Only to be caught off-guard from what the voice said.

“You will find using your abilities is impossible.”

ChaosBlackWarGreymon grunted in anger. Never before had he been deprived of using his powers. It was his first, and he already hated it. Then the voice said something that startled him. While also explained what was going on.

“In order for me to speak to you directly, I separated your mind from your physical body.”

“You what!?” The Mega snapped. Finding out that the reason he lacked his powers was because he lacked a body. His image was only a form of his subconscious. But the situation was quickly explained.

“Arguing will not help you. As soon as you calm down and listen, the sooner I’ll return you to your body.”

Understanding the logic of what the voice said, the chaotic Digimon hesitantly calmed down. As he did, a thought occurred to him.

“Fine. But why do I have a feeling that I’ve heard your voice before?”

His question lingered on in his mind. Then after a sudden flashback into BlackWarGreymon’s past, he remembered.

“Wait! You’re that voice BlackWarGreymon once heard! The one… from the Tree of Harmony!”

There was a moment of silence, before there was a reply.


ChaosBlackWarGreymon suddenly felt intimidated. It was the same voice that made BlackWarGreymon himself uneasy. But then shook it off when he spoke up.

“O…Ok then. So…who exactly are you?”

A long pause followed the question. Seeing that there was no reply, the Digimon spoke again.

“Not going to tell? Fine then, why did you bring me here? If this is about BlackWarGreymon, is this about his destiny?”

He then had a reply that took him off-guard once more.


Then to his surprise, some specks of light around him began to gather in front of him. Merging together to form a figure. The bright figure resembled what looked like a Unicorn mare. Taller than Celestia but shorter than him.

“I want to talk about YOUR destiny.”

ChaosBlackWarGreymon was taken back by her words.

“M-My… destiny?”

He then shook his head violently before shouting in defiance.

“And why should we talk about that!? I already know where my destiny lies!”

The figure questioned his statement.

“Do you?”

“Absolutely.” The Digimon clone replied as he turned his back to the ethereal figure. But she asked him something nonetheless.

“And what destiny may that be?”

Before answering, ChaosBlackWarGreymon raised his head high with personal pride.

“It’s simple. To cause destruction and mayhem wherever I go. Being the embodiment of chaos not even Discord could compare. My boss told me that himself.”

But as the figure replied, her voice carried a great hint of disappointment.

“Oh yes, the dark one. As manipulating as ever.”

ChaosBlackWarGreymon turned his head around and looked at the figure in curiosity. At first, he was intrigued from the fact that the figure appeared to know who his master was. But the thought left his mind when she said the second part. It sounded as if the subject was aimed at him. He spoke up in wonder.


“Yes. A modern way of saying it is…”

She was interrupted by the Digimon as he turned to face her.

“I know what it means! But I don’t like the way you phrase the word.”

“Oh? And why is that?” The mysterious being asked him.

“Because you make it sound like he’s…”

ChaosBlackWarGreymon paused when he realised what he was about to say. Since she brought up the manipulating subject right after their discussions about his destiny, to him it meant one thing. But the thought of it made him angry.

“You mean, that everything he said to me was… a lie? That he’s been playing me for a fool!?”

The figure began to clarify the reason for her choice of words.

“You claim that the path of violence is your destiny?”

“That’s right! It has to be!” ChaosBlackWarGreymon replied, confusion causing him to make his outburst.

But then the figure said something that widened the Digimon’s eyes in shock.

“But you have…doubts?”

The startled Digimon looked at the figure with uncertainty in his eyes. He then turned to face away from her while in thought. Looking down as he tried to think. In a way, he looked away to hide the expression in his eyes from the mysterious mare. But he felt as though she already figured him out. After a moment of silence, he gave his honest answer.

“I… I don’t know.”

Then the figure spoke up. Her tone was soft and caring.

“Ask yourself this. If you were destined to cause havoc and misery everyday of your life, then why hadn’t you been doing that today?”

The question struck ChaosBlackWarGreymon hard. She was right. He hadn’t done the very thing his master sent him out to do. Then the figure further explained the evidence, with him patiently listening while in thought.

“You had every opportunity to cause destruction. But you refused to do so. When you arrived in the city of Canterlot, you decided to conceal yourself instead of causing harm. And when you saw the saviour, you had every perfect moment to bring misery on his time with Princess Luna. But instead, you became fascinated at how happy he was. It was new to you. And instead of dismissing it, you learnt from it.”

As the voice continued, the eyes of ChaosBlackWarGreymon kept growing wider and wider. Everything she said about him was true. But how did she know about it all? How did she know what he was feeling?

Then the figure explained the recent events.

“Even before you entered the cave, you felt a great change. The three fillies you saved were the first to ever show love and admiration to you. And in response, you felt something within you. A deep warmth you never felt before. A feeling all new to you.”

The grey armoured Mega tilted his head up in thought as he responded.

“Ok. I admit that what you said is true. I have been feeling different recently. But what happened with those three girls really bugged me,” He admitted, unsure what the deep warmth he felt was.

Then the Unicorn figure answered his unspoken question.

“You want to know what that feeling was? The feeling you felt… was love.”

The digital clone turned his full attention to the mysterious being. His red eyes full of shock and doubt.

“What!? L…Love!?”

The figure explained herself.

“Yes. The fillies showed you love, and you felt it deep within you. And in return, you showed no hostilities towards them. It was that feeling that caused you to refrain from telling them the truth about you. Because deep down inside yourself, you wanted to keep that love.”

She then came to a conclusion.

“You may not want to admit it. But the signs show that you not only felt love, but for a brief moment, you embraced it.”

ChaosBlackWarGreymon looked away from the figure in response. His eyes narrowed in disbelief and denial.

“I don’t feel love. My heart is as black as night and as cold as stone. I have no good within me.”

Silence filled the void before the voice said something that gained his attention once more.

“If that were true, then how is it possible for me to even speak to you?”

“Huh?” The Digimon uttered as he looked at the figure in confusion.

“Granted, I can speak like everypony else. But only in my physical form. In this form, and with minds separated from reality such as yourself, I can only communicate to those with goodness in their hearts. No matter what their background was.”

ChaosBlackWarGreymon stared at the figure in disbelief. But before he could even doubt her words, the female voice told him a unique fact about herself.

“And if you must know, a part of me represents the Element of Honesty. Therefore… I cannot lie.”

After processing all the facts of what the figure said, the baffled Digimon looked down at the non-existent ground. Even he could tell that there was truth in her words. But he was greatly confused about one fact.

“I… I don’t understand. I’m the manifestation of all of BlackWarGreymon’s hate. The embodiment of all his negativity. I’m… I’m his dark incarnation!”

Then the voice said something that shocked him to his very core.

“Yet another one of the dark one’s lies.”

The Digimon nearly gasped in shock from what he heard. No longer gaining the grasp of what was real and what was an illusion. He began to panic.

“What!? What do you mean!? Please, tell me!!”

ChaosBlackWarGreymon briefly paused at what he said. His mind felt vulnerable to the facts. So much, that he used the word 'please' for the very first time. Was he that desperate to know?

The figure once more explained her meaning.

“Yes, you were created from the essence of the saviour. But that doesn’t mean that you’re his evil incarnate. You wouldn’t be experiencing feelings otherwise.”

ChaosBlackWarGreymon stared at the figure in complete shock. After sensing the truth in her words, the revelation left him traumatized.

“You mean… everything… was a lie? So… I’m just… a copy? A useless… worthless stupid copy!?”

Despite all his acts of villainy, the figure wanted to help him. She reassured the broken Mega by explaining a fact about him that even he may had forgotten about.

“No, you are not. You are far more than just a mere replica. It’s just like what happened with the creation of the saviour. Like him, you are unique. Completely different from the original. You have your very own mind and will. And with that, you decide things for yourself.”

ChaosBlackWarGreymon remained silent as he took all the information in as the figure continued.

“Now do you understand what it means to find a destiny? A purpose in life isn’t the one that’s handed to you, it’s the one that you seek out and discover. You need to find your destiny for yourself.”

“You’re saying… even I could have a true purpose?” The Digimon asked.

“You are your own being. As long as you have a life, you have a purpose. Though I have no right to decide your fate, the choice of what your destiny lies is up to you and you alone. Only you can decide your future.”

The baffled but amazed ChaosBlackWarGreymon turned away from the figure in deep thought. Trying to understand everything he had learnt. While doing so, he suddenly remembered something. A memory flashed before his eyes. He remembered BlackWarGreymon, going though the exact same experience he went through. The black armoured warrior was given lessons of destiny from Azulongmon. One of the four mythical Digimon.

Though he had the same memories, but ChaosBlackWarGreymon had finally gained the same experience from the lesson.

“I guess me and him are not so different after all. If he was able to live a life of his own, then… could I do the same?”

Then a thought occurred to him. Addressing the mythical mare.

“Hay. A while back, BlackWarGreymon figured out that there was a link between him being in Equestria and the Tree of Harmony. And since you’re the voice of the tree, does that mean you had something to do with it?”

However, his question was unanswered.

“Uhh… hello.” He said as he turned around.

But as he looked back to where he last saw the mysterious Unicorn, he was staring at the Tree of Harmony. As he looked around, he was startled to find that he was back in the cave.

“Woah, I’m back? Guess she’s returned me to my body,” He said as he patted his hands on his chest. Seeing if he was back in reality.

He then looked at the crystal tree in deep thought. Deciding what to do since he had to return to the hidden lair in which he came from.

“There’s no way I can take the energy of this tree now. I still have questions for whoever that was. And I’ll certainly not tell the boss about this. Looks like this is my little secret.”

As ChaosBlackWarGreymon turned to walk away, one thought crossed his mind as he thought of everything he had learnt.

“If everything what that figure said is true, does that mean that the boss… gave me a… a false destiny?”

For a brief moment, ChaosBlackWarGreymon suddenly felt angry. Furious that he would be used and treated as a simple tool. But he quickly had to calm down. Despite what he had been told, he needed to discover the truth for himself. Unsure if he was living a lie or not, he still had to return. As he exited the cave, the digital clone took off to the night sky.

As he left the Everfree Forest behind him, the Mega heard a voice at the back of his mind. The same voice that belonged to the figure from the Tree of Harmony.

‘I can foresee a time. In the near future, a pony will also see the goodness in you. And once you accepted that goodness in return, she will become… your very first friend.’

Author's Note:

Here we are. ChaosBlackWarGreymon is our main focus for this chapter.

But what could that voice mean by what she said? And who was she? You'll have to find out soon.

While you all begin the guessing game, I'll be working on the next chapter for The Legend of Broly. Expect it sometime this week.

I hope you all enjoy this chapter. I had fun making this one. Leave a comment. Leave a like. And I'll see you all soon.

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