• Published 27th Aug 2015
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BlackWarGreymon: Warrior of Harmony - I-C-U-P

After fate saved his life, BlackWarGreymon starts a new heroic life in Equestria. Making great friends along the way.

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Chapter 49: The Hero’s Inner Demon

High in the skies, the two WarGreymons continued to clash. Because BlackWarGreymon used most of his energy to create the portal to reach the Wonderbolt Academy, he wasn’t at the height of his power. But because ChaosBlackWarGreymon expended most of his own energy by attacking cities, he was also in the same boat. However, they continued to fight nonetheless.

But the fight was more like a chase as the saviour was leading the clone away from his friends.

“Quit running and fight me!!” ChaosBlackWarGreymon demanded as he fired magic beams from his claws.

As he dodged the beams, BlackWarGreymon decided that he was far enough. Glancing back at his dark counterpart.

“Fine! Terra Destroyer!” He shouted as he turned around and threw a small red orb at his rival. Which exploded on impact.

At first, nothing moved in the fiery red light. Then to BlackWarGreymon’s surprise, ChaosBlackWarGreymon emerged as if nothing happened. Then the glowing red eyed Digimon slammed his right arm against his enemy’s neck. Clotheslining BlackWarGreymon into a stray plateau.

“Take this!” The clone shouted as he flew up and fired his Chaos Cannon attack on his foe.

As blasts of red rained down on BlackWarGreymon, he quickly leapt out of the line of fire. He then responded by throwing another red energy ball into ChaosBlackWarGreymon’s face.

Back with the Pegasi, Rainbow Dash questioned Spitfire once more.

“Guys. Where’s the academy?”

Soarin then stuck his hoof out.

“O…over there.”

As Rainbow Dash turned to follow Soarin’s gaze, to her confusion, she was looking at open sky. Not a cloud in sight.

“Wha…what do you mean? Nothing’s there.”

When she turned to face Spitfire, she learnt the terrible truth.

“Exactly. The academy WAS there. That monster… destroyed it.”

Horrified of the revelation, Rainbow Dash turned around once more with shock and despair on her face. The place she looked up to. Where she was trained by Spitfire herself. Where she would be once she became a Wonderbolt. She could picture it. Her mind showed her where the academy once stood. But reality was cruel. For it shattered both her hopes and dreams.

It was enough to even make her shed a tear.

“The… the academy……gone?”

Back with the duelling Digimon, the two were exchanging jabs and kicks at one another. Again with their energy depleted, their attacks weren’t as painful as before.

As they clashed, BlackWarGreymon realised something was off.

‘Wait. This fight is different. ChaosBlackWarGreymon used to be devious and cunning. But now he’s just lashing out like mad. He’s not even using his tricks or his magic properly.’

Then as their claws met, the two Megas wrestled for strength. During which, BlackWarGreymon looked carefully at ChaosBlackWarGreymon’s eyes. Glowing completely red showed that the clone had lost all his senses.

‘Has his loss at the Crystal Empire…really affected him that much?’

BlackWarGreymon realised that it was an opportunity. With ChaosBlackWarGreymon’s mind unstable, he wouldn’t be able to think straight or plan strategically. Making him vulnerable to an attack that could destroy him.

“Yes. This could be it!” He said to himself.

Moving as quick as he could, BlackWarGreymon slammed his left knee into ChaosBlackWarGreymon’s chest. Sending him back a couple of feet.

“This could be my chance to…!”

BlackWarGreymon’s sentence was interrupted when this evil clone rushed forward and kicked him in the side. The kick was then quickly followed by a hard punch to the face. The black armoured Mega was sent back quite far before slamming back-first into another plateau. He laid there imbedded in rock, he squinted in pain from the punch. But the pain only caused his anger to build. A different kind of anger. As he opened his eyes to angrily glare at his clone, he finished his sentence.

“…to end you for good.”

As he looked at the laughing form of ChaosBlackWarGreymon, BlackWarGreymon began to remember. The clone was an abominable creation of dark magic and his own data. A type of Digimon that shouldn’t even exist. Ever since his arrival, the clone Mega had caused nothing but misery and destruction. Two cities had witnessed the kind of calamity that not only they didn’t deserve but shouldn’t had happened in the first place. The Crystal Empire was nearly wiped off the map and if not for his intervention, his friends would’ve been casualties.

It was when BlackWarGreymon felt it. The anger he had been holding back was boiling up to the surface. But the kind of anger was different from before. It wasn’t like anything he ever felt before. The hatred he was feeling was more… vengeful. He remembered the pain he caused to both him and his friends. And if left to his own devises, he would carry on doing so. Just the thought of a look-a-like of him terrorizing Equestria was stirring up something nasty inside BlackWarGreymon.

As he freed himself out of the rock, the angered saviour stared fully at ChaosBlackWarGreymon. His muscles slightly bulked as his anger rose even higher. But the increase wasn’t like ascension like at the Crystal Empire. Instead… it felt more primal. His grunting sounded and felt more savage after every breath. Then as he spoke, his eyes started to glow pure white.

“There’s no place for you in this world. You’re better off gone. Slain… by my claws.”

To ChaosBlackWarGreymon’s surprise, BlackWarGreymon suddenly vanished from view. Then before he could react, received a powerful blow to the gut. The black armoured Digimon appearing with his left foot connected to the clone. Then letting out an aggressive growl, BlackWarGreymon threw a hard-right punch to ChaosBlackWarGreymon’s face. Then did the same with a left punch. Followed by a hard punch to the gut again. Next with a sudden burst of negative energy, the digital clone was sent hurtling back into a bunch of clouds.

As ChaosBlackWarGreymon recovered, baffled by his progenitor’s sudden change of attitude, he pointed his arms out and fired a volley of attack spells at the latter.

But as BlackWarGreymon was charging through the attacks, something started to happen. His whole body started to become shrouded in a faint white light as his eyes glowed brighter. His pupils barely visible to be seen.

“After what you had done… you deserve nothing less.”

Without him even knowing, BlackWarGreymon’s tone wasn’t the only thing that had darkened. His mind too shifted. Becoming filled with hate.

After charging through the attack spells like nothing, BlackWarGreymon headbutted ChaosBlackWarGreymon in the face. Giving of a loud metal clanking sound and sending the latter hurtling through the air.

Enraged at what was going on, the clone charged in to punch BlackWarGreymon in the face. But unlike before, his enemy wasn’t even fazed. BlackWarGreymon responded back with a punch of his own. With ChaosBlackWarGreymon temporarily stunned, the black armoured Mega flew up and bashed his gauntlets on top of his head. Sending him through some clouds below.

BlackWarGreymon then prepared a Terra Destroyer orb. But something was different. The shade of red in the energy sphere was much darker than usual.

“For the sake of my friends… and for the good of Equestria… you must die. Yes…you will die!”

As his biceps bulked up more, BlackWarGreymon threw his ‘dark’ Terra Destroyer at his clone down below. Of which ChaosBlackWarGreymon countered with a Shadow Destroyer orb. After the two attacks collided and explode in blazing light, BlackWarGreymon charged down to continue the fight.

The two Digimon clashed in the skies once more. Sounds of their struggle echoing through the air. Then as BlackWarGreymon chased ChaosBlackWarGreymon through the clouds, the clone Digimon gained enough sanity to notice that something was off.

‘What’s going on? Where is he getting this power from? Why is he glowing like that? And… is that chuckling I hear?’

He was right to be confused. He normally does the chuckling. As he looked back, he was in for a surprise. It turned out that it was BlackWarGreymon who was chuckling. ChaosBlackWarGreymon was then startled when he saw the glowing white eyes. The way they looked showed as if the good Mega… had somehow lost his forgiveness and mercy.

Then images flashed in ChaosBlackWarGreymon’s mind. All showing BlackWarGreymon in his past life. And those eyes were just like the ones from that past.


Then in a sudden burst of speed, BlackWarGreymon flew beneath his clone and performed his Black Tornado attack. Flying straight up, the whirling black vortex slammed into ChaosBlackWarGreymon. Sending him hurtling higher in the sky. Then flying alongside him, BlackWarGreymon emerged from his spinning attack and slammed his right gauntlet on top of ChaosBlackWarGreymon’s head. Then with his raised left arm, he threw a Terra Destroyer sphere into the clone. Instead of exploding on impact, the dark red orb sent the startled Mega into the top of a stray plateau. Of which it then exploded on, sending rocks flying everywhere.

“Yes! Now’s my chance!”

With thoughts on ending ChaosBlackWarGreymon’s life for good, BlackWarGreymon wasted no time and started to descend. Flying towards his downed opponent with his right arm ready. Preparing the final blow. And with ChaosBlackWarGreymon weakened from using too much energy, as well as the beating he took, the blow would also be fatal.

In the crater below, ChaosBlackWarGreymon slowly recovered form the attacks. Lying on the ground, his red eyes stopped glowing as he started to regain his sanity. The blow to the head had set his mind straight and snapped him out of his rage-filled state.

But as he looked up, he was shocked to see the incoming BlackWarGreymon. But not the same BlackWarGreymon he was created from. He could tell that his rival suddenly became more violent than usual. And his glowing white eyes showed, to his disbelief, that he had succumbed to his own hatred. Something that even the evil clone thought his good self would never do.

‘Yes! He must be destroyed! Erased! He must die! Die! Die!’

It was all what BlackWarGreymon’s mind was telling him as he approached ever closer to the plateau. His Chrome Digizoid claws gleaming as he had them ready.


With his outburst, BlackWarGreymon threw his right arm forward with his claws bearing down. Aiming straight for ChaosBlackWarGreymon’s head.

As time slowed down when he came within only a few feet from his clone, something sparked within BlackWarGreymon’s mind.


Then the punch landed. Throwing up a mountain of stones and dust from the plateau. Sounds of the impact echoed for miles.

As most of the dust settled, the result was revealed.

ChaosBlackWarGreymon lied there completely still. With shock and fear in his eyes, and Digizoid claws imbedded in rock only a few inches beside his head.

Above him was the still form of BlackWarGreymon. The white glow from his eyes and body faded away as his muscles reduced to normal size. His berserk phase ended, and for a reason. His eyes stared blankly at the ground. Showing shock and disbelief. He deliberately changed the course of his attack, because he realised that something odd had happened to him.

Back at the Crystal Empire, he had wanted to destroy ChaosBlackWarGreymon. But at the time, all he truly wanted was to protect those he held dear. His friends were constantly on his mind. Reminding him to stay focused on what was important. But with his current fight, it seemed like it at first. But as the fight went on, his mind had pushed aside the thoughts of his friends and had grown another reason. And it was to outright kill his clone. Nothing else, just kill. But what put him off the most… was the way he spoke…the way he fought… and the way his mind thought.

It was almost like… he was turning into his old self! The BlackWarGreymon who had no friends! The BlackWarGreymon who was fresh from the Control Spires!


The black armoured Mega snapped out of his trance when he heard ChaosBlackWarGreymon’s voice. When he looked at him, he was taken back by the expression in the clone’s eyes. Though mostly of shock, there was a hint of…concern. Normally the evil double would speak in a mocking or sinister tone. But when he spoke a question, he was genuinely curious. And the question he had was shocking to the reformed Digimon.

“Are you… enjoying this?”

The question was so shocking to BlackWarGreymon, he quickly pulled his arm free and backed away. Stopping a couple of feet, he looked at both his clawed gauntlets with worry.

“N-No. No! I… I shouldn’t be enjoying this! If I was, then I’m no better than you! No better than…who I was!”

Though it would’ve been the perfect moment for ChaosBlackWarGreymon to encourage BlackWarGreymon to embrace what he was created for, amazingly he chose not to. He was just as puzzled as he was.

“You had the chance to destroy me…but you didn’t. Why?” He asked as he slowly got back on his feet.

BlackWarGreymon looked as his foe with determination. Though he remained uncertain.

“Because I’m not a heartless killer. I was never one, and I’ll never be one.”

The two then spent a moment staring at each other. Both testing each other and trying to understand the situation. Then to BlackWarGreymon’s confusion, ChaosBlackWarGreymon chuckled softly before speaking.

“You know, I should thank you. Best buddy.”

Though BlackWarGreymon flinched at being called ‘best buddy’ from his dark counterpart, he was curious.

“Thank me? For what?”

“That blow to the head you gave me earlier had snapped me out of my fit.”

Then despite everything, he got ready to fight.

“And now that I’m back to normal, you will now regret for sparing me and…”


The grey armoured Mega stopped the moment he heard his master’s voice. He then turned his head aside to listen. Only he could hear the voice, for BlackWarGreymon was giving him a questionable look as the clone looked as though he had spaced out for no reason.

The demonic voice spoke further.

“It’s time for you to return to the lair. Now stop whatever you’re doing and come home.”

After grunting in disappointment, ChaosBlackWarGreymon looked over at the confused saviour.

“I’d love to stay and play with you for a bit longer, but now it’s time for me to go home. See ya next time.”

“No wait!”

But BlackWarGreymon was too late. In a flash of green light, ChaosBlackWarGreymon teleported away. Leaving the black armoured Digimon alone. He also couldn’t sense his energy, meaning that the clone teleported far away from him.

After a moment of silence, he flew back to the Pegasi. Wanting to see how they were holding up. But when he arrived, he saw the look of disbelief on Rainbow Dash’s face.

“Rainbow. What’s wrong?”

When the rainbow maned pony spoke, her voice was quiet from the shock of the truth.

“He went and did it. He destroyed the academy.”

Hearing the loss of the academy startled BlackWarGreymon. But what hurt him the most was seeing the normally proud Pegasus so out of her character. He had never seen her so depressed.

The sight and mood made the Digimon lower his head in shame.

“I’m terribly sorry. We’ve come too late.”

Despite the loss, Spitfire tried to reassure the two.

“It’s ok guys. This whole thing isn’t your fault. What truly matters is that nopony got killed. It’s that what we have to thank you for.”

Then Soarin joined in.

“Yeah, you really saved our butts. And as for the academy, we can always rebuild it. And when we do, it will be bigger and better than ever.”

Though Rainbow Dash remained saddened at the loss of the academy, Soarin’s words had cheered her up a little.

“Yeah, I guess you’re right.”

BlackWarGreymon silently nodded to show his support. But he felt troubled. Mostly from what he went through back at the fight.

Back at the Canterlot throne room, Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, Princess Twilight, Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy and Spike all waited impatiently for the return of their friends.

“Ohh…they’ve been gone for quite a while,” Fluttershy said, feeling more nervous by the second.

“Am’ sure them two will be just fine. It is Rainbow Dash and BlackWarGreymon we’re talkin’ about,” Applejack said to comfort the timid Pegasus.

“I’m still amazed that he can create portals like that,” Rarity said.

Luna explained the details.

“Yes, BlackWarGreymon does possess the ability. But he told us that creating a portal uses up a lot of his energy. I hope he still has enough to fight.”

Celestia took a moment to notice her little sister. The blue Alicorn seemed to be just as worried as Fluttershy. But most of her concern was towards their Digimon friend.

Before more could be discussed, the group suddenly felt a strong breeze. Strange considering that there was no wind through the open windows. Then the sounds of whirling brought their attention to the ceiling. Of which a portal formed above their heads.

As the group took several steps back, Rainbow Dash was the first to leave the portal. Almost crash landing on the ground if she hadn’t landed on her hooves.

All her friends ran up to her in worry.

“Rainbow Dash! Are you alright!?” Twilight asked.

“Yeah. I guess so.”

The group noticed the uneasiness in the blue mare’s voice.

“Why, whatever is the matter darling?” Rarity asked.

Rainbow Dash then explained what happened.

“Well, I’m afraid by the time BlackWarGreymon and I reached to the other side of the portal… we were a little too late. Though no one got killed, ChaosBlackWarGreymon destroyed the academy.”

Her friends gasped in shock at what they heard, feeling deeply sorry for the blue Pegasus.

“I’m…so sorry, Rainbow,” Twilight said, with Applejack joining in.

“That place musta’ meant a lot to ya.”

“It’s ok guys, really. But…although Soarin and Spitfire said that they can rebuild the academy somewhere else, but…”

Rainbow Dash then surprised everyone by stomping her hoof hard on the ground in anger.

“…but I’m just so angry at that creep! I mean, what did the Wonderbolts have ever done to him!?”

Sounds from above caught the group’s attention back to the black portal. As the portal slowly began to close, BlackWarGreymon dropped out of it. Landing firmly on the ground.

The group were relieved to see their Digimon friend unharmed. Spike ran up to him.

“Hay, big guy! So, how did the fight go?”

Silence. Spike hadn’t received any sort of answer from the tall Mega. Which added to his confusion.

“Umm…did you win? He asked in a slight nervous tone.

But instead of acknowledging him, BlackWarGreymon quietly walked past Spike. All the mares watched in confusion as the Digimon walked past them too. Luna paused when she saw a glimpse of his eyes. They were neither caring nor fierce. To her surprise… they were blank. As if he had discovered something terrible.

“BlackWarGreymon?” She asked to gain his attention. But like Spike, received no reply.

The group continued to silently watch him walk past the large curtains and went out to the balcony outside.

“Wow. He looks so down,” Pinkie Pie said, saddened by the sight.

“What’s wrong with him, Rainbow?” Twilight asked the blue Pegasus.

“That’s just it, Twi. I don’t know. He’s been like that ever since he and I left the Wonderbolts. I’ve never seen the big guy so quiet.”

Then Spike spoke up.

“Now that you mentioned it. You were the first one to leave that portal. Then BlackWarGreymon took some time to follow.”

“Sounds like he was hesitant to come back to us,” Rarity noted, followed by Fluttershy.

“Do you think something happened to him?”

“Well he definitely wasn’t like that before he fought off ChaosBlackWarGreymon,” Rainbow Dash added.

Twilight then turned towards Celestia.

“Do you think we should… talk to him?”

Celestia had a look of uncertainty on her face.

“If only it were that simple, Twilight.”

She continued after looking at he curtains the Digimon walked through. She could just about see his silhouette through the light of the sunset.

“I have learnt many things about our saviour. One of which, is that he may be strong in body, but his mind isn’t. It’s surprisingly fragile… like glass. Put him in a wrong direction, or in a bad position, he could break.”

Everyone in the throne room, who either had been in BlackWarGreymon’s mind or not, had finally understood one of the Digimon’s problems. Despite everything he had been through since he arrived in Equestria, all the things he had done for them, he was still new to the concept of friendship. His mind tried to adjust to his new life after his experience with death itself. But running into an incarnation of his past must had disturbed the balance he made for himself. As if reminding him who he once was, and who he could’ve become.

The mares and dragon suddenly felt deeply sorry for BlackWarGreymon. They had no idea how much he was suffering since the events at the Crystal Empire. Half of the group even had tears forming in their eyes.

“As much as we want to help, but I feel that we shouldn’t rush it. Let him settle down first. Then when he’s ready, then we’ll talk.”

“Ah guess you’re right. The last thin’ we need is to make his issue worse,” Applejack said.

Believing that it was best to leave him alone for the time being until he was ready, the group began to leave the throne room.

But just as she was about to go through the main doors herself, Luna paused. Being at the back of the group, none of the others noticed that she stopped. Though she too thought that it was for the best to leave BlackWarGreymon undisturbed while in his current state, but deep down inside, it didn’t feel right at all. In fact, just the thought o fit made her heart ache. She paused because it started to hurt.

‘This…this is not right.’

She then turned around to look at BlackWarGreymon’s silhouette through the curtains. A single tear escaping her eye.

‘He’s in pain. I have to do something. He needs help.’

Further up through the corridor, Twilight herself started to feel the exact same pain. Without the others noticing, she stopped in her tracks with a worried expression on her face. Though she believed in Celestia’s words, she didn’t felt like waiting. She really wanted to talk to BlackWarGreymon to see what was going on through his head. It could be her duty as Princess of Friendship calling to her.

After a brief hesitation, she decided to go for it.

‘I hope what he’s going through isn’t as bad as it seems,’ She thought to herself as she made her way back to the throne room.

As the purple Alicorn opened the main doors to the throne room, she briefly caught a glimpse of Luna’s tail moving through the balcony curtains.

‘Luna? What’s she doing here?’

Out on the balcony, Luna slowly and quietly walked forward. In front of her, on the edge of the balcony looking out at the sunset, was the still form of BlackWarGreymon.

She felt nervous. Almost afraid. She had seen what he was like in the past, and what he had become since his arrival. From the times he was angry, to the times he was caring. But she had never seen him in such a state before. It was new for her to witness. Though BlackWarGreymon didn’t show it, but Luna could tell that he was stressed. She knew that Celestia was right. One wrong move could cause him to collapse. The risks were high. But deep in her heart, despite the risks, she wanted to help him no matter what.

Her attention was so focused on the Digimon, she didn’t realise that Twilight was silently watching her through the curtains. Not wanting to disturb the two and curious to see what Luna had in mind.

As Luna took more gentle steps towards the Mega, she softly spoke to him


Though it seemed he wasn’t responding, he was well aware that Luna was behind him, He figured that one of his friends would try to talk to him.

Luna kept on walking until she was beside BlackWarGreymon. She dared not to look at his eyes, unsure what she might see. But as she looked out to the sunset, she tried to talk to him once more.

“Don’t think we haven’t noticed your change. I understand if you don’t want to talk. But if you continue to keep it to yourself, it will slowly destroy you. Or turn you into something you’re not. If you talk to us about it, then we’ll help you in the best way we can.”

She paused for a moment before she asked the questions. Her voice full of care and uncertainty.

“BlackWarGreymon, what happened out there? Did ChaosBlackWarGreymon done something to upset you?”

After a long pause, she received an answer.


“What?” She asked again, of which BlackWarGreymon explained.

“The cause of my abnormality… it’s not ChaosBlackWarGreymon’s doing. But my own.”

Luna couldn’t take it anymore. The kind of answer she had received, made her want to look at him. Though she was startled from his words, but what started her the most was the expression in his yellow eyes. She had never seen his eyes so distraught before. But from her long experience as co-ruler, she knew what the expression was.

‘Is he… having a crisis?!’ She thought to herself.

Then to the surprise of Luna and the eavesdropping Twilight, BlackWarGreymon suddenly fell to his knees. His arms resting on the ground as he crouched forward. Almost in despair. Which was also evident in his voice.

“I don’t know what’s going on anymore. Am I a loyal protector… or a time bomb to destruction? Am I the saviour, or the destroyer!? What am I!? Just… what am I!?”

His words stunned all those who heard him. Luna had never seen him so distraught. It was so unlike him, it didn’t felt right. Something big must had happened to make him doubt himself and question his motives. Unless she does something, he could round up becoming violent once more. And becoming a threat to all.

Luna wouldn’t let that happen. She wouldn’t allow it. In an attempt to show the Mega that she was caring and supportive, she walked closer to him and placed her hoof on his arm. Reaching out to him to show that no matter what happened, no matter how bad things seemed to be, she would always be there to support him when he needed it.

Feeling her touch snapped BlackWarGreymon out of his mental despair. Looking to his side, he saw Luna’s blue eyes and her caring smile. They were so full of deep concern and loving care, he was almost mesmerized by her gaze.

He was then further stunned by what she said.

“You are many things, BlackWarGreymon. And one of them is an incredible friend.”

The Digimon froze from her words. His eyes showing surprise and hope. As if he had seen the light. The Alicorn then tried to ask him again, believing that he might be in the mood to talk.

“Please tell me. What happened back there?”

BlackWarGreymon took a moment to summon up the courage to talk. He didn’t want to frighten Luna away. Not her. Not after everything they had been through. But he must trust in Luna’s words. Otherwise, she would’ve never had said them in the first place.

After collecting his thoughts, and a deep breath, he spoke what happened.

“It all happened back with my fight with ChaosBlackWarGreymon. His loss at the Crystal Empire had driven him insane. So when he saw me, he went into a rage-filled state. But his hatred for me had blinded his senses. It left him vulnerable.”

"I see. So you chose that moment to…end him?” Luna asked. Curious if the clone was no more.

But the reply she received was surprising.

“No. I couldn’t do it. Not in the state that I was in.”

“State? What do you mean?” Luna asked once more.

Behind her, Twilight too payed close attention to BlackWarGreymon’s story. Interested to find out herself.

Then the Artificial Digimon explained himself.

“Back when we first met ChaosBlackWarGreymon, I had you, my friends, and the whole empire to protect. It was the reason why he had to be destroyed, to protect you all from him. I couldn’t bare the thought of losing any of you. You all were constantly on my mind.”

As he continued, his expression darkened.

“But earlier, my fight with him was different. It seemed similar at first but… but then the thought of protecting all of you just… vanished. And in its place… I felt something else. Something that I haven’t felt since I arrived in Equestria. An…an urge that almost overtook my body.”

“What…what urge?” Luna questioned. But the answer she received was frightening.

“The urge… to kill.”

Luna almost gasped at what he said. Though it was understandable, considering what he was like before, but she had thought he had lost such desires since the beginning of his new life. So to hear it returning was startling.

Despite the uneasy feeling he had in his heart, BlackWarGreymon continued.

“Whereas before I had a reason, that time I had none. I just wanted to kill him because it felt like… I wanted to. And the worst of it… I felt as though I was enjoying the feeling. It’s like… the old me was returning. The monster that I was created to be. But just as I was about to deal the final blow, I came back to my senses. And instead of killing ChaosBlackWarGreymon, I showed him mercy. And then he got away.”

As BlackWarGreymon continued, Luna could sense the insecurity and the disbelief in his voice.

“I’m not sure if I had done the right thing or not. But I felt driven to destroy. Something that I shouldn’t be feeling here in this world. Am I not worthy of being the saviour? Am I supposed to turn out evil the entire time? Is my destiny…wrong?”

He then remembered. Back on the train to Canterlot, he had a nightmare. A nightmare of him fighting ChaosBlackWarGreymon. The things the clone said to him. He could remember every exact word.

‘Playing the hero won’t hide the truth of who you really are. No matter what you do. No matter where you go. No matter how much you fight it. You will always be… a tool of destruction!’

His eyes widened when one more belief entered his frightened mind.

“Am I… living a lie!?”

For once, Luna didn’t know what to say. BlackWarGreymon’s issue was becoming extreme. He was starting to be on a brink of collapse. As well as the fear of the Digimon having a mental breakdown, she was also saddened by his words. So shocked, her mind was on full alarm.

It was then she finally spoke up.

“No!! No you’re not!”

Her outburst gained the started BlackWarGreymon’s full attention. Momentarily stopping his meltdown. Then without any thought, Luna spoke what she saw was true.

From the heart.

“You may have doubts about yourself, but I certainly don’t have any. You need to understand. You are not the monster you think you are. You are so much more. In fact, even better than what we could possibly fathom. I just know that, deep in my heart, that your choice to help others was the best choice you could possibly make. The proof is all around you. Such as your bond with your friends. If it weren’t for that bond, you wouldn’t have been able to resist King Sombra’s mind control. And your connection with Equestria itself. The very land you sought out to protect. That connection is what lead you to become stronger and overcome the odds.”

BlackWarGreymon was amazed at how serious Luna was. He realised that she was absolutely right. He had become so much stronger and happier thanks to the friendships he had made. And despite the things he said, Luna continued to bring him hope.

“Don’t you see, BlackWarGreymon? You became so much better than you ever were since you came here. You even said so yourself. You’re still new to this world, but we can help you. That’s what friends are for. You are certainly not living a lie. And…you are worthy of saviour in my eyes.”

Luna gave of a little blush after realising what she had just said. But then explained the importance of one of BlackWarGreymon’s actions in his recent fight.

“And as for what you did for ChaosBlackWarGreymon…well… as evil as he is… I know that true courage doesn’t come from taking a life. But to spare one.”

Luna’s wise words opened BlackWarGreymon’s eyes. When he was inches from destroying ChaosBlackWarGreymon, he saw the fear and surprise in the clone’s eyes. Shown that even his dark counterpart never expected him to turn bad. But despite the uneasiness within him, the black Digimon felt incredibly relieved to hear Luna out. He was also glad that the blue Alicorn saw him as the saviour he was. She trusted him completely, with all her heart.

His expression softened considerably as he looked at her. A huge chunk of his stress leaving him.

“Thank you for believing in me. And I am glad to have met a friend as great as you, Luna.”

Luna blushed from the surprise complement. She even stuttered when she spoke.

“Ohh…uhh…y…you’re very welcome.”

Before BlackWarGreymon could stand back up, Luna made a stunning move. She surprised him by suddenly leaning on his arm. Resting her head against his left bicep. Reinforcing her concern and for what she was about to say to him.

“And don’t ever say such things, BlackWarGreymon. I was really worried about you.”

The Digimon was left speechless from the look that Luna gave him as she rested on his arm. It was both serious and caring. To him, both of which were kind of adorable.

“Hmm. Don’t worry. I won’t,” He replied, bringing back Luna’s smile.

Back by the curtains, Twilight saw the whole thing. And was truly amazed at what she saw. When BlackWarGreymon was panicking, she was about to step in. But hearing Luna’s heartfelt speech caused her to pause and listen. She had reason to believe that, despite herself being BlackWarGreymon’s first friend in Equestria, Luna seemed to be the one who truly understood him. If not, then the Moon Princess wouldn’t had brought the Mega back to his senses. Seems talking to the right pony was what he needed after all.

Twilight smiled at Luna’s success. But there was something else itching in the young Alicorn’s brain. The way the two interacted at the latter part of their conversation seemed to be in a… ‘more than a friend’ zone. Especially the way Luna surprised by leaning on his arm and admitting that she was very worried.

Twilight had rarely seen Luna showing such affections to others apart from Celestia. She seemed so close to BlackWarGreymon.

“Huh?” She uttered with a raised eyebrow.

Meanwhile, far away from any civilization, the dark being was making his way through the tunnels and towards one of the chambers deep within his lair. Though he never had anyone else in such part of his domain, he was joined by one Changeling solder. Following close behind the evil Digimon with his horn lit up to see. Showing that the larger being could see in the dark.

“Master, why have you only brought me down here?” He asked, slightly afraid from being so far away from Queen Chrysalis.

“You will find out soon enough,” The beast said, hiding his sinister grin.

After more moments of trekking through the tunnels, the two arrived in a chamber. the Changeling was scared, knowing that he was far deep within the lair. After looking around only to see nothing but his glowing horn, the solder looked back to his master with uncertainty.

“Master, why are we here?”

Slowly, the large Digimon turned around. Glaring over to the Changeling before speaking.

“Listen. Though Sombra was expendable, I am short of another ally. But if I am to conquer this world, I need my energy. So I need other means to recruit someone.”

“But…what’s that got to do with me?” The Changeling asked. But his question was answered by another question.

“Do you remember the energy boost I gave you some time ago?” The dark being asked as he pointed at the Changeling.

“Oh yes. Of which I am thankful for. I had never felt so fit in my life.”

“Yes. Yes,” The being responded with little interest in the Changeling. His tone carried a sinister vibe to it. He then continued.

“With your added energy, I will be able to go and recruit an ally without losing much of my power.”

The Changeling seemed eager on the idea.

“Oh, I get it now. I will gladly channel some of my magic to you…”

He was cut off when the monster raised his hand at him.

“That will not be necessary.”


The Changeling felt a terrible vibe when he saw his master’s eyes. Seeing what looked like a gleam. Followed by them narrowing and the master’s face growing a toothy grin.

“I don’t want just magical energy, YOUR energy is required,” The Digimon said as he slowly reached his arms out towards the frightened Changeling. Who was slowly backing away.

“Wha…what do you mean? I’ve always been your loyal solder!”

But before the Changeling could make a run for it, he suddenly felt agonizing pain in his stomach. Forcing him to fall to the ground.

“Urrrggh…what’s…what’s happening!?” He asked as he tried to fight the pain. But to no avail.

Then as he looked at his master, he saw that his claw-like fingers were giving off a faint yellow glow. Showing that he was the one who was causing the pain.

“I’m so glad that you and the others volunteered to receive my energy. So good for you to hold on to it until I needed it.”

Then to the Changeling’s horror, his body began to glow yellow.

Then, his screams of horror and agony echoed through the tunnels. But with no one to hear them. The yellow light briefly flashed from the entrance of the chamber. And when it faded, the screaming stopped. Then was replaced by the Digimon’s evil chuckle.

Author's Note:

Hey everyone, back from my summer break and here to give you something emotional.

This is probably one of the most emotional chapters I ever wrote so far. But with it, blossoming something new to come in the near future.

Hope you all enjoy this chapter. I'll be working on the next chapter for my Broly fic.
Leave a comment. Leave a like. And I'll see you all later.

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