• Published 10th Apr 2015
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The Apple Falls Far from the Tree - David Silver

Applejack has returned from her Everglow adventure with magic all her own. Magic that her little sister and friends want to investigate. What could go wrong when the Apple family falls far from the tree without Twilight to rely on? Ponyfinder/MLP

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45 - Diving In

Applejack motioned the Crusaders through and they trotted in, though Scootaloo hesitated a moment, she followed her friends with a sigh. Applejack then tipped her hat at the others in the room. "Thanks kindly for all yer help." With a brisk trot, she hopped in.

Willow patted Sunflower on the shoulder, "Up for another adventure?"


Willow picked up Sunflower and darted through the portal.

Standing alone in front of the portal, Lex glanced around the empty room. He was half-tempted to let it close without him, but knew that wasn't a serious option...not when there was potential progress to be made in reforming Equestria. Besides, there was nothing keeping him here on Everglow. His sole remaining responsibilities were Blue and Yellow, and he'd been checking in on them, surreptitiously, enough to know that they were getting along on their own.

Readying his magic in case this was a trap, Lex walked into the portal.

The portal closed quietly a minute later, leaving no one behind to ponder its mysteries, though Drowsy End would discover her tenants had quietly departed eventually and resume taking in new clients.

Across the divide between planes, the party arrived not in Canterlot or Twilight's castle, but a small cave that became crowded as they fell into it. There was a smell of something curious in the air, and it felt oppressive. Applejack scrambled to her hooves and looked around. "This ain't no part of Equestria ah recognize. What happened?"

The Crusaders discovered Sunflower came with them and were pleased, surprised that Willow had also come along. Willow, on the other paw, was looking around with Applejack. "Are we not in the right place? I don't trust the look of this even slightly."

Lex looked around, the feeling of anxiety he'd had since the portal opened intensifying. "Either we were brought here on purpose, or something diverted us here. The first order of business is to figure out where 'here' is." He didn't share some of the speculations he'd formed in that regard. This could be any cave system, after all. There was no reason to assume a worst-case scenario... because that's what it would be if they'd been brought to Tartarus.

Sonata pointed a hoof at a small passageway that was easy to miss in the wall. "I found a way out, like, let's get out of here. This place is the pits."

Willow shook her head. "Give me a minute." She began the long ritual to summon Kalik, calling for her across that same divide.

Sunflower hugged each of the girls in turn. "Did you see that? Mom just ran through after you all and brought me with her! I thought she didn't want me to go."

Sweetie Belle hopped at Sunflower, pinning him to the ground. "Now you're stuck with me, and you know your mom's OK with it." She grinned down at him, joyfully staking her claim.

Apple Bloom was busy doing little circles. "Ah think we should save the celebrations. Ah don't like the look of this place."

"Ah hear ya there." Applejack frowned. "Let's assume we're in hostile territory 'till we're proven wrong."

Despite the worry, Scootaloo was simply enjoying the fact that the wings she had just said goodbye to were with her a little longer, allowing her to circle the room.

Lex gave a surprised look at Willow, having had no idea she was a spellcaster. It was enough to prompt him to ask, "Does anypony have a spell to determine our location, or possibly transport us out of here?"

Applejack shook her head. "Ah reckon if we had that power, we'd done been home by now." She looked to Willow. "Let's let her finish callin' her friend, then look fer answers."

Scootaloo landed on Applejack's back. "One last adventure!" She sounded quite excited for the opportunity. "We'll get to the bottom of this in no time."

Willow took a minute, as promised, to finish her summoning. From a circle of fire, Kalik stepped free, shaking herself out. "Where is this place?"

Willow shrugged. "It feels like a demiplane of some sort. I thought we were going to Equestria, where Applejack and her kin are from."

Kalik frowned. "Retiring so soon? It seems the fates have other intents for you."

"I doubt fate has much to do with this," Lex frowned as he looked Kalik over, more from surprise at the appearance of the flaming cat than any sort of disapproval. "While it's possible that some sort of accident brought us here, it's far more likely that this was deliberate."

With everyone prepared, a final series of spells saw Scootaloo and Applejack with hovering shields, the former gaining it from a potion handed off by Apple Bloom. "This'll help keep ya safe. Yer always jumpin' in the front an' everything."

Scootaloo saluted in thanks, and the group advanced down the tunnel, Applejack taking the lead. As they proceeded, the faint sound of skittering teased their ears, as if something small and with many legs were scrabbling at the stone, but nothing entered their sight in the gloomy caves. One tunnel became three, which branched out again, and again. No clues were given which was the correct way to go, so Applejack stuck to the right for lack of better idea.

Lex glanced at the fillies as they used magic to prepare for whatever was to come. "I assume that non-unicorn foals learning magic is Twilight's doing?" He didn't bother with any preparatory casting of his own, since his basic defenses were kept perpetually active.

Applejack sighed. "Would ya believe they learned it on their own from our spellbooks and watchin' me do magic? They're little geniuses is what they are, though potion makin's hardly a new field." She drew short as a chasm came into view, with only a narrow walkway of stone leading across it. "Shoot."

Scootaloo spread her wings. "I'll check it out!" Without waiting, she launched herself forward over the black hole and soared quickly until a tentacle lashed out of the darkness and grabbed her by the leg. She flew against it, trying to gain altitude but getting nowhere. "Get it off!"

Adjusting the circlet on his head so as to let him retain the spell, Lex quickly chanted and waved a hoof at the tentacle grabbing the pegasus. A volley of magic missiles flew from it, slamming into the oily appendage with a wet squelching sound.

The attack was followed by a quickly hurled bomb that detonated against the stretched pseudopod. Scootaloo was released, almost crashing into the ceiling before she regained control and came for a smooth landing on the far side of the hole. "I'm OK!"

A sweetly sinister voice echoed from the darkness. "Such a pity. I could have shown you what being a mare is all about."

Applejack turned red with fury, stomping the ground. "That ain't funny! Ya best not be messing wit' us or I'll buck ya so hard ya'll taste yer tail!"

Sweetie Belle was baffled. "What?" Apple Bloom and Sunflower shrugged in mutual lack of comprehension.

Willow gestured forward. "Kalik, lead the way."

Kalik frowned. "Why am I always told to do the most awful things?" She tread carefully onto the narrow ledge, pacing across it slowly, her eyes peering down into the depths.

Also regarding the impenetrable blackness that the voice emanated from, Lex's eyes narrowed. "Attack us again, creature, and we will destroy you," he delivered the line coldly, hoping that in conjunction with Applejack's threat and the thing's initial attack having been defeated, it would decide they were too dangerous to prey on.

"Oh fine," came the sweet voice. "We have all the time in the world. Go on."

The creature, or whatever it was, made no further attempts to harass them, and soon they had crossed over to the other side. Applejack remained by the hole, guarding it as the others caught their breath. When they were ready to go, they trotted away, only for Applejack to be whipped smartly on the flank. She wheeled around, but the tentacle was already slipping back into the darkness under cover of mocking laughter. She snorted and left the pit behind, not missing it.

Scootaloo traded hoofbumps with the other younger adventurers. "Did ya see that? That thing wanted to eat me."

Apple Bloom snorted. "Only ya could be so happy when ya say that. Ah'm just glad yer OK."

Sweetie edged closed to Sunflower. "You wouldn't let that thing get me, would you?"

Sunflower quickly shook his head. "Never! I'd jump on it and beat it until it let you go."

Lex did not share in the younger adventurers' enthusiasm. He was rapidly becoming more and more certain that his initial guess about this place was correct, and that worried him. If this was Tartarus, then they were all in very deep trouble.

Touching his circlet as he cast a defensive spell on himself, one designed to protect him from ranged attacks, Lex immediately followed it up by calling upon Sombra's power. His eyes turned green, purple contrails sprouting from their corners as the dark magic responded, letting him see through the gloom of the caves as though it were full daylight.

Withdrawing a wand from one of his saddlebags, he held it aloft telekinetically. "We should keep moving, in case that thing changes its mind."

Willow nodded in agreement. "I don't know what lurks ahead of us, but certainly nothing good lies behind us."

Applejack joined in the wave, though Sonata looked pensive. "We should be sure we can all see each other. Something even worse than a totally crazy tentacle monster could be waiting to grab us."

Sweetie quickly conjured her floating balls of light, fighting back the gloom a little and keeping them all well in the light. They advanced through the tunnels, wary and ready, but what they found was a dining hall full of set tables and delicious smelling foods of all manner and type. The room was quite well lit and welcoming compared to the corridors they'd been in. A single pony sat at one of the tables. Twilight. She raised a hoof at them. "I'm glad you could make it. Please, join me. I didn't know you were bringing so many friends?"

Lex's eyes narrowed, and he immediately threw a foreleg out in an unmistakeable "stay back" gesture to the rest of the group. Leveling his wand at Twilight, or what appeared to be Twilight, he faced her, even as he directed his words to the rest of the group. "Do not approach her! That is not Twilight Sparkle!"

He started circling, keeping his wand trained directly on the purple alicorn. "This is a most skillful deception, but not skillful enough. The real Twilight would not be here alone, since she could not have brought us here by herself. She told us she lost her spellbook."

'Twilight' gave Lex a half-lidded expression, almost flirtatious. "Oh don't be so defensive. Sit, eat. You'll be here for a while, so you may as well be comfortable."

Applejack grunted in obvious anger. "What are ya? Some kinda changeling?"

"Not a bad guess." She set her head on her forehooves, watching the group with a relaxed energy. "Sit."

Sunflower suddenly approached a table and sat on the bench in front of it. Scootaloo and Apple Bloom joined him only moments later.

Sweetie threw off the command and drew a deep breath before she began to sing Giggle at the Ghosties as loudly as she could. The melody seemed to shake free the hold on Sunflower and the others, and they all scrambled upright swiftly.

Lex felt the compulsion smash against his mental shields with little effect. He had multiple layers of magical defenses designed to protect his mind from attack, and the impostor's attack did little but convince him of their ill intent.

Snarling, he lowered his head while raising his wand, so that it was directly in front of his horn while pointing at the creature. Letting the purple aura around his horn flare around the wand, linking it to himself, he spat out a command word, and there was a bright flash as a huge bolt of lightning struck the false Twilight.

The lightning crashed into 'Twilight' and the table she sat at, vaporizing it and her into a foul black smoke.

Willow raised a brow. "Effective, but I would have preferred a few answers. False as she was, her only crime so far has been to try to compel us to sit."

Sonata snorted softly, unsure how to feel about the situation. Mind control was her bag... "You wouldn't zap me for doing that, would you?"

Applejack huffed. "Good riddance. Besmirching the good name of mah friend like that." She trotted towards the leftovers, head tilted a bit. "Yer a bit overcharged though, dontcha think? Ah don't see a hint of her."

Author's Note:

Our heroes find themselves in a new and dangerous place. Why are they here? Where is here? And what kind of exotic typos live in these foreboding walls?

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