• Published 10th Apr 2015
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The Apple Falls Far from the Tree - David Silver

Applejack has returned from her Everglow adventure with magic all her own. Magic that her little sister and friends want to investigate. What could go wrong when the Apple family falls far from the tree without Twilight to rely on? Ponyfinder/MLP

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41 - Once They Passed

Silvertail saw the party off close to the rail station and set sail back up the river. The little magic motor she had was very slow pushing against the current, but not having to paddle or rely on wind? She considered it worth every gold piece she had to save up to afford it. When the sun sank deep, she watched the water, wondering if another appearance would be made. She was not let down.

Glossy Weed's head popped free and peered back at her, and they stared at one another silently a few moments. Glossy tilted her head a little. "I don't usually see you watching the water like that."

Silvertail smiled. "I was looking for you."

Glossy recoiled in surprise. "For me? Afraid I'd sink that tub of yours?"

Silvertail softly tapped the rail in front of her. "Actually, I was wondering if you'd like to join me."

Glossy's scales darkened slightly. "That trick won't work! I won't be captured that easily."

Silvertail sank to her belly, watching Glossy. "Oh, I think I will capture you, but not the way you think."

Glossy cringed and swam away a little. "I... stop staring at me like that. You'll join me here, in the water!"

Silvertail tapped the deck of her ship with a hoof. "Or, you could join me, here on this boat, and I'll see you're fed forever. We could do honest work, for honest pay."

Glossy scowled. "Sounds boring." She rose up out of the water just far enough to wave her finned hooves at Silvertail. "You could be free! No more stupid air-breathers telling us what to do! Eating what you want, when you want it! If you don't like someone, you can wreck their stuff. Doesn't that sound fun?"

Silvertail slowly trailed a circle with her hoof. "Perhaps, but I'd rather watch a sunset with someone nice beside me. I'd rather do hard things, and celebrate them, instead of easy things that become boring. Those 'air-breathers' I just let off are risking their lives, but they are closer than we can be right now. Don't you want to be closer?"

Glossy approached the boat cautiously a moment, looking tempted, but then she sneered and vanished into the waves with a parting flip of the tail. She wasn't going to be convinced so easily, but Silvertail smiled. Perhaps she would eventually lure that horse out of the river.

It was a short hike from the river to the rail station, and everyone was in high spirits. The unicorn that sat behind the counter at the station smiled at them as they approached. "Oh! Hello there. Are you looking for tickets?"

Applejack tipped her hat. "Surely are. Going ta Viljatown."

"Ah, a grand place." He started counting heads. "Thirty gold please. Comes with complimentary meals and room enough to sleep. It takes the train a few days to get from here to Viljatown. For an extra five per person, you can have unlimited basic drinks."

Applejack looked faintly tempted, then tossed the idea aside. Rainbow wasn't here to drink with, and that was half the fun. She counted out thirty coins and set it down, and soon they had tickets. "Enjoy your trip."

They waited impatiently by the side of the tracks on the benches provided, and about an hour later, the train came into view. Unlike Equestrian trains, it didn't roll. It was held up on a bed of lightning and zipped along. Apple Bloom tilted her head. "It's not as fast as ours."

It was true; while certainly smoother, it lacked the pure power of a steam-based locomotive. It drew to a gentle stop in front of them and they boarded after showing their tickets to the dwarven conductor.

Sweetie tilted her head at the humanoid. "What are you?"

The dwarf looked shocked at the question. "What? I'm a dwarf of course! Where've you been hiding, wee lass? Everyone aboard! We got a schedule to keep."

No sooner than everyone getting onto the train, then it started moving. The dwarf stuck out a hand and grabbed a rail as it went by, swinging himself up onto the train with practiced ease.

The party soon found a compartment to house themselves and started to flop onto the provided soft bedding. Scootaloo watched the scenery scroll past. "Imagine if we had to walk all of that."

Apple Bloom snorted softly. "No, thanks. Ahm happy right here."

The general feeling overall was agreement. The train was an almost-wonderfully dull place. They had provided meals and it was warm and safe, and few complaints came of it. The days slipped between their hooves, and soon they were drawing close to Viljatown and its promise of home.

When the train pulled into the large city terminal, it slid in between many other trains and the doors opened to let everyone out. Applejack pointed to the ground. "Form up!" Once all the smaller members were gathered, she nodded at them. "This here's a big city, so ah don't want any o' y'all wandering off without Willow or ah at yer side, alright?"

Sweetie bobbed her head. "When do we call Twilight?"

Applejack turned to the exit. "We're goin' to try and get that done right now." She led them off the trail and Willow suddenly looked uncertain.

"You can handle this from here, yes?" she asked with a tilted head.

Applejack paused in surprise. "Ah, well, ah guess ah can if ah haveta, but ah was getting used to yer company."

Sunflower frowned. "They're not home yet! We're not done." He glowered at his mother. "Don't you even think about it."

Willow returned the harsh look at Sunflower and they stared at one another in a silent contest of wills. Apple Bloom tilted her head. "Don't get ta quarreling over our sakes or nothin'. We can handle ourselves alright."

Willow gestured at Apple Bloom. "See, they're fine. Let's go home."

Sweetie moved up and hugged Sunflower suddenly, squeezing him tight. "I'm gonna miss you!"

Sunflower growled and pushed Sweetie away. "We're not saying goodbye yet. You're not home and I'm not going anywhere while you're still here." He looked to his mother. "Go home if you want, but I'm not going that way."

Willow flexed her paws with obvious irritation, but before she replied, Applejack came between her and the others, gently nudging her back. "Ah know yer trying ta protect yer foal, but he ain't ready ta say goodbye yet."

Willow huffed. "He never will be..." She sagged. "He will leave me like his father, chasing after a girl."

Applejack cringed at the words. "Ya know that ain't true. He obviously loves you." She turned to the small ones and gave directions to the Drowsy Mare. "Go there and wait fer us. Tell the innkeep Applejack sent ya and Twilight sends her regards." When they had scampered off, she turned back to Willow. "We need ta talk."

Viljatown was more orderly than Murrage could hope to be, making navigation far less of a chore. Most of the faces they saw seemed friendly as well, though not all. Like any city, most of the people there were hurrying to get to where they needed to be, rather than enjoying the day. With no obstructions, they soon found the Drowsy Mare and pressed inside to find the titular drowsy mare slumped over the counter, her head resting on a comfortable and plush-looking pillow.

Their entry made her jerk awake and blink at them. "Oh, hello there!"

Sweetie advanced at the front of the group. "Hello! Applejack sent us, and Twilight says hello too."

The innkeep tilted her head. "They're both well? That's good. Twilight is a clever one. Few escape Madame's grasp once she has them." She yawned widely, jaw popping several times. "Sorry, are you looking for a room?"

Apple Bloom bobbed her head. "Yes please!"

"Sorry." She shook her head. "Miss Dusk is renting all the rooms. I don't know why she needs all of them, but she's paying."

Scootaloo flew up to Drowsy End. "That's not fair. Where is this 'Miss Dusk'? We'll talk to her."

"Like, did someone call my name?" A soft blue pony emerged from up the stairs. She looked a lot like Silvertail, but the coloring was off, and the cutie mark different, to say nothing of the nice clothes Sonata wore. "'Sup?"

Drowsy pointed at the three fillies and a kitten. "They want a room."

Sonata frowned a little. "Totally sorry, but I'm not giving up any rooms until they come back."

Sunflower rolled a paw. "They?"

Sonata crossed her forelegs and sat on her haunches. "They have to come back. I totally know it. Twilight's too curious to stay away."

Drowsy smiled. "Oh. They just mentioned Twilight."

Sonata glanced at Drowsy, then smiled down at the children. "Why didn't you say so before? Let's go. I'll totally get you a sweet room."

The girls smiled at the abrupt about-face in the conversation and soon they were all following Sonata into a large bedroom. "So, you know Twilight?" Scootaloo asked curiously.

Sonata snorted softly. "You could say that. She left me here, her and her friends, just pfft."

Sunflower blinked. "I thought you were her friend?"

"Was." She waved a hoof at Sunflower and he froze in place as she kicked the door shut. "But if you're here, she'll totally have to come get you little dudes."

Author's Note:

Oh, hi Sonata! Did you keep the typos fresh while we were away?

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