• Published 25th Nov 2014
  • 12,314 Views, 601 Comments

My Little Girl - CrackedInkWell

One night in 1986, the twelve year old Lauren Faust wakes up finding a talking pony under her bed. She follows the pegasus though a tunnel into a place called Equestria.

  • ...

2: Wake Up Luna

Lauren laid there on the couch with one of the pillows underneath her head. Since for her it was still the middle of the night, she was feeling rather sleepy. After all, she had been woken up at around two in the morning. She knew that Celestia most likely wanted to talk to her, but sleep seemed more and more inviting with every passing minute.

Eventually, she dozed off back into her sleep. About fifteen minutes later, a few of the maids came by to inspect the cleanliness of the hallways. The sleeping Lauren didn't go unnoticed by them, they both took a double take what was laying on the couch.

“Uh, hey Feather Duster, you’re seeing this right?”

“I think so. What do ya think it is Silverware?”

“Beats me, it looks like a monkey that has forgotten most of its fur.”

The doors behind them opened up. Quickly realizing who it was, they both gave a respectful bow to Celestia. The Solar Diarch eyed over to the couch to find Lauren there, fast asleep. She craned down her neck to their eye level. “Feather Duster, Silverware, would you two mind doing me a favor?” They nodded. “I need you to take her,” she pointed to the couch “and put her in my room for her to get some sleep.”

“As you wish,” they both said, Silverware lit up her horn to gently lift Lauren off from the couch.

“Put her in my bed,” Celestia added.

“Why?” Feather asked.

“Because, this here is somepony who means quite a lot to me, and she has come such a long way. So, I think she should have my bed for the time being until she awakes.”

“But, who and what is she?”

“I’ll tell you later. But for now, please do as you’re told. Oh, and one more thing: I need you two to make sure that this should be kept a secret for now.”

They nodded.

“Now get her off to bed.”

As the maids carry the sleeping Lauren off, Private Arrowhead asked, “You do know that Equestria will have to find out about her eventually, your Majesty?”

“I do think that one way or another, my ponies will find out about her. We can't keep her hidden for long, as ponies working in the castle will notice her. I just need to think how to tell everypony about this.”

“What about Luna?”

“I’m going there right now to tell her. Besides, she needs to know this anyway. And Private Arrowhead, I need you to do the same and keep this a secret until further notice.”

“Yes, your highness.”

Celestia made her way to the part of the castle where her sister’s room was. It wasn't too difficult to find the dark double doors with a few of the Lunar guards at attention. The guards gave their salutes as she approached the door to knock.

“Luna, are you up? I need to speak with you.” There was no reply. “Luna?” she opened the door to let herself in. As expected, Luna was under the blankets with several pillows burying most of her head.

“Luna. Wake up.”


“Lu, this is important, wake up.”

Luna slowly sat up, causing an avalanche of pillows to fall. “We hope that thou hast a good reason for waking us up at this time of day.”

“Three things: first, again, it's 'I' and not 'we.' Second, yes I do. And third, it’s about mother, she’s… She came back.”

Luna’s eyes shot wide open, “MOTHER IS HERE!?!?!”

It took a few moments for Celestia’s ears to stop ringing. “Yes, she’s here.”

“Wait, where exactly is she?”

“She’s sleeping in my room for the time being.”


“Tired out it seems.”

“She must have had a long journey here then. Very well, we- I shall wait.”

“But there’s something else that you need to know. Mother… Isn’t exactly the way we remember her.”

“What dost thou- pardon, what do you mean, is she ill?”

“No, she’s just… well-”

“Spit it out, what’s wrong with mother?”

“She’s a child,” Celestia blurted out. This gave her younger sister a very confused look.

“I am lost here.”

“I know it’s rather hard to grasp, but it’s true, our mother is here, yes. But somehow, in some way, she is much, much younger here.”

“How did she get here?” Luna asked, now getting out of bed.

“Do you know the tapestry of Clover the Clever, the one that is getting a restoration?”

“What about it?”

“Behind it, we found that there was a hole in the wall.”

“And what is so unusual about that?”

“Luna, there is nothing on the other side of that wall. But the hole made it seemed as if there’s a room on the other side.”

“Hmm. That does sound rather peculiar, but what does this have to do with Mother?”

“I’m getting to that, the hole itself was only big enough for one of our ponies to go through. So I summoned one of my guards who were nearby. He told me, what he found on the other side was a bedroom, her bedroom in the middle of the night. Apparently, she followed him back here.”

“And then what?”

“I saw them both crawling out of the hole, but Sister, I noticed something with her. She didn’t recognize me. At all. This makes me wonder-”

“Let us guess, that she may be not has yet dreamed of Equestria yet.”

“That’s what I’m worried.”

“How so?”

“Think about it Luna, she somehow came into Equestria before she’d even fully dreamed of it. What would happen while she’s here that would make her not want to create us? What if she vows to never create our world? What would happen then?”

“That’s rather a very dark thought.”

“Oh come on, you were thinking of it too.”

The two Sisters stood there in silence.

“Well, what do you propose to do then?”

“That’s why I’m here with you. I mean, Discord has just been reformed and Twilight is almost ready, there are a billion things that can go wrong.”

“Twilight…” Luna trailed off before she formed an idea, “Sister! That’s it!”


“Hear u- me out here. What if we can influence her without her realizing it?”

“Care to explain?”

“What if we get the elements to meet her? That way, later on, she might be inspired by them, and she goes home to grow up to create this world. Sister, it’s a self-fulfilling prophecy!”

“I don’t know. But there’s something else that I can’t get off of my mind.”

“And that is?”

“I know she’s a child, but should we tell her she’s our mother?”