• Published 25th Nov 2014
  • 12,315 Views, 601 Comments

My Little Girl - CrackedInkWell

One night in 1986, the twelve year old Lauren Faust wakes up finding a talking pony under her bed. She follows the pegasus though a tunnel into a place called Equestria.

  • ...

10: About Last Night

In the morning light, Lauren sat up from the low bed. Even though her mind was waking up, she did remember about last night, how she and Spike went off, getting the sun princess angry. For the longest moment, neither she nor Celestia said a word at first. Now that her young mother was awake, she wasn't quite sure what exactly to say. For she may be her mother, but at the same time, this was her mother who’s a child and it was she who hurt her feelings.

“I’m sorry,” Lauren said breaking the silence.

Celestia blinked, “What?”

“I’m sorry for not telling you where Spike and I were going and for running away.”

“Well, thank you. But between the two of us, I should be the one apologizing. Lauren, I am so, so sorry for losing my temper with you. I should have thought about what I say may hurt you.”

“You should have listened to what I had to say.”

Celestia nodded, “Yes. I should have given you time to explain yourself. And, again, I’m sorry about that. So, what were you about to say before I… you know.”

“Well, we went to that donut place because Spike said that we should grab a snack real quick since you guys were in a meeting. We thought it shouldn't take long, that we would be back here in no time. But there was this line and we got caught up in talking about superheroes that I think we forgot what time it was.”

“Seems to match up with Spike’s story, but what happened to you after that? Where did you go?”

“I don’t really know since I've never been here before, I remember running into several alleyways until I got tired so I hid behind some trash cans until someone found me. I can’t remember what their names were, but I think it was a mom and her kid that found me there.”

“Derpy and Dinky Hooves.”

“Yeah, that’s… wait how do you know that?”

“They flagged down some guards after you'd been snatched away by-”

“Oh yeah! That’s right, they took me to their hotel where a unicorn carried me off to her and… and what’s her name?”


“Yeah, and the unicorn was really excited to meet me because they told me that our people don’t really exist here. When somebody knocked on their door, the unicorn threw me out of the window.”

“She what?!”

“Yeah, said something that they were coming to take me away or something before she threw me into a dumpster with garbage bags in it. I don’t think she’s quite right in the head or something. I didn't get hurt or anything just feeling sore after falling from the second floor.”

“Oh. And then what happened?”

“Remember that guy who’s made up of animal parts?”


“Yeah, I found him hiding behind a bunch of cardboard boxes. And I think he’s crazy too.”

“Why’s that?”

“Well… He was real scared of me when I showed up. Saying something about not… erasing or something. And then he said I created everything, like I was God or something like I said, I think he’s really crazy so I just left.”

Celestia didn't say anything. Lauren continued, “So, I found my way to a train station where there was a janitor's closet that was open so I went in and fell asleep and… Say, how did I end up here?”

“You can thank Luna for that. She helped us locate where you were, and she should be here anytime now.”

“Celestia, can I ask you something?”


“Why do you and Luna worry about me so much when you've never met me.”

“Because…” Celestia had to tread carefully. On the one hoof, part of her wanted to tell Lauren the truth that she is, indeed, her mother. However, given that Discord had told her the truth and she didn't believe it, perhaps it was best if she fibbed a little. “Because you reminded me and Luna of someone that was very dear to us.”


“Our mother.”

Lauren tilted her head to the side, “Your, mother?”

“It’s a little silly, I know. But in a way, you remind us of her.”

“Remind you? Why, did something bad happen?”

“Oh, no, not really. Mother… That we know, she has a rather… interesting relationship with us. Oh, she does care about us and loves us very much. But the problem is that can get very busy, she’s a kind of storyteller in a way, trying to come up with ideas for this and that and trying to put them down on paper. Sometimes, she has to go away for a while but she at times pop up here and there.”

“That sounds… a little weird. But how is she like me?”

“She’s at times rather too creative. Asking those close to her very odd questions that she could use. And a bit curious too. And yes, I admit, she can be a little weird too.”

“When’s the last time you saw her?”

“I believe it was at our coronation, she wasn't up in front but she watched us from the very back, smiling. Afterward, she came up to us, saying how proud she was about us. And then, before we knew it, gone. That was well over a thousand years ago.” Celestia gave out a sigh, “Although, I do tend to miss her.”

“I’m sorry,” Lauren said as to Celestia’s surprise, she hugged her neck. Celestia didn't quite know how to react at that point. She wanted to tell her it’s not her fault and maybe cry a little. But she chose to keep the mask on a little longer.

“Lauren,” Celestia said as her mother let go. “Twilight and her friends are still here, do you want to get to know them a little better? That is if you don’t want to go back home just yet.”

“Can I?” Lauren asked. “Especially that rainbow one who’s kinda like Firefly?”

“If that’s what you wish, so shall it be.”

Author's Note:

I just got an idea! In the comments below, what do you think that the main six can teach young Lauren? As in, something that each of them can teach.