• Member Since 2nd Nov, 2012
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Admiral Biscuit

Virtually invisible to PaulAsaran



This story is a sequel to A Sleeping Rose

It's been a week since Sam spent the night at Rose's house, and the two have grown closer. Rose helped plant flowerbeds all around the house, but a surprise visit to check on the flowers on laundry day puts a slight strain on their budding friendship. Now Sam's forced to make some choices she's not quite ready for.

Chapters (3)
Comments ( 165 )

I would be arrested or stared at or worse.

Those priorities, man.

I think you could explain underwear as protecting from a rougher outer layer of clothing, but that's assuming the outer wear isn't soft enough already. It's weird to think that I have go-to explanations for clothing because of MLP.

A One-Shot-Ober fic

Is this being continued after October or during? :applecry:

Heh, yeah, I probably should have switched around the order of them. Based on personal experience, being arrested is worse than being stared at.

5132910 Leave it, think it's funnier that way :rainbowwild:


I think you could explain underwear as protecting from a rougher outer layer of clothing, but that's assuming the outer wear isn't soft enough already.

Yes, that or sanitary explanations would both be potentially logical. It's not a topic Sam's exactly comfortable with.

It's weird to think that I have go-to explanations for clothing because of MLP.

(Possibly TMI) Since I probably wouldn't bother with clothes if it wasn't illegal to go without, I really couldn't come up with a good rational explanation for why they're needed. But that's just me.

Is this being continued after October or during?

The next chapter is mostly written, and the final chapter is fully planned out. I would like to have it done by the end of October, although depending on how Dracula goes. . . .


“It's nothing you did,” I said lamely. “It's just kind of the custom where I come from to not go outside without clothes. Anywhere. Ever.”

Her ears turned in my direction. “That . . . that's dumb.”

"Our civilization, our rules. You're people are just as dumb for not wearing clothes."

Of course neither Sam nor I would ever be so mean as to phrase it that way...

Also... TMI! :pinkiesick:

You should know better than to scroll over spoiler text tagged with TMI. Didn't you read the blog notes on Lyra and Bon Bon go to Wales?

"Our civilization, our rules. You're people are just as dumb for not wearing clothes."

Sam would be wearing a full set of clothes if she could afford them. Just another bit of culture shock that most authors ignore.

I pity Alex . . . his future may not be as rainbow-y and sunshine-y as he thinks.


Money? He'll be dating a princess. And then, when I really get the story into true HiE-mode, all of the princesses! :pinkiecrazy:

So he'll be staggering around in Elizabethan dress clothes? Well, at least codpieces are cool. (for a certain value of 'cool')

In all seriousness, that's a topic which various authors handle in various different ways, and grant the ponies varying degrees of understanding, as suits the fic.


So he'll be staggering around in Elizabethan dress clothes?

Look, just because Hasbro put the princesses in those horribly awful things for Twilight's coronation doesn't mean that ponies actually have those! It's my world and they'll be naked if I want, damnit!

Also, we've seen Etherea just sort of rolling with clothes so far with no real quibble. If she thinks it's weird, then she's at least keeping her mouth shut. (and her pants on) :rainbowlaugh:


Look, just because Hasbro put the princesses in those horribly awful things for Twilight's coronation doesn't mean that ponies actually have those!

Don't forget that thing that Rarity put on Spike. They have those.

If she thinks it's weird, then she's at least keeping her mouth shut. (and her pants on)

And I'm willing to bet that 99% of you readers were wishing that she didn't on the latter. . . .

5132957 I agree with #2 mostly, until I need to do yard work. Also I get a sunburn on my arm just driving to work, so I probably need some protection.

Where did you get the story picture?

5133429 It's one of the fimfiction banners.

Yeah, that can be a problem. I usually forget, and I've paid for it with some pretty bad sunburns. I got a second-degree sunburn on my left arm after a long road trip. I don't recommend that.

Borg do not wear clothes. We never saw the point, since any situationssituations that would require protection would be taken care of by armor if necessary.
Braiding hair is a reasonable solution to disarray.
Keep going! ;)


would be taken care of by armor if necessary.

Is armor not clothing? Sure, I wouldn't want to lounge around in a chain shirt, but one of the functions of clothing is to protect; by that definition, armor qualifies.

5137853 Good point. Maybe clarification is in order? We don't wear clothes out of modesty or for a sense of style. Though perhaps certain armor is stylish, that alone would not be reason enough to wear it. :twilightsheepish:
I guess the clothes aspect resolves to the question, "Why do you wear them?"
Case in point, I wear clothes because I don't wish to be arrested for public indecency (it would put a hamper on our daily operations), and not because I don't wish people to see me without them on. All the same, we regularly wear only two sets of clothing (rotating during laundering times for the sake of hygiene) for day-to-day activities, one set of clothing for "special occasions" (hmm, disclaimer: not those special occasions!) and one set for recreation (to be worn when not engaged in work). Whereas others we know have whole dressers and closets full of the things, I need not such space.

Thinking a little deeper, a shirt does indeed make an excellent piece of armor to protect against the sun when outside... :rainbowlaugh:

5133217 They have a variety of clothing, and Rarity can really make almost everything.
Didn't she even make an "Elvis like" costume for Fluttershy? I don't have a different description for that get up.


It's certainly not Elizabethan...

Same goes for Sapphire Shores having an absolute style mash up of different eras:

No romance tag? You really are teasing us here.


Kind of a weird place to end a chapter. Still liked it, though.

The final chapter should be out before midnight tonight.





before midnight


5211412 it is two AM for me... How long would I have to stay up for the final chapter?

If all goes well, no more than three hours.


Wait... I had to get up early tomorrow... :fluttercry:

Fun fun. Reminds me of a poster I once saw of a bunch of butts. Animal butts! Gosh we just know someone is going to think oddly of me for that. Besides that, the last cell on the poster was a cigarette butt, with the caption " butts are gross".
How that relates? Meh, we'll let you all figure that out.
Keep going! ;)

Will this story continue?

I feel really stupid for only just realizing that Sam is a girl.

Sam is a girl, right?

yes, Sam is a girl.

yes. Not on any kind of a regular schedule, but there will be more Sam and Rose stories to come

There's a reason why skinny dipping is so fun, I think....
At least she's taking it slow, but it is kinda weird to strip in public...
Keep going! ;)

It seems funny that so many humans settle in Ponyville, I would expect they would have an easier time of it in one of the larger, more cosmopolitan cities.

I keep wanting so much more past the end of each chapter. Glossing over the nudity taboo discussion? For shame!

This.. I like this:scootangel:

~~going underwater commando~~ :)


Aloe glanced between Rose and I,

- between Rose and me

She's probably had some discussion of it off and on since she appeared in Ponyville six months ago.

The right time for discussing such a weighty subject is clearly at one of their homes, over a couple of bottles of wine. Or at Tenderheart's.


- between Rose and me

I debated back an forth on that line, and decided that while it's technically incorrect, since the story's in first person, I can let it slide. I know lots of people who are adamant that "Rose and I" is the proper grammar, because that's what was drilled into them by their parents/their teachers.


We spent the rest of the afternoon kind of re-establishing boundaries. It was hard to explain, but we'd both gone through something which was psychologically traumatic, and needed time to work things out in our minds.

See this right here? This is what I was referring to. Those two sentences carry so much weight and yet tell us so very little. If Sam's nudity taboo has any part in this, then those lines were a perfect place for it. If they did include it, then that whole discussion just got glossed over.

After I read the first two paragraphs I had to stop, go back, and read them again. Then I spent about five minutes wondering what interesting pieces of character development you were just glossing over.

Well, I don't annoy you with dialogue lines anymore, but this one isn't such.
And what is more or less: "between we" is somewhat offensive to my ears. ;)

Anyway, gal pic kind of related, PG-13(?)

Ah. Yeah, I probably would have done better to include that scene, but how I envisioned it was that they weren't talking about it, they were both doing their own things and thinking about them in their minds.

I certainly could have put in some reflection from Sam's side, though. I'll think about it--I'm not opposed to adding it in, or maybe referring to it in a flashback scene later.


Well, I don't annoy you with dialogue lines anymore, but this one isn't such.

Technically, some of my former English professors would debate that. I've certainly read first-person narrated stories where the whole thing (dialogue and descriptions) were in dialect. I don't disagree that there is a distinct difference in most stories, but it certainly gets fuzzier in first-person narratives.

That having been said, pointing out corrections doesn't annoy me. Lord knows I make loads of mistakes. Originally, in A Pony Walks into a Police Station, the cop had a broken ankle . . . which he was running on, a few pages later.

And what is more or less: "between we" is somewhat offensive to my ears. ;)

Sadly, I don't think I learned that until after college. It's stuck with me since, fortunately.

Anyway, gal pic kind of related, PG-13(?)

Underwear is overrated.:rainbowlaugh:


Underwear is overrated.

I think it was Bill Engval who said something like:

"When men hear that a woman isn't wearing panties he thinks, 'alright! I might get lucky!' When a woman hears that a man isn't wearing underwear she thinks, 'oh, God. I'm gonna' have to wash those pants twice."

Also, Sam's going to need to woman-up and talk about her diet sooner rather than later, or those cramps could become something much worse. I think. Pretty sure.


Also, Sam's going to need to woman-up and talk about her diet sooner rather than later, or those cramps could become something much worse. I think. Pretty sure.

The catch, of course, is that Sam isn't a dietitian, and so it's going to be a bit of guesswork.

I feel you are over doing it with the clothing. Ponies done wear clothing because they have fur and tails to keep their privates concealed. Humans lack those. also another reason a human wears clothing is because of warmth and protection. Try walking around outside in the sun with out clothing. Yo'll get a nasty sunburn that way. And considering ponies don't have sunscreen (again fun covered bodies), Sam will get burned since she doesnt have any sunscreen.

I'd see why he'd be willing to go in the nude, but there's plenty of reasons not to do so. Health and body protection against the element/environment being the big, obvious ones. Foot protection is important too, since gravel, nails, hard pony hooves and Legos will remind you why you loved shoes.

And anyway, like it or not, Ponyville got a temperate climate. His wearing of clothes is there for the same reasons humans wore clothes since they discovered they could and moved to populate the whole planet. (just look "why human wear clothes" and variants of it on google, plenty of material to play with)

Clothes existed since 50k++ years ago for many reasons. Its not just a cultural thing, its part of our evolution, want it or not. Its not some sort of shameful behavior.

Why would he be so willing to fold to peer pressure? Especially since it would be putting his heath at risk just because ponies are ignorant.

So what if ponies are nervous when he have pants? Can't they handle a bit of mystery, or are they just that close-minded? Do they get out of their way to give him grief about it?

He's not a pony (and there's no shortage of sapient species), and only ponies have marks.. so no reason for them to even remotely assume he have one. Rose was surprised he didn't.

Odd that, of all thing things she say he's hiding, she doesn't mention that his genitalia doesn't have a sheath. That's kinda obvious...
Wait. Wait wait wait. What?! It took 2 stories and 6 chapters to know that?
I was wondering why Sam wore "panties", believed it was some sort of really odd way to call his underwear, like they were torn up enough to look the part.. i was pretty sure Sam was a HE since the beginning. Or when Rose mentioned that Sam looked like a tail-less mare in the first story (assumed his junk was placed "the right way" for Rose to say that). Sam had long hair, but men also have long hair, so i didnt even think twice about it.

So that means Sam doesn't wear a bra? I don't recall even a single mention of it. How annoying is that then, walking/working without support? Why didn't the ponies say anything about her chest, like, ever? Even with all the other species around, a woman's chest is an oddity; she isnt lactating, it isnt shaped anywhere close to a cow's.. so why arent they curious about it? How about her periods? How does she mana.. wait, is that why she have cramps? Wouldn't her abdomen hurt?

Im very confused now.

Maybe she (Rose) was too shy to mention it, but she didn't seem to react much (if at all) when she saw it (i was thinking Sam's penis at the time, but whatever, it does apply to Sam's nudity, her whole anatomy)... so maybe its not a big thing for ponies?


Ponies don't wear clothing because they have fur and tails to keep their privates concealed.

That's more of a societal need for us, rather than a physical need--at least, assuming temperate weather. Also, a real-life mare's tail only provides cover when it's hanging straight down; when she swishes it around, you can pretty much see everything. A stallion is always at least partially uncovered, if you look under his barrel--even though real horses don't have the same sexual dimorphism as MLP ponies, it doesn't take much effort to determine if it's a male or female horse.

Try walking around outside in the sun with out clothing. Yo'll get a nasty sunburn that way.

First, I can assure you I have. You maybe didn't want to know that, but now you do.

As for the sunburn, a lot of it will depend on Sam's skin--if she's very fair-skinned, she'll burn practically instantly; if she's darker-skinned, she might not at all. I don't burn easily, unless i've had a lot of sun exposure.


Health and body protection against the element/environment being the big, obvious ones.

Obviously, a lot of that depends on the environment, and how used to the environment a person is. For example, I'm from Michigan. One winter we were in Florida when it got 'cold'--60 degrees. All the Floridians were bundled up; my brother and I were walking around in t-shirts wondering what the big deal was. We went to Hooters and asked to sit on the patio; the waitress thought we were crazy. You watch Ice Road Truckers, and you'll sometimes see them cruising along at -20 with the window down. Now, I'm not saying that you'd survive long without clothing in -20 weather, because you wouldn't. But in the summertime, not wearing clothes outside isn't going to be terribly physically uncomfortable.

Foot protection is important too, since gravel, nails, hard pony hooves and Legos will remind you why you loved shoes.

Yes, that's important; but again, your feet can build up calluses that will help protect you against most everything except Legos, and even a shoe offers limited protection. Better than nothing, yes, but it's obviously not impervious.

Clothes existed since 50k++ years ago for many reasons. Its not just a cultural thing, its part of our evolution, want it or not. Its not some sort of shameful behavior.

Yes, they certainly helped us as a species move beyond what our natural habitat was, offering us protection against the elements that our bodies could not. I assume that the various religious and sociological pressures came along later.

Especially since it would be putting his heath at risk just because ponies are ignorant.

This being the summer time, there is little health risk to being nude. Given that in canon, we've seen ponies dress for the cold (boots, scarves, etc.), they do understand the concept of bundling up when it's necessary.

He's not a pony (and there's no shortage of sapient species), and only ponies have marks.. so no reason for them to even remotely assume he have one. Rose was surprised he didn't.

My view of canon suggests that the Ponyville ponies aren't that familiar with other species. To begin with, most of them didn't know what Zecora was. Cows, sheep and pigs are 'lesser' species, Spike's a juvenile, they would probably assume that a 'monster' wouldn't have a mark. Basically, unlike all the other species we've seen show up in Ponyville for a day or two and then leave, Sam's fitting in with them; her cultural view is much like theirs--so they're instinctively thinking of her as a funny-shaped pony, rather than a complete different species. Add to that they mystery of her keeping her hips covered--something that the ponies almost never cover--and that's at least a reason for gossip and wild speculation

So that means Sam doesn't wear a bra? I don't recall even a single mention of it. How annoying is that then, walking/working without support?

She's got small enough breasts that it isn't an issue to go without.

Why didn't the ponies say anything about her chest, like, ever? Even with all the other species around, a woman's chest is an oddity

Compared to her other features, it isn't that odd. The biggest thing to a pony would be that most of her body is lacking significant hair coverage. Her ears can't really move at all, her nose is more beak-like, with fairly small nostrils, and so on. It's odd, yes, but from their point of view, it's less odd than many of her other features.

How about her periods? How does she mana.. wait, is that why she have cramps? Wouldn't her abdomen hurt?
Im very confused now.

For her periods, since she normally wears shorts or pants and panties, she'd just line them with something disposable or easily washable. For what it's worth, IRL horses have periods, too, since they're polyestrus--so if she told a mare she was having her period, they'd understand. The cramps are unrelated.

Maybe she (Rose) was too shy to mention it, but she didn't seem to react much (if at all) when she saw it (i was thinking Sam's penis at the time, but whatever, it does apply to Sam's nudity, her whole anatomy)... so maybe its not a big thing for ponies?

Based on my experience with real horses, it would take you less than a minute to see a mare's vagina, unless she were actively clamping her tail. In a way, Sam has an advantage there, since her bipedal stature and pubic hair hide it from casual view, unless she's bending over to look under a bed, for example. Sp it stands to reason that in a town like Ponyville, everypony knows what everypony else's junk looks like.

Thing is, if you were used to that, it wouldn't bother you, and you'd wonder why someone would go to the trouble to actively cover it up. Sure, she can explain how she needs clothes for 'protection' outside, but it makes far less sense when she's in her house, or when she needs to go outside to hang up her laundry, or when she's sitting in a hot tub.


And now it makes a lot more sense! Thanks. :twilightsmile:

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