• Member Since 2nd Nov, 2012
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Admiral Biscuit

Virtually invisible to PaulAsaran



It didn't take a genius to figure out that that perfume wasn't my own, nor did it take any real effort to locate the source of both of my issues: there was a pony asleep on my arm.

I assume she was asleep, anyway. She was breathing slowly and shallowly, which was quite easy to ascertain, as my right arm was draped across her.

Chapters (3)
Comments ( 283 )

Up all night to get Roselucky. :ajsmug:


But good beginning anyway. Very... oh, what's the word. Slow, and gradual, I guess. Leisurely, perhaps. In a good way. Like an old man recanting a detailed memory. It takes its time, without being fluffy.

Hey. Weren't you supposed to be busy this week? :ajbemused:

Lupus #3 · Jul 27th, 2014 · · · One ·

This is new. Only human in Equestria and Rarity doesn't offer free clothes. Interesting


Up all night to get Roselucky. 

Typo corrected, thank you.

Up all night to get Roselucky

You'll have to wait and see, won't you?


Hey. Weren't you supposed to be busy this week?

I got the idea in my head yesterday morning, and figured I had to write it down.
Between work, the play, and getting ready for Bronycon, my brain's completely fried. I can't put the concentration in my other works that they deserve, but unwinding with a fresh new story (that wasn't even proofread) is kinda relaxing.


This is new. Only human in Equestria and Rarity doesn't offer free clothes. Interesting

Hard to imagine a businessmare giving away her product. I could see her making one free outfit for Sam, but that's it. Said outfit is unlikely to be something that would be appropriate for day-to-day wear, especially if the human was doing lots of physical work.

Ahh, booze, the origional ryhypnol.

Pity Im intolerant of most of the ingrediants used, and have a weird reaction to alcohol.

Every Rose has its Thorn. :moustache:

No romance tag? It looks like Rose has a crush on Sam.

4759356 This is true. But, I could see her doing so at at least reduced costs since she likes being challenged. XD

4759356 True, at least to the extent of an entire wardrobe. Many HiE fics play it off as Rarity either wanting to hone her craft on a new body type, or taking a shot that said human will be notable enough to act as a walking billboard - particularly if there's any chance of Twilight or the Sisters whisking them off to Canterlot where they might be seen by Important Ponies.

Interesting, too, to note that devices like alarm clocks are still largely going to be handcrafted (so to speak) items requiring fairly extensive labor to create all the myriad pieces. Equestria doesn't seem to have mass production for consumer items, so such complex and intricate things are going to be incredibly expensive, particularly if they're not simply an enchantment. It's a nice little bit of economic/industrial detail.


Ahh, booze, the origional ryhypnol.

"Alcohol: the cause of, and solution to, all of life's problems."
--Homer Simpson


Agreed, but in a world where most clothing is a luxury item, even reduced cost might be a bit pricey if someone wants clothes to wear every day.


Many HiE fics play it off as Rarity either wanting to hone her craft on a new body type, or taking a shot that said human will be notable enough to act as a walking billboard

I don't see her viewing working clothes in that manner, though. Bragging that she made plain jeans and a plain t-shirt is hardly going to get the noble's attention (unless of course they suddenly clamor to get their hooves on something human-like).

Interesting, too, to note that devices like alarm clocks are still largely going to be handcrafted (so to speak) items requiring fairly extensive labor to create all the myriad pieces.

One of the things many writers forget is that in the days before mass production, crafted items were quite expensive. Show evidence seems to suggest that they've begun mass manufacturing simple items (cloth, paper and books, weather), but more complex things are still largely hoof-crafted.

I wasn't expecting this to update so quickly. So far it's been really good, no lesser than "Celestia Sleeps In" or "with a Vengance".

I look forward to seeing where you take this. :twilightsheepish:


And now the pillow talk.


It should be done tonight, assuming I survive the cast party with enough coordination to type, and the massive storms of DOOM that are moving through the area don't kill the power for too long.:derpytongue2:

Bad 4759913
Now all I can think about is Bruce Campbell in Army of Darkness.

Finished as in Complete, or just an update?

Either is fine, I just personally prefer longer stories. Something I can get my Twilight into. :twilightblush:


massive storms of DOOM


Wriglly pinkie spa treatments yaay.

And for only 50 bts extra and two hours, in the heavily soundproofed room specially biult in the back, he will play many a fiddle on your tune. :raritywink:

Start off with Play me a song, Mr Piano man, and end up more, Let me, Entertain You? :moustache:

4760527 And this is a bad thing because..?


Finished as in Complete, or just an update?

Complete. And now it is.

Either is fine, I just personally prefer longer stories. Something I can get my Twilight into.

I've got those, too.:pinkiehappy:
This came to mind as a vignette . . . and with two incomplete long-runners and two incomplete short stories, I really ought not start another lengthy story.


Wriggly pinkie spa treatments yaay.

I await the episode where Spike figures out that he can make Rarity love him forever by grooming her mane.

Aside from the brief horizontal rain, they were less awesome than promised.

For some reason this was added to the Human Girls in Equestria group.

That was no accident.
“You look like . . . like a tail-less mare with no coat when you're standing like that,” [Rose] told me.
"Sam" is short for "Samantha."
EDIT: sorry about the spoiler text, but I'm still waiting for the realization from my readers, followed by the inevitable downvotes and unfollows.

That seems like rather thin evidence, but your the author.

Yes please for Roseluck's POV


I don't even have to play the video.:pinkiehappy:

I was the understudy for Inigo in a performance of The Princess Bride.


I'll try to have it done before Bronycon.

“You look like . . . like a tail-less mare with no coat when you're standing like that,” she told me.

Wait...what? Nothing about the free hanging meat?

Unless this dude's not a dude...

Thinking back...you never explicitly stated one way or another
Is this dude a chick?


Is this dude a chick?

Yes. Sam is short for more than one name. That's not an accident.

4762432 That's...a little annoying. Only for the fact that I always put voices to characters whil I read. I guess I have only myself to blame for assuming, and we all know what we say about assuming.

This does explain the whole squatting over the toilet thing...


Only for the fact that I always put voices to characters while I read.

I know the feel. I do the same, and it's caught me out a time or two. One of the most brilliant I read was a novel-length mystery story where not only did the author successfully mislead his audience into believing the wrong person was the killer (a staple of the genre), the actual killer was a policewoman. Revealed in the epilogue.

I was so sure the author had pulled a fast one, I re-read the whole thing with that new knowledge. It was magnificent, and the author did not cheat.

I wasn't upset about a certain detail of this story. Much to the reverse, it made the context of the story as a whole ... less awkward, and in the end more endearing. I'd very much would like to see Roseluck's point of view if the fancy strikes you to write it.

"Mules don't have cutie marks,” she said defensively. “And we get along just fine.”

Do you mean donkeys?
And yes to Rose's POV.


Do you mean donkeys?

No, I meant mule. "Mule" is sometimes used in the show disparagingly (by Rarity, Rainbow Dash, and Diamond Tiara), and the 'mule' shown in those episodes is of a slightly different style than Cranky Doodle or Mulia.

From a worldbuilding point of view, donkeys are canon, as well as mules and hinnies, and if one wishes to play up xenophobic tendencies, it would make sense that a half-breed (like a mule or hinny [also canon]) would be the object of scorn.


I wasn't upset about a certain detail of this story. Much to the reverse, it made the context of the story as a whole ... less awkward, and in the end more endearing.


I'm glad. I wondered--right from the beginning--if I'd get bombarded by downvotes once that detail came out; so far that hasn't happened.

Rose's POV will be a thing. I just now officially announced it in a blog post.

It is magnesium that helps with cramps actually. And if you have a diet that is normal to high in calcium but low in magnesium it is worse. The two act against each other. (Potassium like you said is a secondary thing along with Calcium)


Interesting. I'd always heard potassium, and eating bananas to avoid muscle cramps.


As I modified mine, Potassium is a secondary one.. The primary deficiency that will cause cramps is Magnesium -- this is the one that most people who suffer that are lacking in. Potassium deficiency can also do it but it is harder to reach that point. Calcium also can hurt it. Thing is Calcium and Magnesium have to be in a relative balance -- if you have too much of either it fights the other one.

If you are having cramps, the first vitamin you try is magnesium, or better yet, eat some Cashews.

Heh several B vitamins can do it too... Deficiencies are a bad thing and it is hard to get everything on a pony vegetarian diet as a human.


It's apparent that the misdirection was a deliberate, if subtle story device, yet looking back It renders the whole thing as more platonic and less ... charged.


It's apparent that the misdirection was a deliberate, if subtle story device, yet looking back It renders the whole thing as more platonic and less ... charged.

It was more of a failure to mention (although the "perfume wasn't my own" in both the story description and first chapter was a hint) than an active misdirection.

I was intending for it to be 100% platonic from beginning to end; now that the cat's out of the bag (so to speak), the story from Rose's perspective won't need any obfuscation.

Oh, man, that's good. The thought hadn't even occurred to me until I read the comments. No downvote from me, I love a nice little trick like this.


Thanks! I too enjoy the occasional fic where the author plays on my preconceived notions and then turns it on its head at the end.

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