• Published 1st Nov 2011
  • 7,025 Views, 111 Comments

Lose Yourself - QuestionLovesAnswer

Spike and Sweetie Belle struggle to find happiness together amidst growing problems

  • ...

Chapter 7

For the second time in his life, Spike woke up to find Sweetie Belle lying on top of him. This time however, they were both…well…completely naked. They hadn't even been together for a month, but already it just felt right to Spike to wake up like this, feeling her warmth through his scales, breathing in the scent of lilacs and something else that followed her everywhere. He grimaced as he looked at her; she still looked achingly beautiful to him, but her blackened eye and the bruises covering her body made him grit his teeth in anger as the memories of the day before came back to him. He had no idea why he hadn't beaten or burned those damned mares within inches of their lives. They would have deserved every bit of it. But as Sweetie Belle sighed in her sleep and nuzzled his chest, he forgot about all of that. Today, he was happy to be alive.

His peaceful reflection was rudely interrupted by a pounding on the door.

"SWEETIE BELLE! You come out of there this instant, young lady!"

Spike groaned and smacked himself on the forehead; he would have recognized that prim, refined tone anywhere. Rarity. She must be really ticked off to act in such an unladylike manner. Surprisingly, Sweetie Belle didn't even stir at the noise; it was a testament to just how hard yesterday had been for her. Spike gently shifted her off of him, then grabbed some pants and headed for the door. As much as his opinion of the fashion-obsessed unicorn had fallen of late, he still didn't think it would be a good idea to answer the door in the nude.

"DO YOU HEAR ME, SWEETIE BELLE?!! I know you're in there with that reprobate, now come out! You have no idea how much trouble you've caused m-"

Rarity stopped mid-sentence in shock as the door swung open. Her face slowly turned brick-red as she struggled for words, flustered by the sight of him half-naked. Spike would have laughed at her expression if he were in the mood, but at the moment he was just pissed off.

"Oh, so I'm a 'reprobate' now, is that it? I don't think so. This 'reprobate' is the same guy who stuck up for your sister yesterday after she'd been put through hell. This 'reprobate' is the same guy who was there for your sister when she needed someone. Can you say the same for yourself, Rarity?"

Rarity's expression went from shock to righteous indignation in a heartbeat as she fixed Spike with a withering glare.

"Where is she, Spike?! I know you're hiding her in there!"

Rarity moved to push past Spike into the house, but he shifted to block her way. She glared at him with pure hatred.

"How DARE you?! That's my sister that you're keeping in there, I demand that you stand aside! It's high time that she came home!"

"How dare I? I know that this place isn't as fancy as you're used to, but it's my house and you've got no right to just force your way in here without my permission. So why don't you get lost, Rarity?"

"Spike?...What's going on?..."

Both Spike and Rarity stared in shock as Sweetie Belle appeared in the doorway behind Spike. While Spike had had the forethought to throw on some kind of clothes, Sweetie Belle was apparently still too tired to worry about such things. For a moment, Spike and Rarity were both thunderstruck. Then Rarity's face became an even deeper shade of red as she looked from Spike to Sweetie Belle and back again, fury building in her eyes.

"Why you…you...you PHILANDERER! How DARE you violate my sister?!"

Rarity's eyes flared as she turned on Spike, then she smacked him across the face with a neatly-manicured forehoof. It hurt, but Spike had felt much worse before. His patience for this farce was nearly at an end, but before he could do or say anything, Sweetie Belle thrust herself between him and her sister.

"Rarity, I swear to Celestia, if you ever touch Spike again you are as good as dead to me."

As happy as he was to hear Sweetie Belle say that, Spike was a little more worried about her standing stark-naked in the street in broad daylight.

"Uh…Sweetie Belle, you might want to put on some clothes-"

Both Sweetie Belle and Rarity turned on him with fire in their eyes.


He was so startled by the rage coming off of both of them that he actually took a step back.

"Um…okay, I'll uh,…just go back inside and make some coffee…"



Ten minutes later, Sweetie Belle and Spike were fully dressed, Rarity was sitting uncomfortably on the floor facing them, and they were all glaring at each other over their coffee. It almost reminded Spike of his talk with Twilight, but this time, there was none of the regret or desire to make things right. The only thing here was a feeling of anger and resentment so thick that it was almost tangible. After a few more minutes of agonizing silence, Rarity cleared her throat in a refined, ladylike fashion and spoke up.

"Sweetie Belle, I must say that I'm worried by your recent behavior. Dressing up in rags, sneaking off to that...bar, associating with that 'band'…and now this! You start seeing him-"

Rarity pointed an accusing hoof at Spike without even giving him the courtesy of a look.

"-behind my back, even though you surely knew that it would cause problems for the both of us! And just look where it's taken you! Just look at yourself! I would never have thought you to be somepony to get into fights, Sweetie Belle. Do you have any idea how embarrassing it is to have to admit to my clients that you're my sister, after all of your recent uncouth behavior?"

She kept talking, but she had shifted her gaze to Spike. He suddenly felt like a bug under a magnifying glass, with nowhere to run or hide. Then Rarity turned back to Sweetie Belle and resumed her rant with full force.

"And now you've decided to become involved with this, this hooligan? Really, Sweetie Belle! I was concerned about you when you started sneaking out to that disgusting place, but I went against my better judgement and put it down to youthful recklessness. But this…this is too much! I would have been irritated if you had just been seeing a stallion behind my back, but I never thought you would take leave of your senses enough to shack up with a dragon! Do you have any idea what a scandal you've caused?! What do you have to say for yourself?"

Rarity seemed to actually expect an answer to her question, but for a moment, Sweetie Belle gave none. She just sat on the mattress next to Spike, eyes watering and jaw clenched. Then something seemed to snap inside of her. She rose to her hooves and fixed Rarity with a burning look of unadulterated rage, then began to speak.

"What do I have to say for myself? What about you, Rarity? What do you have to say for yourself?!"

Rarity seemed taken aback by the anger of Sweetie Belle's reply, but Sweetie Belle rolled right over her before she could say anything.

"If anypony here should be ashamed of themselves, it's YOU! How can you just stand there and lecture me like you're my mother, when you haven't even been a sister to me for years?! Ever since you got famous, you've turned into a pompous, self-absorbed JERK who only cares about herself!"

Rarity bristled at Sweetie Belle's exclamation and rose to her hooves to deliver a scathing reply.

"Self-absorbed?! Pompous?! I would watch my words if I were you, Sweetie Belle! I let you live in my house, I paid for your education - and it wasn't cheap, by the way! - and THIS is how you repay me? THIS is how you speak to your sister? How dare you be so ungrateful?!"

Sweetie Belle was staring at the floor, silently shaking with rage. She began to speak again, but this time she didn't even look at Rarity. It was as if the sight of her older sister would make her lose control.

"What exactly should I be grateful for? Should I be grateful for getting to live in a house that might as well be deserted for all the time that you spend on the bucking phone or locked in your designing room? Should I be grateful for being sent to a school where everypony mocked me even before I started seeing Spike? Should I be GRATEFUL for having a sister who doesn't even give a buck when I get beat up at school, who's more worried about whether I'm causing a scandal than whether or not I'm happy? What the BUCK do I have to be grateful for, Rarity?!"

As Sweetie Belle finished, she looked her sister dead in eye with an accusing glare. If looks could kill, Rarity would have been nothing but a pile of butchered meat. Rarity actually took a step back, astonished by the white-hot resentment spilling from Sweetie Belle's eyes. She fumbled for words, but she couldn't seem to find any. Before Rarity had a chance to speak, Sweetie Belle spoke in a voice dripping with such intense anger that Spike shivered just to hear it.

"Get out of here, Rarity. Get out of this house, get out of my business, get out of my LIFE! Just GET OUT!!!"

Rarity's naturally white face had somehow become even paler, to the point that she almost looked like a ghost. With a look of astonishment and horror, she turned and ran from the house. As the front door slammed shut behind her older sister, all the energy seemed to drain out of Sweetie Belle. She slumped down to the floor, head bowed down. But surprisingly, she didn't shed a single tear.

Spike felt like he had just watched the climax of a very, very depressing movie. Through the whole argument, neither Sweetie Belle nor Rarity had paid the slightest attention to him, even though he had been less than four feet from either of them the entire time. He was shocked by what he had just witnessed; he never would have guessed that Rarity could be so cold and selfish, or that Sweetie Belle possessed such unrelenting fury. He had no idea what he should say or do; should he go comfort Sweetie Belle? Should he just leave her alone and let her work this out by herself? Before he could decide, Sweetie Belle took a deep breath, rubbed something out of her eye, and stood up.

"I'm sorry that you had to see that, Spike. It couldn't have been pleasant to watch."

Now Spike did get up and hold her. For a moment he worried that she would shy away from him, wanting to be by herself, but then she wrapped her arms around him and rested her head on his chest. He smiled and stroked her mane as he spoke to her.

"Yeah, it was kind of scary…But you know what? It just made me that much more proud of you, Sweetie Belle. You stood up for yourself…and I know better than you'd think how much courage that takes."

"Thanks, Spike…"

For a while they just stood there in each others' embrace. Then Sweetie Belle pulled away from him and let out a long, exasperated sigh.

"Well, now I'm officially homeless…But anything's better than having to live in that bucking house for one more minute."

"Sweetie Belle…If you need a place to stay…I mean, I know this place isn't very big, but you're welcome to stay here if you want to…"

She smiled at Spike and then shook her head.

"Thanks for the offer, Spike. But I think I'll find my own place. I'm not broke, you know. With all the shows that the band and I have been putting on, I think I've got enough money to get by for a while."

She took his hand and looked up into his face.

"You know…I had a chemistry exam today, but I think I'll skip it. I'm not feeling like being a good student right now, not after the last couple of days I've had…how about you, Spike? Wanna take the day off?"


In the apartment next-door, a beer-bellied earth pony was lazily flipping through channels on the television. That prig of a unicorn that he'd seen go into his neighbor's apartment had finally left, and now it was nice and quiet. No damned crazy mares fighting, no irritating screams coming through these damned paper-thin walls-

His train of thought was interrupted by a scream coming through the damned paper-thin wall. This time though, it was a scream of ecstasy and passion, not a scream of rage. He threw down the remote in disgust. Why wouldn't his bucking neighbors just let him get some quiet time with his TV?! He muttered under his breath.

"Damned teenagers."

Comments ( 61 )

Equestia-589, The alternate Universe where Ponyville is now South Boston, Rarity is a complete MEGA Bitch, Spike and Sweetie Bell are both the victims of abuse and prejudice, Twilight is really passive aggressive, and Love and Tolerance have been told to "go fuck themselves." At the end of everything, what happiness found between both our protagonists is cherished and welcomed with open arms.

It's what you get when you fuse Good Will Hunting, 8 Mile and a dash of random teen-angst films. Regardless this was really well done and you set up character relations very well and I almost got choked up when everyone was attacking Sweetie, (but I didn't because manly men don't shed emotion, errr...now excuse me I have go punch some shit and go build a mountain or something). I kinda wanna see Spike make something of himself either that or go all B Rabbit and get a record deal. Still this was really good and I'd recommend it to others.

Peace Out.

40886 South Boston, lol.:rainbowlaugh: I really appreciate the in-depth comment, it makes me ridiculously happy that people think about my story enough to say that much about it. :D It's kind of ironic though, I don't think I've seen either of those movies (although I have seen clips of 8 Mile; those and various Eminem songs were my main inspiration early on.)

Thanks very much, man! :twilightsmile: I'm happy that you liked it that much, and I hope you'll stick around for the chapters yet to come!

#3 · Nov 26th, 2011 · · ·

This story....so many feels :fluttercry: :twilightangry2: :pinkiesad2: :rainbowhuh:

In all, great story, cant wait to read more! :rainbowkiss: Though in my head everypony is humanized

Also lawl in Ch. 7 I thought its normal for a pony to be naked? (hence why humanized thought) :rainbowlaugh:

Keep up the great work! :heart:

#4 · Nov 26th, 2011 · · ·

You sure, this isn't set in South Boston?
Let's see here: close to a large body of water, prejudice, really nice upscale living near complete squalor, dingy little bars and close to a large expensive college: Harvard. All you need is Robin Williams telling Spike that it's not his fault followed by crying and hugging. Seriously, they show that film in every psychology coarse that's worth a damn.




#6 · Nov 28th, 2011 · · ·

This story can't escape the fact that it's really just another angsty teenage drama about anger and love, but at least it's more tolerable than others. Rarity seems too out of character in terms of selfishness and her uncaring attitude towards her sister, but I suppose the fame, wealth, and business can do that to even the best of ponies (>implying). What I would really like to know is if Twilight really IS taking Spike for granted or if he's just acting like a whiny b**** like most teenagers do. Well, the story itself is good, but you should have said that it was going to include anthro.

42907 First off, I freely admit that it's "just another angsty teenage drama about anger and love". I never intended for it to be anything else. But I thought it would be interesting how the flaws in certain characters (as I see them) might develop over time, bringing a not-so-happy tone to the relationships between characters.

Second, Rarity might be the 'element of generosity', but that doesn't mean that she doesn't seem like the most egotistical of the mane six (to me) and I think that, if she became too involved in the celebrity life, her pride could get the better of her. So you were mostly right about that.

Third, YES, Twilight has been taking Spike for granted. If you were paying attention, she freely admits that in chapter 5, during her apology to Spike. Also, she has a tendency, even in the show, to take him being there for granted. So yes, she has been neglectful, even if unintentionally. As for Spike being a whiny b**** like most teenagers, that's sort of a foregone conclusion. I myself am still a teenager for the next three months, and I've had plenty of experience with being a "whiny b****". It's a little different though, when you actually have something real to "whine" about.

As for the anthro stuff, does it really matter that much if they're anthros in the story? And if it does, why? It doesn't really have any impact on the story, other than the characters wearing clothes. I didn't think it was that important of a detail, so I didn't feel it was necessary to mention it.

But thanks for the compliment at any rate. :twilightsheepish:

#8 · Nov 29th, 2011 · · ·

Well, it's a good thing you're honest about the angsty stuff. Most writers would deny that fact, but you embraced it instead, a good sign. I suppose that anthro doesn't really affect the story, but some people are really turned off by that stuff. However, because I honestly wouldn't have read it if you said there was anthro, maybe it was for the best. I like your story, and am looking for an update, even if some characters are out of character. My only advice at this point is not to stray too far away from who the characters really are (the show). That is a habit that many writers have that turns good fanfics into a heaping pile of donkey S***.

Please, sir. may I have summoar?

52655 Well, I'll try...I'm kinda strapped for ideas right now, but I've got about half of the next chapter written. I'll try and get it finished soon. :twilightblush: And I'm glad you liked my story! :pinkiehappy:

I bucking LOVE this story its so good:pinkiehappy::rainbowkiss: cant wait for the next chapter

56171 Thanks, I'm really glad you like it! :twilightsmile: I don't know when the next chapter will be up, ideas have been kind of slow in coming, but I'll try to get it finished as soon as I can. :scootangel:

There are 2 errors in this fic.

1- the rating is not 5 stars. we have to fix that.

2- not enough views. THIS NEEDS MORE VIEWS ;_;

Anthro? Didn't really notice.
Oh well, keep up the good work chap.

THEN SHE WAS PREGNANT... AGAIN!:rainbowwild::rainbowwild:

Paper-thin walls... HA!:rainbowlaugh:

Oh and, is this a dimension where clothes are necessary? Or is this humanized sorta, cause that's what it sounds like.

Oh flashy box at the top of the page, Accept this offering for a good fic...


42019 Let me level with ya...

Chemical Engineering? Is pretty smart.

General Relativity? That's pretty fucking smart.


I love that YouTube video... Egoraptor is my favorite NewGrounds animator.

Loved it!!! :twilightsmile: The chemistry between the characters have kept me wanting to read more and more of this fic :twilightsheepish: It's been a looong while since the last update... hope you will continue it :derpytongue2: RIDIN' ON CARS

very very nice but have you stop writing

200622 Well, not officially...it's just that I've been writers' blocked on this story for a while now, and it's hard for me to get back into writing the story. I'm still planning on continuing it, it just might take a while, that's all. :twilightsheepish:

im i the only who thinks Spikes Black in this story

i hope your writers' block goes away soon.

I wonder what kind of job spike would have construction a box boy hmmmmm.......... also good story I'm hooked. :pinkiehappy:

I like this story so far :rainbowkiss: interesting storyline, i hope writers block isn't too serious :pinkiesmile:

202438 Idea for a chapter Spike gets put in the hospital after getting beaten up by some racist pony that think what Sweetie Bell and Spike are doing is wrong

sooooo... any news on this fic? its awesome. Btw why they need to put clothes on? they normally dont wear clothes

Write more i really like this story and i dont want to see it stopped:applecry:

I got bord so decided to read this for 3rd time and it's still an awesome story

WOW. This story is amazing!!! It's simply packed with raw emotion! :moustache::unsuresweetie::heart:
Definitely the best Spike/Sweetie Belle shipping I ever read and definitely one of the better overall romance stories I've read here on Fimfiction. I MUST HAVE MOAR!!! :flutterrage:
Btw, manly tears may have just been shed.

I cryed a lot during this chapter please man stop copying off my life just stop the whole shitty house my girlfriends mother coming over being a bitch the emotion spike is feeling is like 99% of the time what I was feeling and this is officially my fav story I've read on this site no in all of fanfiction and believe me that's alot
I now give this Maxs first badass bage of badassery congratulations you get a prize
Invisible fluttershy! :rainbowwild:

Goddamit I will not allow this to just fade into memmory it may not be that known but the people that do know it have read it over and over and over again including me it's great and I know it was quite a while ago since anything happens with this story but I've read this about 3 times now *sigh*. but really what can I do you will probably not even see this if only there was some way I could help

in the epilogue if nothing else.

40886 I got part way through the first sentence of your comment and laughed so hard I nearly toppled my entire entertainment center....oh damn that was a good laugh:ajsmug:

40886 I got part way through the first sentence of your comment and laughed so hard I nearly toppled my entire entertainment center....oh damn that was a good laugh:ajsmug:

445966 I think they might just be anthropomorphized?? with hooves still?? its a distinct possibility.

655212 I know what you mean I've read it at least 5 times

756280 I literally had a wet dream were this got updated. I was so mortified to find out it was only a dream.:raritydespair:

Please keep going!

um i dont think that ponies wear cloths. so how can sweetie be naked?

1060103 It's called "taking artistic liberties". :raritywink:

this really needs to update :ajsleepy:

Anybody out there willing to continue this fic on their own how about you dawnstar or you sat on a cat
:raritydespair:please we need this updated

No matter:applecry: how hard we wish for it to be continued this guy seems to not want to
But you should see if anyone is willing to continue this you should send this to them

1129633 i am actually willing to continue this if the author wont. all i need is permission and i am good to go...

Good luck with that this guy is dead (not literally :twilightoops: of course ) he never responds

1215697 well then i guess i will keep bombarding him with messages till he responds to me:twilightsmile:

Maybe we can get the admins permission I mean he did put this on hiatus

1226253 well lets try it. i have... ideas... for this story mwahahahahahaha

I don't likie it

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