• Published 1st Nov 2011
  • 7,014 Views, 111 Comments

Lose Yourself - QuestionLovesAnswer

Spike and Sweetie Belle struggle to find happiness together amidst growing problems

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Chapter 2

Lose Yourself, Part 2

It had been six days since Spike had met Sweetie Belle by the lake outside of Sweet Apple Acres, and he was feeling extremely confused. Why did he want to see her again so badly? Why did he get so distracted and out-of-breath whenever he thought of her? And why, for Celestia’s sake, had he been dreaming of her? It had been bothering him all week and it must have shown, because even Twilight had noticed that he’d been acting strangely. When she asked him about it though, he just said that he was a little tired from how busy the library had been lately. For some reason, Twilight asking about it had only made him more irritated. After all this time, now she was worried about him? He sighed and went back to shelving books.

Suddenly, he felt the twinge in his stomach that came when a message was on the way. He let out a sulfurous belch and a spurt of flame, and then snatched up the scroll before it could hit the ground. He scratched his head as he looked at the message in his hand. It was almost 8 o’clock at night, who would be sending letters this late in the day? His confusion only deepened as he looked at the seal; it was plain wax, not the regal seal used for letters from Celestia. The only clue about the scroll’s purpose was a small tag with the words “To Spike” written on it in elegant, flowing script.

Spike looked around nervously; for some reason he didn’t want to read this where Twilight could see him. He quickly went into the bathroom and locked the door. With a nagging feeling of curiosity, he opened the scroll and began to read.

Dear Spike,
Meet me at the Split Hoof at 9 o’clock tonight. I hope you can make it. See you there!
Sweetie Belle

Spike felt his heart beat a little faster. He was going to see her again! He wondered why she wanted to meet him at the Split Hoof, though. It was a dingy bar in the less-pretty part of Ponyville, where bands came to play sometimes. It hardly seemed like a place that Sweetie Belle would frequent. But he didn’t care, as long as he got to see her again. Maybe this time he could have enough courage to tell her-

“Spike! Spike, where are you?”

Spike sighed in resignation. He folded up the letter and hid it in a drawer, then came out of the bathroom.

“Yes, Twilight? What is it?”

“I’m going out tonight, I’ll be gone for a few hours. Do you think you can take care of the library while I’m out?”
Spike smiled to himself, this was working out better than he’d hoped. He’d worried about how he was going to get away from the library in time, but now it looked like his problems were solved.

“Uh, sure Twilight! Don’t worry about it!”

“Okay, thanks again Spike!”

With that, Twilight put on a scarf and headed out into the cold autumn evening. As soon as the door closed, Spike sprang into action. He threw on a hoodie and a pair of cargo pants, put up the “Closed” sign in the library window, and then ran out into the streets of Ponyville.

The Split Hoof was exactly like what the name would lead somepony to believe. The street outside of the bar was cracked and dirty, with rubbish and assorted grime all over the place. A few stray cats were yowling from an alley behind the bar, but Spike could barely hear them over the music. The sound of some rock band or another blasted from the grungy-looking building with enough force to make Spike feel the vibrations in his ribcage. For the second time in less than an hour, he wondered just why the hay Sweetie Belle wanted to meet him in a place like this.

His concern wasn’t helped by the sudden appearance of three ponies in the doorway of the bar. The one in the middle was a drunken mare who looked suspiciously like Diamond Tiara; the other two were both frighteningly muscular stallions, big enough to make Big Macintosh look normal. As the mare slurred something about their mothers, the two muscleheads threw her bodily out of the bar like a bale of hay. The unfortunate drunk crashed to the ground a full six feet away and proceeded to empty her stomach of an impressive amount of liquor, then collapsed in a drunken heap in her own vomit. Spike cringed as he watched this scene unfold, then steeled himself and walked into the bar.

At first, all Spike felt was pain. The horrendous noise from the amps made him feel like his skull was being gnawed on by a manticore; each thud from the bass drums felt like a kick in the head. But the pain went deeper than just sound. The whole place reeked worse than anything he had ever smelled. Sweat, piss, vomit, beer and cigarette smoke all curdled together into a hellish medley that made Spike want to lose control of his own stomach. But after a few minutes of standing there and just wanting to die, his senses got accustomed to the overpowering array of smells and sounds. He looked around the bar, but saw no sign of Sweetie Belle anywhere. Well, he thought to himself, might as well wait for her.

The next hour and a half seemed to drag on forever. Spike alternated between dodging vomit, wishing that he’d brought some earplugs, stopping by the bar every now and then for a drink (apparently things like “ID’s” weren’t very important to these ponies) and looking around for Sweetie Belle. When 10:30 came around he was sitting at the bar, nursing a bottle of something or other and thinking that he was just about ready to give up and go home, when he heard a familiar voice.

“Hey Ponyville, are you awake out there?!”

He whipped around to look at the stage as a deafening cheer went up from the crowd. He couldn’t believe his eyes. Standing there on the stage, dressed in a ragged HayC/DC t-shirt and jeans with her mane braided into a long ponytail and dyed black, was Sweetie Belle. She grinned devilishly as she grabbed the microphone, then looked out at the crowd.

“This one goes out to a friend of mine who was there for me when I needed them. Now let me hear you scream!”

Another ear-splitting roar from the crowd shook the rafters, then the band started to play and Sweetie Belle began to sing.

It’s been a while since I’ve seen your face,
Gotta say that I’m happy to see you come around my place!
Now, I think we’ve talked about it, and I think I know what’s comin’ up next,
Let’s put our minds away and let our hormones do the rest!
Does it seem obscene, does it seem like a bad thing?
Well if it is, I’m sorry kid, but you know I’m just nineteen!
So don’t be afraid if my pants start to leak,
You know damn well I’m in my sexual peak! Well…

Why don’t you have some dirty hot sex with me?
It ain’t like I’m askin’ you to give it up for free
Oh, we could start it right now, baby I’m on my knees
Don’t make me beg again, boy I just said please!...

By now, Spike wasn’t even paying attention to the rest of the band, much less the rest of the bar. He didn’t know whether to laugh at the absurdity of a mare as neat and well-bred as Sweetie Belle singing such dirty lyrics, or just stare at how unbelievably good she was. He knew that she’d finally gotten her cutie mark a year ago, when she had sung a song (it had been something about “The Time Of Your Life”) for her high school graduation ceremony, but he’d never actually heard her sing before now.

But it wasn’t just her voice that amazed him, her whole attitude seemed different. When he had seen her by the lake, she had seemed so timid and fragile, like she was tired of waiting for things to get better and had almost given up. But now, up on the stage, she looked so alive. It was as if the world was hers for the taking and she knew it. The crowd belonged to her as surely as if she had them all in chains, and she reveled in her power.

When Sweetie Belle’s band finished playing and the crowd started filtering out of the bar, Spike stayed behind in hopes of getting to talk to her.

“Looking for me?”

Spike spun around to look at Sweetie Belle. She looked even more ragged now than she had on stage, her clothes were soaked with sweat and her mane hung limply from her head. But she had a massive grin on her face and her eyes glittered with joy. Spike couldn’t help but smile back.

“Sweetie Belle, you were amazing up there! Why didn’t you tell me you were in a band?”

She bit her lip nervously. “Well…it’s kind of a secret. The band, I mean. Can you imagine Rarity’s face if she found out that I was coming to a place like this, that I was going up on stage in front of all these ponies looking like this?”

Spike chuckled to himself, then adopted his best imitation of Rarity. “Oh darling! Whatever are you doing in such a dirty place, wearing such filthy, UNFASHIONABLE clothes?! We simply must get you cleaned up, We can’t have anypony seeing my baby sister like this!”

He stopped and gave his imaginary mane a toss. By now, Sweetie Belle was doubled over with laughter, clutching her sides with tears pouring down her face. Her laughter was infectious, and soon they were both laughing their flanks off like a couple of maniacs. When they both finally managed to regain control, Sweetie Belle grabbed him in a spine-cracking hug.

“Oh Spike, thank you so much for coming! I was worried that you wouldn’t show up, that you would be too busy at the library or something!”

Oh, crap. The library. Twilight was almost certainly home by now. If she came back and found the library empty, with Spike nowhere to be found…Spike groaned and smacked his forehead.

“What is it Spike? Is something wrong?”

“Well…I kinda…” He suddenly decided that he didn’t care. Twilight could take care of the library herself, he deserved a night off. It wasn’t like anypony was going to stop by this late at night anyways.

“No. Nothing’s wrong, I just forgot to turn the lights off at the library when I left, that’s all.”

“Oh, okay. Hey, you wanna go for a walk with me?”

A walk? Really? Something smelled a little fishy about this. But once again, Spike decided that he didn’t care. He was having fun, dammit.

“A walk? Sure, let’s go!”

Sweetie Belle grinned as she took him by the hand. “Great! Follow me!”

Spike let her take him towards the back exit of the bar with growing confusion in his mind. Why were they going out this way? The back exit led right into a dingy alley, why leave this way instead of just going out the front? When they went out into the alley, his confusion was replaced with shock as Sweetie Belle shoved him against a wall and pressed her lips against his with fierce passion. His heart rate shot up like a rocket. For about half a second, he wanted to push her away, to ask her just what she thought she was doing. But for the third time that night, Spike decided that he didn’t care. He pulled her tightly against him as he returned her kiss, a feeling of burning desire growing inside of him. He hadn’t felt this good since he didn’t know when.

The next half hour would be forever etched into Spike’s mind. Any feelings of apprehension had been completely buried under a crashing tidal wave of passion as they made out in the grimy, disgusting back alley of the Split Hoof. By the time they had finished, both of them were panting in exhaustion and drenched in sweat. For a few minutes they lay there on the dirty pavement of the alley, listening to each other’s breathing and basking in the afterglow. Spike was the first one to break the silence.

“Well…that was some walk, huh?”

Sweetie Belle laughed softly as she rolled off of him and sat up. “Well, you know what they say. Some cardio every now and then is good for you.”

For a moment, they didn’t say anything. It was enough to just gaze into each other’s eyes. Then, in peaceful silence, they stood up and walked out of the alleyway hand-in-hand. Neither of them said a word as they walked to Sweetie Belle’s house. There was no need to. When they finally arrived at her home, she gave him another kiss, then smiled at him and turned to go inside. Spike smiled to himself, feeling happier than he could ever remember feeling. As he turned and headed back to the library, he finally admitted to himself what he had been wondering all week.

“I love her.”