• Published 16th Sep 2014
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Yaerfaerda - Imploding Colon

Rainbow Dash and the Noble Jury continue to fly east.

  • ...

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Hitting Zaid is the Best Therapy

"Were any of them actually representatives of this 'Duchess of Sehlp?'" Rainbow Dash asked.

Pilate shook his head from where he sat in the mess hall. "No, although many of the ponies who've traveled through Gideon have also passed by the Sehlp Manor. Apparently there are many townships just like the Duchess'."

"How so?" Josho asked from where he sat.

Pilate tilted his head towards the obese stallion. "A good number of Val Roa's council members are aristocrats who own farmland out here in the country," he explained. "They hire common workhooves to work the land, and this breeds commerce and trade. The township of Sehlp is one such community—very old and traditional, but also very small and meagerly populated."

"Sounds quaint," Bellesmith said.

"Indeed. That's the same impression I got," Pilate remarked. "Not only that, but the tavern patrons of Gideon explicitly stated that the Duchess of Sehlp is currently residing in her manor."

"And not in Val Roa proper?" Eagle Eye asked.

Pilate shook his head. "It would seem that—in spite of Val Roa's closed borders—members of the government still get free passage in and out of the West Gate."

"You mean they're somehow impervious to the shield?" Props asked.

"No, but rather they're allowed through," Pilate said. "They have to go through all the proper channels, but they are nevertheless free to come and go."

"What for?"

"To perform their duty as members of the Ruling Council, I suspect."

"Just what does this Ruling Council do, exactly?" Rainbow asked from where she hovered.

"Well, primarily, they make up the kingdom's official legislature."

"I thought Val Roa was a monarchy," Ebon said. "So you mean to say that a council of ponies make up the law?"

"Oh, I'm certain the monarch still creates and enforces law," Pilate said. "But running a country is a complicated thing, and Val Roa represents—or at least used to represent—a colorful cornucopia of different, varying communities. My assumption is that the Ruling Council manages most of the laws, meanwhile the monarch can wield absolute power at any time."

"But some power may be granted to the Council to intervene on behalf of the general populace," Roarke thought aloud, "Even contrary to the monarch's decision."

"Precisely." Pilate smiled. "At least, that's the picture that was painted before myself and Mr. Spice yesterday. It's a relatively simple system, similar to the former Ledomaritan structure—albeit less convoluted."

"And you learned all of this from a bunch of drunk tavern ponies?" Zaid asked.

Pilate sighed.

"They weren't all drunk!" Booster Spice said. He fidgeted. "Just the ones we ignored."

"Delightful," Josho grunted. "So, how the hell is this Dipstick of Selfie—"

"Duchess of Sehlp."

"Whatever." Josho shrugged. "What's she to us?"

"Don't you get it?" Booster exclaimed. "She can tell us what's going on inside Val Roa!"

"Assuming she wants to," Roarke droned. "I can't fathom a way that we can gain her confidence that wouldn't come across as invasive."

"We could always kidnap her!" Props chirped.

Ebon grimaced. "Propsy! Are you out of your mind?!"

"Mmmmm..." The mare blushed. Ponytails flouncing, she slumped down to the table top. "So what if I've always wanted a pocket duchess of my own?"

"I'm sure we can find a way to be both reasonable and genteel with her," Bellesmith said with a smile. "Especially if she knows what we've done to help many of her fellow countryponies."

Eagle Eye squinted. "You mean use the heroics of the Noble Jury as leverage?"

"Why not?" Belle shrugged and placed a proud hoof on Pilate's shoulder. "It worked for my beloved!"

"Floydien isn't too fond fond of the striped boomer's honest spit," Floydien grumbled from the far end of the room. "Nancy Jane is meant to be an inside-out thief in the night, yes yes yes?"

"It was a gamble; I admit," Pilate said. His lips curved. "But it served us well in the end. No names or coordinates of our whereabouts were ever given."

"And besides!" Booster smirked. "We made a stealthy exit! I flew Whizzball out of there so swiftly that all the heads of Gideon spun!"

"They'd better have," Roarke grunted. "Or yours will."

Booster gulped.

"Okay, everypony calm down," Rainbow grunted.

"Since when was I 'everypony?" Roarke asked, squinting.

"Since now." Rainbow cleared her throat and faced the group as a whole. "Booster and Pilate did a great job. Nopony but the villagers of Amulek know who or where we are. I think Belle's got a good point: we could totally spring the truth on this Duchess character and see if it will make a difference."

"And if it doesn't?" Josho droned.

"Let's try to smile on the inside as much as we do on the outside for once," Rainbow said with a cynical grin. "After all, things have been going awesomely these past few weeks. Let's pretend that fate isn't entirely out there to harsh our buzz."

"Meh," Josho exhaled.

"B-Buzz?" Kera trotted out of the hallway, rubbing her eyes tiredly in the hazy morning light. "Did Ebon find more grasshoppers?"

"We're discussing what Booster and Pilate discovered yesterday, scampy," Zaid said with a smirk.

"We're gonna go glomp a duchess!" Props cheered.

"Really?" Kera blinked. "Is she waterproof?"

"Uhhh..." Ebon's mane scrunched. "Then is it official?"

Everypony looked at Rainbow Dash.

Rainbow glanced at Roarke, then at the others. "I think we should do it. I'm so desperate to get inside Val Roa that I'll nuzzle a cactus."

"With the Grand Choke waiting for us, you just might," Zaid said with a smirk.

"But..." Rainbow raised a hoof. "First thing's first—"

"Wait..." Josho narrowed his eyes. "You mean something takes priority over this?! I figured this was our first big break in... forever."

Rainbow Dash spoke on: "I visited with our reconaissance buddies at Silver Point last night. They told me that they sensed an 'immense emotional signature' in the mountains northeast of here."

Ebon's eyes flickered green. "Northeast, d-did you say?"

Eagle looked at him. "Why, sweetie? Have you sensed something too?"

"Uhhhhh..." Ebon squirmed from all the eyes resting on him. He sank in his seat slightly. "Maybe a l-little..."

Belle smiled and turned towards Rainbow. "Could it be another hive?"

"I'm willing to guess it's something like that," Rainbow said. "It'll be a cold trip—"

"Oh wonderful," Josho moaned.

Rainbow continued: "—but, all things considered, it shouldn't be all that far of a flight. We've traveled that far north before, remember? When we..." She shivered slightly, wincing. "...when we tried to enter Val Roa the first time."

The group collectively shuddered.

"Please tell Floydien that the paint bucket isn't sending Nancy through that shimmer again."

"Not at all, Floydien. This time we're stopping for some tiny, nameless village shut away in the high, snowy mountains!"

"And that is better..." Zaid leaned forward. "...how?"

"Look, if worse comes to worse, only I will be the one to fly out and take a look around."

"You mean only you and me," Roarke growled.

"Like I s-said!" Rainbow smirked nervously. "Only me and Roarke! The rest of you can stay inside where it's warm and slice-of-lifey."

"But... b-but..." Ebon leaned forward. "It could be more changelings, right?"

"Maybe. Maybe not. I dunno."

"But this is somehow worth a visit over this Duchess chick?" Josho asked. "Seems like it's going out of our way—in more ways than one."

"It's closer to where we are now, Josho," Rainbow said. "And we can swing down south to the House of Sehlp immediately after."


"The Jury is fast enough! Just two quick zaps of my pendant. Flash! Swoosh! There. Done."

"If it was a town being goblin-humped by the Green Bandits, then I would understand," Josho said.

"Understand this," Rainbow said, pointing for emphasis. "We owe the changelings our lives."

"We do?"

Rainbow's nostrils flared. "I do, and our friends who've helped us out in all of these recent Green Bandit butt-kickings will end up alone and starved if we don't find a way to reunite them with more of their kind! Now, are we an honorable bunch of jurists or aren't we?"

The group collectively muttered in enthusiastic approval.

"Rainbow's right," Eagle said firmly. "The changelings may have bumbled around in Amulek before we even got here, but—face it—they saved those villagers, and they're just as responsible for the good that's been done in Mosiah, Zeezrom, Ammon, and abroad. We can't let them down now. Besides, who knows what would happen if Chrysalis got to them first."

"Mmmm..." Ebon shuddered slightly. "Right..." He gulped.

Zaid smirked and pointed. "Pretty pink princess has a pretty pink point."

"Hey..." Eagle squinted. "Lay off, will ya?"

"Don't worry, sunshine. I'm already laying on somepony else."

"Uggggh..." Props kicked Zaid's chair out from underneath him. "Zaidy waidy!"

"Gah—" THUNK! Zaid's chin ricocheted off the tabletop as he rattled to the floor.

Kera giggled and Josho laughed.

"Haah haah haah... haaaaaaaaaaaah..." Josho sat up with a calm smirk. "Now I'm awake. Fine, let's do this cold mountain changeling shuffle."

"Assuming it is changelings," Belle murmured.

"Optimism, beloved." Pilate nuzzled her with a smile. "Optimism."

"So, then..." Rainbow rubbed her hooves together. "Is that a briefing or is that a briefing?"

"Say, it, Dashie!" Props hopped, ponytails flouncing. "Say 'set a course!'"

"Pffft!" Rainbow stuck her tongue out. "I will do no such darn thing!" A beat. She nodded Pilate's way. "Let the zebra do it. It's much cooler when he does."

"Ahem." Pilate stood up. "Mr. Floydien, set a course due northeast, the high snowy mountains bordering Val Roa."

"Yes yes yes..." Floydien was already marching down the hallway and towards the bow. "Just as soon as Paint Bucket Boomer gives the womb a zap."

"That's your queue," Roarke droned.

"The queue to be cute?" Rainbow brushed her feathers past Roarke and fluttered through the kitchen. "Thought you'd never ask!"

"Rrrnnnghh... you're lucky I love you..." Roarke trotted after her.

"Mmmff..." Josho picked his heavy self out of his chair. "I think I liked the blue fuzzball before she drowned in puppy love."

"Speak for yourself, old stallion," Eagle retorted.

"I do," he belched.


"Awwwwww..." Props leaned down and helped a dizzy Zaid up. "Did I hurt you too much, Zaidy Waidy? I'm sorryyyyyyy..."

"Guhhh... all I see are birds..." The stallion rubbed his head. "...and each one of them wants to crap on my head."

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