• Published 16th Sep 2014
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Yaerfaerda - Imploding Colon

Rainbow Dash and the Noble Jury continue to fly east.

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In Case You Forgot the Name

Even when it was thousands upon countless thousands of miles away, the Yaerfaerda symbol burned with a flickering lavender brilliance. It pierced the mountains and valleys as it receded beyond the curve of the plane.


The heavens rippled.

The earth shook.


Rainbow Dash twirled amongst the cosmos. A heated wind blew at her from all angles. She could no longer tell east from west.

“What is it?!” she hollered into the desolate constellations beyond. No matter how swiftly she beat her wings, the symbol only grew more and more distant. “What do you want from me?!”

Her voice was gobbled up by an enormous rush of noise and thunder. Explosions rocked in the distances, sundering the horizon in several places.

“Why can't you just tell me?!” she screamed, eyes tearing.


Yaerfaerda descended from view. The earth split, and a wave of pale ash bathed the plane.


Rainbow Dash screamed as she was overwhelmed by the skin-searing heat cloud.

“Nghh-Aaaaugh!” She sat up in the plush bed, pale and sweating. Her forehead glinted with a slick sheen.

The world flickered red and yellow... or maybe it was just her eyes.

Clenching her teeth, Rainbow Dash held her hooves over her face. She moaned for several long seconds, then sat in place, shivering and heaving.

She tried climbing out of bed, only to collapse with a grunt. Beating her wings, she made her way to the far end of the suite. Dizziness overcame her, and she had to crawl her way up to a table with a basin resting beneath a mirror. Reaching her hooves in, she splashed cold water over her face, then clenched the table—hunched over—as she waited for the dizziness to pass.

Her ears flicked, as if echoing the enormous vibrations of a cosmic cataclysm deep in the ether between worlds. When she opened her eyes, she saw a tiny pinprick of lavender light. Yaefaerda loomed beyond walls, beyond planes, beyond all barriers...


Rainbow Dash took a deep breath. She blinked several times. When her eyes came into focus, she became aware of a large brown figure standing gracefully in the mirror's reflection.

Rainbow clenched her jaw tight.

Softly, Duchess Arcanista spoke, “Nightmares?”

Rainbow shuddered. “S-something like that... sure... yeah...”

“Enough to make you dizzy and weak?”

“... ... ...” Rainbow bit her lip.

“You're bleeding.”

“I... I'm...” Rainbow reached a hoof up to her forhead, only to wince from a sharp pain. Two fresh welts lingered under her skin. Seething, she dunked her head in the basin and splashed the red stains away.

Arcanista strolled closer, one hoof at a time. “It won't do to have such conspicuous scars on your head when you play the part of my servant—”

“Mmmff... no... n-no, it'll...” Rainbow sighed as she leaned up again, slicking her bangs back and staring at her sopping wet reflection. “It'll go away soon.”

“It will?”

“Yeah...” Trembling, she rubbed her chin and shuddered. “Always does.”

Arcanista slowly nodded. “You know...” She side-stepped until her eyes met the pegasus'. “You've never quite fully disclosed the nature of your magical predicament to me.”

Rainbow gulped, face dripping with moisture. “And I-I don't have to.”

“Truly? You think so?” Arcanista raised an eyebrow. “Because it won't benefit anypony for you to die on this mission.”

“I won't die on this mission, Your Honor.”

“But you are dying?”

Rainbow Dash took a long, deep breath. “...yes.”

Arcanista's brow furrowed. “Your companions know this?”

Rainbow slowly, hesitantly nodded.

“And yet they've followed you this far.” She leaned back on her haunches, staring at the little pony. “That's a rare kind of devotion. You must love them all quite dearly.”

“Yes, well...” Rainbow Dash clenched her jaw. “They can't follow me forever.”

The Duchess leaned her head curiously to the side.

“Duchess, when all of th-this is said and done, there may come a moment when I'll need you to...” Rainbow's voice trailed off. She tilted her head up with widening eyes.

Morning light drifted through the lush bedroom windows.

She spun and gawked at Arcanista. “Wh-what time is it?!”

Arcanista smiled gently. “Time to get dressed, my little pony.”

Oh Constable...!

Floydien looked up from a bowl full of noodles. He blinked, standing up briskly.

From across the sun-lit courtyard beneath the Plaza Topaz, Duchess Arcanista, “Princess Kera Tin Mehjj,” the “Xonan Advisor,” and three plainly-dressed servants could be seen trotting briskly towards the double wagons. The regally-gowned elk approached the tall, hairy moose.

“Nilla here has graciously arranged for us to make our way, unimpeded, to the High Council Building,” the Duchess said. “We have an early speech for the Xonan Monarch to make, and we do not wish to be late.”

“Yes!” The gazelle in question hobbled up with a frazzled expression. “I-I've arranged for an escort!” Nilla stammered, trying to smile evenly. “I've been promised a clear path to the heart of the Sandstone District!”

“Well hot damning dalmatians!” Jake cracked his moose joints and bore a drool-stained grin. “'Bout time we got this diplomatic show on the road! Am I right or am I rotten?!”

“Constable...” Arcanista smirked. “A bit of civility, please.”

“Pfft! You kidding?! My middle name is civil!” Jake winked. “Right next to my other middle name, which is 'Chipmunk Pounder!' Sometimes 'Larry!'” He scooped his hoof up under Nilla's rump. “Hold onto your horns, sassafras!” And he TOSSED her into the wagon.

“Yaaaaaaa—” Nilla collided with something only slightly soft inside. “Ooof!

Jake turned towards Ebon, but the tattooed stallion was waving his hoof. “I will assist the Princess, th-thank you...” He held Kera's hoof as he helped her up into the wagon. Arcanista climbed in next while Floydien unhitched the coach from the supply cart, joining the others.

At last, the three pony mares climbed in. Last to enter was Rainbow Dash. She lingered on the steps, gazing at the polished lengths of Val Roa. The Capital City was a great deal brighter than she expected during the daytime, and she had to squint from the sheer glare of the sunlight off the bronze and copper surfaces. At last, she spotted the gate leading out of Plaza Topaz. It was flanked by a thick phalanx of deer, all with neutral expressions and flickering green eyes. All of the sudden, no less than four of the Soul Sentries jerked about and stared back at her.

Rainbow Dash winced. She clung to the velvet curtains of the wagon's entrance, shivering for some reason. All it took was one dull glance from Floydien, and she held her breath, ducked inside, and folded the curtains shut behind her. Some moose made an obnoxious crow-caw, and the coach rattled on its way towards the High Council Building.

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