• Published 21st Apr 2014
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Sparkle's No. 1 Assistant - Wanderer D

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Loyalty Mission 5: Derpy's Quest Pt.11

Sparkle's No. 1 Assistant

Loyalty Mission 5: Derpy's Quest Pt.11

By Wanderer D

Derpy sat alone in the hangar bay of the Normandy. Her armor was spread out in front of her, along with her weapons, on the workbench, and several documents floated around her, eerily orange, all of them containing diagrams and schematics, descriptions, formulas and performance reports.

'Why am I afraid?' she asked herself, shifting through one schematic about the original armor hers was based off of. 'Why have I been running all this time, not just from joining Twilight, but also from my own career, my own dreams and potential?'

Twilight Sparkle had seen it in her, she was sure. That burning desire to prove to everypony, everycreature… herself… that she could still offer more. That she was more than just a mailpony. That her fear of the past wouldn't just keep her trapped in a dead-end job taking abuse from others that looked down on her because her eye was weird.

She wanted to be more. She needed to be more. For herself, and for her daughter.

Ever since Dinky had been born, Derpy had felt regret that she was nothing more than an example of hard work… but hard work with no reward was not a way to live. It was not something she wanted her daughter to look up to and… and adopt as her personal philosophy.

The postal service was a safe job for her. In Ponyville, it wasn't too demanding, but it was also not really where she wanted to be, however kind her supervisor could be sometimes. It wasn't what she had gone to college and studied engineering for.

She just had landed there, with a child, and isolated. She had to build a new life, away from her former associates and friends… because… she had chosen to go with her spouse, and after he had broken her heart and left her with Dinky, she had argued with herself that it was a nice town, that Dinky would be well educated, that they didn't need to worry about anything… that her job as a mailmare was enough if she could just provide for her family.

So she had swallowed her pride, and she had smothered her dreams. She had smiled and insisted to friends and family that she had everything she needed and that she was happy being a mailpony.

That all the friends and ponies she was meeting were enough. That she didn't need to be with her peers to feel like she belonged.

So she had stayed, and everypony else had moved on, either convinced by her acting, or simply having decided that it wasn't their job to break her out of her shell. And they had tried, Celestia, they had tried.

She had fallen into a haze of simplicity after that, not challenging herself, but enjoying her time with Dinky. Scraping by because she seldom if ever got a pay increase above the legal minimum, but living in the countryside, she could pretend it was enough.

She liked Ponyville… but it wasn't enough. She liked spending a lot of free time with her daughter… but it wasn't enough, because the ponies that Dinky was starting to admire were ponies that did things. Ponies that changed.

How long would she remain her daughter's hero when all she did was essentially repeat the same day?

And then, Twilight Sparkle had arrived and dragged her with a bunch of other ponies she barely knew to fight Nightmare Moon. And then they had saved ponies from harm by stopping a bunch of domestic terrorists. Then they had helped the Wonderbolts find new leadership, and then they had restructured a crime syndicate. And now they were in space, in another galaxy, with aliens, and she was aboard a ship that had carried heroes.

And of course she hated the reason for her being here, but… She gazed up at all the technology around her. Tech that she was learning, schematics that she could follow and even apply some of the concepts that she knew from college.

She had thousands of documents she could study, and she had been offered tutoring by EDI herself in their technology. She had been getting personal training from Wrex. She had been assisting Princess Celestia's personal pupil. She had friends who didn't look down on her, and believed in her, and were waiting for her.

Her! Derpy Hooves! The mare that got pushed around by other pegasi while doing her job. The mare that was told over and over that she wouldn't amount to anything by old supervisors, or the odd abusive customer.

And right now, as she tweaked things to be ready the moment they heard about the location of the Tempest, she could feel the spark within her light up the kindles… she could be like Liara T'Soni. She could be like Tali'zorah vas Normandy.

And she had been stalling… but this was her chance. This was when she could choose to break away from the chains she had tied around her hooves to keep herself down. Not only to save her daughter, but to save herself.

What was the point in learning all of this, in risking everything only to go back to a simple but personally unfulfilling life that would not only keep her stranded, but possibly limit her own daughter's future, when everycreature around her was doing their best?

So deep was she into her thoughts that she almost jumped when EDI's hologram appeared next to her. "Miss Hooves, we have found the Tempest. We are about to head over, Director Tann asked me to bridge you to his office, so you could speak to the Pathfinder."

Derpy jumped to her hooves and ran over to the screen. She was finally going to hear real news about her daughter!

"...us out in tracking down Equestria from this Galaxy."

She didn't recognize the creature talking, but it was a human female. She was wearing a jacket of what appeared to be leather over the usual clothes she had seen other humans use since coming to space.

When she realized she could be seen and heard, Derpy immediately spoke up. "Is Dinky there? Is she okay?"

The human's eyes, which were guarded when she was added into the call, softened, and she nodded. "She's fine, I promise."

A deep sense of relief flooded Derpy at those words, although there was something odd about the conversation.

"She was understandably upset from getting foalnapped," the human continued, "but she's a brave little filly."

Derpy could have melted into gratitude at those words alone, but it was the next words that really made her feel thankful.

"I'll set up a channel for you and her to talk," the human said, looking up at something. "SAM? Can you provide that for Miss Hooves?"

[Of course, Pathfinder.]

Before she was transferred, she quickly locked eyes with the human. "Oh, thank you! Thank you!"

[One moment, Miss Hooves,] the voice continued, from the transmitter, [I have requested one of our crewmembers to take Dinky to a private location for the two of you to talk.]

As she waited, she realized something. He translator had been off, since it was on the table. So… had the human been speaking Equestrian?

Soon after, the screen activated again, revealing a room, and coming towards it was a krogan, walking alongside her daughter.

Derpy took a moment to study the scene, and just how comfortable Dinky seemed. She was indeed brave, but furthermore, now that she had been exposed to what was beyond Equestria, could she really just bring her daughter back and pretend that the rest of the universe was not now reachable?


"Dinky!" Oh, how she wished she could scoop her daughter and hug her tight. "Thank Celestia you're okay!"

Dinky's eyes were teary, but she smiled confidently. Behind her, Derpy could see the krogan reclining next to the door, keeping watch. There was something grandfatherly about him, and she knew that her daughter would be protected.

"I'm sorry I took so long, dear," Derpy said, focusing on her daughter once more. "There's so much to tell you, so many things I've…" she choked back a sob. "I'm glad you're back. I'm never going to let this happen again."

"I got lucky, Miss Sunset found me and she's a unicorn!"

Derpy blinked. "A what? Who?"

"Miss Sunset!" Dinky repeated. "Um, the Pathfinder!"

"Dinky, she's very human. I just saw her."

Her daughter grinned. "Now she is, but she was originally a unicorn, also knows Princess Celestia and left Equestria to conquer the universe before returning in blood, fire and glory!"

Suddenly, she didn't feel like her daughter was in a safe place.

"It was a phase!"

Derpy blinked. "What was that?"

"I think… it was Miss Sunset's voice…" Dinky said, looking around. "Anyway, don't worry mom, she grew out of that and only controls half the galaxy."

"Right." Derpy opened and closed her mouth a couple of times, trying to decide what to say, but she didn't know exactly how she felt about that revelation either.

It was then that the ship Dinky was in, The Tempest, if she recalled correctly, shook, almost making her daughter stumble.

"What was that?!"

"Pirates," the krogan said, stepping into the room. "I'm sorry Dinky, but we'll need to cut communications for now."

"Dinky!" Derpy called, making her daughter look back to her. She gulped and stood straight. "I'm on my way."

Dinky smiled, nodding firmly before the screen turned off.

Immediately, Derpy turned on the communicator to the bridge. "Twilight—"

"We know," her commander interrupted. "SAM and EDI are working together, we'll be there shortly." Twilight nodded encouragingly, then said, "you'd better suit up."

"Right away!"

To Be Continued…

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