• Published 21st Apr 2014
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Sparkle's No. 1 Assistant - Wanderer D

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Loyalty Mission 4: Strings of the Trigger Mare - Pt. 3

Sparkle's No. 1 Assistant

Loyalty Mission 4: Strings of the Trigger Mare - Pt. 3

By Wanderer D

Dear Princess Celestia,

I need to keep the Chicacolt Guard Department from interfering with any member of my team despite what we might do. In other words, I need the paperwork and authority for us to be effectively autonomous and free from their restrictions.

Your Student,

Commander Twilight Sparkle

My beloved student,

Dare I ask why you and your team need to be untouchable by the guard?

Your teacher,

Princess Celestia

Dear Princess Celestia,

"Untouchables?" I like it. We need to take down and re-structure a major criminal organization. This will greatly benefit Equestria. I think.

As an added incentive, I am attaching a picture of Wrex in the getup that Rarity is designing for us to wear over our personal armor. I'm not entirely sure why she's insisting on this, but Tavi loves it almost as much as Rarity herself.

Your Student,

Commander Twilight Sparkle

My dear Twilight,

Consider it done. Send more pictures and remember that harmony doesn't necessarily involve firefights.

Your teacher,

Princess Celestia.

Rancid Soggy Acquacotta grunted and threw down his cards on the table, pushing his money to the center. "Fine! Fine. You win. But if I ever find out you cheated, Tissue, it won't be pretty. Cappice?"

Savory The Tissue Buridda chuckled, pulling the money towards him. "You call it cheating, I call it luck. I just have more than you do. Forget about it."

"Forget about it. Forget about it, he says," Soggy snorted, pushing back his chair and getting up. "Take the damn money and let's do a walkabout. We should make sure the rain's not getting into the warehouse."

"It's not like it matters," Tissue argued, also getting up. "You know Two Hooves said that the packages are all waterproofed. Besides." He motioned at the corner office next to where they were playing. "All the important stuff left is in there anyway."

"I don't care what Two Hooves said," Soggy replied, spitting to the side. "The Old Stallion likes us to check on the merchandise, so we check the merchandise. There's a lot of ponies that would like to have what we have left here."

"Nopony is going to sneak in," Tissue said, rolling his eyes. "You know they don't have the guts. Let's just go back to our game."

Soggy turned around to face Tissue and opened his mouth to snap at his younger friend, but he stopped and motioned for Tissue to keep quiet.

"What is it?" Tissue whispered, taking hold of a billy club.

"I thought I saw something around the office," Soggy whispered back, pulling out a knife.

The pair slowly made their way there, weapons ready. The thunder outside made them jump, and they cringed as the rain doubled in intensity making the large warehouse resonate around them. When they got back to their table, they could see that the office door was ajar.

Gulping and looking at each other, the pair walked carefully up to the door and opened it, peering inside. When nothing jumped out, they made their way in and stared in confusion.

"Nothing seems to be wrong..." Tissue said after a moment. "Maybe what you saw was the door opening? Wouldn't be the first time they didn't lock the door right, and with the wind picking up..."

"Y-yeah, that must be it." Soggy nodded. "Let's get out and make sure it's locked this time."

The pair turned around and stopped, staring in confusion and growing horror at the large figure in front of them. They couldn't make out what it was, covered as it was in a black trench-coat. It was much bigger than them, and they could only see a pair of gleaming reptilian eyes under the black fedora with a red bond that complimented the coat.

Before Soggy could move, the giant had thrown Tissue onto the wall, and the poor earth pony's head had smacked against it. He crumbled onto the floor, unconscious, but apparently still breathing.

Waving his knife threateningly, Soggy stepped back. "S-stay away!"

"Darling," a voice behind him made him stop. He felt the blood leave his face as he turned enough to both see the giant and whoever was behind him.

A female unicorn smirked at him, sitting on one of the chairs which he could have sworn was empty a few seconds ago. She was also wearing a black trench-coat and a fedora, but the bond on it was a bright metallic blue, in contrast to the giant's red bond.

"Why don't you take a seat?" she asked, motioning to the other chair. "We need to have a chat."

Soggy raised his knife, but the giant quickly took it from him, then, to Soggy's horror, it proceeded to snap his knife in half and dropped it on the floor with a clatter.

"Now darling," the unicorn's voice took a nicer tone. "That's not the way to make friends, is it?"

"W-what do you want?" Soggy stammered, almost falling down as he hastily took a seat.

"Why." the unicorn smiled. "Nothing more than a chit-chat. Talk shop. Discuss the market."

"Y-you know I work for Don Organetto, r-right?"

"Come now," the mare's smile only increased. "I'm sure The Old Stallion wouldn't mind if you share a couple of details with little old me?"

Soggy's attention went back to Tissue, who the giant had picked up, tied and dumped inside an empty file cabinet before shutting it.

"He'll be out for a while," the giant grunted.

"See? It's just the three of us now," the mare added. "Now... about your operation here..."

Don Organetto gazed out the window at the rain. The golden glow of the lamps behind him and the drops of water on the glass made it hard to peer outside, and he could only see, among the darkness, the flickering of the gate lights, far down the front of his mansion.

However, his sharp eyes caught sight of the shadows moving up the road towards his home, and he scowled. "That idiot is here," he muttered. He glanced over his shoulder at the dinner table, where his two daughters were finishing dinner. "Bifora, Ciaramedda," he said, turning to face them. "If you are done, I want you to go upstairs to your rooms. We are about to have guests, and I would rather not be interrupted."

"Guests?" his youngest daughter, Bifora, asked. Her eyes brightened. "Who is it?"

Ciaramedda snorted. "If papà is telling us to go upstairs it has to be that scoundrel, Two Hooves."

Don Organetto smiled at his second eldest daughter. "Indeed it is, and I would rather he not offend you with his lingering eyes and loose tongue. Please, my daughters, upstairs."

Shaking her head, Ciaramedda herded Bifora away. "I still don't see why you put up with him, papà. Can't you fire him?"

Don Organetto's smile faded. "Not yet, my dear."

Ciaramedda rolled her eyes and guided her sister to her room just in time, apparently, as just as the doors closed behind them, the front door opened to allow Salty Two Hooves Capicollo entry.

"Ah, Don Organetto!" Two Hooves greeted, moving forward to embrace him while his two companions stayed behind, looking around warily and glaring at the servants who had come to get their coats. "So good to see you, my Don."

"Signior Capicollo," Don Organetto's smile was forced. "The pleasure is mine. What brings you here on such a night?"

"Ah, business as usual, my Don," Two Hooves replied amiably, gently guiding Don Organetto to the living room. "I come to discuss the next few shipments from Bitaly, we haven't received the signed documents you assured us we would have, you see."

Don Organetto sighed.

Ciaramedda muttered to herself as she walked into her room, followed by Bifora. The curtains flopped around in the wind and she groaned with annoyance, walking up to the window and closing it. Thankfully the wind hadn't been blowing in that direction all night, or her room would be a lot more wet that the small puddle under the window.

"I can't believe I forgot to close the window," she growled.

"You're in a really bad mood," Bifora pointed out. "Is it because of Mr. Two Hooves?"

"That-that delinquent!" Ciaramedda shook her head and sat on her bed. "I don't understand why papà insists on dealing with him. He should be sent away!" she made a grandiose motion with her hoof towards the window. "Tossed out. Perhaps all the way to the Adriatic where we don't have to hear his name again!"

Bifora was about to respond when another voice spoke up.

"You talk about Two Hooves as if sending him across the world would be enough to get rid of his smell, let alone his presence."

Both sisters jumped and turned to stare at the mare who had spoken. She stood on her hind legs only, leaning casually against the wall next to the door, which she was pushing closed slowly with her hoof. She was wearing a black trench-coat and black fedora with a purple bond. They couldn't see much of her, other than a gray coat.

"Who are you?!" Ciaramedda demanded harshly, jumping from her bed to stand in front of Bifora, who was trembling in fear. "How dare you come into my room! My father will have you arrested!"

The mare snorted. "He'd never call the guard," she said dropping to all fours. She walked into the light until she stood in front of Ciaramedda, who had to fight her instinct to step away. Finally the mare stopped and looked up, lifting her fedora up with a hoof. "And don't tell me it has been that long that you wouldn't recognize me, Ciaramedda."

Bifora blinked in confusion when Ciaramedda gasped a choked, "Tavola!" And rushed forward to hug the mare.

"Ciara? Who is this pony?" Bifora asked.

Ciaramedda chuckled, sniffling and pulled away from the hug, using the back of her hoof to clean a stray tear from her eye. "I guess you were too young to remember her. This is Tavola Armonica," she said, resting a hoof on Octavia's shoulder. "Our sister."

Bifora stepped forward, although she did not hug Octavia. "Are you really my sister?"

Octavia nodded, looking down at the younger earth pony and took her fedora off. "I am, and I have to say, Bifora, you're growing up to be a stunning mare."

Bifora tilted her head, as recognition finally seeped in. "Wait, you're Octavia Philharmonica! Father loves to listen to your concerts!"

Octavia's smile changed. Bifora couldn't tell exactly what it was, but it was clear that Octavia was moved by this bit of information.

"That means a lot to hear," Octavia said, giving her sister a hug. "Thank you for telling me."

"Wow," Bifora said after returning the hug. "What do you have under that? It feels hard, like metal!"

"I was going to ask too," Ciaramedda added, looking at her sister quizzically.

Octavia chuckled. "I'll show you sometime. It's good to see you both, I just wanted to make sure you were okay."

Ciaramedda narrowed her eyes. "Why wouldn't we be okay?"

Octavia blinked. "You mean you don't know?" She looked at both her sisters and grimaced. "This is so typical of father." She sighed and sat down on one of Ciaramedda's several couches. "This might complicate things."

"What things?" Ciaramedda asked. "Tavola, what are you hiding?"

"I—" Octavia stopped, ears twitching, and they could all hear several ponies coming up the stairs. She quickly turned to look at her sisters. "Don't tell them, anypony, that I'm here. This is very important!" she hissed.

Ciaramedda and Bifora jumped when the door opened, turning to look at the ponies just outside.

"Papà?" Ciaramedda asked, glancing dubiously at two of the bodyguards with him.

"Is everything okay, Ciaramedda?" Don Organetto asked, looking around the room. "One of the servants said she heard another voice in your room."

Ciaramedda shook her head.

"Ciaramedda was just making voices, papà," Bifora said. "She was telling me a story."

"I see," Don Organetto said after a moment. "Very well then, I apologize. I must go back to Mr. Two Hooves my dears, but I will be back shortly to wish you good night."

"Of course, papà," Ciaramedda replied, closing the door after them. She and her sister held their breaths as they heard the hoofsteps fade away.

"That was close," Octavia said from the chair, making the pair jump in surprise.

"Tavola!" Ciaramedda hissed. "What. How?!"

"Cellist secrets, sister," Octavia said with a grin, which soon faded. "Now you see?"

"See what?" Bifora asked.

"Papà is very nervous," Ciaramedda said slowly, watching her older sister. "Something is going on."

Octavia nodded. "Two Hooves is blackmailing him," she said softly. "He's threatened him the only way he can... with you two."

Ciaramedda brought her hoof up to her mouth to cover her gasp, her thoughts to the many times Two Hooves had visited and her father had insisted they stay away. This hadn't happened with any of his other associates. "But... how is he holding us against him?"

Octavia shook her head. "I'm not sure. I'm trying to find out, but..." she shook her head. "I should have known that father would have kept you both in the dark. For your own 'protection' no doubt."

"What are we going to do?" Ciaramedda asked, holding Bifora closer.

"For now, nothing," Octavia said, putting on her fedora again. "I'll find out Two Hooves plans, and we'll think of a countermeasure." She walked up to the window and unlocked it. She paused. "Do you have any friends you still have correspondence with?"

Ciaramedda nodded. "Sandy Cup is a friend from school, she's currently visiting Prance. She writes to me often."

Octavia smirked. "Well then, expect a package from her sometime soon. It's for your eyes only." She hesitated next to the window, then made her way back to her sisters and gave them both a hug. "I've missed you both. I'm sorry I went away."

Ciaramedda nodded, patting her sister.

"But we'll see you soon, right?" Bifora asked.

"You will," Octavia assured her. "Just make sure neither of you mention me to anypony, okay? I'll help dad and you both. I'll make sure you're safe."

The pair nodded and Octavia opened the window after glancing outside to make sure nopony was around. She winked at her sisters and then disappeared.

Ciaramedda's eyes were wide, she went to the window and looked out, but there was no sign of her sister. "B-but how..."

"My sister is so cool..." Bifora whispered.

Octavia watched the mansion disappear from under her.

"Did you find out what the problem was?" Rainbow Dash asked, pumping her wings and steering them away from the grounds.

"No," Octavia sighed. "I thought it would be something obvious, but they had no idea what it could be."

Rainbow Dash hummed. "Why don't you ask your dad? I'm sure if he's like, the Don he knows what it is."

"The problem is not whether he knows," Octavia said. "I'm sure he does. The problem is that he will not talk to me, because I left The Family. The only reason I was able to chat with my sisters is because apparently, he's kept them unaware of what exactly he does."

"What?" Rainbow Dash snorted. "How can anypony live in a place like that and not wonder where it all comes from?"

Octavia chuckled as Rainbow Dash lowered her onto the top of a building. "You'd be surprised at how many ponies have no idea where the money comes from, or who they're stepping on to live how they live."

Rainbow Dash rubbed the back of her neck. "I guess."

"Come on, let's meet with Twilight."

"Sure," Rainbow Dash said. "Just let me get my bearings... where's the prison?"

"East," Octavia said. "Just keep flying East. We'll get there."

Pumpkin The Rabbit Soup had to wonder for the tenth time since she had been dragged out of her cell, why she was being walked over to the visitor center, and in the middle of the night too. Just about every other prisoner was asleep, and the guards had told her to keep quiet or else.

She had rolled her shoulders and followed diligently, remembering that 'or else' usually meant she wouldn't be able to make her way to the mess room for the next few days. However, she had never been shaken awake, then dragged out and told to be quiet.

She studied the guards. They seemed nervous. They probably didn't know what was going on either, but they were still not afraid to roughen her up with their batons if they considered it necessary.

They eventually arrived to the visitor center, and to her surprise both guards stopped just shy of the doors. She looked at them nervously. "Well?"

"Get in," one of them said roughly. "We were told to stay outside."

"By whom?"

Her answer was to be tossed through the doors. She didn't fall face first. She was still quick enough on her hooves to regain her balance. There was nopony in the room, except for two ponies in black trench-coats and fedoras. The only differences she could tell were the bonds on the fedoras, one being rose the other being neon blue. She could tell from their shape that they were females, and there was enough light to see their muzzles. Purple and white.

"Are you the one known as The Rabbit?" purple muzzle asked with a surprisingly young-sounding voice, and walking slowly around her, like a predator, while the other mare simply stayed in place.

Pumpkin Soup cleared her throat. "Um... yes. I am, who are you?"

"Your ticket out," purple muzzle said. "Provided you tell us the information we need."

Pumpkin Soup snorted. So that was their game. "I already told the Royal Guard everything I know."

Purple muzzle chuckled and stopped next to her. "We know that's not true, but we're not interested in what you know about Don Organetto."

Pumpkin tensed. "What do you want then? If mean to imply that I worked for him, you would be mistaken. The Old Stallion never leaves his people to dry, or so they say."

"So they say," purple muzzle repeated, taking a seat on one of the several chairs around. "So, if that's what they say, why didn't he get you out when you were... what's the expression... pinched?"

Pumpkin Soup kept her mouth shut.

"Maybe he couldn't do it," white muzzle spoke up for the first time. "You were pretty high up in his organization, isn't it weird that you would stay here for so long?"

Pumpkin Soup grimaced. "I'm not saying anything else without my lawyer."

Purple muzzle snorted. "Lawyer? You don't need one. We're not here to have you betray The Old Stallion. We're here to find out if your loyalty is still true."

Pumpkin Soup stared at the pair, and for a moment she felt hope flare within her. "Did he send you to free me?"

Purple muzzle giggled. "He doesn't know we're here, but... a third party is concerned about his well-being, and said party said you could be trusted. I, myself am not so sure."

"She doesn't seem to care much for the Old Stallion," white muzzle said with a shrug. "She sounds more interested in getting out."

"What?" Pumpkin glared at the mare. "Of course not! I haven't said anything to anypony an—" her eyes widened and she clamped her mouth shut.

"Well, well." Purple muzzle's grin made Pumpkin very uncomfortable. "That sounded interesting, but we don't care about what you know on him..." the mare paused. "Do you know why you're here?"

Pumpkin Soup snorted. "The guard planted drugs in my apartment. Made it look like I was selling them. They—"

"Nope!" white muzzle interrupted. "Bzzzt! Wrong answer!"


"It was somepony else," purple muzzle said. "And that's who we want to know about. What do you know about Salty Two Hooves Capicollo?"

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