• Published 17th Apr 2014
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Kingdom Hearts F.I.M: Rise of The Elements - Spirit Shift

The Mane Six become Keyblade Masters in order to find Spike, who's been swallowed by darkness. Will their friendship be enough to save him from being swallowed completely? Girls w/ keyblades. No crossover, just awesome Humanized Action Adventure fun.

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CH27: Old Friends and Fresh Starts

For Dash, everything seemed to happen slow motion, and not the kind of slow motion that she would experience when she was moving really fast. But rather, the kind where she saw what was happening, but couldn't do a thing about it.

Right after hearing Octavia’s warning, she lazily moved to the side and watched Whitney’s swing whoosh past her. However, the second it touched the ground, the keyblade didn't stop. Without losing any momentum, it dug into the ground, causing the ground around it to explode with great force. Pieces of earth shot out in every direction as Whitney’s keyblade continued to make a larger and larger crater in the ground. The force of her attack was even enough to cause the shock wave that slammed Dash back against the wall.

Everything flashed back into normal motion when the poor girl’s back hit the wall and her breath was knocked out of her.

When the rumbling finally stopped, Whitney hesitantly opened her eyes and beheld the destruction around her. She stood in the center a crater that nearly encompassed the entirety of the gym. Even when the edges of it began healing itself, Whitney still covered her mouth. She was completely aghast at what she had done. Although this was nothing new, she still hated when it happened.

Before she could cry about it though, she heard an impressed whistle from behind her. Turning around, she noticed that there were more people by the door that there were before. Master Luna stood with a shocked expression, with Master Celestia right next to her, trying hard to hide her smug look. Around them stood Octavia, Ditzy, Lyra, and a few other girls that Whitney did not recognize.

Whitney started on at the group before realizing the situation. With a horrified expression, she threw her head down. “I’m sorry! I’m sorry! I’m sorry! She told me not to hold back and I thought it was fine so I didn't and now the gym is destroyed and it’s all my fault. I’m so sorry I promise not to do it again please don’t kick me out,” she blurted out, bowing as low as she could.

While Whitney still blubbered out apologies, Luna turned to her sister with a blank look. “Have you taught her no self control, sister?” Without waiting for answer from Celestia’s shocked face, Luna went to go check on her own student.

Rarity looked on in horror. “On second thought… maybe I’ll train tomorrow.”

Pinkie threw an arm around her friend and gave one of her bright reassuring smiles. “It’s alright Rares, we can play with them.” She explained her point by grabbing the other three students and holding them close. “I’m Pinkie Pie, what’re your names?”

Over by the Dash shaped hole in the wall Luna looked over the limp form of her once proud student. “We would say that this qualifies as a loss,” she said.

“I think… that I’ve fought enough today,” Dash said in a dazed tone. “I’m gonna take a nap.” With that, she passed out.


A few days passed from that point on. Eventually, Dash woke back up and demanded a rematch. Whitney tried to refuse, but after constant urging, she relented. Now understanding what she was up against, Dash was prepared for the girls unrestrained earth shattering attacks. Making use of her flight this time Dash struggled to figure out exactly how to damage the girl. Her attacks didn't hit hard enough, and she was afraid to use her magic. She thought about simply letting the girl wear herself out, but it seemed that Whitney was trying to do the same thing, as she rarely attacked.

Without any other choices, Dash simply decided to go out on a limb and use her magic. If it didn't work then she would simply have to declare the match a tie. As much as she hated ties she hated losing more, practice match or not. So, increasing in speed, Dash zoomed behind Whitney to use a technique that she knew worked wonders on AJ. She placed her hand on the girl’s shoulder. Almost like a miracle, her magic flowed and allowed her to use her Lightning Palm to electrify Whitney. She beamed when it appeared that Whitney was actually taking damage from it as well.

Several more, similar magic attacks later, Whitney ended up waving the white flag of defeat. After some cheering, Dash turned to face her final opponent.

While they were fighting however, Rarity received fence training from Octavia, and Pinkie learned how to use her wild personality as a fighting style from Lyra. In exchange, Pinkie and Rarity taught those two what they knew. Twilight continued to work on her aura, and AJ, after coming back to the castle, mostly kept to herself.

The final day was mostly spent partying together in a “this is the part where we meet new friends” celebration thrown by Pinkie Pie. Dash, Pinkie, and Lyra told funny and embarrassing stories about their friends while Twilight and Octavia made small talk amongst themselves. Rarity, after seeing Whitney’s poor hair care, wasted not a single moment in snatching up the poor girl and dragging her away.

Luna and Celestia also took this time to catch up on recent events. However, once Master Luna noticed one of her students acting strange, she politely excused herself from the conversation.

AJ sat away from the main groups, drinking some juice and leaning back in her chair. She stared up at the ceiling with a blank contemplative expression on her face. She didn't even notice Luna take a seat next to her.

“Something on your mind, Jacqueline?” she asked.

AJ’s eyes lazily glanced over to meet Luna’s before suddenly widening in surprise. Fumbling with her drink, she accidently inhaled some of it and fell into a coughing fit. Patiently, Luna leaned back and waited it out. Finally, AJ was able to breath normally as she turned back to Luna and crossed her arms. “Yeesh, don’t sneak up on a gal like that.”

“Jacqueline, we remember teaching you to always be aware of your surroundings. Something must be troubling you greatly for you to forget that. Care to tell us?”

AJ broke eye contact as her eyes darted around the room. “Nothin’s wrong,” she lied. Ah just… I was daydreamin.’”

Luna stared at her with a deep unmoving gaze. Finally, she smiled and stood up. “Of course, Honest Applejack,” she said, referring back to the girls old childish nickname. “If that’s your honest answer, I suppose that I’ll simply take your word for it.” Luna began to walk away from the table, leaving AJ shaking nervously in her chair. “You’ve never lied before, so I do not see why you would lie or hide any thing now.”

“Wait!” AJ nearly yelled. She froze in place when every eyes momentarily turned to her. Luckily, everybody soon went back to their own conversations, forgetting her outburst.

Luna sat back down as AJ breathed a sigh of relief. Smirking on the inside, Luna turned back to her student with an impassive look. AJ still glanced around nervously. “C… can we go somewhere else?” she asked. Luna raised an eyebrow, but nodded anyway.

Luna and AJ silently made their way out of the party hall and back to the conference room from before. There, AJ turned back to Luna with a nervously conflicted look. “Ah saw Spike the other day,” she finally admitted.

Luna’s eyes went wide in shock then narrowed in anger as she leaned forward in her seat, but before she could open her mouth AJ continued. “Ah know what yer about to ask, and no. He ain’t here anymore, and ah don’t know where Shy is. He didn't hurt me neither, so ya don’t have to go out huntin’ for him.”

Luna leaned back into her seat and motioned for her to tell her story.


Spike and AJ were speechless and still as stone in each others presence. One could say that the moment their eyes connected, time stopped altogether. Then, all at once, time restarted as AJ rolled over and slammed her fist into his face. While he stumbled back, holding his nose in pain, AJ tackled him to the ground. Grabbing him by his shirt, she raised her fist. She stopped when she felt the three girls feebly trying to hold her back.

“What are you doing!?” one of the girls squealed. Her voice was so high, it could crack glass. She was holding onto AJ’s waist.

“Why’d you go an attack our friend!” the southern accented girl said, holding onto her arm.

The third girl had jumped onto her back and weakly tried to put her in a headlock. “Hey, lay off! What’d he do you anyway?”

“What’d he… I...” AJ stuttered, shocked that these young girls would defend him. Not wanting to seem like the bad guy, she slowly climbed off of Spike. Eventually, he too got up. As soon as he did, however, the three girls hopped off of her and clamored to his side. All three of them glared at AJ while spreading their arms out in front of him defensively.

“Who’re you?” the girl in front demanded.

AJ honestly didn't know what to say to them, all she could do was turn her gaze back to Spike, who was still rubbing his nose in pain. Finally able to breath through his nostril again, Spike sat his hand on top of the red haired girls head. Turning she looked up at him in concern. “Are you alright, Spike?”

The purple haired girl never took her eyes off of AJ, “She didn't hurt you, did she?”

Spike rolled his eyes, leaned down, and turned all of them to face him. “I’m fine. More importantly, what did I tell you about enemies you know you can’t beat?” he said sternly.

“To take ‘em out with force in numbers!” the purple haired girl answered with a confidently smug look.

Spike chopped her on her head in response. While she grabbed her head in pain he continued to lecture her. “Yes, Scoots, but I said enemies that you know you can’t beat.”

The girl in the dress raised her hand. “To be smart and keep our distance until we can find a way to get away from them.”

“Exactly, Sweetie,” he nodded. ”When you saw her attack me what should you have done? Bloom?”

Finally the red haired girl looked down sadly. “Go find someone to help.”

“Scoots” crossed her arms angrily, still convinced that she could’ve taken out Spike’s attacker.

Spike nodded and brought them all close. “But still, thanks for the back up,” he said, giving them all a huge bright smile. The girls gave one in return before remembering that his attacker was still around.

Spike glanced up at her. In the brief glance he sent her way, AJ could’ve sworn she saw something strange in his eyes. Not anger, but something else. “She’s fine. I know her,” he said, turning back to the three girls. “In fact, I have to go talk to her, you three go back to training.”

The girls looked back to AJ and hesitantly followed his orders. While they ran off, Spike walked past AJ, silently motioning for her to follow him.


AJ glanced over at Spike for what had to have been the fourth time. He had led her over to a nearby tree where they both sat with a fair distance between them. He wasn't wearing the black coat and gloves he wore when they had last met. Instead, he wore something, that AJ had to admit, she would have expected him to normally wear; blue loose fitting jeans held up by a few cross worn belts. He wore a sleeveless black shirt with a white X stripe across his chest. In the center of the cross was a picture of a bright emerald flame.

She opened her mouth to say something, but closed it when she couldn't find the right words. Over in the distance, the three girls were each doing some form of training. Eventually, she managed to get something out of her mouth. “You… you are Spike right? That one ah know?”

Spike stayed silent for a time before answering. “Your friend’s fine,” he said, ignoring her question. AJ opened her mouth, but Spike continued. “I’m not telling you where she is. Let’s just say that she’s safe as long as she stays where I put her?”

AJ growled in anger, but quickly stifled it. Breathing out slowly, she turned back to him. “Give her back,” she said calmly. “Why’d you take her away anyway?”

Spike scoffed. “Like I’d tell you, hayseed. Anyway, I suppose that Twilight’s here as well--”

AJ immediately reached over and grabbed his shirt. “Ah swear to the maker, if you even think about--”

Spike calmly stopped her. “Chill, I’m not here to do anything. I’m just checking up on them.” He glanced over to the three girls.

AJ let him go and sat back down. She glanced back over to where he was looking. “Who are they?”

“Curious girls who just want to find their homes,” Spike answered. His expression softened. “When I found them they were stranded on a desolate world. All three of them were passed out with keyblades next to them. I took them here and told them to talk to the master in this world. I came back a few years later and found out that Celestia had rejected them. They were too young and unable to prove that they had the power to use the keyblade.”

“Ahhh, I get it,” AJ breathed. “Yer teachin’ them to summon their keyblades again so they can get some actual training.”

Spike shrugged. “More or less. They figured that if they have them they’ll be able to learn about their home... By the way, if you hurt any of them I’ll roast you right here. If we’re throwing threats around.”

AJ leaned back against the tree. Honestly, she was still confused about the entire situation she was in. Here she was, sitting against a tree, with the one person all of her friends were looking for. It felt wrong, almost like she was betraying them. “Spike?”


AJ took a few seconds to get her words right in her head. “You don’t seem like a bad guy. So I’m just gonna ask it. You know Twi and the other’s are here. Why don’t you go an’ talk to them. Work everything out and tell us why you left.”

Spike scoffed and clenched his fist. “Hell no! Being around any of them makes my flame blaze. I doubt there’d be any talking.”

“Then why are ya talkin to me like nothin’s wrong?” she asked with a cheeky smirk.

Spike lifted his gaze back up towards her. His expression softened again and his fist unclenched. AJ saw that look in his eye again. She finally recognized it. It was the same on that she herself would get when she looked at her hat, or what Twilight would get when she looked at her old book. The look of longing over something lost.

She stared directly into his soft eyes, their shade not all that darker than her own. “Because,” he began, holding his gaze for a while longer. “You’re the closest to....” suddenly, he averted his gaze and and stood up. “Don’t worry about it.

AJ reached up after him, “Spike… who...”

Spike turned his head back. She flinched back when she saw that his eyes were back to their normal burning dark emerald. Don’t get me wrong though, even though she did a good job with you, you’re still my enemy. So the next time we meet, I won’t hesitate to defeat you and kill Twilight. Then you’ll join your friend.”

Spike began to walk away, but AJ stood up and grabbed his shoulder. “Spike, like ah said. Ah don’t think you’re a bad guy, not anymore. But you took my friend, and whether she’s safe with you or not, ah can’t forgive you till you return her to us.”

Spike turned his head to look at her. “Your point?”

“Ah don’t know what lies you were told,” she continued, giving him a pleading look, “but you know that I can’t lie to save my hide. So trust me when ah say that we’re still your friends.”

Spike gave her one last look before scoffing and turning his head back. “If that’s what you were made to think. Sure, I trust you.” While he said that there was a small sizzle. AJ snatched her hand back in pain when she felt a harsh burning sensation on her palm. She watched balefully as Spike walked back towards the girls.


AJ leaned back in her chair and finished recounting her tale. “He left soon after that. Just up and walked out of the garden with a bag on his shoulder.

Luna, however, leaned forward on tented hands, calmly taking in everything she had been told. After AJ stopped talking the air was still with a charged silence. Despite her outwardly calm appearance AJ was sweating bullets.

Finally, Luna glanced up at AJ, her expression unreadable. “What are your feelings on the matter?”

The cowgirl sighed wearily. She leaned forward and sat her head and arms down on the table. “Ah don’t know what to feel. I told ya that ah don’t think Spike’s a bad guy. He saved those girls and he’s even trying to teach them.”

“And from what you’ve told me, he’s teaching them well,” Luna added.

AJ nodded and continued. “But he doesn't trust me and he’s still out to get us.”

Luna stayed silent for a time before lowering her hands and sighing. “Well, we regret this possibility, but there is a chance that he was lying about the girls. And the fact that he didn't fight you here was because he was outmatched with all of us present.

AJ looked at her with a shocked expression before looking down guiltily. “Nah, ah thought about that for a while. So ah talked to the girls after he left. Turns out he was actually here before we even showed up.”

Luna scowled deeply. She silently berated herself for not noticing that her enemy was right under their noses this whole time. If she had known she could’ve ended this by capturing him. But now he’s gone, and there was no telling which world he was on now. Sudden realization surged through her. “He has a way of traversing the worlds without help. Jacqueline, do you remember how he appeared when you first saw him?”

AJ thought back to when she and her friends fought Sombra. “He just appeared out of thin air, ah think.”

“Thin air,” Luna repeated. She turned away and began muttering to herself. “So he isn't using the dark corridors. If he was, I’d know. And there wasn't anything flying through the air… How is he getting around?” After a few more seconds, Luna turned back to her student. “Jacqueline, come here,” she ordered.

AJ obeyed and made her way around the table. By the time she reached Master Luna, she was standing up. Now, face to face, AJ remembered that they were almost the same size. While AJ was taller than the rest of her friends, she was still barely pushing six feet. While Luna herself was still a few inches taller.

Standing in front of her, Luna removed AJ’s hat. The former cow girl was about to say something before Luna raised a calm hand. “Hold still,” she ordered. Closing her hand, Luna re-raised one finger and gently placed it against her students forehead. Slowly, a small glow grew from her fingertip to encompass both of them.

When it finally faded, AJ opened her eyes just in time to feel Luna sitting her hat back on her head. Feeling her forehead, she felt nothing out of the ordinary. “What was that?”

“We need to know how Spike is traveling between worlds. Therefore, we have placed a spell on you that’ll react to strong spatial magic. Please discourage Twilight from teleporting unless truly necessary. If my haunch is correct, Spike will try to appear before you next. When he does, that spell will protect you.”

AJ, understanding most of that, nodded. “You ain’t actually gonna hurt him, are you?”

Luna ignored her question and moved past her. “Come, we must return to the party before we are missed. Also… we don’t think it wise to tell your friends about this.”

“What? Why not?” AJ asked.

Luna did not answer, instead she simply exited the room.


Pinkie sniffled a little before once again noisily blowing her nose. “I dun wanna goooo!” she cried.

Rarity gently pulled her into a gentle hug. “But, daring, we must complete our exam.”

Twilight shook hands with Octavia. “Don’t worry,” she assured. “We can come back anytime we want. This world’s on our navigation now.”

Lyra gave Dash a high five and pouted. “Man, I wish I was out there traveling the worlds. Lucky.”

Dash gave her a smug grin. “Well, when you get to be as awesome as us, then maybe you’ll get the chance.”

“Sure, and maybe you’ll actually be able to beat me someday,” teased Lyra, returning the grin.

Hesitantly, Whitney came up to Rarity with a wide, thankful smile. “Miss Rarity?”

Rarity immediately let go of Pinkie and turned to hug the girl. “Whitney! Are you liking your new style?”

“O-of course I love it,” she answered. “Usually, I do my own hair so I don’t trouble anyone. Sometimes Ditzy does it… but she usually get’s a little carried away.”

Ditzy hopped into the hug with a cheerful grin. “I just don’t know what goes wrong every time I do it. I’m usually so good with scissors.”

“Hmm, yes.” Rarity hummed. When Whitney got dragged away, Ditzy eagerly followed after her. The end resulted in both of the girls getting a complete makeover from Rarity. Ditzy’s normally messy blond hair was now shining and soft, like flowing silk. Whitney’s normally lopsided and miscut hair was now even and completely rejuvenated. Rarity’s only regret was that she couldn't get the girl to abandon her train attendant’s hat and uniform, but she let it slide. As she too knew the value of sentimentality. “Please from now on promise that you’ll keep it that way. Allow Master Celestia or Octavia to cut your hair when needed as well.”

Both Ditzy and Whitney nodded, “Yes, Rarity.”

While the others also expressed their goodbyes and farewells Luna made her way up to Twilight, who was talking to Octavia. “Twilight? Do you still have the thing we gave you?”

Twilight cocked her head in confusion for a second before straightening in realization. “Pinkie Pie!”

Pinkie appeared next to Twilight. “Right here!” She reached into her hair and pulled out the cube that Luna gave her when Twilight first left home. “Here ya go!” she said, handing it to her.

Luna looked momentarily confused but shrugged it off. “Good, keep holding onto it. I fear that it may become necessary to use it soon.”

Twilight gave her a nervous look. “Are we in danger?”

The normally stoic master shook her head despite not being entirely sure. “We hope not, Twilight Sparkle. But just in case, keep that cube close.”

Twilight held the cube close, “Will, do, Master!”

Soon after that, the rest of the group said their goodbyes and piled into to the Gummy Ship. It wasn't long before they were once again off into the space between worlds.

Author's Note:

Spoiler alert! I've already begun the planning process for the sequel of this story staring The Crusaders.

Hope you guys are ready for some serious crossover action!

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